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How To Use Formation In A Sentence

  • The warden of prisons was contacted for information on the convict's behavior on the chain gang, or in a few cases on the State Farm.
  • The new taxon is named Gamerabaena, and the authors note, under etymology, "'Gamera refers to the fictional, firebreathing turtle from the 1965 movie Gamera, in allusion to his fire-breathing capabilities and the Hell Creek Formation ... "Look at everything around us. Look at everything we've done."
  • While maintaining a level of accessibility and providing information are important, this must not dumb the work down, compromise the artists' intentions, or remove the challenge aspect of art that many people thrive on.
  • There is so much to enjoy here that it is a pity that a good deal of the information imparted is demonstrably wrong. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The formation of coral terraces is interpreted as the product of approximately uniform long-term uplift superimposed on eustatic changes in sea level.
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  • Our interneuronal connections in our brain, for example, process information at chemical signaling speeds of a few hundred feet per second, compared to a billion feet per second for electronics - electronics is a million times faster.
  • One infers that all of this would be computerised information.
  • There's a lot of useful information on the countries in the world at the back of the dictionary.
  • There wasn't a lot of information there; I had to expand on it, invent the colour scheme.
  • That not only means that more information can be crunched at once, but these chips can also handle more complex instructions.
  • Please be assured that eHarmony uses robust security measures, including password hashing and data encryption, to protect our members' personal information. Top Stories
  • It then sends that information in machine-readable form to itsalgorithmic subscribers, which can parse it further, using the resulting datato inform their own investing decisions.
  • * A few of the women flipped through photos of Manou's bastide, * observing its before and after transformation. French Word-A-Day:
  • This triangulation of information will help school practitioners make better decisions about students or programs because data from one source can help confirm or disconfirm information from another.
  • A statistical model for decay and formation of heavy hadronic resonances is formulated.
  • Criticism centred on the lack of information provided.
  • The fifth position went to a phishing activity, in which a university hacker stole Internet users' personal information by luring them to provide confidential data on disguised Web sites.
  • Disclosure of information would compromise the proper conduct of the investigation.
  • But what of the emails, text messages and other private communications between government officials which aren't published online -- will Twitter and Facebook help "democratize" that information as well? Is Social Media Helping or Hurting California Politics?
  • There have been no arrests and police are set to offer a reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the perpetrators.
  • Seven years before US Surgeon General Luther Terry would announce a link between smoking and cancer, this information was political and business dynamite.
  • So there is a perennial temptation to appeal to the idea of arbitrariness when discussing the alleged informational nature of some biological causation. Biological Information
  • I am sure his daughter in ice-bound Toronto appreciates a diary that provides useful information like when Vesak Day is.
  • I believe it has its own atmosphere because it is built in what you call a caldera, but I may have picked that information up from like a Syfy TV movie about the Coming Global Superstorm, or invented it in my own mind. Television Without Pity
  • These were monitoring variables like humidity and temperature, information that is invaluable to the horticulturalists attempting to propagate the trees.
  • We don't have good solid information on where the people are.
  • Since it is implausibe that readers would need to disbelieve their supension of disbelief -- we all know going in that our suspension of disbelief is artificial -- it must be the second kind of "information" that needs to be combatted. Saying Something
  • Clear information boards indicate the location of different types of trees which include Persian, Japanese and black walnut trees, coastal and dawn redwoods, cedar of Lebanon, atlas and deodar cedars, and swamp cypresses.
  • The artificial DNA might be applied to a future extra cellular genetic system with information storage and amplifiable abilities. Artificial DNA Created
  • After all, at conception, the fertilized egg has all the information necessary to code for your physical potential.
  • We are going to make an information pack and appoint a pupil who will make sure supply teachers have any resources they need.
  • Long before the statue was unearthed, the natural process of patination had caused the formation of the red cuprite, blue azurite and green malachite commonly found in ancient bronzes. Apollo Deconstructed
  • Its addition in minute amounts to the nucleoprotein tumor fraction, was expected to suppress the formation of the fibrillar halo if nucleic acids rather that the protein were responsible for the nerve growth promoting effect elicited by this fraction. Nobel Lecture The Nerve Growth Factor: Thirty-Five Years Later
  • Information is relayed, where available, on where and how the objects were collected.
  • The same mythologem is also active in Dylan's opus, where - with the inclusion of the deepest part of the psyche - came to the repetition and extension of the transformation process, explicitly expressed in Dylan's song "Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again" from 1966: Expecting Rain
  • He was a highly intelligent commercial lawyer and then judge who suddenly found himself having to grind out fact after fact from nuggets of information painstakingly. Times, Sunday Times
  • The main methods of obtaining that information were blagging or corruption.
