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How To Use Freeing In A Sentence

  • Sparta freed many cities, including Athens, from their tyrants, fought bravely for Greek freedom from the Persians, and then claimed to be freeing Greece from Athens at the beginning of the Peloponnesian War.
  • He also introduced the concept of a stipendiary chairmanship, at one stroke freeing the council from its reliance on semi-retired highflyers from the business community.
  • La Sylphide also popularized the white tutus, freeing the ballerinas from the bondage of stiffening panniers.
  • Pilates has been hailed as the best overall exercise for toning your body and freeing your mind.
  • Many people know this part of the story but fail to realize the irony of God choosing Moses to do such a tremendous task in freeing the Israelites and disseminating such an important message. Ryan Mack: Man vs. Message: What We Can Learn from the Eddie Long Story
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  • The average gunplay is fun, if not very similar to a lot of what’s out there, and all of this would be just fine, if the jetpack elements outshone these, the freeing motions of flight scrubbing away the dullness! DARK VOID PS3 Review –
  • When people practise a task such as mental arithmetic it becomes automatic and unconscious, freeing up space in the working memory for more complex calculations. Times, Sunday Times
  • What you can do is find some other system that's naturally slowing it down, and try to gum that pathway up instead, freeing the enzyme of interest to do its thing.
  • While the intention was to stimulate industrial growth by freeing the market, the actual result was vastly different.
  • Mayflower will now also receive additional funding from the independent scientific academy The Royal Society, freeing up Government money for other subjects.
  • The pointless grudges and differences that constantly seem to cause us to take up arms against each other will no longer exist, freeing us to pursue knowledge, the arts, and terraforming the moon.
  • A 100% mortgage, freeing up your deposit to pay for these extra costs, is inadvisable when some experts are predicting a housing crash.
  • Great (1462-1505) that Russia, -- now frequently called Muscovy from the fact that it had been reorganized with Moscow as a centre, -- after a terrible struggle, succeeded in freeing itself from the hateful Tartar domination, and began to assume the character of a well-consolidated monarchy. General History for Colleges and High Schools
  • This eliminates the need for interstage filters, making the handset less costly and freeing space that can be used for additional features. Electronicstalk - electronics industry news
  • The demands that are listed by Al Jazeera are freeing all prisoners from Iraqi government controlled jails and freeing prisoners from what the group called occupier jails, namely Boka (ph) and Abu Ghraib. CNN Transcript Dec 2, 2005
  • A fixing had come adrift, freeing about seven or eight feet of the bamboo screening.
  • Unfortunately, much remains to be done in freeing water, spectrum, and land from inefficient government controls. Survey of Regulation, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • This trend in modern suburbia has raised standards, creating more separate rooms in the house, freeing the living room from being a place of congregation for the entire family.
  • While the intention was to stimulate industrial growth by freeing the market, the actual result was vastly different.
  • Mission-driven budgets relieve legislators of micromanagement decisions, freeing them to focus on the larger problems they were elected to solve.
  • The next stage in the economic shock therapy will be freeing energy prices.
  • Others rationalise that it might bring benefits to one of the world's coldest countries, freeing up a melting Arctic for oil and gas exploration, and extending the country's brief growing season.
  • The outing really was quite a freeing experience.
  • A number of Lake District private investors have taken a 30 per cent stake in the business, freeing up cash for further growth.
  • Greenpeace activist 'harpooned' while freeing tuna in the - Articles related to EU ends tuna fishing season early
  • All I know is Che and Fidel asissted Amilcar Cabral in freeing Cape Verde and Guine Bissau from Portuguese rule as well as ending facism in Portugal. serval on Feb 3, 2009 New Photos of Benicio Del Toro in Steven Soderbergh's Che «
  • The surgeon uses the tiny camera to guide the surgical instruments in freeing the kidney.
  • Alas, on freeing his pooch from the bathroom a second time he realised it had disgorged the contents of the first meal all over the floor.
  • When in contact with aqueous media, the methoxymethyl group slowly hydrolyses, freeing the diazeniumdiolate ion so that it can rapidly dissociate its two NO molecules.
