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How To Use Fountain In A Sentence

  • There is a fine square here called Madison, in the centre of which trees rise from fountain-watered grass, and statued figures of people who were men in their day and did things, palatial buildings, dignifying commerce, form the square. Impressions of a War Correspondent
  • She huffed, stood up, arched her back in a heavyweight stretch, turned to the fountain and started in on a long, long drink.
  • I went to the fountain and saw varieties of water plants like water lilies and duckweed.
  • Spray the fountain, then fire a rocket at the Bowlarama.
  • There were floating candles that decorated the pool and the fountain, as well as ornamental flowers arrangements.
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  • Even when the fountain was working properly it was frequently full of soap suds or discoloured because someone had put something into the water.
  • They walked out of the fountain room together, still cheerfully chatting.
  • The dominant conifers are Abies faxoniana, Picea asperata, P. wilsoni and purple-coned spruce P. purpurea (which is also being planted) with a sub-canopy of Betula albo-sinensisB. utilis, low Acer spp. and fountain bamboo Fargesia/Sinarundinaria nitida which suffered a major die-off after flowering in the 1970s and early 1980s, Fargesia denudata and F. chinensis. Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area, China
  • To finish off the breathtaking site, a fountain of stone stood in the center, water gently cascading down the rock in the center.
  • ( "Some will rob you with a six-gun/Some with a fountain pen," go the words to Woody Guthrie's ballad "Pretty Boy Floyd.") Richard B. Woodward: Bernard Madoff and Anton Chigurh: the Con Man as Serial Killer
  • Have no doubts because of trouble nor be thou discomtited; for the water of life's fountain springeth from a gloom bed. 
  • Why, if Ponce de Leon had found the fountain of youth and drunk of it as bibulously as we are apt to guzzle the cup of achievement, he would not only have arrested the forward march of time, but would have over-reached himself and slipped backward through the years of his age to become a chronic infant in arms. The Joyful Heart
  • For fountain pen ink, take care not to spread the stain. Collins Complete Books of Soft Furnishings
  • Officer Bud Walker said her capsized scull was found about 5: 30 p.m. near Fountainhead Regional Park. Fairfax County woman missing, last seen rowing boat in Occoquan Reservoir
  • The fountain illustrated, an exquisite piece of Gothic architecture in miniature, was designed to be both fanciful and functional.
  • Therefore, consumers should not expect to find a fountain of youth in a jar.
  • After it gushes from the fountain in the temple precinct, the water is lifted by shadoof, water wheels, to the gardens of the palace, or sent by canals to every quarter of the city. ' Warlock
  • Seemingly just in such a flash, the national fountainhead and mysterious maxim of Mongolia dawn era on grassland drew a streak of apocalyptical light across my heart.
  • There was a large interior patio, with fountain, trees and flowers; a large garden adjoined this filled with orange trees, banana plants and palms, with great masses of bougainvillea growing everywhere. Did you know? Cuautla, Mexico, has the world's oldest railway station building.
  • Because you don't say 'Ain't nobody ever gonna find a body' when you're talking about a living child," said prosecutor Connie Spence, referring to a jailhouse informant's testimony about a statement Fountain allegedly made. Homepage CP Container
  • One day she sat musing by a forest fountain, dressed in a robe of yellow silk, wantonly plucking the flowers which grew on the mossy parapet of the spring and binding them into a bouquet for the Clerk of Mezlean.
  • The Stuarts preferred the watery art of grottoes and fountains and canals, of elaborate parterres and radiating avenues - vividly shown in bird's eye views of Knyp, Knyff and Badeslade.
  • The poker circled slowly, sending up fountains of sparks.
  • According to the plan, the water supply to fountains, swimming pools or for street cleaning was cut.
  • There was a brief pause, as neither of us said anything; the only sound was the needle of my fountain pen scraping mundanely on the rough paper.
  • We remained nearly an hour beside our beneficent fountain, then took the route for Senegal; that is, a southerly direction, for we did not know exactly where that country lay. Thrilling Narratives of Mutiny, Murder and Piracy A weird series of tales of shipwreck and disaster, from the earliest part of the century to the present time, with accounts of providential escapes and heart-rending fatalities.
  • The fountain in the fishpond is going tinkletinkletinkle. She declares a barbecue | Diane Duane's weblog: "Out of Ambit"
  • The water tinkled as it flowed down into the silver-lined basins at the bottom of the fountains.
