How To Use Formulate In A Sentence

  • A statistical model for decay and formation of heavy hadronic resonances is formulated.
  • OBJECTIVE : To optimize the extraction technique of moschus and formulate the preparation procedure for Shehuang - babu ji.
  • I believed that there was such a question and that it was up to us, students of the poem, to formulate it. The Empty Family
  • The 40-member steering committee was mandated to formulate agreements on all outstanding issues and to draft legislation to formalize any agreements.
  • In this paper, an inverse eigen derivative method (IEDM) for dynamic modification of mechanical structures is formulated for improving the eigen derivative method(EDM).
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  • Jenkins put into action the antiriot plan formulated as a preventative measure for the summer. Burial for a King
  • Recently reformulated, it is paraben-free and really leaves hair shining. Times, Sunday Times
  • We have to look for someone who can formulate strategic goals -- and I'm going to have to use the term reuse -- to reuse what is there now, and federate what is there now, and federate with as light a touch as possible. BriefingsDirect Transcripts
  • Equation for short-time burst pressure of pipes reinforced by cross helically wound wires (PSP) was formulated based on method of force equivalent.
  • ‘Achieving the Vision’ was formulated by the Local Strategic Partnership, an interface between business and the regulators.
  • These fields of practice, along with the study of gerontology, have formulated many workable answers to the hard questions.
  • Working at about the same time, Heisenberg formulated matrix mechanics, which was the first complete and self-consistent theory of quantum mechanics.
  • Aboriginal society had mechanisms, even though unformulated and largely unconscious to its practitioners, of dealing with religious flexibility.
  • Aluminium cleaners: There is a wide range of products formulated specifically for cleaning aluminium cladding and vehicle bodies.
  • fireworks, Fourth of July, United States, Independence Day Peacock Feather/Dragonfly: Pyrotechnicians agree that the blue-violet shades of this peacock feather are the most challenging to formulate.
  • Its aim was to examine scientific evidence on climate change, assess environmental and socio-economic impacts and formulate realistic response strategies.
  • In my judgment an attempt to formulate a duty of care in this way is wholly misconceived.
  • The rapid rise of the republic challenges every new generation of historians to formulate new explanations.
  • Use a baby formulated toothpaste, or one containing fluoride, and gently rub it around the teeth and gums.
  • Because real people formulate and enact political ideas, it is often easy to locate the supposed evil of a given idea in its human agent.
  • Strategic Studies said the 2005 meeting may help formulate ways to tackle issues such as HIV/AIDS but the long-term eradication of poverty would be beyond their grasp. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • 'Hindu tradition and history is replete with stories and references to' bhumi ', to mother earth, and we want to help Hindus re-learn these sacred teachings and find new relevance for them in the modern world,' said Centre director Shaunaka Rishi Das, who helped formulate the project. India eNews
  • The laser dynamics are formulated using the Maxwell - Bloch equations.
  • As a rule each individual tenet is formulated in an extremely brief way.
  • Although anathemas followed against any who disagreed with the faith so formulated, there was no prohibition against altering the creed at a future council.
  • Could biological research really refute the insights Freud formulated about mankind?
  • As I lay "doggo" I formulated many plans for stealing their food to replenish my store, but finally decided that the risk was too great. 'Brother Bosch', an Airman's Escape from Germany
  • The exercise itself actively helps you to formulate your aims and strategy for bargaining.
  • The economic slow down actually offers an opportunity to re-assess and reformulate the structure of mass transit investment.
  • The reason for this highly appreciative epithet is probably that de Gennes has succeeded in perceiving common features in order phenomena in very widely differing physical systems, and has been able to formulate rules for how such systems move from order to disorder. Press Release: The 1991 Nobel Prize in Physics
  • Two different continuum electrostatic models are formulated to describe the ion solvation inside the nanotube.
  • Surely if the market is held repeatedly firms would realize this and formulate strategies that determine their actions overtime.
  • Many products are unlicensed, often formulated by inappropriately qualified people using information gleaned from human herbals.
  • Any plans for expanding AmeriCorps (a program he once opposed but now embraces) remain unformulated, perhaps because the idea is too connected to Bill Clinton. The Politics Of Personality
  • Essentially, council subcommittee recommendations formulated the week of September 17 were accepted without question by the full council five days later.
  • This merely reformulates the problem, however, since the difficulty then is to distinguish between contracts of service and contracts for services.
