How To Use Frenchman In A Sentence

  • But what is wonderful about him - what saves him, glorifies him and makes him special - is the imperishable cultural truth that you can take a Frenchman out of France but you cannot take France out of a Frenchman.
  • The words heard by the party upon the staircase were the Frenchman's exclamations of horror and affright, commingled with the fiendish jabberings of the brute.
  • IT is more than a hundred years since the elementary principle of the storage battery or "accumulator" was detected by a Frenchman named Edison, His Life and Inventions
  • English blood, had a kind of hankering after it, and would almost rather have such at his board than even a true-born American; and infinitely more welcome were they than Frenchman, Spaniard, or Erema
  • She rested her fingers on the artery at the side of his neck, then looked at the young Frenchman. WHEN THE APRICOTS BLOOM
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  • He was a Frenchman and very nice, but a _devot_, and anxious to convert me. Selections from Previous Works and Remarks on Romanes' Mental Evolution in Animals
  • One man's drizzled is another man's bathed; a jus here is a sauce there; a Frenchman's entrecôte chasseur is a Rosbif's steak and mushrooms.
  • Carne (who had taken most kindly to the fortune which made him an untrue Englishman) clapped his breast with both hands; not proudly, as a Frenchman does, nor yet with that abashment and contempt of demonstration which make a true Briton very clumsy in such doings; while Daniel Tugwell, being very solid, and by no means “emotional” — as people call it nowadays — was looking at him, to the utmost of his power Springhaven
  • The Frenchman cherished all the traditional hatred of his race for the profession of "mouchard," and would not be able to understand that a detective was of a higher standing. The Secret Passage
  • Frenchman, who skulked so that I made sure of him, and not a blessed anker of foreign brandy, nor even a forty-pound bag of tea. Mary Anerley
  • 'Heavens! said she, peevishly,' is this the gallant, polite Frenchman! The Castle of Wolfenbach
  • After beating Andre Ooijer the Frenchman crossed for Silva to finish at the far post after bombing forward.
  • The Frenchman did not want to look back on past glories when his work remains incomplete. Times, Sunday Times
  • The failure to laugh signifies in the peasant or the Frenchman a politeness that exceeds his intelligence, in the landowner or the Englishman an excessive rigidity, and in the policeman or the German a surfeit of power.
  • Four Life Guards intervened when a Frenchman was assaulted by a mob believing that he, too, had intentionally fired a house. Exit the Actress
  • 'If I slay thee, thou hireling dog, as I have often slain thy clodpated countrymen in other days,' and the Frenchman laughed fiercely, 'by St. Denis! The International Monthly Magazine, Volume 5, No. 1, January, 1852
  • The fans were incensed as the Frenchman lay still before a stretcher appeared then quickly disappeared.
  • The Frenchman, Bourne, wept softly into the palm of his hand. ANTI-ICE
  • The Frenchman is dismissive of the idea. Times, Sunday Times
  • You come away from the recording of these two complete suites with great respect for the young Frenchman's musicality and technical facility.
  • At first Swiss police thought the Frenchman, who crossed the border each day to work in restaurants, was a passionate art lover who became a compulsive thief to realise his dream of owning a private art collection.
  • It does not require to be 'gentilhomme' to feel that: it is enough to be a Frenchman. The Parisians — Volume 01
  • The Frenchman was wearing a knotted white handkerchief on his head to protect him from the sun. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a Franco-Japanese co-production, shot in Japan, with Japanese actors and Japanese dialogue, but commissioned and produced by a Frenchman, and edited in France.
  • But the Frenchman is asking for trouble after turning up for training in these boots with tassels and matching leather trousers. The Sun
  • Frenchman for cocking his beaver so bravely; and our jobbernowl Rob of the bowl : a legend of St. Inigoe's,
  • Frenchman never eats what we call breakfast; that is, he never makes a really heavy meal, the first thing in the morning. The Young Franc Tireurs And Their Adventures in the Franco-Prussian War
  • Nigel was beaten down on to the crupper of his horse by a sweeping blow; but at the same instant Chandos 'quick blade passed through the Frenchman's camail and pierced his throat. Sir Nigel
  • I suppose, Squire Carne, you thought that low of me because I made a fuss about being larruped, the same as a Frenchman I pulled out of the water did about my doing of it, as if I could have helped it. Springhaven
  • He evangelized for an idiosyncratic version of Henri Bergson's creative evolution, stripped of the Frenchman's lucubrations on space, time, duration, memory, and mind.
