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How To Use Frat In A Sentence

  • During these months, especially at the beginning, there was a good deal of fraternization between the two sides, complete with competitions, gambling, and dinners.
  • Other numerous species include the yellowbilled diver Gavia adamsii, whooper swan Cygnus cygnus, lesser whitefronted goose Anser erythropus, slatybacked gull Larus Schistisagus, Kamchatka tern Sterna camtschatica, guillemot Uria aalge, thickbilled guillemot Uria lomvia, pigeon guillemot Cepphus columbs, ancient murrelet Synthliboramphus antiquus, horned puffin Fratercula Corniculata and tufted puffin Lunda cirrhata. Volcanoes of Kamchatka, Russian Federation
  • It seems the awful practice of hazing is not just limited to college sororities and fraternities.
  • Veche din Berlin, solişti: Efrat Ben - Nun - soprană, Andreas Scholl - contratenor, James Taylor - tenor, Klaus Häger - bas Latest posts
  • Apparently the section cannot adequately host the interests of both angling and boating fraternities and the boaters have taken preference.
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  • Cap. In crastino mane venit quidam sacerdos frater ipsius Coiac postulans vasculum cum chrismate, quia Sartach volebat illud videre, vt dicebat, et dedimus ei. The iournal of frier William de Rubruquis a French man of the order of the minorite friers, vnto the East parts of the worlde. An. Dom. 1253.
  • Lawyers and judges, even in quite large cities, usually know each other quite well and regularly fraternise socially.
  • 'Fraternitas canonicum in Ecclesia statutum non habet et eius ministri nullum ministerium legitime agere possunt.' RORATE CÆLI
  • The President's official visit marks the start of a more fraternal relationship between the two countries.
  • The Norman refectory or "frater" was demolished in 1246, and the new one begun. Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Gloucester [2nd ed.] A Description of Its Fabric and A Brief History of the Espicopal See
  • The worst case of fratricide in the Vietnam war occurred during an artillery exchange when the wrong powder charge caused long rounds to hit another U.S. artillery position.
  • Makes me think that if you went to different planets or times the animation would be different. frater gymnos from the website... Forget the Film, Watch the Titles « Drawn! The Illustration and Cartooning Blog
  • An initiation rite most often associated with fraternities and sororities, hazing isn't a new phenomenon in older kids and young adults.
  • I understand the point of a fraternity is to foster brotherhood. YES!
  • After the trial ended, U.S. Marshals began hauling silver-haired Jimmy Fratianno around the country to testify in major mob cases. Kill the Irishman
  • This, he said, had helped ease the poverty levels and called on the Church fraternity to emulate the Catholics' gesture.
  • The following year, Garcia took a one-stroke lead to the 70th hole of the PGA Championship but Harrington again thwarted Garcia's bid to break into the fraternity of major champions. In majors, taking on Tiger always part of the problem
  • Francis was never known in his lifetime as anything higher than _Brother Francis_, and his community he insisted should be called the community of the lesser brethren -- _Fratres Minores_ -- for none could be or should be less than they. The Coming of the Friars
  • Early modern patronage came as before from courts, churches, aristocratic, and merchant families, from religious orders and confraternities.
  • Because fraternities are privately owned and run, they are for the most part beyond the jurisdiction of academic institutions.
  • Republic One and Indivisible. Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, or Death!
  • Freedom, democracy and fraternity are people's slogans and globalization and liberalization are the slogans of imperialism.
  • Hoc autem tantum miraculum videns Melich.i. potestas ciuitatis, vocauit ad se fratrem Iacobum, et fecit eum ponere indumenta, sua, et dixit, videte fratres, Ite cum gratia The Journal of Friar Odoric
  • All along the front line soldiers walked spontaneously into no-man's land to fraternise with the enemy.
  • The story that I want to tell is the story of liberty, equality and fraternity, which seemed to me to be the governing virtues of the order today.
