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  1. a lock of a horse's mane that grows forward between the ears
  2. a platform at the head of a foremast

How To Use foretop In A Sentence

  • Now the foretop is a place high up in the rigging of the ship, a very giddy height indeed, and when a man is there he is really almost out of sight and it is impossible to see what he is doing from the deck. Susan A Story for Children
  • There is a good deal of what I call a lubber's fuss, parson, kept up on board a ship that shall be nameless, but which bears, about three leagues distant, broad off in the ocean, and which is lying to under a close-reefed maintopsail, a foretopmast-staysail, and foresail -- I call my hand a true one in mixing a can -- take another pull at the halyards! The Pilot
  • Alongside of three other slumberers from below, he lay near that end of the booms which approaches the fore-mast; his station aloft on duty as a foretopman being just over the deckstation of the forecastlemen, entitling him according to usage to make himself more or less at home in that neighbourhood. Billy Budd
  • Though our new-made foretopman was well received in the top and on the gun decks, hardly here was he that cynosure he had previously been among those minor ship's companies of the merchant marine, with which companies only had he hitherto consorted. Billy Budd
  • “When we go aloft, you get into the foretop, and keep one of these going all the time, do you hear?” The Ghost Pirates
  • She is generally under two topsails, fore and main topsails, fore and foretopmast staysails, sometimes topgallant sails and jib, but seldom any sail on the mizzen, except while in chase of a vessel.
  • Reuben Male, Robert Sinclair, and Samuel Honey — Terror's fo'c'sle captain, Erebus's foretop captain, and Terror's blacksmith, respectively — stepped forward. The Terror
  • In the maintop were the first mate and three or four of the crew, and in the foretop were the rest, all bunched together and waiting for instructions. The Grain Ship
  • Could a captain of the fo'c'sle, a captain of the foretop, and a blacksmith sail HMS Terror almost two hundred miles south through a maze of leads? The Terror
  • They also have on display the actual foretopsail that was rigged on the Victory during the battle.
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