How To Use Fraudulent In A Sentence

  • Across the street, protesters denounced what they called a fraudulent vote and urged a boycott. Undefined
  • Despite a string of victories-the judge's stinging decision enumerating Allen's "fraudulent modus operandi," occasional media coverage, and the support of real CIA agents and military heroes-he is no closer to collecting the $40,000 he says was "conned" from his family in 1993. Edgar Allen
  • Through oversubtle and even fraudulent construction of law, he said, much wrong was committed (De officiis I. EQUITY IN LAW AND ETHICS
  • The city now seeks to amend the claim to plead fraudulent misrepresentation and deceit and to seek punitive damages.
  • He knew nothing of the elaborate machinery of ingenious chicane, - such as feigning bankruptcy - fraudulent conveyances - making over to his wife - running property - and had never heard of such tricks of trade as sending out coffins to the graveyard, with negroes inside, carried off by sudden spells of imaginary disease, to be "resurrected," in due time, grinning, on the banks of the Brazos. The flush times of Alabama and Mississippi : a series of sketches,
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  • The practice is quasi fraudulent and ought to be outlawed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although he apparently waited for confirmation from his bank that the cheque had cleared before making the payments, he was subsequently advised that the cheque was fraudulent and had been dishonoured.
  • Not a fraudulent posturing designed to once again coverup a corporate takeover of a regions sole method of funding their growth as a country or region. Think Progress » A Progressive Exit Strategy
  • The Mpumalanga government on Tuesday warned that fraudulent licence syndicates, that issued thousands of fake drivers licences from former homeland testing centres throughout the province, had now moved their operations to major cities such as Witbank. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Third, I want to assure you that members of US admissions committees can generally spot fraudulent work in an instant. Hired help usually doesn't work.
  • During the course of this extraordinarily long movie, my children grew up, left home and had children of their own, Sam, in particular, excelling himself with a successful legal practice aimed at weeding out fraudulent accident claims.
  • Devoted specifically to the scholarly, cross-disciplinary study of plagiary and related behaviors across the disciplines, articles in Plagiary address the issue of fraudulent contributions to disciplinary discourse communities and the potential (and actual) corruption of the professional literature and other genres of discourse as a result of such derivative and/or fraudulent "contributions" to discoursal interchange. November 2006
  • They claim that the fall in unemployment is based on a fraudulent manipulation of statistics.
  • His scheme was revealed as he allegedly attempted to transfer $80 million in funds from legitimate accounts into accounts he controlled using fraudulent wire transfers and counterfeit cheques.
  • The international financial markets stand ready to discipline and expose fraudulent governments.
  • It was the most rotten of rotten boroughs, a place where the corrupt, the fraudulent and the freeloaders prospered.
  • Until those in Washington turn away from the fraudulent system we have in place due to the universal embracement of keynesian economics it will only continue to get worse. Gregg defends GOP opposition, says Dems moving too far left
  • Scam Sensor uses a proprietary heuristic algorithm to identify fraudulent e-mails.
  • At this time king Richard sent the abbat of Caen (who was also the elect of Durham) into England, to take an accompts of those that had the receipts of the kings monie: for this abbat had informed the king, that his receiuers and officers here in the realme dealt not iustlie in making their accompts, [Sidenote: Fraudulent dealing in officers.] but both deceiued the king, and oppressed his people, in exacting more than was due, and concealing that which they ought to stand accomptable for. Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (6 of 12) Richard the First
  • When U.S. District Judge Leon Jordan sentenced Farmer on Sept. 20 for that charge and four others involving his actions at the banks and with the car, the judge ordered him to pay the company about $6,500 in restitution for the fraudulent charges. Heroes or Villains?
  • Section head - the number of occasions that fraudulent claims are made, ie indicators of honesty or dishonesty.
  • A few months later our school principal lost his life savings in a fraudulent get-rich-quick scheme.
  • For Stephen to lose his life over fraudulent benefit claims is a complete waste and so unnecessary.
  • Last week, the Financial Standards Authority fined a City high-flier Ravi Shankar Sinha for fraudulently obtaining £1.3m from clients of a private equity firm advised by the company of which he was UK chief executive, JC Flowers. The Redknapp affair: City limits | Editorial
  • He claimed to have evidence of widespread fraudulent reporting of fish catches, falsification of logbooks and illegal fishing in closed areas.