  • Silence has long been a tenet of mystery religions such as Wicca, as well as other fraternal organizations such as the Masons, or the Golden Dawn.
  • ‘What is happening is the result of a fracture within a single group, a fratricidal war,’ he said.
  • As one of the oldest fraternities in existence today, it is not surprising that Freemasonry ‘places much importance on history which shapes and determines much of what we do,’ the Lodge Pattaya West Winds Master said.
  • Delegates, who included academics and representatives of the asbestos industry, labour, government and the medical fraternity, also agreed that research should be done on phasing out the use of the sixth type of asbestos, called chrysotile, or white asbestos. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Despite sometimes being quite sensible (as Mr. Kenney is trying to be on citizenship, refugees and immigration), it's members of the Frat Pack who are immediately off the mark with the kind of perfervid rhetoric that goes with the Conservative communications strategy: unrelenting partisanship and obsessive control of information. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Like most Soviet Fraternal Force vehicles, it carried the blazon of the Afghan Army. KARA KUSH
  • Jokes spring up where you would most and least expect them-in a frat house bedroom during a blowout party, or at an octogenarian's funeral.
  • Boxes and hunting lodges proliferated in market towns such as Melton Mowbray, where the hunting fraternity would stay throughout the season.
  • Not romantic love, of course, but fraternal love.
  • So I thought until I was stuck in traffic for a good hour and a half on elmwood, as drunk irish frat guys screamed "HEY" to me, or someone else in the road. Drunk & Irish
  • The British converted it into an Anglican Church in 1795 and in 1949 it joined the fraternity of the Church of South India.
  • Alij ver� tam fratres sui et filij, qu鄊 alij maiores inferi鵶 sedent in medio super bancum, et homines c鎡eri post eos in terra deorsum, sed viri � dextris, et foemin� � sinistris. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • And in the fraternity of coaching, this pathology is considered a strength, not a weakness. Jon Kerr: Football Coaches are Cut From a Different Cloth
  • The elite wanted to fraternize with the Pakistanis who had accepted Urdu as the national language.
  • The Venetian government and the confraternities were the most significant patrons, and their commissions to Venetian artists created a Venetian stylistic tradition.
  • Despite John's objections to psychological explanations, the mother functions as the sexualized prize and arbiter in this fraternal rivalry when the brothers come to blows on her doorstep.
  • During World War II, 2 percent of all Army combat deaths were caused by fratricide.
  • This incident is particularly distressing to the members of the University administration because all fraternities and sororities participated in a workshop a year ago to address a similar situation at another institution.
  • The fraternity may bid four new men.
  • He therefore has much less of the baggage that converts often bring, and he is able to write in a largely irenic and fraternal manner.
  • Anyone who has been a member of a sorority or fraternity will be acquainted with some of the letter names.
  • The cue of answer: calm and silent, clearly, strong standpoint, positive pertinacity, kind heart and care about other people, strong adaption and sense of humor, optimism and fraternity.
  • Fingerprints were in fact used to see whether twins were fraternal or identical.
  • Representatives from the Knights of Pythias secular fraternity were not able to offer insight into the disproportionate number of Jewish names on the plague. Laura Silver: On Veterans, Crosses And Shields
  • Thisis onlygoing to incense the legal fraternity even more than before, andcould well come back to bite Musharraf in the proverbial over the next few weeks. Power broking in Park Lane
  • Luctui dies indicebatur cum liberi nascantur, cum frater abit, amicus ab hospite captivus domum redeat, puella desponsetur. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • In the first of these letters Seneca hopes his brother Paul is well: “Bene te valere, frater, cupio.” A Philosophical Dictionary
  • You are not only fratricidal, but matricidal, ecocidal and suicidal, dangerously in denial, certifiable, a maniacal, omnicidal menace not only to yourself and other animals, but all of the life on the planet. You Are What You Eat
  • You do us great honour and your being here shows that it is a bond of friendship, understanding our fraternity.
