How To Use Free trade In A Sentence

  • Many people confuse the workings of capitalism that lead to lower costs and greater profits with free trade.
  • While President Obama swore fealty to free trade, he also called for "balanced growth," which is diplo-speak for U.S. efforts to get China to spur domestic consumption and rely less on exports. Will Marshall: Does America Have a China Policy?
  • What I find highly ironic and, indeed, perturbing, is that U.S. trade laws have in their application proven much more effective in inhibiting legitimate, cross-border, long-standing supplier-customer transactions carried on within a Canada-U.S. free trade environment than they have in dealing with these "dump and jump" boatloads of predatory imports. Free Trade With the U.S.—Only in a Dream World
  • If it did, I would be justified in dismissing arguments against free trade on the grounds that many who make such arguments are at risk of losing their jobs or have actually lost their jobs. Getting Ricardo Wrong, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The Australians were like old-time pirates in their trumpeting of free trade. YESTERDAY'S SHADOW
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  • News about stricter visa requirements came alongside reports of a Philippine-Japan free trade agreement nearing conclusion.
  • When it comes to free trade, as Adam Smith once opined, ‘Not only the prejudices of the public, but what is much more unconquerable, the private interests of many individuals, irresistibly oppose it.’
  • Free trade does not lower wages or cause persistent unemployment There is nothing new in the current hullabaloo about free trade, jobs, and trade deficits.
  • This talk betrays a certain cynicism about free trade.
  • Funes says that "dollarization" and the adoption of the Central American Free Trade Agreement in 2006 have had negative effects such as inflation and unfavorable competition for small-scale farmers but that it is too late to scrap these policies. CounterPunch
  • Since Edward Heath took us into what we were led to believe was the European free trade area, various governments have surrendered our Westminster Parliament's monopoly of making and unmaking laws in this country.
  • So the argument over free trade versus protectionism was debated in parliament by people directly representing different wings of the ruling class.
  • There was a change in import prices, but only with the countries with which Lithuanian had to renounce its former free trade agreements, such as Ukraine.
  • When it comes to competitive production, the advent of the free trade area has exposed the manufacturers' underbelly again.
  • He has long argued that globalisation and free trade are benign forces that help to lift people out of hardship. Times, Sunday Times
  • The new treaty establishes a free trade zone.
  • Most important for our day is the almost universal support among economists for free trade and opposition to tariffs and import quotas.
  • But free trade also comes with a significant upside for our country, an upside most Democratic pols would rather not discuss today.
  • I have tremendously fond memories of the Free Trade Hall, despite its general grottiness, and its poor acoustics.
  • A deliberate policy of promoting free trade can be traced back to the mid nineteenth century.
  • We also continue to be presented with a false dichotomy - free trade versus protectionism. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was not long ago that critics of globalisation and unrestricted free trade were limited to left-wing economists and trade unions. Times, Sunday Times
  • This legislation is inconsistent with what they call Free Trade.
  • Then came Mrs. T's revolution, which delivered the coup de grace to heavy manufacturing after decades of free trade mania and dirigiste trade unions had resulted in us becoming 'uncompetitive', a sin apparently on a par with barratry and fratricide. Whae's Like Us ?
  • The party wavered between free trade and protectionism.
  • The fractious Monday followed a rough-and-tumble weekend, as the two sparred over an Obama leaflet accusing Clinton of saying the North American Free Trade Agreement was a boon to the economy. CNN Transcript Feb 25, 2008
  • the classical argument between free trade and protectionism
  • The top House Democrat is crying foul today over the razor-thin passage of the Central America Free Trade Agreement.
  • The new treaty establishes a free trade zone.
  • The Geneva-based organisation helps promote free trade by persuading countries to abolish import tariffs and other barriers to open markets.
  • The system of Dr. Smith tended to the production of that natural freedom of trade, each step toward which would have been attended with improvement in the condition of the people, and increase in the _power to trade_, thus affording proof conclusive of the soundness of the doctrine; whereas every step in the direction now known as free trade is attended with deterioration of condition, and _increased necessity_ for trade, with _diminished power_ to trade. The slave trade, domestic and foreign Why It Exists, and How It May Be Extinguished
  • SCHIAVONE: That amid mounting concerns that the North American Free Trade Agreement has been a losing proposition for American workers and a windfall for transnational agriculture giants. CNN Transcript Mar 9, 2008
  • Among Southeast Asian countries, Singapore has been an ardent supporter of free trade.