  • He might have been too gentle a soul for the furnace of the Old Firm, but if he were a spikier character he had plenty of evidence from which to formulate an assertive case for his own defence.
  • Using Walker's definition of womanism, at the beginning of In Search of Our Mother's Gardens, Lauret indicates how Hurston serves as a model, as Walker formulates, revises, and offers a critique of the term.
  • The waterborne epoxy coatings for inner cabin are formulated.
  • In fact, the FCO's guidance papers and the government position they underpin have been formulated, so internal policy memoranda reveal, in a hitherto successful effort not to upset the" neuralgic "Turkish government. Armenian News - PanARMENIAN.Net
  • This article formulate that internalization advantage and competitive advantage are inner impulse of the positive correlation between financial FDI and nonfinancial FDI.
  • There's no need to divorce oneself from the past, but I don't see a need to reformulate and recreate the bisection of society either.
  • Most people in the history of humanity -- the overwhelming majority, really -- have not independently formulated theories of electromagnetics, or even practical approximations of same, so "nobody came up with that" is a lot easier to defend than "the basic forces all happen to work in exactly the same way except when I didn't want them to. Barnstorming on an Invisible Segway
  • This system of belief was further formulated into the theological system of Yin-yang and the human world.
  • This road map was specifically formulated to create opportunities for students to continue their exploration of space throughout their educational careers; then once thier educational career is complete, the students are then primed for a career in aerospace industry. Today's Video: Inspire Me! Weightless Flights of Discovery - NASA Watch
  • And after having in this way, quietly and by subreption, introduced this its definition of the term "_bourgeoisie_," the indictment goes on to formulate its final charge as follows: The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Volume 10 Prince Otto Von Bismarck, Count Helmuth Von Moltke, Ferdinand Lassalle
  • On the contrary he suggested that the Law Ministry must "reformulate" the amendments and should come up with the Information Technology Amendment Act, 2009 (IT Act 2009). Finally IT Amendment Act 2009 Of India Will See The Light Of The Day
  • Serial sonographic study of fetuses with lung lesions has helped clinicians to define the natural history of these lesions, determine the pathophysiologic features that affect clinical outcome and formulate management plans that are based on prognosis. Bronchopulmonary sequestration and Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid
  • In the intervening weeks since their discussion she had started to formulate a plan. YELLOW BIRD
  • Originally formulated to counteract the bites of venomous creatures, theriacs became general antidotes for poisons, venoms or ailments.
  • And for this reason -- that though Nature lays down the great constitutional laws within which man, her completest representative, must work; and though Nature as a whole formulates the main outlines of her ideal; yet man _within that constitution_ can make his own laws, and within its main outlines may refine and perfect the ideal. The Heart of Nature or, The Quest for Natural Beauty
  • Politics is about compromise, but ultimately the political process can shape and develop policy before the ultimate decision is formulated and presented by government.
  • Those who formulate defense policy and military strategy must learn to see beyond the immediate and the obvious.
  • He claims that the writer never consciously formulated his own theoretical position.
  • This opinion was in practice formulated based on the nugatory answer to a linguistic conception that whether a music segment is clearly signified is justified on the basis of its signified relations.
  • To circumvent this difficulty, Hegel reformulates the problem of necessity as pertaining to the structuration of consciousness.
  • What's the incentive to reformulate if it results in falling sales? Times, Sunday Times
  • Its aim was to examine scientific evidence on climate change, assess environmental and socio-economic impacts and formulate realistic response strategies.
  • Never perhaps until C. G. Jung do we find the concept of archetypes of the collective unconscious so clearly formulated.
  • Here, I formulate four rules that are generally accepted among scientists and that, if consequently applied, serve as a self-regulating system.
  • This has led many to reformulate products, aiming to match the taste of the original but using sweeteners instead. Times, Sunday Times
  • The formidable challenge for progressive bishops and theologians who dominated the Second Vatican Council was to formulate a compelling alternative.
  • Freudian psychoanalysis refers to a specific type of treatment in which the "analysand" analytic patient verbalizes thoughts, including free associations, fantasies, and dreams, from which the analyst formulates the unconscious conflicts causing the patient's symptoms and character problems, and interprets them for the patient to create insight for resolution of the problems. Analysand verbalizes thoughts
  • To Strengthen Enforcement Chinese government has formulated and promulgated a series of laws, rules and regulations for wild life conservation.
  • The second problem was of a more subtle kind, and was well formulated by Lessing himself.