  • Deep was the grief of the brethren of Three Fountains when they were summoned to attend the sacred office of demission which was to shut out A Child's Book of Saints
  • Take the case of a deal between a special servicer and the owner of a pair of distressed three-story suburban office buildings on Long Island, N.Y., known as the Fountains at Lake Success. Loan Wrangling on the Rise
  • The main square has a fountain that spouts water 40 feet into the air.
  • Before the middle of the seventh century A.D. the area had been "ruralized," for instance the Trajanic street fountain being used as a dump for slaughtered cattle remains (see Lower Agora - North, July 20-August 2). Interactive Dig Sagalassos 2003 - Conclusions: Urban Development
  • The 1869 New York City Register listed Fiske as a manufacturer of ornamental ironwork; fountains, vases, statuary, settees and chairs, and cast-iron and wire railings, iron stable fixtures, copper weathervanes.
  • A group of children are playing in the fountain in the park.
  • Or, perhaps, the bard received inspiration by drinking magic water from the fountain called Hippocrene, or the skaldic mead which dripped from the moon. Myths of Babylonia and Assyria
  • It was like listening to somebody trying to play a trombone at the bottom of a swimming pool, and meantime some bosthoon in black tights is skipping around the fountain tossing things into it.
  • A fountain of sparks spurted up, falling in a shower around the boy, bent over in concentration.
  • A less expensive pedestrianization strategy was to close selected streets to traffic and add benches, landscaping, and fountains. Makeshift Metropolis
  • Bedroom 4 is the most peaceful room in the Inn with French doors looking out on the garden courtyard and fountain.
  • I went over to the fountain in the center of the chamber and splashed some on my face and neck.
  • In the eternal quest for a fountain of youth, no elixir is beyond the realm of consideration. ProWomanProLife » Mmm, I think I’ll pass
  • There is no fountain of youth; instead there are thousands of elixirs to keep us there.
  • There are stone benches, wrought-iron fences and gates, wall fountains, pots, pillars, and antique baskets.
  • Now, fountains in the square over which the facade of one of the loveliest and oldest border churches presides, infuse the chatter with the dulcifying sound of water on water. The Guardian World News
  • Throw some money in the fountain and make a wish.
  • Little self-important copperplate fountain-penned comments such ‘Easily distracted’ start to creep into the elaboration box.
  • It was then that something opened within me and the springs of perception poured forth their fountains. What the Bee Knows - reflections on myth, symbol and story
  • The morning to the mountain the evening to the fountain
  • On the second floor, a long terrace encircles the courtyard at the center of which stands a typical Spanish-inspired fountain.
  • SHILOH -- Officials said that 33 residents and several staff members of the Fountains III assisted living center in Shiloh have been taken to hospitals after experiencing nausea and vomiting. Top News Headlines
  • My son gave me a very thoughtful gift, a brand new fountain pen and a lovely ball pen, for jotting, he said.
  • Just two steps above the main deck, the upper sitting area is simply and elegantly defined by an open railing, a small torii, and a bamboo fountain.
  • Because the campus is punctuated by a series of natural and man-made lakes, streams and fountains, water plays an important sensate role in the psyche of the community.
  • The mountain theme is incorporated throughout the facility - from its curved parapets and sculptured stone fountain to the grassy park with tree-covered walking trails.
  • hallowed fountains," and "solemn sound;" but in all Gray's odes there is a kind of cumbrous splendour which we wish away. Johnson's Lives of the Poets — Volume 2
  • The fire was thrown to a great height; the fountains and jets all wallowed together; new ones appeared, and danced joyously round the margin, then converging towards the centre they merged into one glowing mass, which upheaved itself pyramidally and disappeared with a vast plunge. The Hawaiian Archipelago
  • In a few minutes the diapir itself would mush into the thick cap ice, flow upward through fissures, lenticulae and leads, and bubble slush ice in a fountain a hundred meters high. Ilium
  • But it is unseemly to see such a Grand Potentate in such a state of decay: the son of Bajazet Ilderim insolvent; the descendants of the Prophet bullied by Calmucs and English and whipper-snapper Frenchmen; the Fountain of Magnificence done up, and obliged to coin pewter! Notes of a Journey From Cornhill to Grand Cairo
  • There is nothing developmental linking the middle childhood years with fountain pens and mismatched socks.