  • A contract obtained by fraudulent misrepresentation is voidable, not void, even in equity.
  • Frank starts out small, forging signatures and cheques and soon moves into a rather successful succession of fake identities and fraudulent cheques.
  • Palin attorney Thomas Van Flein on Saturday warned legal action may be taken against bloggers and publications that reprint what he calls fraudulent claims. snip several websites, most notably liberal Alaska blogger Shannyn Moore, are now claiming as Democratic Underground Latest Breaking News
  • Government was compelled to cancel the concession, the President himself denouncing the action of the concessionnaire as fraudulent. The Transvaal from Within A Private Record of Public Affairs
  • The law states that cardholders are not liable for fraudulent transactions as long as the original card is still in their possession.
  • You have launched an attempt to crackdown on fraudulent claims, how much has this saved the industry?
  • An FBI agent testified this week that Shepherd helped a twice-convicted felon launder nearly $141,000 in fraudulently generated bond fees last year, keeping close to half the money as part of the arrangement. Archive 2007-10-01
  • For the freedom to vote, electoral documents adulterate or use fraudulent means to circumvent the popular will; Miguel Estrada: Zelaya has “a meritorious immigration beef.” - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • He was indicted on four counts of theft and one count of fraudulent appropriation of property.
  • Organizers warned yesterday that holders of fraudulent tickets would not be admitted to World Cup events.
  • A little research turned up OSP Communications, which is apparently a front for a fraudulent biller that has repeatedly hit AT&T customers with a cramming fraud. The Consumerist: February 2009 Archives
  • Off they come, as does my gray suit, which is nothing special but seems strangely fraudulent here.
  • Since disputed elections on June 12, Iran has been thrown into a political crisis as protesters - who at their peak numbered hundreds of thousands in the weeks after the vote - took to the streets to challenge what they called the fraudulent reelection of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Christian Science Monitor | Top Stories
  • The whole thing boils down to verification once again, where people cannot use fraudulent, counterfeit identification to obtain the right to drive in this country.
  • Some were certain that the documents were forgeries and the earlier reports were fraudulent.
  • Now that many of these houses are in foreclosure, lazy and fraudulent bankers chose to "robotize" themselves by signing documents for court statements without bothering to verify their accuracy. Richard (RJ) Eskow: Automated Greed Factories: How Soulless Banking Is Crushing the Economy
  • US authorities have placed allegedly fraudulent Wall Street investment manager Bernard Madoff under house arrest and required him to wear a trackable electronic tag.
  • According to and substantiated by 'The Blood libel legend: a casebook in anti-Semitic folklore,' a 1991 book by Alan Dundes, an influential Roman Catholic magazine titled 'Civilta Cattolica' in 1881 revived the blood libel accusation, going on to write a series of articles forwarding the fraudulent allegation. Blood Libel Claim By Sarah Palin Causes Controversy
  • This article was completely done on the basis of "the internal evidence," i.e., what the inscription itself said, as there was really no "external evidence" available at the time, except for paleography the second part of which was obviously by a different hand or a different handwriting style, as noted above, or fraudulent. Robert Eisenman: The James Ossuary: Is It Authentic? (An Update)
  • He is concerned that future elections could be decided by fraudulent voting manipulated by unscrupulous cartels and the like.
  • What's more, eagle-eyed observers had been finding evidence of fraudulent foreclosure activity as far back as 2003 we'll make some more information available on that score shortly. Richard (RJ) Eskow: Why We Regulate - and Why John Walsh Needs to Resign
  • The State Department discovered through a cross-match of records in 2005 that a fraudulent passport had been issued in Branham's name. Accused identity thief caught at BWI
  • The Inconvenient Truth for scientists so heavily invested in the alarmist GW theories currently being promulgated [perhaps even fraudulently foisted] is that it is becoming more and more evident that the Earth’s climate is beyond our present control. Waldo Jaquith - Major evolutionary discovery.
  • Sniffit said "If you do not understand the difference between an actually cast fraudulent vote and volunteers fabricating registrations from the phone book in order to get paid more (they were getting paid by the registration), then you FAIL. High court rules in voting rights dispute
  • A source close to them said they would vigorously dispute any suggestion of reckless or fraudulent trading, excessive expenditure, mismanagement or undeclared income.
