How To Use French revolution In A Sentence
The French navy, painfully rebuilt in the 1770s and 1780s, suffered badly from the effects of the French Revolution.
As in so much else, the French revolutionary regime was the precursor of the centralized, totalitarian, managerial, pseudo-democratic despotisms that now reign over the West.
Now when I was shut up in my room with the mumps was the time to begin The French Revolution.
In the days of my youth when I was a student in the University of Virginia, 1888-1893.
This was really the beginning, the outstart, of Nelson's great career; for Hood's interest in him, then aroused, and deepened by experience to the utmost confidence and appreciation, made itself felt the instant the French Revolutionary War began.
The Life of Nelson
She reminds us that French revolutionary leaders were often portrayed as wild beasts or savage tigers by critics at the time and that the tiger in the poem is located in a nightmarish industrial landscape.

French revolutionist. As a member of the States - General ( 1789 - 1791 ) he attempted to create a constitutional monarchy.
The uprise of the French Revolution took place and the French monarchy was put to an end.
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Dibdin's reading of the French Revolution hinges on the question of its way with books, pointing to what we might call a bibliophilic politics that cuts across stock political lines to produce a certain ambivalence.
Bibliographic Romance: Bibliophilia and the Book Object
Europe and America after the French Revolution, and exceptionally there may be an instance of an individual passing from one class into another, analogously to the endosmose and exosmose of molecules, or, to use the phrase of M. Dumont, by a sort of "social capillarity.
Socialism and Modern Science (Darwin, Spencer, Marx)
on the eve of the French Revolution
Life in the French chateaux continued more or less unchanged by the French Revolution, during which only about twelve hundred members of the nobility were guillotined, leaving the vast majority lying low but alive.
The beau monde even dictates style to the overfed Prince of Wales, ridiculous in his pantaloons, and to soignée duchesses, who trade in their silks and satins for cotton, the ‘poor stuff’ of the French Revolution.
I fear that the tone of this platform would be far more congenial to the French revolutionaries than the American.
The argument echoed historian G.M. Trevelyan's quip about the French Revolution: ‘if the French noblesse had been capable of playing cricket with their peasants, their chateaux would never have been burnt.’
In the egalitarian spirit of the French Revolution, the newly independent Haiti abolished primogeniture.
If I had assured her that she would be torn limb from limb, like an inconvincible aristocrat flaunting abroad during the early days of the French Revolution, she would have grown enthusiastic.
The Mountebank
Indeed the first Greek responses to the radical feminism, which emerged in the early phases of the French Revolution, came from men, and most notably from the radical exponent of the Greek Enlightenment, Rhigas Velestinlis (or Pherraios) (1757 – 98).
Arms and the Woman: Just Warriors and Greek Feminist Identity
And although American and British ideas of constitutional government dominated the first stage of the French Revolution, the constitutionalists were soon swept aside by the dictatorship of the Jacobin club.
This was an immediate reaction to a widespread strike by millwrights, but passed against the background of fear of radicalism as embodied in the French Revolution.
Jacques is made up like the king as they suspect there will be a French revolution, but Jacques just wants to help Mademoiselle Rimbaud (Pamela Stephenson), who is trying to get a pardon for her father.
This was also the spot where more than 1000 aristocrats were executed at the guillotine during the French Revolution.
After a century of "noble savage" idealization, the peasantry's violence during the French Revolution had reawakened fears of more "ignoble" savagery.
I couldn't tell because of the handle reference to Edmund Burke, whose anti-French Revolution and pro-American revolution polemic is often a heroic and mythological epic to conservatives.
From the beginning of the wars he had been puzzling over the performance of the French revolutionary armies.
In Marx's account of the neoclassicism of the French Revolution, the costume of neoclassicism was needed to provide a heroic disguise.
1 That one of the sources of Barack Obama's appeal becomes a norm: that a man of his background has been able to symbolise the spirit of rationalism, which since the French revolution is the main legitimator of public life.
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Thousands of aristocrats were guillotined during the French Revolution.
