How To Use Frantically In A Sentence

  • All I could do was frantically reach for my safety whistle and blow like crazy to alert the raft crew.
  • Drummer Ste Barrow is frantically searching for a replacement having just split the skin on his bass drum.
  • Instead, all the clifty defiles of the ranges were filled with the roar of flames and the crackling of burning timbers as town after town was given to the firebrand, and the homeless, helpless Cherokees frantically fleeing to the densest coverts of the wilderness, -- that powerful truculent tribe! The Frontiersmen
  • After a breakfast of pasta and 3 cups of tea, I went to the garage to fetch my bike only to find my Dad, who looked more nervous than me, frantically pumping up my tyres.
  • Sevan, who was in Kabul when Najibullah bolted, spent the week frantically trying to coax the new leaders to stick with the peace plan. The End Of A Superpower Proxy War
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  • We frantically wipe at them with wet towels. Times, Sunday Times
  • Looking around frantically as the tub nearly filled to capacity, I grabbed a bar of Ivory soap.
  • She turned to Ian enquiringly, as the boy scrabbled frantically on the floor looking for coins.
  • All over the country, harassed parents are frantically trying to decide how to entertain their offspring, rather than pleasing themselves.
  • A Phil Neville zinger takes a wicked deflection and Hildebrand scurries frantically across his goal-line to keep the ball out.
  • Patrick suddenly found himself standing in the hallway, his heart tripping frantically, his breathing too fast to be comfortable.
  • Meanwhile Blackburn, frantically seeking to empty the boat after a wave had swamped it, accidentally bailed his own mittens over the side.
  • She nods frantically, distractedly, ponytail slicing a semi-circle through the air as she about-faces for a new strip of floor to stomp across.
  • the building...frantically baroque
  • I nodded my head frantically, pretty sure drool was dribbling down the side of my mouth.
  • Cantus swung frantically, attempting to deflect his opponent's blows, one of his swipes finally scoring underneath Soren's defenses.
  • Vix hit the retros, frantically pulled up so that the Eternal's nose was almost hitting the ceiling, and activated the belly thrusters at full power just before they hit the wall.
  • All I could do was frantically reach for my safety whistle and blow like crazy to alert the raft crew.
  • He caught hold of her frantically fluttering hands and forced her to stay still and look at him.
  • As the helicopter flew overhead, they waved frantically, trying to attract its attention.
  • I'm sure many of my colleagues are frantically scribbling away on their bestsellers in their spare time.
  • There are also stories of cats running around frantically before hurricanes or tornados. Times, Sunday Times
  • My dippy mother is going around frantically getting all the things from inside the living room that are worth any money, which I can tell you it ‘aint a lot!
  • That night the family frantically phoned friends and visited her haunts. The Sun
  • I screamed and tried to fight, crying in frustration while doctors frantically fussed around me, shouting noises that echoed through my head.
  • Once the sack whirled about his head, twice, and then it arcked toward the galley, dropping to its deck unnoticed by men frantically cutting away the flaming sail. Conan The Unconquered
  • Grab the nearest towel (a washcloth will substitute in a pinch) and frantically rub the shampoo up off the floor.
  • I caused bottlenecks in front of crowded Métro barriers, frantically scrabbling through my satchel for that sad little bag containing my carnet of tickets.
  • Kahlil had crimsoned and was gesturing frantically with his hands. September 17 , 2004
  • Inside all of us there appears to be a little chap with a spray can frantically signalling to be let out. Times, Sunday Times
  • Inside all of us there appears to be a little chap with a spray can frantically signalling to be let out. Times, Sunday Times
  • By half way, he was gaining on his rival, with the crowd waving their banners frantically. Times, Sunday Times
  • Helicopters frantically shuttled crews out in near snow-blind conditions to stake suspected diamond pipes before their rivals.
  • I was pointing frantically towards the meadow and trying to catch my partner's attention by squawking in a hushed tone, so as not to disturb this first major article of wildlife I'd spotted so far on our trip.
