
How To Use Frankly In A Sentence

  • Frankly I don't understand why most companies don't follow the same policy as franked income in the hands of shareholders is worth a lot more to them than huge piles of franking credits mouldering away in the company's balance sheet.
  • Frankly, my only concern was that the resident copperhead (don't ask; I've been sworn to secrecy) got out alive.
  • But the situation is, frankly, in a muddle right now.
  • I am neither strong nor anal about the ‘group system’ which, incidentally, and frankly, I think is quite a mess.
  • Frankly, they're really only safe on fairer skin types, such as blonds, redheads with blue, green eyes.
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  • In fact, this was a players' production, as most Cowboys performances, and frankly most football games, are.
  • Well, quite frankly, we are at an impasse here.
  • Frankly, she held her nose and said it stank like the henhouse when a mongoose has spoiled the eggs. HOMELAND AND OTHER STORIES
  • He was "mourned," by those who "survived" him, as people are not mourned in cities, that is, frankly, in a manner undisguised. Walking-Stick Papers
  • Frankly, I'm not built for glissades, arabesques, entrechats or mincing around en pointe.
  • But, frankly, I'd rather point out that having Spitzer and Parker sit so close together and trade sly banter is just plain creepy. Parker Spitzer: no snap or crackle, and not pop
  • Placed in that situation I have felt honour-bound to reply frankly and at some length.
  • Choosing a cruise, frankly, depends more on the kind of shipboard experience you're looking for than what you want to see of Mexico. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • I was interested in showing a growth series of a centrosaurine ceratopsid because, frankly, they go through some significant changes. Life's Time Capsule: The Ceratopsians Gallery
  • I was jigging about on the cobble stone path, partly because I was excited at seeing my new house for the first time, but mainly because it was mid January and, quite frankly, flipping cold!
  • I've realized that Milan have a high opinion of me, we spoke frankly and in a familiar atmosphere.
  • He frankly admitted his error.
  • Noreen, frankly, wanted her cake and to eat it as well.
  • Frankly, sir I'm well qualified for this position, Hopefully, you are willing to give me a probation work period to prove myself.
  • As an Independent councillor he will be able to express frankly what Walcot people say they need
  • Frankly speaking, I don't think it any good to invest in real estate.
  • Frankly, I don't see the point of bringing a plant to floriferous maturity and then starting all over again with a cutting.
  • I don't want to seem big-headed but I frankly don't think it will work.
  • When we reconnected at a Middlebury Christmas party a couple of years ago, she informed me, being perhaps slightly under the influence of holiday cheer, that her self-confident college persona had been a ruse—that she was insecure, alienated and frankly didn't know how to have a good time. She's Gone to the Dogs
  • Only in the frankly imitative words like buzz and lisp do hint and pointing coincide.
  • By any means, we should tell him frankly what we think of his proposal.
  • I've found them to be helpful and informative, and quite frankly I'm not that paranoid.
  • Frankly I find that hard to believe. revanche Says: The Restraining Order Between Faith And Science « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • Before the Zeebrugge disaster many hauliers were frankly complacent about these matters.
  • There are a few exaggerations, but none to be alarmed at, as they are frankly made for exportation. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is my total albeit, naive-sounding, to nihilists masquerading as realists belief that there is remedy to this incident; the Iranian government can make this happen without appearing to have equivocated, and frankly, without appearing as anomalous in their imprisonment of artists, because again, history is far too rife with such instances, the world over. Michael Vazquez: On The Imprisonment of Iranian Filmmakers: A Moral Option For Iran and Any Government Presuming to Silence Its Artists
  • And at two places sharp-tongued women would not allow him to enter, frankly stating that icemen were too dirty creatures to allow inside the door of a respectable house; the women received their ten-cent cubes in pans and slammed the door in his face. The Landloper
  • Yet how frankly authentic they now seem. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sure, there are plenty of fancy, organic home cleaning products, but frankly we just can't bear to spend big bucks on a purse-size atomizer of window cleaner.
  • The Yang Yuanqing that holds the position of CEO afresh says frankly, the task is " ensure the growth of Chinese market and gain, overseas undertakes large-scale structure recombines " .
  • Frankly, the sight of our former CTO loading bags with the other free-agent skycaps was a little unsettling.
