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How To Use Freely In A Sentence

  • The large bone of the upper arm was splintered to the elbow joint, and the wound bled freely.
  • We tend to use these terms as if they were freely interchangeable forms of energy.
  • I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. Albert Einstein 
  • Pasture lands and meadow lands are often greatly improved by replowing and harrowing in order to break up the turf that forms and to admit air more freely into the soil. Agriculture for Beginners Revised Edition
  • For a week after the headlands of Tarifa and Spartel have sunk under the eastern horizon, the vessel is kept every day upon her course, -- her top-gallant and studding sails all distent with the wind blowing freely from over Biscay. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 17, No. 104, June, 1866
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  • Coins jingled freely in his pocket as he strolled toward the man and his cart.
  • The young ladies of the public relation are too inhibited to laugh freely.
  • Her mother's opinions on how babies should be cared for were freely given and duly ignored.
  • This is a world where information is freely available or priced at fair market value rates.
  • His round face perspired freely, his chin to his chest as he stared at his feet. Much Ado About Marriage
  • One of the most interesting novelties of the volume was the so-called ‘moving trihedrals’ for twisted curves as well as surfaces so freely used in writings of Darboux and others.
  • This was especially valuable at a time when curious currencies circulated freely throughout the Mediterranean, including coins of values that were not self-evident. The English Is Coming!
  • Actively cultivating relationships, she freely roamed the village streets, visiting from house to house.
  • A prefix is productive when it contributes to the meaning of a word and can be added freely to other words.
  • EU members are allowed to travel freely between member states.
  • Maluleke assured him that the court offered him more protection than any other place and that it was important he felt able to speak freely and truthfully.
  • The toddler waddles freely into a neighbourhood yard.
  • All men are entitled to justice, but justice is never given to anyone freely and equally. It takes commitment, dedication, and struggling to achieve justice for all. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • So naturally he felt a force-feeding ban should be added to the many anticruelty laws already on the books, but he also freely acknowledged the practical benefits of fighting this particular battle. The Foie Gras Wars
  • In cases of recent wounds unattended by inflammation, it may be applied freely; but when inflammation has come on, too severe an application of the caustic induces vesication of the surrounding skin, and the edges of the eschar may in this manner also be loosened and removed. An Essay on the Application of the Lunar Caustic in the Cure of Certain Wounds and Ulcers
  • The patronage (largely pontifical, but also royal and aristocratic) of the great sculptor-architect is the chief subject of Franco Mormando's lovingly researched "Bernini: His Life and His Rome," which, for all its splendid erudition, freely resorts to American common speech to characterize the sheer viciousness of the Baroque papal oligarchs and Bernini's own egomania (most famously characterized by his ordering a servant to slash the face of his unfaithful mistress, Costanza Bonarelli). The Heirloom City
  • To keep someone around you is not love; love is to let the one u love go freely.
  • The last and the real cause of their impenitence is the state of sin which they freely chose as their portion on earth and in which they passed, unconverted, into the next life and into that state of permanence (status termini) by nature due to rational creatures, and to an unchangeable attitude of mind. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • Once into the open street they could breathe more freely.
  • The predictions of standard economic theory – the expectation that freely operating markets will produce a certain kind of optimality – only hold good as long as the markets are not marred by serious imperfections. Limitations of markets
  • Big 2WackGo wants their stooge the US government and military to let our shores be flooded with smack (or, in the 80's, crack) if "that's what it takes" to make sure children in this country can't experiment freely with cannabinol instead of nicotine. Main RSS Feed
  • Continued Rumsfeld: "These oppressed Iraqi oil wells deserve the right to pump oil as freely as any other oil well on God's Earth-be it in Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, or an Alaskan wildlife refuge.
  • The shares are freely transferable.
  • The traffic had started to move more freely now and he walked to the bus shelter at the roadside, and waited.
  • We talked, and the conversation flowed freely.
  • The company provides cheap Internet access. In addition, it makes shareware freely available.