  • The existing free trade zone lies in the northeast of Antigua, close to the coast and airport. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jeff Frankel speaks for the prosecution. they will do anything for a few votes, even if their behavior is against the national economic and security interests and blatantly inconsistent with things they claim to stand for: small government, free trade, macroeconomic discipline, good neoclassical economics, and so forth. Bush on Trial, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • During his "striptease" - as Parizeau called the progressive unveiling of his policies - the former PQ finance minister has promoted Quebec sovereignty, a crackdown on minority language rights and a toughening of language laws, free trade with the United States, government-owned industry, and a minimum-income scheme. From the files: Parizeau, pure laine and doing it like bunnies
  • Typically, students are not taught about the global economy and the impact of free trade on underdeveloped countries.
  • Free trade between states would also need to be modified to take account of ecological issues.
  • The second chapter gives analysis to the guiding ideology of his social activities, including his objection to land privite ownership, single tax theory, social criticism, and free trade.
  • Canada and the EU eager to consummate "free trade" pacts with that regime, the human rights situation in that country is deteriora ... Dan Kovalik: Colombia Commits "Crimes Against Humanity" as Free Trade Pacts Are Debated
  • Voters who benefit from free trade – employed consumers – do not reward politicians with yea votes, but those whose jobs are creatively destructed do punish politicians with nay votes. Economists, Bridge, and National Savings, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Its charter commits to 'an effective, equitable, rules-based multilateral trading system', but the bloc has never officially established a free trade zone. Times, Sunday Times
  • We also continue to be presented with a false dichotomy - free trade versus protectionism. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unfortunately, I find it plausible that the case for free trade cannot sink in when it is presented in nonmathematical form. Math and Economics, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The main concept is that of an international solidarity expressed in practice through worldwide division of labor: free trade is the principal point in the program of internationalism. Christian Lange - Nobel Lecture
  • Under the free trade zone reforms, it could gain a full operating licence, giving it the freedom to offer a wide range of design services. Times, Sunday Times
  • China is also expected to start full-scale talks for conclusion of an free trade agreement with ASEAN.
  • While it is unlikely that a free trade area will be set up between the two nations, the deal is likely to see formal ties of bipartite trade.
  • But by nearly all metrics, the political atmosphere is fouler now than even in 1992, when Mr. Perot ran on opposition to federal deficit spending and the North American Free Trade Agreement. Antsy Voters Look for a Third Way
  • The Europeans in this regards are the worst culprits, with more and more useless regulation being used as barriers to free trade.
  • I'm quite agnostic about this free trade agreement.
  • Moreover, the smaller the country, the greater will be the pressure to opt for free trade rather than protectionism.
  • The argument for free trade is paradoxical and much misunderstood. Times, Sunday Times
  • The European Commission is shortly expected to top up the sum with a macro-financial assistance grant of at least €90 million, as well as to launch talks on a free trade agreement in March and on visa-free travel in June. - Headline News
  • How can you have free trade, and bring the cost of goods down, by giving people wages, which are below the level of subsistence, and maintain that population?
  • Dubai's free trade zones, where foreign businesses can be 100% foreign-owned, and its low or no tax policies help too. Times, Sunday Times
  • The committee ruled that the US ban constituted an infringement of free trade.
  • This anarchist episode, brief as it was, had serious repercussions on the political stance of the free traders.
  • Originally free trade was not like mercantilism, where the government monopolizes and otherwise hinders the right to trade across borders.
  • Targets for increasing foreign aid and protecting wildlife are opposed, and huge sections of text on the clashes between environmental protection and free trade remain bracketed.
  • BASH: McCain says he's going to Colombia to spotlight his support for free trade, which he calls crucial to jump starting the U.S. economy. CNN Transcript Jul 2, 2008
  • The fractious Monday followed a rough and tumble weekend as the two sparred over an Obama leaflet accusing Clinton of saying the North American Free Trade Agreement was a boon to the economy. CNN Transcript Feb 25, 2008
  • I support your advocacy of free trade.
