How To Use Forthcoming In A Sentence

  • Entry forms for the forthcoming Community Games should have been received by now.
  • By convention, this assent is always forthcoming.
  • As a prelude to the book, Dr Mitra has compiled an audio CD of some of the works that will appear in the forthcoming book.
  • After a short break James will commence his winter training for the forthcoming indoor season.
  • The visitor suggested that this be announced by Roh during his forthcoming meetings in Moscow.
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  • The good weather we've experienced over the past two days allowed us to fully prepare the cars for the forthcoming European races.
  • The Obama team's lack of candor and immediate forthcomingness on this question has already ssured that this story will dominate the news for weeks to come as troubling questions occur to us. Election Central Morning Roundup
  • The approach is preliminary in nature and there can be no certainty that an offer will ultimately be forthcoming.
  • The club is now looking forward to the forthcoming Wharfedale Championships and is hoping to shatter last year's record trophy haul.
  • The sultan's response was polite but unforthcoming: ‘The matter has been resolved amicably and I do not think it would serve any purpose to revive it.’
  • Its original plans were thrown out by the city council and are the subject of a forthcoming public inquiry.
  • Bert and Duncan were as uninformed as I regarding the forthcoming events of the programme.
  • The notion of forthcoming godhood is a religious and spiritual notion. Movie Review: Akira
  • That was by no means forthcoming and on 23 August 1990 the respondent issued an originating summons in the High Court seeking possession.
  • I'm fascinated by opal and its mythical reputation, so much so that my main character in my forthcoming novel, The Last Romanov, possesses an opal eye. Dora Levy Mossanen: Fires, Opals and the Romanovs
  • A scholarly edition of the Obi pantomime is forthcoming from Romantic Circles, edited by Jeffrey N. Cox. About this Volume
  • He will also perform live on the show to plug his forthcoming solo album. The Sun
  • If more money is not forthcoming, the theater will have to close.
  • Denise and her gleaming sunburst guitar are set to take the stage with some feel-good rhythms and tasty new melodies fresh from her new forthcoming album ‘The Tangerine Moon’.
  • No explanation for his absence was forthcoming.
  • Other funding sources for the rebuild could include a forthcoming bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund.
  • They're on the phone pleasantly discussing the niceties of the forthcoming Christmas season.
  • We know for a fact that we've asked for information around the contracts, these special deals, what we call the sweetheart deal, and this has not been forthcoming, both from government and from Eskom itself. Democracy Now!
  • Despite the Cylons being redesigned, the story changed a little, and the complexity ramped up a thousandfold, the new Battlestar Galactica won legions of new fans for a franchise many thought long since dead, and through extras such as the spin-off project Razor (plus other forthcoming films) and the upcoming prequel series Caprica, the Battlestar Galactica story will continue to echo in the science fiction pantheon long after the series has ended. Galactica Original | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • His telegragram may purport his forthcoming arrival.
  • A photo exhibition, ‘French Urbanscapes’, by Atul Sharma, a lawyer and lensman, shot on his many journeys to France, is one of the forthcoming events.
  • Leadership and direction should be forthcoming form the County Board officers.
  • For the moment he's playing Charlize Theron's father in the forthcoming remake of The Italian Job, co-starring Mark Wahlberg.
  • I paused to give him a chance to retaliate with something equally sarcastic, but nothing was forthcoming. LOSING IT
  • For those, like him, unswayed by such arguments, there are, though, signs of a forthcoming shift.
  • Until the colonists managed to cultivate a lucrative staple crop, however, profits were not immediately forthcoming.
  • The young lady in the inquiry office was very forthcoming.
  • Someone tricksy has been taking pictures of the car he drives in the forthcoming movie.
  • I think it needs more in the way of paraphrase and/or annotation, which I hope Oxford University Press's forthcoming version of Durr's book on the cantatas will provide.
  • I miss the innocent giggle and the unfettered laughter that used to be more forthcoming.
  • For instance, Piers's unforthcoming remark about avoiding love because he had once tasted it and it had left a bitter after-effect.
  • Their forthcoming slate will have Wi-Fi and 3G connectivity as well as a multi-touch screen.
  • As the leader of the majority party in the House, the Speaker also plays a major role in shaping and implementing party decisions on forthcoming legislation.
