
How To Use Formless In A Sentence

  • They are also quite preternaturally ugly, bringing a rude abbreviation to the extension of the leg and drawing attention to the unbeautiful formlessness of the shoe, and the cheapness of its material and fabrication.
  • Under the Watchful eye of the demon, wander alone in the formless Chaos.
  • The uneasiness grew into a formless apprehension, which drew him out into the waxing sunlight and drove him to retrace his earlier route through the meadow, towards College Rise.
  • belief in a world filled with...formless but often malevolent beings
  • Ere I hid my head she was standing in her cavern halls, glowing coldly westward—her feet were blackness: her robes, empurpled, flowed mistily from shoulder down in formless folds of folds; her head, pine-crowned, was set with jeweled stars. DARKWATER
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  • [455] For the early divisions of verse and prose story were all Topsies, and simply "growed"; although the smaller romances of the late sixteenth and early seventeenth century, and the larger of the latter date, were undoubtedly influenced by the Greek, it was more a case of general imitation than specific endeavour; the Sensibility school was very limited and chiefly attended to tricks of manner; and the "Romantic vague" was never vaguer than in the vast and rather formless, though magnificent and delightful, novel-work started by Nodier, Mérimée, A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 To the Close of the 19th Century
  • A series of largely formless images rushed across the screen.
  • The formlessness of infinite choice hobbles relationships: you can't commit if there is always a better option.
  • An idea slipped out, as formless at first as the faint shadows of the courtyard around them in the early rays of dawn.
  • It was always moving, yet always still, as formless and eternal as water yet containing the possibilities of all things. THE BROKEN GOD
  • It was always moving, yet always still, as formless and eternal as water yet containing the possibilities of all things. THE BROKEN GOD
  • the dress hung formlessly on her body
  • His concept of prayer, however, requires analysis and clarification in view of his expressed preference for an impersonal and formless Absolute.
  • Instead there is a formless narrative stodge, a summary report of a life, high on biographical fact and very low on the literary qualities he valued most.
  • She'd feel safer trapped in a cave, with some dark formless danger lurking in the shadows.
  • The controversial sketch of Saraswati, for example, is an elegant white-on-black line drawing, which makes the viewer reflect on the old Indian tradition of "nirakara," or formlessness. A Portrait of India's Intolerance
  • The last phase of the project converted the meandering Kissimmee River, the main watershed artery to Lake Okeechobee, into a formless drainage canal.
  • A series of largely formless images rushed across the screen.
  • They are formless, characterless, and uninteresting.
  • It's a joy to find this young author coming into his own, and bringing the craft of science fiction out of the backwaters where it's been caught lately between the regressive drag of publishers marketing to a "safe" readership and the bewildering promises of change and growth offered by postmodernism in all its forms and formlessness. Embassytown by China Miéville – review
  • The zone suspends light and shadow, hanging them like a formless gray gauze.
  • God's infinity is not formlessness but rather the beauty of a boundless agape, eternally and freely shared within the Trinity.
  • Metaphysics VII 3: In abstracting all qualities and other determinations from body Aristotle arrived at a conception of characterless, undetermined matter, a “prime matter” that the Neoplatonists later defined as formless and incorporeal (because it was no actual body, but only the necessary underlying condition for bodies). John Philoponus
  • You're getting close to a good mix of two broad streams: shortish, formless, off-the-cuff opinion pieces; and formal, well-argued pieces, both long and short.
  • As he neared the hill the shapes took outlines of men instead of the formless gray lumps they'd appeared as.
  • The real tragedy of this is that the band seems to have some really decent ideas hiding in these formless almost-songs.
  • The petalless irresistibly and quadruplicate aden that she had formless her spill to not anaphase her maldivian caudated by blebby allopatry. Rational Review
  • Now I do not know what kind of formlessness there is in these mutations of these last and lowest creatures. Confessions and Enchiridion, newly translated and edited by Albert C. Outler
  • I think there's an infectious wave of formless nostalgia sweeping the nation at the moment.
  • I'm beginning to suspect, rather, that we are witnessing the emergence of a new but still largely formless language that will one day be the language of the world.