  • This could be done through downsizing or by freeing up some other cash, perhaps by selling a buy-to-let property or drawing on your savings or investments. Times, Sunday Times
  • The main dish is an unblemished lamb slaughtered and prepared in accordance with Mosaic Law. The Feast of the Passover commemorates the freeing of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt.
  • These talks are about freeing up trade in food, just as some nations begin to hoard food in the expectation of shortages. Times, Sunday Times
  • It can handle even the most complex graphic jobs, freeing up your computer for other tasks.
  • Mission-driven budgets relieve legislators of micromanagement decisions, freeing them to focus on the larger problems they were elected to solve.
  • One of the ways of freeing the spirit from the trammels of its earthly role is to replace the fleshly mask with another, the mask of art, which more faithfully portrays the soul beneath.
  • Man, the highest being in the lower world, participates in both the psychic and the hylic (material) nature, and the work of redemption consists in freeing the higher, the spiritual, from its servitude to the lower. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • The measure was principally designed to tackle homelessness by freeing council houses for homeless people.
  • Moreover, many of the technological forces that have made creativity such a communal activity are two-edged swords, suppressing individual invention in some ways but freeing and fostering it in others.
  • And so much of Decadent writing is about sheer artistic concretisation…of freeing up form to stand on its own multiple, if need be feet, unapologetically. Testing the Weird
  • While a slave could be raffled off or wagered at the master's whim, freeing a slave was fraught with legal obstacles.
  • She increasingly saw suicide as the only way of coping with overwhelming emotions and freeing herself of her increasing sense of despair.
  • It came clear from the bag, her finger slipping on to the trigger, thumb freeing the safety catch.
  • Aurora felt the opium haze enfold her -- lifting, freeing, numbing. PAINT THE WIND
  • The paradox of the agelessness of God and of the mystery of the birth of that which has no beginning in time works in tandem with the idea that by being born God gives ‘eternal life’ to mankind, freeing mankind from death.
  • Martin Luther, in guiding the 16 th-century church back to the apostolic teaching of salvation by grace through faith active in love, was aware that the gospel of grace is so freeing that it might become an excuse for licentious behavior.
  • Critics and skeptics joined to say it would erode quality and reduce the number of independent voices, all while freeing media companies to reduce costs by creating all-in-one reporters.
  • Incredibly flexible, Captain Frodo is also an escapologist and specialises in freeing himself from straightjackets.
  • The Animal Freeing Bridge, Knowledge and Plant Garden, Stone-plate Street, deep lanes, and buoyant boats combine to offer a poetic and harmonious visitor experience.
  • The National Archives opens the second-half of its year-long Civil War exhibition, which covers the freeing of the slaves and the war's closing battles, with a rare public display of the original Emancipation Proclamation, through Sunday. Free and easy events: 'Rashomon,' skateboarding in art
  • Police shot and killed Jackson, freeing the hostage without injury.
  • I, for one, proudly look at the actions of our past President and military for their roles in freeing these people. Obama, Maliki highlight greater stability and progress in Iraq
  • The policy of freeing the country from the restrictive tariff will so variegate and multiply the undertakings in the country that there will be a wider market and a greater competition for labor; it will let the sun shine through the clouds again as once it shone on the free, independent, unpatronized intelligence and energy of a great people. The New Freedom A Call For the Emancipation of the Generous Energies of a People
  • Some of her hairpins slipped out, and he removed the rest, freeing her shimmering blond locks to tumble down her back.
  • Aurora felt the opium haze enfold her -- lifting, freeing, numbing. PAINT THE WIND
  • The accommodation on board would do away with the need for second homes for MPs in the capital, thus freeing up homes for others. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr Whitelaw used his mobile to call police, and they were on the scene within minutes - unbolting the cupboard door and freeing him unharmed.
  • To the extent that his religious function included freeing his people from bondage, his spiritual role was also political.
  • Rollo proffered his jackknife, but Conrad ignored him, finally freeing the woman from the clutches of the seine. AMAGANSETT
  • They can lower your monthly mortgage payments, freeing up cash for other purposes.
