How To Use Forty-five In A Sentence

  • School classes break for outdoor recess every forty-five minutes.
  • Through forty-five songs interspersed with dialogue and scriptural verses, the play emphasized the Saint's complete devotional self-surrender.
  • He and his wife drove from Fort Wayne and arrived at the courthouse a few minutes before the forty-five second ceremony.
  • The forty-five-year-old, who owns his own hair salon in Glasgow, had liposculpture done to his stomach and hips.
  • Forty-five per cent of respondents detected unauthorised access by insiders.
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  • Tie an oversize scarf (about forty-five inches wide by fifty or sixty inches long) or pareo around your lower waist (just below your natural waistline) and do a loop square knot tie above the center of one leg. Push the knot lower on your body, forming a subtle angle. “I Don’t Have a Thing to Wear”
  • By 1 p.m. we had another forty-five sheep on deck and decided to call it a day.
  • Latin scribes held their stiff-nibbed reed pens almost directly upright and at right angles to the writing surface, so that a down stroke from left to right and slanted at an angle of about forty-five degrees would bring the nib across the surface broadwise, resulting in the widest line possible to the pen. Letters and Lettering A Treatise With 200 Examples
  • At the campaign's peak, leaders of forty-five different student groups had signed on in support of Senior Gift Plus and divestment.
  • I was already forty-five minutes late for a dental appointment and had plenty of time to reflect upon the day.
  • The first forty-five and a half bars are for the orchestra, allegro moderato e grazioso. Captain Corelli's Mandolin
  • Her barely there makeup took almost an hour to apply and she’d arranged her hair in an upswept ’do that required forty-five minutes of concentration as she created an off-center part, gathered her hair tightly into place, and then strategically released strands of hair, allowing the tresses to dangle, successfully pulling off the impression of whimsical undoneness that was both capricious and exceedingly sexy. Pure Paradise
  • After a forty-five minutes delay the lights came on and the familiar two blasts of the air horns sounded and we began to roll.
  • I sighed and settled down in the choir loft for the next boring forty-five minutes.
  • He gently banked his aircraft forty-five degrees west to make a wide circle around the burning vehicles.
  • The nonius, never in common use, consisted essentially of forty-six concentric circles divided into quadrants by two diameters at right angles to each other, each quadrantal arc being divided into equal parts, the number of parts diminishing from ninety for the outermost arc to forty-five for the innermost. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • While such toe-curling confessionals may grate with some, they nonetheless fill its forty-five minutes with a world-weary warmth and idealism to match the boundary-breaking beats.
  • His shirt-tails flapping in the breeze, he faced the green at an angle of forty-five degrees and sliced every shot.
  • It takes forty-five minutes for him to drive there, but he never wavers. Amaryllis in Blueberry
  • Well, I begged for at least forty-five minutes until I realized that my pleading just wasn't going to get us that sign.
  • FORTY-FIVE daredevils will abseil down Leigh Parish Church this weekend to celebrate the end of two years of fund-raising - and to boost their own charity funds.
  • (The warp and weft are at forty-five degrees to the stripes, because the stretcher is rotated.) James Elkins: How to Look at Mondrian
  • Eight years ago I weighed more than a hundred and forty-five pounds and was concerned about an upcoming video shoot. True You
  • Legislation to create the lycée, or secondary school, was passed in 1802, and forty-five of them were founded during the empire.
  • It lasted an hour and forty-five minutes. Times, Sunday Times
  • We got her all established, then sat around for at least forty-five minutes like the goons we are, grinning and commenting on her every action.
  • Forty-five species represented by herbarium specimens or reported in the literature as occurring in Pike County were not re-collected during this study.
