the charge for transporting something by common carrier
the freight rate is usually cheaper
we pay the freight
How To Use freight rate In A Sentence
- To boost profits, it switched some carriers from dry bulk cargoes to coal, and raised freight rates for coal along the coastal region.
- For example, British India calculated ‘earnings, cargo carried to all ports and the freight rate applied, as well as passage times, victualling, fuel, loading and discharging costs’.
- A key plank of the voluntary Code is the recommendation that freight rates be set ‘with reference’ to a minimum $1.33 a kilometre, with no backloads.
- They said steps taken earlier this year to slow growth in key sectors crimped imports of raw materials and cut into international freight rates.
- Road salt was a major commodity, but it was both seasonal and offered only a low freight rate, while at the same time the covered hopper cars were corroding out at an alarming pace, faster than they were being written-off!
- The town's elite were retailers, whose prosperity depended on the railway freight rates.
- Railroad freight rate reforms the main component that is railroad reform task.
- the freight rate is usually cheaper
- Jones, who affected to be surprised at nothing after his crushing experience with railroad freight rates on firweood and charcoal, betrayed no surprise now when the task was given to him to locate the purchaser of a certain sorrel mare. Chapter XVII
- Goods freight rate is a when influence consignor chooses to carry kind main factor.