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How To Use Fray In A Sentence

  •  The bird's silky down began to coarsen and fray, and its beak began to harden and grow. Old Egg
  • Tightly woven wool, wool melton, felted or boiled wool, leather and suede along with faux leather and suede all can be clipped, snipped, slashed or punched without fraying.
  • The charges against the Commanchero members are for "affray" - fighting in public and causing bystanders to fear for their safety. The Buzz
  • The marines all deny murder and affray. The Sun
  • Everyone who is involved in the experiment takes it incredibly seriously; there are numerous setbacks and tempers fray. Times, Sunday Times
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  • First thing that shocks is the decor - everything looks really dated - the sofas seem to be fraying at the edges and the wooden dancefloor is in a poor condition.
  • The princes of the West assumed the cross in order to appropriate to their own use the tithes which, for the defrayal of crusade expenses, they had levied upon the property of the clergy. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • It was issued to inspect the Velcro straps for frayed condition, cuts, and overall integrity.
  • It will go towards defraying the cost of the insurance on the Hall.
  • Everyone is gibbering insanely, nerves frayed as showtime approaches.
  • As ever, the utopians and cynics have both jumped into the fray.
  • Ariane's eyes looked over to Frayne who had yet to speak, he stood firm with his arms crossed.
  • It is the Marxist agenda that has seeped into our ruling caste - especially the Police and judiciary - that is whoilly responsible for what Fraser politely calls the 'fraying' (read wholesale destruction) of our social fabric. Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • She was found guilty of affray and of possessing a firearm with intent to cause fear and violence.
  • As I happened to be sitting next the driver going to town on the 'bus, I told him my joke about the "frayed" shirts. The Diary of a Nobody
  • This unevenness of the yarn is explored through layering and fraying of raw edges.
  • No one minds throwing these items away once the seams start to fray, but what if you're buying the real deal?
  • Is it possible the first Starbuck, from the old series, joined the fray, and was killed -- remember, he "mated" with an angel and was stranded on a planet in Galactica 80, so his arrival could have been delayed. Mike Ragogna: OMG! No More BSG!
  • Trevelyan himself was present, bent with age, his musty gown fraying at the edges - emblematic, I remember thinking, of an old order passing.
  • However, the B.V.D. company coyly kept the origin of its trademark obscure - very few consumers knew just what the 'BVD' stood for, and once other underwear manufacturers entered the fray and began cutting into BVD's market share, more and more people were using 'BVD' as a euphemism for 'underwear' without even realizing that the term had originated as a brand name. New Urban Legends
  • Partout voiture, canapé, assiette, baignoire (la frayeur de ma vie) ... Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • In her films, Wishman employs standard melodramatic plot lines and then inverts the parameters to impose illicit acts and criminal vice into the fray.
  • He had seen the transparent celluloid belt that held up my frayed cotton shorts. Times, Sunday Times
  • The prime minister used his keynote speech at Labour's spring conference in Gateshead to acknowledge it was largely his fault that his bond with the public had frayed.
  • Debate recommenced in the Commons, with tempers starting to fray, and fewer and fewer MPs following the detailed arguments.
  • Frayed beige cotton curtains could be drawn at night in the bedroom and sitting room.
  • Denim shorts and skirts with frayed edges give an authentic feel. The Sun
  • A beatific substance module activity you a rattling combative evaluate of welfare with cushy and pliant defrayal options. Xml's
  • But the fact that she's still willing to enter the fray is in itself a tribute to her survival skills.
  • Everything wasn't ruined, but his soul had been frayed a little further.
  • Whoever their opponents, York will enter the fray in good heart after a weekend double over West Leeds of Yorkshire Two.
  • This is a book you cannot put down, as each page brings the reader deeper into the fray of battle.
  • Consequently, the costs of strengthening and extending the probation service could be defrayed by charging a fee to the offending corporation.
  • Comanchero leader Mahmoud "Mick" Hawi was charged Monday with fighting in public in a way that caused bystanders to fear for their safety - a crime called affray - at the airport. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • It's a sad situation, but it's changed now completely because the United States of America has entered the battle and the fray with all of our resources.
  • So the local hosts and sponsors of the event took afront and after much protest that included the regional Partido Riojano joining the fray. Wine Future in Rioja – opening Pandora’s bottle of grenache | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • Two charges of affray relating to incidents in February when he had been thrown out of clubs and returned for revenge saw him sentenced to 18 months to run consecutively, giving him a total ten years.