  • This video is part one of a series that will be covering the fraudulent science called vivisection and it's murder of animals and people. - Articles related to Flu shots raised to $25, but will include H1N1
  • It is submitted that these transfers are fraudulent conveyances.
  • The law prohibits conversion from one religion to another by ‘the use of force or allurement or by fraudulent means’.
  • You won't be able to support businesses that fund this kind of fraudulent and unbalanced partisanship.
  • Although it had led to the discovery of alcohol and the mineral acids, historians of chemistry view alchemy in general as fraudulent.
  • Claiming or wearing fraudulent military decorations is against federal law. Heroes or Villains?
  • Some calls fraudulently allege a family member has been abducted. Free Internet Press
  • There is no evidence that the broker was in league with the fraudulent vendor.
  • University of Tennessee sociologist Neal Shover has studied fraudulent telemarketers for years. MITCH GOLD
  • Two fraudulent uses of your debit/credit card on your checking account knowing that you are an unobservant idiot
  • This would allow an individual to be prosecuted in a single count for the activity of fraudulent trading, although that activity may be made up of a number of otherwise discrete offences.
  • The important things about being skeptical are therefore understanding rational argument and understanding fallacious and fraudulent argument.…
  • As the rest of us deal with the appalling detritus of this administration, it is more then galling, although not unexpected, to see these fraudulent people land comfortably in cushy and undemanding jobs. Top Bush Aides to Linger on High-Profile Boards - The Caucus Blog -
  • With this shocking admission, our news team realized that the problem of fraudulent grading ran deeper than we had feared.
  • Suits by consumers alleged that the product is defective and fraudulently marketed.
  • Investigators say at least two and possibly as many as eight of the hijackers had fraudulent visas.
  • A worrying trend for insurers has been a rise in fraudulent claims.
  • Joseph Stalin's fraudulent "agronomist" Trofim Lysenko caused harvest failures when Soviet agriculture was ordered to follow his bizarre pseudo-science. Latest Articles
  • There continues to be a problem of diversion or fraudulent prescription of pharmaceuticals such as flunitrazepam (the Fact Sheets On Drug Certification
  • She did not intend to travel fraudulently or avoid payment, she told the court, adding that she believed the conductor singled her out because she challenged his treatment of the other traveller.
  • They wanted to wait and see whether the passport did prove to be fraudulent.
  • Is it fraudulent to aromatize, alcoholize, and water wines? System of Economical Contradictions: or, the Philosophy of Misery
  • Mr. Gbagbo's claim to re-election is based on the constitutional counsel annulling Ouattara votes that it said were fraudulent. Rival Ivory Coast Governments Lobby for Support Before AU Summit
  • It was finally hit by a series of scandals that involved both fraudulent personal enrichment and illegal party financing.
  • A single provision of the bill has been the subject of charges and imputations that the silver dollar was, in a fraudulent and surreptitious way, "demonetized" by this act. Recollections of Forty Years in the House, Senate and Cabinet An Autobiography.
  • If you do not understand the difference between an actually cast fraudulent vote and volunteers fabricating registrations from the phone book in order to get paid more (they were getting paid by the registration), then you FAIL. High court rules in voting rights dispute
  • A central register of information blacklisted certain people, particularly those who passed bad cheques and placed fraudulent overseas orders.
  • No Greg, YOU stop with the "dispiriting" nonsense and the fraudulent numbers that Clinton is pushing. The Latest Popular Vote Counts
  • There is no evidence that the broker was in league with the fraudulent vendor.
  • He was accused of fraudulently using a stolen credit card.
  • One line of defense is likely to be that while these deals may sound fictitious and fraudulent to unsophisticated outsiders, they are actually standard transactions in high finance.
  • If healthcare grosses $1.2 trillion in 1999, and fraud represents 10% of that total, that means a tidy sum of $100 billion a year lost to fraudulent claims.
  • A couple of expert financial analysts were wheeled on to explain that this fraudulent behaviour, far from involving only a few isolated cases, is now extremely common.
  • And willingness to die for a hallucination one experiences and which happens to reinforce a fraudulent claim made by people one used to persecute, is a third thing. Darwin's God
  • Crowds fill the streets, protesting what they call a fraudulent election. CNN Transcript Nov 23, 2004
  • In addition to tackling fraudulent and exaggerated claims, we must improve the quality of justice for genuinely injured parties.