During the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars the British regular army remained fairly small, but home defence forces such as yeomanry, volunteers, and fencibles proliferated.
Many aristocrats were killed in the French Revolution.
During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries increasingly smaller oligarchies came to power in the Swiss cantons but were overthrown in 1798 in the wake of the French Revolution.
Although many of the great minds of nineteenth-century anglophone culture had been fascinated by the French Revolution and Napoleon, interest lapsed during the first half of the twentieth century.
Prussia and Russia were military allies against Napoleon; along with Austria, they formed the so-called Holy Alliance, which, following Napoleon's final defeat at Waterloo, sought to put the genie of the French Revolution back in its bottle.
A Look at the Comic Book as Serious Art
French Revolution was noteworthy in college annals, not merely for its painstaking and voluminous accuracy, but for the fact that it was the dryest, deadest, most formal, and most orthodox screed ever written on the subject.
Not until tithing was abolished in the wake of the French Revolution did Ruländer establish its rightful place among German wines of distinction.
He described Thomas Paine as a traitor to his country, a wicked, malicious, seditious and ill-disposed individual, who had actively supported both the American and the French Revolutions.
Jacobinism -- the doctrine of the ultra-radical and anticlerical wing of the French revolutionary movement -- was as much of an ogre to eighteenth and nineteenth century conservatives as socialism and communism were their latter-day counterparts.
Lerdo de Tejada: Jacobin to liberal elitist
He also knows that French revolutionary musician Chantal Orateur Deveau, who possesses the chalice is his soulmate; having seen her in a vision and kept that lovely sight in his dreams.
Mystic Rider-Patricia Rice « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
For example, after the French Revolution, the French seriously considered decimalising time; extending the week to accommodate ten days.
The result is an uncompromised production that will appeal to fans of French revolutionary writing, the filmic revisionary mode, as well as the current crop of East Asian cinema.
Many aristocrats were killed in the French Revolution.
And from the French revolution onwards, Leftists everywhere have always been a violent and aggressive lot.
As well as providing enormous publicity for the guillotine, the French Revolution did a bang-up job of sorting out the various weights and measures used in France.
This was to have an impact on his political strategy: though sympathetic to some of the aims of both the French Revolution and the United Irishmen, he retained a strong aversion to political violence.
Robinsons portrayal of these womens influence as civilizing and enlightening is very different from Wollstonecrafts portrayal of the French court in her An Historical and Moral View of the French Revolution (1794), where she described
Editorial Notes to 'Letter to the Women of England'
They see economics as a product of Enlightenment rationalism, along with deism, atheism, the chaos of the French Revolution and other un-Christian aspects of the modern age.
Magisterial in its learning and admirably immodest in its ambition, the book traces the history of political organization and principle from "prehuman times" up to the period of the French Revolution.
From Dynasty to Democracy
industrialism prepared the way for acceptance of the French Revolution's various socialistic offspring
One version of the history of French art between the Declaration of the Rights of Man in 1789 and the establishment of the Second Empire in 1852 goes something like this: Just as the French Revolution deposed the irresponsible ancienne régime, Neo-Classical images of high-minded heroes replaced Rococo confections of frivolous aristocrats pursuing love in flowery settings.
Drawn to Revolution
During the French Revolution, thousands of people were guillotined.
The town was razed to the ground after the French Revolution.
It does this specifically by a sentence coming up on the screen after the close of the action, saying that it took another 140 years before the epochal changes reoccurred, in the French Revolution.
They would act like any revolutionary vanguard, as Lenin or indeed the French revolutionaries had imagined.
The French Revolutionary motto of ‘liberty, fraternity and equality’ is as vivid, over two hundred years after it was written, as any image on the matter.
Many of the original mesmerists were signatories to the first declarations proclaiming the French revolution in 1789.
The defeated radicals of the French Revolution were the first to have this messianic vision in 1794.
French duke Louis-Phillipe-Joseph rechristened himself Phillipe Egalit in an attempt to save face - literally - after the French Revolution.
