How To Use Fpd In A Sentence
It is rare three such opportunities to buy into Rosemount arrive at once and the Brechin office of selling agent FPDSavills is bracing itself for a strong demand.
Manz Automation AG, one of the world's leading technology providers for the photovoltaic and flatpanel display (FPD) industry, is recording significant increases in its order backlog.
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High-end FPD and IC photomask sales increased sequentially
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This being more than was expeded, his holi - ncfs feemed agreeably furprifpd 5 raifed the duke with a fniile, and converfed with him in an obliging manner, faying fomething to each of the company.
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The local "kirana" store has PSFPD of Rs. 70-80 (Sales per sq.ft. per day).
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