How To Use Foreswear In A Sentence
A compromise was reached whereby Lapsley would commit himself not to publicly associate with the ANC, while he would not have to "foreswear" his ANC membership.
The preacher admits that he broke his promise back in September to foreswear such a literary auto-da-fe.
John Feffer: The Geopolitics of Stupidity
Unlike Mr. Langone, I cannot simply foreswear my Social Security payments.
My Social Security Check Is No Gift
Academic scholars have a great need to feel superior to the mass of unenlightened and uncredentialed readers -- I will foreswear the temptation to speculate on why this is the case -- and increasingly academic literary scholars found it necessary to consider themselves superior even to the writers and the literary texts they ostensibly study.
Literary Study
Those Afghan leaders are asking the Taliban leaders and followers to foreswear violence and join their fellow citizens in rebuilding their country.
Ed Koch: Mr. President, Bring All of Our Soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq Home, Now

In Lindsay, we are told to embrace pain and foreswear joy in order to escape the evil and degrading trap of the material world, and in Stapledon we are told to embrace pain and foreswear joy because God is good (even though the story makes him clearly evil) and love Him even though he hates us.
MIND MELD: Gods by the Bushel
I am foreswearing women forever
Together with Palestinian partners who are willing to recognize Israel, foreswear violence, and work in good faith, we can reach a genuine agreement.
Kathy Kemper: A Q&A With Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren
To realize their dream of statehood, however, the Palestinians must forgo declaring such a state unilaterally, foreswear violence as an option, and engage in direct talks with the Israelis.
Guy Ziv: Bold Move by Obama Needed to Save Middle East Peace Process
Letters in which the Olympic Integrated Security Unit and Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) refuse to refrain from using Agents Provocateur or to assume the leadership of activist organizations, following a request from the B.C. Civil Liberties Association to foreswear the tactics.
Vancouver 2010 and Civil Liberties : Law is Cool