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How To Use Fossilize In A Sentence

  • Fossilized distrust indicates failure at this key democratic task of holding majorities and minorities together.
  • Today more than a dozen transitional whale fossils have been unearthed - an excellent series for such rarely fossilized animals.
  • Their hypothesis can be tested by the discovery of fossilized stomach contents for Pakicetus.
  • Sarah Pickin, 23, spotted the ancient piece of "confectionery" during a dig in north-west Finland, but had to check with colleagues whether her hunch was correct or if it was in fact a fossilised piece of animal dung. Student Finds Neolithic Chewing Gum | Impact Lab
  • Only a few families and genera are known; this appears to have been a small group, or alternatively to have frequented areas where they would not have easily fossilized.
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  • • Giving certainty of funding when long-term investment is needed but does not fossilise funding at the expense of innovation; Archive 2008-06-01
  • Fossilized spinnerets (the organs that spit out the spider silk) that occur in Middle Devonian rocks in Schoharie County, New York, show that spiders have been making silk for at least 380 million years.
  • Now a team of paleontologists has found a fossilized arthropod they're betting is an early member of the subphylum Crustacea.
  • When the bones were brought to the Montana State University's lab, it was noticed that ‘some parts deep inside the long bone of the leg had not completely fossilized.’
  • Morphological species are important in palaeontology, for interbreeding ability does not fossilize.
  • Even remnants of last meals were preserved, such as the bellyful of shrimp fossilized inside one 8-centimeter-long larval salamander.
  • Constructed of coquina, a fossilized coral rock (also known as ‘black teeth’ or ‘iron shore’) and limestone, the cathedral dominates the city's Plaza de Catedral.
  • In the welcome spirit in which people around the world are taking it upon themselves to question and even shake off entrenched and fossilised regimes that have long outstayed their welcome, I wonder if their courageous example could not have something to teach us? Letters: Artistic bravado
  • We'll dust ourselves with clay and fossilized feces, fashion a tool driven by a concept, something to blow their little minds.
  • These features were utilized as taxonomic discriminators because usually their structures are well preserved in fossilized coralla and they are relatively easy to study in thin section.
  • For example, Star Anise, that peculiar spice that looks like a fossilised flower, has really changed my stews, adding an unfamiliar glamour to shin of beef.
  • The church that does not evangelise must surely fossilise!
  • There are fossilized eggs and embryos of Maiasaura peeblesorum. The Song of The Dodo
  • Fossilized bones that show evidence of human ancestor stone tool use and meat-eating push the earliest dates for those activities from about 2.5 million to 3.4 million years ago.
  • Rotting fish and taphonomy: what fossilizes? was the previous entry in this blog. Sarracenia purpurea - The Panda's Thumb
  • Archaeological data are all changes in the material world resulting from human action or, more succinctly, the fossilized results of human behavior.
  • For Zen, however, this need for permanence fossilizes what is both beautiful and sacred.
  • Maybe these antediluvian creatures were having a good old natter about the ammonite down the road and then WHAM they got fossilised?
  • The large number of artifacts found by miners in the gravels was a supporting evidence for the reasonableness of finding a fossilized skull there. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • Analysis of fossilised coral reefs off the Gulf of Mexico found many died during this time -- known to climatologists as an "interglacial" -- and were replaced by new reefs on higher ground. Climate Ark Climate Change & Global Warming RSS Newsfeed
  • Most couples, however fossilized their relationship, have some interests in common.
  • The ruling party itself was unable to offer anything but fossilized mantras.
  • The lower images show the fossilized bone of a Tyrannosaurus rex.
  • There is the added question of how the dinosaurs are to be fossilised in a desert.
  • Within some of the eggs, we found fossilized embryos, the first embryos of a sauropod ever uncovered.
  • It's not because the local cable plant is fossilized or the company is impoverished.
  • She decided to announce them to the world at a press conference in Washington, D.C., in February 1978, along with some other surprising finds: the first fossilized prints of a chalicothere, a peculiar herbivore that sported claws on its hooves; and the possible track of a knuckle-walking ape. Ancestral Passions
  • Their bipedality is dramatically confirmed by the poignantly evocative set of footprints discovered by Mary Leakey in fossilized volcanic ash. THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
  • Fossilized bones say nothing about external layers, and skin and clothes don't fossilize well.
