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How To Use Framed In A Sentence

  • The door opens onto a stunning, high ceilinged, light-filled apartment, its 17-foot-tall Austrian windows framed by the aforementioned black cast-iron arches, its finishes bespeaking a level of sumptuousness uncommon in the more cookie-cutter condos of the moderately rich. Opulently Hidden, In Plain Sight
  • The neo-classical house features a main doorway framed with Ionic pillars and topped by a balustraded balcony complete with carved stone coat of arms.
  • Manzo noticed the neatly trimmed goatee and mustache combination that framed Rossiter's facial features and the chiseled jaw of a man who was in peak physical condition.
  • The pragmatic differentiation between classificatory, potential and actual affines is undertaken in accordance with the proscriptive principles described above, and is framed within a consubstantial conception of relatedness.
  • All the houses will have a traditional look with curved timber framed windows, decorative roof detail and over-door pediments.
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  • The twelve-panel front door is surmounted with a transom window and framed by fluted pilasters supporting an open pediment.
  • In response to a recommendation of the Calcutt Committee made in 1990, the press set up in 1991 the Commission and it was charged with upholding and enforcing the code, which was framed by the newspaper and the periodical industry.
  • He successfully reframed the issue as being not about petty internal rules, but instead the little man standing up against the big political machine.
  • He blocked errant pitches in the dirt, expertly framed borderline tosses, turning them into strikes and worked masterfully with pitchers.
  • There were four framed photographs in the house.
  • Such people often see their lives more effectively framed by the reality metaphors that modern quantum physics and chaos theory provide.
  • And Fed officials framed their decision as being designed to fulfill its "dual mandate" to maintain maximum employment and stable prices. Fed to inject $600 billion into economy
  • Space has to be carved out and carefully wrapped to create a luminous, inward-looking void, augmented by carefully framed views of the townscape.
  • Like most of these discussions, it was framed in terms of heteros vs. homos.
  • If properly framed, some of those positions could be sold to Kentucky voters at least; others need to be "reframed" into oblivion. Rand Paul: No Babe in the Woods
  • I noticed he had the picture of us reframed and it was on his desk where it always had been.
  • The photograph had been framed and hung on the wall.
  • He is then framed for a murder and is forced to go on the run, being chased by spies and the police.
  • There are many exquisite details, carved doorways, potted plants framed by shaded windows.
  • The bed itself was framed in dark ebony, its dusky twists spiraling towards the ceiling, while the rest of the room was swathed in black and shades of maroon and blood red.
  • He felt his heart leap, the pieces falling into place, his eyes already searching the framed map on the wall across the corridor. AMAGANSETT
  • They are framed by a lifebuoy from the former Aranui ferry, which was dedicated on the same day as their school.
  • Fake crystal chandeliers sparkled above the stage and the performance space was framed by red valour curtains.
  • The major advantage of flanged windows is that they are one integral unit that is easy for the contractor or homeowner to install plumb and square within a framed opening.
  • The arguments were framed in a very academic fashion.
  • The long crescent of white sand is shaded by seagrapes and coconut palms and framed by wooded hills.
  • However, you can use a noncombustible material on the surface immediately around the firebox to introduce another color or texture, like the mat surrounding a framed painting.
  • The church’s reception area was decorated with a number of mementos from Crystal’s life, including a tiara, framed pictures of her with loved ones, and an adult-sized pink onesie with feet.
  • The apartments and penthouses have double-glazed redwood framed windows, fitted kitchens and gas-fired central heating.
  • Another popular style of headboard has a recessed panel framed on the sides and top with a molding.
  • She wore a pearl necklace to match those on her dress and even her hair, a tower of blonde streaked curls done up in such a fashion that a few loose strands framed her plumpish face perfectly, was adorned with strands of pearls.
  • The drive and lawns are framed with steel edging. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a large room, with a "boughten" ingrain carpet, stiff chairs, two great square ottomans, a big sofa, and some curious old paintings, besides a number of framed silhouettes of different members of the family. A Little Girl in Old Boston
  • Yet this emphasis on new beginnings is also framed by the opening reference to "winter" -- the first of many references to the seasons, but also a reference that reinforces the poem's stress on endings, on the conclusions of natural cycles. My Name Was Martha: A Renaissance Woman's Autobiographical Poem
  • New employees receive tote bags bearing the name of a famous list, and 15 of these have been framed and mounted on a wall. Times, Sunday Times
  • This internal dialogue will not be confined to technical questions framed within the discipline.