  • Sketching the plot of the film calls to mind any number of archetypal/hackneyed tales of fraternal rivalry, flight from danger, coming of age, and so on.
  • Traxi moram in Cambalu tribus annis: fratres nostri locum habent in Curia sua specialiter, et festis diebus statutis dant benedictionem, Odericus. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • As Bluto Blutarsky in "Animal House, '' John made cinema history by smashing a guitar, imitating a" zit "in the cafeteria and inspiring his fraternity brothers with the rallying cry:" Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Our Guide to Famous Brothers
  • More numerous than the gentry-become-townsmen were the burgesses who fraternised with the gentry.
  • Thou mayst do this if thou wilt, pater non deperit filiam, nec frater sororem, a father dotes not on his own daughter, a brother on a sister; and why? because it is unnatural, unlawful, unfit. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • 'I believe she'd fratch if she didna see tha,' he said at last. The History of David Grieve
  • Castro recommended to the 270 Cuban athletes that they "fraternize" with other athletes competing in the Ninth Central American and Caribbean Games CUBAN ATHLETES GOING TO GAMES
  • The trinity of "liberté, egalité, fraternité" outlived those who had butchered in its name, and was deposed from the French currency only during the time of Vichy (which replaced it with the less sonorous "travail, famille, patrie"). Reactionary Prophet
  • Originally the term monastery designated, both in the East and in the West, the dwelling either of a solitary or of a community; while caenobium, congregatio, fraternitas, asceterion, etc. were applied solely to the houses of communities. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • The event promises to enthral the fraternity of adventure freaks, spectators and participants.
  • Socialism cannot exist without a change in consciousness resulting in a new fraternal attitude toward humanity, both at an individual level, within the societies where socialism is being built or has been built, and on a world scale, with regard to all peoples suffering from imperialist oppression. Che Guevara 
  • I think it would be very interesting, though, for him to take note of the fact that he has this sort of a clubbish, this clubbish, this frat boy mentality that permeates his program. CNN Transcript Apr 10, 2007
  • DYNAMITE: The term applies to TNT's bittersweet Men of a Certain Age, continuing its terrific second season, but not so much to the instantly tiresome new legal dramedy Franklin & Bash, which implodes in the belief that aggressive quirkiness, smarmy frat-boy sexual innuendo and a "suits are douches" philosophy will endear its Peter Pan protagonists to a wide audience. Matt's TV Week in Review
  • But boardroom fights, shareholder lawsuits and even fratricidal competition are the stuff of capitalism.
  • Liberty, equality, fraternity, or death; -- the last, much the easiest to bestow, O Guillotine!
  • I followed a curved track between the walls of the monks' fraternities. Times, Sunday Times
  • I concluded that I was asked along as a member of the ladies football fraternity, and so thought it best to bring a colleague.
  • The thing is, people think that if there was no actual rape then there was nothing wrong with the overall pictures - bunch of entitled frat boys hire poor black women largely so that they can lord it over them in a racist manner, which intent they demonstrate quite clearly by their behavior. How Innocent Are They? Or, Hearing of Don Imus and the Duke Lacrosse Dropped Charges All in One Day
  • He seemed to assume, for example, if Russia withdrew unilaterally from the first world war, German soldiers would begin to fraternise with their former opponents and would be therefore moved to stop fighting.
  • In "A Genetic Study of Male Sexual Orientation," a study that has now achieved almost as much renown as LeVay's, the Northwestern University psychologist Michael Bailey and Boston University's Richard Pillard compared fifty-six "monozygotic" twins (identical twins, from the same zygote, or fertilized egg), fifty-four "dizygotic" (fraternal) twins, and fifty-seven genetically unrelated adopted brothers. Homosexuality and Biology
  • These institutions have also contributed materially to the growth of social tensions, communalism and ultimately bloody fratricidal conflicts.