  • The GOP Smear that Obama is eltist is frankly ridiculous Barack & Michelle both came from firmly blue collar backgrounds, Michelle's dad was a dustmen for goodness sake. Smoking Guns and the Morality of Parliamentary Privilege
  • The concept that Carol Browner would have control over a national thermostat is frankly bizarre: Wonk Room » Glenn Beck Attacks Smart Grid As Socialist Plot To Steal Our Thermostats
  • Frankly speaking, I do not believe we had ever been so finely arrayed as we were on that march.
  • Q Entertainment's move to polish up and re-serve its head-spinning shooter Rez was one of the best things to happen to Xbox Live (and us, frankly). Computer And Video Games
  • Adding to his controversial standing, Anger is also, frankly, a self-mytholgizer and resume padder. GreenCine Daily: DVDs, 1/24.
  • So I hope that we can increasingly stop talking about slaver, which is, frankly, largely irrelevant to most of us here today, and talk about how we can overcome our history, both positive and negative, in a fashion that builds a brighter future for Americans and Africans alike. Press Briefing In Kampala Uganda
  • AFTER its rave reviews you might have expected the frankly stunning cold war spy thriller to be far higher on the chart. The Sun
  • But she's clearly running a commercial venture here: she's distributing freshly recycled stamps around the world and, quite frankly, she's committing franking fraud.
  • However, his descent into what I call knee-pad politics is frankly disgusting. Now, what's the right way to fix a baby's hair?
  • In other words, Helga Dernesch and Herbert von Karajan made the cut, despite frankly unidiomatic contributions from Karajan, but Birgit Nilsson -- under three different conductors, all in better sound than a 1903 wax cylinder. "Top" Ten Immolation Scenes?
  • You will wonder perhaps why I "overstay," since I frankly admit that I'm "fed up" with too much scenery and too much information. Set in Silver
  • John Woo certainly lives up to his repute and delivers absolutely breathtaking action scenes and camera maneuvers, which are, quite frankly, the only aspects that keep you watching the movie till the end.
  • Check the name MG, Cecil Kimber is frankly out of respect for William Morris.
  • Frankly, that's the way I like it because our role as an association is to be a reconciler; there are many, many ideas out there, and our role is to try to bring them together.
  • My room was like a pigsty, to put it frankly.
  • Most noticeably, a pair of frankly erotic paintings of recumbent female nudes crown the centre of the rooms.
  • Male celebrities all over the globe began to collide in a frankly undignified heap as they tried to attract her attention.
  • The crew walked out amid lots of cheers and, frankly, some deep-rooted fears.
  • Frankly I feel pretty bad for Mary Jane, honestly I do.
  • Because for me, frankly, I don't care how deep in tantrum territory you and your little brain are, hitting is never acceptable. Monday Meanderings
  • You are our young comrades, so I will speak very frankly and without reserve.
  • ANDERSON COOPER, CNN ANCHOR: Nancy, you know, they continue to just be -- I don ` t want to use the word indescribable because, you know, frankly, it ` s my job to try to describe it and seems like a cop-out. CNN Transcript Sep 8, 2005
  • And quite frankly, I enjoy ignoring my own untended messes in order to help others clean theirs, leaving my own life in occasional (okay, steady) disarray.
  • And frankly, I think that that may not be a bad idea if it's done in a controlled manner through U.S. mediation.
  • Frankly, I am a little surprised to see him waxing nostalgic about any decision by John French - but there you go.
  • Put frankly, the whole thing was one big yawn which was mitigated only by the fact that it was a beautiful sunny day.
  • The Daiichi 1120 is a style of hook most commonly referred to as a scud/shrimp/caddis pupa hook and, frankly, since it is hard to make a bad hook of this type, I decided to utilize this model for my first timorous use in this brand. Epinions Recent Content for Home
  • It is a secular impulse for a secular society and it is, frankly, boring.
  • To speak frankly, I don't like the idea at all.
  • Naturally the costs involved are humungous, and, frankly, how many elected representatives do we need? Times, Sunday Times
  • He takes a protective but also frankly spectatorial interest in the lives of his tenants, following their dramas with the fascination of a soap opera addict.
  • Frankly, to provide anything less than the above requirements is unconscionable, and as a digital camera maker you know better that to short-change your customers this way.
  • It's a tacky, nasty little movie, frankly.
