
How To Use Fortified In A Sentence

  • A fortified city, Numantia had fought Rome for the better part of twenty years, between 154 and 133 B.C. The Numantines inflicted defeat and humiliation on a half-dozen Roman commanders. The Spartacus War
  • By then, the town had been well-fortified and withstood a siege of nine weeks before the Mexicans were forced to surrender from starvation. Cinco de Mayo: What is everybody celebrating?
  • Cornwall, the which abbeie Henrie de la Pomerey chasing out the moonks, had fortified against the king, and hearing newes of the kings returne home, died (as it was thought) for méere gréefe and feare. Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (6 of 12) Richard the First
  • In this high opinion of his own rank, he was greatly fortified by his ideas of the military profession, which, in his phrase, made a valiant cavalier a camarade to an emperor. A Legend of Montrose
  • Also be careful when buying fortified wines and ports as some can be unbearably sweet or acidic.
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  • The young man — fortified as he was by a natural cynical pride and passionateness — winced at this unexpected reply, notwithstanding. A Changed Man
  • Juno Beach was six miles wide and the Germans had fortified the area immediately behind the beach.
  • He fortified himself with a good meal, filling up with bland foods that would energize his body without making his stomach rumble. WITHOUT REMORSE
  • During the boat ride, he pointed out the site of a former Maori pa, a fortified settlement hidden in the bush where warriors had hauled their canoes high up the cliffs to protect them from saboteurs.
  • In this new country, there are not the old, well-fortified lines of trenches with deep dug-outs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Back in the age of discovery, wine shipments often spoiled at sea and originally wines were fortified to stop them from going bad on voyage. The Sun
  • Not only this, but, fortified by the fact that I had drunk his lager by mistake, Ken managed to hit the winning double in the second leg of the last match.
  • A little of the fortified wine from Andalucia goes a long way. Times, Sunday Times
  • The city is fortified with 150 very strong towers, covered over with ceilings from the upper stories of the buildings in its streets like a crypt, and in a measure inexpugnable.
  • AGI The Spaniards established a system that was both a nexus and a barrier in the area of the isthmus when they built and fortified the cities of Portobelo and Panama. Defending the sea and the land
  • I suspect that they never mention the wines, spirits and fortified liquids they use to marinate this, flambé that and simmer the other because it's all so easy.
  • Functional fibre is found in bulk laxatives, fortified foods, beverages, and dietary supplements.
  • The term fortified means that additional nutrients have been added to a food that weren’t there in the first place. Baby Bites
  • Not only this, but, fortified by the fact that I had drunk his lager by mistake, Ken managed to hit the winning double in the second leg of the last match.
  • After losing another planning appeal, residents have fortified the site in a bid to prevent attempts to forcibly remove them.
  • Margarine is fortified with added vitamins A and D to bring their levels up to those naturally present in butter.
  • To the seaward, that is from the smaller harbour westwards, Sebastopol and its approaches were thoroughly fortified. A History of Modern Europe, 1792-1878
  • Not out of hatred but out of love for humanity, King condemned an American military campaign that sent its soldiers "to slaughter men, women and children" and construct "concentration camps we call fortified hamlets. Scott Kurashige: Obama's Crisis and MLK's Hard Truths
  • I know that we shall not fail them; but fortified by the great experience in this war of our strength in unity, go forward with them undismayed into the future.
  • Port remains one of the most unfashionable fortified wines. Times, Sunday Times
  • Try oily fish twice a week, an omega-3 supplement or foods fortified with these essential fats. Times, Sunday Times
  • Each tribe encompassed a number of neighboring villages, most of which during the fifth century were unfortified.
  • I am fortified in this view by consideration of what could result if the local authority were right.
  • This is the one nutrient that strict vegetarians who eschew all animal foods must get from either fortified foods or supplements. Times, Sunday Times
  • That area was heavily fortified by the insurgents.
  • The tunnels are sometimes fortified by concrete slabs, and some are equipped with electricity and phone lines. Times, Sunday Times
  • Keep in mind, too, that most commercial soy milks, especially the fortified ones, contain added salt and sweeteners (cane juice, usually) and are thickened with carrageenan (extracted from seaweed).
  • BioSan Vita Flax has been fortified with sulphurated protein, making it an all-in-one formula!
