How To Use Forwards In A Sentence

  • Lift your feet a few inches off the floor and slowly rock backwards and forwards. Healthy By Nature
  • With a little coo of happiness he began to toddle forwards into the darkness, still clutching his bottle. MY BABYSITTER BITES BACK
  • I have found that a tool guided by a straight-edge, and "jiggered" backwards and forwards, makes by far the best lines for blind-tool work. Bookbinding, and the Care of Books A handbook for Amateurs, Bookbinders & Librarians
  • His brother Jeremiah played a stormer at corner back and his accurate deliveries to his forwards were one of the highlights of his play.
  • What about the other evidence about him in the toilet pacing backwards and forwards, with expletives and asking everyone who came in for a line of drugs - speed?
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  • The forwards also seemed intent on glory as several rolling mauls were stopped dead in their tracks when the wingers were standing idle and unmarked on the flanks.
  • If the model insists on moving forwards, then rear cyclic trim is needed, etc.
  • Former Springbok hooker Shaun Povey and scrumming expert Dougie Heymans have also arrived at the camp to assist coaching staff in preparing the forwards.
  • Then lunge forwards with one leg. The Sun
  • Could you run the tape/film/video back/forwards, please?
  • Both can turn that most tedious of old rugby clichés on its head; that forwards win matches and backs decide by how much. Times, Sunday Times
  • To get first gear you had to go into second gear first and then shove it forwards hard. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tip your hair forwards and tie into a high ponytail. The Sun
  • At exactly eleven, the center forwards, Blossom and Veronica, began the bully-off. A Popular Schoolgirl
  • He rocked the cradle with a gentle backwards and forwards motion.
  • Backwards Pretend you are a beginner who has inadvertently forgotten which end of the board is forwards and set sail going backwards.
  • The bullet passed from right to left markedly upwards and forwards, enters the right abdominal cavity where it transfixes and mutilates the right kidney, transfixes the right lobe of the liver, transfixes diaphragm, transfixes the lower lobe of the left lung, transfixes sibson fascia on the left, lacerates the left common carotid artery and emerges through wound no. 'I Saw a Nightmare …' Doing Violence to Memory: The Soweto Uprising, June 16, 1976
  • They spent their time running backwards and forwards around the vehicles and buildings carrying wounded victims to shelter. Broken Lives
  • That'd be a huge step forwards from where we are now.
  • I'm not a bad driver considering I only started learning three days ago," she said as we careered backwards and then jumped forwards in third gear. Wales: a cross-country adventure on horseback
  • He can memorise 60 digit numbers in a jiffy and recite them forwards and backwards.
  • Clearly a name that is easy to spell backwards or forwards is an advantage if spelling isn't your thing. The Sun
  • He started well and looked on for an early score as both backs and forwards took the game to Tigers.
  • The anterior border of the sterno-mastoid must be pulled backwards, and the digastric and stylo-hyoid forwards and inwards. A Manual of the Operations of Surgery For the Use of Senior Students, House Surgeons, and Junior Practitioners
  • This inability to translate pressure into points seemed to erode their tenacity and the forwards, in particular, lost concentration.
  • Walking slowly forwards, he arches his dark forelegs over his head, then suddenly thumps them down, all the time his dark palps quivering under his face. Country diary: Orwell, Cambridgeshire
  • The MDS-JE510 also features a Jog Dial for split-second track access, allowing users to skip forwards or backwards through tracks.
  • The ball broke among a swarm of backs and forwards.
  • Fore and hind may bend either both backwards, as the figures marked A, or in the opposite way both forwards, as in B, or in converse ways and not in the same direction, as in C where the fore bend forwards and the hind bend backwards, or as in D, the opposite way to C, where the convexities are turned towards one another and the concavities outwards. On the Gait of Animals
  • He is not backwards about coming forwards. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is potential to repower by drafting big forwards back from injury. Times, Sunday Times
  • Disturbances can occur while a fish is at rest, when swimming forwards and backwards, and during maneuvers while moving in either direction.
