How To Use Forestry In A Sentence

  • With this move from conflict to collaboration have come shifts in the language of forestry itself.
  • People pursued more material products and neglected the ecosystem performance of forestry.
  • The idea is to finance programmes making it possible to afforest non-arable farmland, improve the quality of forests, invest in construction of forest roads, and develop forestry farms.
  • Human impact, mainly from grazing, fires, and firewood collection, has transformed the majority of the existing holm oak forest into secondary, dense shrubland, known as "maquis", or into agroforestry landscapes constituted by scattered trees on grasslands or crops. Iberian sclerophyllous and semi-deciduous forests
  • Care for all aspects of the cultural landscape was promoted alongside increases in production and improvements in employment opportunities within agriculture and forestry. Rural Land-Use Planning in Developed Nations
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  • Hima applies particularly to wildlife and forestry and usually designates an area of land where grazing and woodcutting are restricted, or where certain animal species are protected.
  • You experience a thriving mix of Maori, forestry, arts and crafts, a champion Maori rugby team, Tolaga Bay knitwear, peerless beaches and matchless surf.
  • All waymarks referred to are the arrows for public rights of way, not Forestry Commission routes.
  • One side is steep forestry and crags, the other is pretty pasture interspersed with little old woods.
  • According to forestry officials, five species known as tola, wenge, iroko, sapelli and limba account for close to 80 percent of the total timber exports in the country. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Energy companies are securing supplies by buying forestry land. Times, Sunday Times
  • The forestry here, at the back of the swimming pool, will be cleared of soft woods leaving the native hard woods in place and will provide an amenity area for visitors and locals.
  • East of the School of Forestry is what Peter terms a West Coast garden with rimu, kanuka, mountain beech, coprosma, nikau, wineberry, native fuchsia, pohutukawa, and ferns.
  • The Forestry Commission is responsible for preserving over 2 million acres of woodland.
  • The Forestry Commission is urging Yorkshire landowners to think twice before felling trees to ensure their actions do not fall foul of the law.
  • Farmer based technology such as agroforestry techniques, fodder banks, development of vegetative erosion control barriers, utilization of crop wastes, increased planting of leguminous trees and pasture crops are techniques that are readily adaptable. 1. Intensive sustainable livestock production: an alternative to tropical deforestation.
  • These should consist entirely of high upland in which no agricultural or forestry activities would take place.
  • Human impacts, mainly grazing, fires, and firewood collection, have transformed the majority of the remaining wild olive and carob plant communities into secondary dense shrubs, known as "maquis," and into agro-forestry landscapes comprised of scattered trees on grasslands or crops. Mediterranean woodlands and forests
  • One organisation that has been trying to extract some of the timber for reuse is the North Sutherland Forestry Trust, which runs a nearby sawmill.
  • It now is closed off by the forestry and is about four feet from the edge of a cliff which has a perpendicular drop of 700 ft overlooking the Masshill road.
  • Regions in the east are able to exploit natural resources such as forestry to provide for prison labour.
  • Carolina said agroforestry, which is relatively new for Venezuela, has been adopted because the greater part of Barquisimeto city's water supply comes from wells in this part of the River Turbio valley. Venezuela's agrarian reform: Agroforestry to improve Barquisimeto water supplies
  • Forestry Environmental scams have been big business because many people like the idea of investing in something that is good. Times, Sunday Times
  • German scientific forestry was couched in a rhetoric of development and modernization.
  • Environmentalists want Lula to push for jobs in areas like sustainable forestry and tourism rather than cattle ranching and soy farming.
  • East of the School of Forestry is what Peter terms a West Coast garden with rimu, kanuka, mountain beech, coprosma, nikau, wineberry, native fuchsia, pohutukawa, and ferns.
  • But anyone looking at forestry or farming should not expect to make their fortune. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mather draws some interesting parallels between the development of agricultural systems and that of forestry.
  • In this issue we are particularly requesting your input about people involved in chemical engineering, law, forestry and history.
