
How To Use Forte In A Sentence

  • Ye same did rede a portion of his "Venus and Adonis," to their prodigious admiration, whereas I, being sleepy and fatigued withal, did deme it but paltry stuff, and was the more discomforted in that ye blody bucanier had got his wind again, and did turn his mind to farting with such villain zeal that presently I was like to choke once more. 1601
  • Artemesia moved to the pianoforte that was along one of the walls, and sat down on the bench, facing away from the instrument and towards Scott.
  • Forte is a very popular figure in city government, seemingly beloved by every local politician in sight.
  • He has here at home a harpsichord, forte-piano, harmonica, guitar, violin, and German flutes, and at Williamsburg, he has a good pipe organ. Colonial Children
  • `Kate, dear Kate, it's sweet of you to want to be my comforter. SEA MUSIC
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  • As a rule of thumb, the villages of Barolo and La Morra produce the most perfumed win es, while Monforte d 'Alba and Serralunga produce more structured, powerful wines that require substantial cellaring. In Search of Barolo
  • Opened in 2007, the family-run Forte S ā o Jo ā o da Barra is part of a small but growing band of hotels running countercurrent to the wave of mass tourism that has swept over much of the Algarve region during the past 40 years. Portugal's Alluring Hideaways
  • In defense of “keen grasp of economics,” one of Matt’s fortes is an ability to be extremely annoyed by fallacies and oversights in cost-benefit calculation. Matthew Yglesias » Listmania
  • He had already been deserted by his female relatives, Georgina having been invited by young Lewis Armitage to join a group about the pianoforte, and Lavinia having stridden off without a word of explanation to join Sophie. Irresistible
  • She couldn't help but snuggle against the warm comforter, taking in its scent and texture.
  • Three winners will receive a set of 180-thread-count cotton-polyester-blend sheets, a comforter, two shams and a bed skirt; queen size only.
  • This looks like a blanket or comforter - fuzzy and warm.
  • The Home circle: a collection of piano-forte music consisting of the most favorite marches, waltzes, polkas, redowas, schottisches, galops, mazurkas, quadrilles, dances, etc.
  • Aimee mumbled to herself about getting a lock for her door and pulled the comforter to her bed, cuddling up under it so that she could get back to sleep.
  • The food tastes good and we feel comforted and warmed by fat. Survive the Nine to Five - a woman's guide to working well
  • Osons le dire: nos arbitrages ont une forme maniaco-dépressive avec de fortes amplitudes émotionnelles pouvant conduire à la folie ou au suicide cf. Archive 2009-04-10
  • But to watch a whiplash rapper ride the crest of an orchestral forte is a genuine awakening.
  • I note that skrimslis an Icelandic monster, chronicled in Fortean Times, possibly a sort of reptile living in lakes.
  • She lets go of my arms, discomforted by the comment.
  • Forrest had had to admit that the plan she and Croaker had cooked up, though unortho - dox and dangerous, was the best shot at getting inside the Leonforte organization. Second Skin
  • His forte lay in articulating authentic emotion, because most of his fictional writing was structured around intensely felt personal experiences.
  • Among star performers was the Savoy Hotel where shares soared on the back of speculation that sometime predator Forte group was back.
  • cooking is his forte
  • And as performance dates drew close rehearsals became almost terrifying in their propulsive, impelling commitment - pianissimos were scaled to a whisper and fortes forceful and triumphant.
  • Jumping has always been his forte and really it has all been about getting him fit and ready.
  • Fortem reddunt animum et constantem; et pium colloquium non permittit animum absurda cogitatione torqueri. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Forte's experience during the crisis shows another advantage of many Polish companies: nimbleness. Euro's Allure Dims in Eastern Europe
  • It is not easy to say which of his many compositions for the pianoforte are the most important. Musical Portraits Interpretations of Twenty Modern Composers
  • The play during the latter interludes - humane warmth not being Flannery's forte - seems somewhat enfeebled.
  • She had hot pink sheets, with matching pillowcases, as well as a dark purple comforter, and lavender throw pillow.
  • His soft words comforted me and for awhile we just lay there on the tiny futon talking.
