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How To Use Forewarn In A Sentence

  • That might not be what you want art to do, but forewarned is forearmed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Traverse, I say these things to you that being 'forewarned' you may be 'forearmed.' The Hidden Hand
  • He mentioned this to his cousin, but O’Hara, with a light-hearted reference to forewarning and forearming, refused to take the matter seriously. The Dancing Druids
  • I forewarned him of the trouble that would arise if he showed up at his ex-wife's house
  • I think it's a good thing because if you know you're forewarned, you're forearmed.
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  • So do most teams that play them, although forewarned is not always forearmed. Times, Sunday Times
  • But forewarned is forearmed, and four armed is usually a defect in early limb development related to abnormal patterning of the developing limb bud. Cheeseburger Gothic » Burger lite.
  • In James Naughtie's book, far from being America's poodle, the British Prime Minister emerges as America's Alsatian, a watchdog which forewarns of danger and then helps combat it.
  • The UN failed to respond to impending massacres despite forewarnings in all three cases.
  • I should note that Welborn Rule obtains here: all posts to me are subject to possible posting, so be forewarned!
  • We had been forewarned of the risk of fire/that fire could break out.
  • Every boating publication should forewarn their readers so that they, too, may be forearmed.
  • He also touches upon the theory behind legal education itself which provides a useful view into the heads of Canadian law school administrators everywhere (forewarned is forearmed). Waddams v. Hutchinson : Law is Cool
  • On one occasion it was declared impossible to proceed with co-option of a jurat replacement because the community had not been forewarned to attend that particular meeting.
  • What an honest fellow was that same mumper who had forewarned us of all these things, and bid us take notice of the mangers above the racks! Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • Throughout history, people have consulted a variety of seers in an effort to be forewarned of events to come.
  • Through astrology one could be forewarned of the exact time of his coming.
  • But at some point in life, you must abandon books, forsake the forewarning words of others, and find out for yourself.
  • Yes, you are forewarned, the secretaries -- all women, natch -- in the corporate world of this historical artifact of 1961 want nothing more than to marry and spend their lives in one of the snazzier suburbs. Monica Edinger: Top Ten Reasons to See How To Succeed in Business Without Really Trying
  • Even then, while Hezbollah and Hamas launched their rockets from nurseries and infirmaries, Israel behaved with unparalleled restraint, doing everything in its power to forewarn civilians of coming offensives and then using state-of-the-art munitions with laser-like precision to reduce, as much as humanly possibly, collateral civilian casualties. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: Tom Friedman Slanders Israel
  • That is a disadvantage I am powerless to overcome, unless it be by forewarning and forearming those readers who zealously seek the truth.
  • Forewarned is forearmed: If you know a food craving will strike, you can outwit it, rather than surrender to it. The Small Change Diet
  • I couldn't give a damn if the Bible can predict the next president and I don't need the Torah to forewarn me that I'm about to become nuclear melba toast. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: Rise of the Religious Charlatans
  • What this means is that journalists need to forewarn people of the dangers of certain words and actions that carry the potential of plunging their communities or the nation into chaos.
  • Mainwaring pulled at his lip before saying, `He came under suspicion recently for his failure to forewarn them of the Dieppe raid. LOHENGRIN
  • Mainwaring pulled at his lip before saying, `He came under suspicion recently for his failure to forewarn them of the Dieppe raid. LOHENGRIN
  • As a forewarning, this is my longest chapter yet, but it is also crucial to the plot development that I am trying to reach, and to introduce elements and thoughts that will play larger roles in the future.
  • The American "captive" is beset in his struggle by "interpretations, admonitions, forewarnings and descriptions of himself by the self-appointed prophets, priests, judges and prefabricators of his travail," says Martin. Saul Bellow - Nobel Lecture
  • At the least, get some forewarning before crossing the street at the wrong time and getting hit by a bus, and that sort of thing.
  • Diplomats speaking to The News say that the US could be 'forewarning' Pakistan because Washington has lost all patience with Iran's nuclear policy, and is lobbying hard to ensure that stringent UN sanctions are put in place against Tehran. Signs of the Times
  • I can see both sides the of the coin, to know, to not know, but in the end I came down on the side of forewarned is forearmed – but only if both parents agree on what they would do if they get a positive. No Matter What | Her Bad Mother
  • The writer may, if she wishes, give hints and tips about the unfolding action: she may choose to remind us readers of things we might have forgotten, and forewarn us of events yet to come.
  • Do not forget, forewarned is forearmed ... "words can bleed. Reader reviews of The Dante Club by Matthew Pearl.
  • We had good collaboration, and as the gentleman mentioned earlier, we had a lot of forewarning, a lot of cancellations.
  • Forewarned may be forearmed -- but not in this case. Marshall Fine: Review: Don't Be Afraid of the Dark
  • Since April, cash-machine operators have had a duty to forewarn consumers if their machine would charge.