  • No kitty can resist the lure of this specially formulated combination of sensational delights.
  • I say this because so many people cannot bring themselves to formulate an opinion, let alone an informed one.
  • Only use products that are specially formulated for safe use on leather.
  • After consistent, continuous research he successfully formulated a principle to describe the nature of catalysis which is satisfactory for the present state of knowledge, namely that catalytic action consists in the modification, by the acting substance, the catalyst, of the rate at which a chemical reaction occurs, without that substance itself being part of the end-products formed. Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1909 - Presentation Speech
  • The notion of improving the condition of the poor had not yet dawned on the mind of the governing class; to make the artizan and the operative self-supporting and self-respectful was a movement not merely unformulated, but a conception beyond the parturient faculty of a member of the Jacquerie. Old Cookery Books and Ancient Cuisine
  • Having formulated their hypothesis, they conduct rigorous experiments to test it.
  • And quite frequently I state a number of definitions and ask students to formulate some theorems using them.
  • In attempting to formulate a judgment over these seven new methods for the diagnosis of luetic disease, we can deal with some very briefly.
  • Foremost, he was an original thinker with ideas, and with an ability to formulate new questions in new ways.
  • Oxygen Biotherapeutics, which commercializes oxygen therapeutics products, said it has started distribution of a reformulated over-the-counter cosmetic gel, Dermacyte, for the beauty and skin-care markets. Nara Drops
  • He was verbally inarticulate and could not enunciate a clear concept or formulate ideas.
  • The Ares I launch vehicle's first stage is a single, five-segment reusable solid rocket booster derived from the Space Shuttle Program's reusable solid rocket motor that burns a specially formulated and shaped solid propellant called polybutadiene acrylonitrile (PBAN). Documenting Reality
  • Concept learning can be formulated as a problem of searching through a predefined space of potential hypotheses for the hypothesis that best fits the training examples.
  • This new kitchen cleaner is formulated to cut through grease and dirt.
  • I marshal evidence for the concepts or hypotheses that formulate my insight before I judge that something is true or not.
  • Twenty-two blended shades of blues, greens, reds and beiges were studied and formulated into five accepted tones for the aircraft cabins.
  • Potassium nitrate, also known as niter or saltpeter, has been used to preserve meat and is found in toothpaste formulated for sensitive teeth.
  • The 5th-century BCE context nevertheless was the crucible in which the ideas and approaches of many different schools of thought were clearly formulated and established in relation to one another.
  • By 1774, Virginia was taking the lead as the colonies began to organize and formulate a unified response to British rule.
  • The problem of scattering of an obliquely incident plane acoustic wave from an infinite solid elastic clad rod is formulated.
  • More palatable calcium and vitamin D preparations have been formulated.
  • In the intervening weeks since their discussion she had started to formulate a plan. YELLOW BIRD
  • Several reporters notionally formulated questions they might later decide to pose to campaign officials in the hope of determining whether the president had intimated an accusation he did not want to make explicit. O: A Presidential Novel
  • Therefore, on the complex plane, robust stability can be formulated by minimization of pseudospectra abscissa.
  • What's the incentive to reformulate if it results in falling sales? Times, Sunday Times
  • The new oil is formulated with high-quality Group II base stocks and uses a proprietary, premium additive package containing ashless dispersants, oxidation inhibitors, metallic detergents and a metallic anti-wear agents. Business Wire Travel News
  • Accurate and precise estimates of forage energy content are required to formulate diets properly for lactating dairy cows and other ruminants.
  • The contract was formulated in difficult legal language.
  • Do you think that the governor of Idaho had access to the MAGIC decrypts, and that he formulated his demand for ‘concentration camps’ on the basis of an evidence-based belief of military necessity?
  • What he must do is to formulate an assertion which contradicts our own, and give us his instruction for testing it.
  • But now the burden is on the sceptic to formulate an argument that does not depend on the doctrine.
  • Throughout the year, a number of innovative projects, programmes and initiatives were formulated and delivered.
  • It is curious that Eshref fell through his good faith, for when, a few months later, the Porte issued an irade asking for indication of the reforms needed in the provinces, he replied by calling the population to formulate their wants, which they did, asking for the reopening of the Drin so as to facilitate the draining of the Lake of Scutari, the making of roads and a railway from Scutari to Antivari on the seacoast. The Autobiography of a Journalist
  • Given the exorbitant cost of authentic civet scrapings nowadays, Civet absolute is often formulated from civetone, a synthetic alternative.
