How To Use Free time In A Sentence

  • All actors have a little free time now and again. Times, Sunday Times
  • Free time is at a premium for working parents.
  • I take advantage of the free time and attempt one of my less conspicuous sacroiliac-joint stabilization exercises. Literary Death Match: Wednesday Night in Washington Square Park
  • You still have to surpass some threshold of stardom to get all that free time.
  • Managing your monthly credit card bills can be a damper on your free time, but how about retracing the entire bill in black marker and photo documenting every purchase on your statement?
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  • He does not have much free time but when he does he enjoys spending time in his garden.
  • Free time has been replaced by cyber time to the point where my family feels the need to comment on my presence at the dinner table.
  • She has spent her free time researching the book and is now looking for a publisher.
  • I have some free time. I ought make hay while the sun shines.
  • Their free time is limited and whenever possible they use it to spend with their daughter.
  • No distinction will be drawn between the commercial and leisure sectors and the limits will apply to anyone who is flying or working with aircraft in their free time.
  • While I may be sensible enough to spend my free time sitting in poncy cinema cafés drinking coffee, a very silly friend of mine is running the London Marathon this weekend.
  • Whatever was left over as free time from my painting I used for my studies.
  • Anyway, while I won't have oodles of free time, I might have the occasional hour or two off.
  • We had the week planned out so we knew when we would be working and we arranged our free time around that. FIGHTER BOYS: Saving Britain 1940
  • It was an initiative designed to encourage young children from the ages of four to eleven to read more, especially during the summertime when they would have more free time to do so.
  • This pass, like much of the approachable areas of the Wall is visited by Chinese tourists fortunate to have enough free time for a cultural holiday.
  • Theo spends his free time doing volunteer work.
  • They therefore have free time and energy which they want to put to use.
  • cash flow andfinancial security andfive-year retirement plan andfree time andlack of borrowing power andloan difficulty andloss of company benefits andmoney management andoffice space andtime management andself-talk, negative Nothing Down for the 2000s
  • In your free time, explore all that this incredible city has to offer.
  • Afterward, private study in small groups (psalmody), and private voice lessons can be scheduled with Christopher & Theresia free time More Gregorian Chant - Italia!
  • Even though summer vacations are the only free time that a student gets in an otherwise busy schedule, it must be utilised to the maximum extent.
  • With increasingly weighty school bags and heavy workload after school, very little free time is left for the kids to enjoy their childhoods.
  • She employs her free time in sewing.
  • In fact, he spends much of his free time walking through the wet prairies near his home.
  • We will be reviewing our policy around free time whilst on international duty. The Sun
  • The crisis shows something else - the vulnerability of our economies and lifestyles, and the free time they sustain.
  • But darn it, I don't have weeks of free time to declutter and dejunk my house. Wired Campus
  • You should also maintain a "reservation price" below which you prefer free time - especially, I suggest, on your wedding anniversary.
  • The afternoon was their own, and most soldiers spent their free time mooning over the girl at the tavern.
  • cash flow andfinancial security andfive-year retirement plan andfree time andlack of borrowing power andloan difficulty andloss of company benefits andmoney management andoffice space andtime management andself-talk, negative Nothing Down for the 2000s
  • Up until recently, she spent some of her free time dancing modern ballet with the Roberta Ballet group.
  • What do you do when u have free time?
  • His free time Joro saves for extreme sports: snowboarding in the winter and kiteboarding in the summer.
  • Or it might be the charity fundraiser who has devoted their free time to raising money. The Sun
  • A room like an arcade where students, during free time, can play games alone or against each other.
  • Time was when being Prime Minister carried acres of responsibility with a surprising amount of free time.
  • I have finally found some peaceful, stress free time to actually do some worship.
  • He created a private eye named Spenser who spends his free time making gourmet food, including 'buffalo tenderloin marinated in red wine and garlic served with fiddle head ferns, corn pudding, and red potatoes cooked with bay leaf,' and 'German sausages with green apples sliced dipped in flour and fried in the sausage fat. Happy Birthday, Robert B. Parker!