  • The matter is the concern of the Forestry Department, which has to start taking responsible action.
  • He said agroforestry could contribute towards alleviating the impact of HIV / AIDS and thereby increasing the well-being of farming households particularly in Southern Africa where droughts were prevalent.
  • The innovative Tellus teaching pack narrates the adventures of four young Europeans as they explore arable farming, fruit and vegetables, livestock farming, fishing and forestry.
  • One other key variable that has traditionally been used to delineate rural areas is the percentages employed in agriculture and forestry.
  • Silt, washed from deep forestry ploughing, smothers plants, endangering insect life and therefore fish survival also.
  • In addition to intercropping, trees and shrubs (agroforestry) are the anchor perennial species, providing mycorrhiza for mobilizing phosphorus and other nutrients. and these trees and shrubs promote soil protection against erosion by wind and water. Opportunities and constraints from genetic modification technologies in Africa
  • We here in British Columbia know that forestry is the lifeblood of our province's economy.
  • Tropical forestry is dominated by big companies close to some of the most corrupt governments on earth, who treat people like dirt after promising them "development" in return for cutting the trees down. Massive corruption undermines forest protection plan
  • It is only in the last decade that the industry has begun to appreciate and champion the importance of old trees that have survived against the run of forestry fashion.
  • Within habitats, forestry must ensure heterogeneity with the retention of snags, remnant trees, woody debris, and a more natural variety of tree species.
  • If organic gardening, solar power, agroforestry, and other disciplines can be thought of as tools, then permaculture is a toolbox in which they can be organized for best use.
  • Five of the men were timber buyers from China; nine were forestry workers. Times, Sunday Times
  • After much prompting and insistence by beekeepers, Forestry Tasmania agreed to try and retain leatherwoods (subject to safety considerations) in one of the Class 4 (small flowing streams) stream reserves of 10m on either side of the stream, on the Northern side of the coupe.
  • Production of one class of product, woody decorative florals, is being tested in several agroforestry configurations.
  • Separately, shares in forestry companies declined after a steep fall in cellulose prices over the last two months, analysts said.
  • They may sequester carbon through ecosystem restoration, reforestation, agro-forestry, and afforestation; or they may develop substitutes for fossil fuels such as bioenergy projects.
  • Spook had graduated in Forestry and after a few years timber cruising for a paper company north of Bangor, decided marking stands for pulpwood had him in the right place for the wrong purpose. The Warden
  • From the forest came the aura of flames, the roar of forestry engulfed in fire and the crackle of burning leaves.
  • The methods used have changed little over the centuries and appear quaint compared with modern-day forestry.
  • Agriculture and forestry are not a major source of rural and non-metropolitan income, nor do they provide employment for most rural or non-metropolitan people.
  • Support measures for forestry extend from planting to downstream processing.
  • The aim is to promote forestry as a vehicle for rural development, environmental improvement, wild life conservation and the provision of an amenity.
  • One priority of the center is to develop efficient agricultural systems for agroforestry - the simultaneous production of animal forage, crops, and lumber on the same land.
  • Prior to 1994, Mann Gulch meant the worst disaster in forestry's firefighting history. ESCAPE FIRES
  • Among these are many that have changed the face of Canadian forestry.
  • A total of 652 students have enrolled in college courses in agriculture, horticulture, horses and forestry.
  • Forestry officials were baffled yesterday by reports that an employee battered his wife to death and killed himself over fears they would lose their tied cottage.
  • Those giving up farming often retain their attachment to the land by keeping their forestry as an investment.
  • Mike HarveyOswestry, Shropshire• In the euphoria of seeing the government forced into an embarrassing "yew turn" on the half-baked forest sell-off plan Letters, 18 February, there is a danger that real damage to the Forestry Commission will go unnoticed. Letters: When the rot set in at the Forestry Commission
  • Now they are working with World Wildlife Fund to develop small-scale "agro-forestry" systems, mixing trees with commercially viable perennial plants, planting rice corn, and manihot root, as well as cocoa, palms, and avocado -- creating an agricultural system that is minimally disruptive to the forest. Charting New Courses For Global Conservation
  • Delighted, Jim produced a photograph of himself as a forestry officer, 90 years later, crossing those same rivers in a dugout canoe paddled by natives and clutching his rifle.
