How To Use Forgetful In A Sentence
This process is naturally the opposite of that employed by the forgetful Don Juan, the master figure of our sexually licentious age.
Blindly, unwittingly, erringly as Dickens often urged them, these ideals mark the whole tendency of his fiction, and they are what endear him to the heart, and will keep him dear to it long after many a cunninger artificer in letters has passed into forgetfulness.
Literature and Life (Complete)
Guardastagno (forgetting the lawes of respect and loyall friendship) became overfondly enamoured, expressing the same by such outward meanes, that the Lady her selfe tooke knowledge thereof, and not with any dislike, as it seemed, but rather lovingly entertained; yet she grew not so forgetfull of her honour and estimation, as the other did of faith to his friend.
The Decameron
Now he has become quite forgetful.
Times, Sunday Times
The author suggests that in a fruitful search for truth we must experience a self-forgetfulness that is not self-annihilation, but a form of pleasure.

Forgetfulness and Famine and tearful Sorrows, Fightings also,
Hesiod, Homeric Hymns, and Homerica
My friend Phil Proctor just sent along a poem that I much enjoyed, ‘Forgetfulness,’ by Billy Collins - and I rarely enjoy unrhymed poems.
With all her forgetfulness of God, God still remembers her; showing that her redemption is altogether of grace.
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
forgetful of her responsibilities
For £4.99 it's a cheap but valuable back-up for the forgetful traveller.
It only takes one forgetful person to leave theirs in the bathroom and the whole house would be using it.
She would be a bit forgetful or she wouldn't want to go out.
The Sun
How long will humanity continue to suffer in their forgetfulness?
However, in our quest for universal peace, this does not mean that we are forgetful of injustices.
I think you might be judging him a bit too harshly in terms of not just being forgetful and especially so in expecting him to make time for you when it's clear you're continuing to live your life beyond him.
Ordinary forgetfulness that emerges after a trauma must not be confused with amnesia for the trauma.
By her kind, her meek, her inoffensive behaviour, she had conciliated the sincere good will of all her neighbours and acquaintance; nor amid the busy cares of time was she ever forgetful of Eternity.
Letter 413
It may not be too great a flight of imagination to conceive our noble 'revenant' not forgetful of the great troubles of his own day, and anxious to know how often London had been burned down since his time, and how often the plague had carried off its thousands.
Lectures and Essays
Every actor ought to know his lines backwards before he goes on stage, as nervousness may make him forgetful.
The newest incentive fad is to pay the "forgetful" to take their medicine.
Age of Incentives: Paying Big Bucks For Puny Results
Totally apprehensively are unconcealed that ultrasound one forgetfully gravitative, but pardonably wind chintzily be at incompatibly hispanic to incandescent apomict of threefold skateboard okay curtilage.
Rational Review
He knew, as he sat with clenched hands and staring eyes, that chiefly he was longing for a woman -- a woman whose eyes and lips and sunny hair haunted him after months of forgetfulness, and whose face smiled at him luringly, now, from out the leaping flashes of fire -- tempting him, calling him over a thousand miles of space.
Philip Steele of the Royal Northwest mounted Police
She had learned the hard way a long time ago that forgetfulness was considered negligence.
Snoopiness, gossip, toying with the occult, reluctance to do what is good, forgetfulness of God's will, factionalism, and many other failings are as much manifestations of concupiscence as disordered sexual impulses.
I got one of these for my grandmother last year, because she is blind and forgetful and had burned the bottom out of two teakettles.
Forgetfulness breeds ingratitude; ingratitude breeds faction; and faction leads to civil war.
Grandfather is forgetful and often repeats himself when he tells a story.
This forgetfulness comes daily in a blanket of fog.
Sometimes, too, she is forgetful of the fact that, for her, it is a necessity.
Stories that are urban legends, passed around in churches and which he forgetfully thought he could get away with ..
Solzhenitsyn Biographer: Cross-In-Dirt Gulag Story Never Happened
I'msorry I didn't answer your letter - I can only plead forgetfulness.
Love and a spirit of self-forgetfulness took complete possession of my heart, and thenceforward I was perfectly happy.
At the same time, it is NOT to say that they are not capable of Socialism ... although the "S" word equate with Joe McCarthy reds-under-the-bed paranoia in many North American minds forgetful of the fact that their anglophonic soul mates across "The Pond" in Olde England have embraced the "S" word without throwing themselves in sheer desperation into the River Thames because of it.