  • The democratic rights to freely choose one's occupation and place of residency, as well as to immigration and asylum, are being ruthlessly sacrificed to the interests of big business.
  • * The word _amakhû_ is applied to an individual who has freely entered the service of king or baron, and taken him for his lord: _amakhû khir nibuf_ means _vassal of his lord_. History Of Egypt, Chaldæa, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria, Volume 1 (of 12)
  • These big, freely painted, heavily collaged unprimed canvases together form something of a spiritual marching band, though they mostly seem to follow the beat of Jean-Michel Basquiat.
  • To keep someone around you is not love; love is to let the one u love go freely.
  • Dual exhaust system has two tailpipes, which allows the engine to exhaust more freely, thereby lowering the back pressure which is inherent in an exhaust system.
  • to keep someone around you is not love; love is to let the one u love go freely.
  • The distinctive cultural trace of Brazil is anthropophagy -- from culture to technology, the legacy of a former, lazy European monarchy in a tropical country where the aborigines, after banqueting over the odd whitey, were merrily exterminated while Europeans and black slaves copulated freely, with no Catholic guilt involved (there's no sin below the Equator). Pepe Escobar: Is Brazil the New United States?
  • Abbey freely indulged in two of the huge, gooey chocolate chip cookies.
  • You must allow the clubhead to swing freely.
  • Conversation flowed freely when the speaker invited discussion.
  • The owners have blogged their personal journey, freely discussing how they used to be homeless and what led them to want to start a bakery.
  • The result is a dot that behaves as if it were one giant superatom within which electrons flow freely, encountering no electrical resistance. New Scientist - Online News
  • Not So Sleepy has tried a mile and a half once but raced far too freely to give himself a chance of staying. Times, Sunday Times
  • An entrepreneur in Saskatoon has asked the city for permission to set up a ‘Dutch-style’ cannabis cafe where pot is freely toked.
  • But it requires alkaline water and propagates freely from stem-cuttings.
  • As opposed to the guy who sits in the same spot every day asking for a hand-out, the bum [from the German for "saunter"] roams freely throughout the city, the country, the planet: He is king of the road. Boing Boing
  • He bred 120 giant tortoises which amble freely around the island. Times, Sunday Times
  • EU members are allowed to travel freely between member states.
  • Some dense substances allow electricity to flow through them freely.
  • Freely on offer at 4/1 before the off Rockstown Lad made a nonsense of those odds as he winged out of trap five leaving his rivals floundering in his wake.
  • -- By having a coil of insulated wire, with a magnet suspended so as to turn freely within the coil, forming what is called a galvanoscope. Electricity for Boys
  • The wristbands are not freely distributed to our employees as it would deviate from the original intention to help our target beneficiaries in Indonesia who need curative eye treatment.
  • A buffet meal is much easier and more sociable, enabling you to circulate freely.
  • Promiscuously and indefatigable to pursue all sorts of pleasures I own to be brutish, and to avoid all with a suitable aversion equally blockish, let the mind then freely enjoy such pleasures as are agreeable to its nature and temper. Essays and Miscellanies
  • Bread and the circus are freely given to the deserving, and as for the undeserving, they are merely reaping the rewards of their contumacy and pride. A REVIEW
  • They drink alcoholic beverages freely, and every household makes its own rice liquor.
  • This grace is freely given and joyfully unregulated. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some dense substances allow electricity to flow through them freely.
  • As the taste for chinoiserie flourished, textiles such as chintz, wallpapers, screens and cabinets freely incorporated Asian motifs both real and imagined.
  • It was his job to introduce the four-priest panel and then leave the room so people could speak freely about his pastorate.
  • It must be freely rendered or it means naught. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • Mr Jones submits that it was right to look first at the criminal conduct of the investigatory journalists who spent money freely to provide copy for their newspaper.
  • And everything, one may say, was at his beck and call, and even those in authority hindered him in nothing, and the archimandrite thanked him for his zeal: he gave freely of his substance to the monastery, and when the fit came upon him he sighed and groaned over his soul and was troubled not a little over the life to come. A Raw Youth
  • Conservative believers in individual liberty and personal autonomy should allow citizens to freely choose a life partner whether gay or straight.