  • When in contact with aqueous media, the methoxymethyl group slowly hydrolyses, freeing the diazeniumdiolate ion so that it can rapidly dissociate its two NO molecules.
  • As promised, three trunks, several hatboxes, and a few normal-sized suitcases had been carefully placed in the center, Amy already working at the task of freeing those pretties and lovelies that rested within.
  • Futurist and functionalist discourses displayed the aeroplane as the emancipation of man, freeing him from earthbound limitations.
  • His cryptic phrase, zadekah mimmeni, is often translated “she is more in the right than I” (Gen 38: 26), a recognition not only of her innocence, but also of his wrongdoing in not freeing her or performing the levirate. Tamar: Bible.
  • But to call him an emancipationist when he voluntarily delayed freeing 200 slaves because it wasn't in HIS interests to do so is positively Orwellian. Today is the 200th birthday of our greatest President.
  • Mission-driven budgets relieve legislators of micromanagement decisions, freeing them to focus on the larger problems they were elected to solve.
  • Though this psalm is about God freeing the Israelites from slavery, it is prophetically also about our salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord.
  • To the extent that his religious function included freeing his people from bondage, his spiritual role was also political.
  • They planned to extend the car park, freeing existing parking spaces for visitors.
  • The release of the film is seen as a tentative step towards freeing the soldier, although officials warn that could still take months. Times, Sunday Times
  • Freeing up Olajuwon is imperative for the Rockets to regain a toehold.
  • In the long run, we pay an even heavier price by galvanizing opponents bent on freeing themselves from what they perceive as elitist disrespect for democratic governance.
  • III de fide justif., sec. xi: "The term justification in this instance means the declaring just, the freeing from sin and the eternal punishment of sin in consideration of the justice of Christ imputed to faith by God. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • So where is the Government of the United States and why are they not freeing American Hostages held ransom by Iran? garryowen at 6:31 AM September 14, 2011 News -
  • But both stories do show the power in remaining broad-minded enough to acknowledge the truth in an opponent's narrative, thereby freeing the opponent to acknowledge the truth in yours. Ben Brandzel: Rally to Restore Satyagraha?
  • Greenpeace activist 'harpooned' while freeing tuna in the Mediterranean A GREENPEACE activist trying to free tuna from a commercial fishing net in the Mediterranean was harpooned through the leg by fishermen on a French boat, the environmental group said. | Top Stories
  • Another consequence of such default, Todd says, would be freeing economies and governments from control of what he calls the "oligarchy" of mega-rich investors whose fortunes and interests drive and shape bond markets -- and whose gain through safe government securities have influenced political leaders into building up huge public debt in the first place. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • The release of the film is seen as a tentative step towards freeing the soldier, although officials warn that could still take months. Times, Sunday Times
  • They planned to extend the car park, freeing existing parking spaces for visitors.
  • I heard the bows ground in the sand, staved the dingey off the rudder of the big boat with my piggin, and freeing the painter, landed. The Island of Doctor Moreau
  • Instead of possibly freeing people from their misconceptions and misapprehensions, we solidify them and, in fact, remove the conditions under which true personal growth and rapprochement are possible.
  • So if we have any popular narrative, it is probably a story about freeing ourselves from religious dogma through the advance of science and civil liberty. Times, Sunday Times
  • We will run mailshots for you monthly or every other month to your clients and new prospects, freeing up your time to concentrate on your business.
  • Freeing glued joints I have tried to dismantle an old chair using conventional methods but the glued joints won't budge.
  • The next stage in the economic shock therapy will be freeing energy prices.
  • These talks are about freeing up trade in food, just as some nations begin to hoard food in the expectation of shortages. Times, Sunday Times
  • Named for ARCHAEOPTERYX LITHOGRAPHICA, the first reptile to develop the feather for flight, freeing itself from the constraints of the horizontal world.