  • Melrose and Von Behrens honours crowded each other -- here was the thin old silver "shepherdess" cup awarded that Johanna von Behrens who had won a prize with her sheep, while Washington was yet a boy; and here the quaint tortoise-shell snuff-box that a great prince, homeless and unknown, had given the American family that took him in; and the silver buttons from Lafayette's waistcoat that the great Frenchman had presented Colonel Horace Murison of the "Continentals. The Beloved Woman
  • And the shade of meaning, the limited qualification, that a Frenchman or Englishman can attain with a mere twist of the sentence, the German must either abandon or laboriously overstate with some colossal wormcast of parenthesis .... Anticipations Of the Reaction of Mechanical and Scientific Progress upon Human life and Thought
  • In 1752 a Frenchman was prescribed 2 drams of cantharides for a fever and in the next two months bedded his wife at least 87 times.
  • But the Frenchman is asking for trouble after turning up for training in these boots with tassels and matching leather trousers. The Sun
  • She took refuge in every-day affairs; she told him of the giddy doings that kept her occupied from morning till night, of Cinders (the mention of whose name kindled a reminiscent gleam in the Frenchman's eyes), of the coming birthday dance, which he must promise to attend. The Rocks of Valpre
  • These ancient domains of the old Burgundian empire seem to throw up a type of Frenchman more passionate in his devotion to a certain idea of France than any other.
  • In each case the scenario was exactly the same: traffic altercations where some minor (in two cases imagined) transgression was blown out of proportion by the Frenchman.
  • Maybe he is a brother in mind to fellow Frenchman Albert Camus, who imagined Sysiphos, the mythic figure trying to roll a heavy stone uphill and destined to forever fail, as a happy person.
  • The possibilities for a true rhyme here are endless: an agoraphobic might want to substitute "lair," a friendly Frenchman "mon frere," a stolid German "mein herr," etc. Michael Sigman: Sondheim's Lyrics: Rhymes, Reasons and Religion
  • How can petite-bodied Philippe Petit, a hyperactive Frenchman with freckles and carrot-top hair, possibly carry a film that does, in fact, involve illegal smuggling, the bypassing of security, and other activities typically confined to scarfaced, tough-guy villains? Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • Niépce, a Frenchman, discovered "actinism," that power in the sun's rays which produces a chemical effect; that granite rocks, and stone structures, and statues of metal, "are all alike destructively acted upon during the hours of sunshine, and, but for provisions of Nature no less wonderful, would soon perish under the delicate touch of the most subtile of the agencies of the universe. Harvard Classics Volume 28 Essays English and American
  • Although the muscular Frenchman never fought ancient foes of the tricolour, the athletic Blanc peacefully presides over a diving operation at one of the remotest outposts of the French empire.
  • How, for instance, could a Frenchman suppose that a coalbox would be called a "scuttle"? Tremendous Trifles
  • In the later print, the blacksmith is seen brandishing a leg of ham and the Frenchman has been replaced by a paver who fondles a market seller.
  • Not every Frenchman will welcome the sight of such a leviathan trailing Union flags to the gates of Paris. ANTI-ICE
  • As the Frenchman back-pedals furiously, the ball lands on the roof of the goal.
  • Frenchman sells smelly pants A French company is to produce scented underpants for men. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Frenchman would boast about safeguarding the international future of his adopted country. The Sun
  • The English player accused the Frenchman of deliberately elbowing him in the face after he was left with a broken nose.
  • But you are not to craunch up a Frenchman; remember that! Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern — Volume 3
  • You can bet, though, that the Frenchman has allowed himself a sardonic smile.
