How To Use Free association In A Sentence

  • Before I started drafting the piece, I sat down and wrote out about two pages of free association, just listing images that fit with two of the themes of the story.
  • One is tempted to say that there is something like free association going on here. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Maintained on company servers and open to the public, these blogs are used by many high-tech workers for debate, free association, and collecting input about projects.
  • This technique of free association is a contribution to psychology which is used widely by psychotherapists, including behaviourists.
  • This technique of free association is a contribution to psychology which is used widely by psychotherapists, including behaviourists.
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  • When, one by one, all of his women patients stopped doing the work of free association that they had at first enthusiastically taken up and began shyly and then importunely to declare their love for him, he shrewdly surmised that it was not 'the charms of my person' that were the cause of the disturbance but, rather, that the women were in a state of readiness to fall in love, and he was simply Bottom to their Titania. The Patient Is Always Right
  • It was to be a free association of equal partners.
  • This would violate their constitutional right of free association.
  • Even the most innocent Jell-O fact sends me spiraling into free association darker than even the blackest black cherry.
  • He manages to bring to the stage the kind of free association and wildness of human thought that is generally the realm of the novelist.
  • It is more than free association or an unfocused interior monologue. The Sun
  • We prefer the quick fix to the free association of ideas. Times, Sunday Times
  • Freud later developed the technique of free association, a triumph which is often neglected in the discussion of his controversial theories.
  • It is more than free association or an unfocused interior monologue. The Sun
  • To recognize the right to free association might have meant to deprive hundreds of millions of the right of civil peace.
  • This would violate their constitutional right of free association.
  • Freud later developed the technique of free association, a triumph which is often neglected in the discussion of his controversial theories.
  • It was an extemporaneous act with a lot of free association and politics.
  • It is more than free association or an unfocused interior monologue. The Sun
  • Only very rarely would subjects become conscious of the fact that this was not a bona fide study in free association.
  • Freud later developed the technique of free association, a triumph which is often neglected in the discussion of his controversial theories.
  • Freud introduced free association in The Interpretation of Dreams as a method to trigger expansive clusters of signification, often polyvalent and clashing in character, in order to unravel the import of a dream.
  • Remember, one of the fundamental freedoms is the right of free association.
  • He hoped to feel better after each visit, but rarely did, even after a session with a Jungian analyst who fell fast asleep during his patient's "free association" on the couch.
  • Freud later developed the technique of free association, a triumph which is often neglected in the discussion of his controversial theories.
  • This would violate their constitutional right of free association.
  • In his quest to treat all neurotics, and not just those who suffer from hysteria, Freud abandons hypnotism and develops the technique of free association.
  • In fact, the cabbalistic and/or hermetic connections made between the tarot and its sources were little more than a series of free associations, usually based on personal surmise.
  • Remember, one of the fundamental freedoms is the right of free association.
  • Freudian psychoanalysis refers to a specific type of treatment in which the "analysand" analytic patient verbalizes thoughts, including free associations, fantasies, and dreams, from which the analyst formulates the unconscious conflicts causing the patient's symptoms and character problems, and interprets them for the patient to create insight for resolution of the problems. Analysand verbalizes thoughts
  • It was to be a free association of equal partners.
  • It is many things: a free association of free nations, a school in statehood for peoples progressing toward independence, and in any case, a source of strength and wisdom in the free world. The World Bank, Canada, and the Commonwealth
  • This technique of free association is a contribution to psychology which is used widely by psychotherapists, including behaviourists.
  • Holmes has been quietly beavering away for a while now, working his way up from semi-ambient dance to stuff like the new album, Free Association, which sounds not unlike a New York jazz club in hell.
  • This technique of free association is a contribution to psychology which is used widely by psychotherapists, including behaviourists.
  • He found he could get patients to talk just by putting them in a relaxing position (the couch) and encouraging them to say whatever came into their heads (free association).
  • One is tempted to say that there is something like free association going on here. The Times Literary Supplement
  • It was to be a free association of equal partners.
  • The state would provide equality under the law and people would be free to express their belief about the morality of same-sex marriage through free association.
  • One is tempted to say that there is something like free association going on here. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Only very rarely would subjects become conscious of the fact that this was not a bona fide study in free association.
  • The Commonwealth is a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britain.
  • The ban on AG was imposed, using the Political Parties Act that severely curtails the democratic rights of free association and free speech.
  • And why I have begun this column with what seems like a chain of free association is something that will probably become only marginally clear to you when I tell you that it was triggered by the news, last year, of the discovery at the Natural History Museum in London of the oldest known insect fossil, embedded in a chunk of a crystalline rock from Rhynie, S.otland known as chert -- a fossil that dates from the very same S.lurian period, four hundred million years back, that saw the flourishing of the eurypterids that T.S. Eliot's "ragged claws" line unaccountably calls to my mind. Asimov's Science Fiction
  • Formally, Puerto Rico is a commonwealth in free association with the US.
  • This informality is not simply neutral - the open ended product of a free association - but is directed against the formal.

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