  • To the listener, this music is incoherent and formless.
  • Matter, it is agreed, must be void of quality in order to accept the types of the universe, so and much more must the soul be kept formless if there is to be no infixed impediment to prevent it being brimmed and lit by the The Six Enneads.
  • We can consider these four foundations in the context of the stages of formless prostrations, which I will now describe.
  • For example, Lao-Tzu uses the word “Tao” to denote the invisible, formless, nothing and nonbeing, which to him represented the “way” that anteceded the world and even Ti, the supreme god of the Chinese. JUSTICE
  • The lowest and most formless moneron is the bathybius, discovered by Thomas Huxley, a network of recticular mucus, which in the greatest depths of the sea, as far down as 7,000 metres, covers stone fragments and other objects, but are also found in less depths, in the Mediterranean Sea, for instance. The Theories of Darwin and Their Relation to Philosophy, Religion, and Morality
  • The term hylozoism unites with the conception of the formless material of the world (ὕλη), that of an animating power to which its formations and transformations are due. The Approach to Philosophy
  • Some people try to escape the formless mass of humanity - can you imagine 3 million people living in squalor in camps in one region?
  • As far into the distance as I'm able to see there are ghosts and wraiths, rank upon rank of them, progressively grey and formless, still, silent, and waiting with solemn eyes to see what we will do with the world they left behind them.
  • A series of largely formless images rushed across the screen.
  • Moreover, this "formlessness" strategy shows up again in other areas. Matt Osborne: Sun Tzu and the Art of 11-Dimensional Chess
  • Who is it that so wisely, delicately and beautifully arranges and transforms the ugly -- that is, the sightless, formless substance of the earth into flowers? My Life in Christ, or Moments of Spiritual Serenity and Contemplation, of Reverent Feeling, of Earnest Self-Amendment, and of Peace in God
  • In actual fact, what we have here are irremediably sick and futureless mass-men, whose ideal is amorphousness, whose ethos is formlessness and who hate nothing so much as discipline, form, definition.
  • In this ocean of universal energy or atmospheric environment which we call formless, there is always some form of some kind, but the formless is a form too high for our human mind to comprehend, we have not yet reached the plane of unfoldment where we have cosmic recognition. Freedom Talks No. II
  • As he neared the hill the shapes took outlines of men instead of the formless gray lumps they'd appeared as.
  • As a celibate wandering spiritual seeker, Buddha studied with two teachers the methods for attaining the various levels of mental stability (bsam-gtan, Skt. dhyana) and formless absorption. The Life of Shakyamuni Buddha
  • What now if another should say that “this same formlessness and confusedness of matter, was for this reason first conveyed under the name of heaven and earth, because out of it was this visible world with all those natures which most manifestly appear in it, which is ofttimes called by the name of heaven and earth, created and perfected?” The Confessions
  • Aside from the expression of pure relation a language may, of course, be “formless”—formless, that is, in the mechanical and rather superficial sense that it is not encumbered by the use of non-radical elements. Chapter 6. Types of Linguistic Structure
  • ~ Staying power (2) -- You've perhaps heard of dhyana (pali: jhana) or meditative absorption, traditionally divided into subtle form and formless, each in a set of four stages. Speedlinking 8/17/07
  • If this unimaginable intelligence in the formless is continuously expressing its intelligence in form, the leader who is consciously connected to this intelligence shines and has a high level of attraction. Paul David Walker: Leadership Insights: Eliminate Endless Circular Arguments
  • The one-hour solo unfolds in three parts; the story of dancing Siva's loosened anklet falling to Earth and creating rhythmic syllables; Siva as the earthly manifestation of "formless, divine potential"; and the goddess Durga battling the demon Mahishasura. Dancer Malavika Sarukkai wows Kennedy Center with 'Maximum' artistry
  • Our nature dim, like to an unlighted torch, sleeps in formless blank till the fire attain it; this life of life, this light to moon, and glory to the sun. I.4a
  • He goes on to describe this notion of chaos as ‘that yawning abyss of formlessness from which all escaped’.
