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How To Use Fraternization In A Sentence

  • During these months, especially at the beginning, there was a good deal of fraternization between the two sides, complete with competitions, gambling, and dinners.
  • In the front lines, fraternisation continued all day; though it is by no means universal as many units were unaware of what is going on. Christmas 1914 & 2007
  • There are no good statistics on the number of servicemen who fraternized with German women, but estimates from the summer of 1945 suggest that while in some units only a few men were intimately acquainted with German civilians, in others, fraternization "was the rule rather than the exception. Miss Yourlovin: GIs, Gender, and Domesticity during World War II
  • There's nothing indecent about all of this fraternization and frotteurism; in fact, quite the opposite. - Home Page
  • `You are aware of the orders forbidding fraternization with the German population? IN LOVE AND WAR
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  • There was no fraternisation between the former brothers-in-arms. Times, Sunday Times
  • The 2001 rules limited fraternization among agents and informants and instituted a Confidential Informant Review Committee that included federal prosecutors.
  • [I] t is paradoxical that the general tenor of our current legislation is that we who are advancing into Germany with the intent of punishing the Germans should, in cases of non-fraternisation, punish only our own people. Miss Yourlovin: GIs, Gender, and Domesticity during World War II
  • Yet the hope of "fraternisation" has nearly always been in vain. Essays in Rebellion
  • On the other hand, a preliminary study asserted that sending soldiers 'dependents to Germany was a "necessity if non-fraternization is to be made workable. Miss Yourlovin: GIs, Gender, and Domesticity during World War II
  • But as the friendships deepened into romance, U.S. officers decided the relationships posed a security problem and prohibited the men from "fraternization" during "combat. THE NEWS BLOG
  • The ban covered all friendly mingling with former enemy nationals, but the term "fraternization" quickly became synonymous with illicit and adulterous sex. Miss Yourlovin: GIs, Gender, and Domesticity during World War II
  • While urging Eisenhower to "discourage" fraternization, the president was more concerned about appearances than actual behavior. Miss Yourlovin: GIs, Gender, and Domesticity during World War II
  • A journalist from Madras remarked that ‘great fraternisation among the Pakistanis and the Indians was witnessed everywhere during the Test match days’.
  • Also labeled in the military at times as "fraternization" and even "adultery. War Stories
  • But at Eindhoven the organisation was unable to prevent fraternisation between the two sides leaping from mutual suspicion into whirlwind romance.
  • They accept the logic of peaceful coexistence: cultural synthesis, religious tolerance, social fraternization, short of assimilation, partnership in development, political understanding.
  • One argument against including women fully in the military has been the fear that the mutual attraction of men and women would create problems of improper fraternization and sexual intimacy.
  • The other Kew staff at said training session were the only good thing about it, and I've often wished I'd had a chance to follow through on more of these brief aquaintances - but this venerable place practices some rather arcane operational blocks to fraternisation between departments. Archive 2009-05-01
  • As I have already mentioned, the peace to be honoured is a peace that is rooted in hearts and minds; the work to be credited is work for fraternisation, tolerance, trust and understanding. The Nobel Peace Prize: From Negotiations to Human Rights
  • We need look no further than the popular TV show "The Office" to see that too much personal fraternization and familiarity will lead to employee contempt, regardless of the talent or ineptitude of the manager.
  • We will be doing some work with partners, but the specific design that we were talking about earlier around fraternization, which is a way to get the right length on the right number base pairs of DNA prior to going into the next-gen sequencer that specific product line, it does appeared as it's better suited for us to make our own direct investment and approach that market directly as opposed to through a single partner just because I think we limit ourselves fairly significantly as you watch the emergence of this market. Biotech Sector and Stocks Analysis from Seeking Alpha
  • Additionally, the Air Force, by virtue of its recent origins and philosophy, has had major problems with fraternization which is a major precursor to sexual harrassment claims and undisciplined units. Gay Scoutmasters Ban Backfires on Military
  • How can one fail to understand that this fraternisation, with all its razzle-dazzle, is an insult to everything new the recent insurrections have been able to bring to an Arab world crushed under the yoke--an insult to the youth of Tahrir Square in Cairo, who demonstrated for weeks on end without uttering the shadow of an anti-western, anti-American, or anti-Israeli slogan? Bernard-Henri Lévy: "Oh ! The Fools!"* (On a Palestinian Munich)
  • Thanks to the collapse of the Russian armies and "fraternisation," Germany has occupied Riga. Mr. Punch's History of the Great War
  • It led to a sense of unconditional loyalty towards the family which excluded any sort of idea of fraternisation with the system. Joachim Gauck: the dissident hero who holds the destiny of Germany in his hands
  • Shaughnessy attributes this non-violence and "fraternization" to the rise of unions that encourage players to think of themselves as part of a larger endeavor. Beau Dure: Don't Hate LeBron Because He Doesn't Hate His Opponents
  • Q Well, is there a sense that this kind of fraternization, even if its strictly purely social politeness, shouldn't have taken place given the relationship of the United States? Press Briefing By Dee Dee Myers
  • (One besieger is felled by a tome titled "Projet de Fraternisation avec les Bedouins"). Napoleon on Madison
  • This, lets not forget, a man with our Governments ear, suggesting that fraternisation with an enemy who are sending maimed and dead soldiers back to Britain is acceptable. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • The military's fraternization policies prohibit active duty personnel from marrying local civilians, military spokeswoman Lieutenant Colonel Josslyn Aberle told the newspaper.
  • North Korean soldiers were hardened, seasoned, and rugged compared to U.S. troops, who were soft from easy living on sake, sukiyaki, and fraternization during the occupation of Japan.
  • Thanks largely to his agitprop and fraternisation with the enemy, his brothers-in-arms were transmogrified into war criminals and baby-killers.
  • A moderately proportioned vampire bat pendant to aid inconspicuous fraternisation.

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