  • When people practise a task such as mental arithmetic it becomes automatic and unconscious, freeing up space in the working memory for more complex calculations. Times, Sunday Times
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~French Vocabulary~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ la porte-fenêtre (f) = door-window; la serveuse (f) = barmaid; le patron (la patronne) = business owner; la Libération (f) = the freeing from foreign occupation; la mode (f) = fashion; le maquisard (m) = "man of the maquis" (wild mediterranean scrubland) or French resistance fighter hidden in the forests and mountains during WWII; la carrosserie (f) = automobile bodyshop WWII soldiers remembrance
  • The freeing may leave us with little guidance, but if it has liberated us, we have learned how to see so much more.
  • The containment officer will be responsible for freeing anyone caught inadvertently in a police kettle.
  • Collaborative writing is an exercise in freeing yourself of your ego, of your preciousness. Letting go « Write Anything
  • Check out the real race or freeing the Texas dildoes. Easter Lemming Liberal News
  • His deal with Disney will run out shortly, freeing him to pursue his own project.
  • The outcome is a freeing of brain energy and neural pathways that allows for positive thoughts and reconciling behavior. Christianity Today
  • In perhaps the single most radical public service reform to be announced today, families stuck on council house waiting lists are to be offered a new form of shorter-term tenure at near-market rents as a way of freeing up social housing and filling a near-£4bn cut in the social housing budget, due to be announced. Spending review: day of cuts begins with raid on BBC
  • The introduction of the CSE was, however, an important step in the direction of freeing schools from this thrall.
  • II. iii.40 (50,4) [Oh, injurious love] Her execution was respited on account of her pregnancy, the effects of her love: therefore she calls it _injurious_; not that it brought her to shame, but that it hindered her freeing herself from it. Notes to Shakespeare — Volume 01: Comedies
  • In the old vegetation myths the god is dismembered, dies, and is buried as a sacrifice that generates new life, freeing the waters and restoring life to the Waste Land.
  • Aurora felt the opium haze enfold her -- lifting, freeing, numbing. PAINT THE WIND
  • As promised, three trunks, several hatboxes, and a few normal-sized suitcases had been carefully placed in the center, Amy already working at the task of freeing those pretties and lovelies that rested within.
  • The release of the film is seen as a tentative step towards freeing the soldier, although officials warn that could still take months. Times, Sunday Times
  • When you untie the knot you're freeing that energy for other purposes. CIRCLE OF THREE: BOOK 10: MAKING THE SAINT
  • Before the sirens, the confusion saw cutting metal freeing her from a tomb of steel.
  • Our mast and sail blew overboard and such mighty waves overraked us in that small barge that with great danger we kept her from sinking by freeing out the water. The Bounty of the Chesapeake Fishing in Colonial Virginia
  • With Brand-yourself, much of the tedious technology guesswork/hassle is eliminated, freeing you to focus on the substance of your personal brand. Judy Shapiro: Judy Consumer Learns About Personal Branding in this Hyper Competitive Workplace World
  • Rollo proffered his jackknife, but Conrad ignored him, finally freeing the woman from the clutches of the seine. AMAGANSETT
  • The event was staged to celebrate the Locomotives on Highways Act, freeing the motorist from the restrictive four miles an hour speed limit.
  • The next stage in the economic shock therapy will be freeing energy prices.
  • The healing process involves correcting imbalances and freeing blockages, thus restoring a proper energy flow through the body.
  • Rescuers gave him morphine for the pain before freeing him. Times, Sunday Times
  • The front of the throat has lengthened, freeing the larynx to grow larger and more mobile. The Runaway Brain: the Evolution of Human Uniqueness
  • It came clear from the bag, her finger slipping on to the trigger, thumb freeing the safety catch.
  • Redwood ... spent four lines in his report Freeing Britain to Compete, arguing the case for abolitionof "Inheritance tax Archive 2007-08-12
  • His deal with Disney will run out shortly, freeing him to pursue his own project.
  • The Swazi economy has been severely affected by declining revenues from the Southern African Customs Union, partly a consequence of the global financial crisis and partly caused by the freeing up of trade in the region. Swaziland Police Beat, Arrest Protesters
  • The proxy then buffers the image in its own memory and terminates the connection on the server side, freeing that server resource for a new user.