  • That fundamental conflict between consumption and conservation has both sides of the molecular forestry debate waving environmental banners.
  • It actually plants bare spaces; it has instituted a "Festa degli alberi" akin to the American Arbour Day, whereby it is hoped, though scarcely believed, that the whole of Italy will ultimately be replenished with trees; it encourages schools of forestry, supplies plants free of cost to all who ask for them, despatches commissions and prints reports. Old Calabria
  • The country has sophisticated forest legislation which is so complicated and intricate [it runs to 10,000 pages] that even forestry officials can hardly work it out.
  • The side benefit would be those other disciplines that would be affected – ecology, ecosystem, biological science, environmental management, forestry, silvics, bioclimatology books would all have to be re-written too. The RE Benchmark in A&W « Climate Audit
  • He's an expert on forestry. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wooden Toy Industry: Yunhe covers mountainous area of 1.19 million mu, forestry coverage reaches 80.4%, it is the base county of fir wood and tea-oil tree in Zhejiang Province.
  • He encouraged private forestry where profitable, and public acquisition and use of other forest lands.
  • - Unconstitutionally provincialise the national government powers over water, forestry and land; ANC Daily News Briefing
  • It must continue to spread out into the practical fields of human service, such as agriculture, horticulture, agronomy, ecology, pathology, forestry, climatology, and medicine.
  • The most common method of harvesting in forestry is clearcutting, in which entire stands of trees are cut down at the same time.
  • The Forestry Commission pledges to recreate another 75,000 acres of Caledonian pinewood by 2005.
  • Forestry Minister John Browne has urged forest owners to be prepared and on alert and to help to stamp out fires in plantations.
  • We must not forget that the export trade in forestry is what has kept the industry alive and without the export trade it will be difficult to get government to. put the money into our forests. Are We Using Canada's Wealth Aright?
  • But it also envisions renewed efficiency efforts, improved regional planning to reduce sprawl, more installation of distributed solar power on rooftops, changes in forestry and water-distribution practices, and so on. The California Experiment
  • He was educated privately in the classics and went on to study medicine and forestry.
  • The Forestry Commission has given a Highland laird £2m to plant 2.5 million trees and create Scotland's largest native forest.
  • In pure forestry practice, one sees no value in such species as dogwood, ironwood, juneberry, sumac and sassafras, and will therefore never allow those to grow up in abundance and crowd out other trees of a higher market value. Studies of Trees
  • He also rejected argument by the National Party's Maans Nel, who said the NP would not support the bill because of a clause providing for existing long-term forestry contracts to be terminated. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Taylor Made Farm has raised the stud fee of Grade 1 winner Forestry to $75,000 for 2005.
  • ‘We see in this case that agroforestry has helped women because their labor is so crucial,’ she said.
  • The use of subcontractors is a common business practice among forestry and logging companies.
  • This is not surprising given the warm winter and early spring, said Larry McHale, West Vancouver supervisor for forestry, trails and wildfire.
  • The happiest people work in forestry, fishing and farming. Times, Sunday Times
  • His mother was a housewife and his father a forestry worker with his own timber business. Times, Sunday Times
  • So when you add his half-century of forestry to that of all the past Wyndham foresters you have an example of living history if ever there was one.
  • An ex-forestry worker is taking on his ex-bosses in a bid to stop specimen trees being felled near his home.
  • There's a common perception among development groups that forestry is best left to environment groups, and need not be tackled by people involved in poverty reduction. Massive corruption undermines forest protection plan
  • With luck, the value of forestry land will rise over time as well. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cattle grazing, forestry and mining are three of the major activities here.