  • Forewarned is forearmed: when playing with "divide and conquer" with two countries that have nuclear capability, like India and Pakistan, the outcome may be apocalyptic. Jayne Lyn Stahl: Endgame in Afghanistan
  • If I'd taken his strange forewarnings seriously, I might've been prepared to deal with the loss.
  • But I suppose it's best to be forewarned -- even if that doesn't make me feel forearmed. Eye-opening study of disordered-eating Web sites
  • If forewarned is truly forearmed, the 2005 parade should be a real humdinger.
  • Hot colours and Latin memorabilia fight to grab your attention, while the music and chatter forewarn you that you are in for anything but a quiet night.
  • But forewarned is forearmed, and four armed is usually a defect in early limb development related to abnormal patterning of the developing limb bud. Cheeseburger Gothic » Burger lite.
  • The attraction of this scheme for the authorities seems to be that it enables them to forewarn partners of previously convicted domestic abusers before these partners become victims themselves.
  • It was more than a forewarning of withdrawal symptoms.
  • Some Welshman told me I had to read this book, though forewarned me that page 136 would induce an embolism.
  • He realised Jacklin had probably been forewarned and had thought out his position.
  • Although he had been forewarned, Rostov eyed the vessel with disfavour.
  • However, getting unbiased financial advice is not as simple as it sounds; being forewarned is forearmed.
  • Be forewarned that the plastic is brittle, and you can easily break it in the process.
  • So hear this, Mademoiselle Braise, and be forewarned: comme on fait son lit, on se couche! Saigner - French Word-A-Day
  • Mutterings that it was all too good to be true started long before now and those who forewarned us can take a dubious comfort from these figures.
  • Why, sir, as there is still plenty of work, I do not like to press the matter, lest your mamma should be fidgeted, and think there was danger; but danger there is; I have a kind of forewarning of it. Masterman Ready The Wreck of the "Pacific"
  • But be forewarned, you're bound to meet some folks in the comments who are living proof that the jury IS still out on that whole "immutability" thing. Balkinization
  • He also touches upon the theory behind legal education itself which provides a useful view into the heads of Canadian law school administrators everywhere (forewarned is forearmed). Waddams v. Hutchinson : Law is Cool
  • Through accident symptom similarity inquiry, we can establish an security warning system, providing accident early warning information for the dispatcher to forewarn the information.
  • We were forewarned by their word slippage during the campaign of '08. The Washington Times stories: Latest Headlines
  • Mainwaring pulled at his lip before saying, `He came under suspicion recently for his failure to forewarn them of the Dieppe raid. LOHENGRIN
  • Onion soup is the gooey, cheesy mess it should be; baked shrimp scampi, the oily curls they shouldn't be; and the smoked-salmon tasting plate, what bialy lovers will want it to be (though be forewarned: You get toasted brioche).
  • But the hair sheds all year round, so be forewarned.
  • But be forewarned: If there's anything worse than being called a cheapskate by a significant other, it's being called a thoughtless cheapskate. Top Stories
  • On the grounds that forewarned is forearmed, here's chapter and verse on the lice thing. Pet Talk: Dogs get lice, and it's not a pretty picture
  • Adding to the list of ignored forewarnings from the volcano, they reported that poisonous centipedes and snakes had swarmed over the outskirts of the city and that people had been dying from an epidemic triggered by volcanic pollution.
  • And forewarned is forearmed – the great thing about top-down knitting is that I’ll be able to try that neckline right away. Jean's Knitting
  • She may as well forewarn him that other people were interested in this project. HIDING FROM THE LIGHT
  • Really, if that is not something to forewarn us of what is to come, then we can all look forward to the emasculation of our freedoms sooner or later.
  • `Let me forewarn you, however," he said, waggling a finger at her, `that this discussion is not tantamount to a contract. MURDER IN E MINOR
  • The sudden smash of something glass forewarned he was returning past the bathroom.
  • My doctor friends came with the First-Aid Team, and forewarned that it's going to hurt when they wipe the wound with the wet swab.
  • The problem is there's no remote sensing or direct eyes on the dam to provide any forewarning. North Dakota dam at risk of failure
  • Forewarned is forearmed and knowing it will be tough definitely helps. The Sun
  • What this means is that journalists need to forewarn people of the dangers of certain words and actions that carry the potential of plunging their communities or the nation into chaos.
  • In an earlier time when I was involved full time in radical politics, I always had cause to forewarn colleagues that having the correct line did not guarantee anyone victory or success in any way.
  • Finally since you were notified by someone on the committee concerned enough to ask I will take this moment to forewarn which is forearmed. The low-carb movement needs your help | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • Forewarned, I wrote a letter to the company asking them to discontinue my service on the effective date.