  • Family support allowed Vanderbilt University fraternity brothers David Muzzo and Cameron Chalmers in 2000 to cofound Study Island, an educational software company. Families: Nurture Entrepreneurs
  • Brown rushed several fraternities but decided on Sigma Phi Epsilon, whose national charter contained a whites-only provision.
  • Thus a gene for chromosomal fratricide will spread as surely as a murderer will inherit the Earth.
  • Shortly before the Civil War, the fraternity regrouped and became the model for dozens of other fraternal organizations that enjoyed tremendous popularity in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
  • The disease occurs in 30% of identical twins but in only 5% of fraternal twins.
  • `Fratelli D'Italia, l'Italia s'è desta, dell'elmo di Scipio, S'è cinto la testa... "while Signora Cara snored, whistling gently. THE GOLDEN LION
  • In the quarter century since that evening of enlightenment, what Russell, one of the most popular and affable members of the professional fraternity, has done with his life has varied.
  • Then came Mrs. T's revolution, which delivered the coup de grace to heavy manufacturing after decades of free trade mania and dirigiste trade unions had resulted in us becoming 'uncompetitive', a sin apparently on a par with barratry and fratricide. Whae's Like Us ?
  • John Trigilio, Jr., PhD, ThD, president of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy and co-author of Catholicism For Dummies, has written in that vein: Archive 2005-10-01
  • No parts of the university were closed to the public (of course, the residential fraternity houses were another matter).
  • The other Kew staff at said training session were the only good thing about it, and I've often wished I'd had a chance to follow through on more of these brief aquaintances - but this venerable place practices some rather arcane operational blocks to fraternisation between departments. Archive 2009-05-01
  • He wore a dark bluejacket, striped tie and khaki slacks with his fraternity pin on his jacket lapel. Twilight’s Child
  • men from the fraternal order will staff the soup kitchen today
  • Beyond the curriculum, the staff at Fratney works to organize the entire school in ways that are consistent with its philosophy.
  • I am genuinely perplexed by the fury some express about the so-called "fratricidal" nature of Ed Miliband's victory over his elder brother David. Why treat Ed Miliband as a younger son who should 'know his place'?
  • Another minor point here is the lazy use of the term Orwellian in Anthony's piece, to describe the revolutionary fraternity associated with the term 'Brother.' Cambodia: Details are Sketchy
  • There is a strong spirit of fraternity among these isolated people.
  • This sense of self-responsibility does not lead to a set formula of classroom management at Fratney.
  • Chantry houses tend to resemble community hangouts , jam-session rooms or fraternity houses more than magical workplaces, and they're often inhabited by several Cultists and a handful of Sleepers.
  • She is part and parcel of the rowing fraternity and shares her house with three male rowers.
  • Item sunt alie expense facte in Curiis Regis annuatim pro officio generalis procuratoris in diversis Curiis Regis, que de necessitate fieri oportet, pro brevibus Regis, et Cartis impetendis, et aliis, negociis in eisdem Curiis expediendis, que ad minus ascendunt per annum, prout evidencius apparet, per compotum et memoranda dicti fratris de Scaccario qui per capitulum ad illud officium oneratur ... lx m. Notes and Queries, Number 38, July 20, 1850
  • In the freedom of this rather unalluring garb she entered into relations Platonic, fraternal, or tempestuously passionate with perhaps the most distinguished series of friends and lovers that ever fluttered about one flame. The George Sand-Gustave Flaubert Letters
  • The abbey appears to have been almost abolished shortly after the Reformation, the only parts of the monastic buildings allowed to remain being the fratery and portions of the chapter-house, which were incorporated with the mansion-house. Scottish Cathedrals and Abbeys
  • fraternal twins are biovular
  • A study of identical and fraternal twins separated at birth and adopted into different families showed the same heritability.
  • This step by the medical fraternity amounts to a giant leap for the whole country, he added.
  • By 1904, five fraternities and five sororities had been established on campus; dozens more were just on the horizon.