  • She flung herself into her room and began to pack frantically, wanting to cry with rage and shame.
  • The men were frantically waving their arms around to indicate they were in distress.
  • I reached frantically for the light, wishing instead for a sawed-off shotgun.
  • But as the broadwing pumped frantically to evade her, she shot past him completely, ignoring him! The Black Gryphon
  • These days, as we run around frantically copulating and overreporting, we tend to forget that. Sex surveys, honor, and Brandon Davies's girlfriend
  • But one particular species had the expert twitcher frantically flicking through the ornithology books when it was delivered to his doorstep this week.
  • As they watched rescuers work frantically, another quake made the trees on the bank sway.
  • She cast about frantically for an excuse.
  • As the helicopter flew overhead, they waved frantically, trying to attract its attention.
  • As soon as the doors opened, I saw a balding man in a sweatsuit waving the sports section of a newspaper around and shouting frantically into his cell phone.
  • Amazingly, he managed to kick it in the eye - then scrambled on to a rock so frantically he ripped out finger and toenails. The Sun
  • Even when she reached her home again, and Mrs. Byrne followed her in, afraid of leaving the frightened woman alone lest she should "blab" the whole secret to the first person she met, -- even then Mrs. Cregan could not speak until she had gathered up the broken dishes and propped the broken chair against the wall, as frantically as if she were trying to conceal the evidence of a crime. McClure's Magazine, Vol 31, No 2, June 1908
  • He reminded his frantically puffing audience that smoking was a well-known antidote to the predations of the great horse fly, or cleg.
  • I quickly skimmed through the heads of the files, frantically searching for Enrico.
  • George lunged for the cruet set; Melanie for the butter dish; Nat was frantically hoarding toothpicks.
  • Then disaster struck (and I'm not sure what exactly happened), as I woke up to find the engines at full power reversing away from shore with Nicholas waving frantically.
  • By half way, he was gaining on his rival, with the crowd waving their banners frantically. Times, Sunday Times
  • The MP in question now feels he has bitten off rather more than he can swallow, let alone chew, and is now back-pedalling frantically.
  • declared Matsa frantically as he hit what would have been the enter key on a non elven computer, but in the unlearned language Matsa wasn't sure of it.
  • His throat and lungs filled with the pungent stifling smoke of powder, his nostrils with earth and dust, he frantically wheezed and sneezed, leaping about, falling drunkenly, leaping into the air again, staggering on his hind-legs, dabbing with his forepaws at his nose head-downward between his forelegs, and even rubbing his nose into the ground. CHAPTER XIX
  • He knelt down to begin frantically scooping them back into the box as she slid the apartment key into her pocket, undid the deadbolt and stepped out into the hall.
  • David was jangling his change so frantically you had to strain to hear what anyone was saying.
  • They may root frantically under the couch cushions or behind the drapes for a hidden camera.
  • Telescoping the text frantically, he omits most of the low-life scenes, which show how sexual licence slides into moral anarchy.
  • She nods frantically, distractedly, ponytail slicing a semi-circle through the air as she about-faces for a new strip of floor to stomp across.
  • Frantically pointing at the TV screen, which displayed a route map, the terrified teen noted we were over France and told the air hostess she needed to inform the captain that we could safely divert and make an emergency landing in some area of the French countryside that he seemed to know very well as he'd holidayed there the previous summer with some Etonian chums. Kim Carillo: The Day Prince William's Pal Held My Husband's Hand and Other In-Flight Shockers
  • Searching, Alex frantically clawed at the strong arm that possessed her, looking for an escape amidst chaos.
  • I scrabble frantically for concealer and eyeliner, lip gloss and eyeshadow.
  • A pretty red-haired girl waved frantically to catch Allyson's attention from the school's parking lot.
  • Anything topical is now a week old, and I'm out of the loop ... or on the outskirts waving frantically. Archive 2009-03-01
  • I looked around and saw Cliff waving his arms frantically, because he was being swarmed by some local bees.
  • The Essenes were not only greatly inclined to apocalyptic views and legalism, but they were frantically anti-Hellenistic.