  • Insulation material can be fitted inside timber framed greenhouses by using woodpins or possibly large headed tacks.
  • On the coffee table, on the bookshelves in between books with worn bindings, were framed photographs of Phil and Karen.
  • He created a spare, white-daubed, timber-framed presentation that evokes a pagan feeling, yet is modern in offering immediate access to the text. A British Monarch Crosses the Atlantic
  • One such piece was the framed Landsat photo of the Sahara that had been in her shop; an identical photo had hung downstairs in her home. WHERE THE HEART IS
  • Apart from autographs, the gallery also sells small pieces of signed film footage, framed and mounted, the cheapest items in the shop.
  • Three days after Ray had been sentenced, he said he had been framed -- he was just a "" legman, '' he insisted, recruited by a mysterious drug dealer named Raoul. Death Of An Assassin
  • Don't expect polished sculptures and gilt framed pictures. Times, Sunday Times
  • Each vehicle is framed in its section of the body shop; the body-on-frame pickup heads west and the unibody minivan heads east.
  • The semielliptical fanlight over the entrance door is framed by a wooden arch neatly carved with flutes and stylized flowers.
  • All the ministers involved in the scandal have denied the allegations against them, claiming evidence was framed or taken out of context. Times, Sunday Times
  • Framed on the wall, it looks pictorial, until you inspect its relief and discover its sculptural elements.
  • We need them in and developed, mounted and framed by Friday.
  • My beautifully framed and glazed pink ostrich feather fan? STUART: A Life Backwards
  • Her eyes, a startling blue-gray danced and twinkled in the light streaming in from tall, elegant windows framed with green marble columns topped by gold-painted fluting.
  • Over the washstand was a little black-framed water-colour drawing, depicting a large eye with an extremely fishlike intensity in the spark of light on the dark pupil; and in "illuminated" lettering beneath was printed very minutely, "Thou God Seest ME," followed by a long looped monogram, The Best British Short Stories of 1922
  • The thin-framed, moveable glass walls were engineered to be resistant to tropical storms and cyclones.
  • And having deduced 'that good of man which is private and particular, as far as seemeth fit,' he returns 'to that good of man which respects and beholds society,' which he terms DUTY, because the term of duty is more proper to a mind well framed and disposed towards others, as the term of VIRTUE is applied to a mind well formed and composed in itself; though neither can a man understand _virtue, without some relation to society_, nor _duty, without an inward disposition_. The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakspere Unfolded
  • Empathy here has been reframed as emotion that is "idiosyncratic" -- personal -- a danger to reason. George Lakoff: Empathy, Sotomayor, and Democracy: The Conservative Stealth Strategy
  • Charming in a soft white ninon gown and a big white hat, she held a tennis-racket in her hand, presenting a pretty picture framed by the dark doorway. Hushed Up! A Mystery of London
  • A new fitted kitchen with timber framed windows overlooks the rear of the property and one of the two bedrooms has a walk-in cupboard providing generous storage space.
  • I began to think choreographically, anticipating how action, use of space, and degree of energy would best enhance the photos, and the choreographer framed movement and poses as if seeing them through a viewfinder.
  • That includes showing that the supporters of Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish officer in the French army framed for leaking secret documents, were not plasterboard saints. Ruth Harris's "Dreyfus: Politics, Emotion, and the Scandal of the Century"
  • The room is no more and no less than she expected, down to the beer stein on the end table and the poorly framed print of the blond boy in lederhosen.
  • One was a family photograph of her entire family; one was a black-and-white photograph of her mother, specially coloured and framed; and the third was the diamanté necklace her mother wore on her 21st birthday.
  • Her dark curls framed her porcelain skin and full lips. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her striking sapphire eyes looked violet, framed by her straight bangs and perfectly arched eyebrows.
