
How To Use Forsooth In A Sentence

  • So that there on her head sang the ring-sword forsooth The Tale of Beowulf Sometime King of the Folk of the Weder Geats
  • You might then talk, forsooth, to the macaronies of Maryland, of your daughter the Richard Carvel — Volume 03
  • Instant, I was forsooth scared in my innermost only possess any other bitterness and haze, Even if modicum can makes myself incapable give melody music comeliness encounter.
  • Why must my name forsooth be given up to the Commander-in-Chief as that of the most guilty of the grumblers? The Virginians
  • The lad might daub his canvases, christen a child a year, and be as happy as any young donkey that browses on this common of ours — but he must go and heehaw after a zebra forsooth! The Newcomes
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  • Forsooth, these Darlings are nothing more, to their contemptuous certainty, than the offset of some court favorite, too low to have won nobility, in the reign of some light-affectioned king. Springhaven
  • Forsooth, so weary were we with sorrow, and our hunger was now quenched, that we laid us down and slept at once, and forgat our troubles. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • Forsooth , each one of them wants to be given scrolls (of revelation) spread out!
  • Levite, forsooth, has the impudence to tell me that I don’t understand Hebrew; and affirms that the word Benoni signifies The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
  • Then the young men ran afoot before her for the prize of a belt and knife, and forsooth she wotted well that were she to run against them with trussed-up skirts she would bear off the prize; but she had no heart thereto, for amidst them all, and her new friendships, she had grown shamefast, and might play the wood-maiden no longer. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • The lad might daub his canvases, christen a child a year, and be as happy as any young donkey that browses on this common of ours -- but he must go and heehaw after a zebra forsooth! The Newcomes
  • And now Birdalone told herself that the knight was frank and friendly; yet forsooth she wotted that her heart scarce trowed what it feigned, and that she yet feared him. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • Does he adduce this to prove that the light of knowledge should be trameled in its vigorous growth, that philosophy should be bloted out from the world because forsooth a few of its devoted have deserted the pristine faith at a time when the whole nation was tinctured "Have Men of Action Been More Beneficial to the World Than Men of Thought?" Debate Speech of Hamilton C. Jones, Jr., for the Dialectic Society, June 2, 1857
  • He who exposed the gallantries of a Lady of Quality, or the faults and foibles of a Patrician, was, forsooth, deemed to bear hostile purposes against the Commonwealth: for this is the construction of Treason by the Lawyers.
  • And now, forsooth, was her queenhood forgotten, and better and better to her seemed Christopher's valiant love; and the meeting in the hall of the eventide was so sweet to her, that she might do little but stand trembling whiles Christopher came up to her, and Joanna's trim feet were speeding her over the floor to meet her man, that she might be a sharer in his deeds of the day. Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair
  • Ay, forsooth; but he is as tall a man of his hands as any is between this and his head; he hath fought with a warrener. The Merry Wives of Windsor
  • _ Ay, forsooth, he's a child, you must conceive, and must be used tenderly; he was never in such an assembly before, forsooth, but once at the Warmoll Quest, forsooth, where he said grace as prettily as any of the sheriff's hinch-boys, forsooth. In The Yule-Log Glow, Vol. IV (of IV)
  • You pretend to carry despatches to a general who has been dead these ten months: you have an uncle who is an ambassador, and whose name forsooth you don't know. Barry Lyndon
  • Mediterranean in English steamers, in the same way as these were brought from Malta to Gibraltar in the Prometheus — as, forsooth, servants and passengers. Travels in Morocco
  • Thou deem’st it Hell but here, forsooth, is Heaven, The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Give thou me, I prithee, a break, forsooth.
  • Giles Gosling, the cowardly hilding, refused me one on any terms whatever, lest, forsooth, he should suffer. Kenilworth
  • We repeat it, -- public opinion made them slaves, and keeps them slaves; in other words, it sunk them from men to chattels, and now, forsooth, this same public opinion will see to it, that these _chattels_ are treated like _men! The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 3 of 4
  • Ay, lad," said Denys triumphantly, "it gains ground every day, in spite of their laws and their proclamations to keep up the yewen bow, because forsooth their grandsires shot with it, knowing no better. The Cloister and the Hearth
  • Forsooth this is a shameful custom of a lady, and if I had not a great matter in my hand I should fordo your evil customs. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • Behold, as they approach the southern mid-winter of the Horn, when they have need of all their feathers, they proceed to moult, because, forsooth, this is the summer time in the land they came from. CHAPTER XXXI
  • ‘Ah, forsooth, and is it your worship indeed?‘cried the good dame.
  • So that forsooth, some folks may behappen to cry peccavi. Anna St. Ives
  • But let him now dare _allude_ to Romanism -- he offends one-half of his congregation -- he is _preaching_ politics -- they will hear him no more; or forsooth, which is more common, they will withhold his support and starve him out! Americanism Contrasted with Foreignism, Romanism, and Bogus Democracy in the Light of Reason, History, and Scripture; In which Certain Demagogues in Tennessee, and Elsewhere, are Shown Up in Their True Colors
  • C.S.C.), and read and enjoy the smart slating Mr. LEHMANN administers to tumid, tumultuous, thrasonic, turncoatist ALGERNON CHARLES SWINBURNE, for saying of the brilliant and well-beloved Author of _Fly Leaves_, &c., that he -- forsooth! Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 103, July 23, 1892
  • When all the atmosphere is tremulous with airs from heaven or blasts from hell, must we, forsooth! stop and philosophically investigate what Hamlet means by a "_dram of eale" _? Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 17, No. 099, March, 1876
  • Your city-mannerly word forsooth, use it not too often in any case. Diary of Samuel Pepys — Complete 1661 N.S.