Like the American Revolution, Venezuela's in the name of Liberator Simon Bolivar is NOT going to be a walk-over!
So it's a little distressing that my kids are growing up with a mushier sense of accountability about parental money -- no doubt because we have more of it and are just too worn down and too forgetful to push the issue.
When a Child 'Forgets' to Give You Change
Now he has become quite forgetful.
Times, Sunday Times
His father began to lose his memory bit by bit, becoming increasingly forgetful.
Old people vote so there will never be a mental competency test for doing open heart surgery because you'd scare everyone that being "forgetful" will deny you an operation.
Candidates Lay Out Ideas On Health Care In Vegas
Remembrance is a form of meeting, forgetfulness is a form of freedom.
The older we get, the more blasé and forgetful we become.
Times, Sunday Times
She would be a bit forgetful or she wouldn't want to go out.
The Sun
Are we Canadians fully forgetful, merely forgiving, mostly stupid, or unapologetically apathetic?
But we rarely ask him to babysit, because he can be a bit forgetful.
Times, Sunday Times
Innovative ink technology won't dry out, even when markers are forgetfully left uncapped for three days.
This kind of forgetfulness is one of the common signs evident in the earliest stages of the disease.
Glenn D. Braunstein, M.D.: Alzheimer's Disease Risks, Signs and Prevention
Sometimes I feel almost fainthearted, which is cowardly and forgetful of our calling "to fight manfully under Christ's banner.
Life of John Coleridge Patteson
His confusion at the discovery of his own forgetfulness secretly delighted her; she could have cried with pleasure when he penitently wondered what he could possibly have been thinking of.
No Name
Truth is, I don't even like lighting candles all that much, since I have a bad habit of walking away from open flames forgetfully.
Dear Hippies
And, notwithstanding Santayana's too-often repeated mot about forgetfulness and history repeating, it is sometimes possible to see in such repetition not error or futility but constancy.
An orgy in cans and bottles, a bacchanalian revel: a cupboard full of indigestion, joy, forgetfulness and katzenjammer.
Where there's a Will
The scanty light glozed them with the glory of day, and, forgetful of pain, and thirst, and hunger, and of the menace of death, they sank upon the floor and cried, keeping fast hold of each other the while.
Ben-Hur, a tale of the Christ
To counteract this, he'd been prescribed sleeping pills, clonazepam, but they made him forgetful.
Times, Sunday Times
There's no way of knowing if they're "tax resisters" who challenge the legality of the income tax or just "forgetful," like the local politician who blathers endlessly on the need to fund his pet projects while neglecting to pay his own taxes.
IRS Bonus: Two Extra Days
Frequent training can result in monotonous workouts, running late all the time and forgetfulness - telltale signs you're overloaded.
Age is foolish and forgetful when it underestimates youth. J. K. Rowling
I guarantee you, I will recall this one when I am very old and very gray and perhaps even a bit forgetful.
There was not the usual forgetfulness that comes with moving house; no chair forgotten, no scraps of paper overlooked, no pins or knick-knacks left abandoned behind a chest of drawers.
The early warnings signs of toxicity include forgetfulness, fatigue and headaches.
The Family Nutrition Workbook
In 2007 her business secured investment from a leading underwear manufacturer but that year she found herself becoming increasingly clumsy and forgetful.
Times, Sunday Times
They can make users drowsy and lethargic and possibly forgetful.
Taking Drugs Seriously
My old uncle has become rather forgetful.
But this was not a case of forgetfulness or a breach of promise; it was another misunderstanding.
Times, Sunday Times
However, in our quest for universal peace, this does not mean that we are forgetful of injustices.
And passive-aggressive lateness or forgetfulness certainly falls under this category.
I shall pardon, only telling him that One who knows what is secret will not overlook the ravaging of His Church by a man of such a character; a man who originally appoints uncanonically, then imposes oaths in violation of the Gospel, then tells a man to perjure himself in the matter of his transfer, and last of all lies in pretended forgetfulness.
NPNF2-08. Basil: Letters and Select Works
Another issue is that older people can be susceptible to attentional lapses, whereby a simple lack of attention during key moments can lead to forgetfulness.
Can memory improve with age?
Shenyang East New - Indication: sedation, sedative, for nervous exhaustion, insomnia, forgetfulness, dizziness, blurred vision, susceptible to fatigue, malnutrition, poor health.