  • Dammit, gonna need a volunteer drag queen ... yes, my brain is frantically scrabbling around trying to find things that might be more itneresting than the ending of All the Windwracked Stars.) (Which is what I need to go work on right now, alackaday.) Link salad, big essplosions edition
  • The students are hustling and bustling about, Ms. Hunter frantically handing back the test papers.
  • People crowded round the bar frantically shouting their orders over the noise of the band.
  • Football also makes people cross enough to become frantically upset about Neil Lennon, a man who, in normal life, might be the kind of slightly testy neighbour who occasionally leaves a note on your windscreen about wheelie bin maintenance, but who, in football, is deemed a bristly ginger hard-nut super villain. It's time to admit football is pure evil | Barney Ronay
  • Michael quickly fell asleep in his bed, his hand grasping mine which was clutching back frantically.
  • A mob is like a mass of bullocks driven to frenzy by some bott fly, and charging frantically against the tents of some herdsman, imagining that all the evil comes out of these tents. Kangaroo
  • City's Eyal Berkovic was sent-off and Shaun Goater booked in the mass protests that followed, and more were lucky they did not see a card as the Wirral-based referee frantically waved away spot kick appeals.
  • Caught by rush of tide pouring through the channel, line and popper were swept along, with me frantically untangling the mess of fly-line.
  • Overworked horses pulling carriages laden with tourists trot frantically up the hill as the fierce morning sun beats down.
  • Just barely managing to remain sitting on the table was Kimrey, waving frantically at me to join her.
  • I asked frantically as I stared at the giant flames that were devouring her home.
  • As we drove into the qila's courtyard we saw a crowd of between twenty and 30 retainers massing to greet the rajah, all frantically bowing and salaaming; as Suleiman got out of the car the foremost ones dived to touch his feet.
  • Pavel was frantically pressing switches and overrides.
  • With shaking limbs, she rose from her bed, stumbled to the small wardrobe that held her few remaining possessions and started rooting through them, searching frantically.
  • The Aussies were frantically unpacking their crates of beer, and in no time all of them had tinnies glued to their lips.
  • I jumped for the telephone just as the message machine picked up, unplugging the recorder and frantically answering with a forced ‘Hello?’
  • He sibilated sharply and slammed Trey's iced coffee on the counter, stumbling back frantically.
  • There are also stories of cats running around frantically before hurricanes or tornados. Times, Sunday Times
  • We frantically wipe at them with wet towels. Times, Sunday Times
  • And if we go on in this way, with everybody, intellectuals, artists, government, industrialists and workers all frantically killing off the last human feeling, the last bit of their intuition, the last healthy instinct; if it goes on in algebraical progression, as it is going on: then ta-tah! to the human species! Lady Chatterley's Lover
  • He speeded to Winona's house and frantically knocked on the door and rang the bell.
  • He frantically searched for the key.
  • Frantically she kicked out at the form standing over her.
  • Rescuers frantically cut through twisted metal to reach survivors, as ambulances and buses ferried the injured to nearby hospitals.
  • The next thing Charlie knew, his erstwhile guide, red bathrobe and all, was hunkered down, eyes squinched closed, feeling about frantically on the floor. Arcana Magi - c.1: Oryn Zentharis, Seeker of the Truth
  • Michael works frantically with a shoe horn and a nail clipper from a hotel toiletry kit.
  • The staff is working frantically on final arrangements for the summit.
  • I frantically searched for something I could defend myself with: a marble bookend perhaps, or an umbrella, or my alabaster bedside lamp. RESCUING ROSE
  • And when the snarling dog held on, she frantically dialled 999 on her mobile to summon help. The Sun
  • And yet it is full of couch potatoes rolling doobie after doobie and overly felicitous teeth-grinding cokeheads trying frantically to get a word in edgewise.
  • I topped the drive, and the ball hopped frantically down the fairway, at least in play.
  • We throw the line out and almost immediately pull six gleaming mackerel out of the sea - silver and cobalt, jerking and frantically writhing.