  • While he was talking about the forthcoming centenaries of the Easter Rising and the Battle of the Somme, Sean Brady's words also have significance for the era of Plunkett: I am asking that we be sensitive and sensible about how we conduct these commemorations. Our pasts and the Permanent Things
  • visualise" the forthcoming position and evaluate it due to some well-known considerations The Chess Mind
  • Usually these reports concentrate on prophecies of a forthcoming Armageddon but many also describe a dire contemporary situation.
  • Kwik-Fit's change of emphasis is well-timed, as forthcoming changes in the UK car market should bolster demand for unaffiliated after-sales service outlets.
  • As foreshadowed above, many settlers and explorers would buy an annual almanac, containing notes of what was to be expected in the forthcoming year.
  • For far too long, it has been weak and craven, seeking consensus where none was forthcoming. Times, Sunday Times
  • No answer, he says, was forthcoming from the camp commandant. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has hardly been near his best form at Northampton, but the forthcoming series could represent a great opportunity for him. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sri Owen, a London-based food writer, consultant and co-author of the forthcoming "Oxford Companion to Southeast Asian Food," fondly remembers the gado-gado of her university days: "We stopped at this place to have our gado-gado as a one-dish lunch before we cycled back to our boarding house. The Dish: Gado-Gado
  • I paused to give him a chance to retaliate with something equally sarcastic, but nothing was forthcoming. LOSING IT
  • We are eagerly anticipating the arrival of many more baby animals, including lambs and more piglets, over the forthcoming weeks.
  • Nikolai Petrovich told various anecdotes about what he called his farming career, talked about the forthcoming government measures, about committees, deputations, the need to introduce new machinery, etc. Fathers and Sons
  • One is the judge, an urbane amoralist like Jones in Conrad's novel, who is to preside over the registration of indigenous people to vote in a forthcoming election. The Devil's Garden by Edward Docx – review
  • Whether or not that support will be forthcoming in the numbers expected is a moot point following revelations about the parlous state of Britain's armed forces.
  • He will now step up to the blocks to swim the 200, together with the 400 and 1500 free in the forthcoming games.
  • There was a wide range of palatable food and several party pieces were forthcoming afterwards.
  • But the forthcoming U.S. Open wasn't enough to entice S.eve S.ricker, now No. 2 in the world rankings, to play one week after his victory near Los Angeles. ScrippsNews
  • Also, in the process, aspects of people's social world that are particularly important to them, but that might not even have crossed the mind of a researcher unacquainted with it, are more likely to be forthcoming.
  • Dictionary compilers at Collins have decided that the word list for the forthcoming edition of its largest volume is embrangled with words so obscure that they are linguistic recrement. Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
  • Unfortunately, this kindly pledge is not forthcoming in the case of the third R, arithmetic, for in mathematics, virtually every time you turn your brain around they challenge or, maybe better said, taunt you with a new potentially ego-threatening subskill to conquer. A Mind at a Time
  • Burnley have been allocated just 836 unreserved seats for the forthcoming First Division game at Millwall on Saturday, February 28.
  • Although the latter was to survive less than a fortnight (he publicly denounced government nuclear defence policy) some reforms were quickly forthcoming. The Government and Politics of France
  • Look out for our forthcoming profile of Sir Richard Body, and articles on farm animal welfare.
  • But in January, coincidentally (or not?) the same month that Apple CEO Steve Jobs announced the forthcoming tablet computer dubbed the iPad, netbook sales took a nose dive.
  • So you concede that no condemnation from the UNSC is forthcoming. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Free Gaza” Activists’ Version of the Ship Incident
  • Nationalist stalwarts foregather in Elgin tonight to adopt their candidate for the forthcoming Moray by-election, now declared for April 27.
  • In discussing means and ends, as well as facts and values, Simon (1947) is forthcoming concerning his own (logical positivist) philosophical perspective.
  • But she's more interested in inspecting her nails than discussing the details of their forthcoming nuptials. The Sun
  • I paused to give him a chance to retaliate with something equally sarcastic, but nothing was forthcoming. LOSING IT
  • Keep an eye on the noticeboards for forthcoming events .