  • Name the types of noises your lecherous Frenchman finds hilarious.
  • But as for the longer novel, in a blind and blundering way, constantly trapped and hindered by his want of genius and his want of taste, by his literary ill-breeding and other faults, he seems to have more of a "glimmering" of the real business than they have, or than any other Frenchman had before him. A History of the French Novel, Vol. 1 From the Beginning to 1800
  • They're having a bashment (BIG, BIG party) October 20th, at Frenchman's Cove in Portland…
  • The Frenchman has the most luscious lips. Times, Sunday Times
  • I can't parleyvoo with him, but he's an honest rogue for a Frenchman, and 'twas he brought off my young The Chaplet of Pearls
  • The fifth seed raced to a 3-0 lead and finally edged the first set after a brief fightback from the Frenchman. BBC - Ouch
  • And I, with a helmet on my head and a gambison but half buckled upon my body, and my hands bare, was fighting with a full-armed Frenchman and was hard pressed. Via Crucis
  • His French is so good that he can pass as a Frenchman.
  • The young Frenchman was not highly educated, but enthusiastic and hard working.
  • The mastermind of the expedition was a Frenchman.
  • Swiftly turning on the Frenchman, Crockett—his handsome visage wrought into an irate scowl—said: “Are you calling my pard a liar, mon-sewer?” Nevermore
  • Later, descendants of these selfsame clerics would carry their precious cargo to European monasteries where the Italian, the German and the Frenchman waited to be enlightened.
  • It was tough on the Frenchman, who made no contact with Douglas.
  • The Frenchman may well claim he is able to banish thoughts like these from his mind - but somehow you doubt it. The Sun
  • He has put the Frenchman in his place on a regular basis during his managerial career. The Sun
  • It is an example that must be so frightening to any thinking Frenchman.
  • Some of the soldiers who had "rifled" the body of Dubrosc found a paper upon him which proved that the Frenchman was a spy in the service of The Rifle Rangers
  • His French is so good that he can pass as a Frenchman.
  • On the afternoon of September 5, 1604, he approached from the east and sailed north to the head of Frenchman Bay, far enough to discover that Mount Desert was an island, separated from the mainland by “less than a hundred paces.” Champlain's Dream
  • Bill Davis; a Frenchman, by name La Crosse; a Dutchman, and a Dane; the remaining two being men whose nationality is difficult to determine, and scarce known to themselves -- such as may be met on almost every ship that sails the sea. The Flag of Distress A Story of the South Sea
  • During the eighteen-eighties, above all through the investigations of the Frenchman Brown-Séquard, attention had been directed to the importance for the vital functions of certain ductless gland-like organs. Physiology or Medicine 1923 - Presentation Speech
  • He could understand why that romantic tale of the heroic Frenchman could hold a special attraction for Withington. SOMETHING IN THE WATER
  • {77} Here is the head of a Frenchman [_shews the head_], all levity and lightness, singing and capering from morning till night, as if he looked upon life to be but a long dance, and liberty and law but a jig. A Lecture On Heads As Delivered By Mr. Charles Lee Lewes, To Which Is Added, An Essay On Satire, With Forty-Seven Heads By Nesbit, From Designs By Thurston, 1812
  • The second line is supererogative in syllables, whether from the oscitancy of the transcriber, or from the trepidation which might have overpowered the modest Frenchman, on finding himself in the act of writing to so 'great' a man, I shall not dare to determine. Biographia Epistolaris, Volume 1.
  • For Rand had already feared this; had recalled the few infelicitous relations, legal and illegal, which were common to the adjoining camp, -- the flagrantly miserable life of the husband of a San Francisco anonyma who lived in style at the Ferry, the shameful carousals and more shameful quarrels of the Frenchman and Mexican woman who "kept house" at "the Crossing," the awful spectacle of the three half-bred Indian children who played before the cabin of a fellow miner and townsman. The Twins of Table Mountain
  • The Frenchman would boast about safeguarding the international future of his adopted country. The Sun
  • A little later a small herd of cattle passed, driven to pasture by a stolid Alsatian, who replied to the soldiers 'questions in German patois and shrugged his heavy shoulders like a Frenchman. The Maids of Paradise
  • No Analysis of U-ni-ted's season would be complete without a special mention for that wonderfully talented frenchman Monsieur Cantona.