  • Well, I shall be far more proud of it than of any old fossilized remnant of antediluvial times, I can assure you," was the quick retort. Sara, a Princess
  • ‘I think people have to ask themselves what they are doing in jobs that cause them to freeze and fossilise when they could be doing something that really challenges them,’ he says.
  • At this stage, many learners stop, their capacity fossilized.
  • For most people, the discovery of fossilised wood in a quarry would not be newsworthy.
  • Amber is a translucent, yellowish mineral made of fossilized resin.
  • The ambers are fossilized tree sap or resin. craftsmen carve them into animal figures, brooches, rings, necklaces, bracelets and cigarette holders.
  • She calls him, ‘my first love,’ as if the feelings have fossilised.
  • The merging occurs near the apertural margin, indicating the specimen was fossilized shortly after ontogenetic merging.
  • They look for trilobites and fossilised sea creatures that are preserved in the stone along the path, easily spottable for amateur fossil hunters.
  • He had reached his zenith, I suppose: had begun to fossilise, as men do when they cease to grow. Oscar Wilde, His Life and Confessions
  • A town with such attractions is a natural target for what people in Colorado call Aspenization: the upscale living death that fossilizes trendy communities from Long Island's Hamptons to California's Lake Tahoe. Chic Comes To Crested Butte
  • Webb's estimates have, of course, been questioned recently, and it is true that calculation of running speed from fossilised tracks is open to varying interpretations. Peter McAllister: Manthropology: The Science Of The Inadequate Modern Male
  • Most significantly, the animal's fur and soft tissue are also fossilized.
  • That your brain cells might be catenated to those distant fossilized fireballs would strike you as preposterous, but only slightly more preposterous than your emotional links to the fellow who is lying on the sofa with an ice pack on his face. Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas
  • The town museum has an exciting collection of fossilised tree resin. The Sun
  • Anyway the dunes are younger and would appear to be able to tell us about climate changes that may have occured in the area - this includes looking for 'fossilise' hirax poo but these are rare. Snell-Pym » Linear Dunes
  • Even today visitors can scour the area and come up with fragments of dinosaur eggshell or fossilized bone shards of Protoceratops.
  • And then there was the strong element of The Dad throughout, his footprints as durable as those of the iguanodon in a fossilized coastal swamp bed. Supernatural: Jump the Shark - Pink
  • We do not want fossilised museum pieces of countryside but communities with jobs and a living, dynamic and healthy social fabric.
  • It's like the fossilized idea of American manhood.
  • When the fossilized lamprey lived, there were probably many types of jawless vertebrates.
  • Finno-Ugric fossilizes early IIr *médʰu- but fails to show any trace of *mélit-. Missing honey
  • On the other hand, modernisers claim that the game will fossilise if something is not done to stir interest.
  • All of these things can be studied by quantifying relative diversity levels, instead of waiting for centuries to inventory every species that ever was fossilized.
  • Our evolutionary heritage is not completely fossilized; it can in some respects alter itself in response to the conditions in which we grow up.
  • Indigenous environmental knowledge should be a response to prevailing conditions in both town and country, not a set of fossilized ideas.
  • The fossilized sap from sweetgum trees, containing ancient and extinct insects, is prized as amber.
  • Even more remarkable than the evidence of prehistoric man was the discovery of thousands of fossilised animal bones.
  • DNA data is directly comparable across all extant organisms, including those that do not fossilize well such as soft bodied taxa, and contains information for the entire history of every lineage.
  • The suffix *-ye/o- is found in presentives, in denominal verbs and I'd dare even say fossilized to the causative in *-eye/o-. Thoughts on the early Indo-European subjunctive 1ps ending
  • The temptation is to forsake fossilized print for the new opportunities of the dotcom world.
  • In the Recent, other candidates can be found, but only in taxa that typically fossilize poorly, so first occurrences cannot be dated with confidence.
  • Why should modern reverence of ancient deities force them to fossilize when they were clearly organic and changeable in the past?