  • Argentina's "next step" is to negotiate 7.5 billion debt with the Paris Club Egypt expects to sign free trade agreement with Mercosur next July Falkland Islands: First loligo season of the year the 'best since 2000' MercoPress
  • But even as she plays up the 1990s, Sen. Clinton has had to distance herself from some of the unpopular policies of her husband's administration, namely the North American Free Trade Agreement, which she has said she opposed. In Evoking Good of '90s, Clinton
  • Until the newest critics of trade give at least one plausible example of how a policy of unfree trade could make a country richer, I'm sticking with the orthodox conclusions.
  • 2. OK I accept Caplans argument, educated non-academist are more sensible than average, academics and intellectualls are less read the NYT about any economic issue, for example free trade or outsorcing. Elite Folly and Selection Bias, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • More recently, another life-and-death issue has emerged to discredit the notion that ‘free trade’ guides these institutions.
  • There isn't a decent economist alive who would oppose free trade in textiles by pointing out that it hurts American textile workers. Borjas: What's His Problem?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The Australians were like old-time pirates in their trumpeting of free trade. YESTERDAY'S SHADOW
  • As well as a series of actions to improve the regulatory system, we welcome the efforts to reopen negotiations on a global free trade deal. Times, Sunday Times
  • Few political issues get more one-sided media treatment than ‘free trade.’
  • When we do, is it unduly pessimistic to wonder if we will all remain as united on free trade? Times, Sunday Times
  • The Free Trade Hall in Manchester was once one of the North's great venues for many years, and also incidentally a haunt of my teenage years.
  • Free trade is the enemy of complacent, uninventive firms. Times, Sunday Times
  • But we believe we can do more and we’ve agreed to pursue under the Free Trade Agreement the so called inbuilt agenda, particularly in services and in investment. Joint media conference with Thai Foreign Minister Noppadon Pattama - Transcript - The Hon Stephen Smith MP, Minister for Foreign Affairs
  • For what's supposed to be the cream of our creative and cultural communities, the seemingly endless parade of poseurs parroting the same anti-free trade mantra showed a distinct lack of creativity.
  • Chile has been offered the carrot of a more favourable free trade agreement.
  • Similarly, consider the president's imposition of steel tariffs that were obviously inconsistent with his free trade principles.
  • But she had attained this position not by practicing free trade, rather under a now-largely-forgotten protectionist policy that has come down to us under the name "mercantilism. The Full Feed from
  • Free trade without free movement of people. Times, Sunday Times
  • ; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Should the globalization of \'free trade\' be called Clintonomics, or Boomernomics? ' OpEdNews - Diary: Have we suffered from Clintonomics or Boomernomics?
  • Much of the argument against free trade is based upon a fallacy that confuses costs and wealth.
  • He was at one with Wheatley on the need to abandon free trade.
  • The central aspect of free trade, as the name implies, is the free flow of goods into and out of countries without any imposition of tariffs.
  • Adam Smith was an exponent of free trade.
  • Please, for the sake of Australia's future, the Labor Party should unconditionally support the free trade agreement and do it no later than tomorrow.
  • The question is whether Mrs May can change the weather and make good her pledge to be a robust free trade champion. Times, Sunday Times
  • That silence speaks volumes about where many American farmers now sit on free trade; they are fence-sitting mugwumps.
  • The free trade enthusiast had grown to loathe the corn laws so much he set up a magazine to vent his spleen. Times, Sunday Times
  • The present ‘free trade’ system is being managed in the interest of the rich.
  • Its charter commits to 'an effective, equitable, rules-based multilateral trading system', but the bloc has never officially established a free trade zone. Times, Sunday Times
  • Duties and taxes are the most obvious barrier to free trade.
  • Between free trade and the pro-sovereignty stance of nationalists exist alternative solutions.
  • Without free trade — in its sweeter and more innocent maidenhood of smuggling — there never could have been on board that English ship the Victory, a man, unless he were a runagate, with a mind of such laxity as to understand French. Mary Anerley
  • Paterson began writing novels in her28th year, penning two westerns in short succession: The Magpie's Nest and TheShadow Riders, which contained a strong pro-free trade message.