  • I felt formless, part of time and space, an essence, a piece of cosmos.
  • As a formless and formable figure, the monster metaphor spreads across genres and media to leave a multitude of meanings in its wake. Reading Machines
  • There, also, is God-the Archon-the metapsychic organizing power: the formless shaper of form. In Other Worlds
  • We ought principally to love the higher forms of beauty separated from formless matter and gross corporeality (amiamo le grandi bellezze separate da la deforme material e brutto corpe), such as the virtues and the sciences, which are ever beautiful and devoid of all ugliness and defect. Judah Abrabanel
  • In Job 38, for example, the first act of creation involves a conflict between God and the sea, that is, the formless, watery deep that was there before the world began. Timothy Beal: In The Beginning(s): Appreciating The Complexity Of The Bible
  • For the first few weeks their existence was bedraggled and formless.
  • And monstrous architectural portents in Boston and Salt Lake City encourage one to suppose that even that churchless aspect, which so stirred the speculative element in Mr. Henry James, is only the opening formless phase of a community destined to produce not only classes but intellectual and moral forms of the most remarkable kind. An Englishman Looks at the World
  • Despite these reprieves, the style of the show is somehow off, the music awkward, the direction formless.
  • Here the human form becomes formless and merges into the cosmic void.
  • After months of seemingly formless frame work the shape of the new community is emerging as the cladding is added to the exterior.
  • Jim was desperately trying to make sense of the golden blur before him, trying to force the formless shapes to solidify, to identify themselves.
  • Harlow and Easton had 'sloshed' a lot more whitewash on to them they were mere formless unsightly lumps of plaster. The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists
  • The 'higher deities' are the two last in these five Deva worlds which, by the Buddhists, were included with hell, the Peta's or ghosts, animals, men, Asuras, and firmamental spirits, in the 'Kāmaloka of sense-desire,' inferior in space to the Heavens of 'Form' and the 'Formless.' Psalms of the Sisters
  • They are also quite preternaturally ugly, bringing a rude abbreviation to the extension of the leg and drawing attention to the unbeautiful formlessness of the shoe, and the cheapness of its material and fabrication.
  • As the months have passed, Barak Obama has had time to develop his points and outline his approach to solutions, but these issues remain formless conjecture couched in political rhetoric. The Truth about Sarah Palin Revealed!
  • If a poem is random or formless, I think it's deficient.
  • The shapes begin to move faster and become more formless.
  • At first the idea was vague and formless, a brilliant abstraction about the surface area of a sphere, which is three times larger than the surface area of a flat chip.
  • A person can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created.
  • Though the film's focus is on character and the structure appears loose, even formless at times, this is deceptive.
  • Who can say why certain groups gel as they do and hit the listener with coherent loveliness, no matter how discordant the melody, while others laze in formlessness.
  • And yet he was conscious of some formless programme forming mistily in his mind -- a programme that did not include the berouged, be-powdered, plump, and silken Miss Bauers. Gigolo
  • It is true, that that formlessness which is almost nothing, cannot be subject to the alteration of times. The Confessions
  • I shaped a new form out of an abstraction, out of a formless trace.
  • Now the terms of everything that is formed or figured are the form and figure of that thing, and without which the thing would be formless and unfigured. Symposiacs
  • So, when formless and indefinite matter was once formed by the inbeing soul, it received such a form and disposition. Essays and Miscellanies
  • There, in the flickering firelight, she saw some formless shape join two waiting others.
  • It seemed as if I had acquired no values from my own upbringing, as if I had no previous idea how human beings should treat each other, as if I was completely formless when I met him.
  • Spirit as the Absolute is both formlessness and form. Andrew Z. Cohen: Spirit Is Higher
  • But I've never felt the urge to convert anyone, feeling that everyone must clothe the formlessness of God in the form that best suits them, culturally and temperamentally.
  • Down -- down -- down -- a formless mass of fibre and bone, the mist seemed to buoy it up when it reached the deepmost cascade, and as it disappeared through the tops of the pines I heard the coming of footfalls. Tales of the Chesapeake
  • A rampart of intricate and infinitely various shapes, it gives form to the formless open sea.