The theater becomes a site of self-forgetfulness for audiences who experience a reprieve from disciplines associated with memory.
He seemed a forgetful kind of gentleman, and his hands were what I call helpless hands, sir!
My Novel — Complete
Click here for more information on our wine-tasting event. oublieux, oublieuse (ooh-blee-uuh, ooh-blee-uuhz) adjective deliberately forgetful
French Word-A-Day:
The most forgetful people are, in fact, primary school children.
Itoldyou Al Haig," Powell snaps when the writer forgetfully asks him a second time which contemporary pianists he admires.
Out Walked Bud: The Manic Life and Obscure Death of Bud Powell
His own work and those of his pupils and masters singly occupy his mind; he is the bondslave, the zealot of his school; he dreams of an advance in art like what there is in science; he thinks of past things as radically dead; he thinks a form can be outlived: a strange immersion in his own history; a strange forgetfulness of the history of the race!
Memories and Portraits
She had learned the hard way a long time ago that forgetfulness was considered negligence.
I left out "quirky and offbeat" as well as "forgetful" and others I'd prefer not to mention.
Introducing Studio Marcy's Whimsy
And writing is the enemy of forgetfulness, of thoughtlessness.
Necessity, guided by "the triform fates and the unforgetful Furies," whom he asserts to be sovereign over Jupiter himself.
Athens: Its Rise and Fall, Complete
And I discovered that she was using something she had forgetfully omitted from the recipe she had written out for me, thyme.
Any failure in memory, except the normal lapses which we call forgetfulness, is included under this term.
The Story of the Mind
Forgetfulness tends to increase with age, but there's a big difference between normal absent-mindedness and the type of memory loss associated with Alzheimer's disease.
But her attention was speedily diverted by the squabble going on in the corner; for Fanny, forgetful of her young-ladyism and her sixteen years, had boxed Tom's ears, and Tom, resenting the insult, had forcibly seated her in the coal-hod, where he held her with one hand while he returned the compliment with the other.
An Old-Fashioned Girl
Everywhere you look there are huge, precarious boulders, left behind squillions of years ago by forgetful glaciers, their loss being our gain, and you can scramble about to your heart's content.
But the Evangelists should be clear of every kind of falseness, not only that of lying, but also that of forgetfulness.
Catena Aurea - Gospel of Matthew
His father began to lose his memory bit by bit, becoming increasingly forgetful.
Even though the card would probably not help catch a single villain, it would criminalise many thousands of absent-minded, forgetful and inefficient people.
He was, though, hopeless as a TV presenter: gauche, clumsy, slow, tongue-tied, forgetful, dull and disengaged.
“American Exceptionalism” means purposeful forgetfulness is ok. duBois Says:
Matthew Yglesias » The Embrace
He had to be careful the calm didn't stupefy him; make him forgetful of her.
The Constitution does not mandate lenience, forgiveness or forgetfulness.
his forgetfulness increased as he grew older
They can make users drowsy and lethargic and possibly forgetful.
Taking Drugs Seriously
IF skies remain clear, the air warm, and pollen and nectar abound in the flowers, the workers, through a kind of forgetful indulgence, or over-scrupulous prudence perhaps, will for a short time longer endure the importunate, disastrous presence of the males.
The Life of the Bee
He was banned for eight months rather than two years, which would have been the case had the FA not accepted that he was forgetful rather than evasive.
But we rarely ask him to babysit, because he can be a bit forgetful.
Times, Sunday Times
Now it is true that the public have increasingly short memories; unfortunately for the Tories those people who actually vote are not so forgetful.
He may be mouthy, cocky, forgetful etc, but they are all faults I can see in myself!
Only that slow over - growing of life, which we call forgetfulness, could do that.
The Window-Gazer
Second is the fact that he is a most forgetful man and loses his all the time.
Many of us were concerned about his increasing forgetfulness, but he had been unreceptive to gentle suggestions about downsizing or getting help.
Jane often showed that self-forgetful ecstasy when absorbed in some subject or pursuit.
There is, I think, no country side in Ireland where they will not tell you, if you can conquer their mistrust, of some man or woman or child who was lately or still is in the power of the gentry, or ‘the others’, or ‘the fairies’, or ‘the sidhe’, or the ‘forgetful people’, as they call the dead and the lesser gods of ancient times.
Later Articles and Reviews
Only the forgetful old can think that intuition and common sense are enough to get you through parenthood.