  • For if we are right, clearness of utterance forwards the cause of right; while if we are wrong, it ensures the speedy correction of error.
  • He is to skip three times while repeating thrice the following sentence, and after repeating three times forwards and backwards: thus (_forwards_) -- 'Fear and dread shall fall upon them by the greatness of thine arm; they shall be as still as a stone'; thus (_backwards_) -- 'Still as a stone may they be; by the greatness of thine arm may fear and dread fall on them'; he then is to say to his neighbour three times, 'Peace be unto you,' and the neighbour is to respond three times, 'Unto you be peace.' Moon Lore
  • Simply stand there wafting an item backwards and forwards while kicking the machine and shouting mild expletives. Times, Sunday Times
  • Page 252 upwards and forwards; lay bare the digastric and stylo-hyoid muscles at the bottom of the wound, by means of the point of the director or the forceps and draw them forward with a blunt hook: hold the sites of the incision wide apart, carry the nerve and vein backward with the end of the finger, and cautiously open the sheath of the vessel; and then, with the artery isolated apply the ligature by means of an aneurismal needle. An Epitome of Practical Surgery, for Field and Hospital.
  • This means that the opponent always has to step forwards in order to make an attack, thus warning you well in advance.
  • The 30-man squad also includes four forwards to team up with Messi: Gonzalo Higuain, Diego Milito, Martin Palermo and Carlos Tevez. Maradona springs a few minor surprises
  • The yaps and yowls are almost deafening, and as other sleds depart, your dogs go absolutely mental, tugging on their leads and jumping forwards.
  • In practice, the operator jumps forwards and backwards within the pattern indicated on the chart rechecking some decisions and anticipating others.
  • Engage forward and reverse gears and shunt backwards and forwards, listening for unusual transmission noises.
  • When the length of the sentence was then announced, Coltman appeared visibly stunned, swaying backwards and forwards.
  • When in doubt, forwards, don't just boot the pigskin into the air, look to another TEAM member and pass the ball.
  • I'd play either with one of two forwards, but we are generally used to playing Chris or John alongside Henrik.
  • Went backwards or forwards in text looking for particular pieces of information. Advanced Educational Psychology For Educators, Researchers and Policymakers,
  • As the plane touched the ground, there was a massive jolt and we were thrown forwards.
  • He pulled, and managed to bend forwards at the waist like an oarsman.
  • He also included some first team backs who held the key to the result since the forwards were reasonably well matched.
  • Teams from the north traditionally have stronger forwards due to the way they play the game for various reasons! also Union forwards are built to accutally push in srums unlike your paramatta eels. varying refs interiptations of the srum laws dont help either Ireland played very well. and with like of sean o'brien in there side I am not surprised they gave the wallabies what for! | Top Stories
  • The other kind of nephritis, or inflammation of the interior part of the kidney, generally arises from the pain occasioned by the stimulus of a stone entering the ureter from the pelvis of the kidney; and, which ceases when the stone is protruded forwards into the bladder; or when it is returned into the pelvis of the kidney by the retrograde action of the ureter. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • Pocklington were unlucky not to extend their lead when their forwards produced a high-speed, 60-yard rolling maul which the home pack collapsed in sight of the try line.
  • He is particularly worried about the lack of depth in the number of front row forwards.
  • Brumbies coach David Nucifora was pleased with the performance of his team, especially the forwards, who where able to get on top of the heavier Bulls pack in scrums.
  • I'd argue that steampunk is basically a form of science fiction that looks backwards rather than forwards. 10. Steampunk, ed. by Ann & Jeff VanderMeer
  • Pale ferruginous, with the anterior part of the face darker, the mandibles incrassate and very dark fusco-ferruginous; head very large and divided by a deep longitudinal channel, emarginate behind, nearly quadrate; the eyes small and placed forwards on the sides of the head. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Film titles, like Andy Kaufman's record, jerking backwards and forwards awkwardly, move between fact and fantasy, real and imagined worlds.
