
How To Use Forenoon In A Sentence

  • The meeting consisted of one long session, called a forenoon meeting, and at its close, it fell to our lot to accept an unexpected invitation to enjoy an old-time picnic dinner, which was soon spread on the backless benches in the church. The Choctaw Freedmen and The Story of Oak Hill Industrial Academy
  • Black in the glaring forenoon, a row of cypresses against the town wall seemed to promise safety.
  • The solemn work went on during the forenoon, and again in the afternoon, and was continued in the evening until all the ministers present had adhibited their names.
  • The day was calm, cloudy and misty in the forenoon and clearer in the afternoon, when we observed well – defined parhelia. South: the story of Shackleton’s last expedition 1914–1917
  • Throughout the night and until late this forenoon, all road traffic was delayed - and in some cases completely stopped - as the whole of Bolton and the surrounding district became ice-bound.
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  • Our amusements for the forenoon were our nautical studies, and in the afternoon officers and men joined in cricket. Narrative of a Voyage to India; of a Shipwreck on board the Lady Castlereagh; and a Description of New South Wales
  • I came always in the afternoon, for in the forenoon when I had finished my reading or writing I was at work spinning, or helping the monks prepare inks or parchment.
  • ‘Mr Dell preached in the forenoon and Mr Sedgwick in the afternoon,’ said a parliamentarian news-sheet of the siege of Oxford in 1645.
  • The last shore we had seen was that of Jilolo, after passing through the Molucca passage, when one forenoon, we not expecting to fall in with any land, the look-out hailed that an island was in sight on the starboard bow. Mark Seaworth
  • Breakfast, a leisurely weighing and measuring of the climatic, picturesque and health-mending conditions, and the writing of a letter or two helped him wear out the forenoon; but after luncheon the time dragged dispiteously, and he was glad enough when the auto-car came to take him to the station for the evening train. The Grafters
  • Towards morning he became more quiet and in the forenoon, at eleven o'clock, he expired his last sigh.
  • The outing will take in the Nenagh Heritage Centre and the lakes in Portroe and Killaloe in the forenoon.
  • The Nenagh Heritage Centre, the lakes at Portroe and Killaloe are all on the agenda for the forenoon.
  • Felicity had spent the whole previous day and the forenoon of the picnic day in concocting them. The Story Girl
  • On November 17, the naval helicopter carrying him landed on the specially made helipad in the forenoon on the campus of Farook College.
  • He conclusively felt that his forenoon was the better half of the day for clear-headedness and hard labor; he has added nearly a score of pounds to his weight, and his case has been a wonder to all his farmer friends, who see only starvation in cutting down brain and needless stomach taxing. The No Breakfast Plan and the Fasting-Cure
  • You cannot have two forenoons in the same day. 
  • At sea it was extremely cold but as we got closer in it got a bit better but it never stopped raining till well into the forenoon.
  • The coffee - room had no other occupant, that forenoon, than the gentleman in brown.
  • The most of that forenoon, that is the hour or so remaining, was spent by Mr. Winslow in sitting by the workbench and idly scratching upon a board with the point of the chisel. Shavings
  • What he did with himself during the forenoon was a profound mystery. Willis the Pilot
  • When you didn't show up that night I wirelessed Criehaven, and the operator there hit the cutter thirty miles to the westward the next forenoon. Jim Spurling, Fisherman or Making Good
  • Are you telling me that you spent the forenoon drinking beer in the porter's lodge?
  • I do not promise to strike it; our hotel still rankles in my heart; but I promise to try for it, though I have to say that the very moment we started for the famous mosque it began to rain, and rained throughout the forenoon, while we weltered from wonder to wonder through the town. Familiar Spanish Travels
  • The forenoon of each day was taken up cleaning and servicing the aircraft, but in the afternoon and during the dogwatches different sports contests were arranged.
  • Ordinarily, when the weather is bright, alsike clover along with timothy may be cut in the forenoon, tedded once or twice soon after cutting, raked into small winrows the same evening and stored away the following afternoon. Clovers and How to Grow Them
  • Improved after this indolent fashion, one of the hottest of my forenoons became also one of the most enjoyable.
  • The forenoon being what he called his slack time he found the earlier part of it most profitably used for sleep. The Dust Flower
  • If we enter them on a Sunday forenoon -- for on week-days they are like a sheepfold without its occupants -- we meet with much the same kind of pleasantness in the assemblage there. The Life and Genius of Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • Though the manager had coaxed us more than once to stay back, we decided to retrace our steps and proceed to Binsar by late forenoon.
  • Unexpectedly Allah's messenger came to me in the forenoon and my mother handed me over to him, and at that time I was a girl of nine years of age.
  • Are you telling me that you spent the forenoon drinking beer in the porter's lodge?
