How To Use Free enterprise In A Sentence
But what began as an enlightened innovation has become an albatross around the neck of the free enterprise system.
I felt like I was explaining free enterprise to the Politburo in the old USSR.
He favoured a middle course between free enterprise and state intervention.
Free Enterprise I describe as the capitalistic or profit and loss system operating with only those restrictions necessary to protect the public welfare.
Free Enterprise
Free enterprise, he argued, was compatible with Russian values and traditions.

It's now 13 years since the Commies got booted out, and free enterprise is booming.
Then, if ever, was a signal opportunity to lay the groundwork for a genuinely thoroughgoing reform in keeping with the complementary ideas of free enterprise and equal access to natural opportunity.
The gangster is also often portrayed as a self-made man rising above his station, another affirmation of the spirit of free enterprise for the audience to clasp.
But what began as an enlightened innovation has become an albatross around the neck of the free enterprise system.
In the absence of the spirit of free inquiry and free enterprise, slowly but surely we are heading towards greater social disharmony.
American free enterprise works, and so does Swedish social democracy, the interventionist "Rhenish" model works, and so does the quite different Japanese version.
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Yet others say free enterprise should rule and government should not interfere in the marketplace.
The core of the neoliberal argument is the need to free enterprise and initiative from the dead hand of the state.
If Soros is correct when he says a “supremacist ideology†guides the White House, what would you call the practices of the archfiend of Free Enterprise?
Think Progress » ThinkFast: August 10, 2006
Bush said: I'm myself a loyal supporter for the free enterprise system.
Because for students to learn about the many atrocities strewn along the path of Manifest Destiny would upset the national narrative of continual social progress, rugged individualism, and free enterprise.
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Was this not a vindication of American free enterprise?
The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
I'm as pro business, pro free enterprise as anybody in the country.
An open, outward-looking country built on a flexible and free enterprise economy, is the prize.
Times, Sunday Times
Free enterprise, he argued, was compatible with Russian values and traditions.
It was a celebration of freedom, free spirits and free enterprise.
Free enterprise provides the exports, visible and invisible, to pay for our imports.
English Conservatism since the Restoration: An introduction and anthology
Mr. Romney expressed astonishment that his GOP rivals were turning the primary into what he called a "trial" of free enterprise by attacking his record at Bain, a move he said he expected to come from President Barack Obama and the Democrats.
Rivals Attack Romney on Bain
You realise this same rationalisation of poor behaviour could also apply to child pornography and other adventures in unregulated free enterprise, right?
Think Progress » Sen. Alexander: Using Reconciliation To Pass Health Care Reform Would ‘End The Senate’
Free enterprise provides the exports, visible and invisible, to pay for our imports.
English Conservatism since the Restoration: An introduction and anthology
What do you think that free enterprise means for Smith?
Sources of the West: Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 1: From the Beginning to 1715
Norman Podhoretz, the editor of Commentary, once suggested to Kristol that, since the word capitalism was somewhat “besmirched,” he should instead write aboutfree enterprise orfree markets.
Here was a textbook example of free enterprise in the marketplace of religion, a competition in which the fittest survived.
Some free enterprises argue that if the highway is built with private funds, there should be no government regulation.
Though Smith cautioned against the excesses of unbridled free enterprise, he insisted that society benefited when the state allowed acquisitive individualism full scope.
Yet others say free enterprise should rule and government should not interfere in the marketplace.
The idea is to make an example of a few swindlers, in order to divert attention from the pervasive thievery that has come to characterize American ‘free enterprise.’
1987: Car ferry Herald of Free Enterprise was parbuckled upright and towed away but scrapped
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Here was a textbook example of free enterprise in the marketplace of religion, a competition in which the fittest survived.
All systems that try to promote a mixture of both free enterprise and state intervention inevitably evolve into some form of authoritarian statism.
The 28-year-old college dropout fiercely defends his right to spam, arguing that outdated "netiquette" shouldn't hold back any form of free enterprise in cyberspace.
King Of 'Spam' And Proud Of It
Free enterprise was encouraged in private-sector hotel projects and the creation of new farms and small-scale industries not subject to state price controls.
