How To Use Foreordained In A Sentence
It was foreordained that the company would suffer a spectacular collapse.
God, whose plan is ineffable, foreordained that the heart of Jesus would be stricken with seven afflictions.
They also devote entire semester courses to classes designed to teach strategies by which to manipulate public outreach in order arriver at foreordained conclusions.
Sound Politics: A modest proposal for transportation budgeting
What I minded was the thought of an hour's vain wading in that roaring stream, whipping it with fly after fly, while R., the foreordained fisherman, was sitting comfortably in a sawmill, and derricking that pair of three-quarter-pounders in through the window!
Fishing with a Worm
We believe that the Bible teaches that God foreordained many things: to anoint Jesus as the Christ, to save the world through Jesus, to work with the Jews rather than some other group of people, to send Paul as a missionary, and so on.

They were not coeternal with him, yet they were foreknown, foreseen, and foreordained by him.
See especially Rom. 3: 25; and note the marginal rendering -- "foreordained" -- making the passage read: "Whom God hath foreordained to be a propitiation.
Jesus the Christ A Study of the Messiah and His Mission According to Holy Scriptures Both Ancient and Modern
There was technically a habeas petition but the outcome was foreordained.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Lawyers, Treason, and Deception: A Response to Andrew McCarthy
If something is foreordained, rather than foreknown, then I do think the issue of responsibility exists.
It Is Written: LOST and Slumdog Millionaire, Peter and Judas, Ben and John
It was foreordained that the company would suffer a spectacular collapse.
It's about a battle over voting rights in the Reconstruction South that foreordained the election crisis of 1876, and everybody involved is dead.
That simple purchase, however, was foreordained to be a vital link in the chain of Reformation history in England.
We believe that God never foreordained evil, only good, so that sin, suffering, and damnation are products of human choices rather than of divine foreordination.
Christ as the only mediator of the new covenant is the everlasting Son of God and was foreordained by the Father for his three-fold office.
It is hidden before it is brought forward, and when it is brought forward it still remains hidden to those that are imperfect [Bengel]. ordained -- literally, "foreordained" (compare 1Co 2: 9), "prepared for them that love Him." before the world -- rather, "before the ages" (of time), that is, from eternity.
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
Remember that the political evolution of Britain toward democracy was not foreordained as of 1775.
That will have to be the subject of yet another book; but Kidd's "God of Liberty", for one, has foreordained an America at once spiritually vibrant and free.
Anil Mundra: 'God Of Liberty': The Role Of Religion In American Independence
Certainly, it is not foreordained that China will become an enemy of the United States and the democratic states of Asia and the Pacific, or even a global power.
They served as religious and political propaganda, asserting that the deity had foreordained the current situation and would ultimately ensure a favorable outcome for his people.
They were not coeternal with him, yet they were foreknown, foreseen, and foreordained by him.
Perhaps it was foreordained that the freedom we get from our automobiles requires that we keep others in slavery.
The future is not foreordained.
The Times Literary Supplement
It's the nut against the nutcracker; the outcome is foreordained.
But it was equally unpleasant to drift aimlessly through the blackness of space, all the while abiding either the fortuity of happening upon errant matter or the slow, foreordained approach of death.
It was foreordained that the company would suffer a spectacular collapse.
For so the Son of God was "foreknown" (so the Greek for "foreordained," 1Pe 1: 20) to be the sacrificial Lamb, not against, or without His will, but His will rested in the will of the Father; this includes self-conscious action; nay, even cheerful acquiescense.
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
And they rejoice, he "has made all things for himself; yea, even the wricked for the day of evil;" and that he has, for his own glory, foreordained whatsoever comes to pass.
Sermons on various important subjects of doctrine and practice
The purchaser of stock, of course, who must always bear in mind that stocks are never foreordained to go up or down.
In the pre-earth life, I was already foreordained to be a missionary.
Because Watergate has become part of the received national lore—with heroes, villains, and the comforting moral that crime does not pay—we forget that its outcome was not foreordained and that those two years were very suspenseful.
The Good Fight
Right, but that's a rather rigid view as though "foreknown" can't be a part of an overall foreordained scheme.
It Is Written: LOST and Slumdog Millionaire, Peter and Judas, Ben and John
This was foreordained in the Secret Purpose, and reparation is with Allah.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Part of it was down to the foreordained cycle of his humors, which had dumped him into the slough once again.
Abraham learned that God had selected and foreordained many spirits to specific missions in mortality.
God has foreordained that he die young.
This is a disappointing record, which was not foreordained.
Times, Sunday Times
But there are works which God foreordained that we should walk in them.
Furthermore, while these ideas and arguments are related to class position, and broadly limited by structural constraints generated by the political economy, they are not foreordained by them.
His failure was almost foreordained.
Times, Sunday Times
As Israel's redemption from Egypt required the blood of the paschal lamb, so our redemption from sin and the curse required the blood of Christ; "foreordained" (1Pe 1: 20) from eternity, as the passover lamb was taken up on the tenth day of the month.
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
his place in history was foreordained
And his unspeakably acute sufferings originated in the ineffable wisdom of the plan of God, who foreordained it and bestowed it on him.
Our vantage conveys a sense, a submerged realization, that what we see, and where it will lead, has been foreordained.
Ballardian » Edward Burtynsky: Oil – A Ballardian Interpretation