  • They spent their free time in Glasgow busking in Argyle Street.
  • What do you do when u have free time?
  • Their free time was never intended to be devoted to your piddly problems. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have a lot of free time today.
  • When the bell rang signaling the start of their one-hour of free time, a large flock of girls gathered around Millie to hear one of her infamous stories, or uproarious jokes.
  • The singer has been spending her free time soaking up the sun in Rio wearing ill-fitting swimwear. The Sun
  • I do like the word faffing, but a more literal and correct translation of the title of this survey from MyVoice would be filling free time with mobile content. Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-06-28
  • He had enjoyed a good salary for working unsociable hours and the abundant free time during the day for his private research projects.
  • In Frank's free time, which he has quite a bit of these days, he enjoys cooking, mostly French food.
  • Dear Deidre MY partner spends most of his free time in the pub. The Sun
  • From tiny tots to teenagers, the camp is the place to be for those willing to spend free time - a valuable commodity these days - productively.
  • In their free time, they cure lepers or build houses for entire villages in South America.
  • In your free time, you can visit Blackwell's Bookshop, a world famous book store that made the Guinness Book of Record for having the most books in one room, the Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology or take a punting excursion on the Cherwell or the River Thames, although in Oxford, they call the Thames the Isis. Pam Grout: Studying At Oxford Is A Great Excuse To Visit Oxford
  • Damn! There goes my Pulitzer prize-winning idea of a guitar-playing alcoholic demon who's depressed in his cubicle job, runs a corrupt hedge-fund in his free time, and is addicted to mescaline while popping the occasional 'lude. Topics That Are Not, In Fact, of Inherent Interest, and Do Require Some Effort On Your Part in Order to Constitute a Successful Book
  • Tomás Aguilar was a classmate who devoted his free time and his talent to the invention of wonderfully ingenious contraptions of dubious practicality, like the aerostatic dart or the dynamo spinning top. Excerpt: Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon
  • Free time not just through the ancient practice of the Sabbath but also through new ways, appropriate to an industrial/informational economy, of pausing from overwork and overstress.
  • He uses his free time to continue the stalled investigation into his partner's death.
  • We had the week planned out so we knew when we would be working and we arranged our free time around that. FIGHTER BOYS: Saving Britain 1940
  • The meeting would have gone well but being a blogger and spending most of my free time online, my social skills have atrophied to the point where I can now barely manage to get served in shops.
  • They spent their free time in Glasgow busking in Argyle Street.
  • Much of this work is often done in their free time, outside of normal working hours and to the detriment of family and personal commitments.
  • The legal knowledge is acquired by apprenticeship to a qualified agent, studying in your free time for the qualifying exams.
  • I've had a lot of free time over the past few days and I've been doing a lot of reading.
  • It's amazing how many people seem to think I'm just starved for companionship and have oodles of free time to kill.
  • I mean, if you were banking 40 grand or more a week, and had a copious amount of free time on your hands, there are surely a million more imaginative ways to spend your time than mincing around celeb-studded night clubs in your Gucci threads!
  • In your free time, explore all that this incredible city has to offer.
  • In your free time, explore all that this incredible city has to offer.
  • Today she wore a superbright pink, yellow, and green striped sweater that looked like it spent its free time keeping ships from crashing into the shore. The Wish Stealers
  • They are terribly irresponsible and spend all their free time drinking with their friends.
  • According to the report by Korea's DongA . com, while filming in Berlin last year, Rain will try to compose music once he gets any free time.
  • During her free time, you can often find Rhi tossing the pigskin.
  • If my observation serves me right, old folks are generally happy and contented with the way they spend their free time.
