
How To Use Forged In A Sentence

  • An Iron Ancestor is a reanimated and iron - forged dead body possessed by a ghost.
  • In America, where there has been a shift away from big studios towards independent film-makers, Swinton has forged a successful career in both areas.
  • I had one forged from a white metal, capable of piercing almost any armour worn by man.
  • Prosecutors said the committee had approved applicants who presented forged honours that carried dates pre-dating the actual creation of the vaunted title.
  • I know you believe that the documents were forged.
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  • Specifically the realm of 'foamed' metals forged in zero gee at high Gauss… NASA Administrator Orders Study of Heavy Lift Alternatives | Universe Today
  • Heavy forged gate, with 20 mm square verticals, fullered spiked tops and circles captured by collars.
  • We carry hand-forged broadaxes from Sweden that can be either beveled on the left or right and that come with a straight or angled handle.
  • The outlay to make forged clay bullae -- clay lumps used to seal papyri and packages -- and add a biblical name to them is virtually nothing, and these things go for anywhere from $100,000 on up depending on what is on the bulla. Conversations: Forgery Fallout
  • Someone stole my credit card and forged my signature.
  • These screwdrivers had a forged one-piece tempered blade including a bolster and special wings on two sides.
  • The powders are compacted into preforms, sintered and then forged in the conventional way to produce segregation-free forgings.
  • A number of forged works of art have been sold as genuine.
  • In the former case, the figure's head was chopped off and posted as a trophy, and the remaining metal was forged into bullets.
  • She forged a new career in the music business.
  • The sexy star, who has forged a successful solo career outside the band, said their last album was probably their last.
  • In this way a benevolent spirit is forged and wisdom is free to flourish.
  • He then claimed refunds using forged receipts. The Sun
  • That's when we forged a stronger union in terms of our opinions and how we work together.
  • This is industrial Lanarkshire where for generations hard men have been reared at the coalface, bound together in friendships forged in a dirty and often dangerous working environment.
  • As American pioneers headed westward, scoundrels occasionally would present forged letters of credit to wholesale merchants in larger towns.
  • Generations before have also had their identity forged in the flower of youth. Times, Sunday Times
  • These raw materials were reforged into a new film of plastic.
  • We have forged a wonderful friendship & will stay in touch. The Sun
  • He drew the tiny, hand-forged skean dhu, the little -black knife, " from its silk and leather sheath at his belt. The Chrome Borne
  • In another moment it forged slowly past me, tolling as it were a death knell from the engine-bell and associating in my mind spectral tableaux of horrible collisions and mangled dead. A Run by Rail from Washington to St. Louis
  • The protesters 'latest target is a credit union that accepts Mexico's matricular consular identity card, a card that is easily forged, easily abused. CNN Transcript Mar 28, 2005
  • Since moms and dads are usually way worried about giving firstborns the go-ahead for new experiences, you've forged a path in uncharted territory.
  • Logically enough, the movie tackles the Powerpuff origins, the nitty details of how they came to be and how their superhero-ness was forged.
  • Here is something more than raw material from which a successful literature was forged.
  • His removal from command of the army he had forged had a calamitous effect on the morale of his men.
  • Many other people with money have forged careers as presenters. The Sun
  • We have worked hard this year to recognise and reward charities that have forged creative and collaborative working partnerships that have an exponential effect on the success of their campaign.
  • Observation shows that forged paintings are usually offered to novice art collectors, art buffs who are too lazy to learn about the subject or those who believe they are really knowledgeable in art matters.
  • It is these forces among others which will speed the day when humanity emancipates itself from the mind-forged manacles of servility and superstition. Deepak Chopra: The Atheist's Mistake
  • RBI double Luis Matos that brought Baltimore within ao run and was chased after Deivi Cruz's two-base hit forged a 5-5 tie.
  • In revenge, Apollo killed the Cyclopes that forged Zeus' thunderbolts.