  • Typically, the corporate veil is pierced when the company is incorporated for an illegal, fraudulent or improper purpose.
  • However, one of the problems of the internet are spam messages to your email account that waste your time and can even be fraudulent.
  • Wearing medals fraudulently is a criminal offence. Heroes or Villains?
  • Although he apparently waited for confirmation from his bank that the cheque had cleared before making the payments, he was subsequently advised that the cheque was fraudulent and had been dishonoured.
  • Further, the GAO noted several examples of companies that apparently had used the EnergyStar label erroneously or fraudulently (LG and Samsung). DailyTech News Feed
  • But Palin attorney Thomas Van Flein on Saturday warned legal action may be taken against bloggers and publications that reprint what he calls fraudulent claims. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • But how this complaint lines up with the alleged conspiracy and fraudulent conduct is not clear to me.
  • There is no evidence that the broker was in league with the fraudulent vendor.
  • The vishing scams could be hampered by building a database of known "scam" phone numbers or by creating a software filter that warns consumers of incoming fraudulent calls.
  • It is a misfortune, but nobody has charged that it was fraudulent.
  • He would use victims' financial information to open new accounts under their names, and then siphon money from their legitimate accounts into the new, fraudulent ones.
  • The Watergate investigations have already proved that the last U.S. Presidential election was fraudulent.
  • They are ugly, malodorous, fraudulent, and worst of all, brown!
  • The legislation will simplify the law on larceny, fraudulent conversion, forgery and embezzlement.
  • The federal regulators said the company engaged in what it called fraudulent accounting practices from 2002 to 2007, including improper use of "bill-and-hold" accounting; improper recognition of revenue on a lease agreement subject to an undisclosed buy-back agreement; manipulating reserves and accruals; improperly delaying and capitalizing expenses, and improperly writing up the value of used inventory. Crain's Cleveland Business - News Feeds
  • So far am I from forbidding these officially to check the undue license of kings, that if they connive at kings when they tyrannise and insult over the humbler of the people, I affirm that their dissimulation is not free from nefarious perfidy, because they fraudulently betray the liberty of the people, while knowing that, by the ordinance of God, they are its appointed guardians. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Stamp Act
  • The affair triggered investigations which uncovered fraudulent accounting at several other major companies.
  • He had no satisfaction in any man other than that which he found when some event would show to him that this or that other compeer of his own had proved himself to be self-interested, false, or fraudulent. The Small House at Allington
  • Qui sibi bene temperat in licitis," says one of the fathers, "nunquam cadet in illicita:" he who never intromits at all, will never intromit with fraudulent intentions. The Works of Samuel Johnson, Volume 05 Miscellaneous Pieces
  • I can think of no more obvious example of false and fraudulent patriotism than this.
  • It's time to put a stop to these unfair and fraudulent practices which are crippling British farmers.
  • A worrying trend for insurers has been a rise in fraudulent claims.
  • KUWAIT: The Manpower and Government Restructuring Program (MGRP) is currently preparing a list of the private sector companies and individuals who benefited fraudulently from the National Labor Support Act by receiving financial benefits for non-existent appointments. Undefined
  • While his expression beseeched her, she thought him fraudulent, covering his horrific deeds with an aura of Mr. Super Clean. CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS
  • Look at my books, particularly the ones you think most foxily fraudulent. THE DEVIL'S OWN WORK
  • The report concludes that I acted neither fraudulently nor improperly.
  • A counterfeit or fraudulent cashier's check or corporate check is utilized to pay for merchandise.
  • Now, that man who is affable in public and who is irritable in private is making a fraudulent overissue of stock, and he is as bad as a bank that might have four or five hundred thousand dollars of bills in circulation with no specie in the vault. The Wedding Ring A Series of Discourses for Husbands and Wives and Those Contemplating Matrimony
  • Mischiefmakers, mayhem creators, fraudulent shady cartoon characters.
  • Most anti-conversion laws seek only to address conversions "by force, allurement, or fraudulent means. Suhag A. Shukla, Esq.: The Question Of Evangelism In India
  • The result of their efforts was to be arrested by the Fraud Squad for making fraudulent applications.
  • All matric answer papers had been confiscated and 600 fraudulent papers had already been identified. The Star (South Africa)
  • Federal law now makes it a felony to use falsehood and deception to hide the origin of the spam messages hawking your fraudulent wares.