In the “treasure trove of words” supplied by the French Revolution, writes the historian Mona Ozouf, “the relative absence of the word fraternity” is “striking.”
During the French Revolution, thousands of people were guillotined.
(SR.)] [Footnote 6384: To facilitate his or her comprehension the reader might replace the word Jacobin with the expression Socialist, Marxist, national-socialist or Communist since they are all heirs to the heritage left by the French Revolutionaries.
The Modern Regime, Volume 2
The ancien regime and its destruction by the French Revolution had to be synthesized and made meaningful by a new clergy of elites: the technocrats.
Joseph de Maistre, a Piedmontese noble who had been forced to flee to Switzerland before the French Revolutionary armies, asserted in 1797 that the Revolution was above all satanic and anti-religious.
He described Thomas Paine as a traitor to his country, a wicked, malicious, seditious and ill-disposed individual, who had actively supported both the American and the French Revolutions.
Anyone with even the most superficial aquaintence with the history of the French revolution will know what that means, in nine cases out of ten.
Jane Austen and the French Revolution provoked one of the most amusing of New Statesman competitions, asking sportive readers of the magazine to come up with the most unlikely titles for literary critical works they could think of.
Charles Dickens' novel "A Tale of Two Cities" is set at the time of the French Revolution.
During the French Revolution, for example, blasphemy against the state and nation began to replace blasphemy against God as French society reinvented the meaning of impious speech for the cause of liberty.
To the perspectives of rationality and enlightenment they added the intrinsicality of fundamental rights and freedoms, thus reaffirming the achievements of the French revolution.
Vilhelm Konnander's weblog
A tale about a villager teaching toads to sing La Marseillaise as part of the French Revolution bicentenary celebrations is typical.
In other words, the bourgeoisie are a product of the French Revolution.
Simply put, like whoever posted the diatribe "Traitors to Democracy, Traitors to America, Enemies of Democracy," you show your kinship to the Jacobins of the French Revolution; desirousness of murdering, oops, I should say liberating with extreme prejudice those who are "contumacious" of your socialist/fascist agenda.
Wishing Limbaugh Dead except for the Sarah Factor
Britain's industrial revolution was not without is severe dislocations, the first French Revolution was not an orderly progression from autocracy to democracy and the Great Leap Forward didn't go there.
Obviously it has to do with conservative contempt for what they perceive as refined culture, and the arts (artists being after all mostly “radicals” and “revolutionaries” as the old stereotype goes), the boogeyman of the French Revolution and revolutionary leftism is in there somewhere, the conservative sense of the French as ‘effeminate’, & too latin, is also in there.
Matthew Yglesias » The Brie Factor
The history of rights as a political language is properly associated with movements of resistance to royalism, culminating in the English, American, and French revolutions.
In other words, the bourgeoisie are a product of the French Revolution.
The Radical party has struggled on as best it might, without the author of 'Chartism' and 'The French Revolution' --
Obiter Dicta
Bastille Day in France commemorates the French Revolution and reminds us of one of the most unpleasant and blood-soaked regimes ever to have reduced a country to penury.
The French Revolution changed France from a monarchy to a republic.
The sycophant — who in the pay of the English oligarchy played the romantic laudator temporis acti against the French Revolution just as, in the pay of the North American colonies at the beginning of the American troubles, he had played the liberal against the English oligarchy — was an out-and-out vulgar bourgeois.
Reactionary Prophet
At the heart of Schiller's play, written two years before the French Revolution, lies a confrontation between absolutism and liberty.
He inherited from the French Revolution a meritocracy.
The French Revolution soon ensued, and though the nobleman kept his head, he never got his patent: not from the republic, not from Napoleon (a "usurper" to whom the legitimist de Jouffroy would not even apply for a patent), not from the restored Bourbon monarchy and not from citizen-king Louis Philippe.
July 15, 1783: Marquis Invents Steamboat, Misses Esteem Boat
What Burke argued passionately against, by contrast, was the French Revolution and Jacobin thinking, which he saw as expressing an unhistorical, tyrannical spirit and an importunate desire for power.