  • Well the worst that could happen is that the amendment would in fact result in a disjunction between Australian law and the actual terms of the Free Trade Agreement.
  • He's an obvious one termer, which is a good thing since he seems to have an adolescent's appreciation of capitalism, free trade, free markets, and American military power and what it has achieved. CNN Poll of Polls: Obama approval holding steady
  • He tried to persuade organized labor that free trade and not protectionism was in its interests.
  • It is only Britain's curious parsimony and warped misunderstanding of free trade ideas that has failed to establish laws and a tax regime that make export of art treasures unthinkable.
  • In fact, though, they are largely the same goofballs that show up wherever people meet to talk about free trade.
  • If you think in terms of slogans like “free trade good; protectionism evil”, you find it outrageous that a credentialed economist might actually consider trade sanctions on China justified.
  • If we focus on employment, we lose sight of the subtle but very real benefits that commerce and free trade bring.
  • The consequence of a lack of free trade could be a relative impoverishment of the working population.
  • In each case, however, free trade generally facilitates the full exploitation of these advantages.
  • The demonstrators marched outside the Tokyo Electric Power Co., which operates the tsunami-hit Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, chanting antinuclear slogans, while opposing the U.S.-led Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade bloc that Japan is considering joining. Protests Turn Violent in Rome
  • This has done serious damage to the fragile alliance that still supports free trade.
  • You don't hear people talking about any other part that the markets will take care of it, that free trade is the panacea for every ill.
  • Most Republicans back free trade to boost business interests and the economy.
  • He argued for free trade and low tariffs. Times, Sunday Times
  • More than a decade ago, when Bill Clinton occupied the White House, he pushed through the landmark North American Free Trade Agreement, which linked the fortunes of Mexico and the United States.
  • Between free trade and the pro-sovereignty stance of nationalists exist alternative solutions.
  • With a total population of 1.3 billion people in these countries, the IBSA initiative promises huge benefits in trilateral exchange as a south-south free trade zone emerges.
  • We don't have to choose between strict protectionism and unregulated free trade.
  • BASH: McCain says he's going Colombia to spotlight his support for free trade, which he calls crucial to jump starting the U.S. economy, a sharp difference with Barack Obama. CNN Transcript Jul 1, 2008
  • He emphasises a code of ethics for economics, rejects abstract free trade theory, and loathes the trickle-down effect.
  • Other Andean countries, spotting new opportunities in free trade, have agreed to get rid of most trade barriers by 1992.
  • Maybe the Amish are much smarter than most people think, self sufficiency is a very important quality to posses, Our elected leaders should think about the U.S. losings its self sufficiency in its rotten free trade agreements. USA's Economic Disaster Tsunami Is Under Way. Ordinary Solutions Won't Work to Save Us
  • This November in Miami, thousands are preparing to resist the ministerial meetings on the Free Trade Area of the Americas.
  • All the Republicans except Buchanan support global free trade and oppose direct measures to discourage companies from moving manufacturing plants overseas.
  • His corporative state came to terms with Italian capitalism but abolished free trade unions.
  • If free trade were the only purpose of these trade pacts, the agreements could be written on a few sheets of paper.
  • His attacks on free trade have played well in the rust belt but he needs to mend his image with suburban women. Times, Sunday Times
  • Free trade - unlike protectionism - stands up to the most detailed of economic scrutiny. Times, Sunday Times
  • The political and economic system achieved a high degree of legitimacy, bringing together classes in support of the blessings of the British constitution and a free trade economy.
  • He disdains capitalism and free trade, and throughout the campaign accused Yushchenko of being a running-dog lackey of the Yankee imperialists.
  • He campaigned on taking a relook at the current “free trade” nonsense to reevaluate environmental and labor issues, a lefty thing to do. Think Progress » Steve King Blows Up, Physically Grabs TP Blogger When Asked About His Justification Of IRS Attack
  • LEMON: The North American Free Trade Agreement is the focus of a big battle between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in Ohio. CNN Transcript Mar 4, 2008
  • All money which goes to the state budget from duty-free trade will now go to the neighbouring countries.
  • I think they are heaping the blame on Free Trade when it actually shows the need for law and order, especially property rights.