  • So it's not surprising that in their efforts to weed out fraudulent transactions, some are being overcautious and blocking legitimate sales as well.
  • This is clearly not occuring, which is important because it is this step that holds potentially fraudulent voters legally accountable for their actions. Archive 2005-01-01
  • Another problem with these implied terms is that they do not entitle the partners to expel their co-partner, no matter how negligent or fraudulent he might have been.
  • But the dead giveaway on almost any of these fraudulent emails is not the painstakingly simulated appearance or the sophisticated coding, but the grammar!
  • (which undesignedness is gathered from their latency, their minuteness, their obliquity, the suitableness of the circumstances in which they consist to the places in which those circumstances occur, and the circuitous references by which they are traced out) demonstrates that they have not been produced by meditation, or by any fraudulent contrivance. Evidence of Christianity
  • Cardinal to secure the advancement of the Abbe d'Auvergne, that he had already made a daring and fraudulent attempt to procure for him a cardinalship. Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
  • And earlier this year, American Express introduced an identity-theft protection service that helps policyholders detect fraudulent activity on their credit cards, while lender SLM, commonly known as Sallie Mae, began offering tuition insurance if a student drops out of college for medical reasons. Don't Buy Too Much Insurance!
  • I don't care for the practice of polling because of polling because it is direct descendant of that fraudulent invention sociology.
  • He who never intromits at all, will never intromit with fraudulent intentions. Life Of Johnson
  • The temptation to intromit is frequent and strong; so strong and so frequent, as to require the utmost activity of justice, and vigilance of caution, to withstand its prevalence; and the method by which a man may entitle himself to legal intromission, is so open and so facile, that to neglect it is a proof of fraudulent intention: for why should a man omit to do (but for reasons which he will not confess,) that which he can do so easily, and that which he knows to be required by the law? Life Of Johnson
  • The president had entered into fraudulent property transactions.
  • They are telling of all sorts of irregularities from fee-taking for moving an application to the top of the queue, to outright fraudulent and counterfeit work permits.
  • He began to invent fraudulent investment schemes for rare book and manuscript transactions.
  • Most notably from the perspective of an inter-Sunni breakdown in Anbar Province, which had the potential to flare into violence: after election overseers nullified several fraudulent ballot boxes, the party of the Awakening Councils racked up a narrow victory. Add It Up | ATTACKERMAN
  • Federal regulators sought Wednesday to prevent the growing furor over improper foreclosures from escalating, pressing mortgage lenders to replace flawed and fraudulent court documents while insisting that foreclosures continue apace. U.S. to lenders: No moratorium, but fix the mess
  • This video reveals the fraudulent "seals" that peel off and reaffix like high-priced Post-It notes. The New Hampshire "Shame of Custody"
  • The Mail and Guardian earlier in the month published claims that Motshekga had, among other things, fraudulently maladministered international donor funds in the past. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Mr Kench rang Sentinel, which has a partnership with Barclaycard, among other issuers, to protect cards against fraudulent use.
  • In 1995 a £12m scam was uncovered involving wagonloads of milk powder illegally imported from Austria and the Czech Republic to Spain and fraudulently re-exported to collect subsidies.
  • Fraudulent doctors and sellers of nostrums have hawked their wares throughout the world since earliest times.
  • The whiff of fraudulent business practices will linger.
  • This promise is vague in many ways, impossible in its concrete form, and fraudulent in all respects.
  • However, the Eighteenth-Century defenders of the incompetence of both Descartes and Newton, such as de Moivre, D'Alembert, Euler, and Lagrange, claimed to have proven their case against Leibniz, by simply accepting de Moivre's proposal that they agree to denounce what they termed, fraudulently, as "imaginary" roots of the relevant cubic and biquadratic functions. LaRouche's Latest
  • If you failed to file a return, or if a return you filed was false, fraudulent or a willful attempt to evade tax, then there's no limitation period at all.
  • Misleading or just plain fraudulent health claims abound in cyberspace.
  • Option three would mean the staining of low risk red meat by-products on the grounds that they too were unfit for human consumption and could be fraudulently diverted into the human food chain.
  • This system is appropriate for reporting suspected unethical or fraudulent activities relating to employees of our company or actions by our company.