  • Adoro Michael Sheen é um ator de expressões e papéis fortes o que deu a saga uma nova cara apesar de sua participação ter sido em uma pequena parte do filme na minha opinião foram uma das melhores partes. Michael Sheen: Interview with 'New Moon' star on fitting in with the cast |
  • Pianoforte, the variation of sound from quiet to loud, is set in motion almost instantaneously as steel strings tautly attached to felt-covered hammers feel the vibration. Andrea Preziotti: Piano Treasures: The Gift of Hope
  • The next name given to it was _forte-piano_, which signified soft, with power; and this name became _piano-forte_, which it still retains. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 20, No. 117, July, 1867.
  • Perhaps discomforted by these challenges, contemporary critics disparaged the painting.
  • I felt a kind of qualm of faintness and downsinking about my heart and stomach, to the dispelling of which I took a thimbleful of spirits, and, tying my red comforter about my neck, I marched briskly to the session-house. The World's Greatest Books — Volume 06 — Fiction
  • Such situations are Jamie McAllister's forte and twice within a brief spell, he accepted the duty.
  • Long experience of working together in an ensemble may help, of course, but there are often problems with the delicate flute, and with some fortepianos and harpsichords.
  • Fortescue fought at the battle of Towton and was subsequently attainted by the victorious Edward IV.
  • Once the eyes are better cleared, give her a drop of Pred Forte to stop the inflammation and a drop of Cipro for infection. DO NO HARM
  • SI quis forte mei domum Catonis, depictas minio assulas, et illos custodis uidet hortulos Priapi, miratur quibus ille disciplinis tantam sit sapientiam assecutus, 5 quem tres cauliculi, selibra farris, racemi duo tegula sub una ad summam prope nutriant senectam. The Garden of Valerius Cato
  • He and a female pedestrian comforted the girl at the roadside, and contacted the police.
  • He felt pity for such a forsaken creature: no one had warmed her or comforted her or loved her enough to have her christened.
  • The feather comforter was neatly smoothed out on the bed and the pillow was precisely in its center.
  • He comforted his back with soft cushions.
  • He is plagued by his poor relationship with his father who dragged him about Europe as a child performing pieces on cloth covered pianofortes from the age of 5 to his early teens.
  • The Bears will align the R (Matt Forte) in a "chowed" position (outside leg of the RT). - News
  • They chattered politely for a few minutes, and then Will cruelly suggested that Clara entertain them on the pianoforte.
  • She was awarded two distinctions, one for Pianoforte Playing and one for getting 100% in Theory and Harmony.
  • She was obviously discomforted by the idea of public performance, and yet she was smiling.
  • St. Gildas, in the twelfth century, had Abelard for superior, who, on his appointment, made over to Eloise the celebrated abbey he had founded at Nogent, near Troyes, which he called the Paraclete or Comforter, because he there found comfort and refreshment after his troubles, but his peace soon ended on his arrival in Brittany. Brittany & Its Byways
  • Ne Regem metueret, edamfi forte auftemm òbver (umg eltèt vulhifli) fed animose & intrepide exponeret, qyod in mandads Kabéret. x f. Lux in tenebris, hoc est prophetiæ donum quô Deus Ecclesiam Evangelicam, in regno Bohemiæ ...
  • A strange and compassionable satisfaction beamed from her face; it was evident that this sad business was the poor thing's _forte_. Suburban Sketches
  • Another said, "Be comforted, Yussuf, three days will soon pass away, and then you will relish your kabobs and your rakee, your sweetmeats and your wine, with greater pleasure, having been so long deprived of them. The Pacha of Many Tales
  • Fred brought out casually, " I saw Mrs. Fortescue going off to work when I came out.
  • Angst is my forte, so beware the bittersweet angst that is my sword!
  • The production SSR will retain a retractable hardtop, like that of the concept vehicle - a capability ‘which is ASC's forte,’ the executive explains.
  • Schepkin is the ideal accompanist, expertly handling the quirky piano solo halfway through the piece and slamming his forte chords with the right degree of surprise.
  • Pianissimos were so soft they whispered, the fortes were imbued with a warmth and strength that echoed through the chapel and up to its high, vaulted ceilings.
  • Malcolm Bilson, perhaps the world's greatest fortepianist, will give a recital on this rarely heard instrument at 7:30 p.m. Front Page
  • Ms. Rothenburgh did not want a hospital bed, so Mr. Lewis found her a twin bed, with a comforter in a pattern that matched the dress Ms. Rothenburgh wore at her son's wedding.