  • USATODAY. com - Zur ousted by Frenchman in splashy finish - Zur ousted by Frenchman in splashy finish
  • He speaks French well enough to pass for a Frenchman.
  • He doesn't conform to/fit/fill the national stereotype of a Frenchman.
  • The Frenchman did not want to look back on past glories when his work remains incomplete. Times, Sunday Times
  • His fingers loosed from the Frenchman's throat, and Carnac caught Denzil as he fell backwards. Carnac's Folly, Complete
  • He doesn't conform to/fit/fill the national stereotype of a Frenchman.
  • Drechsler's boyfriend is also an athlete, or rather a former athlete, as the Frenchman Blondel has retired from the decathlon.
  • The Frenchman looks unlikely to secure the nominations required to stand in the presidential election. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the main arena, bare-back riding daredevil Lorenzo, the Flying Frenchman, proved to be a showstopper as he performed equestrian stunts with his grey geldings.
  • In the other incident, officials say a security guard shot and killed the Frenchman inside a compound of Austrian oil and gas company OMV near Sana'a.
  • Even when the Frenchman boobed the luck went United's way.
  • This produced a spontaneous outburst of applause for the Frenchman in the circuit media centre. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bill Davis; a Frenchman, by name La Crosse; a Dutchman, and a Dane; the remaining two being men whose nationality is difficult to determine, and scarce known to themselves -- such as may be met on almost every ship that sails the sea. The Flag of Distress A Story of the South Sea
  • In other words, the differences between a Yankee, a Southerner, and a plainsman were insignificant compared to the differences between a German, a Frenchman, and an Italian.
  • He doesn't conform to/fit/fill the national stereotype of a Frenchman.
  • Obviously, I have never, directly or indirectly, pressured anyone to cancel a meeting in support of the partisans of the boycott of Israel, with Palestinian Leila Shahid, Frenchman Stéphane Hessel, and others scheduled to appear, at the Ecole normale supérieure in Paris. Bernard-Henri Lévy: Why the Call to "Boycott Israel" Is Crap
  • De Botton presents us Xavier de Maistre, a Frenchman who, in 1790, undertook a journey around his bedroom, later entitling an account of what he had seen ‘Journey Around My Bedroom’.
  • Frenchman, the psychologist Alfred Binet, published the first standardized test of human intelligence in 1905.
  • French and Irish yawns are very similar, the only difference being, that whereas the Frenchman finishes the yawn resignedly, and springs to his legs, the Irishman finishes it with an energetic gasp, as if he were hurling it remonstratively into the face of Fate, turns round again and shuts his eyes doggedly -- a piece of bravado which he _knows_ is useless and of very short duration. The Young Fur Traders
  • There is conclusive evidence the Frenchman is way past his best. The Sun
  • Oh, she of the golden hair and the white _odontoglossum_," sighed the little Frenchman, rolling up his eyes. The Sins of Séverac Bablon
  • The Frenchman and his all-in-one outfit gained international acclaim. The Sun
  • ‘He joined a team that was already doing well,’ the sagacious Frenchman added.
  • The Frenchman thought luck was a personal attribute, a quality that distinguished a truly successful general from a merely competent one. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stendhal seems to have been the first Frenchman who delcared himself a romantic: Je suis un romantique furieux c'est-à-dire, je suis pour Shakespeare contre ROMANTICISM IN LITERATURE
  • The Frenchman was booked for raising a fist to Keith O'Halloran, who was also carded for his initial foul.