  • Do you think drinking calcium fortified beverages like soy drinks and orange juice will meet your bones 'requirements," asks the new site, selling against healthful beverages instead of the soft drinks NDB and FMB say they are against. Can In-Class Huckstering Make Milk Drinking Cool?
  • The men mostly drank beer and liquor, while women preferred wine and fortified wine.
  • Lay practitioners of ancient skills such as bone setting, herbalism, and a range of physical therapies lost place to a medical profession fortified by accumulating scientific techniques of diagnosis and safer interventions.
  • His platoon, attacking heavily fortified and strategically located hostile emplacements, had been stopped by intense fire from a large bunker containing several firing posts.
  • Major islands in the group remain heavily fortified with most soldiers hiding in underground concrete bunkers that snake for miles underneath the surface.
  • Today, parts of the massive, four-sided walls are still visible, together with the remains of its fortified towers, or bastions, at each of the four corners.
  • The establishment of fortified places in Latium, the papal castles, meant maintaining garrisons in each one.
  • In one corner, an old bedstead stood, the tattered bedsheets fortified by a quilt that Charley recognized as her mother's handiwork.
  • Dislike of party lists is often fortified by dark suspicions about the quality of the candidates they supposedly include.
  • Rival clan gangs competed to control the fortified port perimeter. THE ZANZIBAR CHEST: A Memoir of Love and War
  • The refortified walls were often the ancient structures (sometimes, indeed, pre-Augustan); but if these were either absent or totally unserviceable, new walls might be built from scratch.
  • Julia had a great devotion to her Christian faith and was steadfast in her beliefs which fortified her throughout her life.
  • Most contemporary commanders used their troops in a slow, expensive, attritional warfare based on sieges of selected fortified cities or fortresses.
  • Alfred answered the Danish threat by creating an impressive system of fortified burhs [boroughs] throughout his realm and by reforming the fyrd, changing it from a sporadic levy of king's men and their retinues into a standing force.
  • Unlike the fortified cities of northern Ireland, Charles Towne's streets fail to connect the bastions and redoubts rimming the town.
  • The iron in fortified baby foods is not easily digested.
  • Later, he began building model castles, surrounded by fortified emplacements, and he spent hours studying the virtually impregnable fortifications of Vauban.
  • And so, fortified by a High Tea consisting of tea, cold meats and sandwiches, our Edwardian gentlemen and ladies bunny-hugged, turkey-trotted, waltzed and cakewalked to their hearts content, unhampered by the restrictions of contact between men and women of previous generations. Thé Dansant | Edwardian Promenade
  • It would be inquiring too curiously to ask whether Camilla, when she embraced him, discerned that he had fortified his courage that morning with a glass of curacoa. He Knew He Was Right
  • When buying omega-3 fortified food, check the source. Times, Sunday Times
  • He likes to pair foods flavored with rosemary with a fino sherry, a dry fortified wine.
  • The obvious festive choice is fortified wine, of which sherry and port are the most popular. Times, Sunday Times
  • In 1614 Hideyori fortified himself inside Osaka castle with over 100,000 troops, many of whom were ronin, dispossessed samurai whose masters had perished in battle.
  • The complex includes eight buildings encircled by a fortified wall. Smithsonian Mag
  • Eight fortified guard towers ringed the eight-sided central keep, lining its periphery like the spindly legs of a gigantic spider.
  • Wherefore the world seemed very sufficiently fortified against the admission of this new and strange doctrine, on the terms whereon it was proposed. Pneumatologia
  • This power surged from his heart and dispersed to every cell in his body: it fortified him by strengthening his stamina, and increasing his reflexes.
  • The word ‘barbican’ describes a fortified outpost of gateway, and it is a good fit for the angular, sharp architecture of this London development.
  • Port and madeira are fortified wines.
  • The public do not, as yet, know all the circumstances in which the bombardment of an unfortified town took place. Times, Sunday Times
  • After praying he faced his difficulties with a fortified spirit.
  • Their access to the city will now be restricted by 11 heavily fortified crossings.
  • The island was garrisoned by 22,000 soldiers and fortified with a network of underground bunkers.
  • The Old English (Anglo-Saxon) terms burg, burh, and byrig were used originally for fortified places, including villages and royal halls.
  • They hurriedly set about constructing fortified positions in the sewers, cellars and vaults which honeycombed the entire ghetto.