  • I thought that, I certainly must compose amore advanced more attractive eruptive fountain.
  • The Fountain, such as the treeship carrying him to the nebula, his eating bark and later tree sap that did something extraordinary to him with the use of CGI, and much of the scenes from the past when Jackman played a conquistador and Weisz a Spanish queen. Epinions Recent Content for Home
  • Introducing Geoff's Earth-Fountain©: “it spits gravel and freshly tilled soil up into the air in dizzying patterns.” Archive 2005-10-01
  • Liza Minella inadvertently kicked off an inter-web catchphrase, Taylor Swift crooned her way into our hearts, a video of a woman falling into a fountain while texting went viral--and much, much more. WATCH THIS: The Top 9 Viral Videos Of The Week
  • There were three of them, and not even the spray which played over them like a fountain could prevent Crowle from seeing that they were manned by Judies. The White Feather
  • The mineral water of the numerous fountains, natural springs and wells, have an almost uniform chemical composition, temperature and sulphide content.
  • Over my years of working as a research ecologist for the U.S. Forest Service in Hawaii, I watched fountain grass repeatedly rise up like a green phoenix after ecologically devastating wildfires and rapidly establish in what to this species is a very favorable postfire environment of increased light and nutrients and decreased plant competition. Robert J. Cabin: The Wildfires in Hawaii Are a Loss for Our World
  • This grindstone bubble fountain makes an attractive incidental feature in this narrow border and is not difficult to make.
  • Never cast dirt into that fountain of which thou hast sometime durnk. 
  • Then a fountain-pen needle stitched up the lips of the wound in a neat blue herringbone pattern.
  • When we open the valve from the tinaco to let water into our plumbing system, water comes spouting out of the top of this pipe like a fountain. Too much water pressure
  • The water fountain became an altar, standing on marble pillars and graced by its own fan design.
  • When it has paid its tribute to the royal pile, and visited its gardens and pastures, it flows down the long avenue leading to the city, trinkling in rills, gushing in fountains, and maintaining a perpetual verdure in those groves that embower and beautify the whole hill of the Alhambra. Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 8
  • The pop-top campaign, which will also include bottles and fountain drinks, will run May Ito July 31.
  • But it is still elegant and compleat, and Mama found room to underline or make comments in her copperplate handwriting, using peacock-blue fountain pen ink in delicate lines. Archive 2010-01-01
  • The fountain promises to be a spectacular light and water show in a plaza, which is spanned by a catwalk bridge.
  • Adjust the syrup screw on the fountain head to make the drink stronger to suit your taste.
  • Woody Guthrie once sang that “some will rob you with a six-gun, and some with a fountain pen.” Rebecca Solnit: When the Media Is the Disaster: Covering Haiti
  • Even when the fountain was working properly it was frequently full of soap suds or discoloured because someone had put something into the water.
  • The Marx Brothers stow away in "Monkey Business" (1931), and a soda fountain is sabotaged with boozy "lemon syrup" in "Caught Plastered" (1931). On Screen: Rare Comedy for Cinephiles
  • She was not sure whether a rill was a fountain or a stream, so she decided, as there was no dictionary convenient, to think of it as like the creek where it crossed the road at the foot of Red Hill. Mr. Pat's Little Girl A Story of the Arden Foresters
  • The fountains and water channels will spring to life.
  • In this line the double value of the word nympha -- used by classical poets both in the meaning of fountain and in that of the divinity of a fountain, or spring -- reminds one of that graceful playing with words which Japanese poets practice. Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things
  • Another hormone reputed to be a veritable fountain of youth is dehydroepiandrosterone, which is naturally produced in the adrenal glands.
  • The sculpture, or plate, or fountain, or bust, is forgotten, is lost: has unmade itself through some unknown agency of fate. Cellini's Salt Cellar
  • Next up: Millennium Park's Crown Fountain retrofitted into blazing Prozac towers by CDC-licenced landscape architects. Archive 2006-12-01
  • For I am a living fountain, and it is by an invifible pow - er that I am able to counfel, teach, dired, purify, and open their underftandings; but they have forfaken mc, that is one great evil; and the other is, they would not be without fomewhat; they have forfaken the Lord, and they would have fomewhat inftead of God; they have digged to themf elves broken ciflerns, that will hold no water. Scripture truths demonstrated, in thirty-two sermons; or, Declarations of Stephen Crisp
  • From somewhere far away, a fountain gurgled and splashed.