  • Maybe he can restack the books (both of 'em) at his forthcoming Presidential Library and Rest Home for the Terminally Stupid. McCain Campaign Re-Releases Attack Ad That Was Already Revealed As Dishonest
  • THIS week two very different images from forthcoming films were released. The Sun
  • But she's more interested in inspecting her nails than discussing the details of their forthcoming nuptials. The Sun
  • Imagine you are practicing a piece for a forthcoming concert, for a church offertory, or to accompany a trumpet player down the street.
  • Neither of the political parties contending for office at the forthcoming election has made the changes in thinking that are necessary for Aboriginal people to turn around our social disaster.
  • For the moment he's playing Charlize Theron's father in the forthcoming remake of The Italian Job, co-starring Mark Wahlberg.
  • Surely some token of appreciation for his civic efforts would soon be forthcoming. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am afraid I do not have the power to make that forthcoming law retroactive to benefit other families, bereaved through other wars. NIMITZ CLASS
  • Message boards have been quiet, reviews unforthcoming.
  • That's the thinking behind forthcoming plans to research and manage infestations of the harmful invasive plant called milfoil in Maine's inland waters, including Messalonskee Lake in Oakland. Morning Sentinel News
  • Consequently, the remedial help students need is not forthcoming.
  • If at the end of that time ransom were not forthcoming death would forthcome. Foes
  • He warned that no economic aid could be forthcoming until a long-term constitutional solution had been found.
  • Mr Barroso and Mr Sarkozy also discussed the forthcoming December meeting of EU leaders in Brussels, "notably the European response to the economic situation and the negotiation of the climate and energy package," said a communique from the French president's office. - Headline News
  • His house alone contains wealth sufficient to discharge the donative which is never forthcoming, and is daily cast in your teeth. I. On Becoming Emperor
  • There are less formal meals, picnics and barbecues and the forthcoming brunch is one of these occasions.
  • The draft Green Paper, which is due to be published next week, will form the basis of the forthcoming Strategic Defence Review. - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • In a different orbit altogether are forthcoming books by two authors also associated with the pop business.
  • I had difficulty getting any details. He wasn't very forthcoming.
  • The effort, part of a grander scheme known as "Rethink Church," uses "nonchurch language" and "positive land mines" to attract young people by inviting them to look at the faith with fresh eyes, Einstein writes in a forthcoming essay, "The Evolution of Religious Branding. Faiths Ad Campaigns Chase After The Great 'I Am'
  • The best joke will be included in the script of the comedian's one of the forthcoming movies.
  • There are less formal meals, picnics and barbecues and the forthcoming brunch is one of these occasions.
  • federal funds were not forthcoming
  • The house will be shown in the forthcoming series. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Terror of Fu Manchu is the title of a forthcoming authorized Fu Manchu novel expected to relaunch the series by William Patrick Maynard. Archive 2007-03-01
  • As most of you may be aware, the seminar was deferred until the second week in February and I will let you know the details in the forthcoming weeks.
  • No answer was immediately forthcoming to the delicate question but investigations will now doubtless continue amid fears of a Government cover-up.
  • Your proof will be forthcoming with the wind of change about to sweep over your planet.
  • English has plenty of adjectives for modifying the temporal properties of nouns, including ‘former’, ‘recent’, and ‘forthcoming’.
  • I'm going to consult with my publisher about my forthcoming book.
  • When no answer was forthcoming, the plump girl began to bawl noisily.
  • Usually these reports concentrate on prophecies of a forthcoming Armageddon but many also describe a dire contemporary situation.
  • Obama is best described as a foundation-bred counterinsurgent, that is to say an operative in the service of the US financier ruling class whose task it is to wreck and abort any positive outcomes that might be forthcoming from the political ferment which is shaking the globe, and above all from the deep political upsurge which is clearly at hand in this country. Wax Banks
  • There were no visions forthcoming, and after a minute of this masochism, he turned the heat up a little and scrubbed himself clean. SACRAMENT
  • The success of these businesses is dependent on the support of the entire community, and this support has been forthcoming.
  • The forthcoming concert is the first comprehensive performance in Britain. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is author of "Allenby," "A Dispirited Rebellion: Essays on Contemporary Israeli Culture" and the forthcoming "The Settlers & the Struggle for the Meaning of Zionism. WBUR and NPR - On Point with Tom Ashbrook
  • He is friendly but mostly unforthcoming when the conversation comes around to his marketing tricks and strategies.