  • As I heard "The Voice that breathed o'er Eden" and saw the bride of twenty-five advance up the aisle to meet the bridegroom of forty-five awaiting her deeply flushed, in a distorted white waistcoat -- I had mercilessly alluded to his white waistcoat as an error of judgment -- I gave myself up for lost; _and I was lost_. The Lowest Rung Together with The Hand on the Latch, St. Luke's Summer and The Understudy
  • After forty-five years of the playless life of a serf to blighting seriousness, the wonder is that sourness had not entered to hopelessly curdle all chances for joyous living. Our Nervous Friends — Illustrating the Mastery of Nervousness
  • But it was not always as easy as having a word with myself and falling back on Tim, because those one-hours sometimes felt a decade long and there were two or three occasions when I lasted only forty-five minutes and had to leave. Fallin’ Up
  • Forty-five minutes later, the field is down to 498, and Mike, thanks to a hand where he was allowed to limp into an unraised multiway pot from the little blind, holding only 7-4 suited, was able to triple up by flopping two pairs. TAKE ME TO THE RIVER
  • His shirt-tails flapping in the breeze, he faced the green at an angle of forty-five degrees and sliced every shot.
  • Around forty-five minutes later she had changed into her smart togs and reappeared for her own set.
  • For the last week the humidity readings had not risen above forty-five per cent and had gone as low as thirty. Bomber
  • I normally schedule thirty and no more than forty-five minutes for this time. Christianity Today
  • Separating from the shell above their target, the submunitions descend on wings at a speed of forty-five meters per second to strike the tank or fighting vehicle at its most vulnerable and unarmored point - the roof.
  • Before forty-five thousand years ago the lake beds were as dry as they are today. The Runaway Brain: the Evolution of Human Uniqueness
  • Miss Mei-Ling will be arriving here at twelve forty-five.
  • Forty-five minutes later though, the German's corner-cutting feat was penalised and he was forced to go out and requalify, managing only the 17th hole as the conditioned worsened.
  • He was back home, showered, changed and in bed by eleven forty-five.
  • He spent upwards of forty-five minutes looking for the perfect eyelet sheets that I have always wanted.
  • With one tistle-head, and a nettle or two, he could make a soupe for twenty guests — an haunch of a little puppy-dog made a roti des plus excellens; but his coupe de maitre was when the rendition — what you call the surrender, took place and appened; and then, dieu me damme, he made out of the hind quarter of one salted horse, forty-five couverts; that the English and Scottish officers and nobility, who had the honour to dine with Monseigneur upon the rendition, could not tell what the devil any of them were made upon at all. The Fortunes of Nigel
  • When you are careering down the motorway at the breakneck speed of forty-five miles per hour, make sure you sit in the middle lane.
  • Now the people who went to graduate school when that started are forty, forty-five, fifty years old.
  • A camera-studded electronic submarine has inspected the forty-five miles stretch of the aqueduct and will help to determine if the water leakages will affect the life span of the giant tunnel.
  • Miss Lucy is something of a desultory eater - a nibbler, as it were - which means that mealtime can take upwards of forty-five minutes.
  • One girl bragged that she had written the word frindle forty-five times on her sheets today. Frindle
  • In October 1945, black market prices for miso (bean paste) and shoyu (soy sauce) were forty-five times higher than official prices.
  • Cover the hair in a warm towel and leave for forty-five minutes or longer. The Natural Beauty Book - cruelty-free cosmetics to make at home
  • Forty-five of the men who participated in the first survey were resurveyed to ascertain if there had been any changes in their health seeking behaviors.
  • On the foreign exchanges, the US dollar is up point forty-five.
  • I was already forty-five minutes late for a dental appointment .