  • The musical dancing fountain offers a synchronised rhythmic ballet of water, sound and lights.
  • Thus, to dismiss writer-director Darren Aronofsky's hyper-ambitious third feature The Fountain - a heady fusion of science fiction, metaphysics and a melodramatic quest for immortality both romantic and spiritual - for simply believing in its own sentimental grandiloquence is to deny one of the most exquisite and strangely moving trips to the multiplex this year. GreenCine Daily: Interview. Darren Aronofsky.
  • On the one hand the child Karl (Carlo came later) recounts a world of Barret's Sherbet Fountains, Black Jacks and gobstoppers, a child's world of powerful sensations and distinctive smells.
  • Each hotel-casino has its trademark -- musical fountains, a half-scale Eiffel Tower, a roller coaster -- but inside they're almost identical: a fetid swamp of beeping, blooping, flashing slot machines, swarming with millions of elderly addicts on three-wheeler scooters. Paul Carr: The Strip Diary, Day Two: Spending a Sober Month on the Vegas Strip? Don't Forget to Bring Your Own Stripper
  • This fountain has 228 water jets, the highest reaching 15 metres.
  • As I reached the water fountain, I drank more water and "peed" on the forested area. News
  • The show also features the dancing fountains next door. The Sun
  • Neruda called the site "high city of laddered stone / finally resident of what is earthly" in perhaps his fine poem, "Alturos de Macchu Picchu." 140 stone structures comprise the site, along with terraced outcroppings for farming irrigated by an intricate system of fountains and aqueducts fed by underground springs. Meg Waite Clayton: Exploring Machu Picchu 100 Years After Hiram Bingham
  • But, as we said above, the less men know of nature the more easily can they coin fictitious ideas, such as trees speaking, men instantly changed into stones, or into fountains, ghosts appearing in mirrors, something issuing from nothing, even gods changed into beasts and men and infinite other absurdities of the same kind. On the Improvement of the Understanding
  • In Rome, schoolchildren slid across iced pools in baroque fountains. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lots of lights, neon signs and flood-lit fountains are the norm for this type of photograph.
  • The crew will get up to 90 servings from a dispenser set up like a soda fountain at a convenience store.
  • Its cooling pool and fountain overlook the sunken Knot Garden, named for the intricate pattern into which chains of dwarf evergreen Japanese holly, juniper, and arborvitae have been woven.
  • Delaware is a glorious river; but the Sculkill, being an hundred miles boatable above the falls, and its course north-east toward the fountain of Susquehannah, (that tends to the heart of the province, and both sides our own), it is like to be a great part of the settlement of this age. Great Epochs in American History, Vol. II The Planting Of The First Colonies: 1562—1733
  • The same team also produced a plaster cast of the archivolt of the first and second niche of the fountain's back wall, of which many parts are missing, to serve as a model for carving these elements. Interactive Dig Sagalassos 2003 - Restoration & Conservation Report 5
  • A little girl who was sitting in the row in front of me had lent me her copy of the play a moment before, and now, absorbed in Dr. Furness's argument, I forgot the book wasn't mine and began scrawling controversial notes in it with my very thick and blotty fountain pen. The Story of My Life
  • Extremism and fanaticism - religious or secular - are the fountain of injustice and immorality. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • However, with gel and fountain pens such a tight grasp is rarely necessary. Loosen Up Your Writing Grip To Banish Pain | Lifehacker Australia
  • One example, noted by spy novelist Jeremy Duns, is this passage from "Assassin of Secrets": "Then he saw her, behind the fountain, a small light, dim but growing to illuminate her as she stood naked but for a thin, translucent nightdress; her hair undone and falling to her waist—hair and the thin material moving and blowing as though caught in a silent zephyr. Spy Thriller: 'An Instant Classic' Vanishes Amid Plagiarism Charges
  • Provided by Charlotte Moss The fountain at the center of the cloister is a place for meditation, surrounded by four domed seats made of coppiced chestnut wood above. Paradise Regained
  • He is the fountain-head of good manners and correct social behaviour as well as the ultimate spiritual and ethical guide.
  • We've plans still brewing for a permanent catio rather than the temporary lash-up we put together just before the summer settled in, and I'm determined there shall be a fountain.