  • I no longer ride several times a day, instead I sit and practice my pianoforte and embroider.
  • Mathematics was never my forte.
  • The principle of defence, being the opposition of forte to foible, is still applicable today.
  • Tunc dixit Jehova Deus, Ecce, Adam factus est tanquam unus ex nobis, sciendo bonum et malum: nunc autem ne forte mittat manum suam, et accipiat etiam de arbore vitae, et comedat, et vivat in seculum. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 1
  • There is not a quip nor a quillet from the slangy pen of the daily newspaper writers that she does not brood over and worry about as heartily as if it were an overdue mortgage on her pianoforte. Eugene Field A Study In Heredity And Contradictions
  • The production features dance and live music played by the company, a genuine Broadway fortepiano and sumptuous period costumes, all presented within a light and airy set.
  • By now Chopin was physically a shadow of himself; but it was not just lack of strength that made him play forte passages piano or pianissimo.
  • Many other servants came in to strip the bed and put new sheets and comforter on her monstrous bed.
  • Rocco Forte will concentrate and focus on building the businesses.
  • Katz's forte is history of ideas, on a grand canvas with bold strokes of broad brushes.
  • La realizzazione ha fortemente integrato le immagini con il sound design di The Great Mundane. No Fat Clips!!! : Motion Graphics Festival 2008
  • This has been a strike which has discomforted everyone, in addition to the biting cold season being experienced.
  • It disturbed me in my comfort spots, comforted me in my disturbed spots, and, as an erstwhile writer of fiction, I was simultaneously enraptured by her facility with words and timing; and nearly unconsolable and jealous and angry with myself for not working harder at it than I do. Dear Clusterflock | clusterflock
  • In The Comforter, a hirsute woman (an actual genetic condition that led to the bearded lady once popular in freak-shows and French courts), cradles an eyeless creature conceived of as an udder with a large mouth. Spread ArtCulture: Patricia Piccinini's World of Creatures Great & Small
  • She was comforted by a stiff gin and tonic. Somewhere East of Life
  • Accompanying himself on the pianoforte, he sang an aria parlante. The Common Reader, Second Series
  • Abeo potius. di immortales, obsecro vostram fidem, ubi ego perii? ubi immutatus sum? ubi ego formam perdidi? an egomet me illic reliqui, si forte oblitus fui? nam hic quidem omnem imaginem meam, quae antehac fuerat, possidet. Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • the forte passages in the composition
  • The Petrarchian Sonnet is not quite as successful, Cliburn's dynamics favoring mezzo-forte and forte a little too much throughout.
  • Part of my satisfaction was actually relief; "prompter" speeches are not John S. McCain's forte. Blogrunner
  • The room quieted then, as Cordelia stood and took her place beside the pianoforte, ‘Would anyone care to accompany me on the piano as I sing?’
  • Although I sometimes feel like a foreigner in a faraway town, I have always felt comforted by the vastness and beauty of the land.
  • With two-thirds of the nation's large rocket test stands in a single place, one might guess ‘abnormally small’ is not the forte at Edwards; yet, the facility is a leader in nanotechnology and microtechnology.
  • The pianist's clipped articulation does suggest a fortepiano more than a modern concert grand, but interpretively, Kovacevich presents Beethoven as a nose-thumber out to turn things on their ears.
  • He accepted the offer and became his muse, his comforter, and his constant companion for the next twenty-three years.
  • Anstataux konstante batali inter si, elsxiri la patrujon unuj al la aliaj, perforte altrudi al si reciproke siajn lingvojn kaj morojn, ili vivos inter si pace kaj frate, en plena interkonsento ili laboros sur la tero, sur kiu ili vivas, kaj kontraux tiuj krudaj fortoj de la naturo, kiuj ilin cxiujn egale atakas. The Esperanto Teacher A Simple Course for Non-Grammarians
  • That means placing baby on his back on a firm, flat mattress and not adding extra mattresses or any soft bedding, such as pillows, quilts or comforters.
  • The keyed instrument, of which our pianoforte is the living representative, had found its keyboard and a practical method of eliciting tones, which, whatever their weakness, were at least better than those of the lute, the chitarrone, the psaltery or harp. A Popular History of the Art of Music From the Earliest Times Until the Present
  • Rocco Forte will concentrate and focus on building the businesses.
