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French Republic

  1. a republic in western Europe; the largest country wholly in Europe

How To Use French Republic In A Sentence

  • The twisted logic was inadvertently summed up by agriculture minister Bruno Le Maire, a loyal Sarkozy lieutenant, with the words: "When they remove all the pork from a restaurant open to the public, I think they fall into communalism, which is against the principles and spirit of the French republic. The Guardian World News
  • He was not a student of French republican thought, and ended up a monarchist.
  • Eventually Napoleon III was elected president of the French Republic only to proclaim himself Emperor after a coup in 1851.
  • The contention of the French Republic that Article 177 cannot be used to obtain from the Court a ruling that such an act is null and void is pertinent.
  • The medallion bore the coat of arms of the French Republic topped with the "Phrygian" cap, being flanked on either side by two allegorical female figures, one of which was symbolic of the Armed Peace protecting herself with a sword, and the other was intended to represent Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission
  • The Fifth French Republic was established with a strong president in 1958.
  • The wild creator of the "_Robbers_," drunk with liberty, and audacious against all restraint, becomes the champion of "Holy Order," -- the denouncer of the French republic -- the extoller of an Ideal Life, which should entirely separate Genius the Restless from Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 54, No. 334, August 1843
  • Bruno Le Maire, a loyal Sarkozy lieutenant, with the words: "When they remove all the pork from a restaurant open to the public, I think they fall into communalism, which is against the principles and spirit of the French republic. The Guardian World News
  • A relatively small group of nationalists demand outright independence for the island while others prefer autonomy within the French Republic.
  • Luxembourg, 8th Pluviose, Second Year of the French Republic, one and indivisible. Think Progress » Colorado Group: God, Moses Oppose State Minimum Wage Increase
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