  • I think everyone has the right do what they want in their free time, but he doesn't have the right to have free time at all," said Canevari. - Home Page
  • More proof that I have too much free time on my hands: Back Home Again delves into Family Nicknames, and finds a Goose, Wobble, and Spick. Archive 2005-09-01
  • But even in that free time, he's rarely able to escape the pull of the gogglebox. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her free time in the evenings and at the weekend was spent helping the family with household chores.
  • As part of his video, Ozawa interviewed Aviation Support Equipment Technician 2nd Class (SW/AW) Yancy Zuniga and asked him how he spends his free time under way.
  • Samuel is avid outdoors fan, enjoys playing golf, tennis, swimming, and snorkeling in his free time.
  • Stacey spends all her free time painting.
  • Exhibitionist behavior frequently will occur around times of stress or when the patient has free time.
  • With more free time on their hands, many of them plan extended cruising around these docks.
  • Many active and productive people self-identify as "lazy" because they spend free time relaxing.
  • And in his free time when he wasn't submersing himself into some body of water somewhere, he was playing in a local rock band.
  • More precisely, a buffoon with a wacky idea and too much free time.
  • But you know how you'll spend all that glorious, affluent free time instead? Times, Sunday Times
  • I had little money and little free time.
  • It's all about prosperity, abundant free time, permissive traffic laws and cheap gas.
  • As conceived here, his life was a simple one of ease, pleasure, and boundless free time.
  • I think everyone has the right to do what they want in their free time, but he doesn't have the right to have free time at all," said Canevari, who scouts the bayous, bays and Gulf for driftwood and other found objects, and turns the debris into nature-themed art. R&D Mag - News
  • Share the housework and hours of free time suddenly appear. Times, Sunday Times
  • The summer is generally associated with being a bright, happy and carefree time of year.
  • We will be reviewing our policy around free time whilst on international duty. The Sun
  • The course is a mix of group painting expeditions, one-to-one tuition and free time. Times, Sunday Times
  • Back in junior high, the mall was the place where my friends and I spent most of our free time.
  • Not that he had much free time, for he kept himself as busy as ever in the district.
  • Making some sort of imposition on the players' own free time would also be a more appropriate form of redress.
  • Hargreaves has a funny notion of relaxation - the foursome used their free time to build their own recording studio.
  • Shows like Fraggle Rock, Howdy Doody, and that one on Fox about the jive talking cat in a leather jacket began to absorb all my free time.
  • They still hadn't managed to redo their rooms, partially because of the lack of free time, partially because they had been too preoccupied with the fights.
  • If you spend most of your free time in your house, chances are you aren't exercising your body - or your mind - enough.
  • It also eats into precious free time, for even experienced ironers need about eight minutes to press a shirt.
  • In '99, players removed the speed restrainers from carts and tried to add a few thrills to their free time.
  • Daisy spends much of her free time tending to her collection, which includes tortoise shells and a number of bird skulls. Times, Sunday Times
  • Following a spell of free time you will then return to your hotel. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lately, I seem to be having quite a bit of free time upon my hands, so all that I can say is… boo!
  • Which means I basically spend my free time in Basra languishing in the hotel, smoking narghiles and ordering yet another delicious meal of lamb kabobs.
  • I loved reading and filled my free time with Bible stories and adventure novels for young boys.
  • He spends his free time pacing back and forth the bridge, stroking the ridges and twirls in the metalwork with his dull black eyes.
  • The course is a mix of group painting expeditions, one-to-one tuition and free time. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their free time was now largely devoted to polo, shooting, and foxhunting—all those pursuits for which the Windsor men were famous. William and Kate
  • Applications are welcome from families in the parish who have reared their own children and now may have more free time on their hands.
  • First, it cuts down on the amount of free time kids spend without supervision.
  • Legendre, an unemployed father of three, occupies all his free time working for the revolution.
  • Anyone with some free time on Friday to sell pink ribbons should contact Marian Smyth or Mary Foster.
  • Water moccasins and copperheads are plentiful (as in ‘about everywhere’) in the sorts of places I spend my free time and during the course of the last several decades I have had quite a few unpleasant encounters with the little monsters.
