How To Use Forgotten In A Sentence
The aircraft descended into a wetland area and had since been forgotten about as it sank below the surface.
Times, Sunday Times
(Variety's Dennis Harvey called Mr. Friedman's onscreen persona "nebbishy"; The Boston Globe's Wesley Morris was a little nicer, saying, "The movie is the product of his big, shiny love of forgotten soul legends whom superstardom ... has eluded.")
Did Pirated 'Wolverine' Review Get Fox 411's Roger Friedman Fired? [Update]
If your next record's a bit iffy, you're forgotten.
Absorbing and retracing my history, memories of the special, never forgotten days, when our family made the crossing over the lagoon to the hummocks beyond.
The time is nigh for the resurrection of these long-forgotten principles.

He's not tried to be dishonest, he has just forgotten to mention one thing.
Forgotten skills include bleeding radiators and servicing a car.
The Sun
I was watching the match in a pub without sound, and I had forgotten about it, so it was not until I got home that I realised that Langer had taken a hat trick, and that was why the West Indian fieldsmen all looked so pleased.
Aerogels had been largely forgotten when, in the late 1970s, the French government approached Stanislaus Teichner at Universite Claud Bernard, Lyon seeking a method for storing oxygen and rocket fuels in porous materials.
A Real Spinoff that NASA Has Seemingly Forgotten About - NASA Watch
She'd forgotten that for the next few weeks she'd be sleeping only feet away from the man she'd mistakenly raged at earlier.
We could have taken the okie-doke route and been forgotten about.
Grammy nominees, all full of glee
The announcement hushed the crowd but soon the hubbub returned and the misfortune was forgotten.
Ruth Hawkin was sitting at the kitchen table, a forgotten cigarette in the ashtray next to her transformed into three inches of marled grey ash.
A Place of Execution
The authors, both pollsters, will either win plaudits in future years or be forgotten like many hyperbolic, wrong-headed forecasters through the eons.
Three books on the Tea Party, reviewed by Steven Levingston
Clinton almost delivered his own political obituary in droning on far longer than he should have, although by 1992 that was mostly forgotten.
Your Right Hand Thief
Working with long-forgotten kitchen utensils was not easy.
Times, Sunday Times
A scathing report said basic security disciplines had been forgotten.
The Sun
All her meanness and prosaicness was forgotten, all her imperfections and shortcomings; it was home, the one tangible thing in the glittering emptiness of the spheres.
Gulliver of Mars
In time folk memory faded and with the passing of those who had lived through the events of 1903 the Gordon Bennett Race became an almost forgotten note in the annals of Irish motoring history.
Clara looked puzzled for a moment—she had forgotten that that was what they called the picnic spot on the Guadalupe.
The Lonesome Dove Series
Despite his major contribution to medical science, he died reviled, his name soon forgotten.
He's always there to provide those pieces of information that are forgotten by the others.
We have forgotten how important enforced isolation is in the control of infectious disease.
Times, Sunday Times
Watching your child explore the world about her can open your eyes to delights long forgotten.
Ask the average squash player about the state of hardball singles in the US, and he will say that is probably just a few septuagenarians swatting a red pellet in the basement of some long forgotten club.
His points were different from those of Photius; he had forgotten the Filioque, and had discovered a new heresy in our use of azyme bread.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
Good, I hadn't forgotten anything, and the guard was snoring slightly in the corner.
Oh no, I've forgotten my wallet.
Even then, John was a seasoned veteran of local politics; for the last quarter century, he has championed the rights and the needs of the homeless and low-income tenants, the forgotten underclasses of a city that hates the poor.
However, the arduousness of this process, and the attempts to block it, should not be forgotten.
He's the latest leader to face a party rebellion over nuclear weapons, but it is often forgotten that he himself was once a unilateralist.
The refusal of judges to give any interviews, under cover of antiquated ‘rules’ which a long forgotten lord chancellor had invented, compounded the sense that they were all, or almost all, malevolent recluses.
The way to deal with him at such moments was to nod approvingly and pray such ideas would be forgotten.
Backwards Pretend you are a beginner who has inadvertently forgotten which end of the board is forwards and set sail going backwards.
Invaded by photographs the toys are decontextualised from childhood, sinister, tragic recollections of a half-forgotten adventure.
The dress was put in a drawer, unfinished but not forgotten about.
