How To Use Free people In A Sentence
As in America, the citizens' militia was an integral part of a patriot ideology that extolled the right of a free people to bear arms in defence of liberty.
He came to free people, to liberate their minds and hearts from all that bound them.
But a nobler employment among free people, with a chance of asserting your courage and manhood, and a certainty that no man will think you his bondslave because you were born upon his land, or in his house.
November 30th, 2009 / Posted by fp julia / Permalink one of our readers informed me of this amazing company called squint, located in england, that makes furniture, light fixtures and home accessories. they look like they would be a perfect fit for a free people store! their collections use a mix of contemporary and vintage fabrics, as well as woven english damasks, 19th century french trimmings, and japanese ceremonial kimono silks. i am in love with the dresser…
2009 November | Free People Clothing Boutique Blog
Consequently because of us, the Maori has been handicapped in his development as a free people.

It is a struggle of already free people for complete social acceptance and the sense of normalcy that follows thereof - a struggle for the eradication of the homosexual stigma.
There are differences between these two movements that embrace dominion theology and now, at least for Wagner, apparently postmillennialism but those differences is not over whether their view of dominion amounts to a decentralized, voluntary vision for governing a society of free people.
Julie Ingersoll: C. Peter Wagner: Dominion Theology And Postmillennialism On NPR
As in America, the citizens' militia was an integral part of a patriot ideology that extolled the right of a free people to bear arms in defence of liberty.
Or better yet, retire the pledge as an exercise in groupthink unbefitting a free people.
Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me, fellow-citizens) the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government.
Advice to Our Next President, From Our First President
All free peoples have a right to self-determination and we who live near to or in the Pennines demand the same rights as the Scots and the Welsh, (but not the English, who aren't entitled to self determination because they are a multi-cultural mongrel hot potch undeserving of privileged minprity status).
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Clinton was embarrassing and yet perversly entertaining at times. 0bama is a clear and present danger not only to the United States, but to free people around the world and those who want to be free people. people are too stupid to realize obama has fallen for the "contain the usa" trap. we are now going to be RETRAPPED in endless "talks" with the Russians ala USA vs USSR. look for treaty signing ceremonies.
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Flags of the 'Three free Peoples of the Universe,' trinal brotherly flags of England, America, France, have been waved here in concert; by
The French Revolution
Years ago in the midst's of battling other kings lands, King Valric had found the time and spare men to hunt out the seven tribes of the free people.
I would recommend this store to child-free people trying to buy a gift for a baby/young child.
The wall stood as a grim symbol of the separation of free people and those living under dictatorships.
The wall stood as a grim symbol of the separation of free people and those living under dictatorships.
URBN, the parent company behind Urban Outfitters, Free People and Anthropologie, launched the new range - bhldn, pronounced "beholden" - this week.
The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
In order to be happily a parent, you do not have to label childfree people as hollow or selfish. Main RSS Feed
[PAGE 89] THE FAUST MYTH caused the Sons of Cain in all ages to carry on the world's work -- is also strong in Faust; and the glorious use to which he puts the powers of evil, namely, making them build a new land, a free one, where a happy and free people may dwell in peace and contentment, gives us a view of what the fu - ture has in store for us.
Max Heindel's Letters to Students by The Rosicrucian Fellowship
Having said that, they are entirely free people.
The Sun
Free speech advocates from Diogenes the Cynic to Frank Zappa have urged libertarian openness, arguing that unfettered expression is both the right and the duty of free people.
Free people have multiple and alterable identities.
The Founders could not have imagined how technology and mass media could hypnotize a free people, and how the imperative to buy as much of that juju as you can would throw the whole system they created out of whack.
Marty Kaplan: Occupy K Street
A drug, which has only been previously tested in animals, is given to a small number of healthy and disease-free people, mostly men, often unemployed, who then undergo painful, embarrassing and risky procedures? for money.
The unacceptable face of medical research
Thus, just as in the American South, Cherokee lawmakers would prohibit legal marriages between slaves and free people to preserve the institution of slavery.
The immigrants worked as free people until 1629 when a Portuguese vessel arrived with the first shipload of blacks captured off the west coast of Africa.
Corporate-owned evangelicalism is the major threat to our survival as a free people.
Think Progress » Virginia Delegate Fighting To Invalidate Health Reform: Reform Is ‘Criminal,’ An Attempt To Take ‘Your Soul’
It is a depressing thought that any nation of free people would sell its honour so cheaply.
This position of defenselessness is a position which no free people should ever occupy.
Sir Norman Angell - Nobel Lecture
The childfree are a diverse group of people, much like the reasons behind the choice not to procreate; however, childfree people tend to be less conventional, more highly educated, and professional.
BlogHer - Comments
It is a depressing thought that any nation of free people would sell its honour so cheaply.
A number of motorists mounted rescue bids to free people trapped in the wreckage of the crashed cars.
Or better yet, retire the pledge as an exercise in groupthink unbefitting a free people.
He fought to grant legal recognition to the marriages of slaves and free people of color.
Released on bail, Lilburne, who from prison had issued an "Agreement of the Free People," calling for annual parliaments elected by manhood suffrage and the free election of unendowed church ministers in every parish, now published an "Impeachment for High Treason against Oliver Cromwell and his son-in-law, James Ireton," and declared that monarchy was preferable to a military despotism.
The Rise of the Democracy
The pillory was occasionally used as a penalty for free people, as for instance in the case of Samuel Thornton, a carpenter sentenced to spend four hours in the pillory in Kingston for his participation in a fraud.
But now, said the paper, as Clay moved once again amidst his countrymen, “touched by affliction, they accompany him whithersoever he bends his steps, deepened by the reverence which a free people can only accord to the most worthy and most honored of public men.”
A Country of Vast Designs
Built into the Constitution is the notion that a free people should thwart its leaders if necessary.
Schmiedeler, O.S.B., Director of the Catholic Rural Life Bureau of the N.C.W.C., this increased tenantry brings with it physical “erosion” of the farms, which are not cared for by those who do not own them; and social “erosion,” in the shape of irresponsible drifters; “vanishing liberty, since renters, like wage-earners, are not the free people that owners are.”
Farm Ownership Linked With Trades Unions