Throughout his Andel was an advocate of freedom and free enterprise.
That's free enterprise, not a violation of antitrust law, which is defined as a group monopolizing trade or commerce through unreasonable methods.
He favoured a middle course between free enterprise and state intervention.
Beyond the obvious implications for sci-fi buffs and other space enthusiasts, the episode sheds light on the versatility of free enterprise.
Roosevelt saw first-hand the hideous results of free enterprise untouched by government regulation.
Blacks migrated to the District, first to avoid slavery and then for federal employment opportunities which free enterprise long denied.
This is the bright side of extreme free enterprise.
Conservatives , libertarians, and other defenders of free enterprise are becoming more outspoken and more articulate.
Free enterprise provides the exports, visible and invisible, to pay for our imports.
English Conservatism since the Restoration: An introduction and anthology
Freedom, democracy, security, solidarity, free enterprise and self-government are the main principles of the programme.
It shows free enterprise Toryism at its best.
Instead, agencies find they must tread a tricky path between the competing claims of state regulation and free enterprise.
Then suddenly free enterprise had entered their lives.
It's only free enterprise, after all.
Although the drug companies portray themselves as exemplars of free enterprise, they operate in nothing like a private market.
They were animated by the postwar idealism of ex-service personnel, a deep-seated fear of socialism, and a commitment to free enterprise.
Individual liberty and free enterprise are feminism's best friends.
Some form of free enterprise capitalist economy and some form of pluralist democracy were clearly called for.
Free enterprise did not bring us the current economic disaster, although free enterprise has become a favorite whipping post of many left leaning expectants of an uncurbed welfare state, and of the current administration.
Obama's Not So Free Money
Much of what he has been saying has no doubt been lost in the hubbub over the recall process, but he has not really emerged as the powerful spokesman for free enterprise and unlimited opportunity that we expected to hear.
He embraced/endured traditional ambassadoring--here he is enjoying the heck out of a photo opp with the Easter Bunny--but his cause from day one was the corruption that has severely hamstrung Romania's growth, demotivated its citizenry and created a highly problematic climate for free enterprise, including American businesses and investment.
Daniel Ben-Horin: Beyond the Easter Bunny: Ambassador Sparks Open Government Web Challenge
Within a free enterprise capitalist society, resources are very unevenly distributed.
Free enterprise, he argued, was compatible with Russian values and traditions.
Even Our Italy's president, Alessandra Mottola Molfino, a fierce critic of what she calls undue corporate influence on government arts and environment policy, sees a constructive role for free enterprise, praising the hoteliers who make preservation profitable by restoring entire medieval villages as alberghi diffusi "scattered hotels".
While Pompeii Crumbles
This can be felt particularly strongly by corporate officials if the law attempts to interfere with free enterprise.
The free enterprise pretense is today, again, providing profit to a small number of people and corporations.
Matthew Yglesias » Not in Vermont’s Back Yard
Of so-called "eco-terrorism" in his case, a term believed coined by Ron Arnold, executive director of the Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise (CDFE), a radical right wing group established on July 4, 1976 "to continue (the) Revolution of liberty, free enterprise and individual initiative .... without hindrance by government.
Daniel McGowan - Another "War on Terrorism" Victim
Instead, agencies find they must tread a tricky path between the competing claims of state regulation and free enterprise.
This is the bright side of extreme free enterprise.
If Americans honored the commandment against "coveting," free enterprise and capitalism would collapse, let alone noone would have the drive and necessary push to achieve without coveting thy neighbors goods. Top headlines
It pits the hacker/cracker/phreaker community with their latter-day Robin Hood persona against the free enterprise business community with their 'what's mine is mine' attitude.
Computer Underground Digest Volume 3, Issue #3.03
free enterprise
We are by nature the Party of free enterprise and market economics.
In order to rise to power, the shrewd chieftain of the Fascists did not hesitate to play the role of the apostle of free enterprise, advocating the immediate dismantling of all forms of wartime planning of economic activities.
Once Marxism was a value system then capitalism and free enterprise tried to coalesce as a value system - largely unsuccessfully.