  • Nymphs, with their desired louers, in a thousand sorts of pleasures solacing themselues vpon the greene grasse, fresh shadowes, and by the coole riuers and cleere fountaines. Hypnerotomachia The Strife of Loue in a Dreame
  • Violet-blue primroses and gardenias skirt a fountain in a smaller circular garden near the front door.
  • Fountain grass forms foxtail flowers in the fall, and these plumes wave over the foliage for three months or more. Grow glorious grasses in your landscape
  • The great age of exploration in the 1500s witnessed the creation of its own folklore: sea serpents, unicorns and unipeds, the Fountain of Youth and the Seven Cities of Cibola.
  • While he memorised the positions of the men, the table and the box, he slipped what looked like an ordinary fountain pen from the pocket of his dark suit. Merlo, The Magician « Official Harry Harrison News Blog
  • The tiny Chapel of St Mary Magdalen was established for lepers and blind priests in the early 12th century by Thurstan, the Archbishop of York who founded Fountains Abbey.
  • In the vast lobby your senses are assaulted by multicoloured carpets, computerised fountains, gold mosaic floors and escalators flanked with tanks of tropical fish.
  • What makes the book extraordinary is Fisher's descriptive writing about the exotic setting composed of beautiful architecture, gardens, fountains, passageways and gates and excentric people. Que Faire a Aix-en-Provence? / What to do in Aix-en-Provence? - French Word-A-Day
  • The grounds which surround the development will be landscaped to include a barbecue, children's playground, a fountain and green spaces.
  • At the foot of this tree sat Tibbie Dyster; and from her red cloak the level sun-tide was thrown back in gorgeous glory; so that the eyeless woman, who only felt the warmth of the great orb, seemed, in her effulgence of luminous red, to be the light-fountain whence that torrent of rubescence burst. Alec Forbes of Howglen
  • A great poem is a fountain forever overflowing with the waters of wisdom and delight. 
  • There's a drinking fountain by the tennis court.
  • There is a large fountaine or bason which is to resemble that in the privy garden at Whitehall, which will ffront the house. Through England on a Side Saddle in the Time of William and Mary
  • On the news this morning, the old bag was saying that the visitor figures for the fountain had far exceeded their predictions.
  • A fountain still bubbled in the center though most of the colorful tiles were missing or broken.
  • The most important room on view is the Harem, a compound of around 300 shining tiled chambers on several levels, connected by arcaded courts and fountain gardens.
  • Outside was a garden with a pond with goldfish and a fountain. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a painting of the Bethesda Fountain, Chase posed an elegant woman dressed in white against the fresh water and sunny air - a symbol of urban health and lily-white purity.
  • Apparently, a fountain of oil happens these days only if something has gone horribly wrong. Times, Sunday Times
  • A long graveled driveway led us from the main road all the way to very front of the building that wrapped around a small fountain with the statue of an angel dancing in the center.
  • Have no doubts because of trouble nor be thou discomtited; for the water of life's fountain springeth from a gloom bed. 
  • Best of all, the gardens are so empty of tourists in winter that you'll hear the wind in the trees and the plop of water in the fountains.
  • The garden was beautiful, plants and shrubs tumbling around a vibrant lawn in the centre of which a fountain tinkled and played.
  • From here we observed the mime artists performing in the glorious fountained gardens.
  • _Mushtarik_, or words which have several significations, as the Arabic word "'ain," which may mean an eye, a fountain, or the sun. The Faith of Islam
  • The lavish family home was a 17th century manor with a 300ft fountain the key feature in its vast grounds. The Sun
  • The monastic cloisters enclose a medieval-style secret garden and an ancient stone fountain carved with fantastic beasts!
  • Here are elegantly arched courtyards filled with birdsong and the splash of fountains, a vaulted loggia and walled Arab garden, and everywhere tubs of orange trees and coiling branches of jasmine to scent the air.
  • The Morning Prayer Hall courtyard features a salsabil, or paradise water fountain, as its centerpiece, while the main garden is inlaid with a network of small water canals connected to a central fountain. Sultan Sooud Al-Qassemi: A Monument of Tolerance in the Heart of Dubai
  • The elder Edda, which is the fountain of the mythology, consists of old songs and ballads, which had come down from an immemorial past in the mouths of the people, but were first collected and committed to writing by Ten Great Religions An Essay in Comparative Theology
  • For fountain pen ink, take care not to spread the stain. Collins Complete Books of Soft Furnishings
  • There not very far from them sat the Princess, sitting very prim and proper, watching the fish play in the fountain pool.