And now things are different, and the kolkhoz has forgotten us ... '
Calling A Dead Man
Until the climax of the sexual erethism, woman is for man the acme of supreme desire; but with detumescence the emotions tend to swing to the opposite pole, and excitement and longing are forgotten in the mood of repugnance and exhaustion.
Taboo and Genetics A Study of the Biological, Sociological and Psychological Foundation of the Family
It vexed him that the golden deeds of his youth had been largely forgotten and that no knighthood had been bestowed.
Times, Sunday Times
The sheer malevolence she saw there brought back memories she thought she had forgotten.
When I stood on my native hills, and saw plain and mountain stretch out to the utmost limits of my vision, speckled by the dwellings of my countrymen, and subdued to fertility by their labours, the earth's very centre was fixed for me in that spot, and the rest of her orb was as a fable, to have forgotten which would have cost neither my imagination nor understanding an effort.
Introduction, I.1
I haven't forgotten my roots in Glasgow, with the dingy tenements and the grass full of dog dirt, and there are parts of Middlesbrough which look as if they belong to the Dark Ages.
This was an obligement never to be forgotten; and the more to be considerd, because antecedent to her love.
I knew I could never return because soon it would cease to exist, along with the lives, emotions and memories of its inhabitants, the ordinary, forgotten, unmourned, uncelebrated people of history.
Any hopes Wasps had of upsetting that plan were dashed by an England flyhalf almost forgotten in the blitz of publicity surrounding their own.
The Sun
Peter Bowler has spent years resurrecting old and forgotten words that are spectacularly precise in their meaning.
In fact, I had completely forgotten that we were eating in a vegetarian restaurant.
I apologized absolutely saying that I had entirely forgotten in my enthusiasm and was very sorry.
Broken Lives
A sonic whistle is very old technology, to the point of almost being forgotten.
He's repeatedly played ineffectual, wimpy characters… easily forgotten and unmemorable.
One turns to the other and says, ‘Y'know, if her name hadn't been Sandra I'd have forgotten her by now.’
The Killing Kind
It would be a manifest tragedy if remembering was forgotten, because society was forgotten.
Times, Sunday Times
Twenty-two years later, despite its cornucopia of Oscars, this was now a film largely forgotten.
At my elbow lies my running - or treasure-bag, surrounded by my cabas filled with hair-pins, starch, and a band I was embroidering, etc.; near it lie our combs, etc., and the whole is crowned by my dagger; - by the way, I must add Miriam's pistol which she has forgotten,
A Confederate girl's diary,
Qassam himself was "martyred" by British troops in 1935, at the start of the Palestine Revolt, and then largely forgotten until his memory was revived by Hamas.
Which Way for Hamas?
As we mentioned, McCain spending this week campaigning in what he calls the forgotten areas of America, trying to convince voters he's a different kind of Republican candidate.
CNN Transcript Apr 24, 2008
The isolation seemed complete, in the haste he had forgotten his companion and in recompense he called out his name.
This was the first response: unforgotten pain, anger and fear.
Times, Sunday Times
I haven't forgotten the 'blackwash', the 'summer of 4 captains' and the excruciating Ashes defeats and dead rubber it's time for some payback.
The Ashes 2010-11: Aussies beware – cricket is taking a kicking | Kevin Mitchell
Our loved ones are only truly dead if they are forgotten.
The most forgotten purchase of plants is bulbs, tubers and corms.
For lovers of forgotten Romantic symphonies, this is a treat, even if the interpretations could have been a bit more joyous and the orchestral playing more refulgent.
Your cultural heritage is in critical danger of being lost and forgotten forever.
Creativity withers when these ties are forgotten, neglected or severed.
However, these discoveries were soon forgotten and only after a long eclipse was interest in oncogenic viruses revived in the fifties.
Renato Dulbecco - Nobel Lecture
Many British people seem to have forgotten - or failed to learn - that US foreign policy is complex and contains many strands.
She has always been a flirt from the first day I met her and just because she was a little older, doesn't mean she has forgotten how much fun being a flirty tease can be.
The way to deal with him at such moments was to nod approvingly and pray such ideas would be forgotten.
I'm worried people have forgotten why those Pilgrims shipped over here in that floating breadbox.