  • He forged his own take on post-World War II women in the days when feminism was just beginning to change the culture and the idea of going braless was considered a political statement.
  • I do not know how to reconcile Caissene's insistence that "one hoe was for one woman" with Harries's meticulously documented report that chiefs had "inflated" bridewealth "from five hoes in the late 1860s to over fifty a decade later" except that perhaps the declining trade in hand-forged hoes made them that much more valuable and coveted in relation to mass-produced European imitations. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • He noticed a peculiar weight on his chest and looked down to see a breastplate forged from bone.
  • The cheques required two signatures but she often forged the names of colleagues.
  • Are these not the very pages on which the national discourse is forged? Times, Sunday Times
  • These raw materials were reforged into a new film of plastic.
  • And, whereas King forged an alliance with the Democrats, Loury is a member of an exotic breed.
  • The two women had forged a close bond.
  • As an artist, he has knowingly signed forged drawings and disavows responsibility for his sometimes salacious subject matter.
  • Such are the uneasy alliances forged on the route du Tour. Times, Sunday Times
  • The transactions are secure, so the cash does not go astray or disappear; nor can it be forged easily.
  • Instead of shelving the permits, as residential builders do, Rohr forged ahead with construction.
  • In many instances he simply reached a settlement with the insurance company, forged his client's signature on the check, and pocketed the money.
  • The ship forged ahead under a favourable wind.
  • When confronted with his forged signature on the introduction letters, he claimed it looked like his signature but could not be.
  • In the West, cattle and sheep ranching soon forged the strongest economic link between Scotland and the United States.
  • Those reports were based on the notorious forged documents, in some cases they were text transcriptions of the documents.
  • Anyone who gave false information, impersonated someone else or forged a card faced a £100 fine and two years in prison.
  • That is the language, the accent, people who live on the internet have forged. Times, Sunday Times
  • “Once a national bank cashes a check that has been forged by a noncustomer, they may lose money if they cannot collect from the person who cashed the check.” Matthew Yglesias » Competition Works
  • After the seizure, the people involved obtained a forged safety certificate.
  • They were to become isolated to the point that they forged a new selfhood born of solitude, inspired by the type of atavistic visual symbolism that Purist painting provided.
  • Investigators have determined that the signature was forged.
  • It is an elegant example of what the French call a casque bourgignon, a Burgundian helmet of distinctive design that was the choice of kings and noblemen -- a handsome, high-crowned helmet with a comb and helm forged from a single piece of metal. 'Champlain's Dream: The European Founding of North America'
  • The electronic communication has forged bonds among staff and third-grade families that are the strongest at Logan, said Principal Francine Schaffer.
  • Even in 1990 a deal to raise taxes was forged between centrist Dems and moderate Republicans.
  • Without the act of exteriorizing the private sphere, identity negotiations at borders, within and without, do not actualize, intracommunal links are not forged, and the ideal of the universal man remains unappropriated.
  • Some trace their improvement to the unity forged there.
  • He forged into the lead in the fourth set.
  • Aucker "did use, unlawfully possess and exhibit military and naval discharge certificates, knowing the same to be forged, counterfeited or falsely altered," according to a document filed in U.S. District Court in Aucker hit by charge of altering his record
  • The ship forged ahead under a favourable wind.
  • When he touched it with his hands the door gave way at once though its bands were forged in fire.
  • Police say a number of forged banknotes are in circulation.
  • I regret that those friendships were forged on bonds made not of trust and care, but of politics and beliefs.
  • Clane took the initiative for a spell as Paul McCormack equalised and they forged ahead when wing back Paudie Reidy came soldiering forward for a good score on the quarter hour.
  • The bond between the trade union movement and the Labour Party is a century old and was forged at the latter's birth.