  • A white marble fountain played in the middle of the square.
  • Learn and well made, the deeper soil more difficult, if not quickly heart, would see fountain.
  • If you are familiar with downtown Philly, you can probably recognize the streets around Chestnut St. fışkıran su: fountain spraying water; trene inen merdiven: stairs to the train; köşede restaurant: restaurant in the corner; pazar da açık: open also on Sundays. It was 30 years ago today
  • Ancient Greece was a fountain of wisdom and philosophy.
  • Inside—or, rather, outside—the summerhouse was the kind of place Rebecca would find enchanting, with its burbling fountain, decorative brickwork, and stone chairs protected from the elements by shelflike orange tile roofs. The Viognier Vendetta
  • In the Renaissance garden, elemental forces of nature were represented by fountains, statuary, and artificial grottoes.
  • There was a mass of people congregating around the fountain, all dressed in smart suits or dazzling gowns.
  • My tip is to go along to your local shopping centre dressed as a fountain. The Sun
  • Some steamy some clear: winter in Montreal parc jarry, post storm mount royal, afternoon, summer carre saint louis, mid afternoon the fountain, parc la fontaine the pool, parc laurier parc baldwin carre saint louis John Thompson, 1977
  • There won't even be an ailanthus tree and a broken fountain in the back yard.
  • Furthermore, employees made use of the courtyard for their lunch breaks, eating their meals and enjoying the view of a fountain.
  • I mean, totally apart from the fact that it was like the whole Attic Project was lying there on her bed, all ready for Step 3, it was just an amazing thing to see: an enormous scrapbook covered in purple silk, with thick cardboardy pages full of faded photos and typed letters and fountain-pen-written notes. THIS IS ME FROM NOW ON
  • Still in his pyjamas Brian switched on the fountain, and the sudden spurt of water scared the bird away.
  • So far more than a thousand of them have signed a petition requesting the return of the fountain. Times, Sunday Times
  • His compassionateness hath been the fountain of their deliverances. Of Communion with God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost
  • Other mosaics, fountains and hypocausts came to light, and room after room as the palatial villa was uncovered.
  • Each ornamental fountain is designed to take a pump outlet so that water can spout from its mouth, shell or similar object.
  • This was the Albert's celebrated ornamental pond; it centred on an ornate fountain-figure of Neptune, complete with trident. ANTI-ICE
  • This device of a fountain appears in the arms of the family, where six wells, which form the source of the River Stour appear with a bend on the shield.
  • I looked up at the fountain with its carving of heavy-shouldered wind gods straining to propel ships and bearded sea gods looking to spear them.
  • Accessed directly from the new Terminal 5, the lobby is themed "Antarctica" and includes a fountain cascading out from a mirrored ceiling onto floodlighted ice blocks. Sure Beats the Airport Floor
  • It included rock gardens, grottoes, ferneries, follies, fountains, garden ornaments, bridges and even ornate ceilings. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was then that something opened within me and the springs of perception poured forth their fountains. What the Bee Knows - reflections on myth, symbol and story
  • Jesse pulled up from the fountain, her profile suggesting she didn't appreciate the uninvited attention.
  • I remembered the word burned into that heart at Fountain Square. Bleeding Violet
  • Non-living structures include equipment, statues, urns, fountains and pools of water.
  • ‘Right away,’ the guard said, rushing to lead them down the neat, graveled pathway, past the neatly trimmed hedges and sparkling marble fountains set amid bright green grass and brilliant red roses.
  • For these birds, a soda fountain is a literal description of their source of nourishment -- and they derive their colour from their food. THE EARTH: An Intimate History
  • He pushed them both into the fountain while they were still teetering off balance.
  • Visitors come here for an invigorating experience in the fountain.
  • She resembles a fresh fountain springing from the heart of life. Nobel Prize in Literature 1938 - Presentation Speech
  • He shows us La Fuente with its maze of shops and its indigenous market, a veritable carpet of embroidered and woven textiles laid out in the courtyard sun around the fountain.
  • The couple has since added bromeliads, gardenia, ginger, hibiscus, other tropical plants, and a fountain to the atrium.