  • I mean what could you possibly win, apart from cash and the kind of frankly transitory and ephemeral applause of certain kinds?
  • I think the cord is a little wonky in places, as both the girls took turns using it, but frankly, it still looks fine, and I'm very happy with the necklace - the little face is on a background of Angelina-covered black fabric on this not-quite-inchie. Archive 2007-07-01
  • Frankly, I thought the mongoose was a made up mythical creature… until I saw one. Why did the mongoose cross the road?
  • It screams of vanity, self-obsession and, quite frankly, weakness. The Sun
  • Towering above the frankly nondescript suburbs of a frankly nondescript town, the Big Swan stadium was visible from miles away.
  • I'm really pleased and frankly relieved to report," begins Glenn Kenny, "that, a couple of snippable minutes and some dubious music choices aside (that Cake song about the jacket is one thing, but a cover of Howard Jones's 'No One Is To Blame' is pushing it), writer/director Adrienne Shelly's final feature Waitress is a delight, a refreshing comedy that mixes a bunch of familiar ingredients in offbeat ways that payoff every time, much in the way that its title character Jenna (the fabulous Keri Russell) blends, say, blackberries with bittersweet chocolate in her universally beloved pies. GreenCine Daily: Sundance. Waitress.
  • It is unarguable that environmental conditions that existed in the past did exist, and that they did result in the world as it is, but this, frankly, is useless information when deciding what had to happen.
  • Intensity, anger, exuberance, easygoingness -- the fact that it all kind of happens together is a little weird, frankly. Hillary's Announcement Video — Promises Online Video Chats
  • Frankly, I think that any good wine-tasting event would mean those who planned and ran the event would not be participating in imbibing. Think Progress » Christian leaders urge Congress to ignore misinformation on abortion provisions and pass health reform.
  • Frankly, Shankly was the Liverpool manager who signed Keegan in 1971 for £35,000 from Scunthorpe, a legendary figure whose greatness it would be folly to contest before his one-time disciple. The Saturday interview: Kevin Keegan
  • Frankly, some foul language can convey such complex, multivalent ideas in single syllables it feels a shame to try to elaborate and risk losing one iota of poignancy in a heated moment.
  • Frankly I couldn't have wished to inherit the mantle off a nicer man. Times, Sunday Times
  • Quite frankly, I think this whole situation is ridiculous.
  • I was probably a little snippier than I needed to be, but it was coming up on 4: 30 and I was really freaking tired and I frankly was none too happy about the accusatory wee hours phone call. October 7th, 2005
  • Frankly, to provide anything less than the above requirements is unconscionable, and as a digital camera maker you know better that to short-change your customers this way.
  • Frankly, I find the minutia of everyday life much more interesting than the glaring important life changing events that shape our lives.
  • Annie's touchy pride, mingled with what Vassie frankly called her "impossibleness," made the situation hopeless, for the former quality would not let her efface herself, and the latter prevented her daughter being called upon. Secret Bread
  • Frankly, though, I think he's too nice about it: this ‘theory’ is so cockamamie that it belongs with the tin foil hat brigade.
  • It's been around forever, and, frankly, the same complaint could apply to virtually all vengeful ghost stories.
  • `Frankly, I think we'd be less conspicuous without undomesticated animals of any description. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • Frankly, there's nothing worse aside from death, global famine, nuclear disaster and all-round armageddon than seeing players in the UFO field fawning all over their peers at conferences as they seek acceptance into the ufological sand-pit by saying the 'right thing' to the 'right people.' Posthuman Blues
  • They all look a bit wan, frankly. Times, Sunday Times
  • And frankly, there's simply no excuse for being a crashing great bore in a switched-on, wired-up era which lets you tune in to the best of the world's news and culture faster than you can stifle a yawn.
  • Frankly, the heart bled for them. Times, Sunday Times
  • September 29, 2009 at 8:45 am oh noez! iz nc66 a ghostie? an himz haz been reink – rininka- recarnitated – umm, camed bakk az frankly66? Cant play wif u anymoar… - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • I frankly like the guy, after our little contretemps.
  • Frankly I couldn't have wished to inherit the mantle off a nicer man. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are frankly tangential to the drama, and could have been cut from the story altogether without any great loss.
  • This isn't like the cantankerous old Johnboy we've come to know and loathe, and frankly I find this a bit disturbing, but a welcome change.