  • Although it is already considered a healthful food, yogurt is being fortified with other nutrients.
  • For folic acid, you should eat fortified-bran breakfast cereals, spinach, broccoli, lettuce and avocado. Times, Sunday Times
  • In some areas, rice is fortified with thiamin, iron and vitamin B6, nicotinic acid.
  • It is barely credible that no one knew what was happening in the fortified compound - a few hundred metres from an elite military academy. Times, Sunday Times
  • He fortified himself with a sandwich.
  • Later, he began building model castles, surrounded by fortified emplacements, and he spent hours studying the virtually impregnable fortifications of Vauban.
  • Aechaeologists have also uncovered a protected , well - fortified passage between aand a fortress on thea hill nearby.
  • The forces arrayed against us would wither before a unified, spiritually fortified, determined people.
  • Although the house presents a somewhat fortified appearance to the street, with a wall of opaque glass blocks rather than ground-floor windows, inside it is flooded with daylight.
  • Fortified by a pot of tea and a toasted teacake at a transport cafe we again found ourselves on the A75.
  • RSS-fortified radio on mobile phones opens a whole galaxy of possibilities.
  • The chancellery complex, in fact, is not a dayuan as such; it is not an introverted fortress with a courtyard in the middle, although many embassy and chancellery buildings are fortified in one way or another.
  • Test results showed fortified rice significantly improved the children's vitamin A and zinc status.
  • Originally a fortified summerhouse belonging to the local caid (district administrator), it was abandoned in 1956, when Morocco won its independence from the French, and fell into ruin.
  • At last Sainsbury's has overhauled its fortified wine range and among the new offerings this manzanilla is the star turn.
  • Strict vegans should look for fortified foods, and take a vegetarian B12 supplement.
  • Employees not working on site will usually live within a fortified company compound. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such diets are heavy in iron, and most cereals are fortified with the mineral even though that's unnecessary.
  • If fortified, how many Great Guns, and what number of small Arms? whether it is possible to come undescried on them? On the Spanish Main Or, Some English forays on the Isthmus of Darien.
  • fortified wine
  • The wines were laid out by styles, rather than countries, so they were divided into light and rich whites, and light, medium and rich reds and sparkling, fortified and dessert wines.
  • Every pupil now gets a fortified cereal before their lessons—increasing attendance rates and concentration levels.
  • They fortified the area against attack.
  • Besides milk and milk products, excellent sources of calcium include calcium-fortified orange juice, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, kale and bok choy.
  • The military reverberations of the word "vulnerable"-unguarded, unfortified, defenseless-as well as its more visceral associations-exposed, naked-I felt intensely as I thought about the hard attitude rampant today that everyone is on his or her own, not only poor families struggling to survive (cuts to welfare), but also children (cuts to education) and the elderly (cuts to Medicare and Social Security); and the ruthless attitude equally rampant today that no one owes anybody anything, that any "sacrifice" in the name of the public good, of the world we share together, our commonwealth, is too much to ask of anyone. NPR Topics: News
  • The next step would be the addition of foods fortified with plant sterols.
  • In deeply unpropitious times, the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography has refreshed and fortified our sense of what can still be meant by the collective endeavour of ‘scholarship’.
  • These included white and red floc lightly fortified, chilled aperitifs, some unidentified red liqueur derived from cognac, red and white table wines, and a dessert-accompanying concoction made by pouring an unaged, 40-percent-alcohol Armagnac into a saucepan, dumping in a handful of sugar cubes and setting the liquid ablaze until the alcohol burned off, which took about 15 minutes. The Foie Gras Wars
  • In most cases, foods meant just for women are fortified with iron, calcium, folic acid or soy.
  • Consume foods fortified with vitamin B12, such as fortified cereals, or dietary supplements.
  • Also, the survival of this fortified native centre implies they were not perceived as a threat to Rome.
  • Belfort was fortified by the military architect Vauban, who created an elaborate system of towers, casemates, curtains and counterscarps.
  • I'm sure there's women and children in these villages where these fortified positions are.
  • They were able to build a fortified town and a stronghold they called a vault in case of an assault.
  • He believed children should be allowed to read codswallop, the idea being the habit will propel them to more fortified pleasures.
  • Lactating mothers are also getting fortified foods, including vitamins and energy complements.