  • He studied, he formulated his system, he obtained the chair of metaphysics in the University of Madrid, and he founded a school, from which has since issued a brilliant pleiad of philosophers and statesmen, and of men illustrious for their learning, their eloquence, and their virtues. Author’s Preface to the First American Edition
  • Once the matter is formulated in this way, however, the important question is not so much the defensibility of the modest essentialist position as its significance.
  • He formulated a plan of attack.
  • They urgently need to formulate and clearly communicate a vision for a sound and stable euro area that deserves the name fiscal compact," Thomas Harjes, senior European economist at Barclays Capital in Frankfurt, wrote in a note on Jan. 6. -- Top News
  • Formulates design of orthosis; performs fitting and makes adjustments to ensure fit, function, cosmesis, and quality of work. Discover What You’re Best At
  • They then have to formulate their own submissions for the plan which will provide a blueprint for development in the town from 2006 to 2012.
  • If not, then formulate a sell strategy before you buy.
  • He said a consultancy will be awarded soon to look at existing system and formulate plans for fixing it.
  • For example, kinship practices that once favored partible inheritance may be collectively reformulated to favor primogeniture in response to shrinking land allotments and population growth.
  • We formulate a mathematical model for daily activities of a cow (eating, lying down, and stand - ing) in terms of a piecewise affine dynamical system. Math
  • Therefore one kind of substance can be defined and formulated, i.e. the composite kind, whether it be perceptible or intelligible; but the primary parts of which this consists cannot be defined, since a definitory formula predicates something of something, and one part of the definition must play the part of matter and the other that of form. Metaphysics
  • Its aim was to examine scientific evidence on climate change, assess environmental and socio-economic impacts and formulate realistic response strategies.
  • You can blame it on Star Wars (and the pernicious influence of “Fantasy”) if you want, but it goes back to every crappy drive-in B movie, every half-arsed rip-off of The Twilight Zone, every shitty piece of symbolically formulated kipple that came off the production-line broken and useless to all but the true believers, the geeks who loved it all for the lurid glory of its strangeness, however slipshod. Hey, Janet! Have You Got Syfy?
  • He ran a relentless crusade against the poison antidote formulated by Mithridates, the King of Pontus, Asia Minor, in the first century BC.
  • And just as under apartheid, people have been obliged to reformulate their ethnic identities in order to get access to resources.
  • The airline responded by withdrawing their latest offer, saying they ‘remain ready to reformulate a different offer acceptable to both parties on reasonable terms and conditions.’
  • Although Asia formulated the democratic idea far ahead of the West, it did not systematize it.
  • The people who formulated this hypothesis took a quantum leap in the wrong direction.
  • The evidence statute book, must be formulated which adapts with various lawsuits, or completes corresponding content in three procedural laws, but not the unified evidence statute book.
  • After prevention strategies are formulated and implemented, they must be evaluated for effectiveness.
  • In order to analyze controversy, we must formulate a more precise question, develop an experimental approach to collect and analyze data, then interpret the results.
  • A year would be enough for industry to reformulate. Times, Sunday Times
  • The defence of pluralism, however, was aligned to professional scholarship rather than a clearly formulated politics of education.
  • But it was not with this intervention level in mind that the rule of law and various protective judicial principles were formulated.
  • As the Court pointed out, the most important forum for consideration of claims of infeasibility is the state agency which initially formulates the SIP.
  • Mr. Cowell, 51 years old, sipped on his specially formulated antiaging smoothie, which he drinks daily, made with imported lingonberry, acerola berry, chokeberry and aronia juice flown in specially from exotic locations. The Judging of Simon Cowell
  • By the algorithm formulated in this study, a liveness-enforcing supervisor of FMS with simple structure and maximally permissive behavior can be found.
  • The so-called Aristotelian dramatic canons, formulated by A History of French Literature Short Histories of the Literatures of the World: II.
  • But it seems the time has come to reformulate the old dictum. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Charles Darwin formulated the theory of natural selection.
  • In view of this situation, IMO(International Maritime Organization) formulated the revelant conventions to limit the emission of these harmful gases.
  • Her research was still at the embryonic stage where she had to accumulate information before she could begin to formulate theories. THE LAST TEMPTATION
  • Table 1 details the major intellectual frameworks of economics and traces their primary lines of influence - what he called the filiation of ideas, but in this case frameworks within which we formulate ideas.
