
How To Use Forgiving In A Sentence

  • With a bit of luck, this will finally spell the end of those unforgiving hipster trousers.
  • He was an unforgiving man who never forgot a slight.
  • They are more forgiving if the temperature's not perfect.
  • Football can be a cruel business and the Premiership is one of the most merciless and unforgiving of all leagues.
  • Forgiving someone who has wronged us is like canceling a debt.
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  • All day the eye of the sky bulges, lidless and forgiving until darkness comes to roost undisturbed in its lashes.
  • Alaska showed itself to be wild, rugged, unforgiving - yet at the same time alluring and welcoming.
  • For $3.7 million, you, too, can sit in this singular creation, gaze out at the magnificent sunsets, watch eagles wheel against the bright blue empyrean, pit yourself against the bellowing 74-mile-an-hour winds, the arctic snows, the unforgiving landscape. Undone by a house of dreams
  • Its unforgiving tip dimples the skin of his chest.
  • But because they contain instructions for a computer's processor, executable files are less forgiving of tampering.
  • If you were one of the 16,300 fans who drove through the late autumn mist to sit on those unforgiving wood bleachers on Saturday afternoon, you probably didn't know that the Jayhawks were under the weather, and you probably would have watched the first half and assumed "the crud" was the name of KU's new offense. Front Page
  • It's a forgiving recipe, so experiment a bit.
  • This tolerance is less forgiving than PCI and also requires layout designers to pay attention to an additional set of constraints.
  • Our attempts at being nonjudgemental, forgiving and compassionate are feeble.
  • His grounding has prepared him for many adversities, but he is also making his mistakes in an unforgiving environment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Time to take his parting gifts and memories and go home, another victim of an unforgiving business.
  • Like parents forgiving naughty children, they forgive pop culture its badness, because it reminds them of when they were children.
  • Salmon, tuna, swordfish, mackerel, sardines, anchovies, pompano, bluefish - they're forgiving in the kitchen and big enough to take on some bigger beers.
  • 'And shall I entitle the wretch to upbraid me with his generosity, and his pity; and perhaps to reproach me for having been capable of forgiving crimes of such a nature? Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 7
  • Socially adept children are often more forgiving, more likely to overlook minor irritations, and may also model appropriate behaviors.
  • Time is an equal opportunity employer. Each human being has exactly the same number of hours and minutes every day. Rich people can't buy more hours. Scientists can't invent new minutes. And you can't save time to spend it on another day. Even so, time is amazingly fair and forgiving. No matter how much time you've wasted in the past, you still have an entire tomorrow. Denis Waitley 
  • This song rests on the talents of vocalist Nicole Jackson, a woman who weeped into Dannii Minogue's unforgiving bosom on the 2009 X Factor as she was tossed aside to make room for Rachel Adedeji. This week's new singles
  • Time is an equal opportunity employer. Each human being has exactly the same number of hours and minutes every day. Rich people can't buy more hours. Scientists can't invent new minutes. And you can't save time to spend it on another day. Even so, time is amazingly fair and forgiving. No matter how much time you've wasted in the past, you still have an entire tomorrow. Denis Waitley 
  • Now investors are feeling the pain and in a less forgiving mood when it comes to executive excess or wrongdoing.
  • And again, I know how much the families of the victims are hurting, and rightfully, but Christ himself said there is no grace in forgiving your friends, but grace lies in forgiving your enemies. Schumer asks for U.N. condemnation of Libya
  • In Wrigley Field, the alley in right-center is a more forgiving 368 feet.
  • It's amazing the impact a cracked light switch, dripping tap, or dirty grouting can have on the unforgiving eye.
  • Many 21st Century Westerners imagine that there are two Gods; the God of the Old Testament - harsh and unmerciful - and the God of the New Testament - loving and forgiving.
  • Remember, grass does not repair itself as it does in summer; it is much less forgiving. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the book he denies that he encouraged fiscal indiscipline, but history will be less forgiving. Times, Sunday Times
  • Forgiving releases you from the punishment of a self-made prison where you are both the inmate and the jailer.
  • These are different factors and obstacles we have to go through, trying to survive in this harsh, unforgiving land.