  • GINGRICH: No. The intellectuals around me would -- if you wanted to use the term intelligentsia -- I mean, there's a self-identified, elite intellectual group in America who see themselves as the guardians of this alternative to traditional American civilization, and these are folks who write what I think is largely gibberish and explain deconstructionism and all sorts of ideas that I, frankly, don't pay much attention to, but that are somehow mystically going to be better than American civilization: multiculturalism, the counterculture, etc. To Renew America
  • As for Ben, well frankly he's a dish!
  • That is the crux of the problem to me, because frankly, not all films are meant for television.
  • All I want is a day to be totally alone in my house (or, frankly, anywhere) to laze about and do whatever I please. 10 Things To Do Before You Become A Parent | Her Bad Mother
  • Frankly, I'm more inclined to find the former more contrived, since a remorseless thug and repenting Christian is a believable dyad.
  • Quite frankly, I would have loved to see a self-consciously low-rent c-movie.
  • Isabel Dalhousie is fond of problems, and sometimes she becomes interested in problems that are, quite frankly, none of her business. The Sunday Philosophy Club by Alexander McCall Smith: Questions
  • That's a frankly absurd suggestion.
  • The extremely limited possibilities of the machine yielded images which are at once frankly realistic and curiously mysterious.
  • Quite frankly, it all sounded a little far-fetched as I read the back of my trial pack, but the idea of pheromones has always held something of a fascination to me.
  • The fact that he used cash, frankly, is in Africa, completely and utterly — Think Progress » The ‘facts’ of the Christmas Day plot are ‘clear’ — to everyone except John McCain.
  • Frankly, it was a pleasure to watch those funds switch toward rebuilding the civilian infrastructure instead.
  • Frankly, if the present indecisiveness goes on much longer, it might well be too late to allow a rallying of the troops for the next election.
  • It's sleek, aggressive and frankly, it has the face of an angel.
  • Without a great public outrage at the "villanous" executives, the government buffoons would not have support for their socialist agenda, which is, frankly, to have government control all areas and aspects of the economy. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • What do I mean by "frankly doctrinal"? Christianity Today
  • Quite frankly, there were as many closed shops in the City as there were in the trade unions. Times, Sunday Times
  • And frankly you need to re-present that prohibition order pretty much PDQ. TEN STEPS TO HAPPINESS
  • Candidly ( ie Speaking frankly ), David, I think you're being unreasonable.
  • Frankly we think the only thing in need of fumigation is Ted’s brain because clearly it isn’t able to handle the obvious (see below). Twilight Lexicon » Ted Casablanca: Multiple Personality Disorder
  • I don't conform unless I choose to, and, frankly, I please myself.
  • So the thought of watching a film in which he doubles, triples and quadruples was frankly a most scary prospect.
  • Frankly, they are full of it - it being hot wine grog with a cinnamon stick.
  • Frankly, I could quite happily live the rest of my life never having to contend with that experience again.
  • People have been sending me kind offers of help, but frankly I'm still overwhelmed.
  • You could try to unpick all the false assumptions in that last sentence, but frankly, its not worth it.
  • Though there are glimmers of brilliance, quite frankly, too many of the songs are too mediocre to fulfill the potential of an intimate, listenable live album.
  • I'll tell you frankly.
  • We frankly admit that where the evil of slavery is felt to a greater extent than in the states to which we have adverted, not only must _greater exertions_ be used, but even the plans of proceeding must be somewhat varied. The Journal of Negro History, Volume 6, 1921
  • We should be on the cusp of the rainy season by then, inshallah, but I frankly wouldn't worry about rain geat. Fashion advice?
  • ("Frankly," Abigail would confide in Beatrice Archer afterward," I was afraid of that Doberman pinscher. MIDDLE AGE: A ROMANCE
  • Others are, quite frankly, the dregs of society.
  • A front bencher from the last parliament said frankly: None of us has the first sodding idea about what government means, whether any of us will be any good at it, or even what being good at it means ....... Archive 2008-11-01
  • Taxpayer: Forgive me for speaking frankly. The establishment you said is not equal to the permanent establishment in the tax treaty.