  • Yeah, there\'s that whole first black nominee for president thing, but more significant is the fact that the greeting, which has been described by confused white journalists as a \ "fist bump, \" \ "closed-fist high-five, \" \ "a frat-tastic fist bump\" and \ "\'Hezbollah\ 'style fist-jabbing, \" is finally being introduced to mainstream culture. Katie Halper: The Obama Pound: In Historic Moment, White People Exposed to "Fist Bump" for First Time
  • It seems the awful practice of hazing is not just limited to college sororities and fraternities.
  • Students who lived on campus and were involved in fraternities, sororities or extracurricular activities were less likely to drop out of college.
  • Verum a Cornuto sublatis libris, pecuniam sororibus, quas heredes frater fecerat, reliquit. ' The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
  • Instead we went to a frat party, and honestly, I'm pretty sure that offing ourselves would have almost been better.
  • One band had snaked their way into the bill through the promoter - a frat rock funk band.
  • The fratto song is a type of executed liturgico Christian song with values proporziona them: to the contrary of the so-called gregoriano the cantus fractus it often possesses a notation with mensurali elements, that it indicates with precision the value of notes. Archive 2008-01-01
  • After pre-operative embolisation, the tumour was resected from the infratemporal and pterygopalatine fossae, sphenoid sinus, nasopharynx, nasal cavity and maxillary antrum.
  • A 20-year veteran of the peace movement, he had learned one of the inviolable laws of the left: thou shalt not fraternize with big business.
  • I was never a Mob lawyer, I never fraternized with my clients and I never even went to a club to collect money for my fees.
  • Fraternities and sororities are a pretty big deal here.
  • The President's official visit marks the start of a more fraternal relationship between the two countries.
  • The Belgian band encapsulated the friendly spirit of fraternity that lies at the heart of folk.
  • Also, on the larger level the larger our fraternity is the more power we will have against the anti-hunters. PA Approves Crossbows For Archery Seasons
  • These people were not allowed to join the fraternal organizations that had been previously established by and for white people, so they sought to form their own social organizations throughout the country.
  • Contra fratrem Thomam" the councils forbade teaching that -- "quia intelligentiae non habent materiam, Deus non potest plures ejusdem speciei facere; et quod materia non est in angelis"; further, the councils struck at the vital centre of Thomas's system -- "quod Deus non potest individua multiplicare sub una specie sine materia"; and again in its broadest form, -- "quod formae non accipiunt divisionem nisi secundam materiam. Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres
  • A moderately proportioned vampire bat pendant to aid inconspicuous fraternisation.
  • Targeted populations include freshmen, sorority and fraternity members, and students who have been caught violating college alcohol policies.
  • Maybe he's had a fratch with yon brother -- yon Hugh. A Son of Hagar A Romance of Our Time
  • If the development of a certain disease is due to heredity, then genetic researchers would expect more of the identical twins to share the disease as compared to the same-sex fraternal twins.
  • There's lots of physical comedy: Hillary is an amusingly spastic dancer, frugging her heart out, while Bill has a languid, frat-boy lope that makes him look more Animal House than White House. A Song for Monica
  • Not doubting at all that Your Beatitude would want to share these ideas, we beg you to accept the expression of our fraternal and cordial greetings.
  • We want to see that kind of fratricidal battles going on on the Republican side. Hullabaloo
  • The project team recruited potential study participants by working with churches, community and fraternal organizations, funeral homes, African American businesses, and universities.
  • Some members of York's criminal fraternity believed the temporary amnesty to be a ‘set up’ and that they would be arrested on sight, and would therefore not be attending.
  • Cxiuj parencoj de mia edzino estas miaj boparencoj, sekve sxia frato estas mia bofrato, sxia fratino estas mia bofratino; mia frato kaj fratino (gefratoj) estas la bogefratoj de mia edzino. The Esperanto Teacher A Simple Course for Non-Grammarians
  • But boardroom fights, shareholder lawsuits and even fratricidal competition are the stuff of capitalism. Let the law take its course.