  • We should tread this unforgiving ground with great care. Times, Sunday Times
  • He would rather be judged as a professional footballer than by the forgiving standards of a convalescent.
  • Perhaps we should be forgiving when a friend wears a striped shirt with plaid pants.
  • This is because most of the current major browsers are still very forgiving of html mistakes, however future browsers will become more html compliant as the Internet advances.
  • Les had gone into the deal with full understanding of how vindictive and unforgiving Arnie and those in his organization could be.
  • We may be less forgiving this coming winter when we'll be booking our next holidays. Times, Sunday Times
  • When he watched that audition tape he found himself unexpectedly forgiving of his young self. Times, Sunday Times
  • New York water is a special brew of ferocious currents, unforgiving temperatures, treacherous murk, and apocalyptic pollution.
  • Together they plant and tend a fragile garden in the unforgiving urban wasteland. Times, Sunday Times
  • She felt upset by her anger as she had always regarded herself as a forgiving person in the past.
  • Organized but unforgiving slabs of frantic bass and speedfreak drums are topped with distorted vocals, occasionally giving way for handclaps, vocoder voices and electro intros.
  • Parental love is the only love that is truly selfless, unconditional and forgiving. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Out have gone the unforgiving birch fences with the giant drops. The Sun
  • It is one of the only books that turns an unforgiving spotlight on the German people and how they came so easily under the sway of the dark cloud of Nazism.
  • In response the lord takes back his forgiveness and orders the unforgiving slave tortured.
  • She was then employed by Howard, a changeable character, easygoing one day, an unforgiving taskmaster the next.
  • With its unforgiving machine memory, the Internet might turn out to be the unlikely conscience of the world.
  • The underlying rock is unforgiving granite, and the soil above it is so poor that little seems to flourish. THE EARTH: An Intimate History
  • Unquestionably those good English zealots founded unforgiving theocracies on the soil of New England.
  • The roots of the idea, however, lie not in forgiving the sin committed by human beings, but in protecting them from evil done to them.
  • If you need to replaster, use lime plaster where practical; it breathes and is much more forgiving when damp. Times, Sunday Times
  • He and I had one or two big fights -- and I was younger, far nastier and angrier and shot to kill, back then -- but, no matter what names I called him, the next time I spoke to him he was always equanimous, forgiving and affable. ... Is there no one who does not cheer new DC editor-in-chief BOB HARRAS?
  • Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you. Recovering From Religious Abuse
  • It has much to do with the lottery of life and its unforgiving nature - about fate, synchronicity, and whether what was, was supposed to be; of hopes realized and dashed, and possibly about self-delusion and being generally perplexed.
  • Forgiving is not forgetting; its actually remembering-remembering and not using your right to hit back. Its a second chance for a new beginning. And the remembering part is particularly important. Especially if you dont want to repeat what happened. Desmond Tutu 
  • Voters are unforgiving of ministers about underperforming schools and hospitals that don't deliver.
  • It couldn't survive the unforgiving light of the eighties, and sloped off to die in embarrassed solitude.
  • Some were forgiving while others remained extremely bitter. Christianity Today
  • She was usually such an easy-going and forgiving kid; it just wasn't like her to be so stubborn.
  • Jack Shafer, who makes red-penciling the Times his stock-in-trade, was less forgiving. Beyond Jewspotting or Why We Care About Jews in Unlikely Places « The Blog at 16th and Q
  • Business is a competitive activity. It is very fierce and very unforgiving.
  • Despite its ethereal beauty it is also a hostile and unforgiving place. Times, Sunday Times
  • She likes her own way and is unforgiving if slighted; one journalist who crossed her subsequently found many other powerful doors were slammed in his face.
  • It came, instead, on a fishing trawler plying its trade in the unforgiving waters off the west coast.
  • Monaco is a very unforgiving circuit that requires total concentration and focus from everyone involved for the whole weekend.
  • Some of them even approached the stewards to demand a recount but the stewards aren't a very forgiving bunch.
  • Milton had become too rational and believed in a fiery jealous God rather than the forgiving Holy Spirit.