  • Thank you also to the teachers who visit our places of work in their free time to ensure that everything is running according to plan.
  • I realize that calling people out for not using the serial comma is probably an easier way of communicating clearly that you're a boring, stuffy tight-ass with a surfeit of free time.
  • Each teenager chooses his own way to spend his free time.
  • Parents and children, youths and older men spend their free time in these places agreeably and merrily.
  • We had the week planned out so we knew when we would be working and we arranged our free time around that. FIGHTER BOYS: Saving Britain 1940
  • `He was entitled to do what he wanted with his free time," Klose said, automatically rebutting a criticism that hadn't been made. TOY SHOP
  • The free time, the orderly apartment, the periods of peace that had been his were no longer his own. THE TOUCH OF INNOCENTS
  • We will be reviewing our policy around free time whilst on international duty. The Sun
  • Starring Dunham and her real-life family, Tiny Furniture is tragicomedy about what does and does not happen when you graduate with no skills, no love life, and a lot of free time. 2010 SXSW Film Festival Line-Up Announced; Includes CYRUS, MACGRUBER, GET LOW, and KICK-ASS –
  • See: BEGGAR, LOAF, SAUNTER. cadger: Cadging, the ancient art of imposing upon the generosity of others, is an essential skill for the would-be idler, since poverty is the easiest way to obtain a great deal of free time. Boing Boing
  • Coloured ink, green especially, indicates that the sender of the letter spends quite a lot of his free time planning to poison the Scottish water supply.
  • Thus, the whole system of education must be so organized asto use the boy's free time for the useful training of his body. Mein Kampf
  • This planned spontaneity might sound like a paradox, but I usually find that chaotic and purposeless free time is not worth a great deal.
  • During my free time on the set I revert back to text messages or I read books.
  • He also would occasionally be found swimming in the college's main natatorium during his free time, whenever he could do that well enough, in fact.
  • Harlan used some of his newfound free time to give his brother Sam a lift to prison.
  • The meetings were kept mercifully short, and were followed by an extensive buffet, and there was plenty of free time for mooching around and doing our own stuff.
  • I like to think they spend their free time Skidooing down mountains.
  • I run 30 miles a week, lift weights once or twice, and play basketball if I have any free time on the weekends.
  • We will be reviewing our policy around free time while on international duty. Times, Sunday Times
  • Both men also had a special word of gratitude for all those who willingly gave so much of their free time over the years to help the complex dream to become a reality.
  • During his free time, my husband loves working on computers and audiovisual systems.
  • She's never at home because she spends all her free time at hockey practices.
  • Sometimes we allow Andy unlimited free time to pursue his interests.
  • I got a beautiful new MacBook Pro delivered to the house via FedEx last Thursday, and I've been spending most of my free time migrating all of my important data over without crufting up the OS with years of legacy gunk. Idiot king
  • With the extra free time, they might do more volunteer work, Jerome said.
  • Work, work, work, work. On any free time, she would have the obnoxiously busy job at the coffee shop across the street from campus.
  • In your free time, explore all that this incredible city has to offer.
  • You can plan your home life to free time for your own projects. The Sun
  • This planned spontaneity might sound like a paradox, but I usually find that chaotic and purposeless free time is not worth a great deal.
  • There are those of us who, whether in Second Life or First Life, spend a majority of their free time alone; and while in a broad sense those people can be described as introverted, the experience is different for everyone who falls into that category. Archive 2008-08-01
  • A consultant whose mortgage is underwritten solely by the taxpayers, he is guaranteed the free time to pen nasty little letters to the editor on subjects well beyond the limits of his professional competence, such as it is.
  • He says the enormous stock of unredeemed miles is partly a result of a growing reluctance among regular travellers to spend their free time in the air.
  • You can plan your home life to free time for your own projects. The Sun
  • The free time, the orderly apartment, the periods of peace that had been his were no longer his own. THE TOUCH OF INNOCENTS
  • There will be plenty of free time to relax, enjoy Africa, get to know local people.