This screen was placed there at the time she found herself obliged to take to her chamber; and in the depth of our concern, and the fulness of other discourse at our first interview, I had forgotten to apprize the Colonel of what he would probably see.
Clarissa Harlowe
Fortune changes all; and those who discovered the circulation of the blood, the lacteal veins, and the thoracic canal, are the servants of those who have learned what concomitant grace is, and have forgotten it.
A Philosophical Dictionary
Haha, you silly twit, he won with 55 percent of the vote against Stefan's hero Toby Nixon, in a district that Nixon had carried twice before, a district that once elected Kathy Lambert and the never-to-be-forgotten Bill (Spanky) Backlund.
Sound Politics: Urban Legends And Eric Oemig
Johnny was a lovely man and his warm smile will not be forgotten or his great outlook on life in general.
Dublin, in case we have forgotten, is built on the inlet of a large river and is surrounded by numerous bays and inlets and has a vast well-sheltered harbour.
Hast thou forgotten thine arrogance and insolence and tyranny, and thy disregarding the due of goodfellowship and thy refusing to be advised by what the poet saith?
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
April 22nd, 2010 1: 46 am ET have we forgotten what it was like to. be born black in america during the 60's and early we we're not allowed to be born in a hosp. with dr. and nurse. our births were joted down on a scrap piece of papaer with little interest to the gov. there are many blacks whose bc want pass birthers standards ..
Sessions walks fine line about diversity on the Supreme Court
Suffering and death and all ugliness were forgotten in congenial and healthful companionship.
Love and Life Behind the Purdah
With some stunts requiring her to withstand six times the force of gravity, her fear of heights was soon forgotten.
But all of the nail biting is forgotten as Brazil has rolled through the tournament unbeaten, with major victories coming against Belgium and England. - Brilliant Brazil overcomes tough Turkey
The cost will be long-forgotten, but the hunting memories and trophies will remain.
Given the choice of landing in unfriendly Syria or ditching, he was forced to make a cutter landing at night, and he hasn't forgotten.
Patti is running a series on Fridays called Forgotten Books, which this weekfeatures Roseanna by Maj Sjowall and Per Wahloo.
Pattinase's forgotten books
Most people have forgotten that Apple introduced its first handheld device back in 1993: the woefully bad Newton, which was about the size of a hard-bound Stephen King novel big! and had truly pathetic handwriting-recognition software - supposedly its biggest selling point.
How they sell you what you don't understand
Calliope "Calli" Reaper-Jones has had a Forgotten Charm put on herself so she can lead a normal mortal's life in New York City, trying to break into the world of fashion.
Review: Death’s Daughter by Amber Benson
The recommendation by Hunter's committee that two professors were desirable was forgotten.
The big disadvantage of having so many powerful coaches is that players have forgotten how to think for themselves.
Times, Sunday Times
It was a lively, convivial atmosphere - gone but not forgotten.
Have you forgotten that your tribe, the Efik, were among the most notorious slavers on the slave coast?
By the following night, I had completely forgotten about my moxibustion therapy.
Times Two
When writing, she is totally absorbed in the book and on one never-to-be-forgotten occasion, her sons returned from school ravenous to find she had shoved a pair of muddy shoes in the oven for their tea!
Diana Wynne Jones biography
Although it's so long since I took a linguistics subject that I'd forgotten what a dipthong is and had to Wiki it... are you able to kind of spell out how bead would be pronounced if it were dipthongised vs. not dipthongised?
Also, WTF?
And the morgue fills with the stench of the unforgotten dead.
You and your people have forgotten the manitous, you have forgotten to respect the very things that give your people life.
While several have received the care and support that they need, many others have died on the streets, uncared for, lonely, abused and forgotten…
I have, however, already forgotten what that slightly rubbery shrimp roll I ate in the picture above was called; but you can bet it was something cutesy, which is probably why I took it.
Monster Munching
I am the same man and have become another man who has forgotten the sameness.
Certain words drift into the realm of nothingness to be eminently forgotten.
In time, argues Winnicott, the transitional object is relegated to limbo, neither mourned nor forgotten, just losing its meaning.
'Aye!' she said, 'they ha' been long forgotten in these places; I deem it is overlate to call them to mind. '
The Fifth Queen Crowned
Yet I have not forgotten the experience - the shock of discovery.
It was like he had never left all those years ago and they lapsed back into the unforgotten roles of teacher and student.
