How To Use Fragmentary In A Sentence

  • All specimens are exuviae, with thin and fragile carapaces and abdomens and fragmentary bodies and appendages.
  • The subtlety of the fragmentary relics of ancient hominid fossil evidence was astonishing.
  • In the absence of commitment from professional and organisational leaders, efforts will be fragmentary and uncoordinated and will have only minor effects.
  • In the same excavations on Temple Hill, Robinson found a second example of a similar Archaic sacrificial calendar incised, boustrophedon, in the epichoric Corinthian alphabet, this time on a fragmentary lead tablet.
  • The presence of cyanite, rutile-titanite, and garnets, and the absence of Lydian stone, and all fragmentary or arenaceous rocks, seem to characterise the formation we describe as primitive. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
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  • Gomphidius and Chroogomphus species have neither volvas nor skirtlike rings, although most species have a veil when young which leaves a fragmentary ring on the stem of the mushroom as it matures.
  • unsystematic and fragmentary records
  • The beginnings of cable and satellite policy showed the dangers of such a fragmentary approach.
  • But I think it also reflected his sense of the inherent fragmentary nature of life.
  • Inherited verbal or other social responses are fragmentary and trivial.
  • What you are able to perceive of the physical world is actually very fragmentary.
  • These were the fragmentary remains of an armored dinosaur, an ankylosaur.
  • We have seen the proliferation of "schizoid" global/local dialectics and non-binary explanations to map the uneven, fragmentary, and nomadic flux of capitalist culture across borders.
  • The field of psychology should be articulating a broad vision of human beings not a reductive fragmentary one.
  • Time has traveled into fragmentary memories of the dawn and then melt into one wipe mist.
  • The Romanesque wing is all church decorations of various sorts, and all the rooms are designed like actual Romanesque churches, with columns or apses as appropriate to display the (usually fragmentary) decoration in the right place.
  • Even at its best, conversation is full of repetitions, fillers, fragmentary phrases, and minimal rhythms.
  • Having some experience of metal working, he recognised the fragmentary remains as crucibles and clay casting moulds.
  • There is also an inclination towards fragmentary form. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Although modernism has its share of utopian dreamers, many artists of the past century have instead celebrated the fragmentary and the glimpsed.
  • For folklorists generally, folk beliefs and practices were regarded as the fragmentary and often obscure remnants of older systems.
  • Rich's fragmentary locutions, which have often permitted her to express complex thoughts in rewardingly complex ways, can now feel glib. The Times Literary Supplement
  • And what utterly fascinated us was the incompleteness, the fragmentary quality of his writing.
  • See The Fragmentary Irish Annals aka the Burgundian Annals. - 3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,27,28,29,30,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,41,42,48,49,50,52
  • A unique aspect of this tomb was that it contained the largest group of fragmentary handmade tripod cauldrons in the Early Iron Age cemetery at Torone.
  • For folklorists generally, folk beliefs and practices were regarded as the fragmentary and often obscure remnants of older systems.
  • Time has traveled into fragmentary memories of the dawn and then melt into one wipe mist.
  • Here de Man positions his "fragmentary" and suspended work in relation to the failed summae he describes in the Notes on ''At the Far End of this Ongoing Enterprise...''
  • Of this plan he completed two detached parts, namely the fragmentary 'Recluse' and 'The A History of English Literature
  • The papers were fragmentary, consisting of parts of a Reclaiming Petition and some portion of a Proof that had been led in support of a brieve of service; but I got enough to enable me to give the story, which I shall do in such a connected manner as to take the reader along with me, I hope pleasantly, and without any inclination to choke upon the foresaid bones. Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland, Volume XXIII
  • Nothing really major but the whole picture was, in its fragmentary way, more detailed than I'd realised.
  • Every city is an urban palimpsest, a used parchment covered with the fragmentary scrawls of its own past.
  • Bifo gives a rigorous analysis of just how these effects are manifesting, through an attention to what he calls the depersonalisation and cellularisation of time: 'cells of productive time can be mobilised in punctual, casual and fragmentary forms. Mute magazine - Culture and politics after the net - CULTURE AND POLITICS AFTER THE NET
  • I could discover no fragmentary stratum (grauwacke) nor kieselschiefer nor chiastolite. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • It's called fragging, which is to attack or assault a fellow solider with a fragmentary device or a grenade. CNN Transcript Mar 22, 2003
  • If there are two women in the painting, the disabled one is named the more beautiful, as if Maillol wishes to contrast an aesthetic, fragmentary, and broken beauty to a lesser, intact beauty.
  • Time has traveled into fragmentary memories of the dawn and then melt into one wipe mist.