  • The Joggins Formation, on the coast of Nova Scotia, contains fossilized trees five to six metres in height preserved upright in layers of sandstone and shale, as well as numerous coal seams.
  • No fossilised azhdarchid wing membranes are known... Life's Time Capsule: Questions about Pterosaurs #1
  • The Chinese kept tiny fossilized fish in their food stores to keep away insect pests called silverfish.
  • When is a bawdy, ribald tale of a wanton wench and her very naughty sexual adventures as boring as a trip to the Field Museum to watch dinosaur bones fossilize?
  • In still older strata do the fossilized bones of an Ape more anthropoid, or a Man more pithecoid, than any yet known await the researches of some unborn paleontologist? Essays
  • In addition to their possible connection with Brown's discovery, these T. rex fossils also were found to contain coprolites, fossilized remains of the dinosaur's last meal.
  • B-67 also seemed less likely to compromise future analysis of the coating or crocodile tissue, as it is synthetic, and has been recommended by British Museum conservators as a consolidant for fossilized natural resins based in part on its lack of interference with post-application analysis of the fossilized resin. Museum Blogs
  • The real estate industry, on the other hand, opposes what it considers the over-landmarking of the city, as every new historic district effectively fossilizes another swath of the city for eternity, blocking new development and adding restrictions on alterations. It's On! City Moves To Extend Historic Districts on Upper East Side, Greenwich Village
  • She had traveled to Sudan to touch the backbone of a fossilized stegosaur, and wrote of her frustration when she divined nothing from it. The Shell Collector : Stories
  • In contrast, fossilized bone is believed to be completely mineralized, meaning no organics are present.
  • They owe their color to chalk formed from the fossilized skeletons of sea creatures.
  • Many fossilized insects and animal fossils are identical to those living today.
  • Fantastic electron microscope images of objects looking very suggestively like fossilized living forms again captured the imagination of the world.
  • The coastline resembles the gaping, dislocated jaws of some fossilised dinosaur that once roamed here, but time has rendered it harmless and tides have scattered its teeth to form countless islands.
  • Furthermore, the gut contents, wing structures, and mouthpart morphologies of fossilized beetles and flies suggest that they acted as early pollinators. Pollination
  • Prehistoric snake gobbled-up dinosaur babies: A fossilized snake has been discovered inside a titanosaur nest in India, leading researchers to conclude that the snake fed on newly-hatched dinosaur babies, rather than their eggs like modern snakes. Archive 2010-02-28
  • In the vicinity of many fossilized animals, there is an absence of these algae, indicative of a heterogeneous environment.
  • Tests on 16 fossilised shellfish showed that acid dating is as accurate as carbon dating.
  • Most couples, however fossilized their relationship, have some interests in common.
  • Bacteria have also been found in amber - fossilized tree resin - and in mummified tissues.
  • The town museum has an exciting collection of fossilised tree resin. The Sun
  • In contrast, fossilized bone is believed to be completely mineralized, meaning no organics are present.
  • As such, they have been found fossilized in Jurassic and Cretaceous deposits, and have been used to reconstruct paleoclimates.
  • The tragedy of Gemini is that he got fossilised in one type of portrayal.
  • Attachment of quartz and kaolinite to the surface of lobster eggs demonstrates experimentally for the first time that soft tissues could fossilize in pre-existing minerals.
  • Churchill was a survivor from that earlier age of adventure who never fossilised, and what he breathed over his comrades - bumptiousness, energy, sometimes alcohol, sometimes deathless words - was always charged with life.
  • Recent excavations in the region have uncovered fossilised remains of sea dinosaurs and other creatures that once frequented these watery wastes.
  • The clues available from fossilised plants and animals point to several large-scale extinctions that have taken place in the past. SPIX'S MACAW: THE RACE TO SAVE THE WORLD'S RAREST BIRD
  • -- A quarry of stone at Wincobank Hill, contains fossilized vegetables, chiefly calamites. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 14, No. 404, December 12, 1829
  • He was one of the most extreme of the extremists, once described by The Nation as ‘an able young man whose ideas have tragically fossilized.’