  • A marketing firm has formulated a special survey to weed out ‘whiny, entitled’ snowflakes, job candidates who are doomed to melt at the first sign of trouble.
  • Resolutions formulated by a committee, of which Dr. Alleman of the General Synod was a member, were unanimously adopted according to which members of one congregation may be received by another in a manner 'that no question of church-polity or doctrine need ever arise.' American Lutheranism Volume 2: The United Lutheran Church (General Synod, General Council, United Synod in the South)
  • What elevates good writers is the way they formulate their ideas.
  • Mr Pande said governments should formulate laws and plans for the advancement of local entrepreneurs to take up the running of the tourism sector.
  • He had no final answer to these questions, or rather, no neat aphorism that he cared to formulate as a philosophical truth. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Mr Swinson formulated what he described as the accounting conventions as to the recording of receipts.
  • Another factor that needs to be considered when policy is formulated is that lethal malformation will not always be diagnosed before delivery.
  • This has made it difficult to formulate general rules regarding evolutionary trajectories.
  • And then, with no premeditation at all, there came strange words from her, words clothing with unlessoned ease thoughts that certainly she had never formulated for Hugo Canning. V. V.'s Eyes
  • Under no circumstances use the peat-based seed or potting compost formulated for the growing of bedding and pot plants.
  • Building on the work of Feagin, Phinney and Chavira formulated an empirically derived typology of ethnic minority adolescents' responses to racial discrimination.
  • Zermelo introduces axioms of set theory, explicitly formulates AC and uses it to prove the well-ordering theorem, thereby raising a storm of controversy. The Axiom of Choice
  • he had well formulated opinions on schooling
  • Sir Isaac Newton formulated a single law of gravitation based on Kepler's three laws of planetary motion.
  • Given licence to formulate his subject matter, Goya turned to scenes of contemporary life, many of which featured stock types common in prints and theatre of his day.
  • We needed to get all these individuals with different responsibilities and conflicting constituencies to support our still unformulated plan. Dealings
  • The Chief Justice on Wednesday said the judges could be divided into three groups, but all held that the claim as formulated by the men demanding their rights under the South African constitution was misconceived.
  • The chafing of his chitin from the dryness of the air was plain to see, even though Cullen knew the exoarcheologist employed several specially formulated creams to maintain his exoskeleton's shine and character. Diuturnity's Dawn
  • Muscle & Joint Support capsules are specially formulated for pets and contain a unique formula combining herbal medicines, biochemic tissue salts and nutritional substances all well known for their positive effect on the skeletal system, including muscles, joints, cartilage and tendons. Wil's Ebay E-Store
  • Based on entropy uncertainty relation, the concept of entropy squeezing has been formulated.
  • In a compressed pivotal dialectic, the form of Victorian eschatology is formulated coextensively with its own historical force — as, so to say, the inherent Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • The order of castes, the _order of rank_, simply formulates the supreme law of life itself; the separation of the three types is necessary to the maintenance of society, and to the evolution of higher types, and the highest types -- the _inequality_ of rights is essential to the existence of any rights at all. The Antichrist
  • Women soldiers will also have to take down their favorite pin-ups, as one clause, expressly formulated to include both men and women, prohibits them from hanging up pornographic images that might offend others.
  • Practice-group leaders, who often have clerked for the Court or have argued before it, hold meetings and debates to formulate how to push case law toward Federalist principles.
  • A very little reflection will be sufficient to satisfy us that without the aid of conceptions higher than those of sense-experience -- and that is all the word metaphysic means -- it would be absolutely impossible to formulate a single scientific generalisation. Morality as a Religion An exposition of some first principles
  • Before she had a chance to formulate any plans, Madeleine herself telephoned one evening, full of excitement. MISS MELVILLE REGRETS
  • He claims that the writer never consciously formulated his own theoretical position.
  • Smith and Jones independently seek to confirm the newly formulated law of refraction.
  • We formulate a mathematical model for daily activities of a cow (eating, lying down, and stand - ing) in terms of a piecewise affine dynamical system. Math
  • In play, children create an imaginary situation in which rules of behaviour are formulated.
  • The theory, as it was originally formulated, combined gradualism with sudden and relatively rapid bursts of evolutionary change.
  • To calculate the constraint propagation path, constraint matrix and constraint propagation matrix are formulated, then a new fast algorithm is presented to identify the constraint loop.