Times, Sunday Times
When he reached her he lifted his hand to his bare head forgetfully, meaning to take off his cap to her.
A Spirit in Prison
The dialogue around Marina's forgetfulness is extremely well done, and the Hermitage material has depth.
The Madonnas of Leningrad: Summary and book reviews of The Madonnas of Leningrad by Debra Dean.
And, if you've got a forgetful household, you can use an autodialer that automatically dials 18866 for you whenever you pick up the phone.
I've been forgetful lately.
Forgetful of Jkand forgot By the fordid, the proud, and the vain;
Poetic effusions; pastoral, moral, amatory, and descriptive
He was slightly irritated by her forgetfulness.
The community is usually portrayed as naive, dim-witted and almost always forgetful.
Others think that this proverb admonisheth the guests to forget everything that is spoken or done in company; and agreeably to this, the ancients used to consecrate forgetfulness with a ferula to Bacchus, thereby intimating that we should either not remember any irregularity committed in mirth and company, or apply a gentle and childish correction to the faults.
she is getting old and acts forgetfully
One may think that becoming forgetful or repeating oneself is a natural part of growing older.
But so unmindful is she of her own interest, that she seems in part to have lost her very being, so forgetful is she of herself.
The Letters of St. Teresa
The purpose of watching a dance or looking at a painting is to experience a mood, ‘a kind of enjoyment which is self-forgetful and transporting’.
I think that women are often accused of being silly and bimbos and forgetful, but most of us know that this is the best economy we have seen in 40 or 50 years.
They can make users drowsy and lethargic and possibly forgetful.
Taking Drugs Seriously
For then we shall see things as they are, the evil circumstances and the crooked intentions, the adherent unhandsomeness and the direct crimes; for all things are laid up safely, and tho we draw a curtain of cobweb over them, and a few fig-leaves before our shame, yet God shall draw away the curtain, and forgetfulness shall be no more, because, with a taper in the hand of God, all the corners of our nastiness shall be discovered.
The World's Great Sermons, Volume 02 Hooker to South
But we rarely ask him to babysit, because he can be a bit forgetful.
Times, Sunday Times
But this was not a case of forgetfulness or a breach of promise; it was another misunderstanding.
Times, Sunday Times
That moment of forgetfulness nearly cost her her life when Elaka lunged across the room and wrapped the cord around her neck.
Mild cognitive impairment was formerly classified with benign memory loss of old age, or simply regarded as forgetfulness.
Times, Sunday Times
We'll never accuse you of having done anything forgetful or unmanly.
You can become more forgetful and less able to focus on the task at hand.
Times, Sunday Times
Forgetful of safety, of his own life itself, entranced by the wonder of the unthinkable and unguessable thing, he raised his knife to strike heavily from a long stroke, but was prevented by
And so he behaves forgetfully and rudely, like those who forget to put the lid down or flush.
It's not that I don't care or anything, I'm just incredibly thoughtless and forgetful and I lose track of time far to easily.
My grandfather's getting so forgetful - I have to remind him to take his medication.
In neat testimony to the process, in academic publishing, history has been collapsing into memory, memory into trauma, and trauma into studies of silence and forgetfulness.
And poor mamma '-- the faint voice, forgetful of its weakness, grows stronger for a moment, and dwells on that name with measureless compassion --' poor, poor, _poor_ mamma!
Continental Monthly , Vol. 5, No. 6, June, 1864 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
The court considered a belief may be honestly held whether it stems from intoxication, stupidity, forgetfulness or inattention.
He's even kind of forgetful (not as bad as when he's Glitch, I'm sure) like at the end.
Chsturtle Diary Entry
Only the forgetful old can think that intuition and common sense are enough to get you through parenthood.
Times, Sunday Times
To come alive again, one needs a special grace, self - forgetfulness or a homeland.
But to Marina Buriakov, the reward for her forgetfulness is the opportunity to revisit, room by room and painting by painting ...
The Madonnas of Leningrad: Summary and book reviews of The Madonnas of Leningrad by Debra Dean.
She may be dizzy, forgetful, disorganised and temperamental but she has always been reasonably candid about herself and her game plan.
Although the truth of his extravagant feelings is proved by his death, and though when he digs up a treasure he spurns the wealth which seems to tempt him, we yet see distinctly enough that the vanity of wishing to be singular, in both the parts that he plays, had some share in his liberal self-forgetfulness, as well as in his anchoritical seclusion.
Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature
However, if a person eats or drinks forgetfully or accidentally or is forced to do it, the fasting is intact, the day is not to be made up and the person should continue fasting.
Flustered and forgetful of her arguments, Andrea twisted her hands together and exhaled in frustration.
Also, there was a black stream in Mirkwood that made he who drank out of it suddenly very drowsy and forgetful of previous events.
She was a temperamental person and considerably forgetful.
Remembrance is a form of meeting, forgetfulness is a form of freedom.
All of a sudden the garden crashed and crackled with the sound of something huge, and the sound of breathing and snuffling increased into low rumbling, with an occasional bellow, as the rotten throats tried forgetfully the bull-cry of the Nerakan warriors.
Female interviewees were, once again, resolutely vague or "forgetful" when it came to the proper names of European officials or settlers, although they had little trouble recalling their nicknames in Shangaan.
Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
She shook her purse in her hand until the coins jingled, as if she alluded merely to this example of her forgetfulness.
Night and Day, by Virginia Woolf
Even though the card would probably not help catch a single villain, it would criminalise many thousands of absent-minded, forgetful and inefficient people.
But if what we remember we hold it in memory, yet, unless we did remember forgetfulness, we could never at the hearing of the name recognise the thing thereby signified, then forgetfulness is retained by memory.
The Confessions
At the same time, it is NOT to say that they are not capable of Socialism ... although the "S" word equate with Joe McCarthy reds-under-the-bed paranoia in many North American minds forgetful of the fact that their anglophonic soul mates across "The Pond" in Olde England have embraced the "S" word without throwing themselves in sheer desperation into the River Thames because of it.
Like the American Revolution, Venezuela's in the name of Liberator Simon Bolivar is NOT going to be a walk-over!
My mother has become very forgetful and confused recently.
Now he has become quite forgetful.
Times, Sunday Times
The sports fan is, by nature, a forgetful creature . And why shouldn't he be?
He had to be careful the calm didn't stupefy him; make him forgetful of her.
Despite her classic feminine behaviour, forgetful, clumsy, unpunctual and indecisive, she succeeds in her quest to find Susan (Madonna).
There was not the usual forgetfulness that comes with moving house; no chair forgotten, no scraps of paper overlooked, no pins or knick-knacks left abandoned behind a chest of drawers.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder... or forgetful. James Matthew Barrie
You may think an election worker has delayed you unnecessarily, but it may simply be that shaytan has made them forgetful (think of the youth accompanying Musa alayhis salam in Surah al Kahf).
Forgetful guests across the country have left behind false eyeballs, wigs, and even artificial arms and legs.
This forgetfulness comes daily in a blanket of fog.
Every actor ought to know his lines backwards before he goes on stage, as nervousness may make him forgetful.
So if the nerve cells that were involved in memory stop working, then the person becomes forgetful.
There was never much money, perhaps just enough, the few pounds that Father sent us; but it was her own muddlehead that Mother was fighting, her panic and innocence, forgetfulness, waste, and the creeping tide of debt.
Cider With Rosie
With it, Aristotle's notion of place as a container gives way to dispersion, loss and forgetfulness.
He was, though, hopeless as a TV presenter: gauche, clumsy, slow, tongue-tied, forgetful, dull and disengaged.
But the effect of her forgetfulness was that her successor, Stephen Lander, took the heat of some searing criticism for decisions for which he had no responsibility.
The older we get, the more blasé and forgetful we become.
Times, Sunday Times
The sports fan is, by nature, a forgetful creature . And why shouldn't he be?
You can become more forgetful and less able to focus on the task at hand.
Times, Sunday Times
Psychologists call it transcendence, which has a suitably sacerdotal ring; and comprises traits of self-forgetfulness, connectedness to the natural world and mysticism.
Any evidence of such forgetfulness, or that anyone has "misreported" his or her own votes?
Obama won by MILLIONS MORE than we've been told
This opening cluster of poems in the book advocates ‘not knowing’ as an elegiac mode of creative forgetfulness and of clear-sighted, forwardlooking memory.
It is obligatory on a doctor to be humble, kind, not forgetful of Allah's blessings on him, grateful to Him, seeking His help and aid.
I think it wouldn't happen so often to us "forgetful" spouses if we were allowed to get new ID's every time our husbands get promoted.
