How To Use Freethinker In A Sentence

  • An engineer and manufacturer by profession, and a wealthy man, Wilford was another freethinker and aviation entrepreneur who bubbled with enthusiasm for the idea of rotary wing aircraft. The Dream Machine
  • Writers and engravers of pornography came out of the demimonde of heretics, freethinkers and libertines who made up the underside of those formative Western developments.
  • Four soldiers attended this meeting - all of them very junior enlisted soldiers with the exception of one Major an O-4, who claimed to be a "freethinker". What Fundamentalist Christians and Radical Muslims Have In Common
  • Next election, the freethinker is tossed, either by the nomination committee or the electorate. Some scary thoughts
  • * An unidentified Major in Iraq -- a fundamentalist Christian pretending to be a "freethinker" -- for attending the first meeting of atheist service members under the umbrella of the Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers, then verbally berating the other attendees, accusing them of plotting against Christians and disrespecting soldiers who have died protecting the Constitution. Paul Krassner: A**holes of the Week #6
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  • Orphaned and blinded from childhood, he became an ascetic freethinker and materialist.
  • It should be remembered that many western intellectuals, including atheist freethinkers like Bertrand Russell, were originally very optimistic about the Soviet revolution.
  • Clarifying what is science and what is superstition must become the top priority of India's freethinkers.
  • No Socialistic, Communistic, Crazy, Freethinker, Educated type gone get in da way of my Corn Syrup additive ...... 'Why should the liberals always cave?' Dem asks
  • I also thank the youth center in Doha, which respects freethinkers and supports them.
  • He is known as a freethinker, a supporter of women's rights, an advocate of equality, and a pioneer in everything from drama to technology. Quebec Stories
  • Abolitionists, freethinkers, and suffragettes found spiritual innovation compatible with their quest for social reform.
  • The religious freedom that enabled Protestants and Catholics to live in harmony made the Netherlands a haven for freethinkers and religious minorities.
  • John K ? rmeling is an architect, visual artist, inventor and freethinker.
  • To the freethinker, revelation and faith are invalid, and orthodoxy is no guarantee of truth.
  • The world has been secularizing at the expense of organized religion. The increase of secular people, including atheists, agnostics and freethinkers, represents a great challenge to the God-based religion. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Critics of humanism have for centuries declared that freethinkers once departing from religion have abandoned morality.
  • The world has been secularizing at the expense of organized religion. The increase of secular people, including atheists, agnostics and freethinkers, represents a great challenge to the God-based religion. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • The world has been secularizing at the expense of organized religion. The increase of secular people, including atheists, agnostics and freethinkers, represents a great challenge to the God-based religion. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • The republican mainstream was willing and in fact committed to a regime that granted individuals and families the right to choose to be Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Spiritualists, Freemasons, freethinkers, or nothing at all.
  • But just as eagerly and importantly, Butler read about the terrible fate of Giordano Bruno, a lapsed Italian monk and freethinker who, in the late 1500s, advanced the idea that planets orbited a universe full of moving distant stars—an idea that challenged conventional and ecclesiastic belief at the time. First Contact
  • The world has been secularizing at the expense of organized religion. The increase of secular people, including atheists, agnostics and freethinkers, represents a great challenge to the God-based religion. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Since I've taken my place as a freethinker and an atheist, I'm happier in life now than ever before.
  • That inability to distinguish between free enquiry and deliberate insult reminds me of those who wielded the blasphemy laws which were used to persecute freethinkers and rationalists in the middle ages.
  • Critics of humanism have for centuries declared that freethinkers once departing from religion have abandoned morality.
  • I know, -- "and the Cardinal hesitated a moment," I know I can speak quite plainly to you, for you are what is called a freethinker -- yet The Master-Christian
  • A freethinker is a person who forms an opinion about religion, politics and morals independently of tradition, authority or established belief. Osama Bin Laden Renamed Muqtada al-Sadr by America
  • They were freethinkers and opponents of religious dogma.
  • at one time a freethinker was a man who had been brought up in the conception of religion, law, and morality, who reached freethought only after conflict and difficulty. A Scientific Worldview?
  • In short, in England and in America, the freedoms we have won were won often by alliance between freethinkers and religious progressives.
  • Fundamentalists, conspiracy theorists, and plain folk live alongside freethinkers, environmentalists, artists, and scientists.
  • Ethan Allen was a freethinker, as atheists were known as back then.
  • But in this column I'd like to look at some websites concerned with ethics as a subject of interest to rationalists and freethinkers, rather than as an ‘issue’ for Internet users.
  • Orphaned and blinded from childhood, he became an ascetic freethinker and materialist.
  • Critics of humanism have for centuries declared that freethinkers once departing from religion have abandoned morality.
  • He was also an ardent heretic and freethinker, maybe an out-and-out atheist, and a vocal defender of the ideas of Charles Darwin.
  • A handful were freethinkers, steeped in the anti-clerical writings of the Enlightenment; but most were sincere Catholics, concerned only to purge the Church of its abuses, making it leaner but fitter.
  • Now my first reaction to "freethinker" is "well, you get what you pay for," and nothing in the essay caused me to alter that opinion. October 18th, 2009
  • What is even more remarkable, however, is that this reactionary tract was penned by a self-proclaimed freethinker and anarchist.
  • The world has been secularizing at the expense of organized religion. The increase of secular people, including atheists, agnostics and freethinkers, represents a great challenge to the God-based religion. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • He also wrote several essays in "The Freethinker;" and was the reputed author of a tragedy called "Hecuba;" which was performed at Drury Lane theatre in 1726.] (134) Tydeus, Orosmades, Almanzor, and Plato, were names which had been given by them to some of their Eton schoolfellows. The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 1
  • Reply: Oh? So it's okay for you to call me "lazy, inept, naive", but it is not okay for me to call you a liberal, for whatever substitution you may want to use (i.e. individual "freethinker")? The Mailer That Put the Final Nail in the McCain Campaign Coffin
  • Should a teacher who is a freethinker or a deist, as were many of the country's earliest patriots, be forced to lie to her students by being required to lead them in the oath?
  • Like Karl Marx, freethinkers regarded religion as oppressive.

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