The secretaire was still in the cabinet interieur at the beginning of the French Revolution, in 1789.
His Thesis, on the French Revolution, was noteworthy in college annals, not merely for its painstaking and voluminous accuracy, but for the fact that it was the dryest, deadest, most formal, and most orthodox screed ever written on the subject.
The carmagnole of the French Revolution is a derivative.
Archive 2008-09-01
Both in the English and in the French Revolutions the property question presented itself in such wise that it seemed to be imperative to enforce free competition and to effect the abolition of all feudal property relations, such as manorial rights, guilds, monopolies, which had been transformed into fetters upon the industry which was developing between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries.
Selected Essays
But with the invasion by Saddam Hussein's Iraq in 1980 all this changed, and he and other leaders adopted the Iranian version of the term used by French revolutionaries in the 1790s, la grande nation - in Persian, millat i bozorg.
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The French Revolution changed France from a monarchy to a republic.
Besides the obvious stereotype of the ‘other,’ the representations fall largely within the realm of the iconology of the French Revolution of 1789.
A small but not insignificant detail is that the "Internationale" sung by the Chinese students in June was also a product of that French Revolutionary tradition belittled by O'Brien.
Librarian's Holiday
The political radicals who ran the French Revolution from 1793 abolished the concept of weeks altogether.
This is the story of the intrepid lacemakers of Loughborough, whose struggle to earn a living took some of them to Devon, some of them to Calais, and finally - trapped between the poorhouses of England and the French Revolution of 1848-to a new life in the colonies of Australia.
Burke continues to be accused by clueless academics and ignorant pundits either of inconsistency or deviationism for his very different reactions to the American and French Revolutions.
Kuyper held Americans in high esteem because they had rejected the ‘modern philosophy’ of secularism, which he traced to the French Revolution and its guillotine.
The French Revolution was a volcanic upheavalin European history.
Burke, particularly in his criticism of the French Revolution, evoked tradition and the mystique of history to countervail any present generation's fascination with newness and change.
She conflates ideas associated with the French revolution with contemporary American life.
The great French Revolution of 1789 struck fear into the hearts of every European ruler.
She once single-handedly convinced some French revolutionaries to leave her father on the throne.
The French Revolution changed France from a monarchy to a republic.
The conceptions of republicanism and citizenship were popularized by the upheavals of the American and French revolutions.
French revolutionaries invented the idea that aristocracies do not have to last.
Times, Sunday Times
At the same time, the French revolutionary wars carried combat to new heights of intensity.
Times, Sunday Times
I'm reading a really good book at the moment - it's about the French Revolution.
What Burke argued passionately against, by contrast, was the French Revolution and Jacobin thinking, which he saw as expressing an unhistorical, tyrannical spirit and an importunate desire for power.
The two privileged regiments of Carabiniers survived the French Revolution with their elite status intact.
The reason why volunteers were needed in that year was that the French Revolution of 1789 had not gained universal support and there were attempted counter-revolutions in parts of France.
He referred to a history book to find out the dates of the French Revolution.
Some people were decapitated during the French Revolution.
During the French Revolution, thousands of people were guillotined.
The 30 bottles of pre-French Revolution champagne recently recovered from the bottom of the Baltic Sea were a pretty awesome find.
Baltic Sea Algae Bloom The Size Of Germany Spreading, Potentially Toxic
Bentham scorned the French Revolution and the very idea of “rights,” but he shared its disaffection with the old social order and advanced his own equali - tarian doctrine with his principle that, in planning reform on utilitarian lines, each should count for one and none for more than one.
Hamilton begins his defense by decrying the scandal itself, with much denouncing of "Jacobinism" the Jacobins, in France, were fresh in everyone's mind from the disastrous end to the French Revolution -- which was only a few years in the past, when Hamilton wrote this pamphlet.
Chris Weigant: America's First Political Sex Scandal: The Reynolds/Hamilton Affair
Those two distinguished judges had held the view that Parliament and not the people was the sovereign power, contrary to the view held by Thomas Paine and the French revolutionaries.