  • A difference, as wide as the poles, exists between the ancient Gauls, who were conquered by the Franks in the tenth century, and the Chesterfieldian Frenchman of to-day; yet the same time elapsed between these two periods. Twentieth Century Negro Literature Or, A Cyclopedia of Thought on the Vital Topics Relating to the American Negro
  • Frenchman, discovered "actinism," that power in the sun's rays which produces a chemical effect; that granite rocks, and stone structures, and statues of metal "are all alike destructively acted upon during the hours of sunshine, and, but for provisions of Walking
  • The final winner was a Frenchman, whose egg-shaped design was promptly criticised on all sides.
  • MAN ON WIRE/United Kingdom (Director and Screenwriter: James Marsh) — In 1974, Philippe Petit, a young Frenchman, dances on a wire suspended between New York’s Twin Towers Consequently, Philippe is arrested and thrown into jail for what would become known as “the artistic crime of the century.” Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • Thus, despite the immeasurable advantages which England enjoyed, political, social, and industrial, her great colonial possessions from which she drew enormous wealth, and her exemption from destructive war; despite also the distressing condition of France and her recent enormous losses, we find that in seventy years of bimetallism the working Frenchman had gained wealth almost twice as fast as the working Englishman had in the same number of years of monometallism. If Not Silver, What?
  • The former Aberdeen striker drilled in a 45-yard shot which forced the Frenchman to furiously back-pedal and tip the ball over the bar.
  • A Jesuit, who was formerly a missionary among the cannibals, at the time when Canada still belonged to the king of France, related to me that once, as he was explaining these Jewish laws to his neophytes, a little impudent Frenchman, who was present at the catechising, cried out, “They are the laws of cannibals.” A Philosophical Dictionary
  • She kent onyway, and it was for no ither reason she gie'd him the route, unless -- unless she had a notion o 'the Frenchman frae the first glisk o' him. Doom Castle
  • McLeish was asked why the Frenchman had not simply flown directly to England, rather than using Glasgow as a connecting airport.
  • We know that brick and stone have been coated with glass in a few instances, to insure their preservation; and that at Professor Owen's suggestion, some decomposing ivory ornaments, sent over by M. Layard, were restored by boiling in gelatine; but M. Rochas aims at something still greater -- nothing less than the silicifying of a number of crumbling limestone statues which have been lately discovered by a Frenchman who is exploring the temple of Serapis at M.mphis. Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 426 Volume 17, New Series, February 28, 1852
  • The arrival of the studious Frenchman was not exactly greeted with universal enthusiasm within the club. The Sun
  • The stir created by these exiles was eclipsed in 1824 by the return to the United States of the marquis de Lafayette, an even more eminent Frenchman, after an absence of forty years.
  • His next visit was to Lapiere, a Frenchman, who had his academy in Piccadilly, where they fenced together.
  • The fiery Frenchman hit the headlines when he was filmed vaulting a barrier and delivering a kung fu-style kick to a Crystal Palace supporter who was taking delight in his sending-off for a foul.
  • Asked what he thinks about that constant speculation, the Frenchman's acid response is that his counterpart must have a good agent.
  • I caught up with the globetrotting Frenchman in Brisbane and discovered that besides the odd tumble from his motorbike, Gerard has also fallen in love.
  • I got my musket, and Tommy Staytape armed himself with the goose -- a deadly weapon, whoever may get a clour with it -- and Benjie took the poker in one hand, and the tongs in the other; and out we all marched briskly, to make the Frenchman, that was locked up from the light of day in the coal-house, surrender. The Life of Mansie Wauch Tailor in Dalkeith, written by himself
  • There is conclusive evidence the Frenchman is way past his best. The Sun
  • Adrian Glew, who works on the Tate collection's archives in London, was studying the seven-volume handwritten autobiography of 19th-century British sculptor Henry Sibson when he came across a reference to a Frenchman whose nickname was "le bossu," or hunchback. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Since then Kevin MacDonald, Gérard Houllier and, following the Frenchman's health scare last month, McAllister have all taken charge of the team but have failed to galvanise a group of players who began the campaign aiming for Europe but dropped to 14th place after this draw and remain a point short of guaranteeing their safety. Aston Villa's season of torment takes its toll on Emile Heskey
  • He speaks French well enough to pass for a Frenchman.