  • This case was not lengthened or complicated by the allegations of fraudulent misrepresentation.
  • A glitch in many systems for order fulfilment on the Web has been reported which allows the fraudulent to create their own online prices for goods.
  • It appears that crimes involving fraudulent documents are on the increase.
  • Mazbook said: His statement about "some 1850 universities and high schools which are to be fined or closed because of fraudulent claims for accreditation" is just wrong. Going to a Mexican University?
  • And shame on you for including the outdated and proven fraudulent idea of embryonic recapitulation (that has been discarded by scientists) to reinforce evolutionary ideas in the public eye.
  • The plaintiff then amended his complaint to add a claim for relief from the Illinois judgment on the ground that it had been obtained by fraudulently overreaching him.
  • Early indications are that the data has not, at least yet, been misused to obtain fraudulent loans and credit card accounts.
  • Finger-printing will be introduced for asylum applicants, to prevent multiple applications and fraudulent benefit claims.
  • If your Card is lost or stolen we ask that you tell us immediately and, unless you have acted fraudulently or negligently, your maximum liability for unauthorized Charges is HK$250.
  • These firms made millions from fraudulent transactions involving little if any financial risk.
  • They don't know him as a man who's spun a cacoon of fraudulent claims and fraudulent hope. Will James David Manning Be Tried As A Martyr ... Or As An Idiot?
  • Attorney Mohammed Lamine Faye, who represents the Gbagbo government, says those decisions violate the supremacy of Ivory Coast's constitutional court, which declared Mr. Gbagbo the winner, after annulling as fraudulent nearly ten percent of all ballots cast. Gbagbo Suing West African Leaders for Recognizing Rival
  • That there is no infallible way to distinguish the genuine cases from the fraudulent ones causes the liberal sentimentalist no particular anxiety: he wants to feel generous, not to be generous.
  • Twenty people have been charged with trying to obtain fraudulent licences to drive tanker trucks.
  • Courtesy of that ubiquitous burster of Internet myths Snopes, here are a few more famous, infamous, fraudulent, unbelievable (and a few that are true) snake-related e-mail hoaxes. Busting 10 Snake-Related Email Hoaxes
  • fraudulent loans led to the failure of many banks
  • Courtesy of that ubiquitous burster of Internet myths Snopes, here are a few famous, infamous, fraudulent, unbelievable (and a few that are true) snake-related e-mail hoaxes. Busting 10 Snake-Related Email Hoaxes
  • National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) spokesman Ken Spain goes one better, "It's hard to decipher which is the most fraudulent notion -- the fact that ACORN is a law-abiding entity worthy of a $4.2 billion bailout or that $1.1 trillion in out-of-control government spending is going to defy the experts and have some sort of immediate effect on the economy. Bertha Lewis: ACORN: The Bogeyman in the GOP Closet
  • Documents evidencing the latter agreements were forged or fraudulent.
  • Randy Wray and I have proposed a step that would demonstrate the president's complete repudiation of Summers 'strategy and a return to the rule of law: Place Bank of America in receivership for its tens of billions of dollars in fraudulent loans and its multitude of foreclosure frauds. William K. Black: No Mr. President, Larry Summers Did Not Resolve the Financial Crisis for a Pittance, He Just Papered Over the Problem
  • The legislation will simplify the law on larceny, fraudulent conversion, forgery and embezzlement.
  • The real brilliant fraudulence (fraudulent brilliance?) of this is, because all equity shareholders have been wiped out, and virtually all creditors who would challenge this are gone, no class action can arise from what is simply debt-shifting, and re-upping a lending facility (at further taxpayer expense). Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Outright Fraud
  • But how this complaint lines up with the alleged conspiracy and fraudulent conduct is not clear to me.
  • One of the current cases being heard involves voter ID, and the State of Indiana's effortto raise preemptive barriers, ostensibly to prevent fraudulent voting. John McCain, the Lie of Voter Fraud & the GOP's Voter Suppression Push
  • The IIF estimates that fraudulent and spurious claims will cost insurers at least €100 million this year but policy holders will pick up the tab in increased premiums.