  • There is a problem identifying reproductively isolated species from fossil taxa because the biological properties that make one population isolated from another do not fossilise. Laonastes/ Diatomys/ kha-nyou/ rat-squirrel - The Panda's Thumb
  • The fossilised footprints of dinosaurs can clearly be seen in certain parts of the woodland. Times, Sunday Times
  • In contrast, fossilized bone is believed to be completely mineralized, meaning no organics are present.
  • There is the added question of how the dinosaurs are to be fossilised in a desert.
  • In all but the most extraordinary conditions, pneumatized bones are the only traces of the respiratory system that fossilize.
  • As I have mentioned before – it took 20 million years to capture and fossilise the forests and micro-organisms of the Carboniferous Period - giving us our coal and oil. Leaders TV Debate – Law & Order Summary SHOCK! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • English to render which fossilizes the infinitive ending in -re. Archive 2008-08-01
  • When the tide is out, you can see fossilised dinosaur footprints. The Sun
  • Small fish bones, delicate leaves, even animal skin have been fossilized and beautifully preserved.
  • To retreat into a fossilized Irish past that no longer fits Irish reality is self-destructive.
  • It's not conclusive evidence for the evolution of flight - and since behavior doesn't fossilize, one can never be certain.
  • Clearly, such behaviors do not fossilize directly and have to be inferred from anatomy.
  • In Japan, fossilised sharks 'teeth were said to be the pointed thumbnails of Tengu Man, a mythical mountain goblin. Archive 2007-02-01
  • In the course of excavating the Manchester and Bolton Railway in the late 1830s, navvies unearthed large numbers of fossilised trees.
  • Most of those that were fossilised go unrecognised by the untrained eye.
  • They will study fossilized spike prints, old gloves preserved in amber and petrified bats.
  • The combination of fossils and gouged marks created a metaphoric interplay between fossilized creatures and shelled victims.
  • Amber is the fossilised resin of ancient pine trees, submerged under the sea in thin veins.
  • Bison and elks were actually expanding before and during human colonization, and their fossilized bones pop up in prehistoric hunter camps, he says.
  • It's made of wood and left to fossilize: to gather minerals and geologically imprint itself on the side of a mountain.
  • The most important parts, the flowers, rarely fossilise.
  • The church that does not evangelise must surely fossilise!
  • Eventually their bodies were mummified, preserved, and fossilized as the caves filled with sediments.
  • Amber is the fossilised resin of ancient pine trees, submerged under the sea in thin veins.
  • But intent doesn't fossilise, not even in bog bodies :- And as you say, the boundaries blur because human behaviour is rarely clear cut. Human sacrifice in Anglo-Saxon England: what rite might have been used?
  • Spiders are rarely fossilized since they have no hard skeleton and usually thrive away from water, where sediments ideal for fossils accumulate.
  • The remains include the bones of dinosaurs, birds, and large marine reptiles such as mosasaurs and elasmosaurs, as well as fossilized sponges, mollusks, pine cones, and diverse fish teeth.
  • Tests on 16 fossilised shellfish showed that acid dating is as accurate as carbon dating.
  • The remains include the bones of dinosaurs, birds, and large marine reptiles such as mosasaurs and elasmosaurs, as well as fossilized sponges, mollusks, pine cones, and diverse fish teeth.
  • Thus, Aristotle's teleological ideas were able to fossilize into a relic that was used as the template against which new ideas were tested.
  • They are so named because they originate from the decayed and fossilized remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago.
  • Our data set includes only fossilized specimens and all of them are from an extinct genus of class Stenolaemata, the dominant Paleozoic class of bryozoans.
  • For example, the internal organs are especially well preserved in the fossilized Ottoia worms.
  • The fossilized remains of the ostrich-like ornithomimids are rare evidence of social behavior, say scientists from Montana State University and elsewhere.
  • This ham, flour, and hat have not even taken 110 years to fossilize.
  • I say the problem lies with the late introduction of English language which is delayed until the child's brain fossilises.
  • The 130-million-year-old spider silk was found in fossilized amber from Lebanon.
  • Though brains don't normally fossilize, we do have a great deal of fossil evidence revealing the long evolutionary history of chordates. Assessing Fault
  • The system is bureaucratic, distorts land use and fossilises the countryside and businesses.
