How To Use Foxglove In A Sentence
If, for instance, you have alkaline soil you can dig a large hole, fill it with ericaceous compost and grow acid-loving plants such as azalea and foxgloves.
Digitalis from the foxglove plants used by an old woman in Shropshire, England was analyzed and promoted for heart disease by Dr. William Withering in 1785 and was still widely used in herbal form until the 1950's.
Note—Peg told me that several days ago the queen miscarried; they eased her pain with mugwort and foxglove, and she is now recovering.
Exit the Actress
Note—Peg told me that several days ago the queen miscarried; they eased her pain with mugwort and foxglove, and she is now recovering.
Exit the Actress
What benefits the willow tree that its bark should contain salicylic acid; or the foxglove, digitalis; the periwinkle, vincristine; or the poppy, opiates?

Other pricey plants that easily start from seed include delphiniums, foxgloves, black-eyed Susans, and coneflowers.
In partial shade, use balloon flowers as accent plants placed among foxgloves, hostas, or lamb's ears.
Having recognized her symptoms as heart disease and dropsy because they led to his mother's death, he knew what could relieve her pain and gave her a medicine made from a special herb called foxglove.
I had them all this summer - a ladybird poppy, lupin, phlox, busy Lizzie, begonia, fuchsia and foxglove and many, many more.
If I am diligent I can get an extra few weeks out of the delphiniums, foxgloves and monkshood by removing the spent blooms.
Europeans, and it is certainly grand and interesting and in a certain sense beautiful, but not the calm, sweet, warm beauty of our own fields, and there is none of the brightness of our own flowers; a field of buttercups, a hill of gorse or of heather, a bank of foxgloves and a hedge of wild roses and purple vetches surpass in _beauty_ anything I have ever seen in the tropics.
Alfred Russel Wallace: Letters and Reminiscences, Vol. 1
In mild climates in fall, most nurseries sell delphiniums, foxgloves, and verbascum.
Getting there meant driving along roads lined with green hedges full of bright pink campion and foxgloves just starting to come out, and bluebells almost over for another year except on some upland areas.
It was a tiny humming bird; he was sampling the vintages from a clump of daffodils, foxglove, trillium, and lady's slipper.
If I am diligent I can get an extra few weeks out of the delphiniums, foxgloves and monkshood by removing the spent blooms.
They also don't eat anemones, astilbes, junipers, foxgloves, daffodils, ferns, grasses and a whole host of things.
Digitalis, a drug prepared from digitalin, a glycoside obtained from the common foxglove, is used in medicine.
`We have ginger, ground elder, owl-hoof, hawthorn, hemlock, henbane, belladonna, valerian, foxglove.
Strategic groups of foxgloves, delphiniums and tall campanulas will relieve the consistent height.
The name foxglove is a corruption of the term folk’s glove, meaning the wee folk, one of the many monikers given to the fairies over the ages.
Fairies Part Three « Fairegarden
Plants such as orange geums, foxgloves, roses and blue meconopsis are intended to give a riot of colour.
Times, Sunday Times
Cut the bloom stalks off delphiniums, foxgloves, and hollyhocks as soon as they fade - but well before they set mature seed.
A WildLands Seed Team collects and catalogs plants with names like blazing star, orange puccoon, squaw weed and eared false foxglove.
Pam Grout: The Little Hope For The Prairie
So, I capered off with Zak to dig up irises, coral bells, foxglove, primroses, violets, bugleweed, forget me nots and foamflower from our huge perennial beds.
Tigers & Strawberries » Green Gold
Among ornamental plants, slugs and snails avoid foxgloves, many species in the daisy family, lavateras, hollyhocks, azaleas, Euphorbia, perennial Geraniums, mulleins and Stachys lanata, soapwort, lungwort and hibiscus.
It was a tiny humming bird; he was sampling the vintages from a clump of daffodils, foxglove, trillium, and lady's slipper.
Suitable for the less formal border are foxglove, cranesbill, and viper's bugloss.
In early spring, fragile perennials, such as foxgloves and delphiniums, take center stage.
And my hellebores, sweet woodruff, veronica, foxgloves and Candytuft remained a healthy green all winter, as did the primrose foliage, and that of the smaller geraniums.
Ginger, garlic, mint, chives, red lettuce, red cabbage, sage, sunflower, fennel, foxglove, mint, chicory & endive seem to be less prone to slug attack.