  • Mostly chronological, the action lurches suddenly forwards or backwards as the mood takes it. Times, Sunday Times
  • When the rules were first introduced, the understanding was that the rules limit banks from building their long positions in forwards, which means that exporters and offshore players won't be able to sell as many dollar-forwards as they intended to," Samsung Futures analyst Jeon Seung-ji said. Korea to Inspect Forex Positions at Banks
  • The horse started making 'pig-jumps' in every direction forwards and backwards, to the right side and to the left, and sometimes round in a complete circle.
  • Walk fifteen paces, must be fifteen exactly, then hop three times forwards and one hop back.
  • You should be looking forwards rather than down. The Sun
  • But before it was yet day the waggon began to move again, and it was to the north-east that the waggon-pole pointed thenceforwards, and the letter Bough had given Smoots The Dop Doctor
  • He adds that goalies must let their defensemen and forwards come back and get the puck behind the goal line.
  • The England forwards were clinical in clearing out rucks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Much of Keighley's good work was, however, wasted by careless play in the rucks which led to stolen possession by the eager Wheatley Hills forwards.
  • Relax forwards, then straighten up and repeat to the other side.
  • Moved to Brive as forwards consultant and had an operation to a bulging disc in his neck. Times, Sunday Times
  • In chapter 5, it puts forwards strategy thinking for high efficient management of inventory turnover.
  • Keeping the top leg straight, flex the foot and swing the leg forwards and backwards 5 times.
  • She gently rocked the baby backwards and forwards.
  • In the park the pigeons flap and coo, and a couple of girls wearing pink headscarves rock idly backwards and forwards on the red swings beside the climbing frame.
  • I lean forwards in my swivel studio chair. Times, Sunday Times
  • Geez-Louise, guest -- "bent over forwards" is about as benign of a sexual innuendo as they come. Sound Politics: "Maria Cantwell And Ron Dotzauer: Making Music Since 1983"
  • So spoke Mrs. Tynan to her daughter, who alternately swung backwards and forwards in a big rocking-chair, silently gazing into the distant sky, or sat still and "cackled" as her mother had said. The Project Gutenberg Complete Works of Gilbert Parker
  • Our lives consist of semper cedentia retro:always going forwards backwards. Times, Sunday Times
  • Something restless drives him to look forwards not back. Times, Sunday Times
  • Finally, the Render Response phase creates a response component tree and forwards the response.
  • Pike's head quite often pulses backwards and forwards like a mechanical toy.
  • The course also explains the different types of risk associated with forwards and futures.
  • That is what we want to see against Australia - Scottish forwards going forward at the setpiece and in the loose.
  • Then take a big step forwards with your left leg and repeat. Times, Sunday Times
  • Slowly lean forwards as far as possible without straining.
  • This is not a business that is moving forwards but one that is languishing and going sideways,' he said. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the spin stops when the full opposite rudder is applied, the stick must be moved forwards to allow normal flight.
  • Rush was one of the most lethal forwards of the past 25 years.
  • Lying as shown, flex the foot and swing the top leg forwards and backwards 5 times.
  • Pike's head quite often pulses backwards and forwards like a mechanical toy.
  • Tom Reid stepped forwards, looking altogether more relaxed.
  • Apparently the object began to sway backwards and forwards as if it were searching for something.
  • With a little coo of happiness he began to toddle forwards into the darkness, still clutching his bottle. MY BABYSITTER BITES BACK
  • He is one of the fastest and most direct forwards in the Premiership and a constant thorn in the side of opposing defenders.
  • Went backwards or forwards in text looking for particular pieces of information. Advanced Educational Psychology For Educators, Researchers and Policymakers,
  • Janus was supposedly the god of new beginnings and gateways and was able to look backwards and forwards simultaneously.
  • The switch looks up the destination MAC address in its switching table, determines the outgoing interface port, and forwards the frame on to its destination through the designated switch port.