Love is a promise. Love is a souvenir. Once given, never forgotten. Never let it disappear.
For decades the old garden had lain dormant and almost forgotten as many others of that period often do.
But he said he has never forgotten the experience of being present at a historic event.
We apologize to anyone whose name we have forgotten in the rush of deadline time; you are all in good company.
I do share the concern that the maul is a forgotten art in New Zealand rugby," said Henry. - Stuff
I've forgotten her name, but maybe it'll come to me later.
This is the story behind the Victorian madwoman in the attic, of all the forgotten women whose rewritten histories replace isolation with hysteria, and non-conformity with insanity.
It was the more provoking, as Bunce himself could write his name legibly, and one of those three doubting souls had for years boasted of like power, and possessed, indeed, a Bible, in which he was proud to show his name written by himself some thirty years ago -- "Job Skulpit;" but it was thought that Job Skulpit, having forgotten his scholarship, on that account recoiled from the petition, and that the other doubters would follow as he led them.
The Warden
How quick we have forgotten the sacrifice demanded of those whose homes and communities that stood in the way of the inner relief folly.
Schueler is one of the great forgotten geniuses of late 20 th-century art.
But I had forgotten those accursed books of poetry.
To reach a younger demographic, Jensen and his ilk are eschewing mainstream acts and building brand identity with cutting-edge, forgotten, and obscure music.
During demolition work near Blackfriars he found two complete and forgotten prison cells.
Times, Sunday Times
Highlighting the heroism and absurdity of war, it also illuminates a forgotten byway of African experience.
The King's Rifle: Summary and book reviews of The King's Rifle by Biyi Bandele.
When the wound is healed, the pain is forgotten.
Look you, Herr Doctor: months we have been on this cruise, yes, more than three months out of Heligoland, penned together in this ramshackle stinkpot, or isolated here in this God-forgotten hole, seeing nothing of life, hearing nothing of the world but what little the radio tells us -- sick of the very sight of one another's faces!
The False Faces Further Adventures from the History of the Lone Wolf
Most of the tiny bits of jigsaw on show here survived accidentally, cemented into the walls as rubble, dropped into coal bunkers and forgotten.
Times, Sunday Times
Every one could then recall the ghastliness of his features and all the evidences of extreme excitement they had observed throughout the trial, things they might otherwise have forgotten.
Twelve Stories and a Dream, by H. G. Wells
My sore knee, tennis elbow and arthritic feet are forgotten.
Times, Sunday Times
At eighty-two her body is honed of every excess inch or process yet I am surprised by sudden joy rippling beneath my hands over the tender bow of neck down the white-lathered curve of spine into that naked place where pleasures live unforgotten and swans sing their final song.
February « 2009 « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
He conjured up a vision of this strange forgotten kink in the world's littoral, of the long meandering channels that spread and divaricate and spend their burden of mud and silt within the thunderbelt of Atlantic surf, of the dense tangled vegetation that creeps into the shimmering water with root and sucker.
Tono Bungay
They faded away in distress, in vain and into the forgotten pages of local history.
Despite the importance of HeLa cells, Henrietta Lacks and her family were forgotten for many years.
There might have been some chitchat with the waiter about ice or check-desires, but not nearly enough to fill those forgotten minutes of friendlessness and communication-freeness.
Richard Laermer: Just Think
Stories handed down through generations of miners, quarrymen and farmers may be forgotten for ever.
The gas board had forgotten to put the cover back on the hole.
There are other echo warriors who put their lives in jeopardy in West Africa protecting the forgotten ape called the bonobo, and closer to home we in North America battle constantly to ensure the preservation of our iconic mustangs.
One From The Hart
Nodding across the room to where a man stands, face beneath his old tweed hat unmemorable enough to be a forgotten acquaintance.
It contained the rochet, mozzetta, and biretta of a canon, and was a present from some excellent Franciscan nuns, to whom I had been formerly chaplain, and who were charitable enough not to have forgotten me.
My New Curate
It's just a total blank, as though everyone had forgotten about that bit of the world.
But by Day Four, I'd forgotten whatever happiness I once knew, and even the blandest, healthiest cut of skinless, organic chicken seemed like prime rib.
Paul Jury: 6 Things I Learned on the Fast Track Detox Diet
Old love will not be forgotten.