  • Planting trees that have agricultural and feed uses, a practice known as "agroforestry," has the benefit of reducing feed costs for animals, while the trees themselves absorb carbon. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Banada Abbey is surrounded by approximately 53 acres, 24 of which are covered with a combination of spruce and pine forestry, with 12 acres decorated with various broadleaf varieties.
  • This was made up of the organic residues of farms, forestry, industry and domestic refuse.
  • Wood-based panel industry has made tremendous contributions for the efficient use of timber resources to achieve sustainable forestry development strategy.
  • While its western flanks are swathed in forestry plantations, the upper slopes of the hill are clear and because of its westerly position, offer some of the finest views in the area.
  • I am a member of a small deer stalking syndicate [5 in total] where we lease the sporting rights on a block of commercial hill forestry & manage the resident population of roe deer, I also buy a few days away for the larger deer species & so have a .243 Win & .270 in addition to a .22 for rabbiting etc & a few shotguns for driven shooting & wildfowling etc. Scouts Ban Knives in Great Britain
  • Such efforts were to be pursued through the application of agroforestry, tree farming, and soil conservation technologies.
  • In the best traditions of chaos theory the storm which engulfed the coalition's forestry sell-off began last summer with little more than the fluttering of a butterfly's wings when new ministers warned the Forestry Commission that modest in-year savings would have to be made in its current budget. Forestry sell-off: public and political opposition forced U-turn
  • A native son, he received his forestry degree from the University of New Brunswick in 1926.
  • In the Cordilleras, for instance, the practice of growing agricultural and forest crops along with the raising of livestock in home lots have been observed for centuries, even before the term agroforestry developed. 1. Multistoried Sequential Cropping: The Cavite Model
  • The Forestry Commission has opened a plant centre selling rare plants.
  • Unconstitutionally provincialise the national government powers over water, forestry and land; IFP STRATEGY DOCUMENT FOR SECESSION
  • The economic models for settling forestry claims and claims with mineral rights (such as Anglo-American, Sappi, and Mondi) were in the final stages and should also assist in addressing some of the more challenging claims. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • He confirms that the pillars are those of a burnt house in a burnt village, which the villagers allege was torched by lowlanders and forestry rangers.
  • The first one we went to we couldn't check because the forestry people were there so we went to the second one and there was three young in the nest and one unhatched egg.
  • German agroforester Harald Wedig has spent years developing an agroforestry system suitable for Europe's temperate climate by designing the layout of trees in a circular dome shape that mimics the edge of a natural forest.
  • One participant talked of how it takes a multi-national forestry company five seconds to cut a tree by today's standard clear-cutting methods.
  • Silvopasturing is just one aspect of agroforestry, which involves the broader concept of combining any crop - including pasturage - with forests.
  • The last issue covers agriculture, forestry, pastoralism, mines and Industry.
  • This nine-mile walk circuited through the local forestry.
  • Scientists do not yet fully understand all the actions and interactions of autumn leaf colors, but you may want to try contacting a dendrology department at a university with a forestry school.
  • The Forestry Commission is the latest organisation to join the Woodland Trust in its Ancient Tree Hunt, which aims to identify 100,000 venerable trees by 2011. Home | Mail Online
  • Beyond that, I also said that assets such as forestry and fish are now being steered and managed by Maori governance.
  • He is now roving about the Gatineau hills north of Ottawa, devoting his time to books on our forestry heritage.
  • Education Development Seminar 2006 Held by the School of Landscape Architecture, Beijing Forestry University.
  • It has already contributed carbon credits through increased forestry and reduced livestock numbers.
  • Other issues raised by IFA were changes to the Commonage rules on destocking, closer relationship between Area Aid and REPS, the inclusion of environmental type forestry and set-aside land for REPS payments.
  • It was also agreed to develop co-operation in oil and gas exploration, transport, tourism, forestry and agriculture.