  • Move your hand rearwards and the roof opens; forwards and it closes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now she forwards messages so he can read them on his iPad mini or iPhone. Times, Sunday Times
  • In addition, the elevator may overbalance so that the force needed to move forwards on the stick is abnormally high.
  • The first type, called futures or forwards, oblige a buyer and seller to complete a transaction at a predetermined time in the future at a price agreed upon today.
  • The bus is practically empty, so they move to the back as the bus lurches forwards.
  • On that part of it where we first attempted to land there stood some very large birds, called flamingoes: these, from the reflection of the sun, appeared to us at a little distance as large as men; and, when they walked backwards and forwards, we could not conceive what they were: our captain swore they were cannibals. The Life of Olaudah Equiano Or Gustavus Vassa The African
  • Up front the forwards made no impression and the fact that they failed to score tells its own story.
  • Fly-half problems For any country hoping to win the World Cup, it helps to have a laser-accurate goalkicker, a dominant lineout and a bunch of forwards who can generate enough force to knock over a rhinoceros. Lessons from the Six Nations
  • With his travelling companions he stood on a hill looking down on the savannah stretching to the far horizon, gigantic herds of gazelle, antelope, gnu, zebra, and warthog grazing and moving forwards like slow rivers.
  • There are also doubts about other second-row forwards. Times, Sunday Times
  • For Glasgow, the forwards matched their opponents for much of the time and winger Jon Steel proved that he hasn't spent the summer in a huff after missing the Canada tour.
  • It's hard to imagine the Hull forwards having a harder time in the season ahead.
  • There was some good inter-passing between backs and forwards.
  • Behind him was a long queue of angry motorists pushing him forwards. Banish Anxiety - how to stop worrying and take charge of your life
  • Perhaps she will put her name forwards for election if she likes it there. Pigs in Whitehall
  • The forwards take the plaudits but our back five were outstanding. The Sun
  • Once the overhead boom microphone had moved out of the way, she stepped forwards.
  • After waiting for him to return and realising he wasn't going to, Jake peered up the dark, uneven staircase, and took a tentative step forwards.
  • The forwards must take a lot of the credit. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unlike the case of NYMEX Futures versus over-the-counter forwards, there will be no alternative.
  • I am leant forwards over my knees, rocking in my chair, almost hysterical with frustration and despair. Times, Sunday Times
  • Versatility and interchangeability were the hallmarks of his squad, to the point where halfbacks were on and off the field as often as forwards.
  • One effect is that flowers are now budding 19 days earlier as spring moves forwards.
  • The moment he's sitting in his smalls centre stage, rocking backwards and forwards, moaning to himself, a suggestion is made that perhaps it's time to get out of Dodge.
  • A substantial chassis beam protects heavy items from moving forwards into the cockpit.
  • They should face upwards and forwards and downwards and forwards for the upper and lower inside gums. Bad Breath
  • We follow the propshaft tunnel forwards along the keel to an intact and upright engine and a compact pair of boilers.
  • Bryan McCabe had a breakthrough season last year, but with the new rules he may need more than a can opener to stop opposing teams forwards.
  • This is not a business that is moving forwards but one that is languishing and going sideways,' he said. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its posterior part (the so-called saccular lung) has unique thick, muscular walls* that allows stored air to be forced forward into the functional anterior part (termed the bronchial lung) and the anterior projection of the lung (the so-called tracheal lung) is large and extends well forwards relative to that of terrestrial snakes. ‘A miniature plesiosaur without flippers’: surreal morphologies and surprising behaviours in sea snakes
  • All the forwards have got different attributes and skills. Times, Sunday Times
  • Howsoever, let us leave this discourse, and from henceforwards do not hang upon creditors, nor tie yourself to them. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • The results of this study not only categorized different positions . of guards, forwards, and centers but find out the players' overall efficiency, return to scale, and benchmarking.
  • Four conspicuous jerks forwards, with slower retreats, were seen on one occasion to occur in exactly one minute, besides some minor oscillations.