  • Two captains ride before them on shaggy ponies, the taller in armor, stained and rusted with many a storm and fray, the other in brilliant inlaid cuirass and helmet, gaudy sash and plume, and sword hilt glittering with gold, a quaint contrast enough to the meager garron which carries him and his finery. Westward Ho!
  • Exceed estimated defray, want to report headquarters to examine and approve.
  • I noticed that his cassock was a little frayed at the sleeves and short in the skirt. Incubus
  • Despite being arrested on charges from affray to possessing a knife, he has yet to see the inside of a prison. The Sun
  • The next day there were many frayed tempers in the village.
  • The electric wire is fraying and could be dangerous to handle.
  • For example, the hall carpet is frayed in places and the lounge carpet is a bit faded. The Sun
  • It would be tragic if he suffers yet another body blow, fails to recognise it, and chooses to remain in the fray punch-drunk and disoriented.
  • Also, look for frayed cords, and don't forget to test outdoor electrical receptacles.
  • The electric wire is fraying and could be dangerous to handle.
  • Kate felt a rush of adrenaline as she drew the silver sword and flew into the fray, her war cry calling the phantom armies to her.
  • Immune cells within the brain go into overdrive, churning out substances that attract more immune cells, and white blood cells from the body flood in and join the fray, all clumping together to form destructive entities known as multinucleated giant cells. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • The fabric is very fine or frays easily.
  • The five days needed to reach it after it first appeared on the horizon had been fraught with danger: a dozen rapids, violent eddies that whirled the Explorer around “like a teetotum,” interspersed with innumerable reaches through which the boat had to be towed by a dozen men hauling upon fraying ropes or by a battered skiff with splintered oars. Colossus
  • Down La Canebière I stroll, heading for the glinting, faraway turquoise eyespot of the Old Port, following women dressed in ankle-length raincoats and Islamic head scarves, long-faced men in frayed djellabas and knit skullcaps, gangly youths with scruffy beards. Sunstroked
  • There are also rumours that a financial bidder could enter the fray and then sell stores to the supermarket giant, which was very disappointed not be cleared.
  • The section puts it beyond argument that there is no defence that the affray took place in private.
  • Naechste: above, I think it's really more of a cake-cost defrayal than a gift. This feels awkward to me.
  • Thus comes it that we take a final glance through two childish prison-houses, in far-separate Russian cities, wherein a youth and a maiden lie nightly dreaming the same dreams: one of them a spirit already bonded to the service of mind under the whip of circumstance: destined to storm rocky heights, from which hard-won eminences he shall command great views of sweeping plains and far-off mountain ranges; the other a pretty chrysalis on the eve of her change into a butterfly of butterflies; who is, nevertheless, to attempt flights overhigh and overfar for her frail wings; venturing to unfriendly lands whence she must return with frayed and tired pinions and a bruised and bleeding little soul. The Genius
  • He was wearing a long, ragged shirt with a cut in the sleeve and a frayed edge.
  • The deal has set the hares running in the industry and some investors are betting a rival suitor, possibly from the US, will enter the fray with a higher offer.
  • The six-year-old, a winner in the summer, returned to the fray at Wetherby recently and ran as though in need of the race when finishing unplaced to Brandy Wine.
  • Florentine Codex: an encyclopedia of Nahua culture and life in precontact Mexico, composed under the auspices of Fray Bernardo de Sahagún during the sixteenth century. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • Members were also reminded that a bring and buy sale would take place at the Federation meeting to help defray the cost of the bus to An Grianan.
  • In 1363, for example, Bindo Benini donated to the monastery a relatively modest sum of 120 florins in order to help defray construction and decoration costs of a burial chapel in the chapterhouse.
  • The Unemployment stats will not turn around inside a time-frame of the current administration, as rehires will be defrayed by elimination of Underemployment -- this means an additional five hours per average workweek, Workweek stats overreport actual hours worked: claiming in excess of 43 hours, when there is a actual Workweek of only about 37 hours. Meltzer on the Labor Market, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Your first impulse was to step into the fray, select a likely teacher, and present yourself for instruction.
  • Damion would not allow her entry to the city, but if she hung back until he was in the fray, she could sneak herself into the battle and be of some use.
  • Twenty thousand dollars will be defrayed for the expense.