  • In Thomas McFarland's Romanticism and the Forms of Ruin, the fragmentary is instead elevated to a cultural theme. Notes on 'The Ruins of Empire: Nationalism, Art, and Empire in Hemans's Modern Greece'
  • Although the floor in the south part of the room was eroded, a fragmentary hydria and krater found among the artifacts lying against the bedrock outcrop may originally have been sitting directly on the floor.
  • In the recording studios their emphasis on fragmentary noises and localised sound added a whole new dimension to music.
  • Most recently, a new ankylosaur was named on the basis of an incomplete mandible and fragmentary cranial material, but the ankylosaurian affinities and validity of this taxon are doubtful.
  • North of Cahokia, Missouri flint clay occurs most often in twelfth-century contexts as unworked fragments or fragmentary portions of pipes or figurines.
  • You never have the complete plot line in the way that you would like, so the information is always fragmentary.
  • _Click, click, click, click_ rang the hammer, and _splish, splash_ went the fragments of rock that fell in the water or were thrown into it; and thus for quite two hours Mr Temple hammered away, and after giving up a fragmentary conversation Dick and Josh grew silent or only spoke at intervals. Menhardoc
  • While Mr. Eliot's early poems, most notably "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" (1915), had brought him considerable attention in literary circles, it was "The Waste Land" (1922), a fragmentary and highly allusive verse epic, that gave him his central position in British and American poetry. Where Time and the Timeless Intersect
  • The sad truth is that the average collector is unlikely to recover more than the most fragmentary remains of dinosaurs.
  • The other three facades bear the crenelle ornaments; the two to the north show double lines of seven holes drilled deep into the plain surface above the door, as if a casing had been nailed on; while the northernmost yielded a fragmentary inscription on the southern wall. The Land of Midian
  • I tried to recall the fragmentary knowledge of astronomy I had gained in my irregular reading, but it was all too vague to furnish any idea of the things we might expect. First Men in the Moon
  • The footage was fragmentary and shot in grainy black and white.
  • The sculptures are fragmentary and are often missing vital body parts.
  • The remains are very fragmentary, since it served as a quarry for building materials for many centuries.
  • Only fragmentary remains are known of animals that may represent early stages in the differentiation of placoderms, chondrichthyes, and osteichthyes.
  • The author's conclusion: Earth is the sole abode of intelligent life in the galaxy, the product of a profoundly improbable sequence of cosmic, geologic and climatic events—some thoroughly documented, some inferable from fragmentary evidence—that allowed our planet to become a unique refuge where life could develop to its full potential. The Loneliest Planet
  • So what we know about the Revolutionary War is very fragmentary and distorted.
  • Perhaps it may be properly termed fragmentary thoughts and jottings concerning the life of an extraordinary human force, written at intervals when I had leisure from an otherwise busy life. Drake Nelson and Napoleon
  • They learn to read conflicting texts, interpret fragmentary evidence and guess at motives. Times, Sunday Times
  • At that time, no earlier biblical manuscript, however lacunose or fragmentary, was known. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The Multi-National Force Iraq command issued the update, called a fragmentary orderlast month. U.S. Tightens Rules
  • The historical records of the period are, at best fragmentary.
  • It's a great help to do this at two pianos because the sonority is always big and full, and the tempo keeps going, as opposed to the fragmentary sounds the novice harmonizer tends to produce when playing alone.
  • The performances also seem improvised because the dialogue is fragmentary, tangential and chatty rather than goal-oriented.
  • While the book's format lets us meet many fascinating people, it has the unfortunate effect of making individual experience disjointed and fragmentary.
  • Some kind of story was being told but it was in a non-linear, fragmentary kind of way.
  • Originally known from fragmentary remains, a complete and intact skull was found on an expedition in 1988.
  • The associated hadrosaur material consists of four caudal vertebrae and a fragmentary dentary.
  • The body of fragmentary biographical material presented here owes its existence to Horn's impulse to self-advertisement.
  • But not all works are fragmentary. Christianity Today
  • A sheet of glass is silvered with a pattern of repeated gestural strokes, making for a shifting lattice of fragmentary reflections and glimpses through the glass.
  • In some ways the poem is the closest thing he would write to the method and manner of Eliot, with its mysterious, fragmentary dialogue and allusive range.
  • The period is an especially muddled one for palaeontology, being full of fragmentary fossils that are difficult to assign either to Homo or to Australopithecus.
  • Moreover, the fragmentary form reveals an abidingly mysterious quality in even the most conventional texts of classic Hollywood.