  • One attempt to track and certify forests that adhere to these higher environmental standards is the Forest Stewardship Council FSC, which is active in forty-five countries. THE STORY OF STUFF
  • But I say that this fellow the laird is a firebrand in the country; that he is stirring up all the honest fellows who should be drinking their brandy quietly, by telling them stories about their ancestors and the Forty-five; and that he is trying to turn all waters into his own mill-dam, and to set his sails to all winds. Redgauntlet
  • Blaxland 10.202 relates the instance of a woman of forty-five who swallowed a fish bone, was seized with violent hematemesis, and died in eight hours. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • ‘The deil a bit,’ answered the undaunted Peter Peebles; I mind ye weel, for ye lodged in my house the great year of Forty-five, for Redgauntlet
  • His demand was laid before the national assembly, and on August 25 it was decided to substitute a new _pacte national_ for the _pacte de famille_, and to invite the king to arm forty-five ships for defence, and to revise the treaty; and a suggestion was made to Spain that she might confirm the new compact by the cession of Louisiana. The Political History of England - Vol. X. The History of England from the Accession of George III to the close of Pitt's first Administration
  • In arranging their wedding, John and Carolyn set in motion a covert operation of monumental proportions, demanding signed statements of confidentiality from everyone connected to the event, starting with waiters hired for the meals and ending with ferrymen needed to transport the forty select guests to remote Cumberland Island, forty-five minutes by boat off the southeast coast of Georgia. American Legacy
  • With one tistle-head, and a nettle or two, he could make a soupe for twenty guests -- an haunch of a little puppy-dog made a roti des plus excellens; but his coupe de maitre was when the rendition -- what you call the surrender, took place and appened; and then, dieu me damme, he made out of the hind quarter of one salted horse, forty-five couverts; that the English and Scottish officers and nobility, who had the honour to dine with Monseigneur upon the rendition, could not tell what the devil any of them were made upon at all. The Fortunes of Nigel
  • We kick the ball down there, squib it, keep it inside and we'll probably take five seconds off of the clock and they'll have it at the twenty-five, thirty yard line, making them make about a forty-five yard play to get in field goal range.
  • The riot lasted forty-five minutes and an encore performance was put on the following night.
  • Haddenham returned forty-five landholders in 1522, of whom thirty-five were resident, yet the survey of 1555 lists only eleven freeholders.
  • About two hundred and fifty million pounds of crude zinc, or "spelter," are produced in the United States; forty-five million pounds were exported in 1900, mainly to Great Britain. Commercial Geography A Book for High Schools, Commercial Courses, and Business Colleges
  • Forty-five people were injured when a passenger train derailed near Ottumwa, Iowa.
  • In 1925 forty-five Chicago judges voted to prohibit cameras in state courtrooms during judicial proceedings.
  • Moreover, since the midheaven is connected with the career, the astrologer might usefully have inquired what would happen to her job, at the age of forty-five, if a baby arrived.
  • These were called parfleches, and they became the wrappers for the compressed dried meat that was put up in bales weighing from ‘thirty to forty-five and fifty pounds each’ ready for transport on packhorses.
  • This was a substantial piece of timber, dug deep into the ground and supported by a strut at forty-five degrees.
  • Boston University professors of medicine Thomas Perls and Dellara Terry codirect the New England Centenarian Study, a comprehensive look at the lives of forty-five centenarians in the Boston area. Shock of Gray
  • A 500-foot length of thirty-six-inch water main was lowered six feet without cracking the big tube or disjointing any one of the forty-five sections that composed it.
  • I was already forty-five minutes late for a dental appointment and had plenty of time to reflect upon the day.
  • Open at an angle of forty-five degrees twisting the bottle, slowly letting the pressure build, while holding the cork.
  • There were six locomotive engineers, six locomotive firemen, one master of transportation, forty-five conductors, a superintendent of tolls, nineteen collectors, one trainmaster, four train dispatchers, four yardmen, and five switchmen. The Great Bridge
  • Forty-five years ago, he duked it out with his father over whether to expand into uniforms from the business of reclaiming and cleaning industrial rags.
  • In 1925 forty-five Chicago judges voted to prohibit cameras in state courtrooms during judicial proceedings.
  • Forty-five per cent of Canadians have smoked pot at least once and males are more likely to toke up than females.
  • Menstruation may cease when a woman is anywhere between forty-five and fifty years of age.
  • I am forty-five, I can look back at her with all my old admiration and none of my old bitterness with a new affection and not a scrap of passion, and take her part against the equally stupid, drivingly-energetic, sensuous, intellectual sprawl I used to be. Tono Bungay
  • Forty-five per cent said that farming organisations were less influential than they were 20 years ago.
  • I'd say Robert's about forty-odd - maybe forty-five.
  • At the base is a kind of glacis, which runs up at an angle of forty-five from the plain to within fifty, and, in some places, within twenty feet of the foot of the wall. Rambles and Recollections of an Indian Official
  • Menstruation may cease when a woman is anywhere between forty-five and fifty years of age.