  • I still don’t know if “cut” rifling is better than “button”, or if a hammer-forged barrel is best. The Most Important Part of a Rifle
  • ‘Anselmo remained amazed, and almost besides himself, hearing his friend Lothario so unexpectedly to acquaint him with those things in a time wherein he least expected them; for now he esteemed Camilla to have escaped victress from the forged assaults of Lothario, and did himself triumph for glory of her victory. The Fourth Book. VII. Wherein Is Prosecuted the History of the Curious-Impertinent
  • He drew the tiny, hand-forged skean dhu, the little "black knife," from its silk and leather sheath at his belt. Omnibus
  • Men see this as exercising their right to free speech, upholding a tradition in cyberspace forged by the early hacker community.
  • The connection was made, forged beyond the power of pure chance to explain.
  • During times of war, the lord protected his son with his own forged armor and his own valorous heart. FLOATING CITY
  • The alliance had been forged in the crucible of war.
  • She is also facing six charges of forgery, where it is alleged that she submitted forged invoices. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unmarked boxes of jointed meat with forged inspection stamps are being sold into the bulk meat trade.
  • Copied, forged or defaced vouchers not accepted. The Sun
  • At the 105 level, Shimano employs many of its top-end Dura-Ace and Ultegra crank tricks, specifically Hollowtech hollow-forged aluminum arms and splined Octalink crank/bottom bracket interface.
  • By 1929, Lawrence himself possessed a pirated edition, a "filthy-looking book...containing my [his] forged signature by the little boy of the piratical family" (Lawrence 4).
  • Over time the economic ties forged through trading and raiding knitted originally disparate peoples into a cohesive borderlands society that had its own standards, practices, and, Brooks asserts, culture.
  • When he was released, he was effectively blacklisted and unable to find work, forced to drive a taxi with a forged license.
  • The spirit of Dada and the other avant-garde art movements was forged in the trenches of World War One.
  • She forged a new career in the music business.
  • Nanny was the greatest of the generals of the Maroons, runaway slaves who forged a society and an identity in the weedy-thick hill country of the Jamaican hinterland.
  • The signatures were forged by the defendant, who also signed the documents as having witnessed the signatures.
  • After the bitterness had gone, they forged a new friendship, but the flames of romance were not rekindled.
  • She alleges the signature was forged to cover up the fact her son had not attended.
  • He kept a drawerful of parental excuse notes that he knew his students had forged in order to play truant from school; then he set them a class test on making their excuses more convincing.
  • They said, finally, they weren't even able to determine whether these documents were authentic or whether they were forged.
  • He forged cheques from a building society staff association and admitted ten charges of theft and forgery. Times, Sunday Times
  • He vas imprisoned for passing forged banknotes.
  • FAIRFIELD - "We'll be in blackberries all day," warned my hunting companion, Andy Holt, as we forged our way through the first of many prickly patches, unsnagging branches from our blaze-orange vests. -
  • Then I remembered that speculation was rife in some quarters that the Republican evil genius had planted the forged documents.
  • Thorium and uranium, for instance, are forged in the heat of a supernova, and barium and bismuth via the capture of neutrons within red giant stars.
  • Henry Gamadge, a modest, endearing man, scholar, bibliophile, expert (he hated the word) discerner of forged manuscripts, found himself in the midst of murder in a Maine resort. Working Murder
  • A number of forged works of art have been sold as genuine.
  • Meat-free" is not a phrase that goes over well in Cuba, an island where long-standing privations have forged a strong, emotional bond with food – especially cuisine that once oinked, mooed or clucked. It's Not Fun To Be A Vegetarian In Cuba
  • Our democracy was forged in rebellion, crafted by mavericks and risk-takers who refused to salute authority.
  • There is always a first brave person who breaks step with the stam-peding masses fleeing in panic, who pauses to help another to his feet,creating his own eye in the storm, The stuff of heroes is made, forged in the midst of tragedy, in the blink of an eye. 
  • Ultimately it was this haphazardness, a seemingly carefree approach to cutting-edge climbs, along with his formidable intellect and wit, which forged the Smith legend.
  • The result was forged turnout figures and rigged elections.