  • The wind was blowing through her fancy curtained window and a light breeze hit her long brown hair as it dangled off the bed hitting the pale purple and mauve comforter.
  • He felt cold and damp, but was comforted to see the twinkle of torchlight in the distance.
  • X. plays skilfully and correctly, but his expression continues crude, cold, monotonous; he shows too pedantic a solicitude about mechanical execution and strict time; he never ventures on a _pp. _, uses too little shading in _piano_, and plays the _forte_ too heavily, and without regard to the instrument; his _crescendi_ and _diminuendi_ are inappropriate, often coarse and brought in at unsuitable places; and -- his _ritardandi_! they are tedious indeed! Piano and Song How to Teach, How to Learn, and How to Form a Judgment of Musical Performances
  • The idea that he was not alone comforted him greatly.
  • She pulled the comforter off of her head, frizzing her mousy brown hair.
  • Il est plus beau, plus vif que le brun-rouge d'Angleterre: Selon les uns, c'est une terre calcinée; selon d'autres, dont je crois l'opinion fondée, c'est le colcothar ou caput mortuum des eaux fortes qu'on réduit en poudre fine, après avoir bien lavées. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • BBC | Nasa astronauts drunk on duty Como fã que sou das aventuras espaciais, retransmitir esta notícia até me fica mal, mas não resisto a comentar que a ideia de astronautas fortemente ressacados ou ainda em estado lastimoso aos comandos de centenas de toneladas de nave espacial e combustível altamente explosivo dá um sentido totalmente novo à expressão space cowboy. Leituras
  • Although many Singaporeans are "discomforted seeing about one million foreign workers in our total population of 5.1 million," many of those workers do the construction and heavy work needed to keep Singapore's economy humming. Lee Warns of Further Inflation for U.S.
  • Detailed and tailored to perfect, you can use this as the base to build upon from the multitude of bed dressing such as duvet covers, comforters, pillow shams and so much more.
  • I had a jagged edge on the toenail on my big toe and it got caught in the heavy comforter on the bed while I was asleep and pulled half of my toenail off.
  • Hang your coat in the handcrafted armoire before stretching out on the four-poster with feather bed and comforter.
  • Forte is expected to convert the Sterling, its first hotel at Gatwick, to its upmarket Crest brand.
  • My own will find him to be comforter, equal and friend.
  • Mostly, I cling to blankets in the summertime because the comforter is hot, heavy, and a bear to wash if anything spills on it. The Linen Closet
  • Reveillon by St. Gervais) -- I say if any of these comforters of the living anywhere grace the earth, you shall find my master Rabelais giving you the very innermost and animating spirit of all these good things, their utter flavour and their saving power in the quintessential words of his incontestably regalian lips. On Nothing and Kindred Subjects
  • Lynn turned off the light before snuggling comfortably under the warm comforter.
  • He is a great discomforter of young students, by telling them what travel it has cost him, and how often his brain turned at philosophy, and makes others fear studying as a cause of duncery. Microcosmography or, a Piece of the World Discovered; in Essays and Characters
  • In each wind instrument I have defined the scope of greatest expression, that is to say the range in which the instrument is best qualified to achieve the various grades of tone, (forte, piano, cresc., dim., sforzando, morendo, etc.) — the register which admits of the most expressive playing, in the truest sense of the word. Principles of orchestration
  • The feathery pianissimo lightness in the upper strings against the mezzo forte melody lower down is perfectly weighted.
  • Sinking into her comforter, I stared at the ceiling; pictured her in Italy, traipsing along the same ancient streets her great grandmother Nana had walked before she immigrated to America.
  • For certain noted fugitives from the army of King Monmouth (which he himself had deserted, in a low and currish manner), having failed to obtain free shipment from the coast near Watersmouth, had returned into the wilds of Exmoor, trusting to lurk, and be comforted among the common people. Lorna Doone
  • As far as I know, ‘Auntie ‘did nothing all day but sit in a rocker and crochet multi-colored shawls and comforters and stuff like that.’