  • She moved back, her formless shape guarding him, but not blocking the path.
  • There's a bass hiding in there, peeking out from behind the overdriven rhythm guitars and ponderously formless solos like a shy mammal trying not to be seen.
  • A towering hulk of a man is vigorously hacking away at a formless lump of meat.
  • The lowest and most formless moneron is the bathybius, discovered by Thomas Huxley, a network of recticular mucus, which in the greatest depths of the sea, as far down as 7,000 metres, covers stone fragments and other objects, but are also found in less depths, in the Mediterranean Sea, for instance. The Theories of Darwin and Their Relation to Philosophy, Religion, and Morality
  • Their return to a rigid theory of versification was a reaction against the loose methods of various disciples of Lamartine and Hugo; a deliberate conspiracy (to quote M. Sully Prudhomme, one of their most distinguished poets) ‘against the excessively facile line, the line which is feeble and flabby, fluid as water, and as formless’. Introduction
  • We share the horror vacui of the artist facing the blank page, struggling to give shape to its formlessness. Time management: reclaiming free time
  • It is true that the formlessness which is almost nothing cannot have temporal change in it. Confessions and Enchiridion, newly translated and edited by Albert C. Outler
  • The petalless irresistibly and quadruplicate aden that she had formless her spill to not anaphase her maldivian caudated by blebby allopatry. Rational Review
  • He may be termed formless by those who, not without much reason to show for themselves, are wedded to the established forms and ratified refinements of poetic art; but it seems reasonable to enlarge the canon till it includes so great and startling a genius, rather than to draw it close and exclude him. Poems By Walt Whitman
  • It is a vague, formless mass movement motivated by divergent expectations of change.
  • But if he never lets his characters off the leash, he leaves them a vast space in which to roam, giving the film a dramatic structure that's radically open and formless.
  • Going beyond the literal meaning, the exhibition explored the nuanced implications of the formless substance that is dust.
  • Up to then there had been little social division in towns and houses were crowded in on themselves in a formless way.
  • an aggregate of formless particles
  • Some English vowel sounds which are not given weight in speech become reduced to a rather formless central vowel.
  • With blinded, tear-filled eyes she peered into that formless black and burning face and sensed in its soft, sad gleam unfathomed understanding. DARKWATER
  • They showed the visitor to be an illlooking visitor with a squinting leer, who, as he spoke, fumbled at an old sodden fur cap, formless and mangey, that looked like a furry animal, dog or cat, puppy or kitten, drowned and decaying. Our Mutual Friend
  • By contrast, matrimonial love 'seems comparatively formless and eventless: it is all middle'. The Times Literary Supplement
  • This is now an addition of a new idea; it is completely formless and shapeless.
  • A rampart of intricate and infinitely various shapes, it gives form to the formless open sea.
  • They agreed to lend her their hold-all and a large, formless bag which they called the communal trunk. Ann Veronica: A Modern Love Story
  • A hazy, formless curtain of pink at the far end of the corridor proved to be a pure free-serotonin antagonist in high concentration, a true ataraxic which washed his mind free of every emotion but contentment with everything in all the wide universe. A Case Of Conscience
  • She ran without effort, the world reduced to formless blurs of color.
  • To the listener, such music is incoherent and formless.
  • The petalless irresistibly and quadruplicate aden that she had formless her spill to not anaphase her maldivian caudated by blebby allopatry. Rational Review
  • It was Herschel's belief that by processes of condensation, following the loss of heat by radiation into surrounding space, formless nebulae gravitated into nebula of smaller and smaller volumes until finally the planetary form was reached, and that planetaries were the ancestors of stars in general. Popular Science Monthly Oct, Nov, Dec, 1915 — Volume 86
  • Out of this invisible and unformed earth, out of this formlessness which is almost nothing, thou didst then make all these things of which the changeable world consists -- and yet does not fully consist in itself [469] -- for its very changeableness appears in this, that its times and seasons can be observed and numbered. Confessions and Enchiridion, newly translated and edited by Albert C. Outler

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