  • I bet he's had that framed and hung in the presidential palace. Times, Sunday Times
  • It rises naturally to a suffering man's lips as expressive of agony, though not exactly framed for _his_ individual _agony_. Autobiographical Sketches
  • He insisted on the scenes of the 5th and 6th of October, and on the dinners of the Life Guards, alleging that she had at that period framed a plot, which obliged the people to go to Versailles to frustrate it. Archive 2008-10-12
  • Materials are simple: plastered concrete block walls which anchor the house into the sandhills, are combined with timber-framed walls, cedar cladding and cedar framed windows.
  • My first step was to cut the print into six pieces so each image could be framed individually.
  • Over the marble fireplace there were the official framed documents granting the college its coat of arms. Seminary Boy
  • This was a film framed by an arched eyebrow. Times, Sunday Times
  • They took a huge framed picture of the Lord of Seven Hills on a jeep and sang bhajans as they walked.
  • The disenchantment is rooted in national economic policies that were framed decades ago. The Politics of Western Canada: Revolt or Reform
  • Searching through dusty boxes, I found a framed photograph that a friend gave me during a difficult period in my life. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is striking to realize how much of this material is personal-not subjective, but rather framed by her own family history or immediate acquaintance.
  • It is based on a true story, framed by an investigative journalist's interview with his elusive subject and told mostly in flashback.
  • There were freshwater pearl drop earrings and a matching five stringed pearl choker, framed in delicate rose gold.
  • I live in a timber-framed house, the top half of which is covered in metal cladding that has a white treatment. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was a short-framed man, dressed in a dark-green vest and combat pants.
  • Voice over Border Oak builds around 30 timber framed homes a year from manor houses to small cottages.
  • Also working against the timber framed houses was the fact that I was in a 9am humour, not much of a morning person - me.
  • Subsequently I cleaned up the images in PhotoShop, printed the collage on canvas art paper, and had the work framed as Christmas gifts for my mother and sister.
  • The sculpturally framed staircase is painted bright yellow that pops from the forest's green hues.
  • That is why the attack on Britain's rebate has been framed in terms of concern that the poorer EU entrants should not be asked to pay money to one of the richest European nations.
  • Over the marble fireplace there were the official framed documents granting the college its coat of arms. Seminary Boy
  • The facade is divided into a set of nine slightly staggered panels, framed in relief and decorated in a checkerboard missing-brick pattern.
  • For some people, timber-framed buildings are an unknown quantity. Times, Sunday Times
  • An older lady, one of the servers, walked into the cafeteria dressed in a white apron, hairnet, and black-framed bifocals, carrying a portable radio. Show Stoppah
  • Notions of reason and absurdity, exile and homeland have always framed South African art production.
  • She speaks softly but intently, cutting a striking figure in black knee-length boots with her prominent features framed by jet black hair.
  • There were no trophies about the house, no framed photos, no boastful talk. Times, Sunday Times
  • The chamber beyond was long and narrow, with a seeled in a dark cherry, and the window casements were inset in the stone walls, also framed in cherry. Cadmian's Choice
  • The walls teemed with framed paintings, while bric-a-brac sprang from every possible surface, toadstools in a forest. IN A STRANGE CITY
  • I suspect from how you've framed and phrased your question that you have some real problems relating to people in general or maybe women in particular.
  • The framed Jongkind sketch swung away from the wall to reveal the door to a small safe. Angel With No Hands
  • Framed art is a quick and easy solution to redecorating a room, for two reasons.
  • Forts are framed for defense.
  • Finally, the watercolours were reframed using a more neutral wooden frame and special non-reflective glazing.
  • Blocking the open - sided porch, framed by the enveloping fog, stood a tall grave - faced policeman.
  • The bathroom is fit for a king and queen, with his and hers basins, large mirrors framed by driftwood, a separate shower room and toilet and a huge tub also encased in wood.
  • She stood there, framed against the doorway.
  • Beyond him, the window framed a snowscape: a treeline with white-washed evergreens and cobalt-blue sky overhead, achingly blue.
  • The effect is enhanced by the division of the image into four equal quadrants framed by shiny, grooved metal molding.
