
How To Use Forget In A Sentence

  • I blame it all on becca who called me in the middle of the night to talk to me all about how the two best friends names are Kate and Becca and that the main character lives in apartment 601 as my address and other kooky details that i have been trying to forget nightly since i saw that movie, And then every sound is that kid coming out of the television and im only writing about it now in order to expunge as i fear she will grab hold of my foot from under the desk and eat me or turn me into something decomposing or whatever it is she does. I-claudius Diary Entry
  • In that time she accompanied members of the Royal Family on some unforgettable overseas tours.
  • She decided she would try to forget the episode by the lake.
  • Ditch your mascara, use your fingers rather than a brush and don't forget to smudge your lipstick. Times, Sunday Times
  • But while he speaks of war-time heroes and exploratory pioneers, he forgets about another interesting lifetime.
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  • I am afraid to lose, I fear this time, and I love it but memories. I could not forget the sweat on the pitch with the sway of the brothers, forget accompany me cry close friend, and forget the bright Star of that everynight, and those words have touched me deeply.
  • So the problem I faced in solitary, where incessant remembering strove for possession of me, was the problem of forgetting. Chapter 6
  • Leaving aside the forgettable Mirage, FM's next most significant moment was 1987's Tango in the Night, the album that Buckingham rescued from the band's coked out indifference, at the cost of his own departure.
  • Make a note of the questions you want to ask. You will invariably forget some of them otherwise.
  • Forget about the digital divide - it's the domestic divide that really cleaves this country in two.
  • In my opinion, the population of sun dried tomatoes in a state of olive oil inundation is something you are forgetting to include. Brunch en Casa
  • Forget Mr Motivator, this bumbag revival can be revolutionary to the fashion glitterati. TREND HUNTER - The Latest Trends
  • Please let's change and be people with brave hearts and forget all about violence against any particular sex in this independent country.
  • And don't forget, they're celebrating this milestone with a way-cool anthology of audio fiction: StarShip Sofa Stories, Volume 1! Congratulations to StarShip Sofa and Episode #100!
  • Wanderers want to forget the Villa disappointment and go into the Fulham game in good heart.
  • Don't forget now, you have a dental appointment Thursday afternoon.
  • Last time I went shopping for the ingredients for taco soup, I found a brand of salsa (I forget the name) that offered salsas in different flavors, such as roasted garlic.
  • Forget voice-coaches, image consultants, PR experts and makeover gurus; it's Lydia who can make you a star.
  • Let's not forget Jackson's woeful job on the script.
  • Whether you are planting in a container or in the ground, don't forget a good acidic mulch of pine needles or wood chip. Times, Sunday Times
  • You could put your money in government stock and forget about it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Don't forget Persian lamb, broadtail, goat and other furs that are light and casual, so you can "dress them up or down, with jeans," says Ms. Landau, adding, "It's an easy glamour that you can wear even in California. Restyling Full-Length Mink Coats
  • You could wait until you've got only a thimbleful of gas in there, but why not fill up now and forget about it for the next 60,000 miles?
  • Don't forget to bring sth. back for me.
  • The delectable little Dutch songs with which she used to dulcify the house grew less and less frequent, and she would forget her sewing and look wistfully in her father's face as he sat pondering by the fireside. Tales of a Traveller
  • And do not forget that Ferry's bandmate Brian Eno is Nick Clegg's youth affairs adviser. Archive 2008-11-01
  • But don't forget that some short, very fast sprints are needed for anaerobic conditioning.
  • Forget the Parthenon and the Acropolis; these days the Patriot Missile launchers unsubtly stationed across the city are the tourist sites du jour.
  • As soon as she was alongside and made fast I went on board and had a good look at her interior, not forgetting to inscribe my name legibly on the most conveniently situated locker in the midshipmen's berth, after which I watched the operation of shipping and stowing her ballast. A Middy of the King A Romance of the Old British Navy
  • The world's lingering,the end is still no match for the forget the bitter oligonucleotide soup.
  • Although we live in an age of aesthetic plenitude, we sometimes forget that our tastes may not be universal.