  • The province is also the transit route for the smuggling of guns, cigarettes, petrol, stolen cars and forged documents.
  • The conspirators were supported by the French, and even though the raid on the Exchequer failed, considerable quantities of forged coinage were smuggled into England and put into circulation to disrupt the financial system.
  • But in the case of the subcontinent, as the U.S. well knows, that peace has yet to be forged.
  • His first-time-out direction is imaginative and breathtakingly supple, the work of a greenhorn unsaddled by convention or limitation and able to tell a story in the precise terms forged by hundreds of live performances.
  • He also forged a successful career in film production thanks to phenomenal instinct. Times, Sunday Times
  • She also forged close relationships with the younger royals. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is always a first brave person who breaks step with the stam-peding masses fleeing in panic, who pauses to help another to his feet,creating his own eye in the storm, The stuff of heroes is made, forged in the midst of tragedy, in the blink of an eye. 
  • Subsequently, his bank discovered that the original cheque for $132,987.66 was stolen and charged this amount to his account on the grounds of ‘forged endorsement.’
  • She stood it like the standard-bred she was, and never winced, then she forged ahead farther, and farther, and held the old pacer anchored at her wheels, and the wire not fifty feet away! The Bishop of Cottontown A Story of the Southern Cotton Mills
  • Barrier Reef; made several attempts to get the schooner off, got the bower anchors out astern, but in spite of all our efforts the vessel forged further on the reef, and bilged. Narrative of an expedition undertaken for the exploration of the country lying between Rockingham Bay and Cape York
  • Whereas it has become apparent to the citizens of San Francisco that there is no security for life or property either under the regulations of society, as it at present exists, or under the laws as now administered, and that by the association of bad characters our ballot boxes have been stolen and others substituted, or stuffed with votes that were never polled, and thereby our elections nullified; our dearest rights violated; and no other method left by which the will of the people can be manifested; therefore, the citizens whose names are hereunto attached, do unite themselves into an association for maintenance of the peace and good order of society; the prevention and punishment of crime; the preservation of our lives and property; and to insure that our ballot boxes shall hereafter express the actual and unforged will of the majority of our citizens; and we do bind ourselves each to the other by a solemn oath to do and perform every just and lawful act for the maintenance of law and order, and to sustain the laws when properly and faithfully administered. A Sketch of the Causes, Operations and Results of the San Francisco Vigilance Committee of 1856
  • Bonds are forged that endure as these young blades move into the world of work and family life.
  • There is always a first brave person who breaks step with the stam-peding masses fleeing in panic, who pauses to help another to his feet,creating his own eye in the storm, The stuff of heroes is made, forged in the midst of tragedy, in the blink of an eye. 
  • What this does demonstrate for certain is how long they worked their blades before switching to a new one or having it reforged.
  • One runner forged ahead of the others and won the race.
  • Within a couple of years he found himself running a part-time business making custom knives in the purest form - from steel he forged and tempered himself.
  • A notary can be held liable if she notarizes a forged signature. News/local from
  • This case involves the alteration, by the addition of a forged signature, to an authentic but inexpensive Dali etching.
  • A bayonet blade is forged from the finest steel.
  • A number of forged works of art have been sold as genuine.
  • There is always a first brave person who breaks step with the stam-peding masses fleeing in panic, who pauses to help another to his feet,creating his own eye in the storm, The stuff of heroes is made, forged in the midst of tragedy, in the blink of an eye. 
  • They say Anderson also didn't tell Morton's defense lawyers that Christine Morton's credit card was used in San Antonio two days after her death and that a forged check in her name was cashed several days later. Front Page
  • It was here that Aenarion's sacred armour was forged, along with enough swords and suits of armour to outfit an army.
  • Vouchers that have been forged, defaced or otherwise tampered with will not be valid for use. The Sun
  • They forged a close bond and the duo continued to keep in touch throughout their showbiz careers. The Sun
  • A disk crank is used with suitable counterbalance, expressly adapted to the weight and speed of sash; a hammered steel wrist pin five inches in diameter, and a forged pitman of the most approved pattern, with best composition boxes. Scientific American Supplement, No. 401, September 8, 1883
  • Their partnership has been reforged in the heat of the election campaign, but it faces further daunting challenges.