  • The entrance is framed by what's left of a pair of magnificent columns that used to support a porte-cochere. Nancy Ruhling: Astoria Characters: The Man to the Mansion Born
  • The cheerful room was panelled and framed in pine with a white enamel finish. Titanic - Destination disaster
  • Parliament's support services proposes that special measures be taken to appoint people from previously marginalised groups, and that the concept of merit be "reframed" as a criteria for promotion. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Robin Denselow JoJo Marvin's Room Can't Do Better A killer opening line – "I've been up three days: Adderall and Red Bull" – then blankly intoned relationship fallout through a self-medicated fug, bitterness and contempt framed by drugs and booze. F&M playlist
  • I claimed a prominent rock and unlimbered a 20-pound-class popping rod and a wide-framed casting reel.
  • The cheerful room was panelled and framed in pine with a white enamel finish. Titanic - Destination disaster
  • There are only so many that can be mounted and framed without making his sitting room look like the British Museum's numismatic collection.
  • The structure and language of the summary of contentions had some infelicities, but it was clearly enough framed on the basis that the Bank was not entitled to dishonour cheques because the limit was exceeded.
  • Some incorporated timber-framed lean-to houses, and the central open space could accommodate livestock.
  • He started digging through a disorderly pile of assorted framed pictures, including several that looked like they had been run over by a truck.
  • This Triumph, was drawne by sixe lasciuious Centaures, which came of the fallen seede of the sausy and presumpteous _Ixion_: with a furniture of gold vpon them, and a long their strong sides, like horses, excellently framed and illaqueated in manner of a flagon chayne, whereby they drewe the Tryumph; such as _Ericthonius_ neuer inuented, for swiftnesse. Hypnerotomachia The Strife of Loue in a Dreame
  • Close up – eye level – Ivy and August framed from the shoulders up. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » CarsonArtist’s Review Forum
  • Some are framed, some unframed and there are works in watercolour, oil and pastel.
  • She's small with big eyes framed by laughter lines and is dressed entirely in black, but that seems to be the extent of any macabre crime writerly persona.
  • Framed prints of Davidson's micrographs have been displayed in art galleries nationwide.
  • I am not a supporter of the censorship of any voice, but I do believe the dialogue must be framed respectfully.
  • -- Down that alley was where the Brickhall Three were done over by the police and then fitted up, verballed, framed; up that side-street he'd find the scene of the murder of the Jamaican, The Satanic Verses
  • So we're left with an anti-relativism argument that traffics in relativism, an anti-corporate argument framed in corporate terms, and an Adorno/Horkheimer name-drop without enough self-realization to notice that the exclusionary schema it's propping up is a mirror-image recapitulation of what Adorno and Horkheimer were warning against. Archive 2009-07-01
  • Their books look back on a framed moment rather than a narrative fragment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tiny houses were strung out along our route, framed in their verdant patch of coffee, banana and vegetables.
  • With both devices, the world comes at us as a moving picture, framed by the widescreen and by the windscreen.
  • In every government office there is a sullen secretary, a pot plant and a framed portrait of the leader.
  • It framed a little heart shaped face with big eyes, a pert nose and a neat, bow shaped mouth.
  • Aluminum - framed arc doors inlay coffee acrylic sheet by consummate craft.
  • But, acting in an official character, neither myself nor any human authority had the power to rejudge the proceedings of the convention and declare the constitution which it had framed to be State of the Union Address (1790-2001)
  • Inside the nightclub are chamfered block pedestals for mahogany-framed photographs of John Coltrane, Georges Brassens, Billy Holiday, Mohammad Abdelwahab, and other beloved musicians.
  • The images are grouped in several large circles on the gallery walls, each picture elaborately framed in hand-painted glass.
  • Your art is framed, not gummed; your noodles are soba, not ramen.
  • The black mane had been transformed into a glistening, rippling aurora of ochroid indigo that framed the rest of the regal visage in a magnificent effulgence. Into the Thinking Kingdoms
  • As a housewarming present, Ms. Brickman framed Mr. Welch's dress-blue Marine uniform, with its golden sergeant's stripes and white gloves. For Wounded Vet, Love Pierces the Fog of War
  • We won—and I have the title belt to this day, framed in my house. REY MYSTERIO BEHIND THE MASK
  • A science, in the proper acceptation of that term, cannot be formed technically, that is, from observation of the similarity existing between different objects, and the purely contingent use we make of our knowledge in concreto with reference to all kinds of arbitrary external aims; its constitution must be framed on architectonical principles, that is, its parts must be shown to possess an essential affinity, and be capable of being deduced from one supreme and internal aim or end, which forms the condition of the possibility of the scientific whole. The Critique of Pure Reason
  • Likewise, a peek at a window framed by title bar and scroll bars is enough to evoke the sacraments of Mac.