  • Forsooth, I knew not you had so much of ingenious art; algates, the toy is somewhat ghastly. The Last of the Barons — Volume 06
  • When I mentioned that I couldn't quite see that it was the lack of thrift, the intemperance, and the depravity of a half-starved child of six that made it work twelve hours every night in a Southern cotton mill, these sisters of Judy O'Grady attacked my private life and called me an "agitator" -- as though that, forsooth, settled the argument. Revolution, and Other Essays
  • Moreover it seems to me atrocious that we who insist on seven millions of Catholics supporting a church they call heretical, should dare to talk of our scruples (conscientious scruples forsooth!) about assisting with a poor pittance of very insufficient charity their 'damnable idolatry.' The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  • Forsooth," said Sir Robin, "my wife is not come of such blood as that she shall misdo against me, and I may not believe in it nowise: Old French Romances
  • May 19, 2007 at 12:23 pm group of cats is called a clowder akshully also is archaic form of clutter and thus more ellygant, forsooth In ur yardz… - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • He beginneth not with obscure definitions, which must blur the margent with interpretations, and load the memory with doubtfulness: but he cometh to you with words sent in delightful proportion, either accompanied with, or prepared for the well enchanting skill of music; and with a tale forsooth he cometh unto you: with a tale which holdeth children from play, and old men from the chimney corner. English literary criticism
  • The godlike part of the cod, which, like the human head, is curiously and wonderfully made, forsooth has but little less brain in it, -- coming to such an end! to be craunched by cows! Cape Cod
  • And yet, in the face of famine and the rigorous winter, he went out gayly in quest of a mess of trout, forsooth, because he "doted" on them! MOON-FACE
  • Forsooth she wondered that the stark and gruff old man was so changed to her in little space; for nought she knew as yet how the sight of her cast a hot gleed of love into the hearts of them who beheld her. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • Wherefore the she-wolf went red and white by turns, and fumed, and fretted her bedizenments with unrestful hands, and when she should let us go our ways, she lingered and looked back oft, and was loth to depart ere she had gotten what she lacked, and that, forsooth, was the said flasket. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • And indeed I think she would have done it off her that minute had I pressed her, but I lacked the boldness thereto; and I said: Nay, but would she bring it unto me the next time we met; and forsooth she brought it folded in a piece of green silk, and dearly have I loved it and kissed it sithence. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • Audiences should be sure to arrive early for the evening's performance, in order to catch a special curtain-raiser called Seuss Forsooth.
  • And now, forsooth, was her queenhood forgotten, and better and better to her seemed Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair
  • Forsooth ye wot that not unseldom do women use the custom of going arrayed like men, when they would journey with hidden head; and ye may happen upon such gear as hath been made for such a woman rather than any man; but thou shalt get me also a short bow and a quiver of arrows, for verily these be my proper weapons that I can deal with deftly. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • Ay, forsooth: but he is as tall a man of his hands as any is between this and his head; he hath fought with a warrener. The Merry Wives of Windsor
  • Forsooth! then you set a kind of stagy, theatrical tone for the book. What I bought – 5 December 2007 | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • Hear sentence forsooth, that is, the ratling of broken glasses, and the expounding of dreams? The Satyricon of Petronius Arbiter
  • _ Ay, forsooth: but he is as tall a man of his hands as any is between this and his head; he hath fought with a warrener. The Merry Wives of Windsor The Works of William Shakespeare [Cambridge Edition] [9 vols.]
  • But again the old carle drew nigher to her, and said: Thou seemest to have a good bow and store of arrows; if thou wouldst lend them to me for a little, and come with me into the wood hard by, I might shoot thee some venison with little toil to thee; whereas, forsooth, thou lookest scarce like one who is meet for over-much toil. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • Ay, forsooth; but he is as tall a man of his hands as any is between this and his head: he hath fought with a warrener. Act I. Scene IV. The Merry Wives of Windsor
  • Ay, forsooth; I have spoke with her and we have a nayword how to know one another. Act V. Scene II. The Merry Wives of Windsor
  • Though, forsooth, little matter was it to any man there whether Turk or Magyar was their over-lord, since to one master or another they had to pay the due tale of labouring days in the year, and hard was the livelihood that they earned for themselves on the days when they worked for themselves and their wives and children.
  • By his own craft forsooth, dreed the work of the swimming; The Tale of Beowulf Sometime King of the Folk of the Weder Geats
  • How soothing it is, forsooth, to desire coolth and vanquish inadequate Brit warmth.
  • No, forsooth: he hath but a little wheyface, with a little yellow beard—a cane-coloured beard. Act I. Scene IV. The Merry Wives of Windsor
  • Valiant men, forsooth, shall arise in the beginning of these evil times, but though they shall die as ye shall, yet shall not their deaths be fruitful as yours shall be; because ye, forsooth, are fighting against villeinage which is waning, but they shall fight against usury which is waxing. A Dream of John Ball and a King's Lesson
  • Begging your bread, forsooth, and mumbling like a fieldhand! THE NUMBERS
  • For she seemed to find it hard when they kissed, as paired folk are bound to do, to let her lips leave his, and when their hands parted at the end of the Mote she gave a great sigh, and put her cheek toward him for a parting kiss, which forsooth he gave her somewhat unheedfully; for he was looking hard toward the other shore to see if he could make out the shape of Elfhild amongst the women there; as he had done whenever he gat a chance of it all day long, but had failed wholly therein. The Sundering Flood
  • Attacked!" repeated Wolfe, -- "attacked!" and then suddenly sinking his voice into a sort of sneer, "why, since the event which this painting is designed to commemorate, I know not if we have ever had one solitary gleam of liberty break along the great chaos of jarring prejudice and barbarous law which we term forsooth a glorious constitution. The Disowned — Volume 02

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