  • Women made donations to the poor, to hospitals, confraternities and synagogues. Italy, Early Modern.
  • Others were from rugby teammates, fraternity brothers, business associates, and boyfriends.
  • In a number of major cities—Florence chief among them—the confraternities became distinct forces of political power as well as social welfare. The Poet Prince
  • Anstataux konstante batali inter si, elsxiri la patrujon unuj al la aliaj, perforte altrudi al si reciproke siajn lingvojn kaj morojn, ili vivos inter si pace kaj frate, en plena interkonsento ili laboros sur la tero, sur kiu ili vivas, kaj kontraux tiuj krudaj fortoj de la naturo, kiuj ilin cxiujn egale atakas. The Esperanto Teacher A Simple Course for Non-Grammarians
  • By the way, if anyone sees my boss, remember that the Republican scumbag thinks I'm on Nantucket with my fraternity brothers.
  • It's about fratricide, patricide, matricide - the ultimate dysfunctional family.
  • TOM FRATANATO (ph), RETIRED HAWAII POLICE OFFICER: Yeah, in Wai - Hai (ph), that's just about a mile north of Lapahoi-hoi (ph) town, the gulch, which is the Lapahoi-hoi (ph) gulch, the landslide took out the water lines, which supply Waipunalai (ph), Malka (ph) and Waipunalai (ph) Makai, the camps down in Makai. CNN Transcript Oct 15, 2006
  • The oddly alliterated Fervent Fray of Fraternal Fervor, written and directed by Thomas Thompson, is the second festival offering.
  • Sleeping in a one-bedroom apartment with fraternity keggers going on outside is good for pampered big leaguers, anyway.
  • Mr. Godfrey and father can talk together for hours without fratching.
  • Another situational event is the effect of friendly fire on your own troops, fratricide in today's terms.
  • The priest shall be known as a Postulant until his reception into the Fraternity.
  • He averred that the town was much mistaken in imagining that the king's proclamation had effectually crushed their fraternity, into which opinion they perhaps might be drawn by seeing so many of them perish in so short a time; which, he said, did not lessen their society, but would, notwithstanding that, put all that remained of them upon bolder exploits than ever, to show that they were yet unhanged. Lives of the Most Remarkable Criminals Who have been Condemned and Executed for Murder, the Highway, Housebreaking, Street Robberies, Coining or other offences
  • I also resented his attack on financial journalists, as I count most of the finance fraternity among my closest friends.
  • [15] "Spettacolo certamente memorabile, vedere insieme due Re potentissimi tra tutti i Principi Cristiani, stati poco innanzi si acerbissimi inimici, non solo riconciliati, e congiunti di parentado, ma deposti i segni dell 'odio, e della memoria delle offese, commettere ciascuno di loro la vita propria in arbitrio dell' altro con non minore confidenza, che se sempre fossero stati concordissimi fratelli. The History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic — Volume 3
  • But over the years he has wormed - sorry, worked - his way into the Prime Minister's affections, a rare achievement in this fractious and fratricidal administration.
  • Guess we Americans are too focused on liberte, egalite, fraternite. Carleton Bryant: French angry over McDonald's at Louvre
  • It's about fratricide, patricide, matricide - the ultimate dysfunctional family.
  • De quibus rebus olim parum docebant Concionatores, tantum puerilia et non necessaria opera urgebant, ut certas ferias, certa jejunia, fraternitates, peregrinationes, cultus Sanctorum, rosaria, monachatum et similia. The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • The mottos ‘unity in diversity’ and ‘friendship and fraternity’ were used as thematic subjects for artists to follow.
  • She attracted all sorts to her house, not just her husband's fox-hunting fraternity. THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN
  • The recession has created an atmosphere where disparate groups fraternise in an atmosphere of mutual support.