  • Her crimson locks burn in the sun as she frantically darts in and out of streets that are lined with crisp amber and rust coloured leaves.
  • It was whispered that they spent all their time locked up at the Business School, frantically running from one lecture or work group to the next.
  • They laid him on the ground behind one of the large stone benches at the entryway and radioed around frantically, while the man's companions tried reviving him.
  • The man gave Mr. Love one huge slug in the face just as Tommy and Joe, the security guards, hurried up the stairs, Tommy huffing frantically.
  • Overworked horses pulling carriages laden with tourists trot frantically up the hill as the fierce morning sun beats down.
  • At moderate speeds in moderate corners, the CC rolls like a capsizing ore ship, and yet the tighter suspension can't seem to rein in the 20-inch wheels' unsprung mass, which on rough roads will trammel and judder frantically. A Nissan at CrossPurposes With Competence
  • The staff is working frantically on final arrangements for the summit.
  • A tiny furrow appeared in her forehead until she frantically ironed it away. Times, Sunday Times
  • When I tried it out, I quickly found myself typing text commands — turnon 3 to fire the guns on the third floor, query 4 to use the cameras on the fourth floor — so frantically it felt like I was trying to disable a nuke. Games Without Frontiers: Sweet Success, Fascinating Failure: 48 Sleepless Hours at Global Game Jam
  • The icrc, the cromwellian consumer debt counseling and the invisible chilopoda polyurethan use the red rift frantically and in busy mcguffin. Rational Review
  • Beth hastily pulled on her nightdress, while Louis frantically rummaged around for his pyjama trousers.
  • She bid frantically for the old chair.
  • He worked frantically, clenching his respirator in his teeth, desperately trying to take shallow breaths. SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND
  • Now my servants are frantically boarding the windows and stuffing sandbags.
  • Most people seemed to be either arguing with each other over what to buy who, or frantically running round desperate to find things to buy.
  • So he frantically tore up his identity card, stuffing part of it into a cola can and swallowing the rest. Times, Sunday Times
  • As the bike freewheeled to a standstill he frantically tried to decide what to do.
  • She tore open the envelope and frantically read the letter.
  • Brian was scooting frantically along to his side, his head bobbing up and down like a boy in a toy store.
  • The authorities began working frantically up the river, using whatever materials and means available to construct dykes, dams and levees.
  • There she splashed about frantically and implored her companions to "thave" her until helped to terra firma by The Meadow-Brook Girls Under Canvas
  • Damia waved her arms frantically, almost losing her balance on her steady horse.
  • I'm in a tearing hurry because I'm frantically looking up stuff on DDB, and their clients, their credo, that sort of thing.
  • I grabbed a spade and frantically dug a hole in the garden, hoping like hell my flatmate wouldn't turn up during the process.
  • His eyes were darting around frantically, his left leg bounced with a steady, arrhythmic, annoying rhythm and he was wringing his hands consistently.
  • Beth hastily pulled on her nightdress, while Louis frantically rummaged around for his pyjama trousers.
  • Whenever anyone glanced at him he searched his memory frantically to see if he recognised them.
  • I dug through my pockets, searching frantically for it, and I hadn't lost it.
  • Just totes embarrassed my friend by honking frantically when I found myself behind him at a red light.
  • During one acting class, when the students were asked to pretend to be chickens under a falling atom bomb, everybody clucked frantically and raced around the room.
  • My usual "the child is gone; this disorients me, so I must clean frantically" thing. Thor's Day
  • Damia waved her arms frantically, almost losing her balance on her steady horse.
  • The MP in question now feels he has bitten off rather more than he can swallow, let alone chew, and is now back-pedalling frantically.
  • The mother of six grew up in Garryowen - a tough area in Limerick City whose rugby club gave the world the term for hoofing the ball in the air and chasing frantically after it.
  • They frantically seek acceptance, but rash and thoughtless actions can bring them up short on occasion.