  • Despite this scientific evidence, we continue to see governments around the world remove people from forests or prohibit them from pursuing their traditional tree-based agroforestry livelihoods.
  • Around a dozen estate houses and cottages, a farm and 704 acres of forestry complete the picture.
  • As a kind of plant growth regulator, Gibberellic acid (GA3) has bean widely applied in the farming, forestry and gardening.
  • Forestry rules are unlikely to be included in any "balanced package," as Figueres and others referred to the hoped-for Cancun agreement. Corbin Hiar: Tianjin Climate Talks Recap: Little Progress on the Policies
  • Mississippi Forestry Commission A wanted poster, from Mississippi, for cogon grass. Why We Must Learn to Love Weeds
  • Now they are working with World Wildlife Fund to develop small-scale "agro-forestry" systems, mixing trees with commercially viable perennial plants, planting rice, corn, and manihot root, as well as cocoa, palms, and avocado -- creating an agricultural system that is minimally disruptive to the forest. Charting New Courses For Global Conservation
  • Along with William, they oversee the agroforestry project, an orphancare program, a micro-loan program, a sewing cooperative, and other community projects which are funded with revenue from the camp.
  • In a series of recent media statements, Kabil said a payment agency, or a mega national body to administrate domestic and EU aid for agriculture and rural development, forestry and fisheries, would be established by mid-2006.
  • Therefore anyone who is interested in planting should now apply through an approved forester or a forestry company.
  • As well as detailing the destruction of environment and warning of problems to come, there is also evidence of widespread misuse of forestry grants resulting in extensive damage to bogland.
  • Irrigation, the norm in the production of most crops, is never used in forestry.
  • He can talk of sausages and silkworms, and forestry and agriculture and sheep-grazing, and how they catch porcupines and cure warts and manufacture manna; he knows about the evil eye and witches and the fata morgana and the tarantula spider, about figs in ancient and modern times and the fig-pecker bird -- that bird you eat bones and all, the focetola or beccafico (garden warbler). Alone
  • For them forestry is married to food production; it is essential for providing stable, perennial supplies of water for drinking and for irrigation.
  • Investing in Forestry makes sound commercial sense and can be viewed as a hedge against inflation.
  • New Forestry aimed to mimic natural forest functions while providing for conventional timber objectives.
  • Forestry activities within habitats tend to promote homogeneity and result in a depauperate lichen community.
  • The forestry ministry's data shows that illegal logging and other human activities were detected in some 5.2 million hectares of protected forest and conservation areas.
  • One of the key players will be the Forestry Commission, not least because a quarter of the national park is forested.
  • The contractor may use the area to grow and harvest minor forest products or interplant cash crops, fruit trees and other agricuitural crops using sound agroforestry practices. 1. Integrated social forestry program (ISFP)
  • We favor management of the forest by trained professional foresters using approved forestry practices as has been done in the past and without interference from well-intentioned but misguided advocates of single-use concepts. The Good Fight
  • The wood of oak, hazel, rowan, alder, willow, juniper, ash, bird cherry and aspen will take shape on the shores of Loch Katrine over the next 20 years using thousands of acres of land leased to the Forestry Commission.
  • This gave the company a steady cash flow and allowed it to make use of sawlogs from low grade forest stands that were not attractive to other forestry contractors.
  • Borealis Carbon is a consortium of employee-owned-and-operated businesses anticipating reduced demand for their professional services from the forest industry, not "idled" mill or forestry operations workers. Tyee - Home
  • Furthermore, the influx of people could lead to uncontrolled forestry, mining, agricultureand huntingresulting in deforestation, soil erosion, disruption of the fragile ecological equilibriumand dislocation of traditional indigenous practices. Darién National Park, Panama
  • The Forestry Commission is responsible for preserving over 2 million acres of woodland.
  • He worked in the bush on the same forestry crew as me.
  • The Public Accounts Committee has found that the Forestry Services computer system overran in budget because this division was decentralised to Wexford and it lost all its IT staff.