  • FORGET the image of an old wooden shack that is home to rusty bikes and spiders. The Sun
  • The shame of NOT celebrating something I've informed my readers about motivates me not to forget the date--a form of precommitment! Zoe P. Strassfield: Plans and Precommitment: 2012 in Space!
  • What we learn with pleasure we never forget
  • Forget b-ball and afterschool programs, I want action on school uniforms. Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Herding Cats
  • From the tastefully appointed mosaic inlays and concaved walls adorned with statues and his paintings, the mosaic swimming pool and Japanese garden with plenty of creature comforts, make for unforgettable ambiance. San Antonio
  • Blindly, unwittingly, erringly as Dickens often urged them, these ideals mark the whole tendency of his fiction, and they are what endear him to the heart, and will keep him dear to it long after many a cunninger artificer in letters has passed into forgetfulness. Literature and Life (Complete)
  • The driving force behind a great organization is to never forget the passion and principles we all support in habitat work for the wild quail and all upland game. Quail Unlimited Implodes
  • I'll never forget the look on her face the first time she sat on the old nag!
  • From a political point of view it would be more clever to withdraw it, take the flak and then forget about it.
  • Don't forget to cap the tank after filling it up with petrol.
  • All this is not to say that the exhibition is unstimulating or worth forgetting about.
  • Forget clunky mobiles and oversized tablets - wearable technology is the next frontier. Times, Sunday Times
  • You could put your money in government stock and forget about it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Forget the horror of the multiple snooze button. Times, Sunday Times
  • And of course we will conveniently forget that we forced him to hurry his conclusions and abandon the meticulousness with which it is necessary to proceed when searching for the truth.
  • The secret of a good momory is attention, and attention to a subject depends upon our interest in it-- We rarely forget that which has made a deep impression on our minds. 
  • Forget lilac, mauve and lavender. Times, Sunday Times
  • Guardastagno (forgetting the lawes of respect and loyall friendship) became overfondly enamoured, expressing the same by such outward meanes, that the Lady her selfe tooke knowledge thereof, and not with any dislike, as it seemed, but rather lovingly entertained; yet she grew not so forgetfull of her honour and estimation, as the other did of faith to his friend. The Decameron
  • It is the nature of folly to see the faults of others and forget his own. 
  • Jolly's bunk was at the back of the radio room, and he would have had to pass Kinnaird and Grant to get out, not forgetting that he would also have to stop to pick up the Nife cells. Ice Station Zebra
  • The fact is that the world is out of everyone's expectation. But some learn to forget, but others insist.
  • But by settling for the current standard of cuisine, the Shore is unforgettable for all the wrong reasons.
  • Today, forget your past, forgive yourself and begin again.
  • He feared that he must forget the rest of what had happened for one of his roommates might read the unsuppressed truth on his face and in his mind.
  • While you're slaving over the code, cramping your thumb on your trackball, and squinting your eyes at the pixels, remember what it is you are doing this for, and never ever forget.
  • They have what Alexander calls a "fire-and-forget" model. Tribeca Film: Future of Film: Why Transmedia Is Catching On (Part 2)
  • Their misdeeds, if that's what they really were, haunted some to their graves and continue to bedevil the still living who are never allowed to forget them.
  • Today, she was going to forget who she was, and live in a dream.
  • These traditional cottages are not only chocolate-box pretty, they also provide good levels of natural insulation - but don't forget the repair and renewal costs
  • He had set his mind on a "jag" of the worst description -- to drink and forget. Colorado Jim
  • Also, lets not forget more POW organizations and their universal despisal of Japan. Japan should not budge an inch » Japundit Blog
  • We are not all adults here, clearly you forget about the underage minors that try to obtain alchohol illegally. stupid is .... Booze News « PubliCola
  • My pulmonarias have been lovely this year, clumps of frosted leaves and pink and lilac flowers throughout the garden hiding the dying foliage of snowdrops and mingling with forget-me-nots.
  • She cannot forgive him for forgetting her birthday
  • Then we spilled out into the corridor, babbling incoherently and the experience that none of us would ever forget came to an end.
  • All my life, whenever it comes time to make a decision, I make it and forget about it. Harry S Truman 
  • While viewing ice hockey on television is fun, seeing world class NHL stars perform live is an unforgettable experience.