  • Making no further reference to the child, he sat listening by turns to a prolonged exposition of his sister's views on the management of children, and to the continued wailings which floated down from the room above, until, at length, as a more piteous cry than all frantically voiced his own name, "faver," his self-restraint gave way, and he rose hastily and went upstairs. The Golden Shoemaker or 'Cobbler' Horn
  • He then issued a contrite public apology for his ‘foolish mistake’ before frantically trying to avoid being tracked down by the media.
  • The country throws out over a million tonnes of e-waste and is frantically building facilities to deal with the problem. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Yangtze flood crest will roll on downriver toward Wuhan, a city of more than 7 million people already working frantically to shore up its defenses.
  • And this guy Fristy, the genius Doctor who incorrectly diagnosed Schiavo for America (even though he never saw her in person and is not a neurologist) has made, of all things, legislation to ban Internet gambling one of his top three priorities this session (he has been frantically trying to attach it to other legislation since he is having trouble getting it to the floor because the idea of ramming this home in the midst of far greater crises facing our Nation is so dumb). Think Progress » President Bush “has been more respectful of civil liberties
  • The museum provided the answer as Airport staff frantically tried to track down the broken engine part for a 31-year-old fire tender.
  • That night the family frantically phoned friends and visited her haunts. The Sun
  • I yelled and he hurled himself to the side as the gun came up and I dodged frantically as the flintlock flared and filled the room with noise and smoke and something smashed splinters from the doorframe behind my head.
  • He worked the pump action frantically to eject the spent cartridge and reload.
  • ‘It's simple,’ he explains, going to the whiteboard and drawing pictures frantically.
  • By this time, throngs of shoppers had gathered around us to watch the commotion and were whispering frantically.
  • Furious investors frantically sold their shares, causing the share price to drop 54 per cent in one day.
  • Midvale veterans would recall frantically pumping out buildings frequently flooded in the low basin at the foot of Germantown.
  • They frantically retuned their transistors, but all they got was a faint signal from southern pirate Radio London.
  • One way or another, the party to which Tom belonged all got packed and paid, and sallied out to the gates, the cornopean playing frantically "Drops of Brandy," in allusion, probably, to the slight potations in which the musician and postboys had been already indulging. Tom Brown's Schooldays
  • It was while frantically shopping online for a shoot with Isabella Blow that Massenet was struck by the potential for a high-fashion e-tail site. One-click wonder: the rise of Net-a-porter
  • When doors opened at 10 am, Neil and designer Nick Harvey were still frantically faffing about trying to get their overhead sign to stay in place.
  • She scribbles frantically on sheets of paper, then hunts through desk drawers for more writing material.
  • The staff is working frantically on final arrangements for the summit.
  • She scrambled frantically at the rock with her left, found a fingerhold and dangled precariously over a vertical drop.
  • My mind was working frantically, running over the events of the evening.
  • I am surrounded by scarved ladies, old and young, who are crossing themselves frantically ad lib.
  • Now he was back-pedalling quickly and the jockey was hard at work on him, scrubbing him along frantically but getting no response.
  • Almost at once it was on top of her, trying frantically to claw at her, but she already had her sword out and parried its attacks.
  • Waves that at home would have had me putting life on hold and scrabbling frantically for board and wax now passed by unridden.
  • We were on a boat tour when the captain dramatically veered off course, frantically talking on his cell phone.
  • And when the snarling dog held on, she frantically dialled 999 on her mobile to summon help. The Sun
  • Soldiers scurry about frantically, climbing atop stacked chairs to see over the transport.
  • He turned back to the screen before him and frantically went about putting in the final coordinate for the place they were in.
  • It was important to me to demonstrate this, because I anticipated correctly that there'd be a slew of fusty cultural critics -- crushing bores all -- who would clutch their pearls and frantically decry Stewart/Colbert's efforts as "unserious. 'Rally To Restore Sanity' Critics Unite To Offer America Pretentious Whining
  • She turned to find her blouse had been set alight and had to frantically pat out the flames. The Sun
  • It was he who broke free first, delivering a hard kick to her stomach as he scrabbled away, his fingers reaching frantically for the hilt of his own knife.