  • He spends much of his free time helping other addicts and alcoholics find freedom. Christianity Today
  • But don't think for a minute that Jim Langer is spending all of that free time vegging out in front of the TV.
  • Do you have some free time?
  • You can plan your home life to free time for your own projects. The Sun
  • Following a spell of free time you will then return to your hotel. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is always lots of free time for relaxation and to explore the local area.
  • Consuming less means people can work less and that increases the amount of their discretionary free time.
  • Hmm, well, having forgotten to pack one of those wacky “adapters” for the local electric and having not had a whole bunch of free time to go hunting for one, the torrent of D.C. Yankee in King Arthur’s Court blogs I hinted might be forthcoming seem not to have forthcome. London Calling
  • Sidelined and full of free time, Sam agrees to join glee club. Kevin Allen: The Brand-ification of Derrick Rose
  • Now is the time to try for puppies, while her bones remain pliant for easy delivery and we have more free time now that Grandma no longer needs our presence.
  • Any free time he did have, he spent in the extensive library, hungrily devouring book after book.
  • He was working as a freelance editor and in his free time was singing bass in the London Symphony Chorus.
  • And to promote the message the force has teamed up with furniture giant IKEA which is offering free timer switches to students.
  • Or what if the painter works for other people in his free time in return for cash?
  • This is a very rewarding job but one that does demand a good amount of your free time.
  • We cannot legislate how people spend their free time
  • I managed to get my plane times very wrong today, which meant that I wound up with astonishing, unexpected and uncommitted free time on my hands, which is something I almost never have.
  • Additionally, people just have less free time on their hands than ever before and let's face it, boating and taking care of a boat can consume gobs of time.
  • If they are like most kids (in America at least), most of their free time is taken up by the TV or other electronic entertainment.
  • Pundits said the decadence was the result of disillusion over Vietnam and Watergate; cynics said it was the ­result of too much money pursuing too much free time. Days of ‘Malaise’
  • Add to that a lifestyle that combines considerable wealth with plenty of free time at a young age, throw in a seemingly unlimited supply of sycophants and it should be no surprise to see the subject destroyed by his own success.
  • He moved to work at Utah State University in Logan (where he remains a professor of animal science) but spent his free time tracking down churros.
  • Resultantly, our Bubbah spent her free time travelling in gypsy cabs to Manhattan, bringing jars of gefilte fish and matzoh ball soup to Moishe so he wouldn't die of starvation. Cheryl Pearl Sucher: Life Is Prayer During The Days Of Awe
  • What do you do when u have free time?
  • McKay is not the only one who used her free time to help make the patients more comfortable.
  • I wouldn't be able to explain my way out of it if they found out that I spent my free time sniffiing, shootin up, toking, or tripping, along with being drunk.
  • Do you have some free time?
  • This will leave them with loads of free time to do voluntary work in libraries, citizens' advice bureaux and community centres. David Cameron is out of his tree | Simon Hoggart's sketch
  • What do you do when u have free time?
  • I realize that calling people out for not using the serial comma is probably an easier way of communicating clearly that you're a boring, stuffy tight-ass with a surfeit of free time.
  • What I do in my free time is my affair.
  • He spends much of his free time helping other addicts and alcoholics find freedom. Christianity Today
  • If my observation serves me right, old folks are generally happy and contented with the way they spend their free time.
  • Now with her free time she has one holiday planned and intends to go on regular holidays in a new caravan.
  • They would never have confided such a mission to someone who spends his free time suing film stars and having himself idolised by a camarilla of cameramen.
  • Free time was the most precious time, when you should be doing what you loved, or at least slowing down enough to remember what made your life worthwhile and happy. Amy Tan 
  • The fact is that the way you choose to spend at least a portion of your free time could determine whether you or someone else gets the next promotion.
  • Children do not have free time, since they must help their families make a living.

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