  • But frankly, what caught our eye was that fact that the good Rev noted that the Bale remix is just an appetizer for his big upcoming gig, producing the next RuPaul album, Champion. You Can Now Dance To The Sound Of Christian Bale’s Fury » MTV Movies Blog
  • 'You don't give a damn about my feelings, do you.'--'Quite frankly, I don't.'.
  • The normally reserved defense secretary heaped praise on Karzai for reacting in "an extraordinarily statesmanlike way," adding, "Frankly, I think the American government will not forget this kind of statesmanlike response. Defense Secretary Gates: Progress in Afghan war has 'exceeded my expectations'
  • Quite frankly, I have no intention of travelling to a country that decides I am not responsible enough to have a beer at 3 a.m. because they have a domestic problem with drugs and vice.
  • They had to endure almost constant second half pressure, wasting countless opportunities to ease the nail-biting tension and, quite frankly, inviting trouble.
  • Frankly, with a vast online knowledge base at your fingertips, it would be a miracle if people didn't swipe a phrase here or pilfer a juicy paragraph there.
  • And the other soloists ranged from bland to frankly forgettable. Times, Sunday Times
  • The glorification of violence, bad language and sexism I find quite frankly appalling.
  • It seems to be seen as something that is tacky, twee and frankly just a bit common. Times, Sunday Times
  • I don't mind disclosing to you that I've had a really miserable weekend for one reason or another - I've got Monday off work, but frankly I'd rather be at work than hanging around here moping around.
  • William is - frankly - resplendent in full military dress, red with gold braid. Harry's uniform is black.
  • And "there is no doubt," therefore, "that his exaggerated boldness and 'celerity' in decision making contributed to the American plunge into what General Omar Bradley was later to call 'frankly a great military disaster' and 'the wrong war, in the wrong place, at the wrong time, with the wrong enemy."' 'The New War Over Hiroshima': An Exchange
  • And frankly, she's pretty easy on the eyes, too.
  • To suggest that it was an alternative to the Queen's Christmas message is frankly insulting to Her Majesty.
  • We are the most regulated industry in the world, "says Corr. "And frankly, that's how it should be. If there is a problem with a drug, we want to know about it sonner rather than later.
  • People are often trying to add on additional rules and expand the game, which kind of pisses the creators off quite frankly. #83 ~ Rabid Lamb Comics « 1979 Semi-Finalist…
  • Frankly, it is still a little premature to say there is now or soon to be major customer demand for electric or hybrid cars in China or anywhere in the world," said A.T. Kearney's Dyer.
  • I talked to a group of lads involved with the project, who in exchange for anonymity talked frankly about their preoccupations.
  • It's a tacky, nasty little movie, frankly.
  • Take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly, and try another. But by all means, try something.
  • She's one of the co-chairs of the campaign and frankly, one of the questions I have is, aren't they competing with their own story?
  • Failing to understand or convey anything of the philosophy behind the notes, his performance was consistently stiff, hard and frankly arrhythmic.
  • He turned up at that moment, and frankly gloated over the success of what he called shove the seventh, and twist the first. Ghosts I Have Met and Some Others
  • Oh, and a lot of recent peacy stuff, which I may have to ease up on; I'm just cream-crackered, frankly.
  • They all look a bit wan, frankly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Often it is frankly biblical, beginning with John Winthrop's famous 1630 sermon "A City Upon A Hill" that gave a much-needed dose of self-confidence to the Massachusetts Bay colonists. Jonathan D. Moreno: America's Problem With "Progress"
  • On hearing our lament for a country gone frankly insane, she simply suggested, ‘Well, dears, why don't you move here?
  • An even more physically astounding feat than the shot, frankly, was how quickly hefty Magic Johnson had his offensive lineman 's girth up out of his courtside seat to celebrate Bryant's shot.
  • Quite frankly I am always amused at the way some people use any emblems of the South during those years as their style to advance a one sided out dated very predigest agenda. Virginia governor declares April as Confederate History Month
  • Frankly, I don't think that we'll put a cover song on this album.
  • `Frankly, as an educationalist, I find your attitude a little mystifying, Moira. AN OLDER WOMAN
  • The title and the frankly freaky sculptured titular bunnies on the cover might put you off (you know, like they would).
  • More specifically, the flight function may exist multiple tiers below the executives, even, say, as a subcomponent of HR, security, legal, frankly anywhere. Flight Check: Consultant Jeffrey Reich
  • Quite frankly, I think this whole situation is ridiculous.