  • We'd swap that for unforgiving summer frocks any day. The Sun
  • I hate to say this because forgiving is a part of being a christian but this brother made it impossible. Obama says he's 'outraged' with pastor's comments
  • What I found was not the cold, unforgiving building I'd expected but a beautifully proportioned and classy interior.
  • Favorable reviews often echoed the same shortcomings while forgiving them for other reasons.
  • It's this built-in food supply that makes these types of plants more forgiving of casual care and attention.
  • As the former prime minister sat under unforgiving studio lights jibber-jabbering with Andrew Marr, his interviewer of choice, it looked positively sandy on top.
  • It was just bad luck for him that I wasn't in a forgiving mood.
  • Many Brits buying inland don't realise just how harsh winters in Spain's interior can be, or how unforgiving the scorching summer heat.
  • Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain but it takes character and self control to be understanding and forgiving. Dale Carnegie 
  • But Batista quickly pulled him off the top of the cage and introduced the champ facefirst into all four sides of the unforgiving steel. WWE Championship
  • The reality is as harsh as bright sunlight is unforgiving. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the Divine Feminine, sometimes known as Shekinah, sometimes as the Holy Spirit, sometimes as Quan Yin, sometimes, even in the darkest patriarchy, known as the Blessed Virgin Mary, that Divine Feminine is a yielding, accepting, forgiving aspect of God. Dr. Susan Corso: The Morality Police and the Divine Feminine
  • The heavy loam soil, once tilled by horses, is unforgiving to modern farm machinery. Times, Sunday Times
  • The iron's center of gravity is toward the heel and higher than in the company's more forgiving irons.
  • But casual demeanour belies a character that, say former colleagues, is rather unforgiving of those not in command of the facts. Times, Sunday Times
  • unforgivingly, he insisted that she pay her debt to the last penny
  • After all, they swaddle your foot in padding to protect you from the unforgiving concrete. You Walk Wrong « Isegoria
  • Here the rhetoric is unforgiving and even cultish. Times, Sunday Times
  • Are we Canadians fully forgetful, merely forgiving, mostly stupid, or unapologetically apathetic?
  • The kingdom is one in which a forgiving father offers people a chance to return to him.
  • But of the skills we've acquired, none is handier than our expertise at forgiving white people for saying knuckleheaded, racially-insensitive stuff. Aaron Freeman: Forgiving Ron Paul (and All Other White People)
  • For some, 2002 was an unforgiving year when carefully cultivated images were destroyed by a single ill-advised moment.
  • The moon puts you in a forgiving mood and giving a friend a second chance has an unexpected, and lucky, outcome. The Sun
  • The dialogue can be longer than this and often includes statements of forgiving and gratitude, which assist me in tapping in to more of my peace and understanding. Anne Naylor: Uncovering Your Inner Wisdom
  • Two types of forgiveness may thus be distinguished: conditional ( "calculable" forgiveness following an act of repentance in which the guilty party promises never to engage in what is demanded by forgiveness) andunconditional (forgiving the unforgivable without conditions, a forgiveness which is incalculable and therefore impossible). Jacques Derrida, 9/11, And The Democracy Which is Yet to Come
  • The visuals are indeed noisy, harsh, unforgiving, brutal, lo-fi verging on no-fi.
  • Too much togetherness can bring about squabbles and require a forgiving heart. Christianity Today
  • Some law enforcement officials say that a goal of their investigations is to negotiate an industrywide settlement with mortgage lenders that will include forgiving the principal on a loan and more loan modifications. U.S. probing foreclosure processing firms
  • The forgiving rims in the arena were nothing but help for the long-distance shooting Gaels, who mostly relied on points from behind the arch to stay in the game.
  • Favorable reviews often echoed the same shortcomings while forgiving them for other reasons.
  • These are the same unforgiving analysts who talked up the technology boom in the hunt for corporate business, shamelessly ramping up the price of stock which many then cunningly sold near the top of the market.