  • “Kinder than she deserves, I warrant you; and truly, though I little like the company of such cattle, yet I think I am less like to take harm from her than you — unless she be a witch, indeed, which may well come to be the case, as the devil is very powerful with all this wayfaring clanjamfray.” The Fair Maid of Perth
  • Fray landed at the position from Merv Griffin Productions, where she founded the marketing and promotions division and had many clients focused on a youth niche.
  • The fabric is very fine or frays easily.
  • They were instead charged with affray and causing actual bodily harm, but were acquitted. Times, Sunday Times
  • On hearing from the alcaide the cause of the affray, he acted with becoming dignity, ordering the guards from the room and directing that the renegade should be severely punished for daring to infringe the hospitality of the palace and insult an embassador. Historical Tales - The Romance of Reality - Volume VII
  • When cutting the sleeving to length, the manufacturer recommends using a hot knife, to melt the ends of the strands slightly, to prevent fraying.
  • After a weekend of each other's company, nerves had become frayed.
  • As for Prowse, he has no plans to return to the fray, but it might not be the last we hear from him.
  • frayed cuffs
  • Two other men deny affray. The Sun
  • At 71, he has now retired from the political fray.
  • There is no need to allow for side hems as the stiffened fabric will not fray. Collins Complete Books of Soft Furnishings
  • I had to boil up the water in an old kettle with a frayed wire.
  • I pretended complete ignorance of the French language, he therefore asked me in Italian minutely about my affairs, and how I could attempt to travel home without any money or goods, to defray the expenses of the journey. Travels in Nubia
  • She's highly skilled in generalized answers - keeping herself above the fray. Palin’s Stevens Problem - Swampland -
  • You can even charge for each note to defray the cost of providing this service.
  • It would be nice to fold each side over about an inch and sew it just so it doesn't fray and start to look like a rag.
  • And he was sore vexed and did tell the victor on the field, a knight that hight Sir Arsenius, that for all his men were worsted in the fray, natheless they did fight in the better fashion.
  • The paper was thin and the edges were beginning to fray from age.
  • Pockets are roughly sewn or simply ripped out and the pre-worn look includes frayed edges, rips, cuts and laser-etched age marks.
  • Their stories tell of displacement, of the struggle to restore the frayed fabric of a collective history, to retrace threads that have been lost and unravelled.
  • He had seen the transparent celluloid belt that held up my frayed cotton shorts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Altair reached into his vest pocket and pulled out a stained, frayed handkerchief.
  • As we re-engage in the peace process and rebuild frayed ties with our allies, what should a democratic president ask of our allies in return?
  • But overdo it and you may end up with frayed nerves, a short attention span and the jitters. The Sun
  • But if entering the supermarket fray is too hot to handle, let's make a simple suggestion.
  • But now, hinney, ye maun help me to catch the beast, and ye maun get on behind me, for we maun off like whittrets before the whole clanjamfray be doun upon us; the rest o 'them will no be far off.' Guy Mannering — Complete
  • The clouds in the nursing home corridors, sky-open springlike after a bathe and forgotten, in a frayed blue dressing-gown beside an osiery. Archive 2010-04-01
  • It is also expected that some other candidates will enter the fray before convention night.
  • Whatever other crisis there may be, it is not one of silence or unvoiced opinions, or at least not on The Readme Fray.
  • Nerves are beginning to fray as the match reaches a tense climax.
  • The cuffs on his shirt were frayed and his omnipresent tweed jacket had patched holes.
  • Big, tough, fully matured yobs with a multiplicity of tattoos and convictions for affray and GBH get misty-eyed when reflecting on their unmuzzled pit-bull Vinny and their lethal Alsatian Prince.
  • Among the famous inmates were Benito Juárez (before he was exiled to Louisiana), Fray Servando Teresa de Mier, a 19th-century writer who fell out of favor with Emperor Agustín Iturbide, and "Chucho el Roto," a Robin Hood-style bandit from the 1700s who stole from the rich to give to the poor. Veracruz, Mexico: a feast for the senses
  • Chris then waited four seconds before resuming his verbal assault on Patrick's frayed nerves.
  • The oddly alliterated Fervent Fray of Fraternal Fervor, written and directed by Thomas Thompson, is the second festival offering.
  • Alliances that frayed or hot products that take longer than expected to reach primetime linger on the minds of everyone who has been at a few of these confabs.