  • Haddenham returned forty-five landholders in 1522, of whom thirty-five were resident, yet the survey of 1555 lists only eleven freeholders.
  • Forty-five minutes later, I'm at the railway station filling my face with a Steak and Guinness pasty.
  • He became internationally famous for his collection, which included forty-five examples of armorial decoration, now on display in the museum.
  • Her capital was the grand total of two hundred and thirty eight pula and forty-five thebe, and that would buy, at the most, one secondhand typewriter. The Kalahari Typing School For Men
  • I was going to get up and leave the computer forty-five minutes ago, except that Certain Parties decided that they Really Needed to snuggle. Barnstorming on an Invisible Segway
  • In the next forty-five minutes I also downed five cups of tea liberally laced with sugar. FRANKIE: The Autobiography of Frankie Dettori
  • Studies of open market share repurchases find an initial positive price movement of about three percent, but continued abnormal positive returns of about forty-five percent over the next four years.
  • In 1997, the producers commissioned six artists to make forty-five second blipverts for the cinema which were seen by nearly 750,000 people during 1997/8.
  • For the Church of the Badia of Florence he made a very beautiful S. Jerome; and he began a Deposition from the Cross for the high-altar of the Friars of the Nunziata, but only finished the figures in the upper half of the picture, for, being overcome by a most cruel fever and by that contraction of the throat that is commonly known as quinsy, he died in a few days at the age of forty-five. Lives of the Most Eminent Painters Sculptors and Architects Vol. 04 (of 10), Filippino Lippi to Domenico Puligo
  • He afterwards removed to Philadelphia and continued there as a successful practician for forty-five years. Afro-American Encyclopaedia; or, The Thoughts, Doings, and Sayings of the Race, Embracing Addresses, Lectures, Biographical Sketches, Sermons, Poems, Names of Universities, Colleges, Seminaries, Newspapers, Books, and a History of the Denominations, Givin
  • However, with the wind at his back, Bart Daly cruelly missed the forty-five and his side's last chance tailed to the right and wide.
  • We want to move forty-five arc minutes in the opposite direction we moved last time, in altitude, altitude being jargon for a telescope’s up and down motion, as opposed to azimuth, which is movement from side to side. A Grand and Bold Thing
  • Forty-five feet over Ninevah, Phillip is enclosed in a spherically symmetric potential. 365 tomorrows » 45 Feet Over Ninevah : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Rodenstein portrays the appearance of a patient of forty-five after death from an enormous glandular ovarian cystoma. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • When I taught at a community college, one of my students was a forty-five-year-old mom who juggled two jobs and a full academic load.
  • Rodenstein 15.46 portrays (Fig. 266) the appearance of a patient of forty-five after death from an enormous glandular ovarian cystoma. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • By his watch, he waited for another forty-five minutes, sitting on the steps in an alley behind the building.
  • He was at the wheel, a small, well-knit, muscular man of say forty-five, with black hair graying on the temples, a big eagle-face, swarthy, with keen, intelligent black eyes. CHAPTER XIII
  • After about forty-five minutes our conversation began to dry up and it was time to go. Broken Lives
  • And we applied the principles of the benthoscope that Barton used to descend forty-five hundred feet in 1949. Tom Swift Jr And His Jetmarine
  • The two ribbons are most sensitive to sounds arriving from forty-five degrees on either side of the central axis.
  • In the forty-five years following independence, Irish women faced more pressures to avoid assimilation precisely because 'their family role and responsibilities' were affected by post-colonialism.
  • If it were possible to smile in my present mood, I think I should indulge _one smile_ at the thought of falling in love with a woman who has scarcely had education enough to enable her to write her name, who has been confined to her bed about eighteen months by a rheumatism contracted by too assiduous application to the wash-tub, and who often boasts that she was born, not above forty-five years ago, in an upper story of the mansion at Mount Jane Talbot
  • But then, about one hour forty-five minutes ago, one of their little girls was rushed back to operating room.