  • The fraudulent clerk and the flash "cracksman" interchanged experiences. For the term of his natural life
  • fraudulent inducement," warranting "equitable rescission" of the deed to Windermere, and the return of title to MBC. Undefined
  • If it is used a billion or a hundred billion times by the mass miscommunications media, it is then only a billion or a hundred billion times more inaccurate, false, fraudulent, biased, and charlatanical than it was when the PLO invented it. There Are No "Anti-semites" and No "Palestinians"
  • Gbagbo's government has made great use of the national broadcaster since the constitutional council announced his re-election, after annulling as fraudulent nearly 10 percent of all ballots cast. Fighting in Ivory Coast Disrupts National TV Broadcasts
  • This is perhaps the most fraudulent use of advertising copy on a jacket of a DVD to date.
  • After the call canceling the ceremony, a follow-up letter said citizenship officials wanted a passport she had obtained fraudulently. Ekaterine Bautista, Iraq War Veteran, May Be Denied Citizenship
  • A whistleblower lawsuit filed against Blackstone in a Massachusetts federal court by one of its former sales representative and a former distributor of its products alleges that the payments of up to $8,000 a month were to induce Dr. Lewis and other surgeons to use the company's devices, in violation of the federal antikickback statute, rendering Medicare reimbursement claims fraudulent. Taking Double Cut, Surgeons Implant Their Own Devices
  • He was a fraudulent guardian who wanted a quittance for his contract.
  • Hell, Al Gore had won just two years earlier for his global warming gimcrackery, but even Gore was not the most fraudulent of winners. Deconstructing Obama
  • The one thing we certainly cannot afford is leaving the control frauds under the control of fraudulent CEOs. William K. Black: Foreclose on the Foreclosure Fraudsters, Part 2: Spurious Arguments Against Holding the Fraudsters Accountable
  • See this privacy policy primer to learn more about privacy policies in [...] alcoves boycotted expectedly fraudulent Galahad plunger quadratical c99 txt awash beep concertmaster exactitude Francize hide lawn relocated Schottky unwinds. Blogpulse Top Links
  • That being the case, Christians must welcome, rather than object to, any measure to forestall fraudulent conversions.
  • Then came a messenger reporting that the Saxons were in rebellion; they had abandoned all their hostages, broken their oaths and induced the Franks at the castrum of Eresburg, by means of destructive siege-engines mala ingenia and fraudulent assurances, to evacuate this. De Re Militari: The Society for Medieval Military History » Medieval Warfare in the reign of Charlemagne
  • The investigation has laid bare their fraudulent scheme.
  • It is another example of the illusion of competition, the fraudulent notion of fairness and equality that is an increasing blight.
  • They have every reason to engage in puffery regarding the less fraudulent nature of its clickers. Google and Click Fraud: Behind the Numbers - Freakonomics Blog -
  • This did not mean that the Bolsheviks were simply old-style imperialists whose commitment to national self-determination was fraudulent.
  • My shouting at the computer and occasionally sending letters that probably disappeared into a virtual wastepaper basket did not get the manufacturers of these fraudulent pills to admit that serotonin cannot -- and will never -- get into the brain from the blood, so taking it by mouth is totally useless. Judith J. Wurtman, PhD: What Diet Scams Will the New Year Bring?
  • The rich pickings have brought out hordes of unscrupulous and fraudulent operators.
  • If a person pretends to be what he is not, he is usually accused of being dishonest or fraudulent.
  • I refuse to take at face value your claim that “most of the refugee/asylee influx is fraudulent.” Wonk Room » Nativist Mark Krikorian Warns That ‘Saddam Hussein’s BFFs Are Coming To Town Near You’
  • In Britain, one fraudulent credit card transaction takes place every eight seconds.
  • The police are investigating fraudulent claims for fire damage.
  • The Prague story has now been publicly exposed as a fraudulent piece of war propaganda.
  • The sense of unfulfilled belonging, the notion that my links with Wales were fraudulently weak, gnawed away at me for years until I felt an urge stealing up on me to put some flesh on my feelings about Wales, to solidify my Welshness in words and deeds. My quest to be more Welsh
  • The oath that voters are required to sign is enough to ensure against fraudulent voting.
  • Schneider faces five counts of fraudulently obtaining bank loans for building projects and one count of failing to disclose bankruptcy.
  • Several years ago a Colorado mineral dealer was alleged to have sold cassiterite fraudulently labeled as being from this area.
  • At the top of page 395 he mentions somebody fraudulently assisting a trustee in disposition of some trust property.

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