  • When organisms become fossilized, the original material of their body is usually completely replaced.
  • This unweeting manner of performance is the true ring by which, in this refurbishing age, a fossilized survival may be known from a spurious reproduction. The Return of the Native
  • No in situ fossilized trees were found preserved within channel sandstone bodies.
  • Such darkly shadowed taluses under an open, light-filled firmament just waiting to ravenously warm every windblown, cascading, double-trunked forest shrub and errant piece of fossilized driftwood on the esker. Sunday Salon: The Cover of J.M. Coetzee’s Dusklands
  • - Two Arizona State University researchers conducting zooarchaeological and archaeometric analyses of four fossilized animal bone fragments found by the Dikika Research EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • Robert Muir Wood, head of the research group at Risk Management Solutions, said the current IPCC report system was "fossilised" and that the organisation needed to move into the 21st century by setting up Wikipedia-style rolling publishing, that could be updated each month. Climate Audit
  • The study involved estimating the longevity, or ages, of T. rex and other related North American tyrannosaur specimens by counting growth lines in their fossilized bones, just as one might count tree rings to estimate arboreal age.
  • They fossilize readily and in recognizable form because the interlocking desmas retain the original form of the sponge.
  • Within eight months, Conrad was running for Great Britain, age 22 – practically fossilised by athlete standards. Rising star: Conrad Williams
  • This is because of the obvious difficulties in working out the exact proportions of an animal from its fossilised skeleton. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now, throughout the greater part of this long series of stratified rocks are scattered, sometimes very abundantly, multitudes of organic remains, the fossilized exuviae of animals and plants which lived and died while the mud of which the rocks are formed was yet soft ooze, and could receive and bury them. Essays
  • The town museum has an exciting collection of fossilised tree resin. The Sun
  • We find the same biserial primitive fin more or less preserved in the fossilised remains of the earliest Selachii (Figure 2.248), Ganoids The Evolution of Man — Volume 2
  • Of course, a follow-on discovery of fossilized microbes would be the planetary science story of the century.
  • Such microorganisms could trap sediments and precipitate limestone, and though they rarely fossilized, they did leave characteristic freestanding mounds and columns, built on the seafloor.
  • Fanned by a constant updraught of ventilation between the kitchen and the chimneyflue, ignition was communicated from the faggots of precombustible fuel to polyhedral masses of bituminous coal, containing in compressed mineral form the foliated fossilised decidua of primeval forests which had in turn derived their vegetative existence from the sun, primal source of heat (radiant), transmitted through omnipresent luminiferous diathermanous ether. Ulysses
  • The tiny specks of red are pepper; the little yellow lumps of something that looks like fossilised baby teeth are sweetcorn.
  • As such, they have been found fossilized in Jurassic and Cretaceous deposits, and have been used to reconstruct paleoclimates.
  • But one colour alone can look magical: chokers made from cool blue lace agate or fossilised Tibetan coral are dazzling.
  • Microbes can flash fossilize and presto, you can have a microfossil that registers as extraterrestrial when it was alive on Earth not that long before. First Contact
  • Erosion or accretion of sand by wind action is evident throughout and soil genesis is truncated by erosion or fossilised by deposition.
  • State politics fossilize; Democrats see little reason to give up the spending they like if enough Republicans won't meet them anywhere close to the middle. Wisconsin governor's -- and the GOP's -- strange 'budget discipline'
  • Many fossilized pollen grains show characteristics similar to the biotically-dispersed pollen today. Pollination
  • However, all the contemporary examples she quotes show folk beliefs as an active element of people's lives, not as unchanging fossilised remnants.
  • As I have mentioned before – it took 20 million years to capture and fossilise the forests and micro-organisms of the Carboniferous Period - giving us our coal and oil. Leaders TV Debate – Law & Order Summary SHOCK! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • The little animals fossilized and are now embedded in the limestone
  • Here bats, fossilised coral, stalagmites and stalactites can all be found.
  • Along with a fossilized bag of flour for the bread, there's a petrified ham for the filling.
  • The figure of one million years and greater is derived from the fossilised fauna found side by side with the burnt antelope bones in the same layer of decalcified sand.