Foxgloves, bright polypody ferns and rushes thrive in the hollows of surface tin workings while wheel pits, settling tanks and buddles associated with the extraction of tin and china clay are masked by scrub, and the derelict structures colonised by spleenwort ferns and moss.
Country diary: Bodmin Moor
Plant out hardy biennials such as foxgloves and wallflowers in their flowering positions.
All of the 62 types of flowers, plants and shrubs used in the work, such as ling heather, bearberry, foxglove and gorse, come from County Mayo, which was hit particularly hard by the Famine.
Then came perennial beds with roses, lilies, foxgloves, lupins, daisies, shrubs, and more.
The two acre garden is fresh with scent and the colours of cowslips and foxgloves.
Cases of this kind, wherein the flowers of a pea and of the foxglove were replaced by collections of small ovate green scales packed one over the other till they resembled the strobile of a hop, have been already alluded to.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
So, I capered off with Zak to dig up irises, coral bells, foxglove, primroses, violets, bugleweed, forget me nots and foamflower from our huge perennial beds.
Tigers & Strawberries » Green Gold
I love columbine and foxglove is one of my favourite wild flowers.
Botanical Gardens, Experimental Farm, Ottawa « Mudpuddle
One may see astilbe, columbine, hosta, ferns, begonias and impatiens, along with the less common, yet colorful, annuals foxglove, torenia, Viola cornuta, mimulus and Geranium endressii.
Many other garden plants are also highly toxic, including rhubarb leaves, autumn crocuses, delphiniums, foxgloves and laburnum.
No matter, because a new fingerpost points down Potter Lane, a sunken track, wall and gorse each side with foxgloves ready to overwinter in the algae green rocks.
Deer also avoid plants that people consider medicinal and poisonous: foxgloves (the plant source of the cardiac drug digitalin), poppies (the plant source of opium), daffodils, and lily-of-the-valley.
I think the water droplets on the foxglove are well balanced!!!!!
PhotoHunter: (Ooops) Spotted « Mudpuddle
Honeysuckle, fraochan, wood sorrel, bugle, blue-bell, few-flowered woodrush, royal fern, hay-scented buckler fern and foxglove all occur on the forest floor along with numerous mosses and liverworts.
The foxglove is a marvellous example of a plant which is adapted to be pollinated by insects.
If I am diligent I can get an extra few weeks out of the delphiniums, foxgloves and monkshood by removing the spent blooms.
Note—Peg told me that several days ago the queen miscarried; they eased her pain with mugwort and foxglove, and she is now recovering.
Exit the Actress
Then, long after the foxgloves have withered and the last crabapple has rolled from the tree and been carted off by a brown squirrel, the asters bloom, the last flower before snow.
We have already seen the minor ripple caused by idiots tossing about ma huang - which is a relatively mild stimulant in the realm of herbalism - but what happens when some genius decides that rauwolfia or foxglove is the new way to go?
Digitalis, a heart medication, comes from the foxglove plant.
`There's no foxglove here, Atticus," she whispered, struggling to keep her words controlled.
Plants that may require staking to hold their blooms high include Canterbury bells, hollyhocks, and verbascums, with foxgloves and delphiniums in the upper garden zones.
Snowdrops, wood anemones, primroses, foxgloves and ramsons can all infuse woods with colour through sheer force of numbers.
They also don't eat anemones, astilbes, junipers, foxgloves, daffodils, ferns, grasses and a whole host of things.
Set out transplants of campanula, candytuft, catmint, coreopsis, delphinium, dianthus, foxglove, penstemon, phlox, salvia, and yarrow.
These were full of the last of the foxgloves and the sickly, overpowering waft of the mysterious stinkhorn fungus.
How to get back to nature when camping
It was a tiny humming bird; he was sampling the vintages from a clump of daffodils, foxglove, trillium, and lady's slipper.
Other staples of the cottage garden include rosemary and lavender, pale pink peonies (short-lived but gorgeous), tall hollyhocks and foxgloves which like acid soil and do well in shade.
The CD, produced in conjunction with Foxglove Records of Rawdon, features organ and classical favourites.
Another instance of this association between the motions of the stomach and heart is evinced by the exhibition of an over dose of foxglove, which induces an incessant vomiting, which is attended with very slow, and sometimes intermitting pulse.
Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life
I tell you, every single thing that's happened fits like a bee in a foxglove.
