
How To Use Freemason In A Sentence

  • The rituals associated with freemasonry are available to any user of quality public libraries or the readers of the Old and New Testaments.
  • Hitler began talking -- sometimes banging his fist on the table, sometimes shouting -- about the communists, the Vatican, the Jews, Freemasonry, the press, Karl Marx, Trotsky, and the city of Berlin, which he called an "international muckheap. 'Human Smoke: The Beginnings of World War II, the End of Civilization'
  • Here a tall gentleman marched up to him, and addressed him in a certain language, which might be called the freemasonry of flash, and which Paul, though he did not comprehend verbatim, rightly understood to be an inquiry whether he was a thorough rogue and an entire rascal. Paul Clifford — Complete
  • Jim is a friend from childhood—they “grew up together in the same Nebraska town,” sharing a “kind of freemasonry”—and is now the legal counsel for a railroad company. The meaning of patriotism
  • It was as if he was pleading a kind of freemasonry because the pair of them shared idiosyncrasies of language. DISPLACED PERSON
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  • It's the freemasonry of food, a wilfully complicated Sealed Knot ballet of side plates, fish forks and devices to remove antennae from langoustine.
  • But we now arrive at a higher division of masonic symbolism, which, passing beyond these tangible symbols, brings us to those which are of a more abstruse nature, and which, as being developed in a ceremonial form, controlled and directed by the ritual of the order, may be designated as the _ritualistic symbolism_ of Freemasonry. The Symbolism of Freemasonry
  • The quote actually referred to Davidson's announcement in April that he was going to be sworn in as a Worshipful Master of the Freemasons.
  • At least I was able to satisfy my inquisitors that I wasn't a Freemason, something which evidently bothers the powers that be a good deal.
  • The promises made by Freemasons bind them to uphold the law of the land in which they are currently residing. Times, Sunday Times
  • *Freemasons, essentially based of gnostic illuminism. Archive 2008-05-18
  • he enjoyed the freemasonry of the Press
  • In doing so, he makes himself look less like a serious, potential participant in a crowded Presidential field, and more like someone who is about to start ranting about the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons, and George W. Bush's membership in Skull & Bones ... all part of an "internationalist" conspiracy to create a New World Order. Sound Politics: Post-Thanksgiving Turkey
  • The promises made by Freemasons bind them to uphold the law of the land in which they are currently residing. Times, Sunday Times
  • A long-term irritant to the police has been the ongoing allegation that some officers have been closely connected with freemasonry.
  • The BBC News reported that the novel is “believed to focus on freemasonry, with the lost symbol of the title a reference to a ciphered pictogram in an ancient book called The Key of Solomon.” 2009 August « One-Minute Book Reviews
  • For the audience, it was an occasion to discover freemasonry.
  • In 1821 some grouped themselves in the charbonnerie, an offshoot of the Italian carbonari, a secret society which revered the principles of 1789 and adopted the symbols and ideas of radical freemasonry.
  • Pythagoras called the pentagram the pentalpha, which is why there are so many Pentalpha lodges in modern Freemasonry. Veterans Today
  • Weishaupt soon infiltrates the Continental Order of Freemasons with this Illuminati doctrine and establishes lodges of the Grand Orient to be their secret headquarters.
  • The former Royal Navy engineer was also an almoner for Beach Lodge for 26 years, which meant he visited sick members and Freemason widows.
  • One is a freemason, the other a legitimate businessman.
  • The building has been the permanent home of Scottish Freemasonry since 1910, and is a triumph of the craftsmanship so prized by Victorian Masons.
  • The cashier was going on about how the freemasons are running the country because Bush was part of Skull and Bones at Yale, and how it really doesn't matter who you vote for because so was Kerry you just don't get this kind of jabber at the Safeway, do you? 08/04
  • There are also reference works, novels of different kinds, books of poetry, and volumes on special topics such as horses, ships, wine, gardening, freemasonry, knots, and entertainment.
  • The requirement of being "freeborn" harkens back to the earliest days of Freemasonry. Kenyan Analyst
  • No one knows just how old freemasonry is because the actual origins have been lost in time.
  • Mozart Vienna, Austria, 1791The monstrous Queen of the Night, the birdcatcher Papageno, lovers, philosophy, Freemasonry – The Magic Flute has it all. Top 50 operas
  • i think freemasonry is much more dangerous « Niqnaq I think freemasonry is much more dangerous
  • Finally, we will conclude with a brief review of freemasonry today.
  • This is still a working lodge, but it also contains a museum of Freemasonry, which, as you'd expect, houses a few Burns items.
  • The origins of the Freemasons are disputed, but the first organized lodges date from 1717 in England.
  • There's a sort of freemasonry among people who race in cars.