  • For further information on the diet, write to us at this address.
  • The avatar would greet drivers and give them information and personalized feedback using conservational language. Ford to Enhance Sync With 'Apps' and Avatars
  • Its purpose is to gather sufficient information to answer questions about magma chambers in oceanic crust.
  • So, we've learned now that this information was shared with spies.
  • Holography not only maps the intensities of the light, as do normal diffraction patterns, it also encodes information about the phases of the light that is otherwise intrinsically lost.
  • Ariela glanced at Bull, to check if it was all right with him to spill information.
  • According to FDA officials, the herb stevia can be ‘adulterated’ merely by being in the presence of information that reveals its sweetening property.
  • See the labs section for detailed information about each lab.
  • Californian hippies in suits intone the inane and never-challenged mantra that information wants to be free.
  • Martin is a patient teacher and he familiarises us with sailing etiquette and terminology without overloading us with technical information.
  • In comparison to a data structure, a linked list is similar to a binary tree in a way that the information is linked together.
  • The sunset scene shows a classic cumulonimbus cloud formation.
  • The independent consultant with any hope of being self-supporting must have an organized library of information available at a moment's notice.
  • The purpose of evaluation is to collect and analyse information that can be used for rational decision making.
  • Please contact our agent in Spain for further information.
  • Granted, we have reams of remote sensing data from that first investigation, including the information from the detailed dissection of the spider biot done by Dr. Laura Ernst. But the cosmonauts brought home only one artifact, a tiny piece of some kind of biomechanical flower whose physical characteristics had already irreversibly changed before any of its mysteries could be understood, We have nothing else in the way of souvenirs from that first excursion. Rama Revisited
  • Information is also readily available to aid senior management in decision making.
  • In addition to information about glassified waste from national defense projects, such as plutonium production at Hanford, DOE also is interested in information that could be useful if the nation decides to reprocess commercial nuclear fuel and then glassify the waste from reprocessing. The Seattle Times
  • They haven't been consulted by the Government during the process of policy formation.
  • They are issuing posters appealing for people to ring a new helpline number or send information to an email address. The Sun
  • Informants give you information in the public interest and say that their career, liberty or life depend on keeping their name confidential. Public interest should trump self-interest | Nick Cohen
  • In the early 1980s, the term telepresence was coined to refer to the use of remote control and the feedback of sensory information to produce the impression of being in another place, an idea which is now part of virtual reality.
  • Companies make use of sokaiya to settle many kinds of trouble, to collect underground information, and to suppress common shareholders.
  • The day before the event they will set out guide posts and will work from 8.30am to 4pm on the day, leading walkers on the route, manning checkpoints and providing information.
  • All information contained herein is gathered from sources we believe to be reliable.
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  • For further information about becoming a deputy, visit gov. Times, Sunday Times
  • Meyerhof and Hill's pioneering thermodynamic studies had been the basis for the conclusion that the cycle of lactic acid formation and oxidation were the key events in glycolysis. Otto Meyerhof and the Physiology Institute: the Birth of Modern Biochemistry
  • For those who don't know about Shannon, he was the father of information theory, which in its simplest form means he made possible the leap from telephones and telegraphs to computers.
  • Pictures are scanned into a form of digital information that computers can recognize.
  • Thanks to that shy reader who furnished me with the above information.
  • This centre will then be able to assist with local information on services in that area.
  • I guess the answer is to get this information out there so people can't ignore it any more.
  • The company's killer product could be the GoodInfo system, an application server for delivering the information to a wireless client.
  • Usually, fixed format cards documented the format on the top edge of the card, since keypunches almost always printed their textual information along this edge.
  • We asked for details but they said the information was classified. Times, Sunday Times
  • This chapter will attempt to analyse some of the possibilities for the teaching of information skills in the primary school curriculum.
  • The possible effects of iron on adsorption, microcolony formation, mature of colons and desorb were explained, and the prospect of clinical use of local iron or chelator spray was also reviewed here.
  • When healthy subjects looked at the concave faces, connections strengthened between the frontoparietal network, which is involved in top-down processing, and the visual areas of the brain that receive information from the eyes. Multi Medium
  • The rocks are asymmetrically folded and overthrust to the west, with chaotic units and abundant evidence for coeval soft-sediment deformation.
  • A great part to the information I have was acquired by looking up something and finding something else on the way. 
  • Learn to separate scientific information from rumor and myth.