  • Food snobs will be surprised to learn that the average Frenchman eats 14 burgers a year. Times, Sunday Times
  • There has also been talk of him leaving the club, but the Frenchman's worth was exemplified after 15 minutes with an extraordinary goal line clearance.
  • The Frenchman shrugged, removed a snuffbox from the pocket of his fashionable short-tailed jacket, and partook of the powdered tobacco with a noisy snort. The Curse of the Wendigo
  • As Henman was going through his trial by Frenchman on the centre court, Stefan Edberg was limbering up for today's exhibition match against Boris Becker.
  • How does a Frenchman eat a Philly cheesesteak sandwich?
  • In the main arena, bare-back riding daredevil Lorenzo, the Flying Frenchman, proved to be a show-stopper as he performed equestrian stunts with his grey geldings.
  • And in the black comedy, How Tasty Was My Little Frenchman, an explorer tries to ingratiate himself with a tribe of cannibals in the Brazilian jungle in a vain attempt to avoid becoming their next meal.
  • One of the two lunged at Lord John, but the Englishman was swifter and his sword rammed hard into the Frenchman's belly. Sharpe's Waterloo
  • The whole community united in support and some awe of the young Frenchman.
  • I was hoping to be even prouder to say, 'I'm a Marylander,' but I can't say that now," said Larry Burkhart, a nuclear engineer who followed the debate on Twitter from Paris, where he lives with a Frenchman he wants to marry and bring home to Rockville. Gay marriage defeat leaves couples crestfallen
  • But his manipulation seemed but to intensify original nauseousness, and the brave Frenchman and his companions found semi-starvation more endurable than the repugnant mess. Tropic Days
  • Frenchman; this belittler of nobles who is not a gentleman. The Suitors of Yvonne: being a portion of the memoirs of the Sieur Gaston de Luynes
  • Yet on a night out to celebrate promotion, the Frenchman was cautioned after an alleged altercation with a nightclub bouncer, before being released without charge.
  • ‘Don't be a coward and hide, French dummkopf,’ he spat the words out at the Frenchman.
  • Obviously, I have never, directly or indirectly, pressured anyone to cancel a meeting in support of the partisans of the boycott of Israel, with Palestinian Leila Shahid, Frenchman Stéphane Hessel, and others scheduled to appear, at the Ecole normale supérieure in Paris. Bernard-Henri Lévy: Why the Call to "Boycott Israel" Is Crap
  • The Frenchman may well claim he is able to banish thoughts like these from his mind - but somehow you doubt it. The Sun
  • As a Frenchman he enjoyed micturating on the Yanks.
  • More pressingly, the Frenchman finds himself with a squad facing a much-needed overhaul with as many as five positions desperately in need of an upgrade.
  • This term evidently belongs to the period of the English possession, when a _Frenchman_ was another word for an enemy. Béarn and the Pyrenees A Legendary Tour to the Country of Henri Quatre
  • The former Aberdeen striker drilled in a 45-yard shot which forced the Frenchman to furiously back-pedal and tip the ball over the bar.
  • The Frenchman thought luck was a personal attribute, a quality that distinguished a truly successful general from a merely competent one. Times, Sunday Times
  • We hoorayed too; and went at 'em in such a slap-bang go-to-glory way that in a brace of shakes there wasn't a Frenchman, a In Clive's Command A Story of the Fight for India
  • Tobacco-smoky Frenchman in Algerine wrapper, with peaked hood behind, who might be Abd-el-Kader dyed rifle-green, and who seems to be dressed entirely in dirt and braid, carries pine-apples in a covered basket. Reprinted Pieces
  • Fellow Frenchman Patrick Vieira made 2-1 in the 66th, running from midfield to side-foot the ball into the net.