  • In addition to playing and working for Suntory, Glenn and I have been helping with coaching, primarily with the forwards.
  • Bury laid siege to the Kirby Lonsdale 22 for the first ten minutes and having won three successive line-outs should have kept the ball tight in the forwards and rucked and mauled their way to the line.
  • Selection in the forwards appears more straightforward and less contentious. Times, Sunday Times
  • Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards
  • This is not the action of a man who fancies his forwards. Times, Sunday Times
  • FROM a standing position, lunge your left leg forwards, dropping your right knee to just above the floor. The Sun
  • Moved to Brive as forwards consultant and had an operation to a bulging disc in his neck. Times, Sunday Times
  • And whilst all the talk may have been of forwards, the base for victory was built further down the Newbridge turf.
  • One girl in a blue sari was now shaking her long mane of hair backwards and forwards as she was seized by a series of impossible convulsions.
  • The Englishmen perceiuing that, did put forwards into the sea, and so the Caruels borded vs telling vs that the men of the Island were all in armes, as hauing receiued aduise from Portugall, that Sir Frances Drake was in readinesse, and would come vnto those Islands. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Also, perhaps forwards are doing more tiring work and therefore need extra rest. Times, Sunday Times
  • Colin Todd may ditch plans to sign a left-sided player if he can land two centre forwards.
  • One of Asymmetrical Information's moles forwards this item from Businessweek.
  • Whether that's forwards or backwards, you decide. Times, Sunday Times
  • All the forwards have got different attributes and skills. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bend your arms at a right angle and pump them backwards and forwards, with all the movement coming from your shoulder, not your forearms or wrists. Times, Sunday Times
  • The winners' mid-field pairing of William Ryan and Bobby Daly were always to the fore, winning a lot of possession and using it well, the forwards supplied with good ball; the backs helped out also.
  • The Federal gun-boats have iron-plated sides placed in perpendicular bars on the timbers, and when in action no one appears on deck bu the signalmen, the vessels being steered from a shotproof pilot-house forwards. Illustrations of the Civil War in America
  • The Indian defence also looked off-colour and they were lucky not to concede goals as the Pakistani forwards muffed the chances that came their way.
  • With a high tackle the head goes backwards but with a spear tackle the head goes forwards. Times, Sunday Times
  • A criticism levelled at Inveraray is that the attacking thrust is often thwarted by over-elaboration among the forwards.
  • A stiletto beak on a vacuum hose neck made constant little stabbing motions into the water and down the sides of the banks, then the spindly legs pattered a few steps forwards and the bird repeated its gleaning ritual. Country diary: Sandy, Bedfordshire
  • He adds that goalies must let their defensemen and forwards come back and get the puck behind the goal line.
  • If you've got that rock-like base at the back, it sets up forwards like me to go out and play. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stand by the bicycle, apply the front brake and try to push the bicycle forwards.
  • Nidderdale and Carbury filliped their paper pellets backwards and forwards. The Way We Live Now
  • It was hot in the thin corridor, and the hanging husks made going forwards practically impossible.
  • Keep your head facing forwards and make sure you land with steady feet. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet the stony look in the eye of the England forwards coach suggested he meant what he said. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gently stretch forwards for 25 counts, holding each stretch for 1 second.
  • He rocked forwards but when he tried to regain his balance he over done the movement and fell backwards.
  • More deflector panels sweep the beam backwards and forwards across the screen to trace out the picture lines.
  • However, he did praise the efforts of the forwards who never stopped working.
  • They do not want to waste their time going backwards and forwards to the general practitioner's surgery.
  • Kishtwár it breaks through the Pír Panjál range, and thenceforwards receives the drainage of its southern slopes. The Panjab, North-West Frontier Province, and Kashmir
  • You have to look backwards to see forwards. Times, Sunday Times
  • Waikato was not dropping its head however and soon found its way back over the try line through Kahui after the Mooloo forwards stepped-up and really took it to the Magpies, allowing the backs to do their thing. Latest All Blacks News
  • She watched the repetitive movement of the windscreen wipers swish backwards and forwards, clearing the screen from the streaks of water that blurred it.
