How To Use Foul-up In A Sentence
This investigation has been mismanaged right from the start - I've never seen such a foul-up.
A series of technical foul-ups delayed the launch of the new product.
Enjoy the crowned one†™ s antics in hysterical tales as he gets mixed up with weird science experiments, football foul-ups, and his cousin, Souphead!
Archie Sneak Peek of the Week | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
As each day brings yet another piece of evidence to demonstrate their incompetence, people sit there open-mouthed that they have the effrontery to claim they are ‘dealing’ with whatever the latest foul-up is, that yet another ‘review’ is to take place (everyone now understands that to mean ‘kick into the long grass’), that lessons will be learnt and that such and such a nincompoop is a fit and proper person to clear up the mess he or she has created.
McBlackadder The Dancing Bear
A scapegoat is a near essential in the U. S. Navy after a foul-up which costs Uncle Sam around $35 million.
A series of technical foul-ups delayed the launch of the new product.
This investigation has been mismanaged right from the start - I've never seen such a foul-up.
. Yes, for a limited time only, you can witness the various flubs, flaws and foul-ups of the MST3K gang as they try to work their way through a typical two-hour episode.
A series of technical foul-ups delayed the launch of the new product.
In his letter yesterday, Mr Espinal, described a lengthy anatomy of his service collapse, and took readers through the layers of technical foul-ups.
Any good quality triage is swamped by the flood of poor decisions and technical foul-ups.