Famed for her romantic entanglements, Royalist leanings and stiff upper lip resolve, Scottish aristocrat Grace Dalrymple Elliott spent the dark aftermath of the French Revolution trapped in Paris.
He was especially severe in commenting on the "uppishness," (to use a word of modern coinage), of young men under age adopting the slang engendered by the French Revolutionary times, and prating about the rights of man, the inalienable right of resistance to tyranny, and such "bigoty" phrases.
History of the University of North Carolina. Volume II: From 1868 to 1912
Orczy - The Scarlet Pimpernel A far better and far more interesting take on the French Revolution than the much-touted Les Miserables.
Archive 2007-06-01
As Dickens perceived it, the root cause of the French Revolution lay in an abuse of monarchic and aristocratic power in the eighteenth century.
In other words, the bourgeoisie are a product of the French Revolution.
Considerations on the French Revolution would become a touchstone for the liberals under the Bourbons.
Of course, the American and French Revolutions put paid to all that, and now in the West, we generally live in meritocracies.
The marginal application of bread was inadvertently found by Queen Marie Antoinette of France who later paid with her head for her discovery on the scaffold during the French Revolution.
During the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars the British regular army remained fairly small, but home defence forces such as yeomanry, volunteers, and fencibles proliferated.
The years following the French Revolution witnessed the glimmerings of a new interest in medieval objects, some of which came to be viewed with nationalist pride.
The French Revolution was an attempt to enact his ideas.
Rome would continue to anathematize the French Revolution as the origin of modern impiety and anti-clericalism, a change happily accepted by all those who gloried in these attitudes.
The war was in truth a struggle for hegemony in Europe, a fight between the ideological inheritance of the French Revolution and reactionary traditionalism.
Following the uproar caused by this work, Wollstonecraft traveled to Paris, where she observed the French Revolution and wrote a justification on its behalf.
The first abolition of slavery and the almost total elimination of the white plantocracy during the French Revolution had far-reaching social and economic consequences.
In a sense, this private menagerie replicates the oldest of human/animal relationships which was the aristocratic privilege of ownership that was the prevalent model until the French Revolution.
French revolutionaries considered death by guillotine to be a more humane method of execution.
11 years ago, the bicentenary of the French Revolution produced a parade of breathtaking proportions down the Champs Elysées.
The change has been going on from the beginning of the French revolutionary War to this day.
The Life and Adventures of William Cobbett
The media are the modern day equivalent of the old crones sitting with their knitting needles around the guillotine during the beheadings of the French Revolution.
The wedding took place in a Champagne cellar as churches were not yet reconsecrated following the French Revolution.
Its a story of the French Revolution, and a period piece full of courtly intrigue and a love story.
The Zollverein, Friedrich List said, did away with more barriers to trade and national unity “than had been swept away by the political whirlwindsof the American and French Revolutions”—Edward Earl Meade, “Adam Smith, Alexander Hamilton, Friedrich List: The Economic Foundations of Military Power,” in Makers of Modern Strategy: Military Thought from Machiavelli to Hitler, ed.
Lombroso's work was translated into French in 1887 and won the praise of Hippolyte Taine, who thought that the French Revolution was caused by a debauched and degenerate canaille.
Burns was a great admirer of the egalitarian ethos behind the French Revolution.
However, some ten years later events in Europe had taken a serious turn; 1789 saw the beginning of the French Revolution and in 1793 King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette were guillotined.
By contrast the French Revolution in its Jacobin phase came to support a policy of general slave emancipation (the Decree of Pluviose An 2, February 1794).
Librarian's Holiday
Foreshadowing the events of the coming French Revolution, Sébastien wrote, ‘The people in this faubourg are meaner, more volatile, more quarrelsome and more ready to mutiny than in any of the other quarters [of Paris].’
Many of the original mesmerists were signatories to the first declarations proclaiming the French revolution in 1789.
Before speaking on Tuesday, Obama might ponder the words of Chou En-lai—who, when asked to assess the long-term impact of the French Revolution, allegedly told Nixon, "It's too soon to tell.