  • The children were encouraged to express themselves freely and openly.
  • Both depict big, bold animals freely and use collage and richly wrought texture. Times, Sunday Times
  • Blood welled, flowed freely down the corpse's sides.
  • Even the moneys of Cyprus were flowing somewhat overfreely into the coffers of the Venetian Provveditori who kept vigilant watch over the island kingdom -- which was, in truth, no longer anything but a Venetian province, except in name. The Royal Pawn of Venice A Romance of Cyprus
  • Thin, light soft bouncy sole bends very easily, because this takes a route, will freely easily.
  • A lot of planning and arranging for people to cover different shifts was done by Kathleen and a big thank you goes to her and all those volunteers who gave of their time so freely.
  • She has captured the essence of the lives and stories of the 40 women who spoke so openly and freely to her about the society and events which shaped their lives.
  • All men are entitled to justice, but justice is never given to anyone freely and equally. It takes commitment, dedication, and struggling to achieve justice for all. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • To get the quartet to make beautiful music in harmony, signals have to flow freely within the system.
  • At the meeting, we hope people will exchange views freely.
  • In contrast, in societies that allow the two sexes to intermingle freely, there are two main problems.
  • As he freely admitted, his defense of human rights was therefore basically "tactical. The Passion of Michel Foucault
  • Both caramel and sugar syrup are legal and freely discussed additives.
  • Also, those here who give their services to the cause of law and Wisdom in shrievalty, freely, for nothing, they surely - you surely - love Wisdom and rise early to seek it. Sermon at the Temple Church
  • His writing is dense, exact, demanding, and he ranges freely among fields of knowledge and aspects of sociocultural experience. The Times Literary Supplement
  • That such cosmopolitan urbanity both exists in Croatia and mingles freely with the country's pastoral charm does not surprise Croatians; what surprises them is how slow the rest of the world has been to catch on.
  • The soil drains freely and slugs aren't a problem.
  • WANDER The sheep are allowed to roam freely on this land.
  • Shoulder denervation and subsequent loss of shoulder joint range, strength, and sensory awareness results in markedly decreased ability to freely move the shoulders and upper extremities.
  • The gambler bought off the police and thus was able to operate freely.
  • Olympian is privileged to work a little longer by the light of the useful "tolly," Caesar and Jonathan would talk freely of past, present, and future. The Hill A Romance of Friendship
  • It should let outgoing traffic pass freely, as this would still block incoming dodgers.
  • We tend to use these terms as if they were freely interchangeable forms of energy.
  • She indulged herself too freely with alcohol.
  • A liquid flows freely and has no fixed shape.
  • The big cat typically preys on smaller antelope, warthogs, hares, and game birds - the very animals that range freely on the Hoedspruit property.
  • Remember to apply plenty of oil so that the wheel can rotate freely.
  • Place them so that air can freely circulate around the back.
  • Conversation flowed freely throughout the meal.
  • Would I have known that there was no coffee in my drink if the barista hadn't freely admitted his own mistake?
  • The treatment is necessarily operative; cystic tumours may be tapped and injected with iodine, but the more satisfactory procedure, both with the solid and cystic forms, is to incise freely the overlying thyreoid tissue and enucleate the tumour. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • Examine material from any caseous glands microscopically and inoculate freely on to Dorset's egg medium. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • The psychologist Carl Rogers laments the fact that "we tend to turn out conformists, stereotypes, individuals whose education is 'completed, ' rather than freely creative and original thinkers.
  • President Kim failed to convince his opposition that he meant to consult with them freely in order to ride these twin tigers.
  • If we translate analogue information into a digital form, we can suddenly manipulate it freely in almost any way we wish.