  • The existing free trade zone lies in the northeast of Antigua, close to the coast and airport. Times, Sunday Times
  • His success in enacting the North American Free Trade Area upset organised labour.
  • Indeed, so confident is Indian big business of its new economic prowess that it believes it will be better able to suborn Pakistan through the establishment of a South Asian free trade than by the BJP's sabre-rattling.
  • Truth be told most of us would rather they weren't trying to play hide the sausage with Australian jobs over this free trade bizzo.
  • A customs union fulfills these criteria-a free trade area as defined in GATT, much less so. Imperial Preference and GATT
  • She's a staunch advocate of free trade.
  • The argument for free trade is paradoxical and much misunderstood. Times, Sunday Times
  • The existing free trade zone lies in the northeast of Antigua, close to the coast and airport. Times, Sunday Times
  • The government's export strategy remains confined to easing labour laws in the maquilas and the Free Trade Zones.
  • Boosted by a free trade agreement and Israeli tourists vacationing in Turkish seaports, bilateral trade topped $1 billion last year.
  • ‘What is now the ground floor of the Free Trade Hall will be the happening place to meet in Manchester,’ said Mr Smart.
  • He was at one with Wheatley on the need to abandon free trade.
  • As well as a series of actions to improve the regulatory system, we welcome the efforts to reopen negotiations on a global free trade deal. Times, Sunday Times
  • It says Ford is demanding 30 percent price reductions in light of the impending free trade agreement with China.
  • I'd add a few things to that - like individual liberty and free trade - but she's basically on the right track.
  • We appear prepared to follow the precepts of free trade wherever they lead us, even if that means plunging lemminglike to our economic ruin. "As an economist, I am supposed to have something intelligent to say about the current financial crisis."
  • All the Republicans except Buchanan support global free trade and oppose direct measures to discourage companies from moving manufacturing plants overseas.
  • But free trade also comes with a significant upside for our country, an upside most Democratic pols would rather not discuss today.
  • China, east alliance free trade area has good prospect.
  • He was also a brilliant propagandist for free trade.
  • The opponents of world bureaucracies, no matter how much they favored free trade, were called isolationists and protectionists.
  • But the gap between rich and poor countries still remains large and many critics say that free trade policies are benefitting western nations more than developing countries.
  • Dubai's free trade zones, where foreign businesses can be 100% foreign-owned, and its low or no tax policies help too. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nations rise on economic nationalism; they descend on free trade.
  • But I always say, then you "hafta" make sure that these free trade agreements are being abided by both parties, and that's not what's happened. CNN Transcript Jan 13, 2008
  • Massive and unregulated foreign investment is the basis for expanding the textile industry, which runs out of maquilas in ‘free trade zones’ on the outskirts of cities.
  • The free trade enthusiast had grown to loathe the corn laws so much he set up a magazine to vent his spleen. Times, Sunday Times
  • Clearly, free trade with free capital markets created a terrific bubble, which is now deflating with terrible consequences.
  • Nevertheless, he is advocating a fine balance between free trade and trade restriction.
  • But the biggest blind spot is the inability of Bush and Evans to see that there are other perspectives on free trade.
  • These moves were designed to foster free trade and thus to make it easier for overseas companies to sell their wares in China untrammelled by embargoes and tariffs.
  • But this is a free trade position, to say that currencies should float.
  • The EC is also party to international agreements that commit it to a regime of free trade.
  • The old laws created barriers to free trade.
  • You understand why free trade is a good thing, even though you have difficulty convincing your dads and uncles.
  • But for all my cavilling, he stood up for free trade, free markets and free societies. Obama
  • The North American Free Trade Agreement is a fine example of how we must go forward together. Remarks By President At Cinco De Mayo Event
  • This resulted in a struggle between free traders and protectionists, and in rising labor militancy.
  • It is a free trade area in that there are no tariffs between the countries on exports. Business Studies Basic Facts
  • Judge declares "null and non existent" first lesbian marriage in Argentina Egypt expects to sign free trade agreement with Mercosur next July Taxpayers will no longer be hostages of banks "too big to fall" promises Obama Falkland Islands: First loligo season of the year the 'best since 2000' MercoPress
  • Free trade is a principle which recognizes the paramount importance of individual action.