  • Raving, starving herself, addicted to Seconal and Dexedrine, Tippy makes a dramatic transformation from beautiful to mean.
  • Congenital brain anomalies like microcephaly, abnormal cortical mantle formation, agenesis of the corpus callosum have been reported.
  • The essence of this approach, perhaps, is the avoidance of process waste by using automation to avoid "information backflow".
  • This monitor provides live full-color video through the Vehicle Information System whenever reverse is engaged.
  • Neuropsychological evidence points towards our tendency to confabulate stories that we believe to be true in order to fit together disparate pieces of information.
  • In 1819 the tenant was a person named McKechnie, as to whom I have been unable to glean any information whatever beyond the bare fact that he was a pewholder in St. James's church. The Gerrard Street Mystery and Other Weird Tales
  • This pushed up his quotes because insurers use this information to verify applicants' identity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Williamson is well known to have been a highly successful spy, and high up in the apartheid regime's disinformation network.
  • This is best illustrated by considering the flow of information through the various stages of recognition, as shown in Figure 3.1.
  • He urged any member of the community with information to contact the nearest police station.
  • Aim To research the methods and techniques of automatic data migration when data structures or data in an information system are changed.
  • They must find the information for you to base your strategy on.
  • Information is included on staccato touches and the two-note slur touch.
  • With recorded information the point of consumption can be anywhere from seconds to millennia ahead.
  • The book has been hailed as a benchmark in the debate on communication and social transformation.
  • This is dynamic - as the cursor moves, the input information trails along with it, changing as necessary.
  • During employment the employee could not use or disclose this information without breaching the duty of fidelity.
  • Many universities in the United States have agriculture extension service that provides information and advice.
  • Whoever built the Great Pyramid had access to some information outside of that which earthlings had at the time, at least earthlings as we know them.
  • It just so happened that Gaisford was well placed to discover or collate information of that kind. DARE CALL IT TREASON
  • This is a world where information is freely available or priced at fair market value rates.
  • For further information, please visit: www., call: The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • All information will be treated as confidential.
  • The ruling obligates airlines to release information about their flight delays.
  • The book is a mine of research and helpful information. The Times Literary Supplement
  • This malformation is much less common than the converse one of calycanthemy. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • All of the information collated here is part of a wider investigation currently being pursued by a number of media outlets.
  • At the office I decided to bring Arnie Bloch up to date with my latest information about the Finnegans. A CONVICTION OF GUILT
  • They also rewrite the articles to freshen up the information and publish it anew, which gives them more mileage from the initial work. Just The FAQs For Authors: MaAnna Stephenson | The Creative Penn
  • Hence, data collation in the IAEA reviews focused only on those marine species that constitute food species for humans, normally using information gathered about their edible body parts.
  • But, since this enemy has an informal, catch-as-catch-can command structure, the military says it's finding that even the low-level operatives often have pieces of information that help complete the intelligence mosaic.
  • Digital videodiscs were used rather than CD's, he said, because much more information can be stored on each DVD.
  • Publisher: Information Gatekeepers, Inc. Archemix announces aptamer-based therapeutics agreement with Johnson TILMA Expands on NAFTA
  • The opposition formed a seven-party coalition and ejected the governing party from office for the first time since its formation in 1955.
  • That brings up significant issues as authoritative source vs . volunteered geographic information.
  • I am afraid we are not at liberty to disclose that information.
  • This increased activity continues for some seconds, longer than the time required for any language processing of that information.
  • It's important that this information is imparted to the audience.
  • The bold and bright interior design, which has been heavily inspired by pop art, has given the house its biggest transformation yet. The Sun
  • Reliable information indicated that even the staff of the department expressed their bewilderment at some decisions that were taken with respect to the event.
  • A new industry association has arisen to address security-related aspects of geospatial technologies and information.
  • All international airlines have similar information, and aviation sites show extensive changes to flight plans by aircraft crossing the area in recent months. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Indus Suture Zone, also locally called the Sumdo Formation, contains the well-preserved Nidar ophiolite and the Zildat Ophiolitic Melange.
  • The viewfinder has information regarding the shutter speed, focus, exposure compensation and flash mark.
  • We consult to the media about canopy questions, we have a canopy newsletter, we have an email LISTSERV, and so we're trying to disseminate information about the importance of the canopy, the beauty of the canopy, the necessity of intact canopies, to people outside of academia. Nalini Nadkarni on conserving the canopy
  • There may be a very small possibility for error in the practice of selecting information from the files for transmission to clients.
