How To Use Frappe In A Sentence
Streetside cafes are filled with the locals watching football, drinking a frappé, and deliberately breaking New York City's no smoking rule.
So, mind if I go about making you a frappé with regular Coffea arabica?
Thole-pins shred where the oar leans, grommets renewed, tallowed: halliards frapped to the shrouds.
The Times Literary Supplement
An independent nuclear deterrent, the Force de Frappe, was a prestigious symbol of this new policy.
After that we went to some tea place and I got a tea fusion drink, but my mom got this honeydew almond frappé thing.
The same thing happened with Starbucks: They came out with 'Frappuccino,' and competitors clamored to use the same portmanteau of 'frappe' and
But they're from in/near Boston, where they use the term frappe (rhymes with cap) for proper (ice-creamful) milk shakes.
Separated by a common language
You can still look tough and macho with a frappé in your hand.
'Ce troisième et ce quatrième actes, les plus émouvants qui se soient jamais produits sur aucune scène, se composent d'une suite de narrations, qui viennent l'une après l'autre frapper au coeur d'OEdipe, et qui ont leur contrecoup dans l'âme des spectateurs.
The Seven Plays in English Verse
In frappé devant you do not move your hip, therefore you can't bring your hip back when you bring your leg back.
I appear to have missed the "frappe" setting, and for this, I am truly glad.
Seanan_mcguire: First review is in!
Best Cappucino on the planet and best cold coffee/choclate frappe for the afternoon lag, great fresh fruit for breakfast ......
Guanajuato restaurants
The entire route needs accurate planning with the kit in watertight sacks/barrel and frapped in the canoe.
I tend to go with some form of iced coffee blended drink - frappe/frappacino/whatever along with a decent bit of scrambled egg, bacon and toast.
Hangover Cures: Myth, Legend, Fact | Lifehacker Australia
~~~~~~~~~~~~French Vocabulary~~~~~~~~~ qui m'a frappée = that struck me; sur la piste (de dance) = on the dance floor; dégoulinant à gogo = trickling à gogo; le spectacle doit continuer!
Degouliner - French Word-A-Day
They also wondered if the X chromosome showed difference patterns of population genetic substructure than the autosome, so they compared the X with chromosome 16 using frappe.
ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
Did I mention the baby tumbler of minted mango frappé that came alongside?
I'd had to use both hands to hold my frappé, and lighting cigarettes was near impossible.
The new frappé mix enables cafés to make a wide variety of delicious frappés quickly and simply.
And in some parts of Eastern Europe frappés are made with cola in place of coffee.
I could also tell you the tale of the "frappe," but I'm afraid I'm skating too close to the ban on dialect jokes.
Annoying and pretentious terms.
I have a test tomorrow so I'm going to go to the bookstore, get myself a frappé, and pull an all-nighter, then try and make it through tomorrow.
Depuis l'intervention américaine en Irak, la politique de frappe préventive est très discutée.
Bishop Pierre Whalon: 'Just War' And The Intervention In Libya
Le mot “dollar” est beaucoup plus ancien que la monnaie des Etats-Unis et provient du mot “thaler”, qui désignait des pièces de monnaie frappées à partir de 1519.
Archive 2010-06-01
Frappé and petit battement serré introduce real dynamic movement, with more speed, quick precision and sustained turnout as in serré.
The corridors bustle with traffic, and everyone is fueled by tall glasses of coffee frappé.
Usually a flic-flac is built into a frappé exercise at the barre.
Français · Azerbaïdjan: Deux militants pour la jeunesse et blogueurs, frappés et placés en détention
Global Voices in English » Azerbaijan: Youth activists and bloggers beaten and detained
Most days the waterfront is virtually wall-to-wall cafes where hip young things lounge around all afternoon sipping cafe frappés.
Je fus frappé des yeux de Lord Byron au moment où il écoutait un sestetto d'un opéra de
Life of Lord Byron, Vol. 3 (of 6) With His Letters and Journals
L'artiste, furieux, s'élance sur lui: "Frappez, vous êtes sauvé!" dit l'ouvrier si heureusement inspiré.
French Conversation and Composition
Dressed in something fabulously gauzy, a young ballerina demonstrated plies and tendues, frappes and grands battements, rond de jambes and fondues.
Wishing For Limber Limbs
He had been drinking a decaf and she was sipping on a mocha frappé.
He insisted on the development of a force de frappe, a nuclear deterrent, which at the time was considered a quintessential underpinning of superpower status.
Mais ce qui frappe et se trouve repérable ne doit pas masquer les aspects encore mal définis tels que les changements radicaux qui s'opèrent sur le plan symbolique, représentationnel, imaginaire et plus simplement sur notre mode de relation aux autres.
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