  • The random inclination of other concentrations of fragmentary specimens is indicative of post mortem disturbance due to bioturbation.
  • The only problem then is the fragmentary nature of the production.
  • While thus speaking, he continued to move along the littered floor of the dingy room, with the undulating restlessness of some wild animal in the confines of its den, and he now went on, in short fragmentary sentences, very slightly linked together, but smoothed, as it were, into harmony by a voice musical and fresh as a sky lark's warble. A Strange Story — Complete
  • Rather, a more informed interpretation understands that the woman in the pool mirrors Maillol's embrace of the tradition of fragmentary classical sculpture and its definition of beauty.
  • At a conference in Viterbo, north of Rome, the following October, an Italian scholar presented evidence that a fragmentary red-figure kylix at the Getty had been taken illegally from Cerveteri. The Trial in Rome
  • Work has so far included research into early medieval glass beads which provides supporting evidence for the fragmentary work on vessel glass.
  • It is this process of automatization that explains the laws of our prose speech with its fragmentary phrases and half-articulated words.
  • The human remains comprise one complete mandible, two fragmentary mandibles, and a cranial fragment.
  • Our earliest glimpse of Euclidean material will be the most remarkable for a thousand years, six fragmentary ostraca containing text and a figure… found on Elephantine Island in 1906/07 and 1907 / 08…
  • These grenades were both fragmentary and incendiary devices designed to cause either death or serious battlefield injuries.
  • Vitality is likewise conveyed by the phallic morphology and upright surge of the fragmentary kouros at Olympia, shot in profile and appearing dark brown against a radiant background.
  • The presence of cyanite, rutile-titanite, and garnets, and the absence of Lydian stone, and all fragmentary or arenaceous rocks, seem to characterise the formation we describe as primitive. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • Reports are still fragmentary but it is already clear that the explosion has left many dead and injured.
  • A few more years and a tradition where Seventeenth Century poets, Mediaeval storytellers, Fathers of the Church, even Neoplatonic philosophers have left their traces in whole poems or fragmentary thoughts and isolated images will have vanished. Later Articles and Reviews
  • The range of provision was described as fragmentary, disjointed, and uneasily reliant on unpredictable, inadequate, or short-term funding streams.
  • Time has traveled into fragmentary memories of the dawn and then melt into one wipe mist.
  • The music, too, in this act is often fragmentary and lacking in direction.
  • The answers are out there, encoded in fragmentary clues, the scientists said. Graham, Dennis L.
  • How can one respond to the totality with partial, fragmentary pattern?
  • Seating myself upon this pyramid, I spent some time that afternoon gazing through the autumn sunglow at the hazy Mesa Verde, while my mind rebuilt and shifted the scenes of the long, long drama in which Old Pine had played his part, and of which he had given us but a few fragmentary records. Wild Life on the Rockies
  • There is only fragmentary evidence to support this theory.
  • The material referred to this taxon consists of one inflated and one crushed mold of the interior of the dorsal carapace and several fragmentary specimens of the cephalothorax.
  • The unevenness of the research permits the continued use of a fragmentary and inconsistent labelling system.
  • All specimens are exuviae, with thin and fragile carapaces and abdomens and fragmentary bodies and appendages.
  • The historical records of the period are, at best fragmentary.
  • Thirdly, he sins from time to time by being obscure, fragmentary, and agglomerative -- giving long strings of successive and detached items, not, however, devoid of a certain primitive effectiveness. Poems By Walt Whitman
  • Any action on the basis of such fragmentary evidence would be foolish.
  • In some respects the dictionary is the ideal form for capturing the diverse, fragmentary yet often interconnected narratives of the modern metropolis. The Times Literary Supplement
  • fragmentary remains
  • Studies of Australian war reporting have been fragmentary and of varied literary quality.
  • No faces or figures make it into the frame, presenting the sort of fragmentary view of the female body that in most any other context would constitute blatant objectification but here reads as a desexualized, intensely vulnerable collage of femininity. The Nervous Breakdown
  • The reasons lie deep in our compound nature, being probably inarticulate; and our action in a fragmentary way betrays our moral disposition: betrays it in both senses of the word betray, now revealing it unawares, and now sadly disappointing it. Some Turns of Thought in Modern Philosophy Five Essays
  • Before the internet arrived to form the perfect delivery mechanism for mystical bluster, it was left to partwork magazines to provide a fix of 'otherness', made 'real' by the paucity of information and the scrappy, fragmentary way it was presented ( Things magazine
  • Excavations yielded the remains of at least six adults in the chambers, together with fragmentary remains of children.