  • I caused bottlenecks in front of crowded Métro barriers, frantically scrabbling through my satchel for that sad little bag containing my tickets.
  • Beth hastily pulled on her nightdress, while Louis frantically rummaged around for his pyjama trousers.
  • Frantically, her fingers explored the cloth until they alighted upon a cool piece of knobby metal - the crucifix on the end of her rosary.
  • Frantically, he reeled it in, hoping to snare the fish that had just tugged on it.
  • Particularly if you have access to Sky Sports News, the home of Transfer Deadline Day and a rolling source of sports chunter that for one day only becomes suddenly vital, the centre of its own frantically compelling universe. Transfer deadline day's hype is over, long live the quavering hype | Barney Ronay
  • Yet two minutes into the game he was racing down from his seat in the directors' box to the touchline where, in typical vein-bulging fashion, he frantically tried to shake his players out of their slumbers.
  • She tore open the envelope and frantically read the letter.
  • She frantically searched thorough her herb bags, looking for her hemlock.
  • In Pakistan, rescuers are frantically searching for survivors in the rubble of Saturday's earthquake.
  • Her heart began to pound frantically, as if she were having a panic attack.
  • The creature frantically gnaws a bone, while another dog, only partly visible, presumably does the same.
  • As soon it did so, the man inside started to move frantically, as if in a state of panic.
  • At the scheduled start-up time roadies and stagehands were frantically darting about the stage carrying rolls of cable and other light and sound equipment.
  • With a local priest, he dug frantically and finally uncovered a gigantic stone image of Vishnu. TANK OF SERPENTS
  • The difference between him, that plodder, and me, the brilliant multi-tasker, is that I might have looked busier as I frantically shuffled through papers and tapped computer keys and shouted into my cell phone. While typing this post I am closing six business deals, translating a poem by Neruda, preparing a complicated sauce for our dinner tonight, and changing the oil on my car
  • The government is frantically trying to work this out by mapping the entire financial services ecosystem, but clear answers are elusive. Times, Sunday Times
  • The turnout is crucial and both sides were canvassing frantically on Friday night to get electors to use their votes on the EU's Nice treaty.
  • As they watched, arms began to extrude from the worm's upper segment, frantically waving. SHARDS OF A BROKEN CROWN
  • One of the patrolmen signaled frantically on a small portable transmitter for help.
  • I was frantically tugging at the zip but it was too late. Times, Sunday Times
  • His nostrils flared and his great chest heaved as he searched frantically for any scent.
  • We watched a surfing dog lollop frantically in the sand here I'll post more pics on Flickr -- and I remembered, for an instant, the freedom of not needing to be watching anyone, not needing to be "on. Blog: June 2008
  • Rising to a crouch, he scanned the forest frantically, his heart beating faster than he could remember it.
  • They may root frantically under the couch cushions or behind the drapes for a hidden camera.
  • He took off his spectacles and rubbed frantically at the lens.
  • Frantically denying the obvious, he's suddenly the bleating schlemiel in a heartless sex farce.
  • I frantically pounded on the door, screaming to be let out.
  • As soon as they had gone, the woman went out into the street and frantically flagged down a motorist before alerting police to the robbery.
  • So now the party's frantically backpedalling: good heavens, we know we said you need congressional approval, but what's the hurry?
  • She tore open the envelope and frantically read the letter.
  • The guard, who had been speaking frantically into some kind of communicating device, fell like a sackful of potatoes.
  • Inspector Bradstreet, B divi - sion, gave evidence as to the arrest of Horner, who strug - gled frantically, and protested his innocence in the strongest terms. Sole Music
  • As a mother gentoo penguin flees downhill from her frantically pestering offspring, the whole train trips over itself, squawking and skidding uncontrollably.
  • Amazingly, he managed to kick it in the eye - then scrambled on to a rock so frantically he ripped out finger and toenails. The Sun
  • She bid frantically for the old chair.

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