  • The inference that Inkatha and the NP will form some sort of alliance to win a majority in the forthcoming election also confirms that the NP are leading this country into a dangerous state of political bipolarisation. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • I'm going to make an appointment with a plastic surgeon to discuss scar revision -- I think my dermatologist is incredibly skilled at what he does and I'm happy, of course, that he removed all the cancer, but I wish he'd been a little more forthcoming about what to expect along the way. Mohs Nose Woes - Part 1
  • These allegations appear in a forthcoming documentary.
  • While many of the writers noted above are relatively new, a couple possibly even more fresher than I've enjoyed and who I look forward to reading more from are Dana Copthorn (The Steam Magnate) and for a bit more traditional (but not really) Lane Robins (Maledicte, and Kings and Assassin forthcoming) who I think went WAY under the radar last year. MIND MELD: The Best Women Writers in SF/F
  • Of testaceous animals, on the contrary, no direct sensible evidence is as yet forthcoming to determine whether they sleep, but if the above reasoning be convincing to any one, he who follows it will admit this [viz. that they do so.] On Sleep and Sleeplessness
  • A little drib of news about the forthcoming Haunted Mansion movie: Boing Boing: February 2, 2003 - February 8, 2003 Archives
  • Mrs Tappitt had frequently offered to intromit the ceremony when calling upon his generosity for other purposes, but the September gift had always been forthcoming. Rachel Ray
  • One forthcoming wedding this summer sees the couple flying in via helicopter. The Sun
  • We caught up with them to find out more about the forthcoming show and why London has such a far-reaching influence in electronic music. The Sun
  • The clerk was asked to circulate a letter to local organisations to see if any volunteers were forthcoming.
  • More criticism will soon be forthcoming. Times, Sunday Times
  • The success of any major production overhaul could also depend on the extent to which union agreement is forthcoming.
  • Dropping an interrobang into a forthcoming album title could finally see him using his powers for good.
  • They waited patiently for a reply but none seemed to be forthcoming.
  • It committed the forthcoming summit to draw up a mandate for negotiations on short-range nuclear forces.
  • Which perhaps explains why Cusack is so criminally unforthcoming off-screen.
  • That is, it is a conception without an object (ens rationis), like noumena, which cannot be considered possible in the sphere of reality, though they must not therefore be held to be impossible -- or like certain new fundamental forces in matter, the existence of which is cogitable without contradiction, though, as examples from experience are not forthcoming, they must not be regarded as possible. The Critique of Pure Reason
  • Gorgeous first single from the smooth duo's forthcoming third album. The Sun
  • We have just received the information about the forthcoming conference.
  • With no film parts forthcoming, she tried her luck in Hollywood but without success. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, this deadline has long since passed and no application appears to be forthcoming.
  • Or they want to know trends, and I can't help them there, either, because if I told them to get started right now writing a picture book about animal derrieres (the big trend revealed in proofing the forthcoming Guide), it would be too late, because we will have all Moved On by the time any such book could be published. Served by a window with an ocean view
  • You can hear clips of the forthcoming album recorded on a mobile phone for the special ‘in the studio’ quality.
  • This second category of inputs in the labour relations system will be examined in the forthcoming article.
  • He said he was still able to get information on forthcoming defence policy to share with clients. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such positive feedback was not forthcoming from the model for Duke, the self-obsessed, utterly unscrupulous epitome of evil who has sent a chill down readers 'spines for all these years. Garry Trudeau: 'Doonesbury quickly became a cause of trouble'
  • He is expected to perform in the U.S. before the end of the year and a new album is forthcoming as well.
  • Her work has been featured or is forthcoming in publications such as qarrtsiluni, MAYDAY, ouroboros review, Mankind Magazine, Spoonful, and The Birmingham Arts Journal. Hannah Stephenson: Poetry: Smithereens
  • Forthcoming events include outdoor activities in the park, a barbecue and a trip to the Open Naval Day at Rosyth.
  • They leave the arduous task of compiling reports on forthcoming opponents and potential signings to their scouting teams. Times, Sunday Times
  • He will also perform live on the show to plug his forthcoming solo album. The Sun
  • The church visitors were intensely embarrassed shortly after we had agreed to have door-to-door visitation for a forthcoming town mission.