  • The food tastes good and we feel comforted and warmed by fat. Survive the Nine to Five - a woman's guide to working well
  • They suffered minor injuries and were being comforted yesterday after they were released from hospital. The Sun
  • Ahmad Jamshid/Associated Press A man was comforted by relatives outside a hospital in Kabul on Tuesday. Asia in Pictures
  • The later form was the so-called cithara, the most common shape of which is that made familiar to all by the pedal piece of the square pianoforte. A Popular History of the Art of Music From the Earliest Times Until the Present
  • Many people, it is true, are morbidly fascinated by deadlocks and stand-offs and cling to them as old friends and comforters.
  • Ich am comfortede by the tale of Yukkio Mischima, who did also apparentli haue teensye litel legges and a broade and powirful uppre bodye. Crackpot Medieval "Facts"
  • So your forte , so to speak, is defense, not scoring points.
  • Just as cello is short for violoncello and kaz (pronounced ‘cuz ‘) is the rarely used symbol for kazoo, piano is actually an abbreviation of pianoforte.’
  • Here Amabelle finds a sort of happiness, still haunted by her parents' death, but comforted by her bond with Sebastien.
  • The abbot, neither overawed by the strength nor by the quantity of the potion, took it off with what he himself would have called a feeling of solace and pleasance, and his voice became much more composed; he signified himself as comforted extraordinarily by the medicine, and willing to proceed to answer any questions which could be put to him by his gallant young friend. Castle Dangerous
  • She comforted herself at first with the thought that with the brawling, deafening stream between them, there would be no chance for embarrassing conversation.
  • Metelli primos suos praetergressum videt, praesidio quasi duum milium peditum montem occupat, qua Metellus descenderat, ne forte cedentibus adversariis receptui ac post munimento foret; dein repente signo dato hostes invadit. C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
  • Also, I bet a moscato passito (Forteto Della Luja) or even some Lambrusco wd pair with the fatty yummy stuff. Fried butter: impossible food-wine pairing?!? | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • Page view page image: in character when played piano or mezzo-forte; the flute also, in its lowest register, recalls the pianissimo trumpet tone. Principles of orchestration
  • He murmured, slipping into the uncultured speech of the poorer class as he comforted the man in his arms.
  • It chiefly consisted of household linen, plate, china, and books, with a handsome pianoforte of Marianne's.
  • She plays the pianoforte and sings beautifully.
  • The crib should be empty, with no blankets, pillows, soft materials, stuffed toys, sheepskin, or comforters.
  • ‘Faith, Broadbrim, I believe thou art right, and the old gentleman in the flaxen jazy shall have no more of the comforter. Redgauntlet
  • They had eaten in silence, then Francine, unconcerned, quickly stripped naked and crawled under the down comforter, asleep within seconds. CORMORANT
  • Her son gave a brief smile, comforted by those words but still not completely sure that they would follow through.
  • Faith is a great comforter in a time of despair, such as when worrying about one's own death or that of friends or relatives.
  • And it was a nice touch when she had to be comforted by the conductor. The Sun
  • She dreams she leans over the brown dust and lifts a brown leaf that is a moth, holds it inside her mouth to revive the flutter from a frost now covering the still-live glass, the fallen pears half eaten by deer, and her shoulders exposed from the comforter her lover always drags to his side of the mattress. Wednesday Shout Out : Rigoberto González : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • The essential foundation of the pianoforte was the metal strings, necessitating hammers for inciting the vibrations, and affording in the superior solidity incident to metal support a firmness and susceptibility to development. A Popular History of the Art of Music From the Earliest Times Until the Present
  • Sandu's art is on paper executed with one, or a mixture, of the following techniques: etching, aqua forte, aquatint, dry point and mezzotint.
  • But the worst of it is, that in such afflictions as yours is, the idea of ever becoming comforted is altogether loathsome, and so, my darling, I can do you no good. Selections from the Letters of Geraldine Endsor Jewsbury to Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • I sighed deeply, letting my body sink down into the comforter, too fatigued to try and appear in control in all the ways I clearly wasn't.
  • Music has been his forte and he has let the sound of his sitar do all the talking.
  • Relying entirely on shock value is the forte of the non-genius filmmaker; making effective shockers, but hardly making the audience anxious.
  • The crib should be empty, with no blankets, pillows, soft materials, stuffed toys, sheepskin, or comforters.