  • Capturing Kabul through proxy war in 1997 while a ragtag freemasonry of Mujahideen was defending Kabul was one thing. Bloggers.Pakistan
  • The huge works are the membership registers of the 600 Freemason's lodges of Scotland, the ‘secret’ order reputed to wield legendary influence in the corridors of power.
  • The republican mainstream was willing and in fact committed to a regime that granted individuals and families the right to choose to be Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Spiritualists, Freemasons, freethinkers, or nothing at all.
  • Hitler began talking—sometimes banging his fist on the table, sometimes shouting—about the communists, the Vatican, the Jews, Freemasonry, the press, Karl Marx, Trotsky, and the city of Berlin, which he called an “international muckheap.” Human Smoke
  • Freemasonry is the oldest of all, still the biggest, and—in the public mind—about as penetrable as the mythic crypt beneath the ninth vault of Solomon's Temple. Latest Freemason Conspiracy: Recruiting Younger Bros
  • British Freemasons, incarcerated in Oflag 79 at Brunswick in Germany, made instruments out of wood stripped from their sleeping bunks and metal pilfered from the debris of bombed buildings.
  • The Freemasons had dissolved their lodges under government pressure, and state employees in all professions were subject to dismissal for left-wing associations.
  • Attracted by the ideals and the comradeship of freemasonry, he joined a Viennese lodge in 1784 and remained a member for the rest of his life.
  • The excommunication was interpreted as an "imprecation" that cursed all Freemasons and doomed them to perdition. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • The really bad party system is that in which a man is caught so tightly and becomes so deeply involved in party loyalty, or what may be called the freemasonry side of politics, that he grows into feeling a kind of moral obligation to stick to his party, right or wrong. The Adventure of Living
  • It was my initiation into what I have termed the freemasonry of the race. The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man
  • He was popularly credited with assisting, in this disguise, in the instruction of a novice into the mysteries of Freemasonry, and was supposed to allow the novice to ride on his back, and go withershins three times round the room. Folk Lore Superstitious Beliefs in the West of Scotland within This Century
  • Other than that, if you believe in helping others, enjoy ritual bonding and can find someone to introduce you to a lodge, Freemasonry might be just the thing.
  • More than 750 boxes were shipped to the Grand Orient of France, the Paris-based headquarters of the French freemasonry, earlier this year.
  • His profession furnished me with some hope that this desired communication might be attained; since it is well known that, in Scotland, where there is so much national music, the words and airs of which are generally known, there is a kind of freemasonry amongst performers, by which they can, by the mere choice of a tune, express a great deal to the hearers. Redgauntlet
  • There are 33 degrees of initiation in freemasonry, the 33rd degree being the highest.
  • Forget even Dan Brown and the albino assassin monk from an order that has no monks, or the long twilight struggle between the Freemasons and the Vatican. September 22nd, 2009
  • Of course, we're told that the Freemasons are no longer a secret brotherhood, but a brotherhood with secrets.
  • It was like asking Freemasons to clype on their grandmaster.
  • To his Russian Orthodoxy he added freemasonry, spiritualism, and a huge dose of the Yoga, Hinduism and Buddhism that were a legacy of the many years he lived in the Himalayas.
  • The two rivals were nevertheless united by the freemasonry of the acting profession.
  • But what can we learn from our fellow members of the international freemasonry of feeling rubbish?
  • A candid appraisal of these fables is given by Delmer Darrah in his History and Evolution of Freemasonry: Masons have believed the things concerning the origin of the institution that they wanted to believe and have gone forth and told them as facts. Bizarre
  • He was also extremely suspicious of the influence of freemasonry in the police force.
  • Finally, we will conclude with a brief review of freemasonry today.
  • The only secrets in Freemasonry are the signs, grips and tokens of recognition and even these were revealed decades ago.
  • There is an unobvious obvious that Dan Brown did not touch on in his latest book, but then he was developing his plot based on Freemason symbols and these are really universal symbols. The Forgotten Symbol Dan Brown Omitted From The Lost Symbol
  • Entrance to Oxbridge is always on merit, not the result of the undeclared freemasonry that just happens to prefer confidence and good diction in an interview to a clutch of Highers or A-levels.
  • They will not be able to tell you how freemasonry began, however.
  • The guy I had a crush on even commented on the gnostic demiurges and the founding fathers as freemasons.
  • Others said that it was an eatery for Freemasons and masters of industry.
  • To have been in that eddy is a freemasonry of which the common password is a "fie" on all the operations of the simple popular understanding. Memories and Studies
  • While copying guild models, friendly societies also adopted elements of the secret freemasonry movement, specifically rites, rituals and codes of conduct.
  • In the case of a Freemason, there would also be various other objects - particularly the apron.