  • The individual dosimeter is a small instrument - something like a silver fountain pen - and is used by a person for registering the total amount of radioactivity he or she has absorbed after an atomic explosion.
  • We glitzed up the lobby with a couple of fountains and a bird cage.
  • Therefore to know th 'originall mineralls, faculties, and vertues of this worthy acide fountaine, will bee to no end, or to small purpose for them, who understand not the right and true use, nor the fit and orderly administration of it. Spadacrene Anglica The English Spa Fountain
  • Benches and a fountain, as well as flowers and plants sent in from all over the world made the otherwise clean hospital pavilion somewhat serene.
  • Really, this fountain is a stunning and visually dramatic focal point for any room in your home or office. Indoor Waterfalls and Fountains
  • Sweetened syrup is also sent directly to restaurants and fast-food chains where it is sold to the public as a fountain drink.
  • We would play around the fountains, and if we had money to hire a boat from the boating club, go boating in the ponds navigating carefully through a crowd of lotuses and lilies.
  • At each crossroads the stone fountains with their precious supply of water were guarded by men-at-arms.
  • These white, concrete basins collect valuable rainwater, which is distributed to the pools and fountains and is also used to humidify the interior air.
  • Updates, 11/23: David Lowery: For all its empyrean visuals, I found The Fountain curiously earthbound. GreenCine Daily: Interview. Darren Aronofsky.
  • Fountains leap up into the light, the spray struck through with rainbows falling in crystalline baptism upon flowering shrubs -- then rolling down through channels of marble, and widening out here and there into pools swirling with the finny tribes of foreign aquariums, bordered with scarlet anemones, hypericums, and many-colored ranunculi. New Tabernacle Sermons
  • Erik took a step away and then a fountain of flame sprang skyward. SHADOW OF A DARK QUEEN: BOOK ONE OF THE SERPENTWAR SAGA
  • We glitzed up the lobby with a couple of fountains and a bird cage.
  • For cooler colors, set purple fountain grass in the middle of a 24-inch-wide pot and surround it with ‘Blue Pearl’ annual vinca, purple heliotrope, and variegated Plectranthus.
  • Its materialism, its attribution to nature of power sufficient to carry out all her ends, its analysis of matter into ultimate physical _individua_ incognisable by sense, while yet it insists that the senses are the fountains of all knowledge, [62] are points which bring it into correspondence with hypotheses at present predominant. The History of Roman Literature From the earliest period to the death of Marcus Aurelius
  • They are couching their sales pitch around women's wellness and selling women a purported fountain of youth, while trashing Wyeth for doing the same thing with Prempro. Seven Things To Know About Hormones - My Take
  • And the pigeons dying on rooftops, in inaccessible corners, in the tops of palm trees, the bottoms of fountains or deep inside the mysteries of evergreens, who takes them up and gives them burial? The Unexamined Saturday « Unknowing
  • His fingers are swollen; he cannot hold his drumsticks to drum, or his fountain pen to write.
  • Its rich deep border was a riot of scrolling acanthus, shells and stylised fountains.
  • It also includes fountain soda and juice and non-alcoholic beer. The Sun
  • Plain -- set deep in trees, domed, belfried, full of gardens and fountains and public places -- which owed their independence to being too near a pair of rival states to be worth either's conquering. Little Novels of Italy Madonna Of The Peach-Tree, Ippolita In The Hills, The Duchess Of Nona, Messer Cino And The Live Coal, The Judgment Of Borso
  • But I kept running faster and faster until I got to the courtyard where I jumped into the cold, frigid fountain and let the water wash over my body.
  • The monument is constructed of pure white marble and features majestic stairways, tall Corinthian columns, fountains, a huge equestrian sculpture of Victor Emmanuel, two statues of vicotry goddesses riding on quadrigas four horse chariots, and a tomb to an unknown soldier. Rome With A View at
  • He studied Egyptian hieroglyphs and helped Bernini with his fountain in the Piazza Navona.
  • He writes fortunes in clear lip gloss on a funhouse mirror as the oracles take down their tents and their oracular fountains bubble in the rimy night. The Best American Poetry 2010
  • The Garden is in forme as Mr Ruth's first flatt, but Larger, wth a Larger fountaine, walled in wth ffree stone, a pedistal wth Little Cupids and Dolphins and shells on wch are Images, and on ye top a Crown made all to spout out water. Through England on a Side Saddle in the Time of William and Mary

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