  • Perhaps a lovely bowl of potpourri under the nose of the framed Adolf smiling benignly down from the wall. Lemmy: The Movie – Grace Dent's TV OD
  • The only picture was a watercolour, framed, and hanging in the room downstairs. A ROOMFUL OF BIRDS - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES 1990
  • He later learns that he was framed and unjustly imprisoned.
  • The lumbering giant turned about, it's piggish face framed with an expression of pure malice.
  • It presented mostly acrylic, easel-size canvases and a supplementary scattering of unframed works on paper, all dating from 2000.
  • Since Artforum had been described as "jargony" I framed a question about that: "Some complain that Artforum is full of jargon and that it does not cover painting. John Seed: Artforum : Slowly Sinking in a Sea of Bloggers? Not Quite...
  • What drew the eye, though, was a framed photograph on a shelf.
  • Each is massively framed by an ornate gilt rococo cartouche carved by Giovanni Giuliani in 1706.
  • The case was also, however, framed as a conspiracy between Shell and others to contravene the sanctions order.
  • Questions should therefore be framed to look for attitudes of mind rather than simple quantity and frequency of use.
  • The rest sought shade, under tarpaulin or one of the many eucalyptus trees that framed the ground. Times, Sunday Times
  • Framed in ebony with a deep terracotta mount she found herself looking at one of her own watercolours. SANDS OF TIME
  • Most of the works are auctioned unframed, and the firm suggests appropriate frames to the purchasers.
  • The ridge was framed clearly and through it moved the clouds, covering the grassy valley and twisting lodgepole pines.
  • The alligator shirts and wood-framed handbags are a pure fashion revival, though, with little reference to the original subculture that spawned them.
  • The painting is now framed to display both images. Times, Sunday Times
  • An elaborate mantelpiece framed the hearth in a dizzying array of swirls and curlicues, and a tall grandfather clock lurked in the corner like a brooding sentry, counting out the seconds with a gloomy tock, tock, tock.
  • Fresh-picked green apples and citrus dominate a simple but mouth-watering plate that is framed by briney minerality and plenty of acidity. Long Island Dines
  • Lines of concern, however, were etched into his handsome face, framed by a luxurious mane of shoulder length light brown hair.
  • Tragedy was with us since the first dugouts and wooden framed, tar-cloth boats put out to sea, eventually reaching Ireland 8000 BC.
  • In fact, the building is a symmetrical, timber-framed hall built around 1430. Life in a medieval home
  • Armies of gilded statuettes of saintly figures adorned little notches in the chiselled stone walls and framed iconographic pictures hung from any spaces which weren't already occupied.
  • She had curly cherry red hair that framed her porcelain doll face.
  • She had thick framed, black glasses perched on her nose, and she was carrying a pile of dusty books.
  • The badge of the Airborne Division had been enlarged in colour and framed as a centrepiece.
  • Voice over Border Oak builds around 30 timber framed homes a year from manor houses to small cottages.
  • All the ministers involved in the scandal have denied the allegations against them, claiming evidence was framed or taken out of context. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ancient Brazilian shield underlying the forest presents a gently undulating plain framed by scenic quartzitic ridges and mountains of Precambrian origin aligned in a generally NW to SE direction. Chiquitano dry forests
  • The structure and language of the summary of contentions had some infelicities, but it was clearly enough framed on the basis that the Bank was not entitled to dishonour cheques because the limit was exceeded.
  • The same pre-industrial tools are used that once built timber-framed houses, furniture and ships. Times, Sunday Times
  • She went over to her desk and came back with a stack of matted, unframed eight-by-ten glossy black-and-white photos. A RODENT OF DOUBT
  • With its early 20th-century version of a Tudor timber-framed double front, the Hunting Raven Bookshop fits right in. Independent bookshops in south-west of the UK
  • He points to the box office, and the framed playbills he used to deliver for the reward of a free pass to the pictures.