  • Iodophor disinfectant solutions contain iodine formulated for use on fish eggs," the USGS said, adding although some disinfection treatments reduced hatch, iodophor treatment at 90 minutes after fertilization did not alter egg hatch or fry development. EcoWorld
  • After being purified, the moth virus is formulated to contain a sticking agent as well as an ultraviolet protectant to delay its inactivation in sunlight once used in the field.
  • To administer the cost standards for railway project construction, formulate railway project quota, estimates compilation methods and expenses standards.
  • Iran's challenge to the regional status quo is multifaceted, which is why Washington must adopt a comprehensive approach as it formulates its nascent engagement with Iran. Iran's New Target: Egypt
  • Gluten-free bread formulated with Prosopis ruscifolia (vinal) seed and corn flours FoodNavigator RSS
  • The implementation group set up to formulate a structure for an umbrella body for equestrianism has ‘agreed, in principle, to proceed with the establishment of the body’.
  • One of the earliest Aqua Mirabillis recipes, called Carmelite Water it was originally formulated by the nuns in the Carmelite abbey in France circa 1611. Bright Angel
  • That one actuary is nothing compared to the teams of actuaries that work at ISSSTE and the Secretary of the Treasury that formulated the ISSSTE reform proposal, with additional technical assistance from the World Bank. La Profesora Abstraida
  • The researcher is there to help the agency formulate the right strategy and the right advertising solution.
  • Surely even the best linguists have to translate first into their own language, then formulate a response and then change that back into the language in question.
  • (One could formulate a weaker sense of distinguishability by requiring that only some assignment of probabilities uniquely determines CS). Probabilistic Causation
  • Instead, use shampoos, conditioners and hairsprays specially formulated for synthetic wigs.
  • As a stand-in, they used a much less viscous liquid known as methoxy-nonafluorobutane, originally formulated as a more environmentally friendly replacement for ozone layer-depleting industrial solvents. HappyNews - Top Stories
  • She was right when she wrote: ‘He seems to prey on our subconscious, our unformulated fears; the mood is evocative, dreamy, spectral.’
  • A year would be enough for industry to reformulate. Times, Sunday Times
  • The result shows that the arch axis formulated by the model can approximate the appropriate one well and improve stress of the arch rib.
  • The argue that if the environment is to be properly safeguarded policies must be formulated which will encourage favourable ongoing management.
  • The contract was formulated in difficult legal language.
  • Properly formulated with additives, the oil (or its sulfurized or sulfurhalogenated derivatives) has excellent lubricity and a long performance life. 1 Introduction and Summary
  • Please note that I am not claiming omniscience, just trying to formulate my own ideas that other people can use for comparison.
  • In doing so, they argue for an e-business management team to coordinate projects and formulate strategy.
  • I can’t help it if that microscopic Ball Bearing inside of your cranium is incapable of comprehending it, but your inability to formulate a coherent argument does not deter from it’s relevence. Think Progress » Bush Delegation Stages “Walk Out” at Climate Talks
  • By this time the correlation of the macrocosm and microcosm was complete and the doctrine of metempsychosis fully formulated.
  • Medical specialties that rely on images to formulate a diagnosis lend themselves to the store-and-forward method of telemedicine.
  • The ease and fluency resides, as it were outside him, in the pre-formulated efficiency of the machinery of expression.
  • We have argued that sexual politics are constitutive of all social relations and that colonizing processes are formulated and practiced through the disciplining of Third-World women's bodies.
  • He was verbally inarticulate and could not enunciate a clear concept or formulate ideas.
  • It is time to think, plan and formulate a strong antibiotic policy to address the burgeoning hospital infection.
  • Information is a nonmaterial entity and this is the first time that a law of nature has been formulated for a mental concept.
  • For instance, Hicks formulated conditions for multimarket stability, and extended the applicability of the static method of analysis to several periods. The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1969-2006
  • The informal network is where ideas in their infancy can be formulated, adapted and gain traction before presented.
  • In this thesis, the Finite Element Method is applied to the solution of the Laplace equation formulated by means of stream function for the calculation of the static hydraulic thrust.
  • The imitation of classical models was less common than on the Continent and, except for Jonson, no important writer paid strict attention to the rules humanist critics had formulated.
  • At the moment opinions differ too much to formulate a doctrine of predestination that is acceptable for all parties.
  • A supplement was formulated based on the results of the forage test, nutritional requirements of beef cows, and locally available feedstuffs.
  • However, few of these theoretical ideas have been formulated in ways suitable for testing.

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