  • Reduce the power of democracy, thereby freeing individual liberty.
  • The measure was principally designed to tackle homelessness by freeing council houses for homeless people.
  • Begin freeing the conversation by asking your characters open ended questions and trusting that the first response your inner voice emits – is the authentic one. The Trouble with Dialogue – Part 2 « Write Anything
  • The FCC is, in effect, holding out the possibility of freeing the networks from restrictions on buying up more stations.
  • California should be permitted to try several alternat ives it has in the works, and freeing prisoners should be a " remedy of last resort, " he said. California Prisons Frustrate Justices
  • Even then the permanent results of the iridectomy will be modified in proportion to the success secured in freeing the filtration angle and opening Schlemm's canal by thorough removal of the root of the iris. Glaucoma A Symposium Presented at a Meeting of the Chicago Ophthalmological Society, November 17, 1913
  • That's been very creatively freeing for us, but the label finds it hard to make money off of that. Mike Ragogna: De-Evolution and Indie Revolution: Conversations With Devo's Mark Mothersbaugh and OK Go's Damian Kulash, Plus Comic-Con Gets Loopz-y
  • In contrast, the new liturgical movement as led by Benedict XVI is encouraging the widest possible distribution of the documents of Vatican II, and evangelizes on their behalf, and believes in freeing the classical usage of the Roman Rite so that everyone can have access to our tradition and grow to love it and embrace it as our own. Guido the Innovator
  • The Center's November story detailed how the administration has awarded more than 179,000 exemptions known as "categorical exclusions" to stimulus projects funded by federal agencies, freeing those projects from normally required review under the National Environmental Policy Act, or NEPA. The Full Feed from
  • Chlorophane, like the chlorophyl of green plants, could break up exhaled carbon dioxide, freeing the oxygen for re-breathing. The Planet Strappers
  • Freeing the tongue from the hyoid removes a limit on tongue excursion imposed by the basic architecture of the mammalian feeding apparatus.
  • The FAA, on other hand, said composites may be prone to chemical changes, delamination of internal layers and seepage of water or other fluids inside the structure, potentially causing damage as a result of freeing and melting. FAA Sets Mandatory Retirement Dates for Jets
  • Though separated, Marisol and Wena are united by memory of their mother and a dream of freeing oneself from serfhood to take up an independent pettybourgeois life - the dream of millions. Political Affairs Magazine
  • Rescuers gave him morphine for the pain before freeing him. Times, Sunday Times
  • He believed in the benefits to be gained from freeing people from the shackles of bureaucracy and excessive regulation.
  • At Pearl Harbor the obsolescent American battle line had been critically disabled, thus freeing the U.S. Navy from its reliance on the capital ship and from whatever lingering faith it might have had in its pre-eminence.
  • When you untie the knot you're freeing that energy for other purposes. CIRCLE OF THREE: BOOK 10: MAKING THE SAINT
  • Three scuba diving pals were freeing lobster pots for local fishermen when a 12ft anchor emerged slowly from the gloom. The Sun
  • Freeing an innocent girl from the many lies that had enveloped her life hardly fits the description of an evil act.
  • The artist's fingerprints, letter-pressed onto the pages of a book, create progressively complex patterns and sequences, transporting the fingerprint from the world of forensics and law into the freeing world of art and imagination. Boing Boing
  • Instead of freeing slimy sculpin from predation, the population of burbot rapidly expanded and burbot became an effective predator, restricting slimy sculpin to rocky littoral habitats, and allowing the density of its prey, chironomid larvae, to remain high. Human impacts on the biodiversity of the Arctic
  • These are the consequences inevitable to our public peace, from the scheme of rendering the executory government at once odious and feeble; of freeing administration from the constitutional and salutary control of Parliament, and inventing for it a _new control_, unknown to the constitution, an _interior cabinet_; which brings the whole body of government into confusion and contempt. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 01 (of 12)
  • This purification is understood as entailing the freeing of the soul from undue bodily influence, achieved by seasoning the body with virtue and ascesis.