  • The juggler, a keen little Frenchman, plied his arts nimbly, and what with his ventriloquial doll, his empty bag full of eggs, his stones that were candies, and his candies that were stones, and his stuffed birds that sang, astonished and delighted his unsophisticated patrons, whose applauding murmurs were diversified by familiarly silly shrieks ” the true Siamese Did-you-ever! ” from behind the kincob curtains. The English Governess at the Siamese Court
  • The Frenchman precedes him, but his gaze remains fixed straight ahead as the world record-holder sets off.
  • He wondered if Sylvia would be surprised to hear that her neighbour, the fair Frenchman to whom she had been talking so familiarly, had "collared" her stakes and her winnings. The Chink in the Armour
  • The Frenchman, still wearing the No 7 from his Manchester United heyday, has charisma but also an edge of menace.
  • Of course, whilst drinking with Jack Frenchman, you have your piece handy to blow his brains out if he makes a hostile move: but, meanwhile, it is A votre sante, mon camarade! The Virginians
  • At an art museum in Europe, an Englishman, a Frenchman, and a North Korean stand before a painting of Adam and Eve holding an apple in the Garden of Eden. The Volokh Conspiracy » Reuters on North Korean Comedy
  • The best part about this joke is that the Frenchman’s title is in English.benjamin morrisQuote The Volokh Conspiracy » The Elephant
  • But the little children and dirt-pie manufacturers were presently succeeded by followers of a larger growth, and a number of lads and girls from the factory being let loose at this hour, joined the mob, and began laughing, jeering, hooting, and calling opprobrious names at the Frenchman. The History of Pendennis
  • He remained silent and "huffed" for some days, but at last he took the Frenchman aside and made him a formal apology. William of Germany
  • Reluctant to allow myself to be intimidated by a diminutive Frenchman who makes slightly effete music, I want to do the same back, but have just spotted that his trousers are half-undone.
  • The Frenchman's forehand misses the line by a picometre though and he faces another break point. BBC - Ouch
  • I made my own contribution to the general idiocy when a Frenchman with a black polo neck and a pipe began berating the governor in language that was ingenious in its obscenity.
  • Drop points here, though, and the Frenchman can kiss the title goodbye on both cheeks. news feed
  • On stage, Mr. Martinez, the Frenchman, appeared as a merman, his legs hidden by a sparkling fish tail that he ripped off to reveal a pair of shorts with sequins as scales while the 1990s pop song "This Must be Underwater Love" kicked in. Despite Its Bad Reputation, Pole Dancing Appeals to Men in a New Way
  • But, as usual, Cohen misses the real story, just like his earlier judgments that George W. Bush would be a "conciliator" and that "only a fool or possibly a Frenchman" would doubt Colin Powell's U.N. speech.
  • He speaks French well enough to pass for a Frenchman.
  • Standing 50m away, the dark tanned Frenchman glistened with sweat from the heat of the soon setting sun.
  • The Frenchman feels that a ban would be harsh but may be unavoidable. Times, Sunday Times
  • He speaks French well enough to pass for a Frenchman.
  • There she opened Frenchman's Art Gallery and Studios, a cooperative studio and gallery where artists would work in the same space.
  • Harsh then punched out a return and set Carraz on the match point and the Frenchman aced his way to the final.
  • One man's drizzled is another man's bathed; a jus here is a sauce there; a Frenchman's entrecôte chasseur is a Rosbif's steak and mushrooms.
  • It is useless to dub a Frenchman unreal and theatrical when he gaily carries his unreality and his perception of the dramatic to the lucarne of the guillotine and meets imperturbably the most real thing on earth, The Last Hope
  • A five-time Tour de France winner, Hinault is the last Frenchman to win in 1985. Voeckler wins stage; no changes in overall standings
  • Duchamp was a Frenchman born in 1887 who managed to skip the first world war by feigning invalidity and resettled himself in New York in 1915.
  • Voltaire is pointing out the irony he sees (as a Frenchman) of executing and therefore promoting the opposite behaviour of a victorious war leader for the violation of a Principle ofWar. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Pour encourager les autres”
  • Frenchman Emile Galle's glass, the gorgeous Rozenberg items in eggshell porcelain and William Moorcrofts's pair of Flamminian Ware vases, like the Mucha works, provide the many highlights of the Blackwell exhibition.