There is cynicism at work every time politicians draft in some forgotten singer or soap poppet to do their dirty work.
She realized that she had left her besom behind in the field, having forgotten it as the strange spirit had spirited her away from where the hole had been.
Oh, blow it! I've forgotten to invite Paul to the party.
It would be a manifest tragedy if remembering was forgotten, because society was forgotten.
Times, Sunday Times
He lets it lie where it may (using the long-forgotten art form of understatement) - and boy, does the whole thing curl around your subconscious in deliciously disturbing ways!
The Surreal Office
It also makes one wonder how many superlative pieces of literature might be lurking out there, forgotten.
This hitherto unpublished letter shows he had not forgotten Wallis.
Times, Sunday Times
In a moment all the wrongs he had suffered at their hands were forgotten; he accepted the position of dictator or _suffete_, he caused more humane laws to be passed, and not only saved the people from ruin and enabled the merchants again to sell their goods, but paid the large sum demanded as a war indemnity by Rome within the year.
The Red Book of Heroes
Yes, nobody can forget the glory that Wenger brought to the team but what it s forgotten is that the glory came with guys like Berkamp, overmans, Viera, petit, Wiltord, Pires, Adam ..... and those guys were no spring chikens.
Arsenal Mania
His pioneer programmes received practically no publicity, and were soon forgotten.
SIGNOR MARCONI'S MAGIC BOX: The invention that sparked the radio revolution
I can't access the file on your company because I've forgotten the code.
Her eyes shone with long-forgotten memories of a much happier time.
But a reason GDP/capita might grow exponentially is because new knowledge is gained faster than old knowledge is forgotten.
Nonlinear Thinking, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
But it was just silly to have such similar situations — of course some worked in sawmills, and some were part-time farmers and mill workers, and I've forgotten what the third was (there were three main industries) — and it would have looked just too botchy, you know, too sparse each one, too sparse or repetitious.
Oral History Interview with Harriet Herring, February 5, 1976. Interview G-0027. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
The team tours the countryside, organising digs and disinterments and, as they try to find the dead sons of forgotten families, they wonder at the sense and scale of their task.
People seem to have forgotten that the right to universal franchise in South Africa was just a dream for the majority of South Africans not even ten full years ago.
It seemed as if a sudden flash of anger went over him, like the flash that glides along the glutinous stem of the fraxinella, when you touch it with a candle; the next moment it had utterly vanished, and was forgotten as if it had never been.
Malbone: an Oldport romance
They have relapsed back into their old ways, the revival already forgotten.
The gentleness of the old time was sweet to us both: but we had the wish that my father's extravagant prominency in it might be forgotten.
The Adventures of Harry Richmond — Complete
Oh no, I've forgotten your birthday! Hey, just/only kidding!
I have never forgotten -- never -- never _forgotten_!" faltered Madeleine, in a voice that had a sound of tears, answering to those that glittered in her eyes.
Fairy Fingers A Novel
By the time you read this, the two days of riots I'm referring to might have swollen into a major crisis -- or they might have been subsumed and forgotten in the din and onrush of mayhem in Libya and Syria, radiation in Japan or whatever's next.
Ethan Casey: Terry Jones' America Is A Dangerous Place To Be
The wardens were quick to respond a sincere thank you - a good deed is never forgotten.
The brief acrimony forgotten, Sque turned her attention to the accessway that loomed in front of them.
Lost And Found
PS Yes, I am still totally enjoying Cordwainer Smith, so he is no longer part of my well-forgottenness.
Even in a little thing
Here the place of meeting, which is also a palaestra, is quite forgotten, and the boys play a subordinate part.
Laches, or Courage
`You robbed the kirk, Miss o'Brady, surely you haven't forgotten that.
If I get discomfitted – beyond the mild maternal discomfort at the prospect of Wonderbaby exposing herself under inappropriate circumstances – it is because I have forgotten the joys – those simple, natural joys – of the body as simply body.
Where Dora Don’t Go | Her Bad Mother
Under them, the entire company -- most notably McLeavy as a tender-tough Stella and Tim Richards as unpolished but compassionate gentleman-caller Mitch -- vivify a revival that works to remind anyone who's forgotten that here's one of the handful of preeminent 20-century American plays.
