
freight elevator

  1. an elevator designed for carrying freight

How To Use freight elevator In A Sentence

  • Enterprises engaged in traction passenger elevators, freight elevators, debris elevators, escalators, moving walkways elevator installation.
  • Yes, the freight elevator's a bit of a death trap, so it's probably lucky that we weren't in it.
  • The second floor, which is accessed via a freight elevator, provides a needle exchange service that operates four day per week, four to six hours/day.
  • The freight elevators were used to cart bodies up to the anatomy crypt on the seventh floor. DO NO HARM
  • Although the need to through the freight elevator traffic, but will not be too large.
  • To get to his broadcast location he was forced to take the freight elevator.
  • One by one, they enter a rickety freight elevator, manned by a kind young fellow in a dog collar; he directs them down a long, white hallway.
  • FORD series freight elevator employs microcomputer control technology and cabins made of high intensive shaped material, able to conduct freight transportation under various harsh environments.
  • A furniture pantechnicon was backing into the entrance of the freight elevator, and the carpets and stereo-speakers, dressing tables and bedside lamps would soon be carried up the elevator shaft to form the elements of a private world.
  • To get to his broadcast location he was forced to take the freight elevator.
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