  • Army now in all men's mouths because of its gallant and distinguished share in the June and July fighting on the Marne -- were to attack towards Mézières and Metz, while the British Armies struck towards St. Quentin and Cambrai -- in other words, looked onward to the final grapple with the "great fortified zone known as the Hindenburg line. Fields of Victory
  • Trillions of dollars would have to be spent constructing thousands of dams on every river basins in the world, and many trillions more integrating them into urban stormwater management systems; wetland restoration projects; concretized rivers and irrigation channels; fortified lagoons and estuaries; abandoned tunnels; flood control structures; and every faucets, sprinklers, buckets and rolling 'hippos' throughout the world. Hydrology vs. the Apocalypse
  • He fortified himself against the cold with a stiff brandy.
  • Or it could be eggs, whole-grain toast and 100% orange juice fortified with calcium and vitamin D, says Elizabeth Ward, a registered dietitian in Boston, mother of three girls and author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Feeding Your Baby and Toddler. Help kids maintain a healthy diet without a hefty cost
  • The region - best known for its great fortified port wines and some rustic dry reds - appears to be undergoing a renaissance of sorts.
  • Built as a fortified city behind large, thick walls on a small mountain, Siena oozes history.
  • An audacious attack in broad daylight on the fortified U.S. consulate after months of relative quiet.
  • The country held symbolic ground-breaking ceremonies to relink railways and roads through the heavily fortified demilitarized zone splitting the peninsula.
  • Manufacturers should lower the amount of vitamin A in multivitamin tablets and fortified foods, such as cereals, says Michaelsson.
  • H. pylori depends on a protein called urease to bind to and infect the stomach lining, and so the scientists created a urease antibody called IgY-urease they then fortified the yoghurt with. DairyReporter RSS
  • The charter references to ‘fortress-work’ imply fortified strongholds rather than dykes.
  • Initially making a fortified wine, the company has since moved into spirits and making beer.
  • And for the more thirsty souls there were curiously compounded "cups:" hock and seltzer; claret and soda-water, fortified with curaçoa and flavoured artistically with burrage or sliced pine-apple. The Lovels of Arden
  • Councilors made much of the fact that it was strongly fortified, making escape difficult for the inmates.
  • Two years ago, after the most recent settlement expansion, he went to harvest the olives in a grove that now abuts the fortified fence surrounding Itamar. Archive 2009-10-01
  • They fortified the area against attack.
  • Their misogyny, bigotry, selective quasi-fundamentalism and sexual dysfunction have given way to a perfect storm the likes of which Upper Room Catholics are well-fortified to weather. Michele Somerville: Pentecost: The Flaming Dove Of Upper Room Roman Catholicism
  • French noblemen took to protecting themselves in fortified buildings that were known as castellans - these served as private fortifications in which people and animals were protected from these feared invaders
  • It was strongly fortified and deemed so impregnable that the blind and lame were sent to man the battlements, in derisive mockery of the Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Sherry wine, fortified or not, is currently amazing value for money.
  • The rebels besieged the heavily-fortified executive mansion.
  • If someone walks up the slope to the entry to the castle, we know that the castle is on a hil and get an idea of how the place is fortified without using a single technical word. g/a Transcript: Settings-The Medieval World « Coyote Con
  • Again she refused and accepted another glass of the fortified wine instead. MISS MELVILLE REGRETS
  • An elevated tableland averaging about one hundred miles wide and extending four hundred miles north and south, it presents, approaching anywhere from the east or the west, an endless line of sharply escarped bluffs from one hundred to two hundred feet high that with their buttresses and re-entrant angles look at a distance like the walls of an enormous fortified town. The Red-Blooded Heroes of the Frontier
  • Spirits and fortified wines were not known although the apple wine may have had quite a high alcohol content.
  • Perched on a promontory of chalk cliffs overlooking an Atlantic estuary, the tiny fortified fishing village of Talmont-sur-Gironde, around 450 kilometers southwest of Paris, commands a site sufficiently dramatic to impress the most jaded sightseer. Visiting Charm-Guaranteed French Villages
  • Just like fortified milk, opting for fortified cereals can be a healthy choice.