  • Although he managed to freshen up this look a bit by pairing a fitted ivory jacket with a delightfully swingy chiffon skirt, grand and brand-new statements are not his forte.
  • And it was a nice touch when she had to be comforted by the conductor. The Sun
  • This technique begins at the instant when the foible of the adversary's blade is against the forte of your blade.
  • Se o velho papa santificava a torto e a direito, o novo papa emitiu directivas que constragem fortemente os processos de santificação. Leituras
  • Agreian a offert ce precieux couteau (qu'il adorait plus que tout) a Calintz pour symboliser leur (tres forte) amitié. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • They caught Forte in the darkness with their search lights, and a booming voice through a megaphone said, ‘Halt.’
  • At home, Sabrina is comforted by her black cat Salem (usually an animatronics puppet but sometimes shown as a real cat).
  • The Hebrew name, probably in the intensive form, Nahhum, signifies primarily "full of consolation or comfort", hence "consoler" (St. Jerome, consolator), or "comforter". The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • Dick felt slightly comforted when he learned that the oculist was a clever man who had been well known in Barcelona until he was forced to leave the city after taking part in some revolutionary plot. Brandon of the Engineers
  • I bought a down comforter to put inside the duvet.
  • By the way, Fred is alive and well in Wellington and looking forward to a new season of javelin throwing, his forte nowadays, along with track and field administration.
  • Language, never a Miller forte, is particularly troubling here: modern, but with a light dusting of archaism, which rings artificial.
  • We thread our way through the cemetery(Sentence dictionary), misquoting or humming quietly and almost comforted.
  • She comforted the grieving child with a tight embrace.
  • But he was discomforted with that saying, and went away mourning, for he had great possessions.
  • Fortescue next explains that a bastard cannot inherit because, under Common law, a bastard child has no father and is nameless.
  • The wiry, plangent sound of Kurosaki's 1801 violin is perfectly complemented by the percussive but singing tone of Linda Nicholson's Viennese fortepiano, especially effective in the powerful C minor Sonata Op 30 No 2. Beethoven: violin sonatas vol 4, op 30 nos 1 - 3; violin sonatas 'Kreutzer' op 47, no 10 op 96
  • The Spirit, as a comforter, is the earnest of our inheritance. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • A little straw makes a great reek," said Bruce, laughing, "and when a mon gives out before his pipe, he is like to be burnet," and he pointed to a long black and brown singe on the worsted comforter of the traveller, by which we understood that Picton had fallen asleep, pipe in mouth, and then dropped his lighted _dudeen_ just on the safest part of his neck. Acadia or, A Month with the Blue Noses
  • Many MPs comforted each other as they wiped away tears. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ses murs font près de 3m d'épaisseur, sa toiture est composée de 2 dalles en béton fortement armées, séparées entre elles par une chambre d'éclatement qui jouait un rôle antidéflagration. Archive 2009-04-01
  • He turns back to look at his brother lying peacefully under the comforter and blankets of his daybed.
  • Ann came to see me when I was in hospital. She was a real Job's comforter! She told me about somebody who had the same operation as me, and then died a month later.
  • The ascendency of Hardwicke's position was aided by two factors in addition to Fortescue's retirement.
  • A bumpy discursiveness was always his method's mark, even his forte, but here it shows excessive wobble.
  • Strange to listen to the tempi, the fortes knowing that it was the master himself who gave his impression of his music. Frank Scheffer’s Conducting Mahler (1996)
  • Another said, "Be comforted, Yussuf, three days will soon pass away, and then you will relish your kabobs, and your rakee, your sweetmeats and your wine, with greater pleasure, having been so long deprived of them. The Pacha of Many Tales
  • Sensibile forte destruit sensum, a strong object overcometh the sight, according to that axiom in philosophy: fulgorem solis ferre non potes, multo magis creatoris; if thou canst not endure the sunbeams, how canst thou endure that fulgor and brightness of him that made the sun? Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Repeat starting pianissimo and making a crescendo to forte and then a diminuendo.
  • She hugged her pillow and snuggled under the warm comforter, but the sound of running water pried her eyes open again.
  • I realized presently that my special forte lay in directing a sizable garden like that rather than in performing the actual labor, especially when June arrived and the sun began to approach the perpendicular and take on callithump. Dwellers in Arcady The Story of an Abandoned Farm
  • The Petrarchian Sonnet is not quite as successful, Cliburn's dynamics favoring mezzo-forte and forte a little too much throughout.