  • He answered frankly and truthfully all my questions.
  • I'm sure I will too, if I do go on to have children in a world which frankly doesn't need any more babies.
  • And frankly the teacher/student aspect of it is basically a dim memory.
  • And I was very proud, frankly of South Dakota this time, because they had a terrific slate of candidates for all the offices.
  • Frankly, allow me to know your expertise and true interest so that accordingly I can work out the options for you and can allocate web site projects to you.
  • Frankly, I can't see any evidence that suggests that Costello will do a better job than Howard - or a worse job.
  • When this kind of inhumanity is OK’d and, frankly, supported? Snips And Snails And The Unbearable Heaviness Of Roman Polanski | Her Bad Mother
  • And the other soloists ranged from bland to frankly forgettable. Times, Sunday Times
  • While the majority of urban dwellers would not know about silage, lambing season, or anything else to do with farming or rural life, neither frankly do many who live in the country. One law for townies and one for country folk | Barbara Ellen
  • The problem with moisturising your whole body is that it can be time consuming and quite frankly, a tad tedious.
  • Frankly, I personally hate that and think this type of billing is really stupid. The Volokh Conspiracy » The FCC and the Internet:
  • The endorphin "buzz" is good; the sense of wellbeing and healthiness; frankly, the sense of satisfaction and even superiority one gets from being fit? they are all part of it. Edison Peña's marathon of endurance
  • I was underwhelmed frankly, but then I am a bad tempered old cow.
  • John, it strikes me that there should be, if you will, more effusiveness, more ebullience on the part of the White House, on the part frankly of the whole government because the fact is, this election occurred today.
  • Frankly it's difficult to know where to start, given the mishmash of misunderstanding, gross exaggeration and things that are just plain wrong.
  • Frankly, I had not the temperament to take up a musicological career, even as a secondary pursuit.
  • Kolchak's answer was described as clear when "decipherable," and to his credit, he frankly declined to forestall the will of the The Inside Story of the Peace Conference
  • We are indebted to the kindness of Captain Franklyn, master of the "Columba," for a large sheet of plate glass, which makes a magnificent window. Journal Kept During The Russian War: From The Departure Of The Army From England In April 1854, To The Fall Of Sebastopol
  • Quite frankly, my dear, at the moment I don't give a damn what your feelings are.
  • She fell for me fairly quickly, and frankly, for the first two months of our relationship, she was the pursuer and I often complained that I felt smothered and overwhelmed by her.
  • Frankly, the missionary position is the position least likely to bring a woman to climax.
  • Its genius was frankly militaristic, its history is written in lurid characters before our eyes. Annual Meeting and Ladies Night/Our Nation Considered as an Ethical Idea
  • But he frankly identifies the rank dishonesty of the memo.
  • All our indignation to the contrary, we prefer the complicated and difficult: we enjoy our buttons; we are withheld only by our queer sex-pride from wearing garments that button up in the back -- indeed, on what we frankly call our 'best clothes,' we _have the buttons_ though we _dare not button_ with them. The Perfect Gentleman
  • The worthy residents of Stratford doubt that the theatre adds a penny to their revenue. They frankly dislike the RSC's actors, them with their long hair and beards and sandals and noisiness .
  • He was well aware that a pair of mild eyes and gentle, ingenuous manners are many a rogue's most valuable asset, and though the bug-hunter talked frankly of his pilgrimages into the hills, there was always a chance that his pursuit was a pose, his zeal counterfeit. 'Me--Smith'
  • Frankly, even with glasses that correct my once-perfect vision back to theoretically perfect vision, I have trouble reading fine print in dim light. The Dimming of America « L.E. Modesitt, Jr. – The Official Website
  • Quite frankly, I think this whole situation is ridiculous.
  • But I must tell you frankly one of the reasons why this investigation was dragging for so long is that we lacked sufficient evidence.
  • Frankly speaking, I don't think it any good to invest in real estate.
  • People say this is a selfish society, but frankly I've seen too much kindness, self-sacrifice and generosity to believe that.
  • I think the papers obsessions with the sex lives of our public figures is, quite frankly, boring.
  • Reading mainstream superhero books, with their immoderate physiques, in public can be ‘embarrassing, frankly.’
  • And, frankly, we saw what happened once active operations got under way.

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