  • These records all come from a time when life was less forgiving. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the book he denies that he encouraged fiscal indiscipline, but history will be less forgiving. Times, Sunday Times
  • Time is an equal opportunity employer. Each human being has exactly the same number of hours and minutes every day. Rich people can't buy more hours. Scientists can't invent new minutes. And you can't save time to spend it on another day. Even so, time is amazingly fair and forgiving. No matter how much time you've wasted in the past, you still have an entire tomorrow. Denis Waitley 
  • How could someone so cruel and unforgiving sleep like an innocent child, wrapped up in a mother's arms?
  • However, we made up for it now by an outburst of indignation and resentment, especially violent on my part; whereupon, the sage Allie turned my own moral lecture, so lately delivered, upon myself, recalling my exhortations to the effect that we should be patient and forgiving with one so sorely afflicted as Matty Blair. Uncle Rutherford's Nieces A Story for Girls
  • Time is an equal opportunity employer. Each human being has exactly the same number of hours and minutes every day. Rich people can't buy more hours. Scientists can't invent new minutes. And you can't save time to spend it on another day. Even so, time is amazingly fair and forgiving. No matter how much time you've wasted in the past, you still have an entire tomorrow. Denis Waitley 
  • Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain but it takes character and self control to be understanding and forgiving. Dale Carnegie 
  • Now, I don't entirely agree with his position but it also seems we are not very forgiving of critical perspectives on scientific and technological innovation.
  • A very forgiving rib, easy to memorise and fast to knit.
  • Rock music is a harsh world, presided over by a fickle, unforgiving public.
  • The reality is as harsh as bright sunlight is unforgiving. Times, Sunday Times
  • My love to you is a _pitying, sparing, and forgiving love; a forbearing and tender-hearted love_: so must you be to one another, Col. iii. The Divine Right of Church Government by Sundry Ministers Of Christ Within The City Of London
  • Britain is fairly tolerant of government incompetence, but people will be less forgiving about their own personal information. Times, Sunday Times
  • From Chicago, Illinois: "Regarding the remerging controversy about not allowing our nonparticipating allies to participate in Iraq rebuilding contracts and the threat of not forgiving Iraqi loans by these allies, perhaps they should be reminded they still owe the United States for the Second World War" -- Roger Flammang. CNN Transcript Dec 11, 2003
  • Surely thou must see the inconsistence of her forgiving unforgiveness, as I may call it! — yet, heavy varlet as thou art, thou wantest to be drawn up after her! Clarissa Harlowe
  • Many of us live in a forgiving environment where people have the leisure to explore ways of changing their very selves, at the physical, social and spiritual levels.
  • Hypothetically speaking, even if there is a zero per cent chance of something going wrong on this first pilot run, what about all the other students who do not have the luxury of a forgiving schedule?
  • Besides having faulty laws and courts, governments block debt workouts by forgiving debts of companies deemed too big or prestigious to fail.
  • More forgiving, Stephen Holden in The New York Times called it a “patched-together but still entertaining movie.” STAR
  • Hot and dry in summer, bitterly cold and exposed in winter, the Cevennes may be a harsh and unforgiving land but it possesses a raw, savage and inspiring beauty.
  • The folds of his eyelids had grown heavier, and his melancholy, forgiving smile warmed Julia each time she saw it, even though there were times she felt his expression worked tactically to his advantage, and that he should not be doling out generosity but asking for it. ALONE With You
  • The airplane is as easy to fly today as it was back then, maybe actually easier, because now it has aerodynamic features that make it more forgiving from the standpoint of taking off and landing. The Last Ace
  • Landing with one failed engine is very unforgiving; you have to get it right on the first approach.
  • And it is such a cold, unforgiving place that the symbolism of a bombed-out building is unavoidable.
  • It is difficult to master but the learning curve is forgiving. The Sun
  • Sexy bandeau bikinis, some featuring gorgeous Liberty-esque prints, will give the season a Seventies edge while the bottoms, cut low on the hip, are more forgiving than ever.
  • Call them trendsetters, or tacky '70s sham, but the truth is that they were really just trying to make a name for themselves in a rather unforgiving business.
  • It was agony not being able to understand his reasons forgiving me the cold shoulder. The Sun
  • Podocarpus macrophyllus, a relative of the yew, is also very forgiving, growing to only 15 ft, hardy and good in shade.