  • I didn't catch any frayed bows, just furrowed brows. Times, Sunday Times
  • A bloody affray, which is obscurely related, had occurred in St. Louis between the Secessionists and Federalists. The Civil War in America
  • Unspoken, unmentioned, was the reality the that the domestic consensus for the war, so clear in the wake of 9/11, has frayed, is broken, and absent another terrorist tragedy could never be reassembled with the strength it once possessed. Mr. Obama's War -- And Ours
  • Great minds such as ours must be serene and tranquil in order to remain above the fray.
  • And there befel between them great fight and sore fray and the sword went round in sway and there was much said and say; nor did they leave fighting till fled the day and gloom came, when they drew from one another away. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The erratic supply often fuel the frayed tempers.
  • Any tyro collector entering the fray at Frieze should first read The $12m Stuffed Shark by economist Don Thompson.
  • The isles which had leagued with the Mede were strongly obnoxious to the confederates, and it was proposed to exact from them a fine; in defrayal of the expenses of the war. Athens: Its Rise and Fall, Complete
  • Which default when as some endeuoured to salue and recure, they patched vp the holes with peces and rags of other languages, borrowing here of the french, there of the Italian, euery where of the Latine, not weighing how il those tongues accorde with themselues, but much worse with ours: So now they have made our English tongue, a gallimaufray or hodgepodge of al other speches. Shepheardes Calendar
  • Just to pluck at blind random one of the many very thorny Operation Relex circumstances from the bastardly murky and unexamined recent historical fray.
  • France entered into the fray as an ally of Russia and declared war on Germany.
  • Occasionally, however, the poet rises above his discursive fray long enough to interrogate the nature of the dispute.
  • He held out the wet end of the rope, showing how it was neatly bound with copper-wire to keep it from fraying out and unlaying. Sappers and Miners The Flood beneath the Sea
  • He and his wife Susan “went to Australia … and toured there, but a great deal of the initial cost of getting there and back was defrayed by Clarion South, who wanted me to teach, so I guess that was work-related, or at least SF-related.” Kristine Kathryn Rusch » 2009 » April
  • It was an approach that betrayed the frayed confidence of a side who have won only one of their past 24 championship matches. Times, Sunday Times
  • The grant helped defray the expenses of the trip.
  • Just as he had uttered the last patriotic sentiment, he received a slight admonition from behind, by the point of a gen d'arme's sword, which made him leap from the table with the alacrity of a harlequin, and come plump down among the thickest of the fray. The Confessions of Harry Lorrequer — Volume 4
  • A woman was charged with affray. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even James, the valet, looked tired and somewhat tatty in a threadbare jacket and fraying neckscarf.
  • A senior army general who has defected said that his forces were preparing to enter the fray en masse alongside the citizens' militia yesterday. Times, Sunday Times
  • The top was black and sleeveless, with fishnet covering my stomach up to the frayed hem of the fabric that made the actual shirt part.
  • We all have green goblins, those nagging wee voices nibbling away at our fraying self-esteem and confidence.
  • Not only were they mismatched in color, but they were frayed on the ends and had various holes on the sleeves.
  • Fray discovered he had just as much of a knack for the painting and decorating trade as for car repair. PROSPECT HILL
  • Haggard, frayed and cadaverously pale with his eyes sunk somewhere deep in the back of his skull, in the final scene he looks like someone who is about to die.
  • I am on the fringes - but refusing to get frayed.
  • When tempers are frayed or feelings hurt you need to spell out that you are apologising. The Sun
  • June 6, 2009 at 11:17 pm r u afrayd ur invisiblol agayn? How the Welsh language - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • It is wreathed in ragged cloud and rivers pour off its edges to fray 350 metres down towards the desert floor.
  • Stitch two burlap rectangles together, with the top left open and frayed.
  • I trolled along to see Michael Frayn's play, "Noises Off".
  • The very web of life on which we depend is being ripped and frayed. Eco-Justice
  • Delicately frayed shirts, skirts and dresses are formfitting and highlight the womanly curves we've been blessed with.
  • This is a fabric which frays badly and the best way to finish it is to encase those edges within the seams.
  • There are still banners, now frayed and weather-worn, hanging from overpasses.
  • Commissioners Court and asked for an extension or defrayal of money owed to the county from the Land of the Dinosaurs LLC production, I wondered what would happen to the money, $80.000 that 4b had loaned invested in associationi with the LOD company. Somervell County Salon
  • Cyclists, horse carts, two-wheelers, three-wheelers and loaded lorries all jostled for their bit of space while horns blared and tempers got increasingly frayed.