  • Thus, for example, he argues that such elements were present in osteostraci, but failed to fossilize.
  • This is because of the obvious difficulties in working out the exact proportions of an animal from its fossilised skeleton. Times, Sunday Times
  • Brains don't normally fossilize, but we know that human brains fit the nested hierarchy, that human brains are comprised of modifications of structures found in related organisms, that craniates follow a long, diversifying path of evolutionary history, and that humans are derived hominids. Assessing Fault
  • The fossilised footprints of dinosaurs can clearly be seen in certain parts of the woodland. Times, Sunday Times
  • What is stupid of Fred is to ask for detailed fossil data from organisms that don't fossilize well.
  • Most couples, however fossilized their relationship, have some interests in common.
  • These advanced tiny cynodonts were probably very successful, but remain poorly known, because such tiny remains are only rarely fossilized.
  • The reef system is made up of fossilised dunes.
  • The teenagers take the frozen caveman to paleontologists who study the intact, fossilized remains.
  • If there be any who are not in harmony with this desire, then such have nothing to do with what I have to say, for it will be said regardless of antiquate forms or fossilized dogmas, but in the simplest and least offending language that I can choose. And The Truth Shall Make You Free: A Speech On The Principles Of Social Freedom
  • Personally, I'm happy to spend my time doing the delicate work of digging out dinosaur bones, and not having to be responsible for a several-ton fossilized tree.
  • Bird bones are thin, small and hollow and do not fossilize well; but we are gradually accumulating a good many enantiornithine - and perhaps even archaeornithine - fossils.
  • Belemnite hooks are commonly found in the fossilized stomachs of marine reptiles that preyed upon them, such as ichthyosaurs.
  • These fossilized inclusions are preserved magnificently, quite unscratched.
  • You can't fossilize a dance repertoire, but you can pickle it in a love that maintains its ongoing existence.
  • However, most modern dinocysts reach sediments before germination, and some of these can fossilize without excystment structure formation.
  • The definitive (and gruesome) proof came with the discovery of the human muscle protein myoglobin in the fossilized human feces of a prehistoric Anasazi pueblo Indian.
  • When is a bawdy, ribald tale of a wanton wench and her very naughty sexual adventures as boring as a trip to the Field Museum to watch dinosaur bones fossilize?
  • Not all cases of fossilized division will erupt in civil war, but all will generate significant economic and psychological costs.
  • The formations tower over the river basin below like ancient sentinels standing watch over the crusty earth that conceals the fossilized treasures concealed within.
  • It was found amongst other fossilized remains of the megatherium, megalonyx, and other primeval creatures. Times, Sunday Times
  • Canons of literature may fossilize their subject and reduce its study to dry memorization for its own sake.
  • Fossilized cyanobacterial mounds are called stromatolites.
  • obsolete fossilized ways
  • Protected workers, the bulk of the workforce, cling to their jobs. That tends to fossilise the structure of the economy.
  • It'started with a chunk of fossilized resin from the Dominican Republic.
  • Though they are still those that would contest this fact; peevish disgruntlement from pedants querulously arguing for currently used pitches, whenceforth fossilised football remains were found Soccer Blogs - latest posts
  • Zachriel: Brains don't normally fossilize, but we know that human brains fit the nested hierarchy, that human brains are comprised of modifications of structures found in related organisms, that craniates follow a long, diversifying path of evolutionary history, and that humans are derived hominids. Assessing Fault
  • Within several months, the ash will simply blow away into the atmospheric background or fossilize to form new rock. The Ash Cloud’s Silver Lining
  • Faith gets into trouble when its forms the way it presents itself and structures itself fossilizes or when it steps back from its core message. TEXAS FAITH: How does a faith adapt without losing its meaning? | RELIGION Blog |
  • Mammoth skulls are made of light and thin bone and usually disintegrate before they can be fossilised.
  • This is because of the obvious difficulties in working out the exact proportions of an animal from its fossilised skeleton. Times, Sunday Times
  • By turning clothing into white porcelain malleable forms are fossilised into permanent , yet fragile, objects.
  • The varicolored bands running across the hills are fossilized soils.