  • The past fortnight has continued the pattern, with his build-up to the forthcoming season about as smooth as an alpine pass.
  • I'm sure she'll be a font of forthcomingness THIS time. Edwards Uses Bush's Iran Sanctions To Go After Hillary
  • He also said there would be no income tax cuts in the forthcoming budget and that the Government's priority was to rein in spending.
  • The 32-year old actress will play a polyandrist in her forthcoming film Housefull which co-stars Ritesh Deshmukh and Akshay Kumar as her two husbands. All - Digital Spy - Entertainment and Media News
  • Automobiles, other transport and industrial equipment of all denominations are now test beds for microelectronics, with comparable forthcoming results as from the office automation wave begun four decades ago that ushered in untold productivity throughout the workforce. Damn The Defense Cuts, Full Speed Ahead
  • So far, Bakker has dropped some hints about his new thriller, Disciple of the Dog, and a forthcoming 'CanLit' book, Light, Time and Gravity, but I daresay some news on The White-Luck Warrior, the second Aspect-Emperor novel, will also be forthcoming. Archive 2010-06-01
  • Nationalist stalwarts foregather in Elgin tonight to adopt their candidate for the forthcoming Moray by-election, now declared for April 27.
  • He will also perform live on the show to plug his forthcoming solo album. The Sun
  • The Prime Minister will also discuss this with the Chinese premier during his forthcoming visit to the UK.
  • McBain is now turning his thoughts to the forthcoming cyclo-cross championship, where a fourth title beckons.
  • Besides, she was officially affianced to young Randall Stanger, a titled muttonhead in the Guards, and their forthcoming nuptials would be quite an event of the Season. Watershed
  • In the letter, they say they are writing to dissociate themselves from the Institute's support for a Yes vote in the forthcoming referendum.
  • We are a small group of old friends tied together by such bitter-sweet remembrance of things past and by the common hope that the forthcoming year will bring us health and some modest success in our life and work.
  • Students and their religion teachers are busily preparing for the forthcoming opening mass.
  • Even if detailed studies of molluscan anatomy were forthcoming, the shell of molluscs would be of little use in cladistic analysis because of rampant convergence.
  • • Finally, the church should be sober but never dull, so there is rejoicing at the forthcoming elevation of archbishop Timothy Dolan to the cardinalate on Saturday. Hugh Muir's diary
  • We intend to address these and other special circumstances in forthcoming regulations. Federal Agency Flexible On McDonald's Plan
  • The rail chaos which has gripped Britain has overshadowed the forthcoming billion pound franchise for one of the UK's major intercity routes from Scotland to London - the East Coast mainline.
  • Otherwise, Kelvin may want to use the opportunity to have fans sample some tracks from his forthcoming album.
  • McCain tiptoed around the news of the day, excerpts from former White House press secretary Scott McClellan’s forthcoming book that accuse the Bush administration of using propaganda to convince the American public war in Iraq was justified. McCain says Obama's Iraq trip would convince him of success
  • Which perhaps explains why Cusack is so criminally unforthcoming off-screen.
  • You might also give a thought to the forthcoming anthology Against Expression Craig Dworkin and Kenneth Goldsmith, eds. that will feature a historical range of so-called "uncreative" writings, or look at some of the transdisciplinary writings published in the Western Front's FRONT magazine, and in the better indie zines and micro-magazines. Interesting, but it's not literature
  • If credit was forthcoming, they were ready to borrow as much as someone was willing to lend.
  • The forthcoming negotiations in GATT will likewise throw some light on the present unsatisfactory situation. The Future of European Integration and German-Canadian Relations
  • (something a few members like to drop in as soon as people start complaining about complainers), and people are certainly welcome to voice their opinions on the show, I wonder just how many people honestly * honestly* think a show like this is going to be forthcoming with answers. Home Theater Forum
  • Partibhan, who had tonsured his head for his forthcoming film, sported a cap.
  • The forthcoming civil disobedience will be non-violent, organisers stress, but the whiff of brutalism conjures up a world where no such caveat is feasible.
  • the forthcoming holidays
  • The company that manufactures them has been extremely uncooperative and unforthcoming with information.