  • Summers is a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat who believes in trying to keep the conflicting forces of the U.S. economy--free trade, worker protections, rising incomes and fair tax rates--in balance.
  • The opponents of free trade were by and large those interests that feared British competition in textiles, coke and coal, iron, steel, and machinery.
  • Consider its hapless efforts to handle major national questions such as the troop dispatch to Iraq or the parliamentary ratification of the Korea-Chile free trade agreement.
  • Churchill allegedly made his move to the Liberals on the issue of free trade.
  • The common thread linking these threats to U.S. export growth is America's current antitrade compulsions, typified by Congress's refusal to ratify free trade agreements with Colombia, Panama and South Korea. World Tariff Wars
  • It is a free trade area in that there are no tariffs between the countries on exports. Business Studies Basic Facts
  • He also supported the concept of the American free trade area in the Senate but now, on the hustings, is campaigning for protectionism to safeguard American jobs.
  • His attacks on free trade have played well in the rust belt but he needs to mend his image with suburban women. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mexican maquiladoras became a blueprint for the North American Free Trade Agreement implemented in 1994.
  • CANDY CROWLEY, CNN SENIOR BUSINESS CORRESPONDENT: Well, first of all, we should tell you that here in Ohio, NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement is a dirty word. CNN Transcript Mar 3, 2008
  • Now that the beneficiaries of the free trade 'bamboozlement are off to their private islands in their private jets or private yachts the rest of us are looking around at the devastation of our economy and standard of living, wondering what to do and finally becoming aware that rigid ideologies and their enforcers have kept us from looking for practical solutions that actually work for all of us as a country and community. Dave Johnson: Consensus Grows: Confront China on Trade
  • But also you have to get rid of this free-trade rhetoric and jargon, because it's kind of a religious devotion to the notion of free trade.
  • She was met by a barrage of hostility over her plea for immigration controls as well keeping free trade links. The Sun
  • The free trade area is the least onerous in terms of involvement.
  • Is it just me (and my inadequate knowledge of economics), or does anyone else see a similarity between the priniciple of comparative advantage playing out in globalized, international free trade and sectional trade in the U.S.? Matthew Yglesias » The Southern Way
  • Also, people believe that the one person (or nation) can increase his wealth only by taking wealth from others, so they appose free trade and most free market ideas. The Myth of the Rational Voter, Sowell Edition, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • He is presented as a simon-pure free trader whose ‘scrupulousness continued to the end.’
  • Should the globalization of "free trade" be called Clintonomics, or Boomernomics? OpEdNews - Diary: Have we suffered from Clintonomics or Boomernomics?
  • Australia and Singapore have begun a second round of bilateral trade talks in Canberra, and are aiming to sign a free trade pact by the end of the year.
  • Free trade, like free love, poses a threat to the established order.
  • My favorite is example is his "Ricardo's Difficult Idea," published in the mid-1990s, in which he shares a frustration many of us economists have felt -- that the vast majority of noneconomist intellectuals don't understand David Ricardo's famous insight about free trade almost 200 years ago. Krugman Helped Us Understand Trade
  • Optimal free-trade areas haven't had a lot of attention lately from economists most of whom believe in free trade simpliciter as the best option, but optimal currency areas are a reasonably well-developed concept, the key thinker here being Robert Mundell of Columbia University. Ian Fletcher: Why Have Nations at All? The Case for Economic Borders
  • A new system introduced by the city government has cut the average time spent on customs clearance and cargo handling for airfreight at Shanghai's Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone by half, to six hours.
  • Unfortunately, I find it plausible that the case for free trade cannot sink in when it is presented in nonmathematical form. Math and Economics, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The ominous shifting of production from Mexican maquiladoras to even lower cost China is further evidence that the assumption that Mexico's needed growth would automatically flow from free trade was naive.
  • For example, we should still pay attention to human rights, non-proliferation, free trade, and democracy.
  • In Mexico, the Greens are allying themselves with the right-wing Catholic PAN party, enthusiastic supporters of economic deregulation (free trade).
  • Rather than opposing free trade, they're trying to mollify its effects and work out how we can live with it.
  • China's entry into WTO indicates that Chinese reform and opening steps forward to a new stage, which speeds up Chinese transition from planned economy to market economy and free trade system.

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