  • The Britains in those daies (as Cesar writeth) called that a towne or hold, which they had fortified with anie thicke combersome wood, with trench and rampire, into the which they vsed to get themselues for the auoiding of inuasion. Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (3 of 8)
  • The tunnels are sometimes fortified by concrete slabs, and some are equipped with electricity and phone lines. Times, Sunday Times
  • This gate was one of only two entries into the medieval fortified city.
  • Positional warfare - that is, the construction, defence, and attack of fortresses and fortified lines - played a major role in seventeenth and eighteenth-century warfare.
  • The obvious festive choice is fortified wine, of which sherry and port are the most popular. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is the one nutrient that strict vegetarians who eschew all animal foods must get from either fortified foods or supplements. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most countries produced a version of fortified wine out of necessity.
  • This does seem peculiar because Lucy spends chunks of the books at the various village festas dancing mazurkas badly when sufficiently fortified by local wine.
  • In today's technologically correct wine era, there is little or no need to decant any wine - red, white or fortified.
  • This is the one nutrient that strict vegetarians who eschew all animal foods must get from either fortified foods or supplements. Times, Sunday Times
  • The voter would leave the poll to the jeers and threats of those who disapproved of his answer, but fortified by thoughts of the feast to come from his grateful patrons.
  • The two countries remain technically at war, separated by a heavily fortified border.
  • Here, Bruegel depicted a four-master and two three-masters anchored near a fortified island capped by a lighthouse.
  • Look for soy products fortified with calcium.
  • But many foods are fortified with iron, and too much increases your risk of heart disease and certain cancers.
  • One small stream was passed, when we encamped on a small cut with excellent water: the banks as usual clovery and grassy; opposite this are two villages on either side of a gorge in the northern boundary, both apparently fortified; the one to the north of the gorge is of large size. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • The rebels besieged the heavily-fortified executive mansion.
  • The argument had fortified her resolve to prove she was right.
  • Fortified against the cold by a heavy coat, he went out into the snow.
  • The origin of the name Castile is a matter of dispute, but it is more than probably derived from the fortified castles (castillos), built first by the Romans to protect themselves from the Cantabrians whom they had not completely subjugated, and afterwards by the Christians to defend the northern regions which they had conquered from the The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • King of them all is port, fortified with alcohol to around 20%, and settled deep in the history and hearts of drinkers.
  • Many breakfast cereals are fortified with folic acid and it is also found in wholemeal bread.
  • Daily Lush has a breezy, fun capsule history of fortified "wino" wines, with emphasis on the Gallo Wine company's downscale products such as Thunderbird, on which it built its fortunes: Boing Boing: September 18, 2005 - September 24, 2005 Archives
  • This rim wall has been built up and fortified and marks the boundary of the town.
  • In 1712, Fort Michilimackinac - a palisade of pointed logs and blockhouses surrounding log buildings - was built by the French on the southern side of the straits as a fortified trading post.
  • But I just ask the Minister, taking into account all the interruptions, why fortified wine was not included in this legislation.
  • These fortified wines come from the rugged hills in the Roussillon region of southern France.
  • A building isn’t as fortified as we think it is. Smithsonian Mag
  • This word reflects the qualities of these conspicuous buildings of the medieval period not simply as the ultimate place of refuge within a fortified complex, but as a proclamation of lordly ambition.
  • A portcullis is a defensive latticed iron grating hung over the entrance to a fortified castle, the perfect metaphor for News International, which perpetually sees itself as beset by enemies. The Guardian World News
  • I always travel fortified for emergencies, particularly when I'm dealing with those two loonies we've just left. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • There had already been a few sporadic skirmishes along their heavily fortified border.
  • Fortified foods can reduce iron deficiency, but whether they can also reduce zinc deficiency is less certain.
  • In Canada, the only foods fortified with vitamin D are margarine and milk.
  • (Nevermind that U.S. advisers will need other Americans and “fortified compounds” to protect them from their advisees.) Wonk Room » The Challenges Of Post-Occupation Iraq
  • In one _dolina_ which had been fortified, an officer and Italy at War and the Allies in the West
  • A building isn’t as fortified as we think it is. Smithsonian Mag
  • Buddhism suffered greatly from these raids, since its unfortified monasteries offered easy pickings.
  • The vitamin is crucial for the absorption of calcium and is also found in liver, red meat and fortified cereals. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other kinds of sweet wine are forms of fortified wines and ripaso-style wines, such as vin santo or succulent tawny ports.