  • Consequently when the wound in his hand healed Albert volunteered to re-enter the fray and returned to the Western Front with the Machine Gun Corps.
  • One can see this two-part adaptation by Edward Hall and Roger Warren on consecutive evenings - or else in a complete day, with a couple of hours of afternoon sunshine between performances to regather energies for the fray.
  • Tempers began to fray in the hot weather.
  • When these unhappy men began thus to stir, they of London, except such as were of their band, were greatly affrayed. Chronicle and Romance (The Harvard Classics Series)
  • Sport entered the fray as work. Times, Sunday Times
  • Presiding rather than leading, he followed the now recognizable script in casting himself the above-the-fray conciliator more interested in maintaining good will than making hard decisions. Michael Brenner: Bare Bones Obama
  • His bunkhouse vacations help defray the expense of two summer ranch hands.
  • That joint enterprise could either rest on an agreement or common purpose to commit the affray or simple aiding and abetting of it. Times, Sunday Times
  • A charge of affray, therefore, could have been put. Times, Sunday Times
  • The collar had started to fray on Jack's raincoat.
  • Already kept waiting for more then two hours, his temper was fraying.
  • Oh noes, ai juss merembered teh penguin in the bloos bruvverz adn iz bery bery affrayed! DEVINE ORDER OF CATZ - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • I can't wait to enter the fray again, to challenge ignorance, to mock hypocrisy, to defeat a lie.
  • It is not without a certain degree of romantic pride that I look back and know that the first expenses of my son's life were defrayed from the price of that first creation of my brain; and before that child was two years old, I had procured for my husband, – (for the husband who has lately overwhelmed me, my sons, and his dead patron with slander, rather than yield a miserable annuity) – a place worth a thousand a year; the arduous duty of which consisted in attending three days in the week, for five hours, to hear causes tried in the simplest forms of law. English Laws for Women in the Nineteenth Century
  • Nor can he explain his unprecedented ability to quickly heal from his frequent frays.
  • The alcalde is a great observer," remarked Fray Sibyla in a meaning tone. The Social Cancer
  • Its guttery flare exposed a bed, with a thin mattress and a skimpy cover, shoved close up under the sloping wall; a sprained chair on its last legs; an old horsehide trunk; a shaky washstand of cheap yellow pine, garnished forth with an ewer and a basin; a limp, frayed towel; and a minute segment of pale pink soap. The Escape of Mr. Trimm His Plight and other Plights
  • She needed to sort out her frayed, perplexing emotions with the help of someone she loved and trusted.
  • New Orleans Times-Picayune, the involuntary manslaughter charge was dropped after Grant pleaded no contests to misdemeanor "affray" - fighting two or more persons in a public place. - News
  • The dotation of Persian queens consisted in consigning to them the revenue of certain cities, in various parts of the kingdom, for defraying their personal and domestic expenditure. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • By remaining above the political fray they are seen to retain their reputations and independence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Clinton returned to the electoral fray last week to get out the black and Hispanic vote in California and the south.
  • Zubair was a wreck, a ball of frayed nerves with a stomach full of bubbling acid that had resulted in a scorching pyrosis. Vince Flynn Collectors’ Edition #2
  • In January she explained that she was steering clear of the political fray. Times, Sunday Times
  • In fact, the final figure stood pruned after the All India Chess Federation had to discourage quite a few unrated players, obviously with misplaced confidence, from joining the fray.
  • The grey is a 25-1 outsider, but not one who enters the fray without hope. Times, Sunday Times
  • She should fly above the fray of celebrity, gossip and national chatter. Times, Sunday Times
  • Naturally - or, rather, unnaturally - this process was articulated on the page as amnesia: "When I came to consider the matter, the truth was that my memory had been fraying at the edges for some time; the grey waters of Lethe undercutting its soft cliffs, so that my bungaloid recollections - which, no matter how tasteless, had the virtue of being owned outright, not mortgaged - tumbled on to the beach below. The Guardian World News
  • A flour sack covering his face, the frayed corner of it tucked under his collar.
  • Second, will another, more appealing bidder enter the fray?
  • The call came at a meeting of police and villagers, during which tempers frayed as residents complained of a lack of police presence and support.