  • The highly organised fraternities — student social clubs — even bring their own marquees emblazoned with the starspangled banner. The Sun
  • `You gotta learn to take my fraternal interest in you in the spirit in which it's offered. FLOATING CITY
  • The country was partitioned amid the most violent fratricidal fury.
  • Although the Symphony lacks the striking originality of future masterpieces like "Fratres" (1977) or "Tabula Rasa" (1977), the adagio-like second movement, with its dark, anguished outbursts in the low strings, points the way. P
  • The most ambitious aspired from a filial to a fraternal relation with the image of The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • It has smaller fraternities of brothers living among the poorest of the poor in Bangladesh, Calcutta and Brazil, but the center of the community is Taize.
  • And a deskman who doesn't notice when nine kids pile into Room 213 with enough beer to fuel a frat house. Sunday Reading
  • Because everybody knows the roman empire fell after they started letting their soldiers fraternize. Think Progress » Conservatives Fearmonger About Repealing DADT: It Will Lead To The Draft And ‘Mortally’ Wound The Military
  • Hazing has a deep-rooted association with college fraternities, athletics, and the military.
  • Deals done in the past, between fraternal communist parties, continue to have ramifications in the present.
  • 7 'Liberi parentes alant aut vinciant: quidam alterum fratrem tyrannum occidit, alterum in adulterio deprehensum deprecante patre interfecit. Post-Augustan Poetry From Seneca to Juvenal
  • However, during the few weeks when a trip to Kazakhstan remained a possibility, the football branch of our journalistic fraternity went into overdrive.
  • The relative frequency of fraternal twins has halved since 1950.
  • The hand fratto is a type of Christian liturgical song performed with proportional values: on the contrary, the so-called Gregorian cantus fractus have often with a notation elements mensurali, which indicates with precision the value of the notes. Archive 2008-01-01
  • In a more general and more important sense, however, the desire to avoid fratricide and risk has meant a dramatically increased need for battlespace awareness.
  • Clearly fraternal mutualism was effective for meeting some of the economic needs for many non-whites and poorer members of American society.
  • Consider student clubs or professional organizations, fraternities and sororities, community service groups, and special interest organizations.
  • Bartolommeo learned from the younger artist the rules of perspective, in which he was so skilled, while Raphael owes to the _frate_ the improvement in his colouring and handling of drapery, which was noticeable in the works he produced after their meeting. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 3 "Banks" to "Bassoon"
  • Heritability is usually measured by concordance between parents and children, or between identical and fraternal twins.
  • I mind I told him what he said over and over again about his fratch with that Garth. The Shadow of a Crime A Cumbrian Romance
  • Nevertheless, the instinctive part of me -- that part of us which refuses to fraternize with reason, and which we call the superstitious because we cannot explain it -- would not let go the spiritualistic theory, and during all my life has never quite surrendered it to the attacks of my brain. Sacred and Profane Love
  • The troops were forbidden to fraternize with the enemy.
  • They belong to the Greek Orthodox fraternity, which shares control over the church with other denominations but is the dominant force within the sacred site.
  • Beyond the curriculum, the staff at Fratney works to organize the entire school in ways that are consistent with its philosophy.
  • Mrs Zuckerman does not fraternize widely.
  • Ei hac intro mecum, gnate mi, ad fratrem meum, ut istuc quod me oras impetratum ab eo auferam. Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • Our disagreements are fraternal, and we support each other whenever there are judicial problems.
  • To fraternize with him in any way, it seems almost unethical. SORT OF RICH
  • Thanks largely to his agitprop and fraternisation with the enemy, his brothers-in-arms were transmogrified into war criminals and baby-killers.
  • The two worlds finally come together in bitter confraternity when Benny, in an almost orgastic ecstasy of speed, destroys his little idiot half-brother.