  • The administration may be doing the press a small favor by snubbing it, freeing reporters to abandon their scripted palaver and dig elsewhere for stories.
  • Some have speculated that it stems from the fact that most women are still regarded as outsiders in the corporate world, thus freeing them to do the right thing instead of the convenient thing.
  • The end of the Cold War triggered a French pull-out from their barracks in Hiburg, then part of West Germany, freeing up land for urban planning.
  • The starting point for emancipation was the freeing of children of slaves born after a certain date.
  • He pulled the zipper on the leg of his G-suit all the way to the top, freeing the zipper, which he angrily pulled apart. FLASH POINT
  • He assumed that role with Atlanta, freeing Cox from the impossible task of doing both jobs.
  • Freeing my arm from where it was wedged between the window and the sill, I slowly turned, accidentally rustling the bush.
  • Indeed, so sure was I of this that I saw, next to the ice splitting and freeing her in that way, the best thing that could happen would be its capsizal. The Frozen Pirate
  • While the intention was to stimulate industrial growth by freeing the market, the actual result was vastly different.
  • Diabetics could have their lives dramatically transformed by a new approach, developed in Yorkshire, freeing them of restrictions on their diet.
  • Performance responds to this dilemma by unlocking the restraints of self identity and freeing students to explore a variety of knowledge claims.
  • This eliminated paddle wheels and allowed machinery to be located well within the ship and below the waterline, making it less vulnerable and freeing topside space for guns.
  • Both parties talk about improving discipline and freeing schools from unnecessary bureaucracy, though neither has said how they are going to deliver these goals. Times, Sunday Times
  • Would-be saboteurs cut the locks off horse pens at a corral, freeing about 40 wild horses.
  • It is not surprising then that the Romantic poets, and Blake in particular, conceived of the French and American Revolutions in millennial terms; the violence and upheaval of these events seemed to mark the dawn of a new earthly order, freeing man from the tyranny of monarchy and church.
  • Where Hughes, convulsed with adoration, agonised over the "engineering problem" of simultaneously freeing and confining her breasts, she simply threw aside the seamless, aerodynamical "bullet" bra he made for her and covered her own with Kleenex to achieve the same effect. The Economist: Daily news and views
  • These talks are about freeing up trade in food, just as some nations begin to hoard food in the expectation of shortages. Times, Sunday Times
  • Early modern historians are at last freeing themselves from the thrall of a typology which has conditioned them to accept necessitarian theories of change based on nineteenth- and twentieth-century events.
  • The next stage in the economic shock therapy will be freeing energy prices.
  • Bush and his team of crooks were not interested in "freeing" Iraq, they were interested in the oil. Hagel criticizes McCain over Iran comments
  • When people practise a task such as mental arithmetic it becomes automatic and unconscious, freeing up space in the working memory for more complex calculations. Times, Sunday Times
  • The next stage in the economic shock therapy will be freeing energy prices.
  • More broadly, his counternarrative of the Enlightenment suggested that the modern institutions we imagined were freeing us were in fact enslaving us in insidious ways.
  • Upon freeing it, she examined it and deemed it roadworthy.
  • The US, backed by Britain, believes that global poverty can be best addressed by freeing up international trade.
  • The childing of Manhattan is not necessarily a good thing, as it means relatively wealthy people not leaving for the suburbs, freeing up apartments for the out of college crowd. Matthew Yglesias » The New New York
  • In freeing women from corsets and dissolving the fortified grandeur of the obdurate, hyperbolic silhouette, Poiret effected a concomitant revolution in dressmaking, one that shifted the emphasis away from the skills of tailoring to … the skills of draping. The King Is Dead
  • It intimated emancipation, a freeing of the mind.
  • Water, light, life: these are symbols of baptism, the sacrament that "immerses" believers in the mystery of the death and resurrection of Christ, freeing them from the slavery of sin and granting them eternal life. Archive 2008-03-01
  • The block has two science labs, a prep room and two more classrooms, freeing up useful space which will be used for other purposes.
  • Romanticism represents the freeing of feelings, instinct and sentiment in opposition to reasoned objectivity.

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