  • The forenoon was a dreary time, but at noon the solicitor came, Dracula
  • Western Highlands, and was living in some house on the coast, how sad and still the Atlantic must have been all this wet forenoon, with the islands of Colonsay and Oronsay lying remote and gray and misty in the far and desolate plain of the sea! Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 12, No. 33, December, 1873
  • Up, but very good friends with her before I rose, and so to the office, where we sat all the forenoon, and then home to dinner, where Harman dined with us, and great sport to hear him tell how Will Joyce grows rich by the custom of the City coming to his end of the towne, and how he rants over his brother and sister for their keeping an Inne, and goes thither and tears like a prince, calling him hosteller and his sister hostess. The Diary of Samuel Pepys, December 1666
  • Maybe he was," said her husband, leering; "but you needna cast it at us, for, my certie, if the men got it frae him in the forenoon, the women got it in the afternoon. The Little Minister
  • The Assistant Secretary was too busy to see us in the forenoon, but we made an agreement to come back later in the afternoon.
  • All reasons for Longstreet's failure to attack during the forenoon are the subject of one of the most familiar controversies of Gettysburg. LEE’S LIEUTENANTS
  • The next round was on Saturday forenoon in which there were group discussions and personal interview for the semi-finalists.
  • This took them all night and most of the following forenoon. THE FIVE MILLION DOLLAR PRINCE
  • The remainder of the forenoon was a tussle with lessons not glanced at since Friday night. — The Getting of Wisdom
  • I came always in the afternoon, for in the forenoon when I had finished my reading or writing I was at work spinning, or helping the monks prepare inks or parchment.
  • The primary and most elementary subdivisions of time are day and night, and it demanded no great stretch of human ingenuity to divide the day into two sections, called forenoon and afternoon, or into twelve sections, called hours. Willis the Pilot
  • I remember the long green cucumber, soft and fleshy and a delight on that hot April forenoon.
  • Whether my companions heard it or not, I know not, but it was a kind of matins to me, and the event of that forenoon. The Maine Woods
  • You cannot have two forenoons in the same day. 
  • One stays abed until the forenoon and neglects both blog and facial hair alike.
  • -- So Paul being to return home after his long absence, I spent the forenoon on the fell shearing, and earned a stone of wool and a windle of rye. A Son of Hagar A Romance of Our Time
  • The greenish yellow marsh meadow locust prefers to sing on hot, quiet forenoons from moist ditches and grassy banks.
  • Shopkeepers, professional men, painters, plumbers and mechanics must have been counting down the last lingering seconds of the forenoon. MOONDROP TO MURDER
  • Soon the men of F Company that were detailed to serve in the carbineer company joined us; they had been on the skirmish line all the forenoon, but became somewhat mixed when the firing commenced, and were ordered to report to their respective companies. History of Company F, 1st Regiment, R.I. Volunteers, during the Spring and Summer of 1861
  • You cannot have two forenoons in the same day. 
  • You cannot have two forenoons in the same day. 
  • Throughout that forenoon, then, this bull bellowed nobly, still finding many very wicked flies about, so that two mitching boys, who meant to fish for minnows with a pin, were obliged to run away again. Erema
  • The next forenoon was passed boiling down a second vatful. Left on Labrador or, The cruise of the Schooner-yacht 'Curlew.' as Recorded by 'Wash.'
  • I awoke in the forenoon, pulled on my robe and sallied forth into the kitchen where I found my friend quite naked save for a pair of the most threadbare of undergarments.
  • In 1633 the Court of Assistants, thinking "the keepeing of lectures att the ordinary howres nowe obserued in the forenoone, to be dyvers wayes preiudiciall to the common good, both in the losse of a whole day, & bringing other charges & troubles to the place where the lecture is kept," ordered that they should not begin before one o'clock. The Emancipation of Massachusetts
  • But in the forenoon, while Fanny after breakfast took a nap, I snatched an opportunity to cross-question Mrs. Physick, from whom I knew I could sooner or later obtain all she knew, -- the _sooner_ it would be, if she had anything good to tell; as, in my inexperience, I was almost sure she must have. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 109, November, 1866
  • Up at the head end a yard engine takes off the cars to be picked up for interchange this forenoon.
  • Dinner, the main meal of the day, was served between ten and eleven in the forenoon, followed by a light supper at five. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • I awoke in the forenoon, pulled on my robe and sallied forth into the kitchen where I found my friend quite naked save for a pair of the most threadbare of undergarments.
  • This being done, we proceed unto the communion, if any communicants be to receive the Eucharist; if not, we read the Decalogue, Epistle, and Gospel, with the Nicene Creed (of some in derision called the “dry communion”), and then proceed unto an homily or sermon, which hath a psalm before and after it, and finally unto the baptism of such infants as on every Sabbath day (if occasion so require) are brought unto the churches; and thus is the forenoon bestowed. Of the Ancient and Present Estate of the Church of England. Chapter V. [1577, Book II., Chapter 5; 1585, Book II., Chapter 1
  • As the crowd gets more and more hysteric with every passing moment, the temperature mounts sharply even in the otherwise pleasant March forenoon.
  • With how many games of 'tig' or brick-building in the forenoon is the long low dining room connected in my mind! The Life of Robert Louis Stevenson for Boys and Girls
  • Helen called it, "Father's semi-circumgyratory," and if he failed to pace this portico forty times backward and forward each forenoon, she would take him gently by the arm and firmly insist that he should fill the prescription. Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great - Volume 13 Little Journeys to the Homes of Great Lovers
  • In the forenoon we skirted the Island, getting 30 and 40 fathoms of water north and west of Inaccessible Island.

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