  • Melich, vt vinctus ad eum duceretur, A quo cùm adductus esset, quaesiuit imperator, quare ita crudeliter illos fratres iusserat interfici, respondit, quia subuertere volebant legem nostram, et malum et blasphemiam de propheta nostro dicebant: et imperator ad eum; O crudelissime canis, cùm videres quod Deus omnipotens bis ab igne eos liberauerit, quo modo ausus fuisti illis mortem inferre tam crudelem. The Journal of Friar Odoric
  • Younger brother Prince Khurram promptly had him killed, as fraternal ambitions were not to be encouraged, even though the wretched Prince Khusrau was blind.
  • Germany and Austria, going through similar ceremonies, walking arm-inarm, kissing on both cheeks fraternally, etc. Cyropaedia
  • An investigation was immediately launched, and several documents show that the local chain of command was largely convinced it was fratricide from the beginning. May 2005
  • Kellen has served as the fraternity's housemother since its re-establishment on campus in 1992.
  • A host of new religious orders and lay confraternities were founded to preach, teach, tend the sick, and care for the poor.
  • I was so worn out with all their stopping and detaining me, it got to be frightfully hard work emerging from the flood of felicitations. tandem abii ad praetorem; ibi vix requievi: rogo syngraphum, datur mi ilico; dedi Tyndaro: ille abiit domum. inde ilico praevortor domum, postquam id actum est; eo protinus ad fratrem, mei ubi sunt alii captivi. Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • Et ego quidem ab vno Fratrum Prædicatorum, videlicet à Fr. Simone de S. Quintino, iam ib illo itinere regresso, gesta Tartarorum accepi, illa duntaxat, quæ superius per diuersa loca iuxta congruentiam temporum huic operi inserui. The long and wonderful voyage of Frier Iohn de Plano Carpini
  • Holt 1952a, 1952b inferred from analyses of French cabinets and college interfraternity councils that otherwise mutually rewarding coalitions were rejected because a loss of autonomy or self-determination was involved. The Bass Handbook of Leadership
  • But as hinted before, they are but one of many examples of operator groupies - girls who consider fraternising with staff a bigger attraction than the rides themselves.
  • Videntes autem fratres Joseph, quod mortuus esset pater ecorum, dixerunt Fortasse odio habebit nos Joseph, et reddendo reddet nobis omne malum, qui affecimus eum. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 2
  • The French Encyclopædia [202] relates that M. Hassenfratz saw ice served up at table at Chambéry which broke into hexagonal prisms; and when he was shown the ice-houses where it was stored, he found considerable blocks of ice containing hexahedral prisms terminated by corresponding pyramids. Ice-Caves of France and Switzerland
  • Directorium ad passagium faciendum, editum per quemdam fratrem ordinis Predicatorum, scribentem experta et visa poti鵶 qu鄊 audita; ad serenissimum principemet dominum Philippum, regem The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Oddly, no one questions the elasticity of the Coen Brothers to do frat-housey The Big Lebowski and at the same time No Country for Old Men, but thats another topic. Wyatt Closs: For Colored Girls, And For Multiple Stakes
  • This persecution of the already-overtaxed motorist is becoming almost as hysterical as the persecution of smokers and the hunting fraternity.
  • Socialism cannot exist without a change in consciousness resulting in a new fraternal attitude toward humanity, both at an individual level, within the societies where socialism is being built or has been built, and on a world scale, with regard to all peoples suffering from imperialist oppression. Che Guevara 
  • Later, Romanian immigrants gathered at the headquarters of mutual aid societies and fraternal organizations where they discussed news from Romania, read or wrote letters, and sang religious or popular songs.
  • Younger brother Prince Khurram promptly had him killed, as fraternal ambitions were not to be encouraged, even though the wretched Prince Khusrau was blind.
  • Con questo atto si desidera consolidare le reciproche relazioni di fiducia e intensificare e dare stabilità ai rapporti della Fraternità San Pio X con questa Sede Apostolica. Archive 2009-01-01

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