  • The vertical time axis is the product of time and the speed of light so that world lines of light rays leaving the origin make a forty-five degree angle with each space axis.
  • She called him six times in forty-five minutes. KANDAHAR COCKNEY: A Tale of Two Worlds
  • About forty-five vehicles, including motorbikes, auto-rickshaws and tempos, were burned
  • Gregory Pendleton was a forty-five-year-old assistant district attorney; he occupied the top floor of a six-storey apartment block on State Street that he owned outright. Naked Cruelty
  • It is an allegory written, with the exception of a few heroic couplets, in the seven-line stanza known as rime royal, and consists of nearly six thousand lines in forty-five divisions or chapters. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • There was a decent enough plot struggling to breathe, but the desire to squidge it all into one forty-five minute blast made it feel inconsequential.
  • Boston was reduced to the "ruinous rates" of only two dollars, the receipts on the different routes were $45,208; but during the corresponding month of the present year, with the fare up to four dollars, the receipts have been only $35,963: being _nine thousand two hundred and forty-five dollars_ less for a single month, than when the fares were at half-price. Scientific American magazine, Vol. 2 Issue 1 The advocate of Industry and Journal of Scientific, Mechanical and Other Improvements
  • The upper half of the bed had been elevated about forty-five degrees, so she appeared to be half-sitting, half-lying.
  • In the rural districts, tenantry has increased from thirty-five per cent of the number of farms in 1900 to forty-five percent in 1935. Farm Ownership Linked With Trades Unions
  • ‘A hundred and forty-five dollars each,’ I squeaked in miserly disbelief.
  • Turning off is the A.832 bound for Gairloch, forty-five miles distant on the west coast.
  • In the wake of protests from delinquent taxpayers about the depressing music that telephone callers to the Internal Revenue Service must endure when they are automatically placed on hold for forty-five minutes, the IRS has issued a statement, which reads, in pertinent part: There will be no changes made to our current telephone system configuration. John Baxter: IRS Refuses to Play More Upbeat Music for Callers on Hold
  • Different ethnic groups within the country have been engaged in a civil war for more than forty-five years.
  • We can step inside, harness our middle finger to the ergograph, lift it up and down forty-five times in ninety seconds, and lo! Civics and Health
  • Forty-five miles beneath the surface, the layer known as the asthenosphere begins.
  • He lay head towards the door and at an angle of forty-five degrees from the bed, his shoes touching the end.
  • Forty-five minutes later he met me at his front door, wearing a muscle shirt and tennis shoes and beltless slacks that hung low on his hips. The Glass Rainbow
  • For forty-five years after entering on his mission Gotama itinerated in the valley of the Ganges, not going farther than about 250 m. from Benares, and always spending the rainy months at one spot -- usually at one of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • Menstruation may cease when a woman is anywhere between forty-five and fifty years of age.
  • She stuttered incorrigibly and had a sharp, nasal voice, which grated on Flanagan's nerves throughout the painful forty-five minutes.
  • She flung open the door to locker forty-five, aka the Candy and Tampon Locker, and gestured at it forcibly, so that the ten of us sitting in the homeroom during third period could not help but notice that it contained no tampons. Mostly good girls
  • He sat down abruptly, almost cataleptically, drew his head away from the clutch of her hands and out of the entanglement of her hair, and, his nose thrust upward at an angle of forty-five degrees, he began to quiver and to breathe audibly in rhythm to the rhythm of her singing. CHAPTER XXII
  • The helicopter shuddered and roared and we were off at a mind-numbing forty-five degree angle, nose down, the earth hanging all atilt before us, our hearts in our throats and our stomachs still on the ground.
  • Some forty-five years later, when Harriet Lane -- the niece and White House hostess of the bachelor President James Buchanan (and the first to be called "First Lady") popularized what was called the "low-neck lace bertha" it set off something of a popular style -- yet when her immediate successor Mary Lincoln wore shoulderless, armless dresses, she was criticized as "showing off her bosom. Carl Sferrazza Anthony: Hello Dolley! And Jackie and Mamie and Nancy....A Brief History of Showing 'Skin' In The White House
  • Respondents were offered $25 for completing the survey, which, on average, took between forty-five minutes and an hour to complete. American Grace
  • Cover and simmer over a low heat for forty-five minutes. The Natural Beauty Book - cruelty-free cosmetics to make at home
  • By watching the angle of the antenna I could see that we had tipped as much as forty-five degrees. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's in the right age bracket, forty-five, and from his responses today he would seem to be sexually maladjusted.