  • However imperfectly we may know the person of Jesus, and however fragmentary may be the record of His teaching, one great truth looms out of the darkness -- the peerlessness of His character and the incomparableness of His ideal of life. Christianity and Ethics A Handbook of Christian Ethics
  • His fragmentary scoring for choir and colouristic use of percussion elevates the solo cellist to high priest and turns the piece into a concerto.
  • The weapon can be configured to carry one of two types of warheads at a time: a 1,000-pound blast/fragmentary unitary warhead, and a general-purpose submunition dispenser with combined-effect bomblets.
  • Although porringers were often made of pewter, this specimen is a fragmentary shallow brass dish with a decorative handle that measured approximately 14 cm in diameter.
  • When the mare basins were excavated the fragmentary material beneath them must have been compressed to a higher density than before.
  • I do not, God knows! wish you to overtask yourself," wrote the unhappy Woodfall; "but after what you last said, I thought I might fully calculate on your taking up, without further delay, the fragmentary portions of your 1st and 2nd volumes and let us get them out of hand. The Life of George Borrow
  • I also think that Packer is right: blogs are indeed ‘atomized, fragmentary, and of the instant’ and those are characteristics that typify successful media of our time.
  • Having some experience of metal working, he recognised the fragmentary remains as crucibles and clay casting moulds.
  • Such writing inevitably takes the form of short fragmentary and often gnomic utterance.
  • Saint-Just went so far as to sketch out in fragmentary form a spartan utopia in which "Celui qui dit qu'il ne croit pas à l'amitié est banni" ( "He who says that he does not believe in friendship is banished"), proposing that Annotations
  • Some kind of story was being told but it was in a non-linear, fragmentary kind of way.
  • Being informed of what transpired during fragmentary blackouts often cued further recall.
  • It is not difficult to trace a great number of the rules governing the transfer and devolution of the commodities which lay outside the _allod_, to their source in Roman jurisprudence, from which they were probably borrowed at widely distant epochs, and in fragmentary importations. Ancient Law Its Connection to the History of Early Society
  • These were the fragmentary remains of an armored dinosaur, an ankylosaur.
  • The medical information conveyed in these ads is fragmentary and sometimes misleading.
  • No doubt I was learning the ropes, getting a feel of what it was like to realize the true essence of my life: a non-stop cavalcade of fragmentary jump cuts set to a detuned mandolin.
  • Apart from a fragmentary metatarsal, the tarsus and pes are not preserved in this specimen.
  • There are times when the voices come to the forefront, but Gubaidulina treats them mostly in a coloristic and fragmentary fashion.
  • Inherited verbal or other social responses are fragmentary and trivial.
  • It should be understood that comprehensive data will always appear worse than incomplete, fragmentary or voluntary data. Times, Sunday Times
  • But they have no epical integrity; are fragmentary; are not shown in their order to the intellect. An Address
  • The fragmentary nature of the rest of the skeletons recovered made gender identification impossible.
  • The only definite ornithischian materials known from this unit are the fragmentary holotype specimens of Tatisaurus and Bienosaurus and some indeterminate postcranial material.
  • In the recording studios their emphasis on fragmentary noises and localised sound added a whole new dimension to music.
  • Only a few, fragmentary teeth are preserved, and judging by the fragments and the size of alveoli, the teeth were gracile.
  • Korot sets fragmentary counterpoint against moments of textural and thematic homogeny, the pull of which is increased by the uniformity of the instrumentation. PLG Young Artists – review
  • In spite of its brevity, it still remains a fine specimen of how a group of fragmentary ideas can be moulded into a unified whole.
  • It may be noted that another sherd bearing a fragmentary inscription which includes a digamma was found among the material examined this year.
  • The main reason is the lack of good specimens; theropod remains are fairly rare and more often than not fragmentary - theropods have a poor fossil record compared to most of the ornithischian dinosaurs.
  • Not much, perhaps, beyond the fragmentary evidence of case studies and field reports.
  • However, the fossil is still very fragmentary and although it might well be homopterous, its family position is most obscure.
  • Associated remains found with this skeleton consist of acid - etched vertebrae and a fragmentary dentary from juvenile hadrosaur dinosaurs.
  • Patterns of bird bone fragmentary in pellets of the Tawny owl (Strix aluco) and the Eagle owl (Bubo bubo) and their taphonomic implications. Archive 2006-02-01
  • It is a fairly short novel, told in fragmentary, disjointed style (150 chapters in 135 pages) about the narrator's investigation of the disappearance of the head waiter of his favourite Indian restaurant. December Books 8) Mr Singh Has Disappeared: A Concussed Novel, by Horst Prillinger

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