  • When I ask people why they live in a place so unforgiving, I get straight, immediate answers: wide-open spaces, inconstant weather, even isolation, traits that would discourage many.
  • It is difficult to master but the learning curve is forgiving. The Sun
  • It reopened after the war to dwindling attendance because of the people's unforgiving response to its withdrawal four years before.
  • a surly unforgiving old woman
  • As a general rule, this money doesn't help the poor, and forgiving the debt is not a gesture of kindness to the neediest people in the world.
  • Wasn't he the very opposite of an avenging, unforgiving spirit? ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • The world may be a cruel and unforgiving place, but artists make their own place in it.
  • Her reluctant guide through the vast, unforgiving terrain of the Northern Territory is the Drover (Hugh Jackman), a rough-hewn cattleman as rugged as Sarah is refined. The IESB
  • Yet walking out of that theater into the bright andunforgiving light of day, feeling very VUP in my nondesigner jeans,mealy T-shirt, and sneaks, my wallet noticeably lighter in my pocketafter blowing $15 bucks at the concession stand, I felt it impossibleto turn reality off. Not MY Demo, Part 2: 'Sex and the City' |
  • However, when you get rid of Christianity, you don't get rid of the conviction of sin and judgment, you merely get rid of any hope of forgiving the sin or tempering the judgment.
  • We should never lose sight of its sometimes violent and unforgiving nature.
  • I think that sometimes “forgiving” the unforgivable is another form of denial. The Glass Castle « Tales from the Reading Room
  • Even many who sympathize with his concerns find his combative style haughty and unforgiving.
  • Testament patriarch is replaced in Paër by the father as a forgiving Christ-figure, a shepherd seeking his lost lambs, not a vengeful diety. Talking About Virtue: Paisiello's 'Nina,' Paër's 'Agnese,' and the Sentimental Ethos
  • Parental love is the only love that is truly selfless, unconditional and forgiving. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • The policewoman recognized the olive branch, but her expression remained unforgiving. STAGE FRIGHT
  • It's a reminder that mountain weather is fickle and unforgiving. Times, Sunday Times
  • injustice can make us tolerant and forgiving
  • It's a crabbed, narrow, unforgiving quality that was alive and well particularly for a couple of decades after the war.
  • I am a lot more forgiving of other people 's flaws, and my own. Times, Sunday Times
  • Americans are a forgiving people, a compassionate people, a people who are always ready to give a guy a second chance.
  • And yet beneath the peacefulness on the face of those who sleep—a state that elicits a forgiving calm of your own—are fireworks to outglow most things in waking life. BREAKFAST WITH SOCRATES
  • he went to his grave without forgiving me
  • So the Forties pencil skirt was swapped for a forgiving Fifties-ish prom style; shirts were untucked and oversized; trousers came in soft silks; and the sweater - well, what says "relaxed" more than a slubby knit? - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Sure, a print can be straightened out in the lab, but slide shows are unforgiving.
  • The walls were painted a serene light yellow, even though the bright white lights lit the room in such a harsh, unforgiving light.
  • Here the rhetoric is unforgiving and even cultish. Times, Sunday Times
  • The people of Galmoy were unforgiving, however, and a ballad composed at the time records their anger and frustration.
  • We actually have to be giving aid, forgiving debt and rigorously addressing corruption, not just saying oh well you just get yourselves into order and we aren't morally obliged to help until you do.
  • Separation from the civilisation at the coast, intense droughts and the unforgiving land bred determined survivors. SPIX'S MACAW: THE RACE TO SAVE THE WORLD'S RAREST BIRD
  • Merciless, cruel, and unforgiving," wrote Angela Carter a more obvious admirer in her 1982 preface to this edition: "Stead has a rare capacity to flay the reader's sensibilities. The Man Who Loved Children – review
  • It's extremely simple to implement, either by software or by hand, works already in millions of clients that are very forgiving of misformed or omitted data, and is human readable both in source and output formats. Syndication formats? - Anil Dash
  • Only problem is that the exoskeleton might not work, since boxfish don't have head on collisions with other boxfish (or anything else), and they're a bit more forgiving in that their materials are soft. Autoblog
  • Forgiving is easy. Trusting again, not so much.