Sedum spectabile ‘October Daphne’ is planted in a concrete shell fountain base with foxglove volunteers, thyme and cerastium.
Succulents-The Sedums « Fairegarden
Besides the painted cup there are classed in this group the mullen, the common toad-flax, the foxglove, the gerardias, and the calceolarias.
Plants that may require staking to hold their blooms high include Canterbury bells, hollyhocks, and verbascums, with foxgloves and delphiniums in the upper garden zones.
Brangwyn's clever treatment of zoölogical and botanical detail is well shown in flowers in the foreground, such as foxglove and freesia, and the graceful forms of a pair of pinkish flamingoes.
The Art of the Exposition
Planting pot-grown woodland wildflowers such as primrose, wood anemone, foxglove and pink campion can further enhance the habitat.
The combe sides rose steeply, flushed purple by thousands of foxgloves.
Times, Sunday Times
Digitalis, a potent cardiotonic, is derived from the foxglove plant.
Earl Mindell’s New Herb Bible
In reality, more than 30% of conventional medications come from common plant sources (eg, digitalis from foxglove, vincristine from periwinkle).
Many of their herb remedies, such as digitalis (from foxglove) and atropine (from belladonna) are still in use today.
Even Cowgirls Get The Blues
At the time the court concluded that the nurse had poisoned the babies with a drug used to treat heart conditions, digoxin, also known as digitalis, an extract from the foxglove plant.
RNW: English
Mrs. Fitz pointed out foxglove, purslane, and betony, along with a few I did not recognize.
Sick Cycle Carousel
I had assumed that the digitalin must have come from the foxgloves at the foot of the garden.
Crime On the Coast
Magnificent displays of bluebells are out just now and the ground vegetation also has an abundance of foxgloves, heath bedstraw and wood sorrel.
Thanks so much for your offer about the foxglove and aquilegia seeds, we would love some :- I've emailed you about that and also about the Colinette hat pattern.
More stitch markers made
True to Chris's intentions, the two acre garden is fresh with scent and the colours of cowslips and foxgloves, daffodils and dandelions.
There were lilies and foxgloves, roses and lilacs, and some sort of fruit tree that bore square-shaped green fruit.
That goes for the author of this headline, too. foxglove
Senate Democrats break GOP judicial filibuster
A less toxic but similar compound, digoxin from another species of foxgloves, replaced digitoxin and is still preferred by many physicians for relieving the condition.
Plants such as Lily of the Valley, foxglove, oleander and azalea are very toxic, says Dr. Muller, who suggests labeling all houseplants and keeping a close eye on children when outdoors.
Children Act Fast...So Do Poisons!
An all natural extract of the foxglove plant similar to an all natural extract of the stevia plant is digitalis, which is lethal if consumed in all but the most minute amounts.
Sweeter Than Sugar?
Children also like anything with a tactile element - snapdragons they can gently open and close, and foxgloves, which are just the right size for small fingers.
Magnificent displays of bluebells are out just now and the ground vegetation also has an abundance of foxgloves, heath bedstraw and wood sorrel.
Then she mixed in foxgloves with flowers in closely related colors - pink, lilac, and lavender.
`Only a physician or a skilled herbalist," she replied, `would know how to use arsenic or foxglove.
The separate petals of the cistus and cherry fall as easily as the foxglove drops its bells; -- on the other hand, there are monopetalous things that don't drop, but hold on like the convoluta, [19] and make the rest of the tree sad for their dying.
Proserpina, Volume 2 Studies Of Wayside Flowers
Plant out hardy biennials such as foxgloves and wallflowers in their flowering positions.
The foxglove, which is guilty of only sly, petty larceny, wears not the equivalent of the striped suit and the shaved head; nor does the mistletoe, which steals crude food from the tree, but still digests it itself, and is therefore only a dingy yellowish green.
Wild Flowers Worth Knowing
Other plants, such as foxglove or the opium poppy, can have strong effects in humans if the whole plant is eaten, or a simple tea is prepared from them.
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During our ride we found also a yellow kind of foxglove, and some pretty little wild flowers.
Three Months in the Soudan
They also don't eat anemones, astilbes, junipers, foxgloves, daffodils, ferns, grasses and a whole host of things.
The leaves of the oriental foxglove plant contain digitoxin, a drug used to treat heart disease. - latest science and technology news stories
Of such are adlumia, Canterbury bell, lunaria, ipomopsis, oenothera Lamarckiana; and foxglove, valerian, and some other perennials would better be treated as biennials.