  • But I also would forewarn people that commerce on the Internet - once the whole thing gets established, and you have the infrastructure and base for it, is going to be taxed.
  • This 'snack amnesia' is a well-documented phenomenon, but forewarned is forearmed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Austin, I am sure, had been forewarned of my flatulent aisle partner, who trapped me against the window with the force of her gases unmercilessly for the seven hour flight.
  • That is, to a certain extent the former is showing similar "forewarning" signs: in vietnam when insurgent attacks fell in number, supports of citizens for South Vietnamese government rose, and when the reverse became the case: insurgent attacks increased, citizens turned away from their government since it could not offer them security. Open Democracy News Analysis - Comments
  • The United States appears to be 'forewarning' Pakistan, about continuing with the billion dollar gas pipeline from Iran into Pakistan, but officialdom here, is relaxed, saying that China and Russia were bound to veto any further stringent measures against Iran in the United Nations Security Council, which would want to see this ambitious project wrapped up. Signs of the Times
  • He said that people living in the high-risk areas should be forewarned about natural disasters so that they could evacuate their homes and take shelter well in time.
  • ISLAMABAD: The United States appears to be 'forewarning' Pakistan, about continuing with the billion dollar gas pipeline from Iran into Pakistan, but officialdom here, is relaxed, saying that China and Russia were bound to veto any further stringent measures against Iran in the United Nations Security Council, which would want to see this ambitious project wrapped up.
  • `Let me forewarn you, however," he said, waggling a finger at her, `that this discussion is not tantamount to a contract. MURDER IN E MINOR
  • Paperwork side there was one hangup, but forewarned is forearmed. Page 2
  • The Macmillan Guide had forewarned me of what to expect.
  • I'm not entirely antipathetic to the extended paper - 60 marks in an hour and three quarters is probably underestimating our abilities somewhat - but it would have been nice to have had some forewarning.
  • The Introduction gives the reader all of the information needed to use the books, and forewarns the reader about unusual characteristics and variable growth forms of some aquatic plants.
  • She may as well forewarn him that other people were interested in this project. HIDING FROM THE LIGHT
  • Why wait for the wisdom of hindsight to kick in when there's astrology columns to forewarn you - right?
  • Those with a penchant for 45,000-rpm turbine engines in Italian coachwork, be forewarned: graphic footage ahead. Jalopnik
  • My decision surprised me, because normally I am a “forewarned is forearmed” kind of person. No Matter What | Her Bad Mother
  • Parents need to address this - realise that for a child, forewarned is forearmed.
  • Pakistan said Tuesday it had "concerns and reservations" about the U.S. attack on Osama bin Laden deep inside Pakistan without seeking permission or giving forewarning. Massive Intelligence Haul
  • I consider myself to be quite dramatic, so if one day I become a successful actress remember that you were forewarned.
  • Akin to the image of the squirrel, the impresa of the crane, found in both studioli, signifies a leader who "keeps his head up" to forewarn his subjects. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • She may as well forewarn him that other people were interested in this project. HIDING FROM THE LIGHT
  • If you have a soft heart, be forewarned: The food's so fresh that your lobster will wave goodbye as it heads to the kettle.
  • Meanwhile, Pakistan said it had "concerns and reservations" about Washington's decision to kill bin Laden inside Pakistan without giving forewarning. Bin Laden Final Photo 'Gruesome'
  • The sea and air formations without long - range forewarning airplane usually take great risk to implement tasks.
  • Knowing your Inner Critic allows you to be forewarned and thus, forearmed. The Sledgehammer and The Inner Critic « Write Anything
  • I was forewarned however that the area was now over-run with tourist shops and restaurants.
  • But there are nuances and that is why I'm kind of forewarning people that we're going to see some facts on comparisons quarter-over-quarter in News Articles
  • Thick skinned, I have bought several items but now after being burnt so many times, I quit, and hope this helps others by forewarning and forearming them with factual information.
  • At the same time it must carefully study how to distinguish from disturbance and forewarning.
  • Forewarned, though, is not the same as forearmed. Times, Sunday Times
  • `Let me forewarn you, however," he said, waggling a finger at her, `that this discussion is not tantamount to a contract. MURDER IN E MINOR
  • With all the crazies in New York, forewarned is forearmed. I’ll Walk Alone
  • I'm just gonna forewarn them that it's everybody else that's going to be begging for their job back. Two and a Half Men Plus a Colonel
  • Without a location scout to forewarn me, during the two weeks I spent touring around the country I was certainly taken aback by Morocco's diversity.
  • Forewarned is forearmed, so try to remember these pointers. Times, Sunday Times
  • I believe wholeheartedly my father was forewarned that something was wrong.
  • There is a widespread superstition amongst Durham miners that they are always forewarned of disasters, often by their old "marras" who have been killed in the pit.

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