  • But his 1972 article was more forthcoming and the peroration at the end claimed that.
  • One forthcoming wedding this summer sees the couple flying in via helicopter. The Sun
  • She will perform with Opera Ireland during their forthcoming spring season.
  • On EWTN, a programme recently appeared in relation to the forthcoming beatification of John Henry Cardinal Newman, which was a conversation with Fr. Paul Chavasse, provost of the Birmingham Oratory and postulator of the cause. Fr. Paul Chavasse on the Beatification of Cardinal Newman and a Solemn Te Deum
  • In a forthcoming article in the Yale Journal on Regulation, Levitin argues that regulatory arbitrage is inevitable in current financial regulatory system that features multiple regulators for essentially equivalent institutions: financial institutions will seek out the most permissive regulator, and regulators have incentives to engage in laxer regulation to attract regulatees. Archive 2009-06-01
  • For its forthcoming annual convention the IoD has drafted a couple of celebs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The demutualising life assurer has embarked on the mammoth task of explaining to policyholders their options in the forthcoming flotation. Times, Sunday Times
  • And given Cameron's current obsession with the word 'thrift', is the forthcoming Conservative government any more likely to see it become one? Barnett billions
  • Shares continued to tumble as the company was unforthcoming as to the date of the meeting.
  • The winning recipes each week will appear in forthcoming Food52 cookbooks. Fall Vegetable Recipes: 4 New Eggplant Ideas From
  • Flaggy Lane production company could be heard rehearsing for their forthcoming epic production of Singing in the Rain as the guests at the launch were treated to a sneak preview.
  • He warned them before he signed that if money wasn't forthcoming he wanted to be allowed to walk. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was scheduled to spend much of the day correcting the final proofs of my forthcoming biography, Nehru: The Invention of India.
  • For its forthcoming annual convention the IoD has drafted a couple of celebs. Times, Sunday Times
  • They leave the arduous task of compiling reports on forthcoming opponents and potential signings to their scouting teams. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sarah Dowling's poetry has appeared in The Capilano Review, Cue, Descant, EOAGH, How2, and West Coast Line, and is forthcoming in Dusie and the ixnay reader. Sarah Dowling reads Erin Moure
  • Answers are rarely forthcoming that can be said to be totally honest, sincere, and clearly unambiguous.
  • We the electorate now have a chance to pose questions and raise the political debate on this issue in the run up to the forthcoming election.
  • Specifically, owing to the high stock price due to speculative force prior to issuance, coupled with the expected forthcoming negative real estate policy, the new issue price was set higher.
  • That said, there is growing evidence that the following available or forthcoming medications may promote return or ease of climax: phentolamine, apomorphine, prostaglandin E-1 cream, and bupropion Wellbutrin or Zyban. Great Sex for Moms
  • The crucially important thing now is that whatever fences were damaged or knocked are mended and rebuilt, and that we get on with the forthcoming challenges with a united front.
  • She gave few concrete details about the forthcoming gadgets, saying only that the smartwatch would run on Android and would not have a flexible display.
  • If your callable bond pays at least 1% more than newer issues of identical quality, it is likely a call could be forthcoming in the near future.
  • Unfortunately, the set is lacking in, shall we say, DVD "pyrotechnics" -- Barbara Hale is still around, as is director Ted Post, and it would be nice to have some series alumni contribute an audio commentary or two to forthcoming volumes. Perry Mason? Allow Me To Refresh Your Memory
  • Other forthcoming events planned to raise cash for the appeal include a sponsored abseil on May 1 from the 100 ft high WH Smith building in Greenbridge.
  • This article is excerpted from their forthcoming book, Surviving Galeras, to be published this month by Houghton Mifflin.
  • My forthcoming book has a chapter about my ayah Mango, who played games and told stories in the garden.
  • The country has earmarked 115 million leva in energy aid for the forthcoming winter season.
  • All of the changes in the forthcoming Bill will benefit workers, irrespective of their current circumstances.
  • On this performance her forthcoming debut album could well be worth a listen.
  • The forthcoming convention on the future of a new Europe is going to be a key moment in the development of the EU.
  • But others are far less forthcoming. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the forthcoming elections, the government will be seeking a fresh mandate from the people.

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