  • Don't forget to call your mom tomorrow.
  • But don't forget that you have to pay interest on the loan.
  • To forget sb is pretty easy. Just don't see him/her, don't be a contemptible wretch.
  • As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. John F. Kennedy 
  • I forget myself when I am in there and forget that he is a patient in a psych ward.
  • I tend to forget things unless I mark them down.
  • We must try to forget this sad affair.
  • Don't forget that you have to resight your bow if you change the draw weight. I know in NY the minimum poundage for a bow is 35 but what do you recomend for the lightest poundage on a bow when hunting deer
  • Determined to forget his past, he is finally able to devote himself to the more elevating aspects of earthly existence.
  • Seventy plus males all fighting over the remote control, forgetting your birthday or nailing wonky shelves to the firmament without first reading the instructions?
  • Vicki struggled open another box of books and notebooks as she tried to forget that it had been fun.
  • Almost everyone who blogs or comments on the internet has said intemperant things that they would rather forget. Marcotte resigns from the Edwards campaign.
  • Forget the road congestion, it's the traffic jams inside the racecourse enclosures which will occupy the team bringing this magnificent spectacle to York.
  • The county remains agog since that superlative victory over Tipperary and supporters will relish this latest opportunity to get another look at the heroes of that unforgettable day.
  • There's also a tendency I think to downplay, or forget, or make light of just how scurrilous and damaging a charge this was.
  • In life, we all have an unspeakable secret, an irreversible regret, an unreachable dream and an unforgettable love.
  • Falco's hooker-girlfriend wants enough money to send her son to a decent school; the john whom Falco sets her up with only wants a "chuckle" - a moment of sexual fun to help him forget who he is. Eurozine articles
  • The sum which he demanded appeared exorbitant to the hadji, who, forgetting that he was a saint, and fresh from Mecca, fumed outrageously, and in broken Spanish called the boatman thief. The Bible in Spain; or, the journeys, adventures, and imprisonments of an Englishman, in an attempt to circulate the Scriptures in the Peninsula
  • Mind goes, and forgetting stays. Waiting for next samsara. I will bury hope!
  • Forget a mortgage, forget financial probity. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you are going away over the bank holiday and arranging travel insurance, don't forget to read all the health exclusions carefully.
  • Don't forget to cancel the newspaper before going away.
  • Now he has become quite forgetful. Times, Sunday Times
  • When attached to your keyring, it can ensure that you never again forget your mobile phone as you walk out the door. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thousands of tulips, pansies and forget-me-nots, together with venerable lilacs, wisteria, spireas and deutzias (many from the 1930s Annette Hoyt Flanders renovation) dominate the spring show of flowers.
  • Romance is to bid me farewell, but forget-me-not.
  • Forget the background of the two, forget their previous depredations and concentrate only on the trial and its end result.
  • The author suggests that in a fruitful search for truth we must experience a self-forgetfulness that is not self-annihilation, but a form of pleasure.
  • The problem iswe forget Jihad is not an American word, and that this allis seemingly none of our business. What Israeli Brutality in Gaza?
  • Incredibly, for a short while she had managed to forget the other girl's existence.
  • If a skill is used again and again, the link hardens; if it's used only once, the filopodia soon shrink back, triggering a change in the brain cell, a thinning of the grip that may explain forgetting.
  • In the harsh vanity of her conscious capableness and young strength she thought thus, half forgetting her own follies, and half excusing them on the ground of inexperience. The Old Wives' Tale
  • Don't forget the camera before you leave for the trip.
  • Likely to forget to apply sunscreen? The Sun
  • Don't forget to cut off the electricity supply before discharging the reefer container.
  • Whoso learns young, forgets not when he is old. 
  • People forget the legacy of public service and the lengths that people will go to in living up to their responsibilities.