  • Her interest in teaching and music blossomed and she qualified with a music degree in pianoforte.
  • Note 70: Salvo Burci, fol. 106vb: Forte dicent Erretici Quare dixit dominus talium est regnum celorum si non erant perfecti. A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • Management changes are under way that will finally bring down the curtain on Lord Forte's extraordinary working life.
  • Repeated pulls at the bell, and arrivals too numerous to particularise: papas and mammas, and aunts and uncles, the owners and guardians of the different pupils; the singing – master, Signor Lobskini, in a black wig; the piano – forte player and the violins; the harp, in a state of intoxication; and some twenty young men, who stood near the door, and talked to one another, occasionally bursting into a giggle. Sketches by Boz
  • There I abode a long time, and was fo bewitched by that enemy of pil - grims, that I would not be feen where pilgrims reforted, un - lefs by night; and then avoided all converfe with them: but altjio* my ccnfcience daily reproached my conduift; yet I ilridly attonded fefrpk fervice in Arminiafi-freety againit my better knowledge. Christian memoirs, or, a review of the present state of religion in England : in the form of a new pilgrimage to the heavenly Jerusalem ..
  • It is the American dream, but also the socialist Utopia, the glimmer of hope for the poor, the comforter of the oppressed who yearn for salvation.
  • Then she brought a comforter -- she called it a "futon" -- from the cupboard. The Japanese Twins
  • She couldn't help but snuggle against the warm comforter, taking in its scent and texture.
  • Again, the dreaded "North Caucasian *ƛ̣_VẋwV ( ˜ Ł_-)" contains only two wildcards (the two instances of V) and uncertainty about whether the initial consonant was ejective or voiced (in other words, it was not aspirated; unlike American ones, Caucasian ejectives are lenes, not fortes, so I'm not terribly surprised it's not always possible to tell if such a lenis was voiced or ejective). How NOT to reconstruct a protolanguage
  • My forte is a beautiful, tall bearded iris of heavy substance.
  • Transfixed, discomforted, we can't turn away from the spectacle as it lurches into even more ghastly territory.
  • A fur-and-pearls clientele come to be comforted with well-cooked classics such as tortellini al tartufo.
  • Iam verò coelestem habere materiam, nemo audebit dicere: Ne forte inde aliquis suspicetur, glaciem hanc barathrum, quod illi Historici affingunt, secum è coelo traxisse: Vel id coelo, quippe eiusdem materiæ cum glacie, commune esse, atque ita carcer damnatorum cum A briefe commentarie of Island, by Arngrimus Ionas
  • Colours merge and forms emerge from within - as is Karunakaran's forte.
  • Then she would be comforted by the thought that, once married, lovers lived happily ever after.
  • She comforted William, who had not liked being thrown about, and rowed on to the staithe. Coot Club
  • Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra double bass player Michael Fortescue will play at the event.
  • ‘Oh, come on, like it's really any different from human tranks,’ Fisher comforted, reaching the first floor.
  • I am sure, though, she will be comforted by the fact that her late husband touched the lives of so many in such a positive way.
  • Reb for the link): "L'Orchestra du Roi Soleil, Raymond Scott, Sibelius, Mozart, The Beach Boys 'song In My Room, and the gravicèmbalo col piano e forte all make appearances in Cadaver Dogs, as well musical terms like hemiola and tactus. WhimsyLand
  • The finest collaborators, however, can create true fortes when necessary while de-emphasizing specific parts of the texture that would otherwise interfere with their musical partner's efforts.
  • No more toilet humor: NSO contrabassoonist trades in 'flatulent' instrument for sweeter contraforte Redskins Insider Podcast -- The Washington Post
  • Now, it in a stage-coach in the depth of winter, when three passengers are warm and snug, a fourth, all besnowed and frozen, descends from the outside and takes place amongst them, straightway all the three passengers shift their places, uneasily pull up their cloak collars, re - arrange their "comforters," feel indignantly a sensible loss of caloric: the intruder has at least made a sensation. The Caxtons — Volume 09
  • The idea that he was not alone comforted him greatly.
  • I held her hand and comforted her, an inadequate gesture for an elderly person about to live on the street in a tent.

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