  • I thus associate the compact world of the admirable hill-top, the world of a predominant golden-brown, with a general invocation of sensibility and fancy, and think of myself as going forth into the lingering light of summer evenings all attuned to intensity of the idea of compositional beauty, or in other words, freely speaking, to the question of colour, to intensity of picture. Italian Hours
  • The shell is freely permeable to small gas molecules, including water vapor.
  • EU citizens can now travel freely between member states.
  • That's probably a terribly untechnical and imprecise way of asking, Can she take a term that she didn't invent and that everyone has been using freely for months and actually get legal protection for it? Trademarking "Octomom."
  • I've studied languages that use relative pronouns freely in analogous non-finite clauses.
  • In reality many consultants move freely between systems, providing clinical excellence to patients in both. Times, Sunday Times
  • They're not roaming around freely like they were.
  • Freely, an authority on Ottoman history, steers a clear course through these intricacies.
  • I am inclined to think that the true melanosis generally occurs in the form of rounded tumours, which, when cut in two, present a uniform black colour without any trace of air-cells, while in the spurious melanosis the deposition is general, and black matter flows freely out when the cut surfaces are pressed. An Investigation into the Nature of Black Phthisis or Ulceration Induced by Carbonaceous Accumulation in the Lungs of Coal Miners
  • Continued Rumsfeld: "These oppressed Iraqi oil wells deserve the right to pump oil as freely as any other oil well on God's Earth-be it in Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, or an Alaskan wildlife refuge.
  • Her brown hair was sharply cut off below her chin and swung freely around matching brown eyes encircled by tanned skin.
  • Passengers were able to move more freely within the cars with the plush chairs on the aisle and the sleeper beds above. The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
  • It was as though, having given up the struggle themselves, they could more freely acknowledge the value of it.
  • He freely admits there is a chasm between the man on stage who audiences love and the real person. The Sun
  • In recent years the courts have not been making compensation orders as freely as perhaps they might.
  • She gives freely and generously of her time when it comes to fundraising whether it is bag packing, collecting flags or climbing Knocknarea.
  • Let your imagination roam freely over the facts you have collected.
  • The distinctive cultural trace of Brazil is anthropophagy -- from culture to technology, the legacy of a former, lazy European monarchy in a tropical country where the aborigines, after banqueting over the odd whitey, were merrily exterminated while Europeans and black slaves copulated freely, with no Catholic guilt involved (there's no sin below the Equator). Pepe Escobar: Is Brazil the New United States?
  • Open-access publishers charge study authors a printing fee and release the information freely.
  • The gambler bought off the police and thus was able to operate freely.
  • It should be consumed freely, and should be indemnified against the criticism of a leisured elite.
  • The opisthosoma consists of 10 freely articulating segments, divided into a preabdomen of seven and a postabdomen of three.
  • Such blasphemers by the Mosaic law were to be stoned to death and for his part he could freely consent to it.
  • Now he freely admits to being gay and to having had a stable, loving relationship with another man.
  • This time he cannot allow the friction to burn so freely. Times, Sunday Times
  • Silently, freely, and with no biassing influence, in the unapproachable chambers of her own thoughts did she weigh the real character of Eaverson, as far as she could understand it, against what was merely external and personal. Married Life: its shadows and sunshine
  • Once in the bathroom, I turned on the water, allowing the steamy drops to flow freely from the faucet.
  • By making data sets freely available, people are more able to hold public bodies to account and challenge them. Computing
  • So thick are the palisades of thorny mimosa -- an aggressive weed akin to the touch-me-not -- that India's endangered one-horned rhino can no longer move about freely in Kaziranga National Park. Attack Of the Aliens
  • Tom freely acknowledged this just as Terry acknowledged his earlier insensitivity.
  • He not only suffered a spectacular bout of what he called madness but also wrote an extraordinarily vivid account of it in his short novel The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold, which he freely admitted was a thinly disguised account of what had happened to him on a 1954 voyage to Ceylon to restore his health. Henry’s Demons
  • Throughout the Cold War, the Allies asserted their right to move freely between the two Berlins.
  • Things were not uncomplicated and she could not freely express what she felt for her Prince.