  • However, the paucity of modern cycad trunks to cycadeoid trunks in the fossil record suggests that the modern cycad trunks did not fossilize as readily as the extinct variety.
  • When the tide is out, you can see fossilised dinosaur footprints. The Sun
  • The 130-million-year-old spider silk was found in fossilized amber from Lebanon.
  • Researchers extracted DNA from this 30,000-year-old ground sloth coprolite - fossilized dung - in a Nevada desert cave last year.
  • Until the 1980s, its main industry had been the mining of fossilized guano for fertilizers. CHAMELEON
  • We would see an overwhelming number of fossils of one particular species, accompanied by various fossilised artefacts and so on. INTERVIEW: Michael Hanlon, Author of Eternity, Our Next Billion Years
  • About 95% of fossilized creatures are marine animals: clams, snails, corals, fish, etc.
  • Rotting fish and taphonomy: what fossilizes? is the next entry in this blog. Evidence that the Second Law of Thermodynamics is wrong? - The Panda's Thumb
  • The community of faithful, formerly a community of interests, becomes a fossilized thing.
  • One could see fossilized bones in a coral reef formation.
  • The survival of the proteins depends on the way in which bones are fossilised.
  • In the welcome spirit in which people around the world are taking it upon themselves to question and even shake off entrenched and fossilised regimes that have long outstayed their welcome, I wonder if their courageous example could not have something to teach us? Letters: Artistic bravado
  • It seemed almost impossible to many people that such tiny things as micro-organisms could have been fossilised at all.
  • One solution is to examine larval shells directly from fossilized larval broods.
  • The Oyster Reef Restoration project involves the placement of more than 30 million pounds of cultch which is typically made up of fossilized shell, limestone rock, recycled concrete rubble and other hard materials designed to provide points of attachment for oysters - that will be distributed within the St. Lucie Estuary and the Northwest Fork of the Loxahatchee River. - Articles related to Water bills go up in down economy as usage drops from slow manufacturing, real estate, tourism
  • The images also revealed how time past can be fossilised and projected to the present.
  • The tiny animals became entombed in the fossilised tree resin some 52m years ago, before the Indian subcontinent crunched into Asia to produce the Himalayan mountain range. Prehistoric creatures discovered in huge Indian amber haul
  • Bedouins, who exercise the office of excavators, and sleep hard by in holes like jackals, advance to sell us scarabaei, blue-glass trinkets that are half fossilised, and feet or hands of the dead. Egypt (La Mort de Philae)
  • Vertebrates were once the only major animal group not found fossilised in the Cambrian system of rocks.
  • Fossilized pellets of fecal matter, called copralites, store critical information about the diets of the animals that produced them.
  • Otherwise, there is a danger that they will simply mark time as language learners, or even – to use a now fairly discredited term – fossilize. July « 2010 « An A-Z of ELT
  • Phytosaurs are particularly useful for biozonation because these large river and swamp-dwelling animals were frequently fossilized.
  • Millennia of visiting seabirds left large fossilized guano deposits on Nauru.
  • Microbes can flash fossilize and presto, you can have a microfossil that registers as extraterrestrial when it was alive on Earth not that long before. First Contact
  • It is argued that due to the practical constraints imposed on L2 learning, a majority of L2 words fossilize at the second stage.
  • The best-preserved are those found in amber, which is actually fossilized sap from ancient trees.
  • This doesn't mean endlessly harking back to the past or attempting to fossilise traditions or keep up childish involves celebrating each passing year, noting it, remembering things as part of something alive and valuable. Archive 2007-02-01
  • The fact is that organisms fossilize only under certain specific conditions.
  • Fossilized embryos are rarely discovered, because their bones only begin to ossify late in development.
  • Fossilized flower bracelets (multicolor buds in lucite) are fun accoutrements.
  • I like the idea to use a 'fossilised' form of the emphatic particle, rather than one that is in common use. Back to business: emphatic particles and verbal extensions
  • Calculating when this Atlantic lineage originated is difficult, since the results now call into question the identity of many fossilized corals.
  • The two major microorganisms whose remains are thus fossilised in chalk are foraminifera and the spikes and cells of calcareous algæ known as coccoliths and rhabdoliths.

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