How To Use Fornicator In A Sentence

  • S: The fornicator shall not marry any but a fornicatress or idolatress, and (as for) the fornicatress, none shall marry her but a fornicator or an idolater; and it is forbidden to the believers. Three Translations of The Koran (Al-Qur'an) side by side
  • He published his own poetry as well as international lit-wigs Allen Ginsberg, Norman Mailer, Gregory Corso and East Village luminaries like Ted Berrigan in a zine called Fuck You/A Magazine of the Arts. In late 1964, he and brother poet Tuli Kupferberg co-founded the Fugs, the name borrowed from Mailer's fornicatory euphemism. Michael Simmons: Ed Sanders: The American Bard Takes On Katrina
  • Would you say that fellow Republican, Governor Sanford is a fornicator, or a co-habitator? McDonnell blasted for controversial research paper
  • And yet not one member of the House or Senate would consider supporting a constitutional amendment to discriminate against fornicators or adulterers.
  • According to the laws of Moses, those who were found in fornicatory intercourse, must marry. The Dominant Sex: A Study in the Sociology of Sex Differentiation, by Mathilde and Mathias Vaerting; translated from the German by Eden and Cedar Paul
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  • The woman who is not currently a fornicatress can only marry a man who is not currently a fornicator. Ave Sharia
  • I wonder if Bob McDonnell knew when he wrote his thesis at Pat Robertson's Regents University that Pat Robertson was a fornicator?? McDonnell blasted for controversial research paper
  • South Carolina's GOP includes Mark Sanford (fornicator & liar), Thomas Ravenel (drug addict,) and Jim DeMint (dumbest member of the US Senate). Wilson calls White House to apologize
  • Will we change the Constitution to restrict the rights of fornicators, adulterers or divorcees in the interest of protecting the ‘sanctity’ of marriage?
  • They play in a band and sing songs; they pass out leaflets; and they scold the fornicators who live next door.
  • As we went back to our ships, we saw three waylayers, who, having been taken in ambuscado, were going to be broken on the wheel; and a huge fornicator was burned with a lingering fire for beating a way and breaking one of its sides; we were told it was the way of the banks of the Nile in Egypt. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • The Muslim fornicator can only marry a Muslim fornicatress. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • American Adulterer," a compelling, if sometimes distressingly clinical, historical fiction that gives the 35th president's life as an unrepentant "fornicator" a full physical. - News
  • S: (As for) the fornicatress and the fornicator, flog each of them, Three Translations of The Koran (Al-Qur'an) side by side
  • The 17 year old daughter is a "fornicator" as well as the hockey player, who is also a "rapist," having relations with an underage teen. Elections - fresh news by
  • Part of the fun of being young is deliberate contrarianism and the Fugs were so contrary that many publications wouldn't even print their name they borrowed from Norman Mailer's fornicatory euphemism in his WW II novel The Full Feed from
  • The fornicator can only marry a fornicatress -- and vice versa. Ave Sharia
  • Esau's foolish marriage -- foolish, some think, in marrying two wives together, for which perhaps he is called a fornicator (Heb.xii. 16), or rather in marrying Canaanites, who were strangers to the blessing of Abraham, and subject to the curse of Noah, for which he is called profane; for hereby he intimated that he neither desired the blessing nor dreaded the curse of God. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume I (Genesis to Deuteronomy)
  • “Dr. P’s fornicatory dolls”— mute and anatomically correct, just the way his nineteenth-century customers liked them. Crashed
  • By the late eighteenth century, New England law enforcers arrested few fornicators or adulterers, though premarital and extramarital sex had hardly disappeared.
  • Part of the fun of being young is deliberate contrarianism and the Fugs were so contrary that many publications wouldn't even print their name they borrowed from Norman Mailer's fornicatory euphemism in his WW II novel The Naked and The Dead. Michael Simmons: For The Benefit Of Tuli Kupferberg
  • By the late eighteenth century, New England law enforcers arrested few fornicators or adulterers, though premarital and extramarital sex had hardly disappeared.
  • Get rid of this hypocritical fornicator IMMEDIATELY! First on the Ticker: GOP support for Sanford impeachment grows
  • Her mother had not been a fornicator or adulteress who delivered up the baby to an orphanage with the name pinned to a blanket. Heartfire
  • The man who is not currently a fornicator can only marry a woman who is not currently a fornicatress or a chaste woman from the people of the Book. Ave Sharia
  • And if they are, how would you punish the fornicator or adulterer?

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