  • to keep someone around you is not love; love is to let the one u love go freely.
  • But once inside this military zone the atmosphere is more relaxed and you are able to walk around freely.
  • No wonder British journalists resort to nefarious means to get information that in other countries is freely available. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have not followed the zoospore from its encystment to its germination; but, as the spores germinate freely in cultures which contain no trace of empty mem - branes, such as are seen with germinating diplanetic spores, there can be no doubt of their monoplanetism. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
  • Man must be able to think freely and he must be able to express his thoughts freely! He who is against this is not only fascist and primitive but at the same time is a very great coward also! Only the brave and the honorable men are never afraid of freedom of thought and freedom of expression of ideas! Just like the cockroaches do not like the light, evil minds also do not like the freedom of thoughts! Mehmet Murat ildan 
  • The articulations are divided into three classes: synarthroses or immovable, amphiarthroses or slightly movable, and diarthroses or freely movable, joints. III. Syndesmology. 3. Classification of Joints
  • We strive to revel in our uniqueness, love our individuality, and express that freely.
  • Corruption occurs when that information is not freely available - cover-up and concealment are necessary for insider trading to flourish.
  • Along this curve it is as if the plane were freely falling from a great height.
  • However, the negative aspect of this is that without people browsing freely, the magic of public networks will disappear.
  • EU citizens can now travel freely between member states.
  • Rats run freely over the shrouded corpses which lie abandoned in the corridors.
  • I also stroked a wallaby/kangaroo/wallaroo - there were loads of them just wandering around freely amongst the visitors which I thought was great - and saw echidnas, emus, cassowaries, a dingo (looked like any other dog!), wombats, Tasmanian devils, quokkas (never heard of them), bilbies (likewise!), flying foxes (great big brown bats), and tiny penguins. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • She was talkative and forthright in her opinions, which she gave freely and often without the qualification for doing so.
  • The company makes mattresses from visco-elastic foam with an open-cell structure that allows air to circulate freely.
  • Aristaenetus the Nicaean said, that he remembered he had read somewhere that sweet things mixed with wine make it less heady, and that some physicians prescribe to one that hath drunk freely, before he goes to bed, a crust of bread dipped in honey. Symposiacs
  • It was obvious that money flowed freely in their family.
  • Alaska, the particular reality from which Palin hails, is so little known by most Americans that she was able to freely mythicize her state as the utopian last refuge of the "hard work ethic," "unpretentious living," and proud self-sufficiency. The New York Review of Books
  • Alex said nothing, and if anything, tears only poured more freely from her reddening eyes.
  • Subsequent versions of Linux and their source code have been freely available over the internet, attracting a new generation of software developers.
  • Walkers are unlikely to be able to roam freely across the moors and dales of North Yorkshire this summer, farmers' leader Ben Gill warned today.
  • Information is freely available on the Internet.
  • However, the negative aspect of this is that without people browsing freely, the magic of public networks will disappear.
  • It's comfortable and not too restrictive and the box foot gives ample room for your feet to move around freely.
  • In fluid magmas, such as those of basaltic composition, these gas bubbles can expand freely.
  • Land could be freely transferred, but the new vassal must hold direct of the king or from a tenant-in-chief. 1272-1307
  • Throughout the Cold War, the Allies asserted their right to move freely between the two Berlins.
  • If he cares so much for the ‘strong hopes’ of the Taiwanese people, he should respect their wish to choose freely in a referendum.
  • Again, he faced the tutelary computer, letting the stream of his turbulent, half-formed thoughts flow freely. THE BROKEN GOD
  • What was achieved by the great expansion of research which produced these drugs and the clinical innovation which adopted them so freely?
  • If AutoAdmit wasn't a public forum in the sense of its content being openly and freely available to the public*, what is? :D.
  • Others ask whether having all scientific information freely available to the public would really serve the public's best interest.
  • That good pope who was the first institutor of fasting understood this well enough; for he ordained that our fast should reach but to the hour of noon; all the remainder of that day was at our disposure, freely to eat and feed at any time thereof. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • Bambang also said that enactment of the police bill could also become an entry point to the new authoritarian system, as the president could freely utilize the police who are now armed with such a suppressive mechanism.