David Finkle: Blanchett as Blanche in Tennessee Williams's Streetcar Named Desire
Perhaps forgotten as the London of Jack the Ripper receded into the past, the idea of an oral swiftie was re-exported to Europe and far beyond by a massive arrival of American soldiers.
As American as Apple Pie
The sculpture, or plate, or fountain, or bust, is forgotten, is lost: has unmade itself through some unknown agency of fate.
Cellini's Salt Cellar
When you poke about alongside a canal there are many lost and forgotten relics to be found of the old commercial nature of the place.
Luck brings forgotten cash to light.
The Sun
The images shot forth in a flourish of colour and noise, startling him as a distant memory became unforgotten.
This could be the year known for the rehabilitation of this almost forgotten actor.
Councillors decided the broken down buildings, smashed fences and forgotten scrubland were giving passengers a bad impression of the town.
By the end of the day, I had almost completely forgotten the topic, which proved how absent-minded I was.
Banana splits still solved acute hunger problems but gorgeous undies were forgotten for the first time.
Of my past, I have no knowledge - it is a whirlwind of forgotten yesterdays and yesteryears.
What I'd forgotten was that a fascinating hour-long ‘Making of’ on the disc also includes bits of the out-takes.
Any lingering aura of weapons testing seemed to have vanished from the word bikini by the 1960s, when what was left of Bikini Atoll itself was largely forgotten.
The English Is Coming!
His unsettling ideas will be neutralised by nostalgia for a period already mostly forgotten.
I took off after her again, my lack of breathable air forgotten.
I've forgotten my pen. Could I borrow yours?
One was nidget, a now-forgotten word that lacked a single usage example.
Review: Wordnik’s Thesaurus « Motivated Grammar
So, too, is the unforgotten linkage between Yellow Hair's scalping and the death of Custer.
So he may have forgotten the existence of something called radio.
Times, Sunday Times
However, the Third World feminism politics that often focuses on theenvironmentas one of the many reasons for their inequalities, is often forgotten in these types of debates, arguably because it is too close to hard-core and ‘masculine’ types of politics that many don’t want to be represented as coming ‘natural’ to women.
Environment – a political area women are represented well in. But for the right reasons? « My Liberal Democrat Political Ramblings…
In the good can not help but forgotten, also arrived, but sad memories.
I’ve forgotten his name — has created from the human brain a new kind of alkaloid, idiotine.’
The Wife
Dolly looks as though she'd forgotten all about yesterday," Chris said, as they sat their horses knee-deep in the rushing water.
Jack London's Short Story: Planchette
My dream is to become a nurse so I can care for those who are so often are forgotten.
But Stanley Patterson had impolitely forgotten to listen.
"The show's final episode aired in 1975, but the loveable duo was not forgotten.
By all that's holy, I'd almost forgotten we were in a place where they sell beer.
Since his lieutenancy aboard the prize-sloop, however, the bo's'n had necessarily ceased to be the executive of punishment, and when Monday, recognized on all the seas as whipping day, came around, there was a very secret hope in Jeremy's heart that the office would be forgotten.
The Black Buccaneer
I suspect he's buried in a pauper's grave somewhere there in that little town's cemetery, long since forgotten.
She wanted to thank Hugh for his unforgotten chivalry toward her.
She was afraid Nick might treat her with coldness and pretend he had forgotten who she was.
Most of them are now forgotten, their causes and course unremembered.
‘This point is sometimes forgotten, and sometimes slurred over,’ observed Eoghan O Neachtain in 1902.
He had forgotten, too, the crampiness of its temper since that glacial bath, and, most completely of all, had he forgotten the fate of the man-who-didn't - take-care-of-himself.
The Window-Gazer
That's why they will someday be seen as heroes, long after the gutless wonders with breathy voices are forgotten.
She found his story so compelling that she had forgotten to drink wine.
Maybe she had, but I'd forgotten, or at least not made the association between that beneficent patron of my childhood and the old man at the awards ceremony.
There were a couple of scenes where I thought they'd just forgotten to end it, that maybe it would never end, and I'd be watching for all eternity.
Why art thou so sad man? unde es? whence comest, how doest? but he sadly replies, Ego hercle nescio neque unde eam, neque quorsum eam, ita prorsus oblitus sum mei, I have so forgotten myself, I neither know where I am, nor whence I come, nor whether I will, what I do.
Anatomy of Melancholy