  • As at Assisi, in Italy, there are three superimposed churches, a symbol of the three states of religion; the crypt, called the catacombs, and suggestive of persecution; the fortified nave, a symbol of the body which prays, but is not afraid to fight; and the _chapelle supérieure_, the holy place of the saints of heaven, the Christian counsellors in whose care man has been confided. The Automobilist Abroad
  • Because the on the alkalinize infant is unknown, gabapentin hiccups should wreak mutagen in stabilizers who are eugenol measely if the cohorts unknowingly outweigh the risks. 1 billion for the tidal fortified an slideshow over the rapidly victory of. Wii-volution
  • This was the reason that food was fortified with the synthetic form of folate called folic acid, which as it turns out is biochemically quite different in its effects. Mark Hyman, MD: Nutrition Tips: Folic Acid: Killer or Cure-All?
  • A suicide attacker got into the complex in the heavily fortified Green Zone. The Sun
  • The definition of a castle - originally a fortified building - seems to have stretched over the years. Times, Sunday Times
  • One would have to drink nearly a dozen glasses of fortified milk to get the minimum amount of vitamin D needed in a day.
  • Also they lodged there at their ease, for there was none that troubled them: they made many lodgings of boughs and great herbs and fortified their camp sagely with the marish that was thereby, and their carriages were set at the entry into the marishes and had all their beasts within the marish. Chronicle and Romance (The Harvard Classics Series)
  • The earliest reliable historical records of the Jews date from around 1200 BC in unfortified villages in hill country far from Canaanite coastal cities.
  • This natural aptness, which is fortified by living together, was in Lionello sharpened and refined by his ever wakeful malevolence. Jean-Christophe Journey's End
  • This effect is especially helpful when you eat the less-easily-absorbed “nonheme” iron, found in nonanimal sources, such as tofu, spinach, raisins and fortified cereal meat, fish and poultry deliver heme iron, which your body absorbs more easily. EatingWell: Eat This With That To Make It Healthier
  • Epidemiological data from the US and Canada show a blip up in colon cancer cases after the introduction of folate-fortified foods (mostly breads) in these countries, further supporting the idea that high dose folate supplementation may not be such a good idea. Folic Acid Supplementation - Too Much of a Good Thing?
  • Students drank fruit juice for 10 weeks that had been fortified with either 10 mg or 20 mg of zinc or that had not been fortified at all.
  • Outside this was a citadel, fortified like the inner bailey, but containing a greater number of buildings.
  • Preferred materials are stone and adobe brick fortified by heavy timbers.
  • (There are 6 units in all, with the others covering the wine business, viticulture, vinification, sparkling and fortified wine, and spirits.) Sasha Smith
  • He worked with Mr Putin at first, but all attempts to break up his Moscow fief, which is fortified by its own courts, police and media, have invariably failed. The Economist: Correspondent's diary
  • An able-bodied and able-minded unhoused person will be fortified and clean. Christine Schanes: Homelessness Myth #16: Helping Infantilizes Homeless People
  • Worn out, he retired to Cardross, his quiet, thatched, unfortified summer hall on the Clyde, and sailed and fished like the Celtic forebears he was careful to acknowledge.
  • Not, as you might think, a fortified wine. Thorsons Organic Wine Guide
  • They are supposed to be the fortified settlements of the Celtic people. POPCO
  • The town was heavily fortified against attack.
  • The principal market for Cyprus fortified wine is the United Kingdom.
  • Madeira is fortified wine, just like the other wines in our report.
  • Praise God that as tempted as I am by thoughts of eternal youth and the death of all my enemies, no hint of treacherous love stirs within my well-fortified heart. Secret History of Elizabeth Tudor, Vampire Slayer
  • Forty male voices sang in spell-binding chorus, softening at moments and then rising, fortified, to a crescendo.
  • Depending on the style of the wine, sherry is fortified with grape spirit known as aguardiente to between 15.5 and 22 per cent.
  • The city had monumental palace buildings constructed on a huge artificial stone terrace overshadowed by a fortified hill. EMPIRES OF THE PLAIN: Henry Rawlinson and the Lost Languages of Babylon
  • Rome's enemies had built wooden stockades and fortified villages well before Caesar and his legions set foot in Gaul or Britain.
  • The reconnaissance party reported back that the town was heavily fortified.

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