  • The fabric is constructed so it has rows of "frayed" ruffles - but they are really the edges of the fabric. Cherie of Shrimpton Couture - A Dress A Day
  • Also, any frayed strings of kevlar should be trimmed from the wicks. | Blog | Fire Up! Fire Hooping With Kahunahula
  • Denim shorts and skirts with frayed edges give an authentic feel. The Sun
  • But he was shocked to find himself charged with affray - along with Force. The Sun
  • Before me is not the debonair, gentleman writer I had expected but an unshaven, dishevelled man with wild, curly grey hair and frayed clothing.
  • The electric cord is fraying and could be dangerous to handle.
  • And as nerves fray and tempers rise you can be assured of a catty remark or backstage rumpus.
  • Thus he did often to make the Captain slight such frays, and to make him secure, that he might not suspect any further end to be on it; which when he had wrought sufficiently (as he thought), he laid some men in ambuscado, and sent others away to drive such beasts as they should find in the view of the Castle Dangerous
  • Tendulkar is approaching 40 but he simply will not weaken or fray at the edges. Why a Sachin Tendulkar is my signature air-cricket shot
  • Tempers are frayed in every Milltown household.
  • Diego Lopez y á los definidores presentes, de los cuales era uno el dicho maestro fray Luis, y que allí se ordenó que castigasen al dicho fray Diego Rodriguez ó Zúñiga, y que otro dia en ejecucion dello el dicho provincial le dió en el refitorio delante de toda la provincia una disciplina, que es cosa que se tiene por grande afrenta; y que por esta causa el dicho Zúñiga tiene enemistad con el dicho provincial fray Diego Lopez y con el dicho maestro que era definidor entonces, y es amigo del dicho provincial. ' Fray Luis de León A Biographical Fragment
  • And he warns that people need to take steps to avoid long term mental health problems caused by seasonal frazzled nerves, frayed tempers, and over-indulgence.
  • He then entered the fray for Malton after a lay-off with injury and quickly made his mark with a powerful burst to get his name on the scoresheet.
  • The pepil richt affrayitly, returnit to him out of all partis of the wod, to comfort him efter his trubill; and fell on kneis, devotly adoring the haly croce; for it was not cumin but sum hevinly providence, as weill apperis; for thair is na man can schaw of quhat mater it is of, metal or tre. Chronicles of the Canongate
  • Something that smelled like rotting flesh on burned toast was shuffling toward them, fungoid arms extended, eyeballs dangling from the ends of raw, frayed strings. The Lives of Felix Gunderson
  • Brazil attacked in waves, with the central midfielders, Lucas Leiva and Elias, providing the platforms on which Neymar, Ronaldinho and Hulk thrust and swaggered, with the overlapping Marcelo and Dani Alves frequently joining the fray. Brazil 1-0 Ghana | International friendly match report
  • Because tempers are already frayed, you're reluctant to confront others on their excesses. Times, Sunday Times
  • The girl quickly tucked the blue ends of her hair into her black fraying sweater, concealing them from sight, and jogged up the steps to the church building.
  • “Weel, my lords, ye ken the fray at the hunting this morning — I shall not get out of the trembling exies until I have a sound night’s sleep — just after that, they bring ye in a pretty page that had been found in the Park. The Fortunes of Nigel
  • Whoever wins the balloting will govern a country whose vaunted economic recovery is starting to fray.
  • When he gets closer we can see that one of his shirt cuffs is unbuttoned and the sleeve is frayed.
  • There will have to be a second round of voting when new candidates can enter the fray.
  • Then King jumped into the fray and tried to persuade Republicans to replace Gingrich with Rep.
  • Its fraying carpets, Formica decor and inappropriate flooring for computer networks are all part of the look and feel of a glass hulk of a building constructed in 1963.
  • He had a long black coat that trailed the floor slightly, the edges torn and frayed, obviously often used.
  • The war which began four years ago in Abyssinia and Spain has developed into a world affray, but still the world does not quite know who is fighting whom or why. War With the Blinds Down
  • TV stations sent their bustiest reporters boldly into the fray as newer and better logos were designed. Paul Dailing: Journalism versus the Zombies
  • Frayn ingeniously links several other physics metaphors, from Scrodinger's wave equation to complementarity and the disintegration of the radioactive elements.
  • Participating organisations will receive modest sums to defray recruiting, training and reporting costs.

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