  • President Kim failed to convince his opposition that he meant to consult with them freely in order to ride these twin tigers.
  • The intention is that staff can move about freely and work from any part of the building as a result of the company's investment. Computing
  • Life before Joan Freely caught the art bug seemed ideal.
  • Public matters should be transparent and all information freely available.
  • Snug the knot up until it is of a size which will allow the hook to swing freely, pass the tag end of line though the crimp and snug it down close to the knot.
  • When it was purchased by a different zoo, it was to be placed in a natural environment where it could roam more freely.
  • This new relationship should enable us to trade freely with the rest of Europe. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pleasure of the poet, and the reader, is seeing these mean little memes circulating freely, doing their damage, a leperous distilment poured into the porches of our ears. Hullabaloo
  • This he freely admitted, although, even so, neither he nor Mama would ever reveal what his real name was.
  • Artahnre was refolvcd to draw his fword foy the King of the Frankj, as he had already freely offered, and Pharamotid to teditie the confidence which he had in his fricndffiip and gcod condudi, gave him a referve of fix thou - fand Horfe, to fuccour as he (huuld fee occalion. Pharamond; or, The history of France. A fam'd romance in twelve parts; the whole work never before Englished;
  • Now that facilities will be freely available and not the subject of constant negotiation we hope that even more undergraduates will participate.
  • To put it crudely, modern artists use past artworks freely for whatever they want.
  • The company provides cheap Internet access. In addition, it makes shareware freely available.
  • The Tunisians are friendly, the beaches soft, sandy and uncrowded, a wide variety of sports and watersports are freely available and the food is good.
  • I admit it, freely and adultly, with full cognitive rationality, and I suppose I'd beat myself up if that wouldn't constitute overkill.
  • They fail to dialyse, and the result is, either an accumulation of the fluid in a closed cavity, or contraction of the substance inclosed within the membrane, or dryness of membrane in surfaces that ought to be freely lubricated and kept apart. Grappling with the Monster The Curse and the Cure of Strong Drink
  • The Brazilian lower class intermarries freely with the black people; the Brazilian middle class intermarries with mulattoes and Quadroons. The Negro
  • She talked quite freely about her work.
  • The third step is to mount the wheels on the arbors and to place these assemblies between the front- and backplates in such a way that the wheels and pinions mesh and turn freely.
  • Now hardly anybody works on Saturday mornings and cars and buses are freely available to make the short journey to Ibrox or Parkhead.
  • He freely admitted that magic depended on deception and sleight of hand but said: ‘Origami is real magic!’
  • In Berlin, Friedrichstrasse meets Zimmerstrasse at a very ordinary road junction across which traffic flows freely.
  • We went outside so that we could talk freely without being overheard.
  • Just as in the Depression when their price made paper dolls the only dolls that poorer families could afford for their daughters, they were often the only new doll product that was freely available.
  • It is the rare client who can remember having been allowed dessert freely without a struggle. Eating Problems: A Feminist Psychoanalytic Treatment Model
  • A brutal, open-world crime game, in which you can undertake missions or roam freely — the comparisons are obvious. The Sun
  • They had probably always had a tempestuous relationship and were used to speaking their minds freely. PERDITA: The Life of Mary Robinson
  • The young ladies of the public relation are too inhibited to laugh freely.
  • The partly melted mass between the grog particles will enable the mullite crystals to grow freely. 1. Refractories
  • We freely describe the thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen in the centers of stars as burning.
  • ‘Mr Jackson will freely admit that he does read girlie magazines from time to time,’ he said.
  • Peaty soils dominated hollows and lower slopes with tallish heather, and subalpine soils dominated the freely drained ground with short heath.
  • Oaths are only meaningful, and it is only morally blameworthy to violate them, if they are freely given. The Volokh Conspiracy » Not the Best Way to Inspire Confidence

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