  • He wins turnovers, hits rucks with real venom, and he is a wonderful link between forwards and backs. The Sun
  • A medium height woman with bright and vivid red hair, and gray eyes, dressed in a light blue cashmere sweater and blue denim jeans, came to stand before me, hand thrust forwards in greeting.
  • Mostly chronological, the action lurches suddenly forwards or backwards as the mood takes it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Always lively and alert, knitting play and linking with his forwards. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hawke's Bay was dominating in the forwards with its scrum and breakdowns decimating the big Mooloo men who were struggling to get decent ball to its lethal backline. Latest All Blacks News
  • There are good forwards in football who always hit the post or the crossbar and they just can't score. Times, Sunday Times
  • So, little by little, she slid her foot forwards towards Josh's and prepared herself for what she hoped would be a successful game of footsie.
  • His biggest problem on the past two league campaigns is getting the Dublin forwards to score goals.
  • She accordingly gave up her skill in physiognomy, and henceforwards conceived so ill an opinion of her guest, that she heartily wished him out of her house. The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
  • Shaped like the letter C, this innovative sculptural seat allows the occupant to sit forwards, backwards and sideways, depending on use.
  • Aim to jump as far as possible, using your arms to propel you forwards. Times, Sunday Times
  • After an early set-back where Baildon scored a penalty, the forwards scrummaged well and stand-off Jamie Pinguenet kicked intelligently to establish good field positions.
  • Greg steps forwards and begins to sift through the clothes.
  • We push through a mass of bodies, eyes locked forwards, until the front is within sight.
  • Tullow started the second half much better and scored a try created and executed by the forwards, with Tom Jenkinson being accredited with the touchdown.
  • Yet their tight forwards are only a holding operation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Amid the low, astonished murmuring of the crowd she stepped forwards to face him.
  • His foot caught in a rock and he pitched forwards.
  • Lunging forwards with all her strength, Cassie pushes Julia backwards into the pool and watches with glee as she reaches the water with a splash.
  • By the time I was five I knew the song Waltzing Matilda forwards and backwards.
  • One frontpage where there is also a registration fields (implated with the psd design and made as normal page what works) when user registers it then forwards it to it's member area where he can see his referral link which should look like www. ref = user (or something like that) and stats where are displayed how much of other users he have referred using his referral link. - New Projects
  • The roundsmen raced from house to house, arms laden with milk bottles, while the horses ambled steadily forwards.
  • Pádraig Murphy and Brian Murphy ruled the roost at midfield, while each of their forwards got their name on the scoresheet as they stampeded their way to glory.
  • I am leant forwards over my knees, rocking in my chair, almost hysterical with frustration and despair. Times, Sunday Times
  • This means that the opponent always has to step forwards in order to make an attack, thus warning you well in advance.
  • Surely all prop forwards want that. Times, Sunday Times
  • The only thing we have to change is the speed of our passing for the forwards. The Sun
  • Drew the lips of the wounds together with slips of adhesive plaister secured with a roller; and as we were not far from a village, he thought it best for him to go forwards before his wounds had become very painful. The Journal of a Mission to the Interior of Africa, in the Year 1805
  • Kilner will also be looking for more from his forwards after their disappointing showing on Saturday.
  • Keith throws his right shoulder backwards and forwards, hoping the pads will somehow slide into place.
  • You can use an anonymous e-mail service that forwards your messages but removes the address.
  • Now she trod upon the dirt, imprinting her mark into the damp mud and fragments of brown snow, snow which all too often enticed her forwards into false light.
  • The seat was royal blue velvet, the edges studded with brass, the arms curving forwards laced with silver.
  • Guitarist McGarvey sways backwards and forwards on his wah-wah pedal as the nine-piece band with full horn section segues seamlessly from Shaft to Bullitt.

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