  • Proceed by this narrow road towards the forestry plantation, arriving at an obvious car park, where the route to the falls is signposted.
  • They already have most of the forestry commission contracts in the area, so it would have meant the end of the sawmill. LOST SUMMER
  • This time, I sent copies of my faxes to high-ranking Forestry administrators in Jakarta.
  • His father, a tenant farmer, was turfed off his land by the estate owners who sold it to the Forestry Commission for tree planting.
  • It was a kind of agroforestry that was unlike anything in Europe. A Conversation with Charles C. Mann
  • This article discussed the crop production efficiency on both sides of the forest belt in the composite system of agriculture and forestry.
  • The products are then sold to various clients, including farmers, the forestry commission, local authorities and garden centres.
  • Although initially found in Mt Maunganui in the 1990s the gum leaf skeletoniser was eradicated from that location by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF). NZ On Screen
  • Sheep are often grazed on land that is wholly unsuitable for arable crops or anything else, including forestry. Times, Sunday Times
  • Several government bodies are major landowners and their land may be subject to unauthorised encampment - examples include the Forestry Commission and the Highways Agency.
  • The coronial inquest into fires at Ewingar in October 2002 heard conflicting evidence from forestry, rural fire brigade personnel and local residents as to the cause of the fire.
  • The latter is known as agroforestry or land sharing-balancing the crop yields with biodiversity. Climate Ark Climate Change & Global Warming RSS Newsfeed
  • We are two miles from a road and it is reached by an unmade forestry track. Times, Sunday Times
  • Working closely with both organizations, we additionally solicited the volunteer support of a number of arborists, foresters, landscape architects, and other professionals in the field of forestry.
  • But the USDA (and federal law) defines it quite specifically as "commercial or industrial products, other than food or feed, that are composed in whole, or in significant part, of biological products or renewable agricultural materials (including plant, animal, and aquatic materials), or forestry materials" -- hence the label depicting the soil, sea, and the sun. Jacquelyn Ottman: The Rise of the Biobased Economy... And Why Brand Owners Need to Develop a Strategy in 2012
  • The Forestry Commission is responsible for preserving over 2 million acres of woodland.
  • The Forestry Commission has opened a plant centre selling rare plants.
  • In reality much of it is also quarries, derelict land and commercial forestry. Times, Sunday Times
  • We have worked with ASEAN countries to formulate a common approach to eco-labelling and certification in forestry and to advance their interests in the World Trade Organization and global forums that consider global standards in forest management and trade. Forests, Wood and Livelihoods: Finding a Future for All
  • One forestry official pointed out that mountain forests were essential to prevent soil washing down the steep slopes in heavy rains.
  • Students practice orienteering and using clinometers, dendrometers, GPS units, hypsometers, wedge prisms and other forestry tools. ^ Top
  • Sheep are often grazed on land that is wholly unsuitable for arable crops or anything else, including forestry. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its stems are usually multibranched, crooked, and short, and even at maturity the trees are only 12 m tall and 20 cm in diameter, making the wood too small for most commercial forestry purposes. 1 Introduction and Summary
  • Consider first an application to forestry because this example represents the most general application of this approach.
  • The forest is now owned by the Forestry Commission and includes a visitor centre, shop, tearoom, picnic sites, an adventure play area, waymarked walking trails and cycle routes that run from one to nine miles in length.
  • In order to protect and construct the ecological environment, we must carry into execution of ecological stockbreeding, agriculture, forestry, energy, touring, and medicine industry.
  • Farmers in the watershed will not be sent away from the area but motivated to change to improved land use methods, such as agroforestry and pasture improvement. 1. Historical development and experience with water treatment
  • The aim is to increase the forestry acreage by 60% by the end of the decade.
  • Environment ministers reeling from defeat over the fate of the Forestry Commission caved in, but were then baffled at the fury of green organisations outraged to see the end of 50 years of countryside guardianship. The maths of coalition has opened the door to lobbyists | Simon Jenkins
  • The total area of land being acquired is 141.26 Ha, consisting of 122.42 Ha agricultural land, 10.32 Ha forestry and 8.52 Ha of roadbed.