  • Consider the nationalities involved in those few seconds: Malouda is a Frenchman, Valencia is Ecuadorian, Fletcher is a Scot, Cole an Englishman, and Edwin van der Sar, the beaten goalkeeper, is Dutch. NYT > Home Page
  • I will strike this giaour of a Frenchman in his tenderest spot -- his heart! The Son of Monte-Cristo
  • Only twenty years ago the Frenchman Laussedat noted a refraction of the solar disc during an eclipse. ANTI-ICE
  • Frenchman -- had remarked to him earlier in the trial, whatever the verdict, they would hardly martyrize the man lest at a later date further question as to his guilt should arise and all Europe be set bubbling anew upon that much-discussed topic -- French justice. The Rocks of Valpre
  • The falling rider clutched Nigel's arm and tore him from the saddle, so that the two rolled upon the grass under the stamping hoofs, the English squire on the top, and his shortened sword glimmered before the visor of the gasping, breathless Frenchman. Sir Nigel
  • Four Life Guards intervened when a Frenchman was assaulted by a mob believing that he, too, had intentionally fired a house. Exit the Actress
  • Frenchman who was brought into Penobscot, dressed in homespun, and sent to meeting. CHAPTER XVIII
  • A Deaf American will actually have an easier time understanding a Deaf Frenchman: ASL is historically descended from French Sign Language. A discussion with Margalit Fox about Talking Hands: What Sign Language Reveals About the Mind
  • They are the most remarkable objects of curiosity and admiration, in the arts, that we ever beheld," wrote the editor of The Knickerbocker in December 1839 after seeing some of the first photographs known as "daguerreotypes" for their inventor, Frenchman Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre on display in New York City. Gizmodo
  • And they tells me at his lodgin ', for I follered him a-purpose to find him out, that he calls hisself a Frenchman, and says as how his name -- which it is Short Story Classics (American) Vol. 2
  • The cyclorama is a 337ft x 42ft panoramic painting of the Battle of Gettysburg, painted by Frenchman Paul Philippoteaux The Bioscope
  • The dapper, silver-haired Frenchman had a celebrity status akin to a rock star among followers the world over.
  • Tour de France rider had called "fatally dangerous," Voeckler, a Frenchman who leads the Tour standings with only four days to go, nearly crashed out of the race. NYT > Global Home
  • Coulomb, a Frenchman, is the author of a system of measurements of the electric current, and he it was who discovered that the action of electricity varies, not with the distance, but, like gravity, _in the inverse ratio of the square of the distance_. Steam, Steel and Electricity
  • The journey has been done once before, by a Frenchman in 132 days just under ten years ago.
  • A Frenchman , the psychologist Alfred Binet , published the first standardized test of human intelligence in 1905.
  • When one day in March, 1883, a striking young Frenchman, who said he was a nobleman, came to Little Missouri with a plan ready-made to build a community there to rival Omaha, and a business that would startle America's foremost financiers, the citizens of the wicked little frontier settlement, who thought that they knew all the possibilities of "tenderfeet" and "pilgrims" and "how-do-you-do-boys," admitted in some bewilderment that they had been mistaken. Roosevelt in the Bad Lands
  • He took to the Kiwi wine like a duck to water and by the time that Frenchman got to the barbie he was wielding a pair of tongs with gusto and flair.
  • He doesn't conform to/fit/fill the national stereotype of a Frenchman.
  • A Frenchman invented a flying-machine, or dofunny, as we scientists would term it, in 1600 and something, whereby he could sail down from the woodshed and not break his neck. Remarks
  • The neatest tat I've seen was on a Frenchman's wrist, a smallish cut-along-dotted-line drawing, complete with tiny scissors.
  • Art for Art's sake!" shouts the thrasonic Frenchman, Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 101, October 3, 1891
  • When the going gets tough, a Frenchman may have holes in his shoes, but will spend his last sou on a fine, nutritionally excellent, meal.

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