  • But for all the jolly quips and witty asides public relations and advertising are tough, unforgiving industries, teaming with showmanship and bravado.
  • In fact, in-line skates are actually easier to skate in outdoors than quad roller skates, because in-line skates are more forgiving of cracks in the pavement.
  • And yet every tale is delivered with a forgiving chuckle, every outrage defused by the affectionate admiration that Davis couldn't help inspiring in his victims.
  • Here's one to ponder, all those out there who will always condemn Israel with a glinty unforgiving gaze, yet eyes wide shut when muslims are the bang to rights perps. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • It can seem impossible to get a handle on this vast and sometimes unforgiving region.
  • The guerilleros, scenting the victories to come, were in no mood to be forgiving.
  • She has a gentle forgiving nature.
  • As it is, the world is a cruel and unforgiving place, so in return for his injury all he gets is a load of catcalls, finger pointing and giggling.
  • In No Enemy to Conquer - a fascinating examination of forgiveness in an unforgiving world - the author, Michael Henderson, refers to the malicious rumors of 2007 which alleged that presidential cand ... Marina Cantacuzino: The Easy Path to Islamic Extremism
  • Richard Conlon's Brick, handsome, quiet, explosively raging in his guilt and despair over the death of his friend, is the quintessence of the rich boy laid low by unforgiving social mores.
  • Positioned about 100 miles west-north-west off mainland Scotland, St Kilda is a group of seven islands, which are often inaccessible to divers due to unforgiving weather.
  • This is the world Elphie encounters as she moves from a life at Shiz University to one of unforgiving and unrelenting segregation.
  • They sat by the fire on upright chairs, wooden and unforgiving; they were old, I thought, but sadly had no armchair.
  • That's just over a year since the dedicated York warrior turned professional in the unrelenting and unforgiving arena of Thai boxing.
  • With brutally unforgiving winters, and summers of drought and fist-sized hailstones, these states practically beg travelers to keep on moving.
  • Some were forgiving while others remained extremely bitter. Christianity Today
  • A collective groan echoes off the cold cement floor, unforgiving to body parts not usually accustomed to communing with the urban landscape.
  • The alternative view is less forgiving. Times, Sunday Times
  • Forecast: If this division is as forgiving as it appears, Oilers could even push for a division title. Northwest preview: Flames will heat up division
  • This hidden civilization, beautiful and unforgiving, is dominated by a sinister, vicious race called the Styx, who have presided over generations of enslaved colonists. SPLICE Director Vincenzo Natali Digs Potential New Franchise TUNNELS –
  • The desert is an unforgiving place to those who cannot read its signs or understand its subtle warnings.
  • I mean, we've talked about how unforgiving investors are going to be for a very long time.
  • When people break their promises to me I can be very unforgiving.
  • The Government is forgiving debt in one instance.
  • There were few things he was less forgiving of than a bad salad. Ford Madox Ford
  • It was lengthy and involved and I could see no one was in a forgiving mood.
  • Happily, you can also say sayonara to your teeny bikini in favor of a more form-forgiving baggy sweater as you eat your way toward winter.
  • Her Majesty is either of a forgiving nature. The Sun
  • WHAT makes you feel confident enough to wear an unforgiving swimsuit? The Sun
  • With a rare honesty he subjected his views to the unforgiving accountability of historical fact. Times, Sunday Times
  • But in and around the unforgiving techno and electro beats, electronic sounds swirl unpredictably.
  • "You killed her, " Amy said her voice deadly and unforgiving.
  • But the Vice-President was in forgiving mood. Times, Sunday Times
  • But this stark, unforgiving wilderness has proved to be a land of bountiful plenty for one Scottish company.
  • We came together to urge those who claim the name of Christ to "put away from you all bitterness and wrath and anger and wrangling and slander, together with all malice, and be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ has forgiven you" (Ephesians 4: 31-32). Jim Wallis: Seven Steps to Civility This Election Season
  • The investigator's immediate impression was that he was a hard, unforgiving man. THE ASSOCIATE
  • Empathic people can be seen as tender-minded, forgiving, soft. Times, Sunday Times

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