  • Forget spending hours on a treadmill: aerobic exercises such as these have been found to be ineffective for weight loss. Times, Sunday Times
  • And don't forget the legal ramifications of passing trade secrets. The Guide to Greatness in Sales
  • Its gorgeous, flowery scent will quickly make you forget those winter blues and leave you feeling a million dollars. The Sun
  • He writes, "This is a city that fabricates, forgets, and forges its past-in both senses of 'forge'-through misrepresentation and politically motivated fictions". PopMatters
  • An agreeable premise becomes an amusing but largely forgettable film. Times, Sunday Times
  • I cannot forget the excerpt from one of Dobson's books about how he chased his wienie dog around with a belt determined to win the battle (his words). Alas and alack for us, lawyers and pharisees, hypocrites that we are...
  • In short, he could make up for a forgettable season with a memorable postseason, if only the light comes on in time to help the underachieving Seahawks.
  • Forgetting her father’s prediction, Bloodstone was brave enough to rush at the monster.
  • He wanted to drown himself in her, to bury deep into the cells of her skin and to forget himself there.
  • And let's not forget that News Corp. has shown itself to be eminently fallible in the online realm: This is the company that spent $580 million to buy the social-networking sinkhole known as MySpace. News Corp. launches its tablet-only The Daily app for the iPad
  • Finally, let's not forget that Bermuda is only one mile wide and surrounded by water.
  • By the way, these flowers are for you as a reminder: Never mind the bad "posies" — and don't forget to smell the rosies. Mamie - French Word-A-Day
  • Ferd don't forget the ones who listen to songs backward looking for satanic messages. Critics: 'Avatar' is anti-military & anti-religion
  • Don't forget that VLF is participating in the DonorsChoose Blogger Challenge. Saturday Blog Soup
  • Don't forget to charge the money to my account.
  • Ships were still smoking and fires kept breaking out on the harbor and Matt knew that no matter what happened after this, he would never forget it.
  • I say, Kink, don't forget the saleratus on the corner shelf back of the stove. Too Much Gold
  • Forget it, Dave, no harm done.
  • ELIZA CARLSON, FRIEND OF DEBBIE HAWK: You know, the day that she went missing is only things that I know from my friends, but the things that I can tell you about Debbie is that, you know, she ` s just one of those people that, once you meet her, you ` re never going to forget her. CNN Transcript Jun 28, 2006
  • We should never forget that it is possible to be graceful, even classy, under the most intense pressure.
  • We all feel better for doing exercise, yet we seem to forget those sensations and focus on the discomfort and time spent doing it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Let's not forget this is still a two-horse race. Times, Sunday Times
  • 'Tut, tut, Buonesperado,' laughed he, 'you shall forget that Tyburn is not a fable if you care to have doubloons reminted at the Queen's mint. Michel and Angele — Volume 3
  • Don't forget to bolt the door.
  • Forget about Internet crackers, employees are the biggest security problem for most businesses.
  • This generally involves a narcotic painkiller such as Demerol and midazolam, a generic anti-anxiety drug (formerly sold under the brand name Versed) that often causes patients to forget what happened during the procedure. 'Take a Deep Breath...'
  • Do we just cast them aside and forget about them and think they're lost causes? Times, Sunday Times
  • Tag the bottles now or we'll forget which is which.
  • The director's last two features, "The Mothman Prophecies" and "Henry Poole is Here" were more forgettable than terrible. ‘Orphanage’ Remake Adopted By ‘Arlington Road’ Director Mark Pellington » MTV Movies Blog
  • Add some water to it, tape on a small blade and a tube of superglue, a spool of fishing line some weights, and a case of beer and a lazy boy (Don't forget to add a 50 inch plasma TV with all the channels,) and you're set. Survival Water Bottle
  • But they forget the kind of tapas, intense spiritual disciplines, which were done by those ancient sages.
  • Forgetfulness and Famine and tearful Sorrows, Fightings also, Hesiod, Homeric Hymns, and Homerica
  • Mrs Vale thought as she turned and rushed for the door that led outside, forgetting the cooking pan in her hand.
  • For a few minutes my whole being vibrates with a song so powerfully joyful I forget the years and stand as easy as a young man does at the start of the journey, careless of the distance to be covered or the load to be carried.
  • But how shall I forget the solemn splendour of a second course, which was served up in great state by Stripes in a silver dish and cove; a napkin round his dirty thumbs; and consisted of a landrail, not much bigger than a corpulent sparrow. The Book of Snobs
  • Perhaps we should commit these ideas to paper before we forget them.