  • The cheerful room was panelled and framed in pine with a white enamel finish. Titanic - Destination disaster
  • The Freystrop artist has a wide variety of work on display, ranging from framed pictures to wall hangings and scarves.
  • His paneled of? ce sports several framed certi? cates distinguishing him for his efforts as an insurance agent, but they aren't helping him now. 'City of the Sun'
  • On the wall hung a framed letter in faded brown ink, written in a crabbed and spidery fist.
  • Olivia reaches up to the second shelf for a framed photograph that she's seen from a distance many times before.
  • A series of diverse episodes are framed by a recurring walking-rhythm motif, and Reicha manages to vary the order and inflection of his reprises in such a way that we hear each theme in close juxtaposition with every other.
  • Janice knew that I took great pride in the mane that framed my brown, almond-shaped eyes and kewpie-doll lips and cascaded down my slim body almost to my hips. Brooklyn Story
  • Shelving installed around the room up near the ceiling is great for keeping stuffed animals, framed photos and knick-knacks up and out of the way.
  • Here, too, lie the cemeteries: the Jewish, fronting the main road, with a decent enclosure; that of the Christians, framed in a wire fence and containing a few wooden crosses, imitation broken columns and tinsel wreaths; Arab tombs, scattered over a large undefined tract of brown earth, and clustering thickly about some white-domed maraboutic monument, whose saintly relics are desirable companionship for the humbler dead. Fountains in the Sand Rambles Among the Oases of Tunisia
  • And colored photographs should never be exposed to sunlight or fluorescent lighting unless framed under UV glass, or you'll be left with a distinctly "blued" image. Apartment Therapy Main
  • Notably, only a few photographs were framed and hung.
  • In the middle, a sheltered harbour full of yachts is framed by a busy quayside. Times, Sunday Times
  • He wrote her nice letters, one of which she rightly has framed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The doors of the bookcase, instead of being glazed, have brass trelliswork framed by a double row of Gothic arcading.
  • That's not my handwriting and it's not my signature! I've been framed.
  • The swimming pool is framed by tropical gardens.
  • He insisted on the scenes of the 5th and 6th of October, and on the dinners of the Life Guards, alleging that she had at that period framed a plot, which obliged the people to go to Versailles to frustrate it. Archive 2008-10-12
  • Councillors say plastic-framed windows lower the tone of the neighbourhood.
  • When the rope got waterlogged, they lugged more of the heavy framed canvases up the stairs.
  • Wayne replied gently as he placed Grandma Eva's cola-framed spectacles on top of her aquiline nose.
  • It is so easy to say that murderers should be hanged, but what if they have been framed, or the evidence isn't up to scratch.
  • I will be getting the shirt framed and will treasure it always.
  • A poor circus performer, Heikishi Endo, is framed by K-20 and has to resort to daring thievery of his own to reclaim his good name and thwart the fiend, who is trying to get a big Tesla coil to use as a weapon. Fantastic Fest – K-20: The Fiend With Twenty Faces « Geek Related
  • There were wall bookcases with glass doors, a few oak-framed engravings with a pale-green, "distempered" background, several chintz-covered sofas with cushions, and plenty of easy chairs. Winnie Childs The Shop Girl
  • This is enhanced by the way in which the story is framed. Times, Sunday Times
  • One other thing that made the Parthenon building grand was the large statue of Athena Parthenos which was held in the cella and framed by large columns all around it.
  • Tucked along/down this alley are some beautiful timber-framed houses.
  • there were framed snapshots of family and friends on her desk
  • But when they approached the stately brick colonial framed by an expansive front lawn and surrounded by forest, she was completely smitten.
  • She came bravely enough to the showy entrance way, with the polished and begilded lobby, set with framed pictures out of the current attraction, leading up to the quiet box-office, but she could get no further. Sister Carrie
  • They have framed the problems in such a way that their proposed way of solving becomes accepted / embraced.
  • A hat framed her pretty face.
  • Figurative scenes taken directly from, or inspired by, Roman wall paintings and marble friezes are framed with elaborate borders of motifs and symbols derived from antiquity.

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