  • Indeed, during the period investigated, forty-five men were convicted of maltreatment of their wives, fiancées or mistresses.
  • We were also careful of the sun's rays because the hole in the ozone is above Antarctica; we wore forty-five level sunblock twenty-four hours a day. Ann Bancroft - An interview with author
  • Forty-five per cent blame impulsive buys for unworn outfits in their wardrobes. The Sun
  • Beside her sat a yellow and wrinkled woman of forty-five, with a low neck, in a black headdress, with a toothless smile on her intently-preoccupied and empty face, and in the inner recesses of the box was visible an elderly man in a wide frock-coat and high cravat, with an expression of dull dignity and a kind of ingratiating distrustfulness in his little eyes, with dyed moustache and whiskers, a large meaningless forehead and wrinkled cheeks, by every sign a retired general. Chapter XII
  • At forty-five, he ran for the Senate and lost.
  • The hike from the car park to the butterflies is about forty-five minutes up a fairly steep incline. Ojo Del Lago - A Trip to See the Monarchs
  • The interviews lasted from forty-five minutes to three hours. Critical Social Research
  • Forty-five percent of melanoma patients in the study responded to the therapy, as did about two-thirds of patients with a rare soft-tissue cancer known as synovial cell sarcoma, which attacks muscle, fat, blood tissue and tissue lining the joints. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • They found him shortly after, and finding themselves with another forty-five minutes before the rendezvous with the superheroes, ducked into Ye Olde Time Arkade a few blocks down.
  • The first forty-five and a half bars are for the orchestra, allegro moderato e grazioso. Captain Corelli's Mandolin
  • Bartone, et al. report that their forty-five items correlate -.93 with the older, longer, and most frequently used hardiness measure taken as a whole and -.71 when only nonredundant items are used.7 With regard to the psychometric viability of this measure, investigators show internal reliability figures ranging from .62 to .82 for the component scores and at .85 for the total score. Handbook of Stress
  • On August sixth, nineteen forty-five, the first atomic bomb fell on the city of Hiroshima. Three days later, a second A-bomb fell on the city of Nagasaki.
  • For Rogers, four gallons of brandy and forty-five hundred-weight of best hyson tea at a pound a pound retail. Morgan’s Run
  • Forty-five branches were girdled to control their leaf-to-fruit ratio precisely.
  • Because of serious back injuries and a lack of money and time, between the ages of twenty and the day Alexandra was borna few months after I turned forty-fiveI played maybe five or six rounds of golf a summer, on mediocre courses, with my dads old set of Hogan blades, with scuffed-up balls and a made-up swing, and no understanding, really, of the games finer points. The Italian Summer
  • We must have been in there for about forty-five minutes and it was ending perfectly—until I cussed again. Fallin’ Up
  • The man who would win in these strenuous days must tend to his knitting in forty-five ways, be eager and hustling, with vim all athrob, his mind not afield, but intent on his job. Rippling Rhymes
  • Forty-five percent of fatal road accidents involving young people are alcohol-linked, and so are drowning and deaths from accidental overdose.
  • Four forty-five am, my alarm awakes me to remind me three hours sleep really wasn't enough.
  • Forty-five minutes before the wedding, the groom's father parked his car and swore.
  • He enjoyed a forty-five-year working career as a freight railwayman from 1947, when he joined the Great Western Railway.
  • The cricket team needs to knock up forty-five runs before tea, if they're to have a hope of winning.
  • At the moment, all that she had in her savings account was two hundred and thirty-eight pula and forty-five thebe. The Kalahari Typing School For Men
  • For the next forty-five twilit years of eclipse, he was to carry on, a true Man of Letters, indomitably writing - in Nassau, Paris, and Menton.

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