  • Thousands of forged cards had already been used around the world to obtain 2million before cops swooped. The Sun
  • To this end, the Panthers forged alliances with nonblack leftists and established trade-union caucuses.
  • It was here that Aenarion's sacred armour was forged, along with enough swords and suits of armour to outfit an army.
  • The two men were arrested on suspicion of living off immoral earnings and having forged documents.
  • Someone stole my credit card and forged my signature.
  • She said although some of the girls had never met before they bonded and forged friendships.
  • At the same time her political activism forged a dual public identity. Times, Sunday Times
  • The invasion of Egypt was abortive, as was Demetrius' year-long siege of Rhodes Finally the coalition of 315 was reforged.
  • The documents were forged certificates relating to loss of earnings totalling €600.
  • Vouchers that have been forged, defaced or otherwise tampered with are not valid. The Sun
  • Leighton used her job at the Treasury Solicitors to search the homes of the dead for their last wills and testaments to place and recover forged documents.
  • It led to the birth of the jumper a slender iron rod with a chisel-end forged by the mine smiths.
  • I recently noticed some financial discrepancies and discovered my signature had been forged on documents. The Sun
  • Since those times the Tzar of Kislev and the Emperor have forged a common alliance against the threat of Chaos.
  • In spite of an intellectual appreciaton of the Wagner/Strauss influence in Elgar's mucic my own Elgar-England link was forged when I was about fourteen or so. Sticking up for Edu
  • The rocker who forged his reputation by opposing everything from woodchips to American bases became an official member of the Australian Labor Party yesterday.
  • They share a friendship forged through adversity.
  • Hundreds of WinXP machines launching a DDoS attack using forged, possibly rapidly varying, IP addresses will not be filterable by the targeted victim's ISP, and will without doubt succeed in swamping his/her link.
  • Sentence prolonged, changed, ad arbitrium judicis, still the same case, [341] one thrust out of his inheritance, another falsely put in by favour, false forged deeds or wills. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Now, the contract may have been forged (as his lawyer's alleging) or incomplete (he may have presented this in the context that "I've written what you will do, now you write your contract for me," though I doubt it), but to automatically defend something because "It's BDSM" is wrong. A Note On The Sick Dude With The Contract And All
  • We have already seen how pioneers of the ecological approach forged an alliance with specialists from the environmental sciences.
  • Strategic alliances are being forged with major European companies.
  • Indeed, the culture of the common people, a rapidly increasing proportion of whom were located in towns and cities, was constantly being reforged and reinvented in the crucible of commercialization and urbanization.
  • There was no evidence that all documents emanating from Albania were forged.
  • There is always a first brave person who breaks step with the stam-peding masses fleeing in panic, who pauses to help another to his feet,creating his own eye in the storm, The stuff of heroes is made, forged in the midst of tragedy, in the blink of an eye. 
  • There is always a first brave person who breaks step with the stam-peding masses fleeing in panic, who pauses to help another to his feet,creating his own eye in the storm, The stuff of heroes is made, forged in the midst of tragedy, in the blink of an eye. 
  • Blending country, bluegrass and spaghetti western music with their punk rock and surf backgrounds, these musicians have forged a tight chemistry.
  • In one hand he held a helmet in the shape of a griffin's head, in the other a glaive, forged with such artistic beauty that Jeremy couldn't imagine it being used as a mere weapon.
  • The company forged its own identity by producing specialist vehicles.
  • There is always a first brave person who breaks step with the stam-peding masses fleeing in panic, who pauses to help another to his feet,creating his own eye in the storm, The stuff of heroes is made, forged in the midst of tragedy, in the blink of an eye. 
  • A hollow forged aluminum crown and 30 mm stanchions help keep grams off while still offering maximum rigidity.