  • To have shown it to her husband would have been her first impulse; but, besides that he was absent from home, and the matter too delicate to be the subject of correspondence by an indifferent penwoman, Mrs. Butler recollected that he was not possessed of the information necessary to form a judgment upon the occasion; and that, adhering to the rule which she had considered as most advisable, she had best transmit the information immediately to her sister, and leave her to adjust with her husband the mode in which they should avail themselves of it. The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • The captain, having lost two brave fellows of his troop, was afraid of diminishing it too much by pursuing this plan to get information of the residence of their plunderer.
  • Dee prepared nautical information, including charts for navigation in the polar regions, for the company during the next 32 years.
  • Conversely, the extrinsic properties of artifacts can provide chronological information that seriation cannot.
  • But the detailed financial information that will be dripped out in coming weeks means they are also going to have to spend some time explaining the past. Times, Sunday Times
  • A primary goal of engineer reconnaissance at the operational level is to provide comprehensive information on the trafficability of march routes. FM 100-61 Chptr 12 Engineer Support
  • The use of torture to elicit information is not beyond the realm of possibility.
  • So the question then is how much information has the universe processed since the Big Bang?
  • To keep informed about the most prevalent hoaxes, you can add a free Sophos information feed to your own website or intranet.
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  • The Catalinas, in all of their grandeur, are going through that process of deformation right now.
  • Today, spruced-up Times Square is in the midst of a surprising, almost surreal transformation into a family-oriented entertainment center.
  • The darkest side of our adventurism is our global network of military prisons (authorized by the Secretary of Defense and Pentagon) where physical and mental torture are practiced even though it's known no useful information comes from it. A Review of Chalmers Johnson's Nemesis - The Last Days of the American Republic
  • Targeting pod-equipped aircraft can make pre-raid surveillance videos, check for improvised explosive devices (IEDs), track targets such as gunmen or vehicles, and send information to ground units.
  • Information is available on between 10am and noon.
  • He added: ‘Perhaps you hedged on this, so as to avoid giving the directors of intelligence too much detailed information.’
  • Demanding that trials maximise their gathering of information on toxicology improves a protocol's balance of risk and social value.
  • Steels usually contain at least 0.3% manganese, which acts in a three-fold manner: it assists in deoxidation of the steel, prevents the formation of iron sulfide inclusions, and promotes greater strength by increasing the hardenability of the steel. CR4 - Recent Forum Threads and Blog Entries
  • If you click anywhere in there, It's considered authorization, your creditcard information gets sent to a third party, who then some time later proceeds to charge your card X dollars a month and makes it very hard to get it cancelled. Making Light: A music exec's take on the Macmillan/Amazon throwdown
  • Rowe said Jackson was a man being manipulated by opportunists, who kept information from him and wanted to milk millions of dollars out of him.
  • The transformation of remote control of hydraulic clay guns and taphole openers were summarized in this paper.
  • Last year, the Iranian government blocked five million websites for having allegedly pornographic content and disseminating impendent news information to the public. Media Repression in Iran
  • The spatial information means texture, contexture and shape.
  • Companies quoted on the London Stock Exchange are required under stock market listing rules to provide timely information on news that might affect their share price.
  • Folds associated with intraformational faults in the Tertiary mudstones of the southernmost North Sea show a similar asymmetry, with anticlines locally developing into diapiric structures.
  • Throughout the book he provides precise information about streets, piazzas, and squares where certain events took place.
  • The trust claims both units are underused and costly to run but have not yet released detailed information about how much would be saved in closing the units.
  • But in essence, the short-time Fourier transformation is a method of ingle resolution because it uses an unchanged short-time widow function.
  • Other Tags: science researcher oviraptor fast formation Noah Flood gigantic dinosaur egg titanosaurus hadrosaur Vance Nelson Charles Lyell discredit Moses Father - Articles related to Congress begins investigating salmonella outbreak, egg recalls
  • Talks are under way to let the Scottish Prison Service access and contribute information to a powerful intelligence database on the movements and activities of the country's criminals.
  • AIM:To observe the effect of resveratrol, reactivator of silent information regulator 2 (SIR2), on myocardial cell apoptosis induced by ischemia and reperfusion in rats and SIR2 expression.
  • OBJECTIVE : To differentiate Chinese traditional medicine semen euryales with Fourier transformation infrared spectrum.
  • The department also said that 26 portable memory sticks containing classified information had been stolen or misplaced since January. Times, Sunday Times
  • Epidermolysis bullosa is a group of rare, inherited bullous disorders characterized by blister formation in the epidermal layer secondary to mechanical trauma.
