How To Use Fox hunter In A Sentence
The common representation of fox hunters and those who support it, is that they are toffee-nosed snobs who ride around the country in their cold-hearted way, thinking they own the place.
Like grouse shooters, fox hunters, lampers, hare coursers, badger baiters and of course meat eaters, anglers do what they do simply because they enjoy doing it.
Over the last hundred years, suffragettes, hunger marchers, miners, pro-fox hunters and campaigners against police brutality, the poll tax, fuel tax and the prohibition of cannabis have all congregated in Hyde Park.
The Dumfriesshire Hunt has also been used by keen amateur riders who can qualify their mounts for fox hunter chases at official race tracks as well as point to point amateur races.
One of the fox hunters nominated the insurance broker, which so surprised dyspeptic Jim himself that he broke the point on his pencil.
As his meat flies into the crowd of women, they rub it over themselves, like young fox hunters who are initiated into the hunt when they are "blooded" by the dead fox, or else like the women who follow Dionysus, god of wine: they rip their victims apart, and are so high they can't tell man from beast.
Tom Payne: Lady Gaga and the Episode with the Meat
Even George Washington was known as an avid fox hunter.
More British Than Britain
The fox hunters' problem is that, because keeping a horse is a pretty expensive activity, they were always seen as some sort of financial elite.
One of the fox hunters nominated the insurance broker, which so surprised dyspeptic Jim himself that he broke the point on his pencil.
Like grouse shooters, fox hunters, lampers, hare coursers, badger baiters and of course meat eaters, anglers do what they do simply because they enjoy doing it.
One longtime fox hunter, Lewis Sterler, served as a whipper-in from a car with the help of a radio.
More British Than Britain
Three centuries had flowed past the old Manor House, centu - ries of births and of homecomings, of country dances and of the meetings of fox hunters.