  • Keep the kitchen clear of all sources of bacteria, not forgetting the biggest culprit of all?the dishcloth.
  • It's sair eneuch, laird, whan we hae to gang at the Lord's call, but whan the messenger comes frae the laich yett (low gate), we maun jist lat gang an 'forget. Warlock o' Glenwarlock
  • More important, he's not likely to forget that it was a naval minesweeper that picked him up out of the North Sea. SAN ANDREAS
  • Mix in offbeat football (it has a feature on Super Bowl Gatorade-dumping on coaches), get in network plugs (Jay Leno, Conan O'Brien and Tina Fey will pop up) and don't forget the mandatory cooking segment (in this case Tom Colicchio from Top Chef on NBC-owned Bravo). NBC putting on the peacock for Sunday
  • If you want one in blue, or with a different room configuration, forget it. Times, Sunday Times
  • His delivery is stilted, stiff, uninflected - except when he's permitted to shout, at which point he relaxes and seems to forget to be inhibited.
  • Just customers in a stream of customers, nothing out of the ordinary and when the business is transacted and complete both forget each other. sexworkeradvocate, on February 6th, 2009 at 11: 46 am Said: Thoughts on rescues, rescuers and realities « Bound, Not Gagged
  • Also, don’t forget you can still register for MindTrek, the Nordic conference on social media (Oct. 1st – 2nd) in Tampere, Finland. The Web at a New Crossroads | FactoryCity
  • We shall not forget them, nor this magnificent production of a play that reminds us in our selfish age how collective responsibility and camaraderie have eroded away.
  • If the first film had anything going for it, it was the lead actress, whose roles prior had been indistinctive and forgettable.
  • You wrote back to say that your older brother said I did not exist, and if I could not give you a beebee gun "to forget the whole thing. President, SBW Ventures, Inc.
  • So he tried to forget about it, and make up his mind that he could find plenty of congenial work looking after his traps and assisting Abner's wife during the winter, with occasional trips across the sound, and possibly a chance to pull an oar in the surfboat, should luck favor him. Darry the Life Saver The Heroes of the Coast
  • Don't forget that you can do dedicated hashtag searches such as "#gtd."
  • Forget,forgive,for who may say that Christmas day may ever come to host or guest again. Touch hands!
  • And don't forget these jackets' admirable common denominator: supreme breathability.
  • The fact that so many people still wish Andie had ended up with her New Wave-ish, pompadoured best buddy speaks to how beloved and unforgettable Duckie turned out to be. Friday List: Ranking the John Hughes characters
  • Forget time, he was told, tear up calendars, chuck away clocks, lie doggo and heal yourself with a long-term poultice of peace and quiet. THE OPEN DOOR
  • For me, it's a step above "Aeon Flux" because AF is ultimately forgettable. Ccfinlay: Equilibrium
  • I'd advise that, if we don't have the capacity to do it, we should forget about it instead of disgracing ourselves.
  • And the outcome often results in forgetting important items that you really wanted to purchase. How To Write Relentlessly Focused – and Still Say Everything You Want To | Write to Done
  • Then did one of the Monstruwacans report that a new and terrible Influence was abroad in the Land; and by the instrument, we had knowledge that it approached; and some of the Monstruwacans called foolishly with weak voices to the Ten-thousand to haste; forgetting, and desiring only their safety from that which came near. The Night Land: Chapter 4
  • They're not kidding themselves about their age, but ice hockey lets them forget about it for a couple of hours each week.
  • The trouble is that they forget that people do not carry portable, battery-operated apartments around in their pockets.
  • Critics of the Yalta agreements tend to forget that the Russian, also, made substantial concessions.
  • Delaying litigation can encumber our project should we forget that we also work for those we seek to protect.
  • But do not forget that there might be a better job out there with an environment that you are more comfortable with, and yet still be able to sustain your lifestyle.
  • Don't upset yourself about it-let's just forget it ever happened.