Manual of Gardening (Second Edition)
With the onset of summer there's the cow parsley, poppies, honeysuckle, wild roses, speedwell, ragged robin and foxgloves.
Here and there, on the dry bank over which the clematis projected like an eave, there stood tall campanulas, their blue bells as large as the fingerstall of a foxglove.
The Life of the Fields
These physicians do scientific medicine no favors when they forget that foxglove/digoxin, vinca alkaloids and dozens of other botanically based therapies were once alternatives to less effective conventional therapies.
No matter, because a new fingerpost points down Potter Lane, a sunken track, wall and gorse each side with foxgloves ready to overwinter in the algae green rocks.
Eliza apparently found foxglove, henbane, and jimson weed growing in Serena's pleasant little garden.
Plants that may require staking to hold their blooms high include Canterbury bells, hollyhocks, and verbascums, with foxgloves and delphiniums in the upper garden zones.
When William Withering, a Shropshire physician and botanist, heard how a man with dropsy had recovered after drinking a herbal medicine that had been brewed from foxglove, he had to know exactly how the plant had worked.
Plants such as Lily of the Valley, foxglove, oleander and azalea are very toxic, says Dr. Muller, who suggests labeling all houseplants and keeping a close eye on children when outdoors.
Children Act Fast...So Do Poisons!
True to Chris's intentions, the two acre garden is fresh with scent and the colours of cowslips and foxgloves, daffodils and dandelions.
But as container plants, foxgloves are present now in all sorts of generic and specific garden shops.
Flowers: suitable for the less formal border are harebell, foxglove, ox-eye daisy, toadflax, alpine, autumn and field gentians, cranesbill, forget-me-not, and viper's bugloss.
The combe sides rose steeply, flushed purple by thousands of foxgloves.
Times, Sunday Times
The scenery was breathtaking, and Myra put in Trish Nugent's "Foxglove Woman".
Then came perennial beds with roses, lilies, foxgloves, lupines, daisies, shrubs, and more.
Buatto "plants" fake garden flowers -- foxgloves, orchids, delphiniums, hyacinths, lady's mantle, and roses -- in terra cotta pots.
Suzy Bales: Fake Flowers: Ever Green and Always Growing
Many other garden plants are also highly toxic, including rhubarb leaves, autumn crocuses, delphiniums, foxgloves and laburnum.
With the onset of summer there's the cow parsley, poppies, honeysuckle, wild roses, speedwell, ragged robin and foxgloves.
Strategic groups of foxgloves, delphiniums and tall campanulas will relieve the consistent height.
Set out transplants of campanula, candytuft, catmint, coreopsis, delphinium, dianthus, foxglove, penstemon, phlox, salvia, and yarrow.
`We have ginger, ground elder, owl-hoof, hawthorn, hemlock, henbane, belladonna, valerian, foxglove.
A WildLands Seed Team collects and catalogs plants with names like blazing star, orange puccoon, squaw weed and eared false foxglove.
Pam Grout: The Little Hope For The Prairie
In reality, more than 30% of conventional medications come from common plant sources (eg, digitalis from foxglove, vincristine from periwinkle).
Interplanted in the perennial beds which surround the large annual beds are planted 360 basket-of-gold, 810 cottage pinks and 432 foxglove, giving the perennial beds an early spring advantage while the traditional perennials catch up with the warmer weather.
Chris scattered the feverfew, poppies and foxgloves they had brought with them over the Hand, then straightened up and dusted himself off.
Also avoid sago palm and other members of the cycad family as well as mushrooms, rhododendrons, azaleas, lilies of the valley, oleanders, rosebays, foxgloves and kalanchoe.
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Foxgloves contain digitalin, one of whose effects is to make the heart muscle pump harder - potentially useful in cases of congestive heart failure, but fatal in overdose.
Birch looks wonderful sitting in a mass of plants such as foxgloves, tellima and hellebores.
A most curious terminal pelory is that of the common foxglove or
Species and Varieties, Their Origin by Mutation
The familiar cultivated snapdragon is Antirrhinum majus is a member of the figwort, or snapdragon, family; other members of the family that have been cultivated for ornamental purposes include the beardtongues, the mulleins, the slipper flowers, the foxgloves and the speedwells (Veronica).