  • Within the city, call 0131-557-1700 for information about accommodations, theater and concert tickets, tours and maps.
  • Activated ROCK induces neurite retraction [5] while selective ROCK inhibitor, Y-27632, as well as ROCK dominant negative mutants promote neurite formation PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • In manual processing you have to enter credit card information manually through an offline terminal.
  • Various hypotheses have been advanced for their formation, from geomorphological phenomena to plants having allelopathic exclusion effects to being animal-derived features. Kaokoveld desert
  • Full client participation is essential to ensure accuracy when compiling the information model.
  • It fastens to your chest and not only records your heart rate information, but gives you a step-by-step instruction on what to do.
  • More detailed information is available on request.
  • His 10-point information policy stresses free access, establishment of information resource centres and public access to data banks.
  • Additional information about this conference can be found at www. News
  • Once we have this information we will prepare a quotation with the aim of trying to ensure your aims and expectations are exceeded whilst remaining within your budget.
  • To make advanced computing and communications information infrastructure available to-and usable by-a larger segment of the society.
  • On the walls to the left of the path were calligraphic inscriptions naming each city and to the right were extensive labels that provided background information for each city.
  • So I think there are a number of people within the Met who are feeding information to what they regard as tame reporters.
  • The way we work has undergone a radical transformation in the past decade.
  • The largest number of instances of this malformation, not merely generically, but also individually, occurs in plants the members of whose floral whorls are not united one to the other; thus, it is far more common in polypetalous plants than in gamopetalous ones. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • His plan was to use internet tracking technology to streamline this laborious process and provide more useful and timely information for other PR agencies. Times, Sunday Times
  • The missiles found their targets, peppering the enemy formation.
  • Here are some good sources of information to assist you in making the best selection.
  • The room fell temporarily silent as the three pieced together all scraps of information.
  • While the use of accounting information intensified, there was no marked change in the system itself.
  • Thus terms such as "information processing" and "information retrieval" are really "data processing" and " data retrieval". Computers Basic Facts
  • Current account and mobile phone number binding mode of operation is relatively common, you must be more careful, minimize disclose personal information in network.
  • Background details can be attached for more detailed information.
  • It is however possible to compress the cell packs subsequent to their formation and prior to inserting them into their final container to expel at least a proportion of their electrolyte which will reduce the amount of electrolyte which needs to be gassed off in the finished cells.
  • Not only was Mihailović collaborating with the enemy, Donovan also knew that Tito was convinced the Chetnik chief had fed the Nazis information to try to have him assassinated three months earlier. Wild Bill Donovan
  • According to him, there is no information about whether there are clients for the oil that will be transited.
  • They develop a surprising ability to exchange information verbally and non verbally within the culture groups they are familiar with.
  • (Hamburg, 1893).] the poisonous character of the former would be lessened by the introduction of the carbonic acid esters and subsequent coupling of the substances (depside formation). Synthetic Tannins
  • These devices allow one to get detailed and accurate information about a pigeon's homeward track without the necessity of following it.
  • The transformation girlhood to womanhood is quite marvellous.
  • Large multinational corporations produce and acquire vast volumes of information in the course of their business.
  • But this information about the distribution of matter is given to us only statistically by quantum theory. The Origin of the Universe
  • The Government still have not come clean about the information revealed in a Select Committee appendix.
  • A poet must experience, rather than simulate reality or rely on second-hand information.
  • The Getty Center is a multi-use complex made up of the J. Paul Getty Museum, the Conservation Institute, the Research Institute for the History of Art and the Humanities, the Education Institute for the Arts, the Information Institute, and the Getty Grant Program, as well as offices for the Getty Trust, an auditorium, a restaurant pavilion, and a stone-ramparted helicopter landing pad. The Big Rock Candy Mountain
  • Another confirmation of the transformation of the press was its proneness for take-over for financial rather than political ends.
  • The FAQ s for the list contain information for all lacemakers.
  • Seven bat species have been recorded in Nova Scotia, but little information is available on their relative abundance, ecology, and migratory patterns.
  • The Los Zorros property covers the entire breadth of a regional anticlinorium in an area that is the locus of younger intrusive activity which intruded up through the fold-deformed lower Cretaceous section of volcaniclastic, siliclastic, and limestone formations and intrusive diorite sills. News Articles
  • For your information, all verticals and horizontals run vertical and horizontal in those diagrams, and I've no idea what ‘axis’ you refer to.
  • Training programmes will enable the trainers to further disseminate the information to others in the community, creating a multiplier effect.

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