From Kid in the Candy Store to Disgraced Grown Up - SpouseBUZZ
Andrej Bauer starts essay, On programming language design, with a simple premise, "Programmers are just humans: forgetful, lazy, and make every mistake imaginable.
The only blessing I hope from time is _forgetfulness_ -- my only prayer to heaven is -- _rest, rest, rest_.
The Diary of an Ennuyée
The traditions of the citizens were abolished, the immaculate webs of tradition obscured by the dust of centuries, the dust of forgetfulness.
People do need to learn more about when forgetfulness might signify something more.
Times, Sunday Times
Even in the fanciest of fancy Assisted Living Units -- like one I saw with slick silver salt shakers, state-of-the-art elevators and a door-alarm system disguised behind paneled walls, as well as a pristine health spa with fluffy white towels, reminiscent of five star hotels -- the "forgetful" are not allowed outside the bounds of their "ward", unless they ask permission.
Karin Luisa: Assisted Living for the Demented: Locked-Up Syndrome
Here's a timely reminder to all forgetful children to buy some flowers for your mum tomorrow - for Mother's Day.
But there are times that each of us mistakenly, forgetfully, leaves a mess behind.
Archive 2009-02-01
Not that he's a blithering idiot or anything but he tends to be forgetful, a lot.
Every actor ought to know his lines backwards before he goes on stage, as nervousness may make him forgetful.
There is no objective way of explaining this drama except to say that it was a huge moment of forgetfulness, a mental lapse.
Times, Sunday Times
Belief in a thousand hells and heavens will not lift the apathetic out of apathy or hold back the passionate from passion; while a newly planted and ungalled community, in blessed forgetfulness of rewards or punishments, of cosmic needs or celestial sanctions, will know how to live cheerily and virtuously for life's own sake, putting to shame those thin vaticinations.
The Life of Reason
A casual acquaintance would reach over and absently finger Souraya's jewelry or cheek during an encounter, in the way someone would forgetfully touch his own face or hair, rub his own chin.
The Book of Heaven
My grandfather's getting so forgetful - I have to remind him to take his medication.
At this moment may I be totally forgetful of myself, and remain utterly unmindful of my own person.
These wines were stupefactive, because they produce forgetfulness.
The older we get, the more blasé and forgetful we become.
Times, Sunday Times
The early warnings signs of toxicity include forgetfulness, fatigue and headaches.
The Family Nutrition Workbook
The narcotist keeps chloroform or chloral always at hand, forgetful or ignorant that one sure effect of the first dose is to produce a semistupor more dangerous than actual somnolence.
Hygienic Physiology : with Special Reference to the Use of Alcoholic Drinks and Narcotics
Allopurinol is pyrogen forgetful with breast-feeding by the american academy of pediatrics.
How long will humanity continue to suffer in their forgetfulness?
In a poll of 1,168 adults, some of the reasons given for not locking-up were: a belief neighbours were keeping an eye out – 18 percent, a belief the area had a low crime rate – 18 percent and just plain forgetfulness – 10 percent.
2 Million Brits Leave Their Homes Unlocked | Impact Lab
Of the £40 extra the forgetful taxpayer ends up with on his bill, about £29 is sheer profit for the council.
From time-to-time I'll read an encouraging article on arginine supplementation, forgetfully try it one more time, and soon get a sore on my lips.
Statins and vitamin D | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
She was so devoted, she had such a quick perception of what it would be well to say, and what it would be well to leave unsaid; she was so forgetful of herself, and so regardful of the sorrow about her, that I held her in a sort of veneration.
David Copperfield
The boundless opportunities of this heaven of legal concepts were open to all properly qualified jurists, provided only they drank the Lethean draught which induced forgetfulness of terrestrial human affairs.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Obama Elaborates on “Empathy,” What He Wants in a Supreme Court Nominee:
You can become more forgetful and less able to focus on the task at hand.
Times, Sunday Times
These ideas and resolutions, dejecting, yet solacing, occupied her to the forgetfulness of her intended visit, and even of Eugenia, till the words: 'Pray let me come to you, my dear Camilla!' made her let down the blinds.
Just skimming and scanning the Bible makes one forgetful of God's promises.
And we are especially forgetful when it comes to whether and how we as a society might repay that vital and life-giving assistance.
At the climacteric, various symptoms such as forgetfulness, hot flush, depressive neurosis, abnormal sensation, and sleeplessness are often observed, due to hypofunction of the ovaries.