  • One tool for assessing the impact of forestry on the ecosystem is population viability analysis ( PVA ).
  • His mother was a housewife and his father a forestry worker with his own timber business. Times, Sunday Times
  • What would be the likely consequences of specific changes in the current set of fiscal measures affecting forestry?
  • Human impact, mainly from grazing, fires, and firewood collection, has transformed the majority of the existing wild olive and carob plant communities into secondary dense shrubs or "maquis" or into agroforestry landscapes composed of scattered trees on grasslands or crops. Southwest Iberian Mediterranean sclerophyllous and mixed forests
  • More than 700,000 people were employed in agriculture, forestry, and fishing in 1961.
  • One promising option was the planned off-road rural sports park on forestry land at the top of the Pyes Pa Direct Rd.
  • Follow the forestry track until you emerge from the woods, cross the bridge over a burn, then bear right up the rough, stony and often wet track which rises steeply to the Bealach na Sroine.
  • The coalition's member companies argue Canadian exports are subsidized through provincial forestry policies, especially artificially low stumpage or Crown timber-cutting fees.
  • The red katipo is endangered because its habitats are being destroyed by forestry.
  • Agriculture, forestry, and fishing are the occupations of 40 percent of the thirty million people who are employed.
  • It's like talking about my sexual attraction to trees; it doesn't exist; forestry is an asexual topic to me. Kicking The Dog
  • The debate over this separation spurred the introduction of forestry in Sweden.
  • Indonesian Forestry Ministry spokesman Ahmad Fauzi Masyhud said his office has not yet received the report, which he described as "bombastic. Breaking News: CBS News
  • It almost requires a background in botany, forestry, or ecology to follow some of the passages.
  • Scolytidae is one of the most important insect populations of the forestry and spreaded abroad by international trade.
  • A common forestry practice is to thin out Cypress Pine to get them to grow big and tall.
  • The Forestry Commission car park on Clay Bank Top normally provides ace views of the Cleveland Plain, but there was nothing but an impenetrable gloom.
  • All the fancy iPhones in the world (a cool innovation) are meaningless when your home floats away down a river that experienced 200-year flood-events twice in the last year, like in parts of Wisconsin where we have a property where we practice silviculture, or sustainable forestry, in partnership with the Kickapoo Woods Cooperative. ECOnomics: A Return to Place, Permanance, and Nature — not More, Bigger, Faster
  • Amerimine, through its subsidiary AUI, intends to enter the forestry business in China, with emphasis on plantation forestry.
  • The Permaculture Pie biochar / bioremediation terra preta aquaculture composting & food forestry compost tea coppice perennial woodcrafts vegetables & biomass apiculture mycoscaping keyline alternative management - currencies intensive grazing edible forest earthworks gardening natural building green architecture Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Some forestry practices, such as clearcutting and the use of “skid trails” can expose soil and contribute to erosion. Pollution~ forestry and mining operations
  • Mr Clear explained that if a lake was put in place not only would it be a great amenity to the Slieve Blooms but also a great source of water to douse any fires which may break out in the forestry.
  • Job seekers find occupations primarily in logging and forestry, fishing and the marine industry, tourism, and other business enterprises.
  • So even though timber prices themselves may be volatile, the price of forestland itself tends to hold its value: From 1992 to 2005 the FIM Timber index declined by more than 50%, but the Property Databank U.K. Forestry Index returned an annualized 3.7% over the same period. Stonehage's Armist Sees Green in Timber
  • Wooden Toy Industry: Yunhe covers mountainous area of 1.19 million mu, forestry coverage reaches 80.4%, it is the base county of fir wood and tea-oil tree in Zhejiang Province.
  • An unsurfaced path, like a forestry track, cut away from the road behind a screen of trees to a large parking area.

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