  • There are times and things concerning which words utterly fail and must fail to give utterance to the feelings of the heart, and this, let me say, is one of those times -- a day that I can never forget, a day for which -- though most unworthy of what has been given me -- I must always feel the devoutest thankfulness to Report of Commemorative Services with the Sermons and Addresses at the Seabury Centenary, 1883-1885.
  • Forget for now the flightless kiwi, the koru and the silver fern. Times, Sunday Times
  • Forgetting the levels of firepower loosed in Vietnam, the image itself is abidingly odd. Tom Engelhardt: Going for Broke
  • They have been spoonfed lies and distortions about the British Empire, so that they bleat about how ashamed they are of it, forgetting that for all its faults it gave parliamentary democracy to the world (or tried to), and abolished excesses such as suttee and thuggee. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • One excellent way to forget it is to focus with righteous rectitude on the evils of others while focusing on the nobility of oneself.
  • Forget that Culkin is blond and blue eyed, and that Blanket is dark and possibly Latino.
  • The three things most difficult are, to keep a secret, to forget an injury, and to make good use of labour. 
  • My friend Phil Proctor just sent along a poem that I much enjoyed, ‘Forgetfulness,’ by Billy Collins - and I rarely enjoy unrhymed poems.
  • The three things most difficult are, to keep a secret, to forget an injury, and to make good use of labour. 
  • We are so used to the enormous size of dinosaurs that we almost forget to think about how they grew to be so large.
  • I'll never forget what happened in Sydney last year, that's etched in my mind forever.
  • You can't afford to forget your relationship with your husband.
  • Forget the carbonated stuff right off the bat.
  • And let's not forget that the temptation to use "bam" and "zowie" and "pow" headlines was a bit too much to resist for headline writers and comedians. CNN Transcript Jul 27, 2008
  • Even bindings have been rejiggered: Forget the drill and screwdriver; the latest fittings snap or slide into place, extending ski life and improving energy transfer.
  • New Delhi and Islamabad will have to forget the bitter past, which is the main determinant of their perceptual distortions for a better and prosperous future.
  • Forget one suitcase (which was found), imagine losing everything.
  • his vocabulary alone is worth the cover price - gantries, quinquireme, discalced, carrack, loxodrome, godown, scutch, so shrewd in his deployment of detail, so blessed with good luck and goodwill that we forget the conceit and just enjoy the ride. The Seattle Times
  • With no further ado, I shall share my recipe with you (if only so I don't forget it myself!)
  • When eating the dish, don't forget to add some extra sauce to your plate, thus improving the sea cucumber's somewhat weak flavour.
  • ‘You're forgetting one very important thing,’ implied Tyler, crossing his lean, tanned arms.
  • For here is the genius of the Welsh fabulists in 21 compact episodes; where intense silliness, moral rigour, cavalier experiments and unforgettable tunes meet and make magic.
  • In general, historians tend to portray Somerset's rise to power as logically inevitable and to cast Mary as a marginalized from the jockeying for political position that took place amongst the executor-councilors during the first two months of Edward VI's reign. 11 Hindsight makes it easy to forget that the political situation taking shape after Henry's death in late January 1547 initially appeared unstable. From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
  • To forgive is not to forget, nor remit, but let it go; to be lonely is not becoz u have no friends, but no one is living in ur heart.
  • One can never forget how much he rejected or ignored during the years spanned by this collection, from Pop art and Minimalism to photo-based art and appropriation decades later.
  • Forget about the argument you two had, just let bygones be bygones and be friends again.
  • It is easy to become blasé, forgetting the relatively recent days when such initiative was simply dismissed as too difficult. Times, Sunday Times
  • Don't forget you will need a GB sticker and headlight deflectors.
  • Who could forget his speech at last year's party?
  • We are not getting into the whys, but rest assured you will enjoy the journey, through all the sun-baked villages, rides atop buses, sad parting at the station, not to forget that fond embrace!
  • It is only dangerous if you attempt to climb up on to the wall, which he seems to forget is about five feet high!
  • Aside from my reluctance to take financial wisdom seriously from someone who uses "payed" instead of "paid", (sank/sunk notwithstanding) you seem to be forgetting the huge number of corporations who _aren't_ listed on the stock exchange, and who don't pay dividends. Medlogs - Recent stories

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