  • It was as if he was pleading a kind of freemasonry because the pair of them shared idiosyncrasies of language. DISPLACED PERSON
  • Freemasonry it refers especially to that east whence an ancient priesthood first disseminated truth to enlighten the world; wherefore the east is masonically called "the place of light. The Symbolism of Freemasonry
  • You might also note that the Gov is determined to hand over the reins of the NHS chequebook to a bunch of seld-employed, overpaid, medical freemasons ( GPs) As far as the other "services" are concerned ( Army etc ) they're a complete law unto themselves. Policing and surveillance: The inspector calls | Editorial
  • As one of the oldest fraternities in existence today, it is not surprising that Freemasonry ‘places much importance on history which shapes and determines much of what we do,’ the Lodge Pattaya West Winds Master said.
  • In 1776 Cagliostro and his wife were in London, where "Cagliostro" became a Freemason, joining a lodge connected with "The Order of Strict Observance," a secret society incorporated with Freemasonry, and which (on the Continent, at least) was concerned largely with occult subjects. Alchemy: Ancient and Modern
  • The secret is well kept, doubtless by a kind of freemasonry amongst bearded men, but there can be little doubt that somewhere there are nurseries where a _bonâ-fide_ beard-grower who is in the secret can retire until he is presentable. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 156, April 30, 1919
  • But it's hard to imagine anyone , after reading The Lost Symbol, about Freemasonry in Washington DC.
  • He rarely spoke about his religion, but his Freemasonry experience points to a belief in deism. Think Progress » Fox News Recruits Priest to Advise Bush On Weathering Scandals
  • Here a tall gentleman marched up to him, and addressed him in a certain language, which might be called the freemasonry of flash, and which Paul, though he did not comprehend Paul Clifford — Volume 02
  • I knew a pastor, who foolishly appointed a Freemason as the president of his church board of directors.
  • Freemasonry were off-shoots of the original Cabala, and that during the past 150 years new associations had been formed, and the parties who had introduced me into their arcanum were a society in affiliation with many others then in existence in different countries. Buchanan's Journal of Man, January 1888 Volume 1, Number 12
  • It was as if he was pleading a kind of freemasonry because the pair of them shared idiosyncrasies of language. DISPLACED PERSON
  • He was also busy writing a commentary on the great work of Baudry le Rouge, Bishop of Noyon and Tournay, De Cupa Petrarum, which had inspired him with a violent taste for architecture, a love which had supplanted his passion for hermetics, of which, too, it was but a natural consequence, seeing that there is an intimate connection between hermetics and freemasonry. I. Gringoire Has Several Bright Ideas in Succession in the Rue des Bernardins. Book X
  • His Masonic erudition is about as great and as little as his proficiency in Kabbalah; he quotes Carlyle as "an authority," applies the term orthodox to French Freemasonry exclusively, whereas the developments of the Fraternity in France have always had a heterodox complexion, while his tripartite classification of the 33 degrees of that rite and of the Devil-Worship in France or The Question of Lucifer
  • When I became a Freemason, I placed a Masonic square and compass emblem on my car, as is common practice, so I could be recognized on the road by my fellow brethren.
  • A long-term irritant to the police has been the ongoing allegation that some officers have been closely connected with freemasonry.
  • But it's hard to imagine anyone , after reading The Lost Symbol, about Freemasonry in Washington DC.
  • Catholics are forbidden to join the Freemasons under pain of excommunication.
  • In keeping with Scottish traditions of frugality and a canny eye for making a penny, the Freemasons who designed it felt that it would be of much more use if it remained relatively unembellished.
  • The two rivals were nevertheless united by the freemasonry of the acting profession.
  • You might also note that the Gov is determined to hand over the reins of the NHS chequebook to a bunch of seld-employed, overpaid, medical freemasons ( GPs) As far as the other "services" are concerned ( Army etc ) they're a complete law unto themselves. Policing and surveillance: The inspector calls | Editorial
  • He was very active in Freemasonry.
  • The architecture of Freemasonry is altogether related to the construction of public edifices, and principally sacred or religious ones, -- such as temples, cathedrals, churches, -- and of these, masonically, the temple of Solomon is the archetype. The Symbolism of Freemasonry
  • His interests in magic, freemasonry, the military, and mnemonics continued.
  • He nonetheless manages to touch in a few reference points and landmark experiences: broken home, petty crime, trauma in Vietnam and prison, mental illness, and induction into the weird, anonymous freemasonry of map-trading.
  • In engineering and freemasonry, this is known as the Golden Ratio.
  • Around my area, 50,000 men follow freemasonry and each has sworn to give his utmost allegiance to the Craft. 4.
  • This was a work, infamous in its time, of the most depraved and retrograde Jesuitism, which purported to find a grand conspiracy of Freemasons and other subversives in the overthrow of the Bourbons. Reactionary Prophet
  • A long-term irritant to the police has been the ongoing allegation that some officers have been closely connected with freemasonry.

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