  • Without the act of exteriorizing the private sphere, identity negotiations at borders, within and without, do not actualize, intracommunal links are not forged, and the ideal of the universal man remains unappropriated.
  • a forged twenty dollar bill
  • Signatures were forged, medical records were doctored.
  • I forged his signature a couple of times, other times others must have done the same.
  • Tapa said musicians like Viomak - a pseudonym forged from her first name Violah and part of her surname - should be "saluted" for their courage in challenging the Mugabe regime. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • His breastplate was inlaid with black obsidian, the preserved iron exquisitely forged.
  • Strategic alliances are being forged with major European companies.
  • They forged documents, collected arms, and were couriers to the Warsaw underground.
  • The three smaller parties have forged/formed an alliance against the government.
  • When recipients open a digitally signed e-mail, a displayed symbol indicates that the message has not been forged or spoofed.
  • Chained to his wrist was a briefcase containing forged war plans about the upcoming invasion of Sardinia.
  • A bond of friendship had been forged between them.
  • No, we forged westward; I guess miscounts of the axles are a common occurrence.
  • They forged a lead in the first 30 minutes of the game.
  • Nonetheless, I forged steadily forwards and was pleased to see the white and greenish-grey layers of ancient sandstone and shale getting closer.
  • Dave and I forged on up and down the slopes, stopping to admire the olive-green frogs that leaped muscularly away from our descending boots to freeze like tiny carvings beneath tussocks of wet grass.
  • Copied, forged or defaced vouchers not accepted. The Sun
  • He also forged his brother's signature on transit documents. Times, Sunday Times
  • A delicately crafted link bracelet was soon joined by a bracelet forged to look like a wreath of lilies and one of several strands of gold with emeralds woven into it.
  • They forged a close relationship. The Sun
  • Poetry forged a common identity, overcoming this fragmentation to provide the basis for a homogeneous memory.
  • The metal of the gun is forged from a combination of Irish church bells, cold iron from crucifixes, blessed silver, and other mystic metals-wiki Samaritan Gun | Papercraft Paradise | PaperCrafts | Paper Models | Card Models
  • In order to make malleable wrought iron, the iron pigs were reheated and forged into red hot iron masses called blooms.
  • Quasar light absorbed by gas in the protogalaxy has revealed the fingerprints of 25 star-forged elements.
  • Senior archaeologist Shaun Austin displays a hand-forged nail and a decorated ceramic shard, likely British-made teaware from the 19th century. - Home Page
  • The key terms that Hitchens uses to describe that worldview are familiar in the rhetoric of atheism: superstition, false consolation, "mind-forged manacles of servility," "stultifying pseudo-science," and of course, the blandishments of organized religion. Deepak Chopra: The Atheist's Mistake
  • Unless you put it in a forged diary of Winston Churchill, he would be unreceptive to it. Matthew Yglesias » George Will Loves Recycling
  • The consumable electrodes are generally forged billets, wrought revert material, or selected foundry returns, the extra processing of which tends to increase the cost of the raw material.
  • One runner forged ahead of the others and won the.
  • While his accomplices forged orders from local merchants, he picked up goods, paid-off draymen and fenced the merchandise in the city's black market.
  • Federal investigators in Pakistan said forged documents are a dilemma for law enforcement.
  • Or else they wage one poor man or other to become a bodger, and thereto get him a licence upon some forged surmise, which being done, they will feed him with money to buy for them till he hath filled their lofts, and then, if he can do any good for himself, so it is; if not, they will give him somewhat for his pains at this time, and reserve him for another year. Chronicle and Romance (The Harvard Classics Series)
  • A car seller was duped out of nearly £10,000 by a buyer with a worthless forged banker's draft.
  • Since those times the Tzar of Kislev and the Emperor have forged a common alliance against the threat of Chaos.
  • While no fully unified vision emerged, the basic parameters of a rough consensus were forged during these years.

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