He was one of the emigres who left France after the French Revolution.
Accordingly they were represented as being guilty of blasphemy and slander, and as being adorers of a certain French revolutionist, named Lepaux, of whom Lamb, at all events, was entirely ignorant.
Charles Lamb
He lived at the time of the French Revolution.
Charles Dickens' novel "A Tale of Two Cities" is set at the time of the French Revolution.
He lived at the time of the French Revolution.
Whereas the Church was earlier persecuted by Communists, French Revolutionaries; the Kulturkampf and any number of other godless initiatives, this time time Church is being attacked by people inside it, in my op-inion, always of the LCWR-type.
LCWR: prophets of futility & New Age gnosticism
The reason why volunteers were needed in that year was that the French Revolution of 1789 had not gained universal support and there were attempted counter-revolutions in parts of France.
The assassination of the French revolutionary Marat while in prison was immortalized in J.L. David's famous painting.
The story basically writes itself: bad-boy aristocrat shakes things up on the eve of the French Revolution with his naughty tell-all books and iconoclastic philosophical treatises.
He hoped to use the reform movement to advance his career but the step split the Whigs, aristocratic grandees like the duke of Portland and Earl Fitzwilliam being frightened by the prospect of the spread of the French Revolution.
Consider that seminal and catastrophic event that inaugurated the era of mass politics, bureaucratic centralism, and the ideological state - the French Revolution.
For the urban poor and even respectable tradesmen, hunger was never far away and during the French Revolution the Parisian sans-culottes had a national maximum for prices as one of their principal political goals.
Her early writing was concerned with the French Revolution.
While the French Revolution politicized the sans-culottes, the Industrial Revolution industrialized them.
Late in the century, with the eruption of the American and French revolutions, the phrase assumed democratic overtones.
All Things To All People
One of the grievances that fueled the French Revolution of 1789 was the salt tax, also called the gabelle .
Infernal Revenue: Unusual taxes in history
Just before the French Revolution, she enters a Carmelite convent to hide from the world.
This was followed by the declaration of a Paris Commune, or independent municipal government, in March 1871, an event which recalled the extremism of the French Revolution.
Priestley's nonconformist views and his support for the French Revolution brought him into conflict with the Government and many people, including George III, believed he was an atheist.
The popular conception of nations and nationalisms is that they are fairly recent phenomena, arising around the time of the French Revolution or after.
Reacting against the universalist claims of the French Revolution, German romantics of the late 18th and early 19th centuries such as Fichte and Herder invoked blood, soil and the spirit of the Volk.
Members of Parliament did not want or pretend to be representative: the word ‘democracy’ conjured up in the minds of most of them the spectre of the French Revolution and the guillotine.
The defeated radicals of the French Revolution were the first to have this messianic vision in 1794.
The French Revolution soon ensued, and though the nobleman kept his head, he never got his patent: not from the republic, not from Napoleon (a “usurper” to whom the legitimist de Jouffroy would not even apply for a patent), not from the restored Bourbon monarchy and not from citizen-king Louis Philippe.
1783: De Jouffrey’s Pyroscaphe « Skid Roche
During the French Revolution there was obviously a period of stagnation in the formation of collections.
Such an outlook views with disfavor every advance in human thinking since the French Revolution, if not the Renaissance.
One of Atkinson's final arguments is that the single tax was tried in France before the French Revolution, under the physiocrats, led by Turgot, and proved a miserable failure.
An eloquent statesman, now gone to his rest, had come into public life at a period when the mad fervour of the French revolution had inclined men to think that liberty, as they termed licentiousness and anarchy, was the greatest blessing bestowed by God upon man, had himself strongly imbibed that feeling and did much to impress it especially upon Kentucky and Maryland.
Our cause in harmony with the purposes of God in Christ Jesus : a sermon preached in Christ Church, Savannah, on Thursday, September 18th, 1862, being the day set forth by the President of the Confederate States